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MARCH 2025

U.S. Boosting Its Military Presence In Syria’s Al-Tanaf Area

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U.S. Boosting Its Military Presence In Syria's Al-Tanaf Area

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) withdrew from several positions north and west of the US-led coalition base in al-Tanaf area near the Syrian-Iraqi borde, the Jordanian al-Ghad newspaper reported on November 5.

The newspaper said that the SAA withdrew from its positions on the Damascus-Baghdad highway west of the al-Tanaf base during the last weeks. The SAA also withdrew from Wadi al-Wa’r village on the Syrian-Iraqi border and several other areas north of al-Tanaf.

Saeed Saif, an official of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) group – Ahmad al-Abdo Forces, accused the SAA of withdrawing in order to open a route for ISIS towards the al-Tanaf base. Said stressed that the US-backed FSA groups in al-Tanaf base are not willing to advance and capture the empty areas, because of “bad experience” they had in fighting against the SAA and ISIS previously.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Abu al-Atheer spokesperson of the US-backed Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra FSA group told al-Ghad that the SAA withdrew its units from some positions around al-Tanaf only to reinforce its ongoing military operation towards al-Bukamal city. The SAA withdrawal will likely change nothing on the ground around al-Tanaf base.

Al-Ghad also revealed that the US-led coalition established a new base near Rukban refugee camp southeast of al-Tanaf base on the Syrian-Jordanian border. The US-led coalition deployed 100 Special Forces soldiers to the new base, according to al-Ghad.

The recent movements of the SAA and the US-led coalition around al-Tanaf will not likely effect the situation there. It appears that the Russian-American agreement regarding the area is still held very well.

Back on October 21, an SAA officer who was deployed on the Syrian-Jordanian border told South Front that the SAA withdrew from garrison 204 to garrison 198 on the border due to the Russian-American agreement.

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Vince Dhimos

The US still has no legal right to be there.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I think that a carefully guided missile from a hundred miles away should be launched, a powerful one that kills all 100 special-atheist forces from the USSA-Empire. No one ever needs to claim responsibility. It could be Iran, it could have been Russia, could have been Syria, could have been Israeli-faults-flag-attack, could have been some militia, could have been ISIS, could have been Turkey, who knows. lol


A missile on Assads palace would also be an even more effective suggestion.


Ah, so you like assassination dutch. tsk tsk.


he is to old, he will never wake up, his indoctrination is to strong for his age. It is even very dangerous to make him think different and that maby his country and “partners” are the one who are the bad guys. Very sad


indoctrination starts at an early age with most people

Dennis R

It does. But I’m sorry, we’re like all tenth generationals at this point!! We have no excuse to not be highly educated (and don’t give me the “my mommy and daddy lived in a shack and had no money” shit…We lived in a car my whole life with NO FOOD) and I scored 98. Point is, we know better. In the US, all we ALL HAVE WANTED is for this to end. We just keep trying to help and all countries/mid-eastern leaders do is guard their oil thinking that’s why we came…And sure, it’s a bonus!! SHIT WE EARNED IT EVERY TIME. Check out Kuwait, see how they feel these days….small price to pay to give us like 10% of your oil and you never even miss it because of how much Syria, Iraq, etc produce every month. WE ARE NOT THE WORLD POLICE BUT IF GOOD MEN DO NOTHING, EVIL TRIUMPHS. WE LEFT IRAQ AFTER ELIMINATING ZARQAWI, HIS ADMIN AND OTHER LEADERSHIP STARTED DAESH AND NOW WE HAVE PROOF, ON TV EVERY DAY, THAT IF YOU DON’T FINISH WHAT YOU START, IT ONLY GETS WORSE…I MEAN AM I WRONG? SHOW ME HOW I’M WRONG BY SAYING THAT WE ALL NEED TO CHECK OURSELVES AND GET IT TOGETHER. TRUST IS THE FIRST STEP. THE UK/CANADA/FRENCH/AND US ARE ALL FRIENDS TO ARABS EVEN WITHOUT OIL. LOOK AT JORDAN….OUR MOST ASTOUNDINGLY AMAZING AND COURAGEOUS ALLIES IN THIS FIGHT. THE REST OF THAT SHITHOLE PART OF THE WORLD SHOULD TAKE NOTES


USA is the menace of this world, but their power is crumbling as we chat…


Everybody needs to stay close to the truth, no matter where it leads. It is the only way to evolve, as difficult a process as it is. I wish well to you Orcbuu.

