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MARCH 2025

U.S. And Australia To Jointly Develop Hypersonic Missiles, Germany Joins EU Effort For Hypersonic Defenses

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U.S. And Australia To Jointly Develop Hypersonic Missiles, Germany Joins EU Effort For Hypersonic Defenses

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On November 30th, the US announced a joint program with Australia to continue developing air breathing hypersonic vehicles.

The Southern Cross Integrated Flight Research Experiment (SCIFiRE) is an Allied Prototyping Initiative (API) under the Directorate for Advanced Capabilities within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.

The US Department of the Air Force, under the direction of the Weapons Program Executive Officer, is responsible for the execution of the program.

“SCIFiRE is a true testament to the enduring friendship and strong partnership between the United States and Australia,” said Michael Kratsios, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. “This initiative will be essential to the future of hypersonic research and development, ensuring the U.S. and our allies lead the world in the advancement of this transformational warfighting capability.”

The program aims to cooperatively advance air-breathing hypersonic technologies into full-size prototypes that are affordable and provide a flexible, long range capability, culminating in flight demonstrations in operationally relevant conditions.

The effort will also pursue potential co-production opportunities between the two countries, and leverages U.S. and Australian collaborative hypersonic activities over the last 15 years, namely the Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation (HIFiRE) program.

“The SCIFiRE initiative is another opportunity to advance the capabilities in our Air Combat Capability Program to support joint force effects to advance Australia’s security and prosperity,” Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld AO, DSC, Chief of Air Force said.  “Working with our Defence scientists here in Australia and our partners in the U.S. Air Force and across the U.S. Department of Defense on leading edge capabilities brings out the best in our Air Force team.”

In the next few months, Australia is expected to begin testing hypersonic missiles.

The move to quickly develop the air-launched hypersonic missiles comes after defense strategists warned the government it no longer has a decade to build up its defenses against potential threats.

On December 1st, Defense Minister Linda Reynolds is to announce the multi-billion-dollar plan, saying the Australian government is committed to “keeping Australians safe, while protecting the nation’s interests in a rapidly changing global environment”.

China and Russia have also been developing a range of new weapons including hypersonic and long-range ballistic missiles.

Australia’s Defense Ministry will not reveal the estimated cost of developing the new hypersonic missiles but it is expected to run into billions of dollars. A total of $9.3 billion was earmarked in this year’s Force Structure Plan for high-speed long-range missile defenses.

Under the plan, the hypersonic missiles would be carried by the RAAF’s existing arsenal of aircraft including the Growlers, Super Hornets, Joint Strike Fighters and Poseidon surveillance planes. The missiles could also be attached to unmanned aircraft such as the new Loyal Wingman drones.

The Australian Defense Minister said the experiments with the US would include demonstrations to show how the weapon performs in operational conditions, which would then inform future purchases.

“Developing this game-changing capability with the United States from an early stage is providing opportunities for Australian industry,” she said.

“Investing in capabilities that deter actions against Australia also benefits our region, our allies and our security partners.

“We remain committed to peace and stability in the region, and an open, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific.”

Michael Kratsios, the Acting Under Secretary for Research and Engineering for the US’s Department of Defence, said the agreement was “essential to the future of hypersonic research and development, ensuring the US and our allies lead the world in the advancement of this transformational war-fighting capability”.

Separately, Germany announced that it would join in on the development of anti-hypersonic defensive weapons.

Under some pressure from France, Berlin changed its status from an observer nation to a participant country in the so-called TWISTER effort on October 24th, a Defense Ministry spokesman confirmed.

The project aims to field a space-based, early-warning sensor network and an interceptor moving at a velocity of more than Mach 5 at an altitude up to 100 kilometers sometime around 2030. That’s according to missile-maker MBDA, which has claimed the interceptor portion of the plan as a pet project.

The developer company, MBDA envisions developing a new “endo-atmospheric interceptor [that] will address a wide range of threats including maneuvering ballistic missiles with intermediate ranges, hypersonic or high-supersonic cruise missiles, hypersonic gliders, anti-ship missiles and more conventional targets such as next-generation fighter aircraft,” the company website states. “This interceptor will integrate existing and future land and naval systems.”

