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U.S. Capitol Is On Fire. Conservative Forces Continue Their Resistance

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U.S. Capitol Is On Fire. Conservative Forces Continue Their Resistance

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The inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden is approaching. Its main theme should be the unification of the country and its population. However, such statements seem to be a distant dream. The polarization of the American population has been deepening for many years, largely due to the radicalization of liberal policies. Taxes, abortion, gun bans, migration, drug legalization, and LGBTQ were just some of the topics that caused vivid popular discussions. The 2020 elections not only unveiled the existing split, but also significantly strengthened it, leading to a political crisis and the forceful establishment of the new neo-liberal rule.

Traditionally, the liberals are doing loud, but essentially empty statement. In fact, behind today’s slogans about the unification of the country stand the BLM protests and violence that were supported and endorsed by the Democrats. Dozens of deaths, hundreds of detainees, and the most massive protests in U.S. history that ultimately led to discrimination against the white population and labeling conservative Americans as terrorists – this is how neo-liberals are establishing equality and unite the country.

Even while assuming the presidency, Biden’s team continues to make empty statements, in fact causing more and more outrage among conservatives.

U.S. Capitol Is On Fire. Conservative Forces Continue Their Resistance

BLM protests @keithhelfrich

The same Democratic Party led by Pelosi in the White House enforced ‘gender-neutral language’ in the Capitol. The changes that were approved were approved by The U.S. House of Representatives on January 6 mean that the rules document will use language such as “parent,” “child,” and “sibling” instead of “mother,” “father,” “son,” daughter,” “brother,” and “sister.” It will also replace “chairman” with “chair,” “seamen” with “seafarers,” and “himself” and “herself” with “themselves” etc. Despite the fact that it is not officially prohibited for House members to use gendered language in communication,some right-wing politicians have contended that gendered words have been banned.

Perhaps Joe Biden hopes to reduce social divisions by appointing Kristen Clarke to the post of head of the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, as she vehemently claims that Black people are superior to White physically and mentally.


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Biden’s presidency begins with a real crackdown on conservative white Americans who stand for the values and norms on which make the basis of their society. They were labeled terrorists, racists and anti-semites. Biden’s measures their persecution.

In addition, neo-liberals, with the support of the Big Tech, literally muzzle conservatives. By blocking the accounts of President Trump and thousands of his supporters on mainstream social platforms, simply removing alternative social networks, accusing them of inciting violence they provoke only growing discontent.

In order not to leave any chance to the opposition in the information struggle, the Biden administration gained the support of Hollywood, which has traditionally enjoyed a cozy relationship with Democratic presidents. If Bill Clinton and Barack Obama embellished their relations with movie stars and prominent figures of the film industry with brilliance and pathos, during the Biden era, we should expect Hollywood to become a real weapon of propaganda.

Unfortunately, such measures are unlikely to lead to the unification of the United States, but only to their social radicalization.

U.S. Capitol Is On Fire. Conservative Forces Continue Their Resistance

Illustrative Image. Source: @markusspiske

Despite all the efforts, over 80 million people voted for Trump and even more do not support the hardcore neo-liberalism and globalism that are now the official ideology of the US leadership. They cannot be simply suppressed and ignored, and conservative organizations and activists are regrouping for the resistance in the new normality.

The preparations of the Harris team for Biden’s inauguration ceremony speak volumes. The Capitol is turned into the stronghold with armed troops living there. FBI and Police are conducting a mass campaign of detentions and persecutions, along with a series of suspicious suicides.

Even these measures could not be enough to force the half of the country to obey. They only provoke more fierce resistance. There are more and more local activist groups that are not satisfied with the new neo-liberal normality.

On January 18, a fire occurred near the Capitol during the repetition of Biden’s inauguration, NBC News reported, citing a law enforcement official. Access to all buildings of the complex was closed due to an “external threat”, and participants of the inauguration rehearsal were evacuated.

Even MSM admit that Trump’s ideas are widely supported by the members of the Republican Party.

The New York Times reported, that Trump’s ideas “have become ingrained at the grass-roots level of the (Republican) Party, embraced by activists, local leaders and elected officials even as a handful of Republicans in Congress break with the president in the final hour.»

Taking into account the unprecedented pressure on the Republican Party through the financial manipulation, witch hunt and discrimination of its supporters, who still represent about the half of the population, it is not surprising that its representatives in the Capitol to oppose the violence of the Democrats.

«Interviews with more than 40 Republican state and local leaders conducted after the siege at the Capitol show that a vocal wing of the party maintains an almost-religious devotion to the president, and that these supporters don’t hold him responsible for the mob violence last week. The opposition to him emerging among some Republicans has only bolstered their support of him.» – The New York Times reported.

In the media sphere, the mainstream networks are suffering a sharp outflow of users in favor of alternative analogues that protect the privacy of uses data. This phenomenon has already become the largest digital migration in human history.

The standoff persists not only on the streets of Washington. Business corporations actively demonstrate their commitment to one of the parties, using their finances and influence to exert pressure.

