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Two Turkish Soldiers Killed, Others Injured In Syrian Airstrike On Greater Idlib

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Turkey’s Ministry of National Defense announced on February 26 that two Turkish service members were killed and two others were injured in a Syrian airstrike on the so-called Greater Idlib region.

In an official statement, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense claimed that over a hundred Syrian Arab Army (SAA) personnel were “neutralized” in response to the deadly airstrike. These claims are usually extremely exaggerated.

The ministry was apparently forced to acknowledge the new casualties. The ministry’s announcement was made only after the release of several reports in the Turkish media revealing the incident.

The two slain service members were identified as Sargent Enes Baykus from Samsun and Corporal Sukru Elibol from Kahramanmaras.

Last week, a Syrian strike on the southern Idlib countryside claimed the lives two Turkish service members and injured five others.

The Turkish military deployed hundreds of troops in Greater Idlib over the last few months to support the remaining militants in the region. As a result of the Turkish support, the militants launched several large attacks on SAA positions in southern Idlib.

With the killing of two new soldiers, the number of Turkish service members killed in Greater Idlib so far has risen to 18. The number will likely rise in the upcoming few days, if the Turkish military continue its support for the militants in the Syrian region.

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Smith Ricky

Died for isreal



Mustafa Mehmet

Just like in Afghanistan.. re souflaki boy bellosu


WTF u on about shit-kebap mongol? We speak English in this site not fkn klingon!

Maximus Decimus Meridius




Are you retarded ? WTF are these links ?

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Mongolia is ranked at the 6th place out of 80 countries by average national intelligence quotient IQ (101) according to the studies conducted by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology and Tatu Vanhanen, Finnish Professor of political science.




Maximus Decimus Meridius

Country IQ Population 2019 Greece 92 10,473,455


Go back to your mongol cave mustafa hahaha




Stay in your country

Zionism = EVIL

These ill-trained poor Turkey peasants are are dying for the coward Erdogan’s ( since I assume you are a lady, I will not use more robust language) pipe dream. Turkey, appropriately named, is one of the most corrupt failed states where the rich and upper middle classes don’t let their brats conscripted. 99% of Turkish army today are religious peasants who are easily manipulated by the Wahhabist AKP and its neo-Ottoman delusions. Turkeys have zero chance of achieving anything in the Syrian Arab Republic based on their disastrous history. Only option is to go back and stop funding terrorism and respect the government and sovereignty of a good neighbor.


You’re exactly right

Zionism = EVIL

Thank you, your comment was succinct and hit the crux of the matter, which is the Turkeys illegally invading a peaceful neighbor that has gone out of its way to be get along with an uncivilized bully like Turkey which has problems with each and every one of its neighbors from Armenia to Greece. The Turkeys have no business being in Syria as this in not 1920 and the dying Ottoman empire trying to hang on to any vestige of an empire, and even that failed as the Brits riled up the Arabs.


They think everybody else is wrong and only they are right.

Zionism = EVIL

It is called HUBRIS and arrogance, look at the Zionist scum who have mastered it.


That’s right

Zionism = EVIL

BTW, Larisa is a nice Russian name, reminded of Yuri Andreievich Zhivago’s poems dedicated to Larisa in Boris Pasternak’s masterful work.


Oh thanks, I’m Armenian actually

Zionism = EVIL

Armenians are good people and perhaps the best Soviets along with Belarus.


Yeah Belarusian are good people

good american

‘not use more robust language’ Haha, you are so gallant ;).

Zionism = EVIL

Buddy, gotta watch the P’s and Q ‘s in front of ladies, I am old school officer and a gentleman, still open doors and stand up when women enter the room or even shaking hands with men, never from a sitting position, it is considered rude and arrogant.


Well, ‘she’ didn’t last long. Registered and deleted account in the same day.

Always be suspicious of accounts purporting to be pretty females, especially if they show cleavages.

In this particular case it was probably up to no good.

Wahid Algiers

Nobody needs these filthy Turks, not in Syria, not in Germany, simply nowhere.