Jaime Galarza

Has Assad illegally invaded another country? I don’t know if you are Dutch but if you are, you show a lack on integrity in following a criminal cabal vent on world domination.

Dennis R

FORGET ASSAD!!!! Him illegally invading ANY country isn’t the issue….how about gas? NOW, for NO JOKE, like the fifth time (i believe) we and a dozen other unbiased international orgs have confirmed he used chem weapons (WMDS!!! helloooo???). SAA aren’t the ones to blame in my eyes, though if they shoot at us we smoke them every time they try…But we know they are just regular men who have families. But Assad? I hate Trump too, but guess what? Assad is not the leader that will lead you very far. HIS MILITARY is the only reason (and believe, without Putin and his massive bank account), the YPG and us would have finished with less than %75 of the collateral damage and death. What a waste…hope you’re all happy, Syria. Now Iran can run you like the puppets you have always been

Jaime Galarza

BS. Go and take your meds. Regarding this gas Assad-did-it idiocy -and only brainwasjed idiots believe it- go and enlighten yourself reading Prof. T, Postol on this subject. https://cultureandpolitics.org/tag/theodore-postol-on-syria/ Regarding Putin and his billions, can you provide some proof? Speaking of puppets, you are the perfect example.

Rakean Jaya

Hey Geert, in plaats van alleen maar onzin uit te stralen (zionistische overtuigingen), is het beter voor je om je achterste te kussen,


Hey Tayyip, waarom doe je dat niet zelf? Or rather, YOU can kiss MY ass.

John Brown

So Mossad National is that is the Mossad plan? North Korea has the same plan for racist supremacist Israel should it order its American slaves to attack North Korea, but it won’t be just one missile and they will have nuclear war heads. I wonder if racist supremacists like you realize just how close you are to causing your own extinction should the racist supremacist Jewish global slave empire attack NK, Russia, China etc. or do you think your lord Satan will somehow stop missiles from impacting Israel etc?


So, acc to you and others, now I am a Mossad national, a kurd and what ever. Sorry guys. Just Dutch, nothing more and nothing less.


Yes, for the way you think,….better look for the true, it does not matter how much it hurt you, “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.”

Dennis R

WMDs huh? you mean to claim they never existed? Hmmm…..I don’t know Saddam’s whole deal (though I know US SOF who saw barrels of mustard gas powdered base-form in barrels leaving BIAP–Baghdad International–so it wasn’t like he didn’t have WMDs of ANY kind, just not nukes…we WERE wrong and we admitted it) HOWEVER, Assad now has used chem gas weapons on his OWN PEOPLE (how many more times have outside unbiased international rights organizations have to agree on the same for this to sink in to Syria’s thick skull????) THAT IS CALLED A WMD, little fella. That had been classified that, just like EMPs, diseases, etc. GET OVER IT. STOP ACTING LIKE N. KOREA and IRAN DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING HIGHLY DANGEROUS TO THE ENTIRE REGION THAT SOME CMDR PLANNING A COUP TO OVERTHROW THE GOV COULDN’T GET HIS HANDS ON ANYTIME!! THEN WHAT? DO WE NUKE INNOCENT PEOPLE IN SYRIA? DO WE JUST HUNT SOME ANONYMOUS GENERAL? IT’S LIKE TOM CLANCYS “THE SUM OF ALL FEARS” (SORRY IDK IF YOU READ OR ARE EVEN CAPABLE OF THE PATIENCE AND INTELLECT I GUESS…SORRY) AND IT DISCUSSES THAT IN GREAT LENGTH. WMDS ARE ALWAYS OUT THERE. THE MIN SOMEONE OPENS PANDORAS BOX, IT’S OVER AND IT WON’T BE US…


You are just a turd with a computer, a worthless braindead imbecile.

