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The United States Army had a much needed success in modernization while testing its new Precision Strike Missile (the PrSM).
The PrSM reached a range of 400 km, making it the longest it had flown so far. The test took place at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
The missile went through three flight tests last year during a technology maturation and risk reduction phase, ranging from 240 kilometers, 180 kilometers and 85 kilometers. Shorter ranges can be more difficult to execute, as the missile must go up and come down quicker.
The PrSM is a priority program for the Army. It is intended to replace the Army Tactical Missile System and to play an important role in the service’s future deep-strike capability.
Initially, the missile was planned to go up to 499 kilometers, as it adhered to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. Washington withdrew from it, and as such now the US Army wants it to reach further.
The May 12 test marks the fourth PrSM missile flight test and the first of three tests in an extended technology maturation and risk reduction phase. There will be two more flight tests this year. It is expected that in the near future the missile will be tested at Vandenberg Air Base, California. It is planned to attempt to fly it further than 499 kilometers.
The US Army’s aim is to initially field the capability in 2023 and then add further improvements that will meanwhile be tested such as an enhanced seeker, increased lethality and an extended range.
The near-term priority is to pursue a maritime, ship-killing capability as well as enhanced lethality. Then the service plans to pursue an extended-range capability, but the timeline is unclear.
The PrSM will be a surface-to-surface, all weather, precision-strike guided missile fired from the M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).
The baseline missile will be developed and fielded to engage a wide variety of targets at ranges of up to and beyond 499km. It will emphasize imprecisely located areas and point targets. Primary emphasis for follow-on spirals will be on increased range, lethality and engagement of time sensitive, moving, hardened and fleeting targets.
PrSM is expected to provide field artillery units with long range and deep strike capability while supporting all parts of the US Army in their operations. PrSM will replace the existing aged inventory of non-Insensitive Munitions and Cluster Munition policy compliant with new Army Tactical Missile Systems.
What about our precious multipolar new world order? Why did our dear leader in the Kremlin go along with 9/11, the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq and Lybia, the partition of Syria and siege of Venezuela, and the covid1984 plandemic? Americans are just insane, Ziocorporate inbreeding is way worse than in Russia and it shows in ther policymaking. The Russian Zioligarchs actually care for Russian people and the world, the US regime is just disgusting.
Maybe a new crisis in North Korea or Donbass can set things straight for a while, I hope.
Unfortunatly You ignore facts Yourself. Russia is not USSR and collapsed and collapsed. You have to subtract many millions of producers, which forced or not supported the UISSR Neocolonialisme.
Most people in the “Wst” are laughing with all Your zio my here and zio my ther. We only agree about its a very good excuse for the usual non devellopment system, which has not changed and was an excuse under the Tzars too. Some few are still running Russia as sekular feudalisme.
Its the same for others in big trouble. You dont educate and reward a middle class. Russia do make a lot of good scoence in the top, but by that they can produce and distribute the product. The state also constant need money for many kinds of wellfare. But the money is there and not even hidden well.
Here the jews were the only Middleclass becvsue there was a well eduicated upperclass and the rest was kept in dark control by stupidisme very much related to relgions as well.
So Russia cant regrow anything for real, if they dont invest in education systems and rewarding and do the opposite. Someone has to make the cake bigger. Russia today only has repaired the good parts of their collapsed systems and again has a good but ineffective food production to export. Oil/gas is same thing.
Thats no growth but repair.
I partly can agree in Your “INSANE” about the americans. I cant see the USA oligarcs are worse then the Russian one. Its often much easier to steal if the production is much higher. So maybee You should calculate better in % of the GDP and not in Rubels or dollars. I do.
Its difficult to get accurate estimates, but there are relative good maps for corruption in the world. Thats an indicator for med but also seemes to show corruption for countries.
I might be a kind of proud by looking. Danes are number one in control and low corruption. Unfortunatly Ours is low and not gone too. is made by “Transparensy” but other estimates says same thing.
Otoh major improvements to a Romanian base are set to begin this summer as the U.S. Air Force looks to boost its presence and support larger NATO missions in the strategically important Black Sea region.Usa will locate brand new Nsm coastal defense systems.Black sea will be a hot region.
Thats right. Each member of Nato has to have good facilities for the rest of us. Its their facility but sometimes mpore or less financed by others. .
Its alos normal procedure to defend bases, where I come from.
Maybee You have heard the Russians only use peacekeepoing umbrellas:)
Any map show the Black sea is not a Russian sea but to share.
Last night I had the strangest dream… I Was in this chatt room by myself. but all of a sudden, there was not just me there, but a hundred me’s… a thousand me’s… The strange thing was… ị̇t f̡͗el̼̊t go̍ͅoḑ̊. I felt like I was part of something… like I Belong… I hope I hav the same dream tonihgt.
Thats ID theft and not me at all. People doing that should be crusified upside down.
I must be dreaminng again. I see My name evrywhere now jjust like the dream. Are you sure that You are yourself and not me but iunstead I am you or am I? It Doesnt matter now we are all ONE. You may have guns and hatred on yoor side, but I am one of Many.
People not even daring to use their own Avatar ID are very low in self condense.
Why do You fear the loss of Yoor individiuality so much? Man can dream, but the Many can accomplish. You and I are now of one mind… our bodies are changing too Sometimes it hurts terribly and sometimes it is marvelous. something wondervul is hapening to Us.
You cant possibly understand what our mission is here and the glory of our purpose. If you do what we say, you might have a chanse to see the glory of the Many. Comply or die,. Its that simple.