So, the National Rifle Association (NSA), which has a great influence in the domestic policy of the United States, began formal bankruptcy proceedings, planning to relocate to the state of Texas. The association unites those who advocate for the right of US residents to possess weapons and actively participate in lobbying activities. She has traditionally maintained close ties to the Republican Party and has supported incumbent President Donald Trump.

On the other hand, New York supported Democrats and broke relations with Trump Organization. The number of other organizations followed this example, including Professional Bank, Deutsche Bank and Signature Bank.

The unprecedented pressure and violence against Republicans, US President and ordinary Americans that became the main policy of Biden administration deepen the division in American society. It is hard to imagine that Biden’s stated intention to unite the country is possible through such methods.

Most likely, aggressive actions of the Harris/Biden team will lead to the further division of the country. Despite claims about the return to stability and end of the division, the real actions of the new leadership shows a quite different trend.

Such a strategy of provoking riots and then gaining power over chaos has been pursued by neo-liberals for many years. Formerly, the Democrats and their sponsors used “color revolutions”-styled technologies and election rigging to seize power. Now, they use the same approaches of the pro-US regimes established elsewhere around the world, including those in Ukraine that the Biden family likes so much. They make loud statements about peace, stability and the need to defend democracy, while carrying out blatant actions that go contrary to the public declarations and are aimed at only one goal: to secure the power and force the society to obey to the new regime.


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This situation in the District of Corruption is being allowed to morph into an extremely dangerous powderkeg aimed at the regime, and I’m not talking about domestic “terrorists” aka patriots, or even any militant dissidents native to the US, but rather other, foreign actors who have lots of experience in VBIEDs for example.

In DC there are five brigades of *unarmed* troops packed densely among high value targets, such as buildings and regime oafishuls. This is the act of a regime filled with hubris, which is putting on this display not to prevent a “domestic insurgency” which they know has no practical chance of occurring, but rather to ‘spike the ball’, and demonstrate their authority… but it could very well backfire on them in an epic way, as while theyre making a victory pose, they are making themselves vulnerable to actual terrorist sleeper cells, maintained by real terrorists who have lots of experiences pulling off attacks in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere.

While AQ and ISIS, for example, have been aided directly and indirectly by the USA, they should not be considered as allies of the US, but rather as wildcards who are likely to bite the hand that feeds them, as they would turn against the USA regime in a heartbeat if the opportunity presents itself.

Jens Holm

It seemes Biden under stand and try to calm things, which should be calmed.

Concrete Mike

Calling half the country domestic terrorist is your idea of calming things down?


Capitol security seems to be a bit paranoid lately. Small fire was at at homeless encampment about a mile away .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlaieBFE6aw

Tommy Jensen

O boy, a little firewood scared the h… out of you guys.

johnny rotten

They have been watching for years what their governments were doing abroad against small nations, they accepted that their governments would attack militarily and / or verbally with absurd excuses every other nation in the world that did not bow to their orders, now the insane one violence has turned against them, and even if they are right to complain about it I think it’s a little too late, you should have thought about it when it was time, you have had so many opportunities to stand up against the abomination that has brought misery and death to hundreds of millions of people in the world, well now it’s your turn to take it in the ass, if in the future you still have some opportunity to fight evil try not to let it escape, your tears no longer move anyone.


The US Ziocorporate regime has always been violent against resisting Americans, it’s just that most Americans are too stupid, thanks to their education system, to know better. If the BLM scum kept in mind the events surrounding the Church committee, COINTELPRO, Kent State massacre, Operation Mockingbird, Gladio, Iran-Contra, etc. they wouldn’t be siding with Democrat trash. Same for cuntservatives adhering to Trump or the RNC.

Jens Holm

There we go again.

Yerrrhm, and the majority is stupid over there too. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85f7d4a22a3554bbe5b2044dfa871eb52e9b3f2e873082abff309f35158d33d5.jpg

Just Me





Two sides of the same coin. None in politics and almost none in the population are true conservative nor Christian.

John Brown

100% right.

The USSA has been a Zio dictatorship since at least 1913. Its just more in the open now.

Jens Holm

Its almost not about foreign policy at all.

Ashok Varma

British imperialist colonies like US, Australia, Canada and NZ have no history of “insurrection” or even protest. They have very docile and cowardly populations that are led like sheep so all this nonsense is an attempt to even take away their basic human rights and freedoms. The deliberate policy of masking people is to take away their identity and humanity.


Not Indian Paul

You’re wrong about Australia having no history of resistance. The union movement was once strong, but the capitalists destroyed it. But your statement about being sheep is true.

Ashok Varma

Australia started the European colonization process as a penal colony, so the draconian police state regime and harsh brutality was inevitable as the Eureka stockade episode early on demonstrated. Same goes for Canada, but the US created a fake Hollywood myth of “home of the brave and land of the free”, the converse is true. US instruments of power like CIA and FBI have been stifling people, banning unions and killing leaders for years, the only difference now is that it is out in the open.


Tommy Jensen

Fake. Here is how they really look………in reality. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6c21309501ed87c3dc3e5e53ada3f144b024fe91322cf2fc22b537beb4723f73.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c54ee967c76476af0b8ca10b18685df8b016d17bb39e86696901573daa1e246.jpg

Just Me

Trump leaves the White House as he came in: angry, narcissistic isolated and unpredictable, but now facing serious criminal charges as well and a life time muzzle.


