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MARCH 2025

U.S. Capitol Assault Revealed Real Face Of ‘American Democracy’

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U.S. Capitol Assault Revealed Real Face Of 'American Democracy'

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The situation in the United States is heating up after Wednesday’s deadly assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters. Despite calls from President Trump not to resort to violence and to maintain order, the assault ended with 5 deaths and dozens arrested. As a result, on December 11,  Democrats formally introduced an article of impeachment accusing Trump of inciting an insurrection in regard to the riot at the US Capitol. At the same time, the country is preparing to the protests inciting ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20.

Americans has never before has been so desperate to smash the Capitol, the symbol of American democracy.


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It may seem that Trump and his supporters have no choice but to accept defeat. However, the confrontation is heating up and spinning out of control. Now, thousands of protesters have a sacred sacrifice: Ashley Babbitt, a pretty woman and veteran of the United States Air Force, who was killed in a shootout at the Capitol. She came to Washington to support Trump. She had no weapon with her and was overtaken by a bullet from a guard. Ashley Babbitt died on the way to the hospital.

Meanwhile, MSM claimed that the FBI is preparing for armed protests in all states and at the capital before Biden’s inauguration. Supporters of traditional America take to the streets in the cities across the United States. The authorities introduce forces, declare a curfew.

According to the Wall Street Journal report, the National Guard will increase the number of troops in Washington, D.C., to at least 10,000 by Saturday. Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, who is in charge of the National Guard Bureau, said in a press briefing Monday that the troop levels could rise to 15,000. The bolstered force would be larger than contingents of Guardsmen at past inaugurations. Roughly 9,000 were in Washington for President Obama’s inauguration, Gen. Hokanson said.

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolfe allegedly ordered the Secret Service to begin operations to ensure the security of Joe Biden’s inauguration from January 13.

It seems that the Americans are preparing for a “final battle.”

Even before the inauguration of their president, Democrats are already setting their own rules of the game and disarming opponents. US President Donald Trump was banned from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as a number of other platforms. Twitter even went so far as to mute the official @POTUS Twitter account, while Trump is still in office.

As a result, the accounts of the acting President of the United States, supporting groups or hashtags were censored on the following sites:

  • Social network Twitter;
  • video streaming service Twitch;
  • Snapchat mobile messaging application;
  • social network Facebook;
  • Instagram;
  • Google Play and Apple App Store  website removed Parler app;
  • YouTube video hosting;
  • TikTok;
  • Pinterest;
  • social news site Reddit;
  • messenger Discord;
  • Shopify, a software developer for online and retail stores, blocked two stores where Trump’s merchandise was sold.

Many Trump supporters has already begun to shift his online activity to alternative platforms such as Parler, which was eventually blocked by the Google Play store and Apple’s App Store.

Amazon officially kicked out Parler from its servers thus blocking the work of the social media platform.

The IT giant emphasized that they respect Parler’s right to determine what content is allowed on the social network. “However, we cannot provide services, which cannot effectively identify and remove content that encourages or incites violence,” Amazon explained, adding that the social network “poses a real risk to public safety.”

Social media hysteria is radicalizing American society. The confrontation takes place not only at rallies and in the Capitol. There is discrimination against ordinary Americans, who are now classified as terrorists for their support of President Trump. For example, Delta Airlines flight was delayed, and passengers called on police because they refused to fly alongside two women sympathizing with Trump, who were called the “home-grown terrorists.”

Democracy in the United States no longer exists, as well as tolerance and ordinary human respect. In the coming Dark Age of Neo-Totalitarianism, there is no place for humanity, but only for impersonal individuals, without gender, race or nationality.

But not so long ago, the Americans taught the whole world how to establish a democratic society. Moreover, the methods that they used were far from democratic, but even cruel and violent.

Facebook has blocked Trump for his alleged “incitement to violence,” saying special times call for special measures. However, during the protests in Belarus, not a single American claimed the violence, when Belorussian opposition deliberately disseminated personal information of law enforcement forces on the network, after what a real hunt began. Just a few months ago, Washington stated:

“Severe restrictions on ballot access for candidates, prohibition of local independent observers at polling stations, intimidation tactics employed against opposition candidates, and the detentions of peaceful protesters and journalists marred the process.” – Mike Pompeo said.

The United States, leading the entire collective West, imposed sanctions against the current government in Belarus, actively supporting “peaceful protesters”, inciting the growing violence.

“The violence and the attempts by Belarusian authorities to suppress protests are completely unacceptable,” Foreign Office Minister James Duddridge said back in August. Today, American leader Donald Trump introduced a state of emergency and sent federal aid to the Washington authorities.

European countries also blindly followed Washington during the protests in Belarus, as well as in other countries. The chief of the European Council criticized Belarus for attempting to quash protests.

“Violence against protesters is not the answer for Belarus,” Charles Michel said on Twitter. “Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, basic human rights must be upheld.”

NetBlocks, an NGO that tracks internet shutdowns worldwide, claimed in August: “It has been almost 24 hours since Belarus fell largely offline after a series of worsening internet disruptions during Sunday’s elections.”

After statements that the Belarusian authorities had restricted access to the Internet , a joint statement was published on the website of the US State Department with the signatures of representatives of 29 countries concerned about the surge in Internet censorship. It read:

“We call for an end of blocking or restriction of online services and respecting international human rights obligations, including in accordance with articles 19 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights …”

Today, European leaders are much more modest in comments to the situation in the United States. For example, the French government considers it necessary to combat hate speech on social networks, but does not support the blocking of US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

“I am not at ease because of this decision,” the French media quoted government spokesman Gabriel Attal as saying.

U.S. Capitol Assault Revealed Real Face Of 'American Democracy'

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Also, American diplomats stated that the United States supported the Kyrgyz people during protests against the voting results in autumn, which led to the overthrow of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. Back in May 2019, it became known that the United States was allocating $ 2.5 million to Kyrgyzstan, allegedly for monitoring the parliamentary elections. In fact, all the money went to finance subversion. Washington supported the right to self-determination of the Kyrgyz people when protesters stormed the White House in Beshkek

Americans, speaking about the same situation in their country, say the exact opposite: «Rule by a violent mob is not, and has never been, a part of our constitutional system»

“The violent and criminal assault on the U.S. Capitol during the recent proceedings to certify the results of the presidential election and the victory of President-elect Biden, is a grave reminder of how important it is to value and safeguard the essential elements of our republic that are enshrined in our Constitution, including the right to vote and the freedoms of speech and peaceful assembly. Rule by a violent mob is not, and has never been, a part of our constitutional system.” US ambassador to Russia, John J. Sullivan

Washington has completely forgotten about the policies that it pursued in almost all regions of the world, supporting brutality, inciting revolutions that led to numerous casualties and wars. This was the case in Ukraine, Venezuela, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, in the Middle East, etc. As soon as the same cruelty broke out in their country and ruined their society, they began to hide behind “democracy”.

It is obvious that the United States will no longer be able to pretend to be a democratic “tutor” anywhere in the world as it used to. The international society trusts less and less any of their statements about violations of freedom of speech and infringement of other human rights, anywhere outside the United States. However, highly likely it will not stop the hypocrisy of the neo-liberal elite. Even after the United States has demonstrated its true attitude towards democratic values, the globalist elites are unlikely to feel ashamed to hide behind these values in order to realize their own interests. They did not care about democracy before, and they will not do so in the future.

