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U.S. Announces Eight Waivers From Iran Oil Sanctions. China, Turkey Included

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U.S. Announces Eight Waivers From Iran Oil Sanctions. China, Turkey Included

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

US State Secretary Mike Pompeo said on November 5 that China, India, Italy, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey had received waivers that would allow them to continue “temporary” imports of Iranian oil without facing penalties.

“I promise you,” Pompeo said, “that doing business with Iran in defiance of our sanctions will ultimately be a much more painful business decision than pulling out of Iran.”

Pompeo claimed that the US has a broad support for the Trump administration’s approach. He added that “There are more than three” countries in Europe, which didn’t receive waivers. France, Germany and the U.K. as well as Russia and China have worked to preserve the Iran nuclear deal following the US exit.

“There are certain transactions that they can continue to do, whether they’re humanitarian transactions or certain trade in the restricted accounts,” Pompeo said commenting on the approach of the US towards EU states.

Furthermore, Pompeo said that there will be a “swift punishment” to countries who defy the US’ anti-Iran sanctions.

Earlier on the same day, the US officially imposed a ban on Iranian oil imports and sanctioned more than 700 Iranian companies and energy producers, and individuals. They target 50 Iranian banks, 200 individuals, and vessels in Iran’s shipping and energy sectors, as well as one airline and 65 of its aircraft.

The newly imposed sanctions marked the second phase of the so-called maximum pressure campaign launched by the Trump adminsitration in order to force Iran to re-shape its foreign and defense policies as well as to overthrow the current Iranian government.

Commenting on the sanctions, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that Iran “will face mounting financial isolation until they fundamentally change their destabilizing behavior.”

Iran Enters “Meme War” With United States. Quds Force Commander Repels Trump’s GoT-Themed Sanctions Poster

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Such grace from Pukka Sahib Pompeo to deign to allow purchases of oil from Iran.

stary ujo

USA are most pig country all around the world , with Israel !

Jens Holm

And You conclude pigs keep muslims from ME away ?

stary ujo

What has moslims with this article?

Jens Holm

And pigs and Israel ?

stary ujo

USA pigs and israel threating peace of the world !

Jens Holm

I dont see that. And which world is it. As a start You could stop raising half of Your population as pigs and sell them as that as well.

So You only read about the old mens world making better hay for cars.


They have been Threatening Peace for the Past 500 Years at Least….it is time that Tumor gets Removed…

Promitheas Apollonious

more or less 50 years, yes.

Promitheas Apollonious

you mistaking the tools for the masters. Behind every tool there is always the brain that direct it and control it. If you notice how many times they snaffle the deck …………

S Melanson

they shuffle often because of a long long streak of bad hands and Netanyahu really bad at bluffing – perhaps because he opens his mouth when he should not and so it is like laying the hand down for all to see – and no aces in sight…

By the way, near finished analysis paper on Russian/Israeli relationship

Rob G

Come on…. Atleast elaborate for us…

John Whitehot

and servants on their knees with their pants down ho.


YEAH ISRAELI KIDKILLING KOSHER NOSTRA PIGSSS…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/090297b4c9b38505c1af564ef95c5d9ec8c0bf36d27d5970f5c316599be44ccc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5446cd9d1df6cf6dc92a4c1d596eac9b19903d3f630cb1bcac9e1317ce0409b2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2fcb6ed6ee786441d6623b76f5736d0a9c11e153a94d2e12d73bdf20b6a090b8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5eccd5d5626e2c558c63cb65c020ef3030789ef5d2ad37c220c25a071c45a9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5a2675746cefa6bf0f6f2255f51019f88f4f441899dcf8f50d0f3a2d80bcf4df.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26bf92c2a572c64d81f7d4295db845caf0b2a1829afb7d9b7a8ead296e3f4944.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4bc701eb328780c30e8b35f810eb80d6d04c7ea0b2d12c8267e34f3587fab46.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/253bba7b5498eeb4d5d2c423b7680ae53b7cab338eed4719c79f0c013eaf1d79.jpg

Rob G

An yet no other country is manning up to these otracitities being allowed by these proxy wars…. So sad…


It’s not a matter of Countries…Leadership can be bought…anyone has his or her price.. and after all what is a couple of Billion if you can print them?…it is the Goyim in General that will get pretty Angry sooner or later….once the truth finally sets in to their Pea-Brains…..the “History” itself is pretty easy to understand

Rob G

?… soo… leadership can be bought you, as in YOU PEOPLE, the “few” the people who sit here and push and main narritive on how shit fucking works… SIT DOWN an let people take it as it is… …


Can you be a bit more specific? Your dictionary translates a bit weird….


I think he gets so excited over nothing that he can’t write a basic sentence in english.


Yes they are.

You can call me Al


You can call me Al


You can call me Al


Moshe Dummstein

Unrivalled efficiency (!)