Retired Lt. Gen. Heinrich Brauß, a former NATO force planner and now an analyst with the Berlin-based German Council on Foreign Relations, argued the program is needed to quickly close a capability gap for protecting European airspace.

“Given the TLVS performance characteristics compared with the Patriot system, there should be no hesitation to approve the acquisition,” Brauß said.

“I think — putting aside the repeated delays on the TLVS decision-making — that what this reflects is the argument that within Europe’s main military nations there needs to be yet greater focus on layered ground-based air defense capable of being used to engage targets throughout the emerging threat spectrum,” he wrote in an email.

“TLVS and Twister are obviously at different stages of development and could be seen as providing complementary capabilities,” he added.

The US-Australia project, and the EU joint project are unrelated, but they’re all constituted from NATO member states.


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Lone Ranger

The same people who couldn’t copy the RD-180 for 15 years yet Russia provided them with the blueprints and metallurgy. And now they don’t have any of that and don’t even have supersonic cruise missiles. In 50years they should solve the problems by that time Russia and China will have warp drives lol.

Vox Populi

Australia has been implicated in horrendous war crimes in Afghanistan and China has called them out on it. The US is pushing its little poodle into a suicidal situation.


” and China has called them out on it”

And why should we listen to cannibals ?? Until recently, the Chinese ate people. There is one that was published in 2010 with the Dutch historian Frank Dicketer as its author. The details described in these books freeze the blood. Cannibalism was widespread in China in 1958-1962. So the Chinese are not better …


Frankly, the Chinese have not bombed and killed millions around the world like US, NATO and Australian war criminals. China is more into making money.


Yes, but they can eat people !! What kind of people can do such things ???


Sprogbreath,liar,psefti,p00stie,your going down you gutless assflogged cia pinks!


the only one here who is .Sprogbreath,liar,psefti,p00stie,your going down you gutless assflogged cia pinks!….is YOU. You probably have the same eating habits as the Chinese, that’s why you got upset. You are very funny when you tiny little man. Read ASSHOLE. Cannibalism for ideological purposes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism_in_China


kamila feminazi that’s you?Drr mr can’t answer to truth,Typical nazi shilled worshipping idiot,can’t fight for sht ,nor ride,nor build anything,infact just a lard,like the mouth piece of bush(oh yes he’s clean too just like soros goym boys) No truth on your side then to promote eu lgbtq values fekn p00ter,too selow for the truth you demented beocken up the assflogged fascist tsipraki lieing piece o sht thourougbred spartans too much class for you willing and able up de assed fascist fk your wikipedia too,I eat lots of chinese food and I’m far more of intellectuall purpose than you dumbassed exist for incesty

soros assflogged lieing piece of sht,blokes like you cry like little girlys each and every time i got control ofr the truth with or without them in despair

arr vre ziliari p00sti of no purpose, MOVO LABE:

Why don’t you give it up and wear your lovely white pantyhose to go without the set you drongos up north represent,no wonder turks fk you up de ass!


…You are for the PSYCHIATRY. !!!


Dutch lies,typical incestry of the homosexuals rant,infact you got nothing on china


England has the highest rate of homosexuality in Europe.It is not only the Dutch who say that, the Chinese themselves admit that they are cannibals!



NO CHINESE SAID SO,YOU GOT THEM MIXED UP FOR NEW GUINEANS, By the way china houses 1.4 billion peoples,fk drr insolent slave of hitlers:


Why would Chinese eat people when they eat everything else?! Dogs, snakes, scorpions, all insects, any kind of living organisms, grass, herbs….they eat all even today when days of hunger are long gone.


