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U.S. Army Says It Intercepted Houthi Anti-Ship, Land-Attack Cruise Missiles

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U.S. Army Says It Intercepted Houthi Anti-Ship, Land-Attack Cruise Missiles

USS Carney firing interceptors at missiles and drones launched from Yemen over the Red Sea on October 19. Source: U.S. Army.

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) announced in two separate statements that its forces intercepted on May 23 three cruise missiles which were launched from Yemen by the Houthis (Ansar Allah).

In the first statement, the command said that two Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles were intercepted by its forces over the Red Sea.

“There were no injuries or damage reported by U.S., coalition, or commercial ships,” the command said. “This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.”

CENTCOM said in the second statement that a land-attack cruise missile was destroyed by its forces in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen.

“It was determined the LACM [Land-Attack Cruise Missile] presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region,” the command said.

“These actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S., coalition, and merchant vessels,” it added.

The Iran-backed Houthis announced on May 24 that they had attacked three merchant vessels with links to Israel in the Arabian, Red and Mediterranean seas in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as well as in response to recent American and British strikes on Yemen.

Since last November, the Houthi have attacked dozens of vessels affiliated with Israel or owned by the U.S. and the United Kingdom in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean in response to the Israeli war and siege on Gaza.

In addition, the group launched dozens of drones and missiles at the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat and shot down five U.S. combat drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

The U.S. and the UK have carried out hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen since January in an attempt to deter the group. Despite causing dozens of casualties, the strikes failed to degrade the capabilities of the group or intimidate its leadership.


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Satanic Anglo Scum!

these lgbt fuckers aren’t hitting shit, they launch this strikes and say this was struck this was destroyed, smh pathetic probably to busy giving each high fives on each other’s asses.

KILL allah

no, they are in bed with the nazy iranian ayatollaha and thats why the hootys can do what they want. fokk joe biden

Satanic Anglo Scum!

yeah fuck trump too he won’t maga!


a houthi missile of 50.000 usd is intercepeted by stuff that costs 2 million. just see who will last longer. there will be no compromise by the houthi so the days of cherry picking for usa are over. now it is time for war with a real army and motivated well armed militias. they are also skilled in making videos of their deadly attacks so time for popcorn!

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