S Melanson

The last two of dead kids is the new Israeli ads for tourism – Come to Israel where we have public executions – an exhilarating experience you will not want to miss – just go to the Gaza border and grab a seat – shows daily, and you might take in a spectacular Phosphorous attack.

The one with Soros and Obama and gang – that is the cover of the Handbook for all you need to know about Israeli Foreign Policy

The photo op of Netanyahu and wounded man does not tell the whole story of Netanyahoos’s compassion – after photo op is finished, Netanyahu asks doctor if the man will recover fully, Doctor says no, will be a paraplegic. Netanyahu “well he is of no use then, pull the plug and toss the body into a ditch. Now is that the last photo op, I have a snuff film showing to get to.”

The picture of the women happens to be Netanyahoo’s new mistress. Lovely…


If you want to know why people like Jens do what they do, read the Hasbara handbook. The book is an instruction manual. It’s the duty of every Jew to promote Israel, and spread disinformation.



From the Hasbara Handbook

Name Calling Through the careful choice of words, the name calling technique links a person or an idea to a negative symbol. Creating negative connotations by name calling is done to try and get the audience to reject a person or idea on the basis of negative associations, without allowing a real examination of that person or idea. The most obvious example is name calling – “they are a neo-Nazi group” tends to sound pretty negative to most people. More subtly, name calling works by selecting words with subtle negative meanings for some listeners. For example,describing demonstrators as “youths” creates a different impression from calling them “children”. For the Israel activist, it is important to be aware of the subtly different meanings that well chosen words give. Call ‘demonstrations’ “riots”, many Palestinian political organizations”terror organizations”, and so on.


I’m still waiting for the first Smart Hasbara….

Zionism = EVIL

IDIOT, stay off the drugs Middle East in 99% Muslim, ignorant fool :)


The U.S. is committing Seppuku at the Moment….and yeah that Country is pretty Sick…. Just like the European Establishment…. they are Parasites….Pompeo should dangle in a Tree….just Like the rest of Washington…. Their Arrogance is Beyond Bizarre…they have been to Disneyland too often….

Jens Holm

They dont have that many trees :)


Hang the rest in Canada…. they got plenty trees up there..


But many Jews to hang from trees :)


US sanctions are meaningless and toothless.


They have the opposite effect: The United States is Sanctioning & Isolating themselves…

Rob G

Funny how the most pig country is putting everyone on “notice” ??


Funny how the US are fast losing their influence in the world, just imagine in another 10 years.


By doing as they do now, it will not take 10 years to loose the grip. If these 7 exempted countries do oil business with Iran, they will do so not using US Dollars. It will become a threat to the dollar hegemony, which will affect the US economy. In Germany this will cause also some adjustments, which may lead to a closer cooperation with Russia. So be it.


All the Sanctioned Countries can Basically Create a New Currency out of Thin Air…. the United States of America & Rothschild have done exactly the same…. if we start trading Oil with Sea-Shells tomorrow it’s up to us right?

S Melanson

I am sorry but Beetle-Dung (TM) is the registered trademark for US currency, formerly known as US dollars and formerly the world reserve currency. $Beetle-Dung reserve notes can be traded through the new successor to SWIFT called the Special Heirarchal International Trader or S.H.I.T. When in need come to us cause with us, everything turn to S.H,I.T, and we are synonymous – U.S.A. = S.H.I.T. But we don’t need to tell the world, our reputation precedes us.

Jens Holm

they might, but will remain low as we are used to. I see it here for many writers. Not even talking about peace among each other.

Bobby Twoshoes

Absolutely hilarious, I agree! Everything about America is straight from a poorly written sit-com. Most of the jokes fall flat but there is plenty of comedy gold to be found and this attempt at arrogance while admitting defeat is one of them.

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly most fat Americunts look like pigs too, look at Trump and Pompeo, just stick an apple in their ugly fat faces and a skewer up their lardass and you could hardly tell the difference :)

Jens Holm

They dont look like hairy used black pipecleaners like You.

Jens Holm

Family to You ?


OIL Sanctions on IRAN will Hurt USA more at the GAS PUMP, PRICE will go UP

Jens Holm

Why dont You frequent facts and see Iranian export and import.

But NO NO – Why facts when You can create them by Your little carrot under Your bed blanket.

Fx https://www.statista.com/chart/14456/iranian-crude-oil-exports-by-destination/ by many.


It is so obvious that US gave exemptions just to save their own face as those countries told US in no uncertain terms they are not following the sanctions.

So where is the bite?

Just watch Iran gives trouble to US in ME as retaliation and when US will plead Iran for help

John Whitehot



What are your Facts?


I don’t think Jens has any.