The neo-totalitarians already control public opinion, allow the president to be impeached a week before the end of his term, and they are going to receive the all necessary power. The game without rules is a fait accompli today. Moreover, this applies not only to the situation within the United States, but also to the state of the modern international system, in which Washington’s policy in recent years has practically erased any norms and “red lines“. The main question today is how this game will be played not only by the main rivals of the United States, like China or Russia, but also by its allies, for whom the current changes in the global paradigm also pose significant challenges.

The neo-liberal digital totalitarianism is the new form of the daily life and government system in the US, and the whole world will have to deal with it.


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Ashok Varma

US is a British created imperial oligarchy based on racism, slavery and genocide and as far removed from democracy as Mars. Now the thin veneer of US rapacious criminal “democracy” has been torn and the failed corrupt ugly face is on full display.

Just Me

Spot on, and no country has fallen apart so rapidly either.


under eu monopoly yeah.Conversely todays what counts usa 30 trillion debts,fk yeah!

In Exile

I dont know Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Sudan come to mind. Different races cannot share the same space as the Roman Empire discovered especially when the Jews are there creating even more disruption.


Well it could be worse :)

Just Me



North korea has defeated corona,their peoples are free from sickly lgbtq too!


Sellers were spanish/catholic,rest is history:


The british developed advanced civilisation,where as usa only knew how to destroy it (period)

Steve Standley

That was staged as a means of taking our rights away through censorship. Many people got censored/banned, including liberal/progressive organizations that were against the neoliberal policies of the democratic party, which aren’t in any way liberal or progressive. The inauguration will also have some event that justifies censoring and persecuting americans who do not agree with the (actual) one party rule we have devolved into. We are almost officially a technocratic police state that suppresses all political opinions but those in power. It will happen very soon.

Ashok Varma

As Gandhi Ji observed, When a reporter asked him what he thought of Western civilization, he famously replied: “I think it would be a good idea.”

Lone Ranger

? Spot on.

Steve Standley

I really did laugh out loud at that^.

Ashok Varma

Our Congress leaders understand the nature of these western liars and hypocrites, especially the two faced racist Anglos.


Who cares of the odd bogan.Thats nothing compared to branding pommy bastard!

However India won the last test!


Frankly, very witty and accurate.

Lone Ranger

According to U.S. logic China, Russia, Iran should send weapons and advisers so these peaceful protestors can take over the country…

Ashok Varma

However, they must start issuing a democracy and human rights annual report on the racism, police brutality and denial of basic human rights in the US gulag.


I’m afraid when constituates are not defended,things are gonna spiral way down to mexico


1. “Democrazy” is rule by financial oligarchy, kosher certified.

2. There is MORE police brutality and FEWER human “rights” in Russia, China, Iran than in “western” countries. All serve the self-chosen “people” represented by the Saturn hexagram symbol they stole from India: ✡️



You forgot “Anti-Semitic”.






I certainly did.

Jewish Chutzpah: bitchute. com/video/KgFf6AKTPIcT/

* Also includes Jews caught spray painting swastikas on their doorsteps, Jewish neighbour’s property, synagogues, Holohoax Memorials, Jewish cemeteries, and Israeli consulates.

Jewish Man Arrested For Scrawling Anti-Semitic Graffiti On Brooklyn Synagogues in ‘Hate Crime’: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61975

A Devilish System of Fighting: https://archive.org/details/for-my-legionaries/page/n191/mode/2up





Please tell me what laws stop a white person from moving out of a region, moving into a region, taking notice of a persons colour, not taking notice of a persons colour, partaking in culture or engaging in culture.

Yea others express their rights to free speech in criticizing “white persons” and in some cases even banning such activities from private property … as is their right … but there are no laws on the books that forbid you from doing any of these things.

Frankly I wish both conservatives and liberals would STFU and do something productive instead of whining and complaining.


Me too. As for the law; affirmative action and “hate speech” legislation are the prime discriminating force. There is also the media and “education” system, including private schools, universities and vocational schools that teach Neo-Marxist doctrine by crossing Marx with Freudian psychoanalysis.


“Me too. As for the law; affirmative action and “hate speech” legislation are the prime discriminating force.”

So you find ‘hate speech laws” discriminatory? How do you feel about liable laws? Would you prefer that any time you made a discriminatory remark about race or gender you had to hire a lawyer and fight it out in court?

IMO it’s cheaper and easier to have a criminal law on the books that’s codified and has defined remedies than having to fight it out in court every time a person of colour feels defamed over race.


And what if someone who’s white is defamed over the same reason? The problem is civic nationalism and the use of “hate speech” as an excuse to silence free debate over verifiable facts that completely dismantle the left’s worldview. Whites are predicted to become a minority in North America by 2043 and a minority in Europe by 2050. The jewish-owned media (almost 100% of all media) and their many alphabet agencies, think tanks and NGOs are used to stifle debate and punish those “guilty” of “wrong think”.


“And what if someone who’s white is defamed for the same reason?”

Take them to court. For example I could have taken Trump to court of a comment he made calling police wagons ‘paddy wagons’ …. except A. That’s what I call them, B. Trump can afford better lawyers than I can and C. I’m not a snowflake, I don’t get my knickers in a twist over petty shit.

“The jewish-owned media (almost 100% of all media)”

Did you do your own research on this or are you just parroting what you read.

I did a quick search and found that while jews do own media there are a lot of media owners that aren’t Jewish:

jeff bezos – catholic – washington post Warren Buffet – protestant – Berkshire Hathaway Carlos Slim – catholic – NYT Patrick Soon-Shions – Korean not jewish person – Tribune company Stanley Hubbard – something not jewish – Hubard broadcasting Rupert murdoch – anglican – Fox

That was a 5 minute search on google about a subject I don’t really give a fuck about.


“Take them to court.”

The courts are biased and corrupt.

“Did you do your own research on this or are you just parroting what you read.”

I have done my research, maybe you shouldn’t parrot “fact checkers” like snopes and owners of the mainstream media? Jewish sources admit that jews own the media and have been at the forefront of “social justice” movements, including the making and sale of pornography that necessitated their lawyers going to court to successfully argue in favour of repealing anti-obscenity laws.

Youtube’s CEO is jewish, the previous CEO of Google was jewish, and the CEO of Facebook is jewish. Mentioning this isn’t a result of “jealousy” by any meanings whatsoever.

‘Jewish Supremacism’ by David Duke: https://archive.org/details/JewishSupremacism_203/page/n11

An Empire Of Their Own How The Jews Invented Hollywood: https://archive.org/details/anempireoftheirownhowthejewsinventedhollywood

Who Runs Modern Hollywood? bitchute. com/video/6WhkLYVMNZ2c/

More evidence at the link: https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1533993998034.jpg

* The CEOs sometimes change to non-jews to make it less obvious, this says nothing about their stock holders and editor staff.

The “Chosen People” In The Swedish Media: archive.is/tdvlD


LA Times:



One last thing. The problem isn’t the jews or the blacks or the muslim. The problem is we believe ‘capitalism’ and “free enterprise” are the same thing …. they aren’t. We allow capital to influence our politicians and dictate how we run our enterprises. it’s a sacred cow to the media … which is of course controlled not by jews but rich fuckers who want you to believe that capitalism = freedom = free enterprise which is complete and utter bullshit.