Read more here: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article248535105.html#storylink=cpy

Tommy Jensen

No one has been more pathetic filled with lies, frauds, smears, riots, corrupt pay to play policy than the rotten Democrats during these 4 years. One man cant bear all others fault on his shoulders. His pals in the Republican Party must bear the guilt too for the Republicans tremendous passivity, disloyalty to their own cause and Party, their disorganised cowardice and obedience to the LGBT teams worst campaign slogans. Trump did nothing the DC vermin not already did worse. The whole DC is a snake nest.

The Objective

He is one of the best U.S presidents in history, though Shiites will disagree.


What has he done besides play the role of fake opposition to the deviant left so they could further their agenda? He partied with the Clintons before he got elected. Just like George Bush played golf with the Bill Clinton.

This is all deception and the two parties are just two sides of the same coin.

The Objective

Maybe you are right. But he sure is less averse to risk. That makes Iran hate him passion.


Iran has done nothing to the U.S. except kick out their puppet Shah back in the seventies. The U.S. has demonized them ever since.

The Objective

Iran has done nothing to the U.S. but Iran is harming those who aren’t picking any fights with Iran. Iran’s policy of raising terror armies across countries is fueling instability, sectarian strive, and civil wars. but I guess you don’t take this seriously, or even completely turn a blind eye to it. That is what Iran’s supporters do. Iran’s nuclear and missile program don’t worry me at all. What I don’t like is these proxy terror armies in multiple countries which Iran train, arm, and fund.


Terror armies. And just what terror have they committed and where?

The Objective

you don’t know anything about what’s going on in Iraq do you? Well, I can provide you with indelible information that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Iran and its terror militias a terrorizing millions of Iraq civilians. Just say so, and I’ll send the links over, including PDFs documents by reputable research organizations.

I’ll give you one assignment here: Try to find out why the majority of Iraq Sunnis want America to stay. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot.


Then post your proof. The biggest terrorists in the middle east is the U.S. and Israel. That proof requires nothing more than eyes to see.

Just Me

Tommy. these are images from 80’s TV shows lol

Tommy Jensen

Ok? Here is from 2020. Sorry to disappoint you “police state” guys. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7f1a479c992fa2b0092d4669246c86f040871ddc8d16c44ab1f2fabbf061dde.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6088f8f0be3604556c18fe79c288ee82fc09bf5ba3aca34059e0dcd2c44cfd4d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a14c14631e32fa0c889f017badcb80358e257f56e7cb69ffc5b9e8ce702e6980.jpg


Like I said there are less cops out,since we trwarted blm /soros.gates protests,drr reality agreed we are adult responsable than for example over where your at shims




hey p00f.i have not seen one copper over 9 months,see we are real men and people here,unlike you fascist goispermed assflogged zealout lousy bots,and i fkn well live here you p00fs don’t ,so lest these tennis stars don’t respect law of the land,they can fkoff,because we don’t need their fascist kind,never did (period) (God Save our Queen) you can burn in hell mocking divine authority,goispermed!


Why should a bunch of police detectives knock on your door Jimi? Have you been a bad boy?

Bobby Twoshoes

Bonus points for mentioning the Eureka Stockade; closest we ever came to a revolution was a bunch of drunk miners who didn’t want to pay their tax and got slaughtered.


Hey gimp,when you read brittanica several times then try to talk history,your lame rants rsssemble a pesky old hag with out a clue on anything Commonwealth,you are broken your cia cannot save you,were warned,so be it hell for you WEAKLING!


Really,you wanna try,lets see who back out when the trouble starts,we twarted your lgbtq/anfita/blms not just other corporate entitys whom i may add were given the middle finger in liason to security protocols,infact we know laws better than you p00fs which is another secret how we blotted out your soros/gates tyrannists

you p00fs are cowards,make no mistake i lived freedom 300+ kph you p00fs havn’t you havn’t got the balls (period) where atleast where i live we resisted against the jap/nazis in merit,sheep? That would be usa,atleast we don’t need to protest,drrr!


Wtf you on about? We don’t wear masks by force,Jealousy is your curse,not ours,flop!


Not to argue with what you said but just what have you done besides sit at the keyboard and act like you are different?

Just Me

Why you don’t like US bringing “democracy and human rights” by killing millions around the world?


And there was/is absolutely NOTHING that the few of us who oppose what has been happening can do about it. NOTHING.


Sad to say, but cuntservatives are stupid partisan tools that cannot see reality beyond their own bubble of delusion and ignorance about a mythical past that they want to return to, and in that sense no differents from the Democrat tools grouped together in Antifart/BLM, who let Ziocorporate power use the past to manipulate them in the present and for the foreeasble future.

Anyone, left or right, believing that the US Ziocorporate regime is a “democracy” or a “republic” has a cognitive problem. The problem is that terrorist Ziocorporatism has a broad worldview and it can accomodate anything from “moderate” or liberal conservatives to pseudo-radical liberals, while the Trumpet, whose MAGA/Qtart phenomenon reeks of a COINTELPRO psyop, was put in place to rally the most conservative and anti-authoritarian sentiments among the population.