Dennis R

If you are Kurd, know that no matter what those crazies we REALLY DID BELIEVE WERE OUR FRIENDS IN THE IRAQI SEC FORCES (i worked in pivate security contracting for the US) ever do, you will never be alone…EVER. This is the first war EVER where hundreds upon thousands of broke and rich alike, all at once, stand up to volunteer for YPG etc to defend the rights of the Kurds. Thats what America is and has always supported

John Brown

You are a racist supremacist co -intel pro, either a shabbas Goy overseer of the Goyim slaves (the Samuel L. Jackson character in Jango) or a racist supremacist Jew yourself, as all your comments are in the interests of the racist, supremacist, chosen, superior, global, Jewish, slave, empire, of hate. Others just don’t have the knowledge to recognize it or are making fake posts to try to make it look like you are not pro racist supremacist Israel. Not all Jews are racist supremacists like you which is why I always say that term in my comments

L'Obelisk Jewellers


Dennis R

Why is it always coming around to race debates that just prove ignorance on all sides? Mossad doesn’t give a shit…They have American SF, French cmdos, etc in their ranks….yeah! Is that racist or in any way aligned with what you claim?? The DPRK is just an entirely locked up nation with Kim’s finger on the trigger to his own starving citizens…complain? you go to a camp forever and so does anyone you know. I only back Israel, regardless if I may disagree with things they’ve done, but I support them because they know the end game. They know what would happen if everyone’s ridiculously ignorant levels of hatred went out of control and chem weapons, EMPs, nukes, whatever, got used on a place full of innocent people WHO ARE NOT MOSSAD….Then, what happens is those countries that started the problem are F–KED BIG TIME. The world will just consume them….and no one will lift a finger to stop it.

John Brown

Part 1 The USSA killed 20% of the population of the North in the Korean War in a holocaust shoah by orders of their racist, supremacist, chosen, superior, global, Jewish, slave, empire, of hate. They will never forget nor should they. Who has the DPRK attacked?? No one. The USA has attacked numerous countries since World War 2 for their masters the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire of hate most of the time with no lawful or legal reason other than imperial conquest. The USSA slaves of the their racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire of hate are the clear aggressor against Korea . Even now Russia and China have proposal from the North to freeze all missile testing and its nuclear program, if the USA freezes its military maneuvers along with the North Korean border and the USA says no. Why no sanctions and calls for air strikes against Israel the biggest violator of the NPT and greatest threat to world peace and humanity for decades? The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html Look it up yourself don’t take my word for it. Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together.

John Brown

Part 2 According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution – Professor Antony Sutton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaFklTLNy8c Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6p1zxKnDeM In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags. 11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews. Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbe00af08d9ff00bbeb0d1ad3ed82ec7173f6c94b7dcc9d7988abc3c3e0f1fbe.jpg

John Brown

This is what you back. Part 1 See very good videos of how racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim. http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some more proof, these links below on JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

part 2 Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 Michael Ben Ari Israeli Knesset member. Like I said nothing beats the confession, don’t take my word for anything listen to them for yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png

John Brown

part 3 A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism and hate, how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe ‘Teen told she can’t join Birthright without DNA test’ http://www.timesofisrael.com/teen-told-she-cant-join-birthright-without-dna-test/ A professor from St. Petersburg, Russia, is claiming that in an act of “blatant racism,” his daughter was made to undergo a DNA test in order to prove that she’s Jewish – and eligible for a Birthright trip to Israel. see google the telegraph as my links to it here are now blocked Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. He said: “Over a number of years, Jewish blood has mixed with non-Jewish blood in our community. So would the DNA test show that we are Jewish? Maybe not. So are people then going to say that we are not Jewish and dash the hopes of the rest of the community to move here? Even if it is not proven according to a DNA test, we feel Jewish and we will still be Jewish.” Take the racial purity test to see if you are part of the superior racist and supremacist master race. You know even the Nazis and the KKK did not do this kind of racist stuff.

