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MARCH 2025

U.S. Can Attack Syria Even If OPCW Finds No Evidence Of Chemical Weapons Use By Assad Government

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The US does not feel too obliged to wait the results of the international investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Douma.

Regardless the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation or some other international mechanizm, the US could decide if an attack on Syria’s “bloody dictator” should be accomplished or not, the US State Department says.

“The United States government has its own mechanisms to be able to look into things,” the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters.

Answering the reporters’ questions about a possible absence of the American response to the chemical attack, Neurt told that the US was certain about the chemical agent use.

 “We know that it requires certain kinds of delivery mechanisms to use these kinds of weapons. Not everyone out there has access to those delivery mechanisms. So, we have that information, we’re familiar with it.”

On April 10, the UN Security Council failed to approve three draft resolutions on chemical weapons attacks. Russia vetoed a US text, while two Russian-drafted resolutions did not get nine votes to pass. However, the OPCW will send two expert teams to Syria to probe the alleged attack later this week. Despite this, US President Donald Trump once again threatened to strike Syria on April 11.

The US plays by its own rules and protrudes its opinion of Syria’s “horrible” and “bloody” regime using chemical weapons every time when it gets a chance. This “bloody dictator” stance could be stopped only with the US “unique” mechanism.

“Rinse, Lather, Repeat”: False WMD Accusations as a Tool of Foreign Policy

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WTF – so we bomb Assad for using gas but if we find no evidence of gas we still bomb him – love the logic

jerry hamilton

It worked before.


https://cdni.rt.com/files/2016.11/article/5832c5f2c3618843258b45ee.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cxsy-0LXUAE9Ybs.jpg:large Click on above link, like Trump, May and Macron Tony Blair has also deluded the world like a witch by his lies and bullshit. Saddam and his nation were innocent just they invaded Iraq for Israeli migrants. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB80/fallujah.jpg Here US shows the sights for WMDs in Iraq which till this time were not founded. Now US, UK witches should show to the world where are Iraqi weapons or WMDs. US, UK and France have invaded Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya etc. have created instabillity there and have occupied lands and now Russia are trying their best to stop massacre there and liberate lands from these witches.

https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/1-112.jpg?x22691 Trump, May and Macron like witches deluding the world by false chemical attacks in Syria to make it cause to invade Syria. We know that they do tricks to wash lands with blood in the nations but these tricks will be smashed on their faces.

Never forget Vietnam war either, US sunk their own ship, and started war against Vietnam blaming them for it, and bombed villages that had never seen a plane, they thought what big birds are dropping eggs there, before they exploded their homes, and killed their families.


That wasn’t logic, that was BS!


I know just they deluding the world genius population.


Mr. Carefull ! Stupid idiot as many another…all congres juesej !


US/NATO PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AT THEIR BEST: Russia’s strategy in Syria is already proving to be a total failure since all Assad forces, IRGC, Russian mercenaries and Hezbollah are now forced to seek shelter (and abandon their current positions) due to the impending US/NATO attack. Just a simple threat that Tomahawk cruise missiles are on their way is forcing the Russian dysfunctional-coalition to irreversibly alter their plans, leaving behind all the military gains they have obtained in recent months.

SouthFrontards (Putin cheerleaders & russophiles) are looking stupider by the hour due to their idiotic comments.

viktor ziv

:) please keep on wanking and use other hand to write Pentagon where “Beast division” is.


Just block his ass. Zio trolls hate to be irrelevant.

jim crowland

A very rare intelligent comment in these forum. Thank you Wanklord. I wonder why the nostalgic soviets want to keep Gasssad as their puppet since they could have another puppet without gas addiction…