At this point it doesn’t even matter if Trumpet was acting as a willing puppet of Ziocorporatism, which is the most likely, or if he was an unwitty tool to entrap partisans of nationalism and racialism, even if he had won, he would’ve been brought into the fold with a false flag or something. What matters is that people needed to get together against the onslaught of a Ziocorporate overclass that will crush any left-wing or right-wing resistance to its machinations and designed chaos, but that’s simply not an option for most blindly partisan idiots, so the resistance will have to be limited to very small pockets of awareness.

Either way, voodoo zombie Biden and whore of Zion Kameltoe will be pushing “Great Reset” down everyone’s throats shortly.


American democracy was and is a rejection of God. Yet supposed Christians in America fly that flag behind their pulpits. That goes to show just how stupid my countrymen are.

Jens Holm

Biden got 81 mio votes. Thats 4 millions more then Trump did. So Trump won?

I dont see that.



Raptar Driver

It was far more than 80,000,000. The election was completely fraudulent!

Fog of War

I dont even like the orange buffoon, but you are very correct. The fraud was so obvious the PTB must want everyone to know it. This should very troubling to everyone.

Just Me


Fog of War

Those soldiers dont even have magazines in their rifles. This is all smoke and mirrors.

Ashok Varma

That is how police states operate, by generating terror and fear.


If they have not been given magazines, then bayonets should be able to hold the grounds. Because there are over 20,000 of them. Order is “Fix bayonets, Forward march” :)

Fog of War

Against purportedly heavily armed Trump supporters ? That would be Bunker hill 2021. You should re-think your theory.


Heavily armed Trump supporters? LOL. You mean controlled opposition.

Fog of War

I did say purported.


Also those 20,000 are those who doesn’t know how to change empty magazines (they didn’t show them purposely) with loaded ones .So they are safe no conflict possible. But if still it get”s tricky they can always nuke Iran or start WW3 to divert attention. from that conflict.


I read somewhere there is fear that one or more Trump supporter national guard might try to shoot Biden, so they took magazines from them. A couple of trucks full of rifle magazines must be around just in case. They don’t want to get caught with their pants down now, do they?

Ivan Freely

Trucks full of ammo? A few molotov’s would fix that right quick.


The attempts to suppress the voice & feelings of such a significant proportion of the citizens is a huge miscalculation on the part of the fascists. This will lead to social upheaval, violence and civil war. It is almost too late to find an external enemy to blame any false flag on in an attempt to reunite the people against a foreign enemy, because they can’t seem to agree on one. You’re supposed to be either anti-Russian or anti-China, and even blaming Iran won’t be able to bridge the gap. They have played at polarization in order to divide and conquer, and now they get to rule the broken pieces…


SF became a totally commie bullshit factory.

E.g. On January 18, a fire occurred near the Capitol during the repetition of Biden’s inauguration, NBC News reported, citing a law enforcement official. Access to all buildings of the complex was closed due to an “external threat”, and participants of the inauguration rehearsal were evacuated.

There was no threat. Only one homeless nest burned.

Just Me



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6071c790ec559341669ee2c57585768d4ee9b7b7e34b1f17a84748dff50f37cf.jpg https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-18-situation-update-jan-18-2021-trump-pathways-to-victory.html


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ee8eff7becc039c26731f904d5f240326db0d851fd2f6f721d846f4cc1fce83.jpg https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-18-situation-update-jan-18-2021-trump-pathways-to-victory.html


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/412f3e239f680d2e0e6c82e721ea091e14e79cb60d285071e35d8b006bb61c7e.jpg https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-18-situation-update-jan-18-2021-trump-pathways-to-victory.html


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b2e680a03afdfc55a69c316b8231643c6b70de62b1de413121d118b8a938e6c.jpg https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-18-situation-update-jan-18-2021-trump-pathways-to-victory.html


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae5e0b71c8bbad1657c87970bf477f95cf519a00f59eff9229f7dea6ffad8f4a.jpg https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-18-situation-update-jan-18-2021-trump-pathways-to-victory.html

Tommy Jensen

Bs. Complete and utter bs. I lost everything for naturalnews. Not that I frequented the site too much but as a future despise.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3b7b2c043fc20c0b69e4f6ddd1a96102b57e0fe5f5e6133e40bc086157d277da.png https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/01/pics-us-marshals-deputize-2000-troops-for-biden-inauguration-in-front-of-washington-monument/


“According to the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Marshals and their deputies may “carry firearms and may make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such a felony.””

– US Marshals deputize 2,000 troops for Biden inauguration in front of Washington Monument –



Yea. Why do people keep quoting sources from the net that have been wrong time after time?


Because it provides an explanation for what’s happening that could be viable. If it wasn’t something that could be viable. I wouldn’t have posted it.


I don’t see how any of it is viable. Trump is out and Biden is in. That is not going to change. We will keep descending into corrupt immorality.

We cannot have a revolution because of the makeup of our system and we all know that voting is useless. They have all the cards and we are only left with the hope and belief in divine intervention. I just which HE would get on with it.


