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MARCH 2025

Two US-led Coalition Servicemembers Killed, Five Injured In IED Blast In Syria

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Two US-led coalition servicemembers have been killed and five others have been injured in an improvised explosive device (IED) explosion in Syria, the coalition said in an official statement on March 30.

According to the statement, the incident took place at about 9 p.m. on March 29.

The coalition provided no adidtiona details and revealed no info about the identity of killed and injured servicemembers.

The incident is under investigation.

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John Whitehot

so Trump announces retreat and US servicemen get killed?

I’m not saying that it must be related for sure, but one needs to be blind and deaf not to suspect that things like these happen to prevent the US to leave.


Well i think it really doesn’t matter whatever Trump says and it’s not even clear whether he is in any control of what’s going on in his administration nor do he seems too concerned about it.

John Whitehot

then he could have just stay silent


But… But he’s Trump… It’s what’s Trump do… Be Trump or to be not Trump.

John Whitehot

there are many people higher than Trump in my “amounts of blathering” scale – israelis just said that they overflown Iran with F-35s for example – but as you said, Trump is Trump and he just must stay put and take the rotten tomatoes.

Hell, after he won the election and defied jewish directives does he think he can even speak on tv and get not criticized for it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Israel never flew anywhere near Iraq or Iran just doing a psyop and misleading the public to buy junk F-35.

John Whitehot

last time it was the bombing of the iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981.

iran, never.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Meant recently which they haven’t not without authorization under NATO Harrigan at CENTCOM, last time they hit Deir ezzoir and Palmyra and blamed it on the AUSSIES WHO DON’T FLY F-16 FIGHTER JETS, just saying.

John Whitehot

“Palmyra and blamed it on the AUSSIES WHO DON’T FLY F-16 FIGHTER JETS”

on this i have to correct you if i may, and say that they talked about F-18s, and not F-16s.

The last time israelis tried to get at the palmyra area, something happened that made them never try it again (remember they admitted firing their own Arrow-Sams to shoot down “Syrian S-200s” that were intercepting their jets)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The two of the planes were described as F-16s and not F-18F but had the Hooks which neither Canada or the Aussies have the Hook attachment. Israel is with NATO in SDF region actually near to the French and US bases in the West . They use them to spread their influence those regions in N. Syria and N. Iraq. The Aussies flew refuelers and their EW communications plane, so still culpable.

John Whitehot

pls present a link with the allegations, i didn’t see anything like that.


If only John. :)


Syrian and their allied forces should never listen to Washington regime because by law they are not obliged to Washington regime. Syrian and their allied forces should send all terrorists (Israel, hts, fsa, ISIS etc) at the tip of the missiles straight to the Trump regime to accommodate these morons in your country. Syria and Palestine have no wish to tolerate them anymore on their lands. ———————————————————————————————————-


Trump probably knew the servicemen had been killed before he made his statement, and it was just a bit of damage control.

al quaida

That would seem unlikely given that the incident took place after Trump’s speech.


How do you know that? The troops were reportedly killed on the 29th, and Trump made his statement on the 29th. If you think the Americans are incapable of fudging times and dates, you are being naive.

al quaida

It wasn’t a speech to the nation, it was a speech in Ohio, which voted for Trump, so he tailored it for them, throwing in some anti-interventionism rhetoric. The US media didn’t even pick up on his Syria comments, it was Sputnik that did that. But by all means carry on discussing your conspiracy theories with zero evidence.


Trump would surely know their deaths before the media run with it.


I believe he knew it, you are most probably right!


My only response to these bastards is: Rest In Hell!


Response to whom? Those soldiers? I don’t think,they choosed to be in Syria, maybe they thought serving some good cause, they are as well victims of ruthless lying politicians don’t project the blame and anger for those in command on those guys on the ground my friend.


I always find it interesting that ignorant people always blame the tools rather than the toolmaker


The toolmaker never gets hurt, so I reckon out of sheer frustration the ignorant take immense glee if at least the tools get injured. Not that that makes it right, just how I interpret it.


I agree.


It doesn’t matter, they are there in Syria to support ISIS head-choppers and to topple the peaceful, secular government of that country and they are just as responsible to their actions as those who sent there. Their ignorance is their damn business and yes those bastards should Rest In Hell!

Virgil Cane

You feel like big tough guy, but come off like another SF know nothing moron.


I am just stating the facts! What is wrong with that!

John Whitehot

no, you are claiming to be stating the facts.

John Whitehot

you sound like a jewish troll trying to do the only thing they do lately, attempting to start quarrels between americans, russians, and christians in general.


I am neither Jewish nor American. I am an Orthodox Christian from the same region and the satanic US and its allies have destroyed our people by siding with ISIS and other terroristIc head-choppers! Long live SAA, Hezbollah, Assad, Iran and Russia and to Hell with the U$ and its terrorist allies! YES, Let them REST IN HELL!