Cut favouritism and subsidies toward big business and small businesses will flourish.

Think about it: big business controls the media and they pay for the billion dollar campaigns needed to get elected as a politician. They … or their lobbies … also write the laws that congressmen and senators table for legislation.

Do you think they spend all that money to pay for shit you want? The just gave themselves literally $3T USD in welfare while US citizens got $600 each …. most of which will be clawed back in taxes. Then they control the media so this theft appears to be something vital that benefits you and me …. they’re getting away with murder while you’re fighting over people calling each other names and blaming your troubles on the jews.

Yea the jews have money and look after their own. So what? Hating them for what they got isn’t going to help you out in the least and focussing on what jews, antifa and BLM just keeps your attention from noticing the real problem.


Crime Statistics in relation to racial demographics: bitchute. com/video/qmVNfukCTLa9/

Black History Month: bitchute. com/embed/rIBuLEDoaR6h/ * The thumbnail in the video ‘Black History Month’ is an example of cannibalism in Africa.



You may find such a thing “racist”, yet there are no other people on the face of the earth who display the same degree of widespread ignorance and unruly behaviour.


The Oppressed Majority: https://www.traditionalright.com/the-oppressed-majority/

– Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White countries for everyone?

– If the “anti-racists” are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a problem with White schools, White workplaces, White towns, White cities and White countries?

– If skin colour does not matter, then why is racial diversity so important [in all and only White countries]?

– If multiculturalism is something people really want, then why do we have White flight?

– If the so called ‘anti-racists’ are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a problem with White schools, White workplaces, White towns, White cities and White countries?

For those who may accuse me of being “racist” for not wanting my people to become a minority in my own country, how often do they accuse China of being “racist” for not wanting China to become non-Chinese?

– Why don’t we see people protesting against Saudi Arabia for not wanting to become a melting pot? How come Africa is not forced to become “more diverse”?

In fact South Africa was unironically a first world country that was much safer than it is today after the transition of power. Race is real and facts that many people are conditioned into feeling uncomfortable about are labelled “racist” or some other form of “hate speech” in a series of ad hominem attacks that are used as a substitute in the absence of any real evidence based argument. So instead they plead for sympathy to create the illusion of “moral superiority” which they have none, so they resort to name calling with words like “bigot, racist” or whatever senseless hug bug comes to mind.


The law is selectively enforced, as we are in the late state of Critical Theory (alternatively called ‘Cultural Marxism’). This includes the Communist idea of internationalism and “oneness”. Gender, racial and homosexual “equality” being shoved down our throats.

Cultural Marxism: https://archive.is/sPHZZ

Culture of Critique: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

Book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/182136.The_Culture_of_Critique

These faces aren’t real, it’s possible for them to program computers to randomly produce a face from real life examples saved in a database. That’s why some of them look weird, it mixes examples of different facial features unique to any particular racial phenotype. This thumbnail has nothing to do with the video.



Talk about first world problems …. I’m not going to waste my time on the ebbs and flow of liberalism.

Geopolitics, war, the economy … that’s what I’m interested in politically … bathrooms, sexuality, Christmas decorations … that’s in the wheelhouse of my wife and college age kids and my two kids have grown out of that shit and my wife’s too busy with he business to care.

The way I look at it if the left want more bathrooms, Muslim prayer rooms or safe spaces I’ll build them … if the right wants to tear them out and build a food court I’ll build that too.

I agree that legislation can be unfair and affect out lives in real terms. As a Canadian the law that affected me and my ability to make a living wasn’t some neo-liberal law around bathrooms and culture but the 2006 Westray ruling and the changes to the laws that followed meant to protect CEO’s and investors from liability


Thing is we don’t live in a democracy, the concept has never lived up to its claims. All of the major parties involved do political favours for big merchants so they can afford to run and get reelected, before eventually retiring with loaded pockets sent to their offshore accounts overseas. No matter which party is voted in, the policies pretty much remain the same.

Most countries are ruled by an interconnected financial oligarchy, Russia and China work a lot more with it than against it.

The channel ‘Disgruntled Leaf Network’ has a good handle on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/c/DisgruntledLeafNetwork


I agree. The problem is you don’t understand the enemy you’re fighting …. you’re fighting symptoms of the disease not the disease itself.

What you want to do is to get politicians working for their constituents instead of corporations, lobbys and rich assholes.

The big problem is campaign financing laws. It’s a problem in Canada but it’s a huge problem in the USA.

Limit campaign contributions to say $100k / candidate and limit individual contribution to say $50 and that includes corporations you take the power away from lobbys and give it back to the people.

I’ve worked my entire life in construction / development. When you a project to go forward you hire a “consultant” (retired or failed city counsellor) to help you with zoning and building dept matters. They can just make things run smooth. This is the way the world works.

You want your politician on your side you have to make sure you’re the one paying him. As long as politicians can get rich being politicians they are going to support the guy with the money … which today is not you or me.


“I agree. The problem is you don’t understand the enemy you’re fighting …. you’re fighting symptoms of the disease not the disease itself.”

The jews are the root cause, this is not “scapegoating” by any means. None of this would have been possible without Abrahamism and Critical Theory.

Books about jews: bitchute. com/video/8vzDbRVXZwag/


Hypocritcal Jews push Open Borders Worldwide, But Closed Borders for Israel: bitchute. com/video/G8ixBsCZjDzg/


I’m sorry to be annoying with the spam, I want the information widespread.


It’s a lie that there is any real “racism” against non-whites over there, except against Whites. There is more appropriation from Whites than vice-versa in almost every field, including but not limited to culture.




BLACK CRIME MATTERS: bitchute. com/video/qmVNfukCTLa9/

Police Racism: A Manufactured Crisis: altcensored. com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc



“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

~ Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.

China Commits Genocide on Uyghurs by “Emancipating their Women and Promoting Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights”: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/09/china-commits-genocide-on-uyghurs-by-emancipating-their-women-and-promoting-gender-equality-and-reproductive-rights/

China Ambassador: Is White Birth Rate Collapse The Result of ‘The Genocide Policy Pursued by Their Leaders?’ http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61833



Racial Crime Statistics – Documentation of globally consistent trends [+PDF version]: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/08/01/racial-crime-statistics-lots-of-infographics/

BLACK CRIME MATTERS – With Emily Youcis: bitchute. com/video/qmVNfukCTLa9/

Police Racism – A Manufactured Crisis: altcensored. com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc

You should know there is far more police brutality in China, India and the entire third world than anywhere throughout the “west”, including the United States.

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/


[Almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they could. Yet, Whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. The Mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of Genghis Khan, who raped so many people across Eurasia that 1 in every 200 people are descended from his lineage. So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White.

So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White. [See: here and here].

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the Post-WW2 political order is that of “White Supremacy.” The idea that the European ‘Straight White Male’ is the singular, most oppressive force in the Universe. White men are solely responsible for all worldly crimes. An unrivaled and undefeated force of tyranny, that must be crushed, for the good of “human progress.” Hence why mainstream narratives* not only blame imperialism exclusively on Whites, but any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug.