Simon Ndiritu

Based on my limited knowledge of war, I am really worried for SAA especially after loosing the Saraqib, the key hub in M5 and M4 highways. What is the outlook for SAA and allies? Is it possible to overran the Turks and Jihadists in the coming days? How does SAA deal with Turkish artillery

Wahid Algiers

In about 20 to 30 hours special and elite syrian forces will arrive from the south to crack down this last uprising of terrorists before Idlib city will be on focus and agenda.

Mustafa Mehmet

What kind of crack you smokin you look like you are……….


Oh are you a dumb Turk?


Turks dying for Israel in Idlib to advance the Jew’s Yinon forever war plan probably isn’t going down well with a lot of people in Turkey.


…So mr Putin…these are your friends that you are planning to build a nuclear plant for… Will Putin wake up and smell the coffee …?

There’s a saying in Greece ”show me your friend and I can tell everything there is to know about you”… In other words the friends you make must have same qualities and attributes such as the ones you yourself have…

Is that the best you can do Russia ? Be friends with Turkey ?



Vexates the holy ghost,they can’t,you can’t,I can’t.

Athens is shamed letting a coward like tsipras with no intention to bring back the drachma, then pyatt turn greece on the sly to orthodox and heterosexual traitors,(unless Trump is doing as god expects of him to do)your guess,good as mine I suspect.

However pyatt is deep state/cia/bidens foddler and enemy to erdogan too (decoup) who is clearing civilians from teorrists,atleast,which gives no room for lamestream to frame russians.

Of vexation,beckons in question in reproach,are you for greece or cias? I demand no answer,

although I’ll defend who earn’t my trust,as I were fooled by fools in my past,particularly feminists:

Know thy foes,identify the opponent and gather true(repent) friends around,see how it pans out,

From what’s going down,there will be no ww3,certainly never greece against orthodoxy ,ever! Truth will fight to the death on that complex,this is no sitting duck to ever mess with,truth can’t lie! Either way the heart of the man determines his nature,once you know,find your way around him, friend.


I v got no idea what you just said.

Just in case however I understood a tiny bit of it, and for the record, the goverments since after Andreas Papandreou have been all treacherous and treasonous.


Putin knows Turkey, or whats left of it, will be around long after Erdogan is gone. Calling Erdogan or Trump a “friend” is diplomatic”, not to be taken literally. If Greece still controlled the passage to the Black Sea, he wouldn’t need to handle the Turks with ‘kid’ gloves. Who is backing Cyprus and Greece in Libya, look to the long game.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Grecee strönk,https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=178&v=nGnQPzR29Ns&feature=emb_title


Try English next time, and try some video that is realated to this article maybe.


The number of Turkish forces killed by that airstrike was 22, with many more injured, many seriously. The Turkish military casualties are likely to skyrocket around the Nayra-Saraqib axis. SAA reinforcements have arrived and SAA forces have already retaken Afes, which along with Nayrab has become a mass graveyard for the terrorists and their Turkish military helpers. With Afes safe the terrorists & Turks will suffer huge losses if they continue their attack on Saraqib.

Josiah Isaboke

What’s the source of this News? Erdorgan will not admit this….22? Just just 2 Turkish dead and 222 SAA killed

Zionism = EVIL

I have been scanning the local Turkish rags as Erdogan the cowardly pimp is using his Americunt masters template and has banned mainstream controlled media from publishing any deaths or funerals of Turkeys in Syria or Libya. It is quite evident that there is general unrest at the mounting casualties and based on a tally of local funerals of young men, there are over 120 Turkeys dead and perhaps 500 wounded so far in the goat fuckers pipe dreams in Syria and Libya. The SAA can increase the casualties ten fold at will if it uses thermobaric weapons on the surrounded OPs.

Assad must stay


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Died for nothing. What a horrible fate.


Thats very true, at least the other jihadis go to Libya and pocket Deutsche☠€☠ 2000 / month then after a couple of months they buy a ticket to Italy and they are gone …

Maximus Decimus Meridius



Got no idea what it is you are trying to say.

The Man

Ha ha, absolutely… In fact, it’s probably just one bundle of 2000€ that is being ‘recycled’ for all of these terrorist scum. This single bundle of Euros is doing the rounds for all these shites and not one of these f*ckers gets to spend anything… ha ha!!!! “Portable mobile jihadi terrorist scum” for that dirty bitch erDOGan.

