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U.S. Assassinates Senior Kata’ib Hezbollah Commander In Iraqi Capital (Videos)

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U.S. Assassinates Senior Kata'ib Hezbollah Commander In Iraqi Capital (Videos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

The United States has assassinated a senior commander of Iranian-backed Kata’ib Hezbollah right in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The commander, Wisam Mohammed Saber al-Saedi, and two of his guards were in an SUV in the al-Mashtal, a predominantly Shia neighborhood in eastern Baghdad, when it was targeted by a U.S. combat drone late on February 7. All three of them died.

In a statement, the U.S. Central Command said that the strike targeted a commander of Kata’ib Hezbollah “responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on U.S. forces in the region,” without naming him.

“There are no indications of collateral damage or civilian casualties at this time,” the statement continued. “The United States will continue to take necessary action to protect our people. We will not hesitate to hold responsible all those who threaten our forces’ safety.”

Kata’ib Hezbollah released a statement mourning al-Saedi, also known as “Abu Baqir Diyala,” saying al-Saedi’s death “calls us to remain steadfast in the jihadist approach.”

U.S. Assassinates Senior Kata'ib Hezbollah Commander In Iraqi Capital (Videos)

Wisam Mohammed Saber al-Saedi. Via X.

Iraq’s Joint Operations Command said in a statement on X that it sees the strike as a “new aggression by the United States.” Spokesperson Tahseen Al Khafaji added that the move acted to “undermine all understandings” between Iraq and the U.S.

A U.S. official told ABC News that the airstrike was part of the retaliatory actions President Joe Biden authorized last week following the January 28 drone attack on Tower 22 base in Jordan that killed three American service members and wounded more than 40 others.

The U.S. conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria last week targeting seven locations used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated forces in retaliation for the deadly drone attack in Jordan. U.S. officials said afterward that additional action would be taken against Iranian-backed, who have been attacking US and coalition forces across the region for months in response to the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

A Biden administration official told CNN that the strike on the Kataib Hezbollah commander does not mark the end of a series of retaliatory actions, with more to come in the coming days in response to the killing of the three American service members.

Following the attack on Tower 22, Kataib Hezbollah said that they were ceasing their attacks and operations against U.S. forces in the region so as not to embarrass the Iraqi government.

Kataib Hezbollah is thought to be a key faction of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iranian-backed coalition that claimed responsibility for more of the attacks that targeted U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria after the outbreak of the war in Gaza.

The group is also a member of the Popular Mobilization Forces which was created some ten years ago to fight ISIS and was later officially recognized as a part of Iraqi government forces.

Al-Saedi was not the first commander of Iranian-backed forces in Iraq to be assassinated by the U.S. during the current confrontation. In fact, the attack on Tower 22 is thought to be a response to the January 4 U.S. drone strike on Baghdad that killed Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, a senior commander of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba.

The assassination of al-Saedi will certainly lead to more escalation against U.S. forces in Iraq, Syria and possibly other neighboring countries like Kuwait and Jordan. Washington attempts to deter Iranian-backed forces will backfire, like always.



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jens holm

we are immoral nazi losers


time to unleash the power of the entire resistance against the anglozionazi squatter$ throughout the region. the no longer grate $atan must be sent packing back to $lumville.


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


barbecued and now burning in hell 😆😆😆

No love for 1776!

it’s amusing when and which sf articles you pick and choose to troll on. ukranazis are losing zionists are bleeding and lgbt navy projecting it’s “might” on houthis which hasn’t done shit to stop them houthis are not afraid of lgbt u.s anglo military.

CEO of Yapping

normal indian cow…


i find it strange that russia doesn’t strengthen its alliance with shias in iraq, whereas usa directly supports ukrainians and wahabis against russia. concerning shia militias, they must form a united army to fight. one group here, one there is not helpful to the cause. third, strategy and deeds, not just words.