The answer to your question is Putin lacks the means to bring about regime change. He’s barely holding on in Syria as it is. When Russia entered the Syrian fiasco it was reported Assad was offered asylum but, Assad refused. Russia put stipulations on their help and he refused. Assad was going to hold onto power or go down fighting providing Putin with no viable options. Putin’s peace agreement promise has eluded him for more than 2 years. It was reported the UN will become more involved. Now Putin is stuck in Syria playing by Assad’s rules which includes chemical warfare against his own people. Putin is proven powerless to influence Assad. Russia stays because Syria provides a foothold in the ME including a warm water port and military bases. Putin is going to live to regret what he’s gotten Russia into because he lacks resources – especially money. He needs Iran’s money that will come with strings attached. He also has to worry about NATO, Ukraine, and paying the high costs of absorbing Crimea. He can’t begin to fulfill his campaign promises to invest in Russia’s infrastructure. Putin’s bit off more than he can chew and his weaknesses will become more evident.

jim crowland

Very, very comprehensive analysis. Apart from the ever sought warm water outlet that Russia has sought for centuries, I think Putin also wants to save face because as you said he is so committed to Gas-Assad that if he is toppled Putin might look weak in his country and that could mean the end of his rule.


Agree. Putin’s base are those who see Russia as the threatened victim from outside forces so any “victory” – hollow as it may be – gains him support. Putin controls the narrative in Russian news sources. He’s just like any other strongman. When there’s problems on the homefront create a crisis and/or turn attention to something else. Russia doesn’t have much good news on the homefront so, Putin diverts attention to other issues. Poisoning of the Skirpals in the UK occurred just before the Russian elections. Coincidence?


The Syrian and their allies strategy is working. 70% land have been liberated from these witches of US, UK and France. That is why in frustration they are using these white helmets the hollywood artests for provocative footages to hinder Syrians advance against terrorists backed by US, UK and France. LOL


Crow-bait and tyler dumb-a$$=trolls=blocked. I don’t have time to read propaganda drivel from western terror squads.


Go away Zio-wanklord – they must pay you lots of shekels for these BS posts


I believe that.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Will give you some advice from Steve Tyler “Dream on, Dream on, Dream on” that sums up your fantasy go play wanklord game with yourself we are getting tired with your sick and twisted lies.


US, UK and France regimes are witches slaughtering the world population. These witches have created Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, SDF, YPG, PKK, Boko Haram etc. and then they proclaim that our army is there in these countries and we will send more army soldiers there mean these terrorists are their proper trained army use them as terrorists to slaugher civilians and occupy their lands.


The ship was not sunk. Villages were not targeted unless enemy troops were present. Don’t undercut your arguments with silly, inaccurate stuff.


Like in Dresden there where no soldiers only civilians and despite al disagrement of the Brits the US chose to murder ten tauzends civilians, women and Childern.

John Hinsley

I think you’ll find that the Brits came up with the idea. Many of the generation who lived through the war viewed it as revenge for the bombing of Coventry. (Both you and they are wrong on substantive points.)


Strange but you do not discusse the fact that there where no military target only families, elderlies, women, childern. That americans bombed, the American commited an act of war and against humanity as they did multiple times and still do. And here is even not mentioned the multiple times they used a fals flag to be able to invade. They should be come for the Nurmberg tribunal and hanged alongside the other criminals. You just tray to draw the atention away from yhese facts by going for the details.

John Hinsley

“You just tray to draw the atention away from yhese facts by going for the details.” [sic] Really. One fact that you fail to mention is that the US (or the Brits) were not the first to bomb a civilian target during WW2. Nor were they the first to bomb a civilian target in the Syrian Civil War.


Ok and that makes it legal to bomb also civilians, strang ethic. And you claim tos tand on the good side of humanity? No beter then then ISlamic state

John Hinsley

War is horrible. But morality (and the law) is not on the side of the aggressor. Or do you believe in turning the other cheek? I’m not sure where ISIS come into this.


Finaly the admition :ilegality and amorality is part of yours and your countries methodes to bring civilisation! They torture so we do, they hit their wives so we do, they bomb towns so you we bomb bigger towns with only civilians, without proof we bomb anything on the claim of a claim. And do not tray to start denail the examples, your piont is that ilegality and amorality is part of your heritage.

John Hinsley

As it is part of yours.


You defend it, honourable men do not defend unworthy valeus.