* These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.

Any inconvenient historic victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites — such as the Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans (mostly women and children) — is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the new global order. Whites must always be framed as the aggressors and oppressors, non-Whites as the eternal victims.

In fact, any and all instances of Whites being victimized by non-Whites, historic or modern, are great thorns in the sides of globalists. The globalist myth of “Systemic Racism,” for example, claims that even when non-Whites criminally victimize White people, the Whites

are still fundamentally to blame due to their mythical role as the “great oppressor.” [See also: Racial Crime Statistics

This propaganda bias exists for one purpose only: To destroy Whites’ sense of racial and ethnic identity, in order to trick us into embracing our ethnic displacement via an endless torrent of violent and hostile mass migration, which is being forced upon us against our will by globalist, technocratic rulers. If the White masses understood that European homelands have been under consistent attempted invasion for the last 2,500 years, they may start to view this modern mass migration in a different light.].


Oppressed Majority: https://www.traditionalright.com/the-oppressed-majority/

[The cultural Marxists prate endlessly about “oppressed minorities”. A cynic might reply that it is in the nature of minorities to be oppressed. In reality, this country’s “oppressed” minorities profit mightily from their “victim” status. They get preferential treatment in hiring, boatloads of free money, and rules that allow them to behave badly while paying no penalty. It’s a pretty good racket.

One of the strangest things about early-21st century America is that not minorities, but the White, Christian majority is oppressed–and puts up with it. “Affirmative action” gives places in high-prestige universities, as well as cushy jobs, to blacks and women instead of better-qualified White males. Bakers, florists, and photographers are sued out of business by gays for refusing to violate their religious beliefs and help celebrate gay “weddings”, which are an impossibility. The entertainment industry portrays White Christians in ways that, were blacks so type-cast, would bring howls of outrage. Yet the oppressed White majority just sits there and takes it. Why?]



Racial Crime Statistics – Documentation of globally consistent trends [+PDF version]:


BLACK CRIME MATTERS – With Emily Youcis: bitchute. com/video/qmVNfukCTLa9/

Police Racism – A Manufactured Crisis: altcensored. com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc

You should know there is far more police brutality in China, India and the entire third world than anywhere throughout the “west”, including the United States.

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress…

[Almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they could. Yet, Whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. The Mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of Genghis Khan, who raped so many people across Eurasia that 1 in every 200 people are descended from his lineage.

So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White. [See: here and here].

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the Post-WW2 political order is that of “White Supremacy.” The idea that the European ‘Straight White Male’ is the singular, most oppressive force in the Universe. White men are solely responsible for all worldly crimes. An unrivaled and undefeated force of tyranny, that must be crushed, for the good of “human progress.” Hence why mainstream narratives* not only blame imperialism exclusively on Whites, but any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug.

Any inconvenient historic victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites — such as the Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans (mostly women and children) — is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the new global order. Whites must always be framed as the aggressors and oppressors, non-Whites as the eternal victims.

In fact, any and all instances of Whites being victimized by non-Whites, historic or modern, are great thorns in the sides of globalists. The globalist myth of “Systemic Racism,” for example, claims that even when non-Whites criminally victimize White people, the Whites are still fundamentally to blame due to their mythical role as the “great oppressor.”

This propaganda bias exists for one purpose only: To destroy Whites’ sense of racial and ethnic identity, in order to trick us into embracing our ethnic displacement via an endless torrent of violent and hostile mass migration, which is being forced upon us against our will by globalist, technocratic rulers. If the White masses understood that European homelands have been under consistent attempted invasion for the last 2,500 years, they may start to view this modern mass migration in a different light.]




Racial Crime Statistics – Documentation of globally consistent trends [+PDF version]:


The Colour of Crime: https://www.amren.com/the-color-of-crime/

BLACK CRIME MATTERS – With Emily Youcis: bitchute. com/video/qmVNfukCTLa9/

Police Racism – A Manufactured Crisis: altcensored. com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc

You should know there is far more police brutality in China, India and the entire third world than anywhere throughout the “west”, including the United States. We’re held to higher standards, everyone expects more from us than themselves. Ironic, isn’t it? Is that not racist? “Westerners” have more human rights, less discrimination and are also highly corrupted/infiltrated by subversive groups, especially hostile foreigners (jews especially) who have never shed their own in-group preference and rarely do. Jews facilitate and accelerate this process.

I don’t think Muslims have ever apologized for conquering any non-Islamic civilization, including Vedic civilization and its offshoots in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Tarim Basin, and elsewhere. The Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan are among the evidence. Muslims had no qualm with looting or destroying priceless art and architecture, nor with diluting the racial, religious, cultural identities of various groups of people living there. There remains a direct antagonism between the Vedic and other pagan forms of religion/spirituality with Abrahamism, they are fundamentally at odds with each other.

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

[Almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they could. Yet, Whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. The Mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of Genghis Khan, who raped so many people across Eurasia that 1 in every 200 people are descended from his lineage.

So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White.

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the Post-WW2 political order is that of “White Supremacy.” The idea that the European ‘Straight White Male’ is the singular, most oppressive force in the Universe. White men are solely responsible for all worldly crimes. An unrivaled and undefeated force of tyranny, that must be crushed, for the good of “human progress.” Hence why mainstream narratives* not only blame imperialism exclusively on Whites, but any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug.

Any inconvenient historic victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites — such as the Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans (mostly women and children) — is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the new global order. Whites must always be framed as the aggressors and oppressors, non-Whites as the eternal victims.

In fact, any and all instances of Whites being victimized by non-Whites, historic or modern, are great thorns in the sides of globalists. The globalist myth of “Systemic Racism,” for example, claims that even when non-Whites criminally victimize White people, the Whites are still fundamentally to blame due to their mythical role as the “great oppressor.”]

Steve Standley

Hypocrisy is the daily bread of US leadership/deepstate/mainstream media.

Just Me


Ryan Glantz



The whole thing was a PsyOp.

Steve Standley


Just Me

US, UK, Australia, Canada, NZ were created on a racist class system with totally downtrodden subservient compliant people. Unlike, the free spirited Russians, Persians or even the French, Anglo dominated cultures have no history of standing up against injustice of tyranny or revolution, they are cowered very easily. There is a good reason the Iranian revolution was dubbed the last great revolution of 20th century.


Dont compare lgbt france with royal democracy fool,they murdered royalty not the uk!

Just Me

Double your meds.


You never played team sports p00f,youd know about meds wouldn’t you?you need to study history more,whilst every part has its wrongs,nothing is perfect in gods perfect plan shove them up your ass pink,Can’t even defend truth let alone anyone by trying to distort factuall events of todays,i got the proof to base freedom you have nothing. (God save our gracious queen) Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is Lord: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Ryan Glantz

hah, just watch what happens next .


15,000 Troops deployed in Washington DC

Meanwhile, the National Guard has plans to have up to 15,000 National Guard troops to meet current and future requests for the inauguration, Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, said Monday. The dramatic increase in troops comes as law enforcement in the nation’s capital and around the country brace for further extremist violence amid the transition of power.


That is a widespread misconception, the Amerindians had slaves too.