What I do know is that neither the CIA officer who was killed in “Somalia” nor the 5 American soldiers killed in the helicopter crash in “Egypt” (killed in an operation elsewhere) … and otherwise told the news. The same happened with the Russian … he did not “commit suicide”, something else happened. No one commits suicide because they were not paid, nor because they worked long hours. You are simply resigning. Something else is happening


Keep on guessing. I am not against your theory it just doesn’t make sense to guess what the real truth might be. Anyways we all know the answer ; “Putin did it!” :)


Putin may not even know !!


Does he have to know everything? Only important things.


Have no heart yet ain’t got the balls to defend anyone or anything in order to avoid tortue interrigation,drr use your head not fake mates strapon n ganda!


jackass your mind is constantly on cocks ,you are sick Britishgay,


You should ask a Chinese person why they do this.


I do not see that as negative but as particular – proper to their mentality.


Read here … do you know Russian ?? Erdogan transferred about a thousand troops to the border with Armenia…Not only the servicemen themselves are being deployed, but also offensive weapons, including multiple launch rocket systems, artillery, tanks, etc.



Posturing , probing only….CIS and Russia have obligation to intervene to defend Armenia despite Russian hatred they have for president and PM of Armenia. Erdogan knows that.


Erdogan knows that Russia will not do anything. That’s why he does all this. Erdogan is following orders from the center across the Atlantic.Maybe this is what Erdogan’s bosses want, for Russia to get involved.


Then he will bring them to deal with your feminist turds whom are backed by your gaystappo masters,atlease Erdo don’t suck cock,like you problemists!


Those who suck cock it’s you and your whore mother .Erdogan digs him deep in your ass, son of the bitch and you like it.


That’s better exposing the insolent gutless (overseas led) gimps with 0 kills and 55 murders indeed,they see the commonwealth has allready decimated their barracks over 10 dishonourable discharge and 9 suicides indeed,Morrison now draing the swamp: Like I said no justice brings no valour,Australian are better people than homosexua usa salesmen rotting every nations to the core in debt with their ovehyped kweer garbage,of this century,see too may p00fs not enouch scientists but we have some real good ones here,it is hoped there will be more trials and mass arrests in the future,keeps our citys clean,going by data we are on the road to recovery,cia are to be no part of our future: Election rigging undemocratic 4th reicht degenerates shall never glory to cia/germany!


Blame it that fat p00fs whom ain’t the official Australian defenst strategist I may add and its lazy problematic henchmen,most of whom are fascist immoral poofs,see these lards of abcs also deal as salesmen of lockheed martins their renunemation requires

billions of hard earn’t tax payers moneis to go overseas and even assist fascist eu-epp-nazi to get involved with screwing over all our jobs,industries,far worthier and considerate trade parnters,yet whom will promote war to applease the other fat sick homosexual fascist lards of lockheed martins and others like raytheon whom unlike boeing don’t have the runs to put on the board other than fat,lazy,slimes whom can’t even defend themselfs,let alone suggest what’s best,its simply a nothing burger hired by fascist corporation backed by homosexuals,phaedo resrerve,whom i may add needs to pe put in trial,not only for funding these sick sas,but also preverting the course of justice against the commonwealth for defrauding and stealing,lieing and cheating out of responsability to deliver goods on time and warrant the garbage from bad manufactruring,Peter jennings theres one of the fat turds behind the murders:

klove and light

just check out how many americans make their doctor at MIT or other universities since 1999…….lololol….. america is living in the past….and there is no way they can catch up…to ccatch up in theses fields a nation needs a formidable school system , because in school is were all gets started..and the american school system, be it private or not…is years behind the russian and chinese schools .


Generations behind to be frank,conversely Australia is the best educated english speaketh nation,which is more than what can be said for rigged elections cia/nazis:

Bobby Twoshoes

I was going to say; don’t worry guys we are just as corrupt as the Yanks and even more incompetent, this thing won’t be realised until the oligarchs are sated and the defining characteristic of oligarchs is insatiable greed.