Zionism = EVIL

Feel sorry for the cannon fodder.

Lone Ranger

Rest in pieces Turkisis. More to follow…

Zionism = EVIL

You know, the sad fact is that poor people die for the megalomania of corrupt demagogues. Turkish economy is in the crapper and these peasants really have no choice but to die for the goat fucker Erdogan’s delusions of resurrecting a failed Ottoman legacy of corruption, perversion and holocaust of Armenians and other minorities.

Lone Ranger

Well, Syria and Russia was far too diplomatic for far too long. The gloves are off. If they wont learn the easy way they will learn the hard way .. I have a feeling if Erdogollum keeps this up he will have a second coup on his ass real soon…

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, you must have read my comments from get go. The Turks are thugs to begin with and to appease a street illiterate bully like Erdogan was a fatal mistake. Russia should have downed a few of the Turkey fuckers F-16 after the SU-24 was shot down illegally in Syrian territory. You simply can’t negotiate with scum.

Lone Ranger

I agree. Putin was a Gentleman with Turks, unfortunatelly Turks dont know the definition of a Gentleman. They only understand brute force, a treat they have in common with wahabinazi terrorists…

Zionism = EVIL

Putin was trying to play the strategic game of prying the treacherous Turkeys away from NATO and is a bit naive. The Turks historically are very treacherous, they aligned with Czarist Russia against the Persians and then backstabbed the Russians again. The Ottoman–Persian Wars were mere opportunism against the Safavid, Afsharid, Zand, and Qajar dynasties of Persia. Erdogan is playing the same game again 300 years later, but will fail as hopefully Russians have wizened up. The Turks are enslaved to the Americunt and Zionist masters and can never be trusted.

Lone Ranger

Totally agree. My country had a few bad experience with Turks as well. And by few I mean a few hundred years… But eventually we managed to get rid of them. Putins strategy even if a bit naive managed one thing, it bought enough time for the SAA to be able to take Idlib.

Zionism = EVIL

I know all the Balkan folks hate the Turkeys, not to mention Russians, Armenians, Persians, Arabs and above all Greeks. Only their Zionist masters are their fans.

The Man

Surprise, surprise… Mehmet the Turkish Turd downvotes anything that has truth in it. Yes, the filthy Turds are backstabbing pigs, and are goyim dogs to their masters, the Jews. Oh dear, I’ve done it again. I said TURDS instead of Turks! Never mind, same thing really!

Mustafa Mehmet

Two moron clow agree with each other..

The Man

Oh Mehmet, my Turkish monkey turd… you such a penis! That’s probably why erDOGan loves you so!

Mustafa Mehmet


Maximus Decimus Meridius

:))))))))))))))) All dents together

The Man

Great pic of that cretinous bitch leader of yours, the great man-whore Sultan erDOGan!

Mustafa Mehmet


The Man

Great pic!!! Is that your dog leader’s erDOGan’s middle finger that you sit on every night and swivel on it!!!

Mustafa Mehmet

No, I’ll leave it to you you can enjoy it. Make sure you use vazelin otherwise you’ll get hurt.

The Man

I assume you’re speaking from experience, my ignorant Turkish turd monkey!


Quran 9:117 – Allah has already forgiven the Prophet and the Emigrants and the Helpers who followed him in the hour of difficulty after the hearts of a party of them had almost inclined [to doubt], and then He forgave them. Indeed, He was to them Kind and Merciful.


Quran 9:123 – O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.


The active maps show that the Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies have liberated numerous towns, villages, farmland, etc. They have had some interruptions moving forward at times; but their heroism has overcome those terrorist gangster factions; …and they “keep on truckin” forward, as they say in the U.S.

Russia’s surveillance aircraft and satellites provide intelligence – Russia knows where every location, down to a square yard area, where each terrorist gangster faction is operating “IN CLEAR SIGHT” for extermination.

Turkey continues to try to steal Syria’s real estate. When Syria liberates all their real estate in the Idlib region; Syria should respond to Turkey in gesture, and create a “safe zone” of the same depth and length of land on Turkey’s side of the border, claiming the same excuses that Turkey made for the Operation Peace Spring invasion into Syria.