It’s viable when the courts work and aren’t subverted by corrupt criminals engaging in the crime of obstruction of justice.


True the courts are corrupt but even if they were not they are required to uphold the Constitution which is the root of America’s problems in the first place.

When you specifically eliminate God, aka the 1st Amendment, then what you have left is corruption.


What does the separation of church and state have to do with criminals committing obstruction of justice?


Without God they can create whatever “justice” they want.


Your comment is nonsensical. God doesn’t enforce the law, courts do. There are sentencing guidelines for every offense. Do you even understand how the judicial system works.

You keep making irrational assertions that your religious concepts about god are some kind of judicial system cure all for crime and corruption. Without offering a single explanation for what that means or how it would work.


If our government was based on God’s never changing Law then we would not be in this mess because who is in the white house would make no difference. The constitution provides no real laws since they all can be changed or legislated so you will always have people trying everything they can to get into office to make laws that suit their desires.

It is people like you who reject God that are the problem.


That’s a dodge. What is your religious belief of what God’s law is and what proof do you have that your religious belief is true?


My belief? God’s law is very clear. The problem is people like you who refuse His law and worship our godless constitution. You prefer to believe in a godless and corrupt constitution in spite of what you see right in front of you. And you ask why I believe in something lawful and righteous?


Another dodge.

Who is your god and what is his law?


You are not familiar with the Ten Commandments which are rejected by our government?

You support a corrupt government that is built on lies and deception yet you turn around and rail against the corruptness of our government. It’s called cognitive dissonance.

Our government gives false equality to any deviant, lying, perverse self serving person who wants to hold office to push whatever agenda they want. And that is what you have.


The 10 commandments are written into secular law everywhere. Thou shall not kill, steal, bear false witness, etc.. They’re common sense. The entire planet uses some varient of them. Regardless of religious ideology or lack of in any jurisdiction.


There is not a single one of the Ten Commandment written into the Constitution. The Constitution is the ultimate God. Politicians are free to speak blasphemous things and bear false witness against their political opponents. They can steal your money to give to causes and agendas that are against your religion. They promote covetousness. They murder unborn children and adultery is wholly acceptable and encouraged. It is legal to break every one of the Ten Commandments in this country.

And since God is not held as the ultimate authority where all righteous law springs from they justify many other unjust laws such as showing partiality in judgement and in legislation. They are able to interpret any law according to what they will at any given time.

God’s Law is simple, never changing and equal. If we held His Law then we would not be where we are today.

Don’t get me wrong though. I have no expectation of that happening.


You want the constitution changed and religious police and courts to arrest, prosecute, imprison and execute people so that they comply with your religious beliefs. Is that what you’re advocating?


No. That is not what I said at all. But if I did then it would be better than the unjust system we have now. On the other hand you do not want people arrested and tried for murder and theft? Or the Cop in Florida who was planting drugs on people to get convictions should just get a slap on the wrist? When they take the oath of office then they should be held to the highest standard and be subject to the highest punishment. Then we would not have so much corruption.

I want Government, those in office, to be bound by God’s Law. While in office or any position of authority they should be held absolutely accountable.

Exactly which of those Ten Commandments do you hate so much and why?


How would you change the judicial and political systems here to implement your religious beliefs of what you think that god’s law is?


How many times do I have to tell you. You believe that people can be “free” under a Godless government even when that has been proven wrong.

Under a government that affirms God as the ultimate authority there would be more real freedom.

I don’t understand why you are arguing about the vote anyway since you are obviously a liberal. It is proven by the way you try to exaggerate what I say to demonize. Heck, you should be happy with our godless corrupt government.


Judging from your habitual lies you god is the devil.


Nice blasphemy.

But it is obvious that your god is the constitution.


The devil is the father of lies that you practice.


Show me where I lied. I admitted my ignorance of ALL election fraud cases. But I stand by my assertion that no meaningful elections have been overturned. It really doesn’t matter anyway since the Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same coin and both must accept the Constitution over God in order to hold office.

How many time are you going to respond to the same commment?


I posted your contradictory statements. They can’t both be true. One is a lie. 2


We can do this all day. I clarified my comments. No contradiction.



Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity. 2



Maddog 1200



LOL. Wasting your time yet you keep coming back to comment. That is a sign of superior ignorance and stupidity.


You can be on the side of the truth or lies. You’ve chosen the devil’s way.


The devil’s way? You worship the Constitution which is wholly unGodly and you accuse me of following the devil’s way. All I did was show ignorance of some fraud cases which are nothing in the bigger scheme of things.

If you love the Constitution then you do not love God. Plain and simple. But you and others, myself once included, fell for the lie. It’s time to open your eyes.


I posted your contradictory statements. They can’t both be true. One is a lie.


You keep avoiding the issue to which I am speaking. I wonder why.



Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity.

Adeilton Lins





Are you stupid. Apparently you are just reading the list and not the cases themselves. Most of those are not even SCOTUS cases. So far every case brought to SCOTUS has been shot down. The rest will eventually suffer the same fate.






SCOTUS does not reside in Fulton County.