John Hinsley

War is about shades of grey. It’s never black and white. Nor is it to be understood by the ahistorical presentations of the poorly informed.



Actually the number incinerated in the Dresden Holocaust was is conservatively estimated to be THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION old men, women and children……

Carol Cox

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https://cdni.rt.com/files/2016.11/article/5832c5f2c3618843258b45ee.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cxsy-0LXUAE9Ybs.jpg:large Click on above link, like Trump, May and Macron Tony Blair has also deluded the world like a witch by his lies and bullshit. Saddam and his nation were innocent just they invaded Iraq for Israeli migrants. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB80/fallujah.jpg Here US shows the sights for WMDs in Iraq which till this time were not founded. Now US, UK witches should show to the world where are Iraqi weapons or WMDs. US, UK and France have invaded Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya etc. have created instabillity there and have occupied lands and now Russia are trying their best to stop massacre there and liberate lands from these witches.

https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/1-112.jpg?x22691 Trump, May and Macron like witches deluding the world by false chemical attacks in Syria to make it cause to invade Syria. We know that they do tricks to wash lands with blood in the nations but these tricks will be smashed on their faces.

Never forget Vietnam war either, US sunk their own ship, and started war against Vietnam blaming them for it, and bombed villages that had never seen a plane, they thought what big birds are dropping eggs there, before they exploded their homes, and killed their families.


I love Talking Cuntzzz…Heather Nauert was obducted when she was 2 years old & grew up in the Rothschild Dungeons…can’t blame her…it’s the MK-Ultra…


So was Niki Haley…MK-Ultra zombies.


Who came up with the idea; that it would be better when Women Ruled the World?! That experiment can stop too…they are just as Sick


Now that is something I’ve said all along. The only difference between men and women is their physical bodies. Women are just as destructive and vengeful as men. That includes in the arena of missing-link-knuckle-dragging-psychopathic behavior. Albright, Clinton, Powers, Haley etc. to name just a few of the recent ones from the US.

jerry hamilton

Men can not come close to the scorn of a woman. They can be incredibly scary creatures. Look at the stateswoman Hillary Clinton. She has only lied to the American people 264091678 times. Ok I admit, she has stolen twice that amount in dollars and one or two people she knew did have an untimely death but hey, that’s life.


I have to disagree. Bolton, McCain and now Trump are pretty scary, for different reasons of course. :-)

jerry hamilton

Not just them. Here is a reply to one of Trumps tweets. “You people that deny the gas attack are just as bad as the bush did 9 11 people” They want it to be real. They Want War.


Too stupid to understand what they’re asking for….


I like it when they bake cookies and bring them to work, though.

northerntruthseeker .

It worked in Iraq in 2003…. And look at the splendid results for the US from that one, as well as the millions of innocent Iraqis that also were murdered!




many actors of the deep state are well known. Wonder why they are not afraid that they will be the target for retaliation?

You can call me Al

Is working for the UK on that allegedly Salisbury attack on those spies.

The US has now gone fully rogue.



Been that way for quite awhile now.


It’s not about logic or truth. It’s about domination.


They did it once before … and they got away without punishment.

So now they are doing it again … never mind about the evidence which they know they will not get . Fire away anyway and kill lots of people or even the world when war gets into nukes.

.. just because that guys is so arrogant together with Nikki same class.


And here we have the dribbling regulars falling like idiots into the hands of the Deep State.

THEY HAVE EVIDENCE- the evidence they manufactured themselves when they gased the shelter with anerve agent. THAT is why May sez “we want to delay to ensure the proof is good”.

Every dribbler here who sez ANYTHING like the above comment does Satan’s work, That’s what you do when you fall for the carefully crafted narrative of a false flag.

British and American ‘experts’ can take the ‘proof’ (tissue samples collected by SAMS- and you think dribbler AJ even knows who SAMS are?) from the scene and use it to convince leaders of many other nations, building a coalition of attackers and/or backers as we had during Blair’s invasion of Iraq.

Blair, of course, is now taking the lead in this blitz of Syria (while mouth-breathers and knuckle draggers dribbled “why do you keep mentioning that long irrelevant Tony Blair, Starlight?” previously).