Scalp Dance: Indian warfare on the High Plains, 1865-1879 https://1lib.eu/book/2657425/565198?regionChanged=&redirect=31924672

Michael Hoffman talks about White Slavery in America (pre-revolutionary America):




“William Ellison was one of the wealthiest men in the South as well as being a black, former slave. He owned cotton gins, plantations, and 68 slaves. And from accounts of the time, he wasn’t very nice…”




There were slaves of Irish descent until around the 1830s, Imperial Russia abolished slavery about 3 decades after the British Empire had. In Britain and elsewhere throughout Europe, being poor and destitute was a crime and punishable by “indentured servitude”. This is how they first started to populate the Americas and Australia; the Spanish, Portuguese, and French used similar methods.



Lazy Gamer

They already have the right to bear arms.

Lone Ranger

ATGMs and Stingers too…:)?


Especially those.


Frankly, US is truly FUCKED!


This is almost entirely achieved on purpose and to the benefit of Jews.




Peaceful unarmed protestors at play in US “democracy”



The right has protested peacefully for far too long.


https://twitter.com/midlifewomanon1/status/1346938214867738625 https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1346920198461419520 https://twitter.com/IndigoLeo10/status/1346941327720796166 https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1348427975063175176


Hammer and sickle on this Trump “supporter’s” left hand:


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c94ebdc429767c58fff5f85b0c789ca780b2cd0ae440866b305945727146d108.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/107dac6ee4ac5f3a26cf2c8fc96d5fb231ab805ff199233b0e976f5944aaf140.jpg

Concrete Mike

Whats wrong with the hammer and sickle?

Has anyone though of workers in all.of this? Of course not!!

The working class is being treated as an ennemy of the people, when iin fact the workers are the people.

Treating workers like garbage is a specialty of you anglos anyways.

This is all theater to keep the working class divided and fighting each other, while the rich elite uses the workers like cattle.

Your just one side of the 2 sided racist fascist coin. All to keep the workers submitted.

I hope your proud of yourself


He’s with those Antifa degenerates pretending to be a Trump supporter. You are literally supporting an ideology invented by a jewish capitalist whose people are diametrically opposed to all of the tree hugging hypocrisy they have been at the forefront of promoting over the past century.

Fascism is traditionally non-racial and was very much in favour of workers rights, compared to Marxism that failed in every aspect of elevating the working class.


Concrete Mike

Your logic is flawed. Your saying a jew had a good idea, but since it comes from a jew its automatically bad or subversive.

You know who thinks like that? Racists anglos!

Who cares about race, honestly? Why spend all these ressources killing each other because the other one looks funny? At the end of the day you have to sit back and look at the situation.

The system in place is to protect the rich from the working class.


Also you theorize that socialism has not helped the working class.one bit.

I suggest you take a look at china and tell me their working class isnt doing well compared to us. It would be lunacy to claim we have it better economically.

Here its pay to play, not really a level playing field is it?

So just because marx theories were perverted, does not mean we must abandon workers rights, in fact we must double down before its too late.

Fascism was never for the workers, in fact big capital used and abused the workers for their own ends.

Stop trying to re write the cause of ww2!

Capitalism and fascism work hand in hand, its pretty obvious now aint it?


“Your logic is flawed. Your saying a jew had a good idea, but since it comes from a jew its automatically bad or subversive.”

Read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803/Culture+of+Critique+for+Normies+-+Part+III+-+Jews+and+the+Left!.mp4

Unlike Capitalism and Communism, Fascism and National Socialism are far less materialist and closer resemble the natural, i.e. “Dharmic” order. https://soundcloud.com/user-748364735/narshal-ironsides-antimaterialism-king-of-the-fascist-virtues

1. Clearly your own “logic” is flawed, reading Communist Manifesto and Marx’s twisted poems are themselves a strong refutation of Marxist ideology, or do you go by their motto “Real Communism has never existed?” It’s utterly failed anywhere it has been applied, it is clearly a terrible idea where the jews aimed to establish their self-fulfilling prophecy of world government mentioned in the Tanakh and Old Testament, by provoking class warfare with the aim of replacing the gentile rulers with jewish rulers.

Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, alias Karl Marx, wrote “The Communist Manifesto” and “Das Kapital.”

Marx was a member of an Illuminati front organization called the League of the Just. He not only advocates economic and political changes; he advocates moral and spiritual changes as well. He believed the family should be abolished, and that all children should be raised by a central authority.

He expressed his attitude toward God by saying: “We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”

From ‘Imperium’ by Francis Parker Yockey: https://archive.org/details/Imperium_182/page/n227/mode/2up





You don’t know what Fascism is. The very fact that the links I send to people on here end up getting removed a day or two after I send them only goes to show there is no shortage of Kremlin bots on this website who have the gull to mass flag any online content that interferes with their subversive narrative.

Fascism – 100 Questions Asked & Answered by Oswald Mosley: https://archive.org/details/fascism-100-questions-asked-and-answered-oswald-mosley_202010





As for “Muh Racism” and other anti-White slurs:

Two books by Arthur Kemp:

– “March of the Titans – The Complete History of the White Race” – “The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt”

From March of the Titans – Chapter 5: https://archive.is/NCYSj

Ostara Publications: https://ostarapublications.com/product-category/writers/arthur-kemp/

* His books are also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Arthur-Kemp/e/B00L2CD35Y?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000

His Goodreads Profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/251670.Arthur_Kemp

Arthur Kemp Interviewed by Red Ice: https://redice.tv/radio-3fourteen/march-of-the-titans-the-rise-and-fall-of-caucasian-civilization




Called the “autism” hexagon by our enemies:





You cry wolf about “racism” with your “moral relativism,” whilst ironically being racist toward “Anglos” who get blamed to conceal the identity of the real culprits (the jews). The Chinese and other Asiatic populations, from Turks to Semites, are comparatively more aggressively mercantile from top to bottom all throughout history.

Even Plato, Hippocrates, among others made identical remarks regarding the “Asians” of Asia Minor and Egyptians.

“For it would be absurd if someone should think that spiritedness does not occur in our cities from private citizens, who indeed have this reputation, such as those who live throughout Thrace and Scythia and nearly all the northern areas, or love of learning, which indeed someone would say is especially prevalent in the area around us, or as someone would say that the love of money is not least among the Phoenicians or Egyptians.”— Plato’s Republic, 435e3-436a3.

“And concerning the listlessness and cowardice of peoples, the seasons are especially the cause why Asians are less martial than the Europeans and more tame in their character, for making no dramatic shift either to the hot nor to the cold their seasons are temperate. For there are no mental disturbances nor strong change of the body, from which it is more likely that the passion is roused and indulges the senseless and high-spirited rather than when it is in a steady state. For it is change of everything which wake the disposition of men and do not allow it to rest. For these aforesaid reasons it seems to me that that the Asian race is weak and yet further so because of their customs. For much of Asia is ruled by a king. And where men do not rule themselves nor are autonomous, but are ruled by a despot, there is no reason for them to concern themselves over this. So that they do not practice the military disciplines, but they work to seem pacifistic.” — Hippocrates (Airs, Waters, Places; XVI)

About the “Arya” (Aryans) and the “White Supremacy” slur:

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

March of the Titans (Chapter 5): https://archive.is/NCYSj

From the Rig Veda: https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/index.htm

Indra – 1.9.3 – “O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening lauds. Present at these drink-offerings.”

