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MARCH 2025

Two US Spy Planes Spotted Over Syrian Government Areas In Deir Ezzor

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Two US Spy Planes Spotted Over Syrian Government Areas In Deir Ezzor

The 137th Special Operations Wing’s first MC-12W Liberty (Photo: US Air Force)

On March 26, two US spy plans were spotted flying over government-held areas in the southern countryside of Syria’s Deir Ezzor.

The two planes, a Beechcraft MC-12W Liberty and a Beechcraft Super King Air 350, were tracked by aviation observers as they circled over the town of al-Bukamal right on the border between Syria and Iraq.

The MC-12W is a version of the C-12 Huron that was modified for the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) role for the US Air Force. Several copies of the Super King Air 350 were also modified to carry out ISR and signal intelligence missions for the US army.

The planes were likely spying on Iranian forces which maintain a strong presence in al-Bukamal and nearby areas in order to counter ISIS cells.

Two US Spy Planes Spotted Over Syrian Government Areas In Deir Ezzor

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US-led coalition planes fly over northeastern Syria, where the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces are in control, on a daily basis. This is however the first time when US spy planes were spotted flying over the government-held part of Deir Ezzor.

Last month, the US carried out a series of strikes on positions of Iranian-backed Iraqi forces in al-Bukamal in repose to a rocket attack on its troops in Erbil Airport. At least one fighter of Kata’ib Hezbollah was killed in the strikes.

The US military may be preparing to carry out a new wave of strikes on Iranian-backed forces in Syria. This would lead to more escalation between Washington and Tehran.


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Supreme Blyat


Lone Ranger

Locked and loaded…

Supreme Blyat

And will stay like that no matter what.

Lone Ranger

Don’t be so sure about that…

Supreme Blyat

I’m S-300% sure.

Lone Ranger

You were also sure about Ukropnazis winning and Assad losing… Wrong as usual… Next stop collapsing U.S. Empire…

Supreme Blyat

Mnope..you mixed me with someonelse. Maybe changing the meds will work one last time

Lone Ranger

Come on Bacon. I know its you…

P.S. you are mixing me up with Jens…

Supreme Blyat

In fact you are mixing me with Jens. I never said Assad will lose.


Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia 🙈🙈🙈

You have just one thought!! Go to a psychiatrist if there is any in that third world country 😂😂😂

Supreme Blyat

Ahh the raping babies fantasizing boy, telling me to see a psychiatrist over an S-300 comment. The most Russian thing I have read this year.


What??? Your delirium now is S-300..raping…Russian… assosiated with your nickname blyat which means prostitute!

I understand you dream to be a prostitute raped by an S-300 and have a russian baby 😆🙈😆 the right thought for a third-world inhabitant of that shitty farm called U(k)rine, but sorry, now your master is the US, you’ll be raped by their banks first and their soldiers afterword 😆 no hurry!

Supreme Blyat

Rusdia is a 4th world in matter of baby rapists wannabe like you.


🙈🙈🙈🙈 Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

You are a paranoid blyat like most of you monkeys from that third world crapy farm called U(k)rine😆😆😂😆🤣

Supreme Blyat

Go to sleep, wannabe european. There is no more vodka left for you.

Supreme Blyat

Ok yurta moscal, go back to your krokodil


Hahahahah I thought just that buffon of your president is at the monkey QI level, but since I met you I understand why people voted for him :))) the US chose the right representative for its colony. Btw don’t you go to Dombas? Or do you wait fireworks comes to Kiev soon :)))


why were they not shot down?

Me&Myself None

To avoid a third world war, or so will the Russians tell you. 🤣🤣🤣


why is it we are told it will be world war three if the American gangsters are challenged violating another Country? i don’t think so pal.


No it will not be WWIII. There are some realists in yanquistan who knows USA is weak and will lose against the combined efforts of Russia, Iran and China. NATO is a weak joke. Yanquistan can cause terrible damage but it is strategically neutered by RIC.


Damascus afraid of consequences maybe? Who knows?

Tommy Jensen

Next time they do it, Russia will give Assad the S-300, if they do it again.

John Mason

US as well as the israelis do what they want in Syria with only verbal objections to please the public but no real objection from Russia. A real pity!

Band Itkoitko

Were they also drawing genitals in the sky?

Oliver Eitel

no but LGBTQ whateverXYZ


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e382344baae50f76941b9500b60d9e9599a5bc88c023305e5a1158b58fe7e01b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50f6c529d0e9d6002690126249ae9b39c1d5e215674f0357111a7add5c412407.png


I’ve purchased electroptics for my AR-15 7.62×39 takedown SPR special purpose rifle build. For use in ET contact work security.

A 1.5 x 5 30mm variable magnification scope with a red and green illuminated reticle for day and night use. For CQC to 100 yard plus targeting.

And a 600 lumen 300 yard beam tactical light, 500 yard plus beam green target laser combination.

I’m researching adding, night vision, thermal imaging, and a computer for dronecom, satcom and ET cloaked stealth sentinel drone super soldier integration. For use in ET contact work security.

The close encounter that I had with a probe during a contact op with the Tall Whites in Indian Springs, NV. And the transport beam lock on and initial lift in Albuquerque, NM. Could have been ET recon/sentinel drone activity.


“the theoretical maximum range for the M2 is 4.2 miles, and has actually been used for indirect fire at high angles of elevation to create a “fire beaten zone” on the far side of a hill.”

– The M2 Browning .50-cal –


This was also done with the M1919 in .30-06 Springfield during WW2. Some of the British gun crews were particularly adept at it. The US military fire elevation tables were off. Which made US use of this capability less effective.


What will happen when Sleepy Joe bans assault rifles for white people? :)

Jim Allen

Quite possibly the same thing that happened the last time.