John Brown

Part 4 Racist supremacist Jews hate historical facts and ban them. Don’t forget Lincoln is the most hated figure in human history after Jesus by racist supremacist Jews. Any white person who defends the confederacy is a stupid, useful, animal, beast, stooge, patsy taking the wrap for the Jewish run slave trade as racist supremacist Jews say, because the South economically and politically, the slave trade, banks financial system, courts, military, etc. the government, was totally run by racist supremacist Jews as the entire USSA now is. today.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary. http://www.jta.org/2013/12/26/news-opinion/world/dutch-rabbi-confronts-jews-with-ancestors-complicity-in-slavery Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c8e15744174a9b934ed8f9eb62418436bfb92fe3b773423a4bad9151a2431e83.jpg

John Brown

No response??!! Guess who is running ISIS and Al Qaeda? Do you want to see the irrefutable proof or you just can’t take facts? I invite you to try and to prove anything I have said is not 100% true. Here is a tip for you, you can’t, because it is 100% true. Of course not all Jews are racist genocidal supremacists, those who made the SOS racism videos are wonderful human beings, but according to the latest Israeli polling the vast majority are racist genocidal supremacists.

You can call me Al

Hey Kurd – you are losing, you have lost – are you singing anymore ?. Mope = now F.O.

Dennis R

Awwwwww….this little lady is getting upset about some Kurd. Wow…what a tough gal. Oh wait..are you a boy or girl? either way you’re a bitch. You’ve neve endured what they’ve had to for centuries so YOU should really (and quickly before you sound even more RETARDED WHICH SEEMS AT THIS POINT NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE) and YOU FUCK OFF

You can call me Al



Rot in hell troll like the Kurd troll above.,,,, you are only here to disrupt the conversation.

Now be off with you Now, don’t make me warn you again.


Try a bullet in your empty head you terrorist pile of sh*t.


That new base is beside a refuge camp , full of war displaced Syrians .

Dennis R

Yeah, but unfortunately, you people do THIS….this right here. Talk talk talk talk on the net. You’d be dead before you EVER got to even enjoy your little terrorist activity. I don’t care what the US (my country that I know has made many mistakes, but every day, tries again to do better!! What does theirs do?) is viewed by others as. I KNOW FOR A FACT what we stand for. You send your little pecker missile over here and guess what? Other dipshits like you won’t EVER be able to keep their mouths shut (and we have the NSA, so you are already screwed, plus DIA SIGINT meaning we know what your fav breakfast is already) and by the time it landed we’d already have teams in your bedroom poppin’ you in the face with two rounds and then pulling a UBL raid once again to prove that we can co-exist, but if you keep this “they’re all infidels that deserve to die for not being like us! JIHAD!!! blah blah blah!”, YOU, i promise little guy, will lose and lose terribly….and so will many other people when we retaliate and that would be on YOUR HANDS. You haven’t ever “terrorized us” for all the terror groups you guys have…lol….pathetic


As long as the evil American exist in our beautiful world then we cannot be safe.


Well, Russia had no legal right being in the Crimea, yet they were.

Russia has no legal right to be in Ukraine, yet they are.

China has no legal right to occupy all kinds of islands, yet they do.

Morocco has no legal right to occupy Western Sahara, yet it does.

Turkey has no legal right to be in Syria, yet it is.



Russia has legal right to be in Crimea ! Russia is not in Ukrania (do not watch cnn). China has the right to build any island it wants, as many countries have done before. Yes, you right, Turkey (NATO member, the same as Dutch) has not right to be in Syria, sometime your brain works fine.

Brother Ma

Just the fact that you said the first four lines tells me you are divorced from history and facts. That means you are either very stupid, a troll or a propagandist.


Pish posh, Al TAnf camp in Syria has been a historical US homeland since campaign of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov in 1780’s, these strong claims can in no way be compared to weak Russian claims to Krim lands.