I am so impressed by the speed you are attaining for this very dangerous large-scale job you are doing. I send more prayers to you, to achieve more miracles.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yeah right Wishful Thinking


Your gay boys are getting rekt shit-kebap mongol!

They are meeting their 72 BIg Black sausages as we speak !

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Our economy is so good that instead of working, I come here every day and swear at the Turks here and destroy them with my keyboard.

S Melanson

You may be proven correct in the coming days. Saraqib just fell.

The Man

Hey Mehmet… welcome back Turd… how’s your arse from all that anal work you’ve been doing with that donkey erDOGan!


18 Turkish troops dead? Weren’t there 13 additional deaths announced the other day? Thus it should be over 30 by now right?

Liberal guy

Off record

Liberal guy

Off record just like ain Asad and spy plane destroyed scenario in Afghanistan total control


Are the Syrians ready for the Turkish onslaught? Everybody seems a little cavalier about the impending attack, which make no mistake is going to be devastating. The Turks aren’t particularly skilled but they have vast numbers and are well equipped. Look how the Kurds got slaughtered when they went up against the Turks. They got wiped out by Apaches at close range, they got droned constantly whenever they presented any kind of a target that could be seen from the air, and every stationary target got precision bombed by F-16’s from high altitude. Night offered no safety as Turks have night vision down to the individual infantryman. Hiding in cities didn’t really help because the skies swarmed with Turkish drones ready to pounce on any target that presented itself.

I don’t want to see the SAA get slaughtered. I’m afraid all signs are the Russians are going to stand aside and let the Turks attack.

S Melanson

This is where it is headed although not so sure Russia will stand down. Note Saraqib has fallen to Turkish backed militias despite intense Russian air strikes. The M5 reopening was rather short lived.


I m trying to figure out which one is Mustafa Mehmet, I think he is the one on the bottom right pic the 1st of the 2 turkeys running! ???


Maximus Decimus Meridius

https://www.pentapostagma.gr/oikonomia/6925511_pano-apo-1-ekat-idioktites-aytokiniton-den-plirosan-teli-kykloforias Πληρώσατε το χρέος σας;:)))))))))


What is this random link ?

Wahid Algiers

No turkish tank, their girl friend.

The Man

Ha ha… I think he’s the goat in the bottom left pic and this is him waiting for that dog erDOGan to penetrate his bitch butt-hole… again….


Sergeant eh? Erdo has to use professional soldiers because the conscripts won’t do it

S Melanson

Note Saraqib has fallen to Turkish backed militias despite intense Russian air strikes. The M5 reopening was rather short lived. Erdogan will launch all out assault in next 48 hours and if Russia and SAA go all in, we may see Damascus turned to ruins according to biblical prophesy.

I do not think either side wanted this but it shows how events can sweep nations into head on collision. The main danger is escalation and drawing in other nations into the fray.


Why will Damascus turn into reins when Russia have the s400 and Syria the s300? Unless Putin decides to betray Syria. Already the Chinese media are saying that the s300 is useless

S Melanson

Erdogan has said that if necessary, the Turkish army will take Damascus.


Oh well, if Erdogan said it then it has to be that way ! Yeah…




S Melanson

Perhaps, but Erdogan may not be alone if Israel and US smell blood. Careful not to underestimate the enemy.


Neither the USA or Israel are prepared to go to war against Russia and (most likely) Iran. Trump has got elections coming next November and Naziniahou has got to go to court for his criminal activities frauds etc …

The Man

OMG – some great news just in… “At least 34 dogs (AKA Turkish soldiers) were killed during airstrikes in Idlib on Thursday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said”. We should have some sort of scoreboard for these filthy dogs kicking the bucket… Definitely in the 500s now, if not 600s… Great news Mehmet, you Turd, what do you think?

Ooops, done it again, for some inexplicable reason, I keep saying Turd instead of Turk!

The Man

Come on Putin, just do it. I’d love to see your Thermobaric weaponry being used against the Turds. Definite kebab meat in seconds! Just warn these dogs and their bitch erDOGan that any more attempts at using MANPADS against Russian or Syrian aircraft will result in them being ‘shished’. Putin, tell the Turds that MANPADS should only be used as nappies when they shit themselves,

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