Indra – 10.23.4 – “With him too in this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard. When the sweet juice is shed he seeks the pleasant place, and stirs the worshipper as wind disturbs the wood.”

Indra – 10.96.8 – “At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress.”

The Origin of “Aryan,” Part 1: Etymology and Genetics | Thuletide: https://archive.is/https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/01/31/the-origin-of-aryan-part-1-etymology-and-genetics/

* The Rig Veda was written long before they built statues and temples to venerate the various Vedic gods and goddesses.Which is the oldest Hindu temple which still exists?: https://www.quora.com/Which-is-the-oldest-Hindu-temple-which-still-exists

Aryan Migration Theory upheld by two new genetic studies. Why did Indian media report the opposite?: https://archive.is/https://scroll.in/article/936872/two-new-genetic-studies-upheld-aryan-migration-theory-so-why-did-indian-media-report-the-opposite

Aryan: https://www.youtube.com/c/Survivethejive/search?query=aryan






I already sent you the video above about “Capitalism In Decay” twice now, the second video’s thumbnail is a compilation of photographs of Egyptian artifacts depicting themselves with blue eyes.



The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet: Disclosing the Sumero- Phoenician Parentage of Our Letters Ancient and Modern: https://ostarapublications.com/product/the-aryan-origin-of-the-alphabet-disclosing-the-sumero-phoenician-parentage-of-our-letters-ancient-and-modern/

This channel has another video called ‘Persia’ (the thumbnail depicts an elite Persian soldier of the Achaemenid empire): https://youtu.be/aULXmdmBNsw

Eannatum was a Sumerian Ensi of Lagash circa 2500–2400 BCE. “Ensi” is a Sumerian title designating the ruler or prince of a city-state. He established one of the first verifiable empires in history: he subdued Elam and destroyed the city of Susa as well as several other Iranian cities, and extended his domain to Sumer and Akkad.


Ebih-Il was the superintendent of the ancient city-state of Mari in modern eastern Syria. This statue was crafted in the 25th century BC.




This book details how the jews took over the British Isles by Cromwell’s treachery and the creation of the Bank of England:

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind: https://b-ok.cc/book/3672144/e83ec5

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

“Almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they could. Yet, Whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. The Mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of Genghis Khan, who raped so many people across Eurasia that 1 in every 200 people are descended from his lineage. And why shouldn’t the Mongols be proud of creating the second-largest empire in history? It encompassed a colossal 17.81% of the earth’s surface, bested only by the British Empire, which covered 26.35% of the planet.

So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White. [See: here and here].

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the Post-WW2 political order is that of “White Supremacy.” The idea that the European ‘Straight White Male’ is the singular, most oppressive force in the Universe. White men are solely responsible for all worldly crimes. An unrivaled and undefeated force of tyranny, that must be crushed, for the good of “human progress.”

Hence why mainstream narratives* not only blame imperialism exclusively on Whites, but any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug.* These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.”

Culture of Critique – Replacing Race in Anthropology: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

* Scientific “racism” has never been disproven, so they resort to lying and inflammatory remarks to avoid criticism in the absence of counter-evidence.

The Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on their evolution | Gustave Le Bon:

bitchute. com/video/zFqZH3XFZpOA/


Jews started and dominated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, then continually blame Whites for it:

See ‘Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America’ & ‘The Visigoths and The Jews (Part 1): bitchute. com/channel/americankrogan/

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

~ Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.



Fascist Economics: https://soundcloud.com/user-202559281/economics-part-1-through-4-by-marshal-ironsides

This book details how the jews took over the British Isles by Cromwell’s treachery and the creation of the Bank of England:

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind: https://b-ok.cc/book/3672144/e83ec5

Jewish Warfare versus White Race Warfare: https://archive.org/details/JewishWarfareVersusWhiteRaceWarfare1

Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

“Almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they could. Yet, Whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. The Mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of Genghis Khan, who raped so many people across Eurasia that 1 in every 200 people are descended from his lineage. And why shouldn’t the Mongols be proud of creating the second-largest empire in history? It encompassed a colossal 17.81% of the earth’s surface, bested only by the British Empire, which covered 26.35% of the planet.

So, why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests but smug about them? Because, since the end of the Second World War, the entire Western political system is not just globalist and multi-racialist, but explicitly anti-White. [See: here and here].

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the Post-WW2 political order is that of “White Supremacy.” The idea that the European ‘Straight White Male’ is the singular, most oppressive force in the Universe. White men are solely responsible for all worldly crimes. An unrivaled and undefeated force of tyranny, that must be crushed, for the good of “human progress.”

Hence why mainstream narratives* not only blame imperialism exclusively on Whites, but any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug.* These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.”

Culture of Critique – Replacing Race in Anthropology: https://archive.org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803

* Scientific “racism” has never been disproven, so they resort to lying and inflammatory remarks to avoid criticism in the absence of counter-evidence.

The Psychology of Peoples: Its Influence on their evolution | Gustave Le Bon:

bitchute. com/video/zFqZH3XFZpOA/


Jews started and dominated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, then continually blame Whites for it:

See ‘Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America’ & ‘The Visigoths and The Jews (Part 1): bitchute. com/channel/americankrogan/

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

~ Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.



Jews and Modern Capitalism: (Video): https://archive.org/details/thejewsandmoderncapitalism_201907 (Book): https://archive.org/details/jewsandmodernca00sombgoog


1918-1919 – Jewish Communists take over Bavaria: bitchute. com/video/ndceGEjoySCw/

What The Jews Did To Germany Now In The USA: https://archive.org/details/WhatTheJewsDidToGermanyNowInTheUSA360p

Degenerate Jewish ‘Artists’ from the Weimar era: bitchute. com/video/D4HUXrhGrmJC/

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany: https://ia801702.us.archive.org/11/items/JewishDominationOfWeimarGermany1919-1932/Jewish%20Domination%20of%20Weimar%20Germany%20-%201919-1932.pdf

The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers’ Party And Its General Conceptions: https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP/page/n1/mode/2up?q=capitalism

Fascism – 100 Questions Asked & Answered. 10 Points of Fascism: https://archive.org/details/oswald-mosley-fascism-100-qs-and-10-points/mode/2up

Berlin Before Hitler -Cultural Alchemy Special Berlin Sin City of the 1920’s (Pre WW2):


German Socialism versus Marxian Socialism: https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2356+-+Alexander+Jacob+-+German+Socialism+as+an+alternative+to+Marxism.mp4



Karl Marx wrote a book called ‘On the Jewish Question’ critical of jewish capitalism, both Marx and Engels hated blacks and disparagingly referred to them as “n*ggers”. Capitalism and Marxism are actually two sides of the same coin, Capitalists always backed Marxists instead of Fascists etc



cechas vodobenikov

your farcical ignorance amuses—LEARNED ABOUT marxism FROM trailer park meth head or CIA? your racist drivel is despicable


“Farcical ignorance” Your statement would imply I’m feigning ignorance, then you proceed to contradict yourself by accusing me of being a trailer park junkie. Maybe you should lookup the definition of a “farce” and try again? History and human biology are inconsistent with the Communist worldview, however what I did say about Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels about their racial perspective is true. Why can’t you admit they were a product of their time? In fact the majority of White European stock were nowhere near as discriminatory towards outsiders as they are portrayed in film and cinema. https://www.amazon.de/Marx-Engels-intim-Erstaunliches-unzensierten/dp/398151582X

“The English version of this book can be found at AMAZON under the title ‘Marx & Engels confidential.’ A book with amazing uncensored quotes from the real letter exchange between Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.”