The test of a person’s words is NOT at the time they are written but days or weeks or months later. I challenge ANYONE to look at my words.

Britain poisoned a bunch of kids and women in East Ghouta as a continuation of the narrative of the false flag that began in the UK. Unlike you, AJ, the british demons KNOW exactly what they are doing and saying. They are NOT ‘hypocrits’ for that term has NO MEANING in the Great Game. They are EFFECTIVE- they run circles around 99% of the dribblers on our side, which means THEY win, not us.

I dissect, explain and predict their works exactly, but my voice joins less than 1% of our side. The rest of you are FOOTBALL HOOLIGANS- the worst kinds of supporters a side can possible have. Unthinking. Screaming chanters. simple minded. Always of the now with the memories of a goldfish.

We are effed, NOT because the other side is ‘great’, but because our side is crap. Crap thru years of lazy thinking encouraged by all the jewish interference in your societies, from education to the mass media.

Demon Tony Blair is master of media manipulation and false flag narratives. This does NOT mean anyone ‘likes’ him- to the contrary even people on his side dislike him. But they Respect him, which is infinitely more important. And Blair is infinitely ruthless- murdering a thousand innocent kids wouldn’t give him even one second of disturbed sleep.

So again when you FOOLS dribble about ‘evidence’ like you are being clever (what a joke- clever is the LAST thing you are), Tony Blair howls his approval.


Dont you understand why nobody replies to you? Because everybody has had enough of what you say, it has nothing to do in reality of what’s actually happening on the ground. You write as if its a conspiracy and that’s not credible enough to go on. I had a bad feeling to why Russia let Turkey invade Northern Syria, it didn’t seem legit, but it does seem logical turning NATO players against each other over land that has no strategic value. Maybe if (which I hope it doesn’t) the US coalition does strike Syria and Russia retaliates then Id like you to eat your words because everybody on this page has the right idea and you must ask yourself why you are the only one thinking Putin is still a puppet.

jerry hamilton

She doesn’t think that. She is paid to come on forums to try and confuse people. It’s a job working from home. Probably a single mother. It’s desperation.


Yeah I understand but not everybody that has a different opinion is a paid or a robot. We just look at the facts and see it for how it is.


Logic? I can’t recall when that was last used by the Deep State.


If isnt evidence , this is no matter ! Main person Asad will to kill . This is false democracy by USA , world killers ! 1.3 milions civilians dead in Irak .And what do UN , or OSN ? OSN L.T.D USA.

Lisa Karpova

I hate those lying scum

jerry hamilton

No surprise there. This is nothing to do with chemical weapons. This is just the lame duck excuse.


But an ‘excuse’ that has actual EVIDENCE- tissue samples from women and children poisoned with a nerve agent PROVING that at the highest level, Iran and Russia are the KNOWING demonic partners of Assad.

That’s what manufacturing the evidence yourself gets you. A vial of nerve agent simply released into the confines of a shelter, and BINGO, you’ve beaten 100% of the pathetic hopeless losers on our side.

During the trial of O J Simpson for murder, it became totally obvious that the corrupt police force had worked with the corrupt forensic scientist to take a sample of OJ’s blood and use it to MANUFACTURE evidence at the crime scene. This one act of corruption allowed the defense to persuade the jury to aquit. Rigging the evidence to ‘assist’ a case is standard operating procedure for the police of most big American cities.

But of course, the rigged evidence, that 99.9% of all the people tried in court don’t have the money to expose in their defense (tho, as I said, the rigged evidence is proof of police corruption, not innocence of the accused), is just a MEANS TO AN END.

Britain’s current ongoing false flag (which hasn’t yet ended- there is even more to come) was always designed to make Iran and Russia direct targets of the ire of as many nation that Tony Blair could rally to his cause. And guess what- while you dribblers DOZE, it has worked- and worked better that Tony Blair dared to dream when he first came up with his plan after meeting with the Skripals long ago.

jerry hamilton

Why not get a proper job? Try making a living writing children’s books. You have an imagination.