John Whitehot

“I am neither Jewish nor American. I am an Orthodox Christian…”

nobody asked…


They can choose not to participate in this by quitting or raising their objection. We still very much waiting for that guy that take action to avoid these senseless escalation of aggression and war crimes from the military.

Last time who did so he turned into tranny after they punished him.

David Pryce

It’s hard to not feel great joy, but these soldiers to a man nearly don’t want to be here. Family and a mortgage makes them army full stop. Funny how Coalition of the killing statement said took part in Syria not kurdish held land. Seems the revenge best served cold is coming there way. Just leave embarrassed for the CIA and US regime

John Whitehot

these men and their families are victims of the zionist criminal plot more than most of us writing in these sections are.

don’t forget that.

Fallen servicemen, deserve respect in all cases. If there are individuals among them that have committed wrong actions, it will be their conscience to act on them, not our judgement.

David Pryce

Agree, totally my friend


There is a time appearing on the Horizon…that ALL Man Fighting to Overthrow Legally Elected Presidents, Destroy a Country, Steal their Land and resources, Steal all the Gold out of the Vaults & Kill Civilians by the Millions….Are Considered to be Wise & Smart enough to See that they are nothing more than the Elitists Satanic Forces….if they don’t…then that’s their problem…then their Ignorance is what Really Killed them….

John Whitehot

if they went to hell, where do the zionist leaders go when they die?


Listen: These bastards come from ten thousands kilometers to topple the secular government of Assad which protects millions of Christians and other minorities and replace it with ISIS and they deserve whatever happens to them. Why are you pissed off of their deaths in Syria? Do you wish them success in their satanic, pro-ISIS agenda?

John Whitehot

i am not pissed off at their deaths, but certainly it’s not something to cheer about in itself, for me.


I don’t know. Tell me about it!

John Whitehot

“I don’t know”

Hardly surprising.

You can call me Al

Maybe, but I am no convinced if you don’t mind me saying. I think that something much bigger is going to happen shortly, a major attack on Iran for instance ?. I don’t know, but their is darkness around.

John Whitehot

idk about that, thinking about it, it’s something that has been in the air for years, but never happened.

You can call me Al

No offense but what is idk ?

Aldric V

For my understanding, all the dead soldiers are withdrawing from Syria ? I am not American but I doubt that the public opinion can accept that the army stays in Syria knowing that ISIS has been eliminated. The more deaths there are, the more it will push the army to leave the country. All American deaths are useless human waste without any possible justification.


It is absolutely what is happening. But I hope Trump can use this to his advantage and flip the script, as he has done on many important global issues. It seem that is either his strategy, or some sort of gift, to point something out and place a spotlight on it only to have it blow up in front of the world. Good or bad, it confirms his ability to make a difference. The question is what is his end game, or who is behind him.


Right about now those deceased families should question why they’re bought there and what they’re doing there. But no all silent in those parts so either those families did not care too much about what their sons/daughters doing there or they have buy into the narrative that the brown people want to cannibalize them.


move back few decades to WW2 , what do you think those crying families of a german soldiers would do ? german soldiers are known to act brutally in war theatre and when they got back they act civilized in their own nation…

would it proper to shed tears for the german families losing their precious fathers or husbands who in reality war criminals led by war maniac govt ?

it would be an insult to the millions of people the german killed during WW2..


WW2 are thought to be revenge war necessary to take back their economic independence and national pride disgraced after the first one. USA for what ?


still dont bring a microscopic shred of sympathy for the dead german soldiers in WW2… or for that matter the dead US soldiers in vietnam also didnt bring any single cell of sympathy as they are partitioning and destroying Vietnam , continuing the vietnamese genocide started by the french

You can call me Al

You don’t know if there will be questions, let them grieve first. Regards Iraq, a million people marched throughout the UK – http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/2765041.stm ………..UK Special forces threw medals outside government building, Syria is even more questionable to await the backlash.


Only two? I am disappointed. RIP, guys, you are victims of israhell.


it is an IED , if there’s 2 dead , then the injured ones will be maimed and unfit for combat operations , which is good since it is mostly highly trained spec ops guys riding on ordinary vehicles instead of MRAPs.. why would they use MRAP since there’s no IED attack in the area before..

casualtys and injury must be worst than reported


The hawks will blame this on Iran militias & not ISIS


Probably, but that doesn’t matter, the body bags cost votes, and votes and money are the only thing of importance to American politicians.


even if iran did nothing , the chickenhawks in US will still blame iran .. if there’s no fact then they will create it out of thin air.. remember the novichok fantasy ? no evidene no proof and in less than few hours accusations come from the mouth of PM May denigrating russia..

even china showed a nasty observation on the gall of western govt in ganging up on russia with fake evidence..

news flash , this will destroy UK more than it will destroy Russia , as other nations in the world saw how UK govt openly accuse russia with trumped up case..

china knew it’s time is next , so it will stick closer to russia and woe to the US led western nations who abused their powers to prop up the dying US empire.. Russia combined with China will rule the world

You can call me Al

The Saudis have attacked Iran verbally over the supply of arms to The Yemen which is beyond nonsense and then France have come out in support and accused Iran as well ……something big is about to erupt.