Nixon got watergated, the audits and investigations of vote fraud could realistically lead to Biden suffering a similar fate.

“All 16 Republicans in the Arizona Senate co-sponsored a resolution calling for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to be held in contempt and arrested for refusing to comply with wide-ranging subpoenas for election equipment and materials.

Senate Resolution 1005 directs Senate President Karen Fann to “take all legal action pursuant to section 41-1153” of state law, which says that any “witness neglecting or refusing to attend in obedience to a subpoena may be arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and brought before the senate or house.””

– Senate GOP all back arresting Maricopa County supervisors for contempt –


“The Watergate scandal resulted in 69 government officials being charged and 48 being found guilty, including:[14]

John N. Mitchell, Attorney General of the United States who resigned to become Director of Committee to Re-elect the President, convicted of perjury about his involvement in the Watergate break-in. Served 19 months of a one- to four-year sentence.[23]

Richard Kleindienst, Attorney General, convicted of “refusing to answer questions” (contempt of court); given one month in jail.[102]

Jeb Stuart Magruder, Deputy Director of Committee to Re-elect the President,[26] pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to the burglary, and was sentenced to 10 months to four years in prison, of which he served seven months before being paroled.[103]

Frederick C. LaRue, Advisor to John Mitchell, convicted of obstruction of justice. He served four and a half months.[103]

H. R. Haldeman, Chief of Staff for Nixon, convicted of conspiracy to the burglary, obstruction of justice, and perjury. Served 18 months in prison.[104]

John Ehrlichman, Counsel to Nixon, convicted of conspiracy to the burglary, obstruction of justice, and perjury. Served 18 months in prison.[105]

Egil Krogh, aide to John Ehrlichman, sentenced to six months for his part in the Daniel Ellsberg case.[103]

John W. Dean III, counsel to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice, later reduced to felony offenses and sentenced to time already served, which totaled four months.[103]

Dwight L. Chapin, deputy assistant to Nixon, convicted of perjury.[103]

Maurice Stans, United States Secretary of Commerce who resigned to become Finance Chairman of Committee to Re-elect the President, convicted of multiple counts of illegal campaigning, fined $5,000 (in 1975 – $23,800 today).[106]

Herbert W. Kalmbach, personal attorney to Nixon, convicted of illegal campaigning. Served 191 days in prison and fined $10,000 (in 1974 – $51,800 today).[103]

Charles W. Colson, special counsel to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice. Served seven months in Federal Maxwell Prison.[102]

Herbert L. Porter, aide to the Committee to Re-elect the President. Convicted of perjury.[103]

G. Gordon Liddy, Special Investigations Group, convicted of masterminding the burglary, original sentence of up to 20 years in prison.[103][107] Served ​4 1⁄2 years in federal prison.[108]

E. Howard Hunt, security consultant, convicted of masterminding and overseeing the burglary, original sentence of up to 35 years in prison.[103][107] Served 33 months in prison.[109]

James W. McCord Jr., convicted of six charges of burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping.[103] Served two months in prison.[108]

Virgilio Gonzalez, convicted of burglary, original sentence of up to 40 years in prison.[103][107] Served 13 months in prison.[108]

Bernard Barker, convicted of burglary, original sentence of up to 40 years in prison.[103][107] Served 18 months in prison.[110]

Eugenio Martínez, convicted of burglary, original sentence of up to 40 years in prison.[103][107] Served 15 months in prison.[111]

Frank Sturgis, convicted of burglary, original sentence of up to 40 years in prison.[103][107] Served 10 months in prison.”

– Watergate scandal –


“As we previously reported, on November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan by over 100,000 votes. The ballot counting in Detroit on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.

This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.

At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.

And until now, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night. …

The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!

The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.

We requested two hours of video.

This week we were sent the requested video.

We have waited nearly two months for this video.

And after our initial review of the TCF security video, we can assure you — We have evidence of illicit and likely criminal activity and we have it on video.

We hope to release our first report of many on Friday.

– We Got It! TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit! –



Listen. I’m am not arguing that their is no wrong doing. What I am saying is that NOTHING will come of it. I have been watching this crap for decades and it only gets worse. Why do you think it is being suppress so? Why do you think Trump, by your own admission, didn’t follow through?

But even if the election was overturned things will not get better. Different maybe but still worse, for true Christians.


The Jew World Order is going to the extremes that it is because they’re losing control and are trying to stop their victims from coming after them. Which is exactly what’s happening. They’ve made their power grab and are dealing with the repercussions from their crimes as their victims push back and pursue their victimizers.


I don’t think they are losing control. I think that people and the world are playing right into their hands. Most people don’t have a clue as to what is actually going on here.


Trump’s 1st administration and 2nd administration election victory is clear evidence that the JWO is losing control. That’s why they attacked it with the scamdemic and election theft.

Half of the population is aware that the election was stolen and most are aware that the virus is an overblown scam.

What is happening now is a conflict between populism for the national good and an entrenched parasitical JWO cabal trying to hang onto power by going to extremes that publicaly expose it’s evil that it’s been able to hide up to this point. To prevent society from trying to free itself from the cabal’s malevolent machinations.