She has stamina though.

Vince Dhimos

Here is who the White Helmets really are (thanks to Vanessa Beeley’s deep research): http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/09/23/exclusive-the-real-syria-civil-defence-expose-natos-white-helmets-as-terrorist-linked-imposters/

jerry hamilton

Does 21stcenturywire get attacked? Can’t get through at the moment.


They were down this earlier. Haven’t been back yet to see if they are back. AMN was having issues this morning too.

leon mc pilibin

The zionists dont need evidence,just lies will do,as in Iraq etcBUT this time they have to go through Russia to destroy Syria,and the Russians wont allow that to happen.This is their red line,for jewSA

Russie Unie

Nauert is a slut ! Send her in Afghanistan to get the pipes swept !

Law Se

Jackxsses a country full of jackxsses stupid arrogant blood thirsty monsters one day you will suffer the same way others have suffered…hell will come to you one day and the world will not be bothered with your cries


How low one can go! Let them get what they deserve!

jerry hamilton

It is probably israel calling the shots. It can’t get any lower.


For a life time I did not give a penny about jews or muslims or hindu or buddists. It didn’t matter. Since the MH17 tragedy I started reading the news and it is obvious that we all are badly, if not fatally affected by the jews. No mercy for them. Enough. They have been asking for it.

jerry hamilton


northerntruthseeker .

Probably? The fucking Jews control every aspect of America’s government and are indeed calling all of the shots!

We can only hope that there is still a certain part of the American military that will not be happy by this rush to war and will rebel for the sake of all humanity.

jerry hamilton

I wish… Military personnel have been deeply conditioned to follow orders. Here is an interesting post from a good Russian….

Tudor Miron – It’s about our existence. It’s a different mentality – when Russians go to war we already assume that we gave our life to Motherland.


With Yanki Zionist Scum there are levels so low we haven’t the capacity to think of them


They are playing GOOD COP, BAD COP, friend. Trump is the ‘bad cop’ raving and frothing. But May is the ‘good cop’ saying “wait for the evidence”, and then a day or so later “I told you we should wait- here’s our lab boys with absolute proof Assad really did use a Russian supplied nerve agent”.

YOU lose cos you are so stupid you fall for the narrative hook, line and sinker. You look for the simple-mindest method to hate you enemy, and that is what a smart enemy always wants.

People were really gassed with a nerve agent in East Ghouta. The SAS agent who gassed them needed nothing larger than a thermos flask with a timer release valve. And next door was SAMS, the CIA front that inserts ‘medical’ people into the frontline in Syria. The white helmets ‘guided’ SAMS experts to the location of the ‘victims’ where they took the samples that provide the proof that May claims that we should ‘wait’ for.

Behind closed doors, britain and the usa have already shown this proof to dozens of nations, which is why the coalition against Assad is building, as Tony Blair previously built his coalition for the Iraq invasion.


MasK off…..Yanki Zionist murdering scum say, we can murder whoever we want, when we want. We can invade whichever country that disagrees with us, whenever we want. We can use chemical weapons, white phosphorous, agent orange and nuclear weapons to kill children, women and as many civilians as we want. We are the all powerful Bully so listen-up or we’ll fuckin kill ya !!!!!!!!

jerry hamilton

Yes. Nothing’s changed.


Sad state of affairs having this Yanki Zionist Tyrant stomping around the planet

Law Se

They are war criminals and they get away with it under that farce called the united nations


Wot’s a unitted notions…?


Its called ‘ Bombing with American Democratic values ‘.

However its not been tried before against a Nuclear Power with over 4000 nuclear weapons that can hit the USA :)


True, unfortunately they do not give a fuck about the ordinary american person. It is those who will take the hit if it happens, the Evil Scum will be down in their specially built cities under mountains controlling whatever is left of a radio active wasteland……

jerry hamilton

They do care about the ordinary american person. They have a police force that like to give out free bullets. No other country is so generous.

northerntruthseeker .

But eventually these same scumbags will have to come out of their holes to what kind of hell hole they made the world into… It could take tens of thousands of years for this planet to finally heal from the hell they would create….