Assad must stay

they are fucking clueless and hopeless lol


But, but, but US claims that has 5 or 6 hyper-sonic missiles in the works, about to be introduced already. They even have launchers ready, training the crews ….they only need those missiles ”finished”. Why would they need Australia now?!? Dose that mean…they do not know exactly how to make those missiles? First they buy “David’s Schlong” missile system for cheap destruction of home made Palestinian MLRS rockets. And on top Raytheon becomes partner of Israels Raphael to produce them in US……….. and now this… SM6 block B was upgraded with the help of Japan It looks US is losing know how….if they need so many other countries in missile production. Similar situation is in production of the new generation of the nukes…


If Japan was allowed, it would surpass USA in many military aspects. They have top notch medical technology, US hospitals are very proud when having a Japanese scanner or something.


True.Electronically speaking Japan is above everybody else. Still US was always vaunting that US weapons are the best in the world. Yet they depend every day more on “allays” for upgrades or new high tech weapons systems. They have serious problems in renewal of their ICBM’s strategic nuke program also….(cold war)experts are in pension or dead and know how is lost because unlike Russian’s they took path of only electronic upgrades of VERY OLD – ICBM’s ….very old = 40+ years old.. While Russia keeps churning new models all the time and keeps know how developed all the time!


That is highly presumptive, Japan is buying the F35 and the SM 3 from the US, it is true they are trying to develop a 5th generation domestically, however, China 2025 will leave US and Japan behind technologically for good.




What are your doubts based on?


Budget, military tradition and working ethics.


Have you noticed how China handled the COVID pandemic in comparison with the US? In case of war such such distinctions become as prevalent.

Working ethics……most of the US manufacturing in US was outsourced because of a lack of work ethics. Military traditions……..right, today’s generation is far different and fragile than WW2 generation or thereafter. Budget……lol, printing money for an MIC that is inept and wastes money.


Yuan is printed paper too though nobody knows how it looks other than them, everybody accept dollars payments.

Made in china is good only if made by robots owned by western companies, their workers ethics are crap ir wirse than crap.

They handled corona indeed but that’s not rwlevant in case of nuclear war.

Go back to your TV games.


You do not make any sense. I do not play stupid TV games.


Conventional zkirmishes between nuclear powers? Go back to your TV games.


“”” Yuan is printed paper too though nobody knows how it looks other than them, everybody accept dollars payments.”””

More ignorant statements, ask Sk, and other Pacific trade partners of China, how about S. Arabia, Iran and a host of other countries deal in their local currencies or make barter deals among themselves without the dollar.


I’m not that ignorant :) Just with a google search, found what bullshit are you eating, Saudis do not accept Yuan for oil.


Saudi oil sold to China is settled in yuan.

Kenny Jones ™

Qatar is just Turkified Gulf state




“”” Made in china is good only if made by robots owned by western companies, their workers ethics are crap ir wirse than crap.”””

Chinese worker ethic is strong working long hours and efficiently, the problem with the “Crap” comes from western customers that want the cheapest possible price for the product, so they can sell them on their own markets at obscene profits.


Working long hours =/= quality of work.


They don’t have anything concrete but bs. The US MiC has been steeped in mediocrity and lack of creativity for the last 3 decades.


If you say so. I would agree that decline is obvious but I can tell when exactly it has started . After collapse of USSR hubris started negative process in their brains obviously…we agree about that.


I agree, the US decay started after the collapse of CCCP, they had not produced any major weapon system that is effective since then, and their strategic thinking has not changed much. They relied on air power on the ground and the sea to define their military doctrine, while starting to lag behind in weapon technology. Russia and China have developed supersonic and hypersonic anti shipping missiles that exceed the effective range of carrier borne aircraft, and on the ground their A2/AD defenses along with EW capabilities negates any US presumptuous advantage. US is behind in the hypersonic technology by a couple of decades IMO.


Actually, till recently China was only upgrading their copies of Soviet-Russian, US tech or their hybrids…But now they are starting to produce their own weapons systems from the scratch. And that is whole new level. Soon enough, in the near future, they will overtake Russia and US in domestically created designs.

Vox Populi

Let be clear, Australia is a US poodle and can not even manufacture a toothbrush, let alone missiles. It is the US warmongers that are needlessly militarizing Australia for a war against China. The inept idiot Morrison does not even ask how high to jump, when ordered by Zionist masters.