Dennis R

Thank you!! That’s what I been saying on this board. These people on here are SOOOOOOO beyond uneducated in any way shape or form. Do they live in villages with wi-fi and believe everything they read or see on RT etc?? Russia leveled entire citites to kill maybe a few thousand Daesh!! It’s insane! Putin knows bettter he just doesn’t care. Assad is a girl and applauds him for it because it means Assad doesn’t have to cower in fear know that his big bro, AND arms dealer for decades, is here to make him look like he can control his own country again. And I bet you also love those tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy idiots (9/11 was an inside job! i have the proof!!” lol) who are sooooo desparate to try to fling insults at us, they even blame us in America for ISIL, and just about everything that’s happened. OH, and the US never ACTUALLY invaded Syria in the official sense. Sending a few hundred private advisors, Marines, and Army Special Operations (believe me, I live with a Ranger w/ RRD) is not an “invasion”. It’s showing solidarity to the Kurds and to the average Syrian who wants NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS BULLSH-T ANYMORE WITH ASSAD AND RUSSIA AND IRAN!!! NO ONE LIKES ANY OF THEM!!! I mean, it’s not “the West” and all our propaganda….. CHRIST!! FIFTY YEARS AGO OR EVEN LONGER, THE WORLD actually, and this impoosible to fathom, BUT EVEN THEN, BEFORE PHONES LET ALONE INTERNET, ALL VERY FERVENTLY STILL HATED YOU!! We’ve had like six presidents try to make it chill between all those nations…Iran, Russia, etc. Then they come out with a dozen conditions…..UGH!! Just shake hands, and LET IT GO. We aren’t asking for anything, why do you get to dictate here like you do at home? At the White House, they treat these leaders like F—KING ROYALTY AND THEY’RE JUST THUGS. Whatever…I stopped caring. I hate Trump too, but at least I don’t have to watch RT and pretend it’s ACTUAL news or worry about the SVR or whoever Putin’s favorite bullies are coming to my home. And if they did, they’d find a very unpleasant surprise. More than a few tactically proficient people live here with everythin they need to take AT LEAST half a battallion (lol jk). But no, we just like lookin’ at Putin’s horse/shirt off picture and laughing….the onyl guy more ridiculous and gnarly crazier than Trump! lol

Brother Ma

You are obviously one of these types that thinks america can do no wrong. You are very valuable , so valuable that when the bullets start flying you will be chosen to be in the front us lines.dont look around for your gov though, they will on a plane to one if arabias tent cities.

Dennis R

Really? When do we ever get any official NATO/UN/etc organization’s “permission” to intervene when entire cities are being leveled by Su-27s! I was a private security contractor working with fmr US Special Operations personnel who spent nearly ten years in THAT area. Legal? ARE YOU KIDDING? You’re ignorance is astounding. And what gave Russian bombers the legal right outside of a then-desparate Assad’s plea for someone to save him to bomb entire towns to dust, one after another after another. I don’t see the YPG doing that, and all my friends did was monitor them to make sure we could HELP as many people as we could, not hunt ISIS all day long, but biring water, toilet paper (i know because I donated half of it) etc. Shut up…you don’t live there. Pull that dick out of your mouth before sounding stupid and pretending to be knowledgeable about the legalities of what’s morally RIGHT and WRONG


Not sure what your point is. Syria has no legal power to invite Russia to help defeat an insurgency?


Is it aligned with the latest Israeli provocation near Golan? Why would the US strengthen a useless (for them) position if not for escalation.

Pave Way IV

Guard the head-chopper escape route to al Rukban Death Camp. Fighting-aged males get free shave and haircut, SDF uniform and bus ride back to the oilfields.

Pave Way IV

Could be just the opposite as well. Maybe Russian/SAA strategy is to create a stampede of fleeing ISIS, families and sympathizers from the al Bukamal – al Qaim corridor southwest to al Rukban. To avoid the well-defended Syrian-held at Tanf border crossing, the head-choppers have to go around it to the north. That takes them right through the US at Tanf garrison before they can swing southward to al Rukban (and the new US base there). This may already be starting: US-backed Syrian rebels arrest five runaway ISIS members near Al-Tanf border crossing

Brother Ma

Jordan deserves everything that happens to it. They helped these headchoppers until they started losing and only now go the kill-isis route.