Yyyeeesssss…. and what? You’ve described the anglo-zionist West in all its British led glory, but when did THEY ever try to hide the truth (google- tony blair demon eyes).

This is about OUR side, and why with zionist appeaser Putin as a leader, we are going to LOSE.

Did you see that picture of Putin’s vile drunken cretin at the UN smirking and giggling with the depraved US ambassador after the latest ‘debate’. It’s all a game to the scum Putin appoints to represent Russia at the UN. Our side plays to lose by design.

Syria’s no.1 ally laughing it up with the person whose just promised to destroy Syria – and you fools worship Putin.

Onno Frowein

Does Washington know WHY the world consist of NATIONS with BORDERS to protect their citizens such as guaranteed by the UN Charter. An attack by USA in Syria is a blunt violations of international laws so this would allow other nations to attack USA as well like the Japanese did in Pearl Harbor although they at least follow international laws by sending a ‘Declaration of War’ which in those days were still common. However, a Mafia Criminal country like USA put itself above the law but even more above ANY decent respect of HUMANITY.

jerry hamilton

When did America last abide by the UN?


Good question

northerntruthseeker .

I hear crickets chirping here…

But wait for the JIDF/Hasbara agents to come in and defend their scumbag bretheren.

You can call me Al

But you are missing the point; there will not be any national sovereignty in the future, if they get our way…..hence the panic as Russia, Iran, China and others stand up against their plans,

These is all worth saving and taking your time to read thoroughly, if you want, much more, you can look up.


https://www.ukcolumn.org/sites/default/files/pdf/your-life-in-their-hands.pdf To quote – an end to national sovereignty



and so on and so on – common core education etc., all part and parcel.

Onno Frowein

Well Al let’s drop the United Nations since they’re worthless anyhow except for protecting the aggression, genocides & atrocities by USA & Israel. As we all know the UN was founded to prevent another WW II, but as we see today USA & Israel are making wars all around the globe & don’t respect the UN charter nor International Laws.

You can call me Al

With you there Onno.

Personally I think that after this fiasco, we may see some changes in the World order.


“…certain kind of delivery mechanism…” total BS. Chlorine gas requires no mechanism at all – in WW1 they would lick the index finger, judge approximate wind direction and open valves on gas canisters. Not very effective, but hardly any CW delivery method is, but still they managed to kill people. In Bophal in 1984, faulty valve in pesticide factory killed 25K people and staff was way less lethal. On the other hand OPCW already confirmed that local Al Qaida knows how to handle Sarin – binary nerve agent that really needs special delivery methods. Maybe that’s why US doesn’t want to wait for the results of investigation…

You can call me Al

Neither does Sarin – remember that nut job cult priest in Japan, releasing it on the Japanese tube ?, but it does need some careful handling and from its short “shelf” life, the components should be separated and mixed just before the attack.


You’re right. CW technology is more than a 100 years old and most formulas are by now matter of public knowledge. Even dreaded Novichok can be cooked up by your average chemical student – and that’s according to a US university professor. This is just US propaganda going through the motions, but the result is not fit even for internal consumption – it’s just pure “military grade” bullshit…


Not to sound like Pollyanna here, but would attacking Syria on this scale not require a declaration of war by Congress? I realize it doesn’t, but shouldn’t that at least be part of the public discussion?


It should but I am sure it won’t Blaine.


It is only war when the Yanki Zionist Scum say it is. Like the war on terror or the war against phantoms or Leprechauns…

You can call me Al

These are the exceptional US of A, they don’t need to do anything apart from war.

Wolfgang Wolf

kill this bitch

northerntruthseeker .

A waste of good bullets

chris chuba

“The United States government has its own mechanisms to be able to look into things,” the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters.”

It’s true. In every strip mall, I see at least one Psychic next to the Nail Salon and the Tattoo shop. We also have our assorted mediums and don’t forget, our NGO’s posing as non-affiliated aid organizations. We might even have meta-humans.