They had aircraft carriers long before Russia started to dream about.


They are stuck on carriers and their expensive escorts and weaponry to enrich the US MIC. Russia utilizes their defense budget far more intelligently developing high velocity and hypersonic missiles to make carriers go ……poooof..


That’s very good for Russia they keep developing deterrence weapons, they have a huge chunck of empty land to defend.

The carriers, F-35’s and other weapons USA builds are mainly to control the oceans trade routes, they have a lot of global economy to police.


Wishful thinking, China and EU are not keen dealing with US economically since they produce little and the best they can do is utilize sanctions. Russian anti shipping missiles on board of ships and submarines are not to defend Russian land, they are intended to hurt US navy in whatever posture they might come. F35 and Tomahawks can barely reach any Russian targets inland.


A kid talking on a hot war between Russia and NATO, can’t understand basics of economy yet.


That war is raging right now within the economic sphere. NATO is doing crap.


Ring ring ring. Soviet union called, they want their slogans back.


More nonsense?


So much nonsense you replied twice.


Ring ring take the red pill and enjoy the reality you want to live in.


Let me give you a life advice, stop taking pills people give you for free. That should stop your butthole pain..


You want to give me life advice dude? How old are you?


Doesn’t matter. If you like butt hurt, take random pills from strangers.


You are the one butt hurting, not me.


No U argument is the highest insult among Russian cheerleaders. I should give up.


The Russian cheerleaders I see post one liners. I am not a Russian cheerleader, I am from US; reality goes beyond national propaganda smoke.


Then you didn’t see them when they start cursing yet :)


Hey useless,we got the worlds first 6th gen unmanned jet plane running,what you got,pink swastika?

Either way fascists can rant all you want,we fkd off your henchy,this homosexual rant p[retending to be great can blan on all it wan’ts we ain’t buying into the gay sht fkfest,seens too busy moving forward without your nwo muppet retard deepstate sick weak fks,desperate to do hitlers dirty work on de cheep? No way they will need to hire russians and trillions to catch up,no way any of the west can develope hypersonics (period)

Well atleast we dont like sour prouts,incests,huns,septics and we have dishonourably discharged many gutless murderous clowns you septics been applauding over there in cia/ 4th reight land.

Morrison is aware,never you mind he is no turntobull/soros cocksukn unelect bozo (period)

0 corona cases ,your nwo has been destroyed muppet sprogbreath of the goym of incests:


Frankly, Australians started as criminals and now have graduated to war criminals under US masters command.


Not anymore,we are gonna fk the cia/nazis.no future in fascism nor lgbt is the recent policys: Wishfull thinking wanker there hired because it thinks its smart,certainly never over true facts: Australasia is the future not cia/gai/nocando overpriced debtmonging scamming/conn artists:


Kratsios you feminist gai dumb fk,you gott breed scientists not fake x and besides you mean sht seens we have a roadmap to foster peace with our 40% powerplay heterosexual strategic partners,so you can bark all you want,you are 1.5 generations behind seens theres no future in fascim nor you septic wanks!

Veritas Vincit

The Australians are becoming concerned and they have cause to be. The aggressive militarism of the US-NATO-Israel-allied bloc is progressing towards scenarios of direct kinetic conflict against the PRC, the DPRK, the Russian Federation and even the Republic of Indonesia (RI) where Australia has reinvigorated former partition operations targeting the resource rich West Papua region (replicating the format applied to partition East Timor/Timor Leste to secure more favourable resource extraction conditions while weakening the RI).

Unfortunately for the Australians they have not learned any lesson from their experiences in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc (all which violated a defensive posture)….. Qualitative military superiority (even allied nuclear capability) does not win wars in an asymmetric warfare domain. While the Australians are accelerating their procurement of advanced military technology, they still do not realise this situation. They will however likely learn the hard way as war is indeed approaching.