What the cabal has done is by it’s aggression is ramp up resistance to it’s control that it didn’t have to deal with before. Now a large section of the population is going in the opposite direction for their own self preservation away from the destructive direction that the cabal is trying to herd society. That a big portion of society isn’t cooperating with.


Controlled opposition. Since you don’t believe in Scripture then you cannot see that neither side is fighting for right. Are you familiar with the World Zionist Convention of 1897? Have you read any of the Protocols of Zion?

I’m not saying that the Protocols are a true account of the Zionist Convention but what it says as far as using peoples own ignorance, greed, desires and rejection of God’s authority to destroy society is pretty much spot on.

Republicans and Democrats are just two sides of the same degenerate coin. And both support the Zionist state of Israel. The Zionist are just using the apparatus that is already in place. All that is happening now is just a distraction.


Yes, America’s Jew infestation is the biggest part of the problem. And yes Americans see the extent of the corruption and are fighting against it. And Israel and Jews are being outed for their role as a causal factor of it.


Wishful thinking. It wont happen.




I don’t think this guy or most people realize the true problem. Our system is destined to degenerate. There is nothing to make right with democracy that eliminates God in favor of the will of men. Men vote for what they want and their own self motivation and that will end in socialism EVERY TIME.


What do you mean by eliminating god?

The problem is not following the rule of law and obstruction of justice. Religion has nothing to do with it.


Have you read the Constitution. It is full of lies and deception. But specifically the 1st Amendment absolutely eliminates God, His morals or His Law from government. So all you have left is what we have now.


What does the separation of church and state have to do with obstruction of justice?


What “justice”?


Enforcing the laws that have been broken.


Name one law that has been broken. All you have is accusations and no proof. You don’t like the outcome of the election so you are lashing out. If you are going to lash out then lash out at the corruptness of our system in general that makes all this possible.


You’re a liar.

“Links to evidence of electoral fraud:

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai gave presentations. Here is his affidavit of evidence in print form: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.284055/gov.uscourts.gand.284055.6.1.pdf

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains to Arizona legislators that the Dominion Machines Counted Biden Votes as 1.3 Votes and Trump Votes as 0.7 Votes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwHa1pfyJjc

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the electoral fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk

There is a long list of references to election theft evidence here: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/11/30/the-proof-is-in-the-election-was-stolen/

See especially: https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/12/what-youve-been-asking-for-a-fairly-complete-list-of-some-of-the-most-significant-claims-of-2020-election-miscounts-errors-or-fraud/

Dominion Software Intentionally Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report


More Than 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say



Stanford University Expert Hacks Dominion Voting Machines in Real Time Proving Ability to Alter Vote Count https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/12/31/stanford-university-expert-hacks-dominion-voting-machines-in-real-time-proving-ability-to-alter-vote-count/

Georgia Election Official Who Scoffed at Election Fraud Evidence Finds that an Out-of-State Woman Used His Address to Vote in Georgia https://www.rt.com/usa/510515-georgia-election-manager-voter-fraud-trump/


Testimony from a person of color that white Republican pollwatchers were prohibited from doing their job and were treated like criminals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUjTOSDZ0BE&feature=youtu.be&t=2h33m55s




Person of color????? That proves right there that you are a racist and just mimicking nonsense. The Supreme Court that is supposedly a 6 to 3 “conservative” majority threw out all the election fraud claims.

What you have linked is not evidence but “claims” of voter fraud.

You see, no matter what kind of fraud there is it doesn’t matter under our constitution. Voter fraud has been proven in the past and people have been prosecuted but in none of those cases has the fraudulent election been overturned.

That’s what you and this country get for rejecting God’s Law.


You’re obviously ignorant of how the law works or are lying about what happened or both.

SCOTUS has used procedural gimmicks to dismiss the cases before even hearing the arguments, looking at the evidence or allowing discovery.


There is no law against procedural gimmicks.


They’re overturned on appeal every day.


But they don’t charge those with gimmickry. Gimmickry is essential to our judicial system. Haven’t you ever watched Perry Mason. LOL, joke Actually not completely. Sonya Sotomayer was asked if she had ever watched Perry Mason during her confirmation hearings. Her and Al Franken found him to be quite inspirational.


People are charged with obstruction of justice, judges are impeached and attorneys are disbarred.


Election fraud


All election fraud claims have been thrown out by your Supreme Court.


Wrong, SCOTUS refused to hear the cases. A number of which are still pending.


There is no law that says scotus has to hear any particular case. They have effectively thrown the accusations out.


There are a bunch of cases at SCOTUS that they’ve accepted and more in the pipeline that they’ve delibertly dragged their feet on that they’ve going to have to hear.


Look, there is no way in hell they will overturn this election so it is all academic. Sure they may find someone guilty of voter fraud as they have in the past but any response will be punishment of those people only. So nothing will change.


Elections are overturned for vote fraud.


Can you give me an example? I admit I am not up on ALL cases.


Type this into a browser and take your pick:

election nullified for vote fraud


I just did and I only found one. And in that one the judge threw out the election without proving voter fraud and the guy accused of the fraud just ran again and won anyway.