“The United States government has its own mechanisms to be able to look into things,” the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters”…TRANSLATION…THE UNITED STATES DEEP STATE, DOES WHEREVER THEY WANT, BECAUSE THE REST OF THE WORLD ARE OUR VASSALS.

javid soltani

wtf all east ghouta douma all already liberated , why should they use chamicalweapons , true they say layers are the enemies of god


“The US plays by its own rules and protrudes its opinion of Syria’s “horrible” and “bloody” regime using chemical weapons every time when it gets a chance. This “bloody dictator” stance could be stopped only with the US “unique” mechanism”….THE US IS A BULLY NATION THAT NEED TO BE RESTRAINED.


It’s like a wild bull with brains of calf running wild .

Rules do not matter as long as it suits them. Crazy … and they are playing with lives based on lies?


“We know that it requires certain kinds of delivery mechanisms to use these kinds of weapons. Not everyone out there has access to those delivery mechanisms. So, we have that information, we’re familiar with it.”…TRANSLATION…WE DELIVERY THOSE KINDS OF WEAPONS TO OUR TERRORIST, WE’RE FAMILIA WITH THE OPERATION, WE HAVE DONE IT MANY TIMES BEFORE.


Can one imagine what kind of world we have if US rules the world?

It would be like being a judge , prosecutor and executioner.

Wow how Lucky the world is US is not and lucky indeed the rise of China and Russia to counter balance it.

God bless the rest of the world


https://cdni.rt.com/files/2016.11/article/5832c5f2c3618843258b45ee.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cxsy-0LXUAE9Ybs.jpg:large Click on above link, like Trump, May and Macron Tony Blair has also deluded the world like a witch by his lies and bullshit. Saddam and his nation were innocent just they invaded Iraq for Israeli migrants. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB80/fallujah.jpg Here US shows the sights for WMDs in Iraq which till this time were not founded. Now US, UK witches should show to the world where are Iraqi weapons or WMDs. US, UK and France have invaded Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya etc. have created instabillity there and have occupied lands and now Russia are trying their best to stop massacre there and liberate lands from these witches.

https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/1-112.jpg?x22691 Trump, May and Macron like witches deluding the world by false chemical attacks in Syria to make it cause to invade Syria. We know that they do tricks to wash lands with blood in the nations but these tricks will be smashed on their faces.

Never forget Vietnam war either, US sunk their own ship, and started war against Vietnam blaming them for it, and bombed villages that had never seen a plane, they thought what big birds are dropping eggs there, before they exploded their homes, and killed their families.


The reason for the new escalation of tension in Syria was the alleged chemical attack on Duma, complained of sources from the NGO “Lefka Krani” White Helmets”(set up in 2013 by a retired secret service of the British army and funded since then by other Western secret services). During this attack, it is said that 49 people died and hospitalized several dozen others. From Rizospastis Greek newspaper 11/04/2018.

AM Hants

Sadly, I am so hoping that the US wears what they sew. Completely illegal, but, they do not believe that international law applies to them.

The Bolivian UN envoy summed it up perfectly, with regards the arrogance and ignorance of Empires, assuming that they are above the law. They are not. Yet, they cry the loudest, when answered back, not realising they have asked for it.


Well the “little” problem is that most of conventional weapons are chemical (explosives, powder and so) and this might be used to confused the idiot who fail it’s chemistry school lessons. This idiot may the desire the apocalypse itself. So there are death but not poisoned death. Now on the other side “this girl” believe that her justice is my justice. Well this is how jihadi-joe mind works not mine. Try trumpeting something else “blondie” you are not decorative in off for me.


The don’t know what was used – they just know something was used…. …. So for all they know a methane bubble burst up out the ground??


The CW thing is purely a pretext – all the plans to attack Assad where put into place months ago… using a false flag to initiate a pre planned military attack is the oldest trick in the book. No doubt Russia saw this coming long ago, they could have bailed out of Syria but they stayed ‘put’ which suggests to me, they’ve learned that backing down just invites more aggression from Uncle Slam and the vassals – no point in trying to avoid the inevitable any longer.

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