Funnily enough, during a part of the Middle Ages period in England, it was forbidden for civilians to own or use the newly developed Crossbow.

The reason for this was the fact that the traditional Long Bow took years to master, and the Crossbow only took a few days to master.

Those in power have never wanted ‘advanced’ military style weapons to be in the hands of those whom they rule over.


It’s a real clown show, that’s for sure. But I don’t need to tell you that, you’re living it to. So we’re in the same boat.

Raptar Driver

Nobody cares about your aliens and your guns jarhead.


Are you trying to me me look good with criticism from a flat earther who thinks that the space program is made in Hollywood and that we can’t get off of the planet’s surface? Try to stay out of the ostrich holes. Maybe you’ll grow up and learn to deal with reality.

Raptar Driver

You don’t need help from me Dicky to look like a fool. I think it’s time to phone home.

Steve Standley

My brother: Sounds funny, but get your 6.5 Grendel together. That is the caliber of the Saints.

Rhodium 10

They dont fly over Al Bukamal….just close to Syrian border to spy somekind of Russian EWS that Jammed GBU 39 GPS in that last US airstrike where only 1 Bomb of 7 hit thet target….

Diana Cornwell

Says the hasbara troll. Who are you to be able to claim to be privy to such information which necessitates access to classified US and also classified Russian intelligence?

Obviously you are a liar who is an apologist troll working for Putin and Putin’s handlers.

Thank you Sir Putin.

cechas vodobenikov

immature racist nazi corn hole exposed



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Is that a democrat in the crosshairs ?


Dirt naps wouldn’t be my first choice in mitigation operations. And rinos, Davos and Israel are part of the problem. However with a lot of people dying and plans for worse circulating. Things can reach the point where it’s the lesser of two evils and a viable deescalation option.



Raptar Driver

This would stop and many other things would stop if they just use the S. 300s to shoot down a couple of planes. By avoiding confrontation they are simply inviting it. Haven’t we learned anything yet Putin?

Diana Cornwell

Putin is NATO’s most valuable operative.

cechas vodobenikov

granny needs attention—looking for ISIS boyfriend


The Russians closed the airspace west of the river years ago. I agree that the no fly zone needs to be extended east of the river. But there are better ways to go about it than shooting planes down. As the success of the no fly zone west of the river shows. Getting the US out of Iraq solves the problem.

Fog of War

What would happen if Russian planes tried to enter restricted US airspace in Syria or Iraq ?


What US restricted airspace in Syria? As far as I know Russia doesn’t have any US restricted airspace in Syria.

Fog of War

Al-Tanf ?


I doubt it. I’ve seen nothing from a credible source reporting or verifying that.

Fog of War

Send a Syrian plane there , see what happens.


So you have no proof and are making things up about Russian aviation in Syria. Typical propaganda disinfo peddling.


Compared to what the USA / NATO has in theater the SAA and Russians would be wiped out in hours if push came to shove. NATO / USA would likely take material losses doing so but they could overwhelm Russian / SAA air defences simply with numbers … just keep lobbing missiles until the Russians run out of ammo. This will never happen because I’m pretty sure the Russians aren’t willing to trade Moscow for Damascus and the USA sure as hell won’t be trading Washington for Damascus so both Russian and US aircraft are likely off limits to respective air defences.

Assad must stay

and why were they not BLOWED up? lol

Diana Cornwell

Because Putin works for NATO. That’s why Yeltsin appointed Putin as his successor.


If the Syrians refuse to use the S-300, then they should just donate them to the Houthis. Lots of good that will do in Yemen.

Mustafa Mehmet

you silence again Saa why don’t you activate your S 300

Kenny Jones ™

No need for S-300 over desert

cechas vodobenikov

the unintelligence anglos photograph sand dune with plastic tank and blow-up porn doll and send corn hole and Tommy to inspect


Who on earth gave them the right to fly over a sovereign country without permission?


Lucifer’s rabbi I think.


By not shooting at them, Putin, once again, saved the world from WW3. Thank you sir!

Fog of War

You are correct. If US planes fly over Russian territory Russia should also ” stand down ” to prevent WW3 . Not responding to attacks is the best course of action , to prevent WW3 that is. In fact, no nation should ever respond to US provocations as a response might cause WW3, why take the chance ? Just let the ZioWest do whatever they want as it prevents WW3.

Jim Allen

What makes you think Russia/Syria/allies, etc. don’t respond ? Maybe, just maybe there’s something the resistance wants the illegal invader’s to see. Ever think of that ? War is inevitable, The City of London will have it no other way, but there’s little point to give the arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics what they want. Is there ? Russian EW can end that spy plane’s whole trip in seconds if necessary, however, unless it’s desired to get the Western invader’s thinking there’s shit that is not desired to be discovered the surveillance, it appears wise to allow the aircraft to pass undisturbed. The “ZioWest” is far from doing whatever it wants, and has been, will continue to lose ground until it’s no longer able to prosecute it’s illegal invasion/occupation of Middle East. Or, any other damned place it’s active against legitimate Government’s worldwide. Venezuela, The Donbass Region, Lebanon, Sudan, Iran, Georgia, as examples. Iraq is only recently allied with it’s neighbors, and Russia. Russia has poured untold resources into circumventing Western sanctions in the financial sector. Effectively bypassing the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal’s monetary system that sanctioned countries can be paid, and pay for products.


SHOT THEM down for God sakes, no Pantsir S in Deir Ez Zor. ???/

Fog of War

Flying around with impunity because Russia and Syria are afraid to ” touch ” them. What would happen if a Syrian plane tried flying over a US base ? We all know the answer. Just pathetic.

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