As part of US preparations for war against China (the US development of the offensive strike capabilities of Taiwan and moves to violate the Anti-Secession law being moves towards war), the format of US policies applied against Iraq being replicated against the DPRK (war/regime change operations being the eventual outcome), US-NATO-allied hybrid warfare operations against Russia moving closer to a direct war scenario, etc., importantly Australia is integrated into US operational plans.

Many do not understand the horror of war until they experience it. In time the Australians will understand.


It’s understood and Morrison said he will not bow to eu,germany/brussels/france (period) It shows in how we defeated their nwo coroina fearmonging policy and many sas arrests too, this is not turnbull soros running the show no more,we gave the fascist the anzac boot,better late than never,but atleast did what any other pro west nation cabinet ever had the guts to say no to cia/nazi/germany (period) Conversely before turdbull got sacked these situations were true,but then atleast usa did not promote lgbtQ/rigged elections and there was more usa moneys in oz but no more,so here on in money talks,no more free lunch,cheep bargains oz in charge of oz:

Veritas Vincit

Unfortunately the crimes of successive Australian governments (particularly from the Howard era to the current Morrison government) will result in the broader population suffering the consequences. As US alignment is bipartisan policy, Australia will almost certainly remain integrated into US operational plans. My advice is quietly prepare for likely approaching situations as Australian governments, through their hubris and crimes, are leading the nation to a catastrophe.


Lets be clear Australians are not turdbull or abbott nor ruddy poodles,get your jaw busted in our pubs!

Veritas Vincit

Australian procurements are largely based on war scenarios against China. The warfare domain is already active (where Australia is currently experiencing economic losses due to retaliatory actions by the PRC).

– “Australia is a frontline state in the new Cold War” (Malcolm Davis, Australian Strategic Policy Institute)

– “there is a warfighting domain in which there is already activity underway” (Major General Gus McLachlan in a statement to Australian media during the US-Australian Talisman-Sabre military exercises)

– “defense analysts from both countries expect an increased presence in Australia for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines in the form of bombers, nuclear submarines, missiles and troops…. it’s likely the Air Force will begin using runways in the northern part of the country, possibly for the B-52 strategic bomber and B-2 stealth bomber… [missile architecture] cooperation is more likely to speed up….” (Deal likely to bring more US military assets to Australia’, Stripes, June 20, 2014)

– “the Australian military is being integrated into the US military’s AirSea Battle doctrine. Under this plan, US forces will launch attacks on the Chinese mainland, while Australian forces will cut off China’s maritime trade links with the Middle East and Africa, starving its economy of oil, gas and other essential resources.” (Sydney’s week-long military extravaganza foreshadows new wars, 11 October 2013), etc……

In addition to an active hybrid warfare domain, Australia has initiated efforts to enhance military coordination with the US, India, Japan and Singapore (with the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue being the basis of forming an ‘Asian NATO’). But such alliances do not enhance security as falsely believed (such structures leading to conflicts having broader involvement/larger wars). The formation of alliances also produces counter-alliances. This is also the basis of world war scenarios.

US-NATO bloc is acting in violation of a defensive posture (sequential wars of aggression, military bloc/military architecture expansionism, (anti-democratic) ‘regime change’ operations to engineer integration of targeted nations into their bloc, etc.). If war at some stage is imposed on China (and/or Russia) as a result of the globally expanding militarism of the US-NATO-allied bloc, there will indeed be regret, (regardless of Australian hypersonic capabilities).

Trap Is Not Gay

Protect their countries… for… the African immigrants and Zionists…

Great defense (for them).


better for the stupid aussies to develop a method to stop these bush-fires which occur every summer when the heat is unbearable and land so dry it ignites by looking at it – the same for the morons in the dysfunctional states of A – just think california last summer and summer before that.

Ivan Freely

I’m surprised they’ve waited this long to begin development.


Australia has been trying to develop hypersonic vehicles since at least the 80’s. The last attempt sank without a trace in 2002. https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2002/07/milestones-history-of-scramjets


Peter jennings is fat turd not any part of Australian government nor manufacturing get rid of them:

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