Jens is a Danske Viking & Pigfarmer…he is getting his information from the: Århus Stiftstidende Bagsværd & Søborg Bladet… which explains enough…

Bobby Twoshoes

I don’t think you want to see them, from what I can decipher he thinks “facts” is what you call semen. Actually explains a lot really…


So according to your link most Iranian crude goes to Asia. The Asian nations will demand substantial discounts to disobey the American diktat. So any energy intensive products will be cheaper to produce in Asia. That will inevitably effect market share and either the price at the pump will be cheaper in Asia, or the refiners will make larger profits.

Prince Teutonic

What about Russia!? Can they buy oil from Iran?


Russians missed the deadline to apply for exemption :-)

Ivan Freely

Russia is an oil producing nation. But, they’ll do whatever they want in the end; sanctions or otherwise.


They already do from what I recall, and I can’t see that stopping.


A lot depends on supply and demand, but I’m sure Russia won’t mind selling Iranian oil if there is a market, and a financial incentive. Iran will have to offer a discount, so countries like China will have lower energy costs than the US, and Europe. Breakers of the sanctions make more money than those who obey American diktats.

The reason Obama did a deal with Iran, was the oil for gold model Iran adopted, was undermining the dollar.

Hisham Saber

The Chinese National Oil Corporation has already bought a 80% stake in Irans South Pars natural gas fields. Estimated to be the largest reserve in the world.

China has a huge stake in this ‘ game ‘ , and they will protect their investments. Also, Chinese Premier Xi has stated multiple times that Iran is an indispensable, crucial and integral part of the up and coming monumental, world altering OBR Silk Roads.

China to Pakistan, then to Iran, then Iraq, then Syria, all the way to Lebanon, where China is also building a massive port. China has built a massive port in Pakistan too. Djibouti as well. The China – Pakistan Economic Corridor is already about to finish up, a 50 billion dollar project. China and Iran have inaugurated the China-Iran rail system earlier this year. It is non-stop high speed cargo trains that make the trek in 14 days, instead of the 5 weeks by sea.

Simply put, China will float Iran through the sanctions, as they have already said they will not comply with the U.S. sanctions regime.


This world is so backwards when pretend cowboy yesterday nation like murican can sanction old civilizations like Persian, Chinese or Russian.


Guys nobody listen to washington regime. Their influence vanishing rapidly. This is due to their butchery around the world and collapse of economy. LOL


US reinstating of illegal sanctions on Iran is already backfiring, it will be the straw that broke the exceptional camel’s back. #dedollarisation #empirecollapse #multipolarworld


If Iran goes back to selling oil for gold, it will destroy the US dollar. The US is trying to stop Venezuela trading using gold. The Bank of England is stalling on the Venezuelan Government request to return its gold. The supply of gold can’t keep up with demand, a tipping point approaches.

John Whitehot

“swift punishment”.

Your punishment instead, is going to be painfully slow – the punishment for all the traitors and the scumbags you serve.

Promitheas Apollonious

I wonder if they understand none take them seriously any more with their embargoes and their exclusions. Unfortunately my country is head on first with FUKUS, they don’t know which ass to kiss first.

Rob G

All these nations just got put on “notice”….

Ivan Freely

Notice? Yeah, it’s “Well, we tried and failed.” LOL


No one is paying attention to that BS.


blah ………….. blah …………… blah. This is going nowhere.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, so basically you can’t buy Iranian oil unless you are a buyer of Iranian oil, that’ll show them who’s boss!

Zionism = EVIL

These sanctions are as useless as tits on a bull. The US losers have no relevance in the world anymore and most rational nations will simply ignore them. The “waivers” are more of a face saving for the ugly Americunts as the world will keep on buying Iranian oil.


The US foreign policy of perpetual “enemy” creation and conflict fabrication to advance Jew world order hegemony is insane. This is exactly what Trump campaigned against and won the election on and now he’s done a complete about face. Though he was talking against Iran also before the election. But there’s a difference between criticising the nuclear deal, which most Americans supported, and going off of the deep end with this sanctions nonsense. And what really rubs salt in the wound is the dichotomy with Saudi Arabia. Which is a huge state sponser of terrorism and uses it’s embassies to murder it’s citizens and cut them up into little pieces. While Iran is fighting terrorism in Syria.


Isn’t the irony here that as far as I know, China never applied for a sanctions waiver, simply stating that it’s none of Washington’s business who they buy their oil from? Indeed this looks like a face-saving statement.


Gosh, who do they think they are? It’s time to boycott all US products.

Promitheas Apollonious

US products? Name me one, is not made in china ……………


The US is giving these waivers to India, Turkey and China and possibly to Japan and St. Korea knowing that they will ingnore the sanctions. The power of the US has it’s limitations too so better trying to give the impression that they have full understanding of the economic desires of other countries than having to admit that the US is not able to impose their will. The waivers are only given to save their face.

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