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MARCH 2025

U.S. Approves Of Beijing’s Actions

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U.S. Approves Of Beijing's Actions

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The US seems to be complacent as China heeds its warnings about supporting Russia or pretends to heed. Two months after the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and fears that Beijing is ready to help Russia in its struggle, senior US officials reportedly claimed that they have not found any open Chinese military or economic assistance to Moscow, which is a welcome development in tense US-Chinese relations.

Anonymous U.S. officials have reportedly told Reuters that they remain wary of China’s support for Russia in general, but that the military and economic support they worried about has not materialized, at least for the moment.

“We have not seen the PRC provide direct military support to Russia or make a systematic effort to help Russia avoid our sanctions,” Reuters cited an official in the Biden administration. “We continue to monitor the PRC and any other country that might support Russia or otherwise evade U.S. and partner sanctions,” he added.

In addition to avoiding direct support for Russia’s military efforts, China has avoided new contracts between some of its state-owned refining companies and Moscow, despite large discounts. In March, state-run Sinopec Group suspended talks on major petrochemical investments and a gas marketing venture in Russia.

U.S. Approves Of Beijing's Actions

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On the other hand, private Chinese refineries are buying Russian oil at a discount while state traders are afraid of sanctions. As a representative of one of the refineries in Shandong told the FT, since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, it has not publicly reported on deals with Russian suppliers in order not to attract attention and not fall under U.S. sanctions. At the same time, he said, the refinery took over some of the quotas for the purchase of Russian oil from state-owned traders.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that China was dealing with a “significant reputational risk” of being an ally of Russia and that “so far we see no significant support from China for Russia’s military actions.”

China has a very cunning and shrewd policy. Since the public sector cannot cooperate directly with Russia because of possible U.S. sanctions, China works through the private sector. Moreover, the influence of the public sector on the private one is very strong, and in fact, the public sector controls the private sector. Therefore, China buys Russian energy resources and avoids U.S. sanctions, which is a very thoughtful policy.


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Muhammad your Prophet

As long as enough oil flows to pay for the moronic invasion, Putin thinks he can keep up the charade at the Kremlin while holding the rest of Europe hostage with terror tactics. Putin the terrorist cockroach is on survival mode.


Wrong again deadbeat zombie,if anything this only proves russia dont need china weapons or milita to deal with your entire homosexualised zombified,terrified cia bluffs! 65 rub to dolla proves my case,RUSSIA STOCKS URRP! No future in fascism and your lgbtq!

Last edited 2 years ago by NY TIMES HAS AIDZ
Muhammad your Prophet

Right again, you fucking moron. China’s making too much money with the US to risk it by giving weapons to a terrorist cockroach like Putin. It’s pretty simple if you weren’t such a brainless deadbeat.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Meanwhile the Russians continue to help China with technology at all levels. Russia does not need Chinese help you Moron

Omas Bioladen

U mad bro?


It is no surprise that China fears sanctions by the US. Chinese do not like futile conflicts conducted by Russia. China ostensibly supports Russia only because it knows that if Russia collapses, it will be next. Chinese will not choose freedom, but they will take bread. Russians do not choose freedom, but they do not choose bread either. Russians are a cult that desires violence and death above all else.

China, with its strong desire for economic benefits, is far more rational and reasonable than Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rosuke
USA Evil Empire

“Freedom”? lol Moron you don’t even know what ‘freedom’ means, nor you deserve freedom you braindead indoctrinated slave of the demonic Anglozionist empire – the true USatanic cult and global terrorist organization trying to conquer and enslave the entire world for 200+ years. There is no place on Earth not terrorized by true Axis of Evil – UK/US/Israel, no conflict, no war, no crime without them behind it. Now back on your knees and keep licking their butts you stupid masochist bitch owned by demons from Washington DC. That’s the only “freedom” you have.

Last edited 2 years ago by USA Evil Empire

When I read such garbage and that tone… I can imagine what the opposite of freedom is . And it is good that psychopaths remind us about that from time to time and why we have to defend it .


It seems that you also need to think a little fool. 1.5 million dead Iraqis don’t trigger any thing in your brain since you seem Anencephalic. Instead you defend the Empire of Lies and Chaos…… By all means continue to pay 5-8 dollars a gallon for gasoline = It helps your Owners.


do you think you are free ?


Freedom is just a fake word that gullible morons like you NEED to believe in to keep you in your coma of gluttony and addiction.


I agree


China stated many time that they fully understand the reasoning behind Russian operation in Ukraine. To say “futile conflict” you clearly show you are not informed.