“LEARNED ABOUT marxism FROM trailer park meth head or CIA?”

Meaning I didn’t learn about it from a Communist country’s brainwashing schools? Wow, who could have thought?

I’ve read Das Capital and Communist Manifesto, I know what I’m talking about. Former Soviet countries have far more white trash than the United States and self-evidently a lower standard of living. Funny how you don’t know how to debate and can only resort to ad hominem attacks in the complete absence of any counter-evidence to refute anything I say, all you know is how to parrot the bigoted ideologues of a failed ideology heavily influenced by the Abrahamic worldview. Such a worldview is inseparable from the unwashed, alcoholic dilettante that invented, whilst bankrolled by his Capitalist sugar daddy Friedrich Engels.

I seriously doubt you ever bothered to watche or read anything I ever sent.

Have you ever left your crumbling country that has some of the worst social statistics outside of Africa?


The “racist” and “evil” government members of the “Nazi” party were the very first to codify animal rights and environmental protections into law. They were the second to introduce a standardized 40 hour work week after Fascist Italy and didn’t work their employees to death, unlike all Communist countries to date. There’s a reason why they all abandoned the Marxist economic model, with the exception of Cuba and North Korea, both of which are slowly abandoning such a model.



Quit it with your projecting, you are such a shameless and amoral hypocrite. As far as I’m concerned you’re dried up Communist trash with a sexual fetish for a poisonous ideology that killed over 100 million people. You attack “Nazis” while worshipping an ideology that is the splitting image of what is falsely attributed to “Nazism”.

You literally pay homage to mass murders that have done far more harm than good for everyone but themselves. Your Nazbol Eurasianism is a futile attempt to appeal to the self-esteem of the third-world whose deeply unedcuated residents are TREMENDOUSLY PROUD & SMUGLY UNAPOLOGETIC of their ancestors having committed EVERY EVIL ACT that you blame the “WHITE SUPREMACIST” west of perpetrating.

What you CLEARLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND is that jEWISH SUPREMACISM is the root cause of the biggest problems in the world over the past 2,000 years.

You pin the blame almost exclusively upon ALL MEMBERS of the WHITE RACE, whose people YOU IRONICALLY HOLD TO A MUCH HIGHER MORAL STANDARD than ANYONE ELSE. Apparently you seem to think that we are superior, or would you rather see them reduced to a state of forced servitude and eventually complete racial extermination.

Nietzsche’s definition of a “slave morality” is the prime psychological characteristic of any left wing ideology and consistent with the subversive foundations of Christianity that set out to undermine its victims for the sake of establishing a jewish system of international governance and plunder.

Written by an emperor of the Byzantine (East Roman) empire:




“Man is a rope, fastened between animal and superman — a rope over an abyss.” (Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

All those desert death cults represent a hatred for life.

Video Description:

“Inspired by Keith Woods’ video displaying the connections between pedo-promotion and mainstream academia’s Queer Theory & Critical Theory, I attempt to give an explanation as to *why* these two spheres and deeply connected and why it has also been led by a certain Chosen tribe for many hundreds of years.”



Imperium by Francis Yockey:






From Slave to Emperor: https://ostarapublications.com/product/from-slave-to-emperor-famous-historians-on-the-racial-reasons-for-the-decline-of-the-roman-empire/

By their fruits you shall know them – Revillo Oliver: https://www.revilo-oliver.com/news/1985/08/by-their-fruits-ye-shall-know-them/

Books by Revilo P. Oliver: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/510842.Revilo_P_Oliver

Reply to Jordan Peterson on the Jewish Question — From His Heroes Part Four (Nietzsche): https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2018/10/27/reply-to-jordan-peterson-on-the-jewish-question-from-his-heroes-part-four-nietzsche/


The precipice Judeo-Abrahamic sub-humanity:




You’re such a Kremlin bot, a pawn in the service of your “[un]holy” jewish masters.




Diplomatic cables prove the connection Between Jews and Bolshevism: bitchute.c om/video/DVHcJad9bqUF/








Imperialism and Colonialism: White Guilt and Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/06/imperialism-and-colonialism-white-guilt-and-historic-non-white-conquests-of-european-territories/

Debunking Race Denialism: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/debunking-race-denialism/

Jews are behind both Capitalism and Marxism:


So “racist” to oppose this:


Jews started and dominated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, they continually blame Whites for it:

See ‘Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America’ & ‘The Visigoths and The Jews (Part 1): bitchute. com/channel/americankrogan/

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

~ Israel Cohen (jewish Communist/Capitalist), A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957.



Jews and Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart, 1928: https://archive.org/details/thejewsandmoderncapitalism_201907

A History Of Central Banking & The Enslavement Of Mankind: https://archive.org/details/centralbanking

For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/15-6.htm


From the Rig Veda: https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/rigveda/index.htm

March of the Titans: Chapter 5 https://archive.is/NCYSj#selection-379.1-379.31

March of the Titans: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/251670.Arthur_Kemp













And no proof to show for it…


You’re an orc who’s too brainwashed to see through the deception.



Communism is about the poor who are envious of the rich, spreading chaos and anarchy to steal everything that the rich and middle class have accumulated. It’s about class warfare and envy, whereas real socialism (national as opposed to international socialism) is about class integration; wholesome, productive work based on merit for the benefit and sustenance of a nation and its people as a whole. This is what a nationalistic type of socialism should ideally be. It’s about maintaining the stability of society, where everyone has honourable, dignifying work and get to preserve their personal, collective identity.


As for “racism”, only White people are forbidden to be racist. If you are White and don’t want to be demographically replaced and your people mixed out of existence, you are “racist” for opposing White genocide. This Marxist hogwash is only intended to bastardize the races and eliminate all differences of any kind among mankind, a universal tan man that can be easily controlled as a slave for his or her jewish masters in their dream of world domination dating back to the Old Testament.


Facts interfere often interfere with foolish, whiny hypocrites. Workers were treated far worse under Communism; and not unlike Capitalism, Communist bureaucracies only view their workers as replaceable cogs in a machine as if they are bugs apart of a larger ant hill or bee hive. This has given way to the post-modern expression of “bug men” whose cities are rebuilt with cheap, ugly architecture that make up the checker board pattern of the street layout.

On the origin of the word “racist”: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/06/on-the-origin-of-the-word-racist/

Debunking Race Denialism: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/debunking-race-denialism/




Karl Marx wanted to exterminate east Europeans.


Longer video of Ashli Babbitt’s Murder: bitchute. com/video/fpyew0FN1Rfp/



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7fe57f43d5a797d658d08d19da6643ec8574a1e05171ad5b7c251c60a6e9648f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ccc222e430861c6a5d9c1d9403cb0035e7ad4a0d328c6da1897cd7336ac9c539.png


“knock you down?”