The Saudis, The Israelis, The GCC whatever, backed by Nato will destroy the World to protect the US and the Petrodollar AND THE Global order.

Shear bloody lunatics all of them.


It seem the western nations led by US/UK have always seek to get the worst performing allies everytime .. Saudi and GCC are incompetents , Israel is overrated militarity as shown in 2006 war.. US already drawn down their coldwar military and it is a shadow of desert storm cold war force..

and they want to seek war with russia AND china at the same time ?

bring it on

You can call me Al

Agree totally.

John Whitehot

“Russia combined with China will rule the world”

and keep jews out of the loop.


they will perish at the same time their now dying US empire perished .. and they will reap their harvest soon , after all these decades sowing violence and lawlessness in the region..

who going to cry for them ? who going to cry for a racist nation born from land grabbing and genocide and living in violence and lies ?

do we cry for every SS german soldiers dead for motherland ?

do we cry for racist white south african when they lost their colony ?

and why should we cry for israel a nation of fake jews ?


Arabs Start Uprising Against US-Backed Armed Groups Near Raqqa – Russian MoD


matew ivanson

clown Trump talking shit, usa idiots didnt save Ghouta and now fcking shit talk by Trump and Haley, usa politicans get the fcku, you loosing supporters because fcking seling rebels in Ghouta


Are you with the jihadi cheerleaders club!


They are going to be more, for sure.


Trump says Usa will retreat from Syria and 2 soldiers die. Wow. So suspicious.


Trump is a liar, he is not even in charge of the U$ military. Never Trust him! Never trust the U$!


i thought Usa was a democracy


U$A is a kleptocratic, pro-ISIS ROGUE state!


There is no democracy in the US with the exception of various state level votes by the people on actual laws. It happens but it isn’t common.

The US is a representative republic and that system has been used to combat the ills of democracy since Greek times. It is a mystery to me that the concept of “democracy” gets so much Western press even as its shortcomings have been well known for thousands of years.


Democracy leads only to anarchy and chaos! The Chinese system is far better and more stable.


You’re presented with two options at the election. 1. Hillary 2. Hillary


monjak yes



going forward I hope US & Syria can normalize relationships.

US citizens have been lied to about Syrian conflict from Western Press & would sympathize (& even help) with plight of Syrian citizen if true story was shown.


Are they american or british personel ? would love to see these bozos get whacked by IEDs and have to commit resources / patrol / ISR to clear up road networks from IED planters.. with limited personel in syria they would be totally inadequate to face IED terror..


Only 2?. Pity!.


remember those guys in iraq ride around in ordinary vehicles since there’s no IED threat there.. an IED that can inflict 2 death will certainly cause severe debilitating injuries to the rest of the passengers.. and these are trained SOCOM guys , not some ordinary regular grunt


What is your point?

John Whitehot

that we can always hope that some other US servicemen lost a leg, an arm or an eye.

I should had expected mossad to be all over articles talking about US deaths.


hey Michah the hasbara troll , if you stop your lying for a bit and start using your brain cells , you would instantly recognize the point already..

but you are really here not for seeking truth but to spread lies.. thats your day job mr hasbara ..


Where did the bombing occur and who are the likely suspects? I suppose they’ll get us that tomorrow.

John Whitehot

my primary suspect is the CIA.

I don’t doubt that they are able to blow up a bunch of US servicemen, after bringing down the towers with 3000 civilians in them.


And South Front wonders why it can’t make its budget…..

John Whitehot

LoL, if you wana play this way.

You can call me Al



“Prayers”? Ouanqueurs.

John Whitehot



Where did this event happen? Near Isis? Near turkey? Near Jordan? Just because it happened in Syria does not tell us who the likely suspect is.

You can call me Al

@BBCWorld talking shit, the UK soldier died for the kurds and not because he fought against #IS. There is no #IS in manbij!

Manbij in Northern Syria.



You can call me Al

Hahahaha very good.


Its sad but he was sent there illegally by the UK government.

You can call me Al

mmm I agree.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Same solders that have been conquering the world since 1860, the bigots. Seems not enough of them are taken out. Till the world stands united to defeat globalist-solders. Then we are all occupied slaves to this New Age Babylon. https://holodomorinfo.com/

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