China has enough freedom, atleast you are not left on the street to die from curable disease or hunger (both can easily happen in US). China is very safe, crime is close to zero and you can go pretty much anywhere, with any danger whatsoever. But in turn, they will not allow you to dissent and cause unrests. And China is not only such place, even in democratic Thailand you will have huge problems if you dare to say a word over their leadership.


count the number of jews in the government and banking system and the one with the most jews is the bad guys


Err, as an expert in matters of jews…what does count as jew? Does it have to be jewish of religion ? Jewish of ancestry? And if so, what about half-jews? And quarter jews etc? And do we would need a proper dna test? (there might be jews around, who even donΒ΄t know that they are jews).


If russia falls china is next. Seems to me that all countries that does anything to weaken the petrodollar will face war or internal conflicts. Usa seems to be very open with that China is their greatest treat therefore weaken or removing russia is an important step in their goal to isolate china before they destroy them. The chinese is smart and aware of this so they cant let russia fail because then they will be surronded. China should stop their disputes with india and form an Asian alliance simular to nato. Think that would have a positiv effect for global peace. The anglosaxons this time USA dont really understand that india is now a strong and independent country. I truely hate war because it young men about 18 years old that die and suffer for old men ambitions

Last edited 2 years ago by Thoughts

How would you say US antigonised China in any way since the defunct Trump trade war? How would US and China not be ennemy only in facade? Why would global oligarchy build modern China, make it the perfect orwelian state to then decide to destroy it?

Fred Dozer

Yes I agree. China is devesting 3-5 trillion US dollars the US will immediately steal. However, being China is worth twice as much as US, in emergency, they would aid Russia before being fully de-vested. IMO


China should liberate Taiwan immediately from NAZIs and should not wait for NATO permission. This would be a new stroke to NATO member states. Very bad days for NATO.


and after that they should denazify israel jointly with russia


China and Russia should work together because union is strength. China and Russia together have the upper hand on the whole world.


NATO is scared of the unity of Russia and China.


China to liberate Taiwan and Russia to liberate Ukraine from Nazis. Taiwan should not give the TSMC blueprint to NATO states.


otherwise it would be a treason against its own people for which serious consequences could be faced.


China is shocked by Russia’s lack of military competence.


That is wishful thinking and an invention of the Cyber War Command plus US / UK “Imbeciligence”


Nobody can trust China. They could be monitoring if Ukraine open any window for them to grab Siberia


But you wear “Made in China” skivvies and have a Made in China Computer…….


Lol.πŸ˜‚ Yes, China is so worried about US sanctions. Because you know if the US sanctions China the US economy will tank even more than it is presently! So scary!?!πŸ™„


China is a fence sitting, back stabbing country. Only idiots would think it’s a savior for humanity or look up to it. Ppl are so stupid, China leaked virus, destroyed world economy, screwed everyone in the ass and ppl turn around and thank it.


Destroyed the Clients (world economy) ??? NO you fool !! The US is the one with the sanctions that make China and Russia Richer and Stronger. At least stop wearing underwear Made in China dimwit.


Go nibble on xidick

Wishing for stability

USA won’t destroy Russia just weaken it a bit because Russia is not really an economic threat, EU and China are economic threats EU is in process of having their economy dismantled China is next.


Some russkies forget that China and Russia are strategic rivals and long term enemies. More than the US. Russia has only taken Chinese land throughout history while Britain and others have returned theirs. Some chinks may remember that. Russia and China can only expand at the expense of each other. China’s weakness has prevented conflicts but in the future they are inevitable. So it is good for Russia to work with the US to keep China weak, small and contained. By working with the west Russia can only take more land in the future.


These Dumb Americans are going to experience an extreme loss of comfort and daily living. Its going to be funny when their mouths get stuffed with the same shit that they’ve been hurling at Russia. “Russias economy is going to crash” All while Russia and China get stronger. Not one of these Netflix addicts will care about Ukraine once bread is $20 a loaf and gas is rationed.

Christian J. Chuba

Nothing like the raw power of coercion to force unwilling countries to join your crusade. The U.S. is a hopeless bully and doesn’t even see it.


”China has a very cunning and shrewd policy. Since the public sector cannot cooperate directly with Russia because of possible U.S. sanctions, China works through the private sector.β€œ

What an moronic remark by such idiotic writer to call China cunning for doing what every country practise to avoid US unilateral sanction hegemony.


As China said, its an insult to offer aids to big country like Russia who has not ask for help.

Only West loves to interfer others business offering uninvited advice and help that nobody want.


Don’t try to bring China and Russia apart. No matter the strategies, China is a very firm supporter of Russia. Without China, Russia would have difficulties. but, without Russia, China would have difficulties as well. Russia is a military might. China is an economic might. A great fit! Therefore: their relationship is mutual. They need to support each other in order to withstand the global onslaught of the USA.

IF the USA gets them apart or gets one of them, then the humanity has no hope. This is the last bastion against predatory financial capitalism. WE ARE BROTHERS and WE STAND BACK TO BACK!

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