There was no sedition at the Capitol Hill building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z-T06Ctdi4&has_verified=1&bpctr=1610695414 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd414092221582ebc64f6f9e0c19e1c762ab2ab61ec27cda5b0893a29eb6ee82.png

Lone Ranger

Chickens come home to roost…

Lone Ranger

U.S. is very lucky Russia is not out for a revenge or they would shit bricks right now.

Ryan Glantz

Russia has agreed tacitly to stand back while United States of America gets her swamp drained ;)


how old are you Ryan? 10 ? or even maybe 12?

Ryan Glantz

Why? Are you looking for someone of legal age to buy you some beer or something?

Lone Ranger

Demonrats will fly alongside headchoppers and rapists and cannibals, but not Trump supporters… Hmm… U.S. is going down the drain with Warp 9.

Ryan Glantz

So you just wrote a nice article there about the United State’s own domestic deepstate “problem” we’ve had for decades now. Suffice to say, the deepstate is now deeply fucked and will not recover ever again. Over the coming months, you’ll be in for quite a shock ;)


You try and warn but the blm/soros trolls keep talking of meds like as if its our saving grace? They got another thing coming:

In Exile

When the shit hits the fan the parasites will depart for a new host or perhaps they will work on their suntans in Tel Aviv on the beach back at head office.

Ryan Glantz

nope, they’re getting rounded up by the United States Military and are going to have nice Military Tribunals :) Treason doesn’t end well.

Haven’t you heard? USA is in lockdown, the carrier fleets are stationed off both East and West coasts, and the military air traffic and troop movements are off the charts!

In Exile

I sincerely hope so.


Some will not like it but I must say it all the same Capitol “assault”was staged, people there were used for well prepared scenario …and this article is propaganda.mixed with some facts to bake in the brains and digest easier Everything that comes from US media is propaganda one way or another. That is their only purpose of existence – not to inform but to manipulate Media report only to manipulate, broadcasting information’s is just cover up.

Concrete Mike

Yes i have some to similar initial conclusions.

Ryan Glantz

Don’tchya you think this shit going on is all suspect?

I’m not into politics, I’m into saving humans from there own wrath know someone who wanted to wanted to rewire their brain by building a magnetic vortex frequency chamber. They built the framework, saying, “I need to understand frequencies and magnetics,” so they studied at first all the technology on mind control how that process is accomplished- how long mind control has been in practice, how many different kinds and stages that have achieved to the point.

This friend of mine seriously said, “this is fucked up, like seriously even the new technology you don’t want to know or think about, how different ways and tactics are used through media, politics, corporate agenda, social agenda… I mean down to stupid shit with behaviors and how we act in groups all the bullshit humans do…”

“Sure there drugs are much more involved with all this I could not even begin to start to explain how long and how much and how easy it is to manipulate a human being like just with individuality emotions beliefs religions entertainment politics education and more then u realize and that’s just the United States”

Now if you think other countries like China and Russia have never done this even more crazier…

think again. Over 100 years of direct research and development. This means there has been generations of so called sleeper agents, so many in fact, that these are well educated well spoken and extremely intelligent.

So how this all works, let’s just say everything the right or the left doing is irrelevant, these antifa and Q organizations. Think not what you see but what you understand. What I just explained yes this a deep state mind fuck set in place by other countries, including the United States. This is all real, not contrived, rather controlled behaviors.

All 1/2 truths manipulated to serve only one purpose: to divide this country. This is a war, a war that has been going on much longer then United States itself. This war needs no name no side no accountability. Humans are pawns.

Your freedom is not being taken away, you never had freedom to begin with. All I’ll say is this not a just a USA mind control operation. This is much more, these corporate silicon valley big tech oligarch corrupt pedophile satanic lucifarian groups are all connected with one agenda- to divide and conquer. Sad days for humanity tisk tisk

Time to grow up be responsible ….


Or at the very least,sleep with one eye opened.

Al Balog

Corporatist Mattel made Barbie lesbian. America is dying. Get woke, go broke.



Which will then make ken?

Al Balog

No idea ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Good for you too! Stay safe.


how the f*ck Mattel knows Barbies gender without Barbie saying anything?! somebody should sue their ass and defend Barbies gender rights I suppose Ken-no-balls tranny is next model

Concrete Mike

Ken with a pony tail and a dress!!

Love it!!

Ryan Glantz

If liberal politicians are serious about “unity” they sure have an abusive way of showing it.

These are the statements of “incitement” the scoundrels in Washington DC claim President Trump used that started a sliver of the over 250 thousand to breach the barriers of the Ivory Tower.

The reality is this was one of the most obvious corrinatated false flag operations to cap a 4 year coup by the Marxist left and international charators in this bad B-movie.

Yes, Trump supporters joined in, yes the occupied the outside of the capital building—the blame for the anger of m,illions of law-abiding Americans can be dropped square in hte lap of corrupt lawmakers who have no regard for the rule of law.

What we are seeing is different kind of war against freedom and our republican form of government using censorship, rigged elections, and disinformation to divide us–we are the victims and they are the enemy, the provocateurs, and now we are in the midst of a patriotic American rebellion–but they fired the first shot through decades of government overreach and abuse of power! Godspeed!


Concrete Mike

Dude you have no idea what marxism is do you?


When we start talking about the workers, positive change will come until then, were silly putty in the hands of the billionaires.

Lazy Gamer

Im hoping Russia, China, or Europe can provide a new cyber infrastructure for the rest of the world in apps, public squares, public tvs, etc.

Ryan Glantz

USA patriots are creating an alt social media platform at the moment.


With a draconian police state and military deployment do you think there will be an uprising?

Ryan Glantz

No uprising, nobody wants to fight the USA military. We want to fight the corrupt media, government, court systems, and businesses.



You think the Wall Street Jews will sit by idly? they built and sustain the corrupt system and will kill millions of ordinary Americans just to hang on to their loot. Why do you think Zuckerberg and the Jew cabal are shutting down Trump and “free speech”?

Ryan Glantz

anyone who built or sustained the corrupt system will have a nice Military Tribunal

Lazy Gamer

platform wont last if it does not invest in its own servers/storage.


Russia, China, already have alternative network servers and apps (specially for military and gov.), they just vait that US unplugs them completely one day…

There will be no “for the rest of the world” alternative Lazy, the world will separate in 2 parts just like during “cold war”.


it is not problem to get information in the era of information’s in the jungle of the information’s. the only problem is to find information worth of trust.

Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz


Ryan Glantz



who’s this ryan glantz polluting the commentary fields with drivel!


democracy or faux-democracy under which umbrella the disunited states of A is spreading violence and disorder and in general fucking up otherwise ordinary people’s lives and if need be, kill them, part of the process to remain the hegemon.


the attack on the capitol was not an attack on democracy but an attack on a faux-democracy or fake make believe democracy with the purpose to recover the zilllions of $$ the washington dc elite has managed to steal and/or embezzle from the public treasury while at the same time refusing to provide even the most basic health service or education to the rabble being held hostage by the police and a more than ready prison system. it started with reagan and then clinton and so on.

Raptar Driver

America and the constitution are no longer . This is the time to act or is all finished! In place will be a monster, a beast! Be afraid, be very afraid!

cechas vodobenikov

CIA created new neanderthal anglo fascist alias–“anglo Canadian”; she spews decontextualized drivel from Langley good to know CIA wasting money

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