Last edited 1 year ago by JamL
Dog Stew

agreed. that would help but how many shia people are there able to fight? are there any sunni groups that could be aligned? i dont count on russia to do anything about pisrael. seems like they want to be included in the nwo cashless globalist slave owners club.


members of brics are already calling for cashless digital money. mp-nwo is the real nwo, we just haven’t been told yet.

Dog Stew

also find it strange that they repeatedly make announcements or press conferences directed towards the west as if it wont be censored, ignored, or twisted to fit the narrative. there is nothing to be said to judeo-satanast the only thing that works against those sub-animal creatures is pure unrestrained violence and hatred that they earned. that is what pdfile child killers deserve at the very least.


who would be surprised if israel is dissolved and the zionists all move to their old homeland where the population is being ‘legally’ eliminated, right down to the old and infirm?


why would rus want to stir sectarian violence in the m.e. as it will only benefit yoosa and its lackeys? rus must get involved on its own terms, and stand up and stop the violence – but it won’t because it is afraid of murika!

working through easily manipulated (and just as easily misunderstood) proxies is a recipe for disaster.


cooperation with shia muslims is not about supporting sectarianism. sectarianism in iraq is a product of imperialists. like pbs, a us channel, has recently published a propaganda documentary with the title “investigating shia militias’ alleged abuse of sunni civilians”, which is also on youtube.


prpgnda, divisiveness and pot stirring are basic imperialist tactics because they work!

sectarian tensions in the m.e. have informed/influenced all actions for decades, and (whether intended or not) support for one side or other will be spun by yoosa to create still more hatred and violence.

rus cannot be seen to behave like yoosa, and this sort of action would send out all the wrong signals. it needs to directly stand up against murika without any proxy.


anyways, in fact shia iraqis support sunni palestinians more than other sunni arab countries and expose themselves and their country to the danger of instability and war. yemenis are zaidis and fight for sunni palestinians. on the other hand which sunni government, from afghanistan to turkey, does send support sunni palestinians?


rus, superpower, is trying to set an alternative path in world politics, so cannot behave like (1) regional (islamic) states with clear political, historical, cultural connections/influence or (2) imperial murika which murders, thieves, corrupts and occupies.

in a post political world rus actions need to set a precedent for equitable co-existence. it needs to stand up to yoosa or shut up and just let yoosa rule the world with $$s and guns.

american empire going down

the brit, jew and amerian is dumb as a rock. they will never win when squatting in other people’s countries. they are wasting their time. all this blowhard chest beating and air stirking will do nothing but accelerate how much more they are hated. the west is spiteful, nasty and ugly people running around with no plan

Rudolf M. Nadler

one is leaving, three new ones are coming. the us can nail the hit to the knee.

R. Ambrose Raven

so this commander was not saved, presumably kata’ib hezbollah generally will not be saved, by their cowardice in the face of the enemy in announcing a halt to attacks on us forces. their “leadership’s” humiliation will if nothing else underline that hamas is right – it is a war to the end be it victory or defeat.


is s.f. still pushing yoosa lies about where the strike on illegal yoosa base took place? or has the jrdnian govt changed its mind under pressure? if not why isn’t the word ‘alleged’ being inserted?

in the meantime here’s a message to any group or government who still think murika is a trustworthy negotiating partner, please contact bff, as i have a lovely bridge to sell them.


time to kill more amer invaders!


i’m sure kh will hold to account all us murderers.


they still stupid, as they are in one car, using same sell fone for monts of years. cell fones are haked by yanks because they control the providers !!! so the way they could hit them 100% stupid !!! and the more the pro yankee/zionist spys, addept to the blood dollar and power in government !!! kill them all !!!

John Kesich

time for hezbollah to target a top israeli leader?

Icarus Tanović

just happened.

"R" Addison

drone waring for sure undeclared by us: hegemon, has been bombing any arab-semite country and supporting zionist-fascist mannerist exterminations for far too long’…

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