No, they just send the uniforms and do-it-yourself SDF conversion kits to oil fields, villages, Rakka etc., no human trafficking required!

Tiresia Branding

an escalation is warranted… and all are ready for this; I bet first (false) step from Israel

Joe Doe

To liberate al-Tanaf and the area, SAA will need liberate Eastern of Syria and Idlib province. Mean time Assad need obtain better military hardware, own Air Defense System S-400, transport and attack helicopters and MIG-29 and SU-30. SAA Infantry should be arm with verba manpad air defense system

Samuel Boas

Obtain how, with what money exactly?

Bi Esm

Iranian money

Brother Ma

Same way turkey getting s400 s. Fully borrowed from russia.

Solomon Krupacek

but turkey is fleurishing country.

Brother Ma

Who says? Maybe was till syrian war but not so much now. Also turkey was also flourishing as qatar was granting billions money for last fifteen years every year just like us gives israel free money every year for last seventy.

Solomon Krupacek

3 weeks ago i read the material of ECB about turkey. good prognoses, rising investments. sure not syria :)

Brother Ma

I believe you but i always discount a little of what these institutions say. They always exaggerate friends and downplay enemy outcomes for political purposes.

Jack P

At least let them upgrade to s-300 which would have the Israeli’s crapping their pants. They had a jet hit by an old-s200 by the Golan in Syria. Russia has the s400 in Latakia but I suppose there’s some sort of gentleman’s agreement wheree it’s not used against Israeli and “coaltion” incursions into Syria. Yes, I know, gentlemen’s agreement with swine, denigrating pigs everywhere by the analogy.


I would think that before more arms, he needs more men. As it is, young Syrians prefer either to run or to join SDF or turkish mercenaries.

Bi Esm



Perfectly said :)


You forgot to mention yourself.

John Whitehot

the dutch also.


Not all Dutch people are as evil as him….

John Whitehot

or her.


Right. I don’t buy that [s]he is Dutch. Maybe recently obtained a Dutch ‘paspoort’ and became a Nederlandse, hence boastful name.


Well I guess we can test his language skills


We can, but I cannot be the judge on that. I learnt a bit of Flemish and it’s nowhere near the level required to see if [s]he speaks authentic Dutch.

Any volunteers? It’s for a good cause!


I can. But who cares?


Please do. I’m sure there are people who are interested to know more about this character as well as I do. IF he answered you, kindly mention my name in your reply. Thank you.


His character speaks from his replies and we hand out passports to just about anyone these days. But I’ll ask.


You can find him in almost every article about Syria/US. I’m curious to find out.


One can find you in ALL articles on Syria in this site, and others too.



I speak Flemish as well at the level of a native


Very nice. @rodgermeier:disqus generously offered to help. I appreciate your help too. Please give me a holler whenever you find anything. Thank you.


If you speak western flemish (west-vlaams) nobody outside of that region will be able to understand you.


That I don’t. I do understand some of it though. Its the same with fries, hard to understand as well.

Bi Esm

i speak Dutch


Very good. I appreciate your help. Please let me know if this guy answered you.

Bi Esm

yes , he is Dutch


Thank you. So he speaks Dutch well. At least he told something which is true. :)

Bi Esm

at least he speaks dutch


So send me a nice letter in Dutch and you will get a reply, either in Dutch, German, English or (rather bad) French.

Tiresia Branding

FUCK THE ZIONIST DUTCH http://www.centrostudifederici.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/382590_286594941379919_100000882457854_785424_1964792978_n.jpg


Tirisia, if you are both nice looking and indeed a female (not interested in transgenders), I appreciate your invitation. Just come and get it.

Brother Ma

Tiresia, i know geert is indo.but what is indoi jewish? He looks asian eyed so i assumed has real indo malay blood somewhere.

Bi Esm

nee alleen jij moet er nog bij, nep mens


Dit is niet eens correct Nederlands.

Misschien nog een paar jaar inburgeringsles erbij en dan kun je (misschien) op een fatsoenlijk niveau communiceren.

Bi Esm

Hahahahahaha, Ik wist niet dat iedereen die buiten Nederland woont zich ook moest inburgeren. Jij bent zo’n narcistisch nep mens die denkt dat alles om hem draait. In maart ben ik weer voor een tijdje daar, als je wilt kunnen we jou probleem dan face to face oplossen. Stop dat communiceren op fatsoenlijk niveau ook in jouw kont of ben jij vergeten hoe je tegen me begonnen bent. Ga nu jouw homo kontje wassen want hier stinkt naar poep

Brother Ma

Dutchie pretends to be a native catholic nederlander but i am still sticking with him being a sephardic jew. Even if he does speak dutch natively simply means he may have been born there and is educated.

Even turks who are all over the place in holland will speak good dutch when born there and educated!

Dennis R

Wait….wait….Do you mean what you say is true??? OH NO!!!! lol….what a f-cking psycho. How do idiots like that, with literally the lowest IQ imaginable, even get an account to post such nonsense??? Whatever, that little fella’s just mad cuz he’s probably living at his mom’s mud hut, popping corns on her feet and this where he goes to TELL OFF THE GREAT SATAN, AMERICA! LOL!! Awwww…that’s cute…just precious

Bi Esm

okay clown

Brother Ma

What a joke,” lieutenant abuvatheer” yeh right,because a ragtag group of cutthroats have an army where they can have lieutenants!

Are these the laughingly – called moderates that the us spent billions in training to get six soldiers!

Also i cant keep up with the constantly changing alphabet names of these groups that ziocon pub relations guys tell them to keep altering.


The terror gangs will be renamed IDF in the fullness of time :)

Solomon Krupacek

intersting. i always heard form commenters, that if assad only looks in that direction, the yanks will flee in panic…


Well, US dropped a few bombs near SAA around Al Tanf and they ran.

John Whitehot

Jordanian newspaper? I don’t believe a word.


US strategy here is unclear to me. If they ultimately want regime change, it would make sense. Otherwise not.

John Whitehot

US and strategy are words at odd in anything different from CNN or Jerusalem Post.

Jack P

Tillerson made it clear that regime change is still US policy. Plus bear in mind that Russia recently said that it’s military objectives were close to being fulfilled. Given these points one would expect the US “coalation” to try and keep footholds in areas where they can for future pressure on the Syrian government. This is of course, illegal, as already noted on this blog.


The Rothschild/Zionist/British/US plan is always for division and nation destruction for every country in the Levant claiming sovereignty over its resources, land and culture. They have announced that from the beginning, so why should anyone think they have changed. If the Western media was truly free none of this shit would be going on.

Carol Davidek-Waller

More US troops to evacuate in the near future. More soldiers at risk for no credible reason.


Let’s admit it. the US is really very good at what they are doing… killings and supporting killings..

Bobby Twoshoes

You don’t have to be “good” to be prolific when you’re spending other people’s money. Americans are good at getting people to facilitate their own destruction by using greed and lies though, that’s always been how the devil works. The year that a strong gold (or any tangible resource really) backed currency emerges is the year the US reign of terror ends and humanity can move forward.

Deo Cass

Russia again back stabbing the Syrian government and nullifying the Syrian government forces achievements. I would not be surprised at all if Russia also made an agreement with the Zionist entity to permit them to invade all of the Golan there. There was a time when Russia used to call upon the invading US colonial imperialist forces to co-ordinate with the Syrian government as the sole legitimate authority to regularize their position and respect Syria’s sovereignty. Yet now it is Russia itself which is breaching Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity by partitionong Syria into Russian and US areas like in the abominable colonial eras. This is unacceptable as is unaceptable the fact that Russia is not even raising the issue of the Zionist entity’s repeated aggressions against the Syrian state at least at the UN.

You can call me Al

Well, we all know what to do now; cheerio Yanks, may God have mercy on your soul.

You can call me Al

As my Son would say “Dead them”.

Bomb the sh1t out of them.

Wagner schmit

Whats the point anymore just give up the useless stench of land already


Trying to avoid any possible union between Iraq and Syria ?

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