– Election Fraud Cases –



So there are some obscure cases. So what? There is not a single one of them that deals with national elections.

Biden will not be removed due to election fraud. But perhaps you will get your wish and Kamala Harris will evoke the 25th Amendment and take over the presidency.


As I pointed out in a previous comment that you posted no reply to. Trump didn’t conduct a forensic audit of the ballots, election machines and vote processing videos. Which should provide incontrovertible evidence sufficient to overturn the election results in the swing states where the fraud occurred. He complained for months about the fraud and failed to conduct an audit that he had almost 3 months to do. He refused to have a special prosecutor, task force and grand jury conduct an forensic investigation of the election fraud and audit the evidence.

No civil court that I’m aware of besides the one in Michigan that authorised the voting machine audit. Has approved discovery necessary to audit the ballots, machines and videos. Though many of the cases have requested it. The Michigan case is still being tried:

“Bailey v. Antrim County, Michigan 11/25/20 YES YES Michigan Voting machine improperly counted votes Discovery Granted TBD Active”


Derek Lee



The election will not be overturned.


I don’t know if it will or won’t. What I do know is that you’re a habitual liar and disinfo peddler and that I’m not.


It will NOT. Period. Disagreeing with you does not make me a liar. If it does then you are a liar for disagreeing with me. It’s a two way street dude.


I posted your contradictory statements. They can’t both be true. One is a lie. 5


I stand by my statement. YOU don’t have evidence. All you have is claims. I didn’t say there is no evidence. No contradiction at all.



Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity. 5


You are about as stupid as they come.


And you are retarded.


You have no brain.


You live in la la land.


You admit that Trump didn’t do what was necessary and now you think the election fairy is going to set things straight. LOL.


There is no election fairy. There are independent audits pending in GA and AZ that the government is blocking and the courts are stonewalling discovery. If the courts grant discovery. The outcome is probably going to be similar to the MI audit showing the massive fraud of the voting machines. Which will add to the body of evidence supporting further discovery and building the case for annulling the election.

Trump dropped the ball. Others have picked it up and are carrying it forward.


Trump was impeached twice for crimes that he never committed. Biden is guilty of crimes that he and his collaborators did commit. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3aa227aeaddcbf82faa89e46ff7b094171d6d8f702fc9e4e39fa0308d284bb6.jpg


Yes but this is all show since there is no way the democrat congress will impeach Biden.


It depends on the evidence and impeachment isn’t the only way to remove Biden. It can be done through the courts. There’s the 25th amendment which is more applicable to Biden than Trump. There might be a recall method at the federal level or constitutional methods that I’m not aware of.

But you claim that there’s not even any evidence of election fraud. So you’re obviously a blatant liar not interested in rational fact and evidence based debate who is trying to obfuscate the truth. So why are you even wasting my time with this when your position is to deny reality that any right thinking person with a high double digit IQ can plainly see?

Is making a fool out of yourself one of your goals in life? Because you’re doing a good job of it.


Oh that would be great. LOL. The 25th Amendment can only be invoked by the Vice President and the majority of cabinet members and it would put the Vice President in power. Kamala Harris. Ugh. Also the 25th Amendment is only to remove a president if he is unable to conduct his duties. The only way to remove a president for wrong doing is through impeachment.

I never said there wasn’t evidence. So that makes you the liar. I said there is no evidence being heard, nor proven. And it wont be regardless of the facts.

And since you want to turn this into a flaming war then it is obvious You are the one showing ignorance.


“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

You’re wasting my time.


Thanks for proving me accurate. You are not the end all of truth except in your own mind. And yet again you ignore the truth about the 25th Amendment because once again I have proven you wrong. You are just a liberal trying to pass yourself off as something else. Deception is in the liberals blood.


Any rational right thinking person can see that you’re a habitual liar falsely accusing those outing your lies. It’s what twisted liars like you do.


And like a true liberal you fall back on insults when you cannot argue your point.

Like I said, YOU have no evidence. All you have is accusations. Just like those who claimed evidence against Hillary in her Russia uranium deal or Obama’s non citizen so not qualified for president deal. Evidence is nothing if it is not accepted and heard by the courts.

Evidence may exist but YOU don’t have any. And just like those others NOTHING will come of it in Biden’s case.

But you want to remove Biden under the 25th Amendment so that Kamala Harris can be president which goes to show just how ignorant you are. Calling me a liar will not change what you are.


I’ve posted quotes of you talking out of both sides of your mouth. Any rational person reading them can see that you’re a liar.


No you haven’t. I said YOU don’t have any evidence. I didn’t say there wasn’t evidence. All you have is what you find on the internet which means you have nothing.

On the other hand I have answered you every time and shot down your crazy liberal ideas such as using the 25th Amendment to remove Biden.


“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re a moron talking out of both sides of your mouth. Proof and evidence are synonymous. And an irrational idiot making a contradictory statement in the same sentence who admits that my comments contain evidence that you say that I didn’t provide.


You are the idiot for thinking that the presidential election will be overturned. LOL. You need to get out of la la land.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. I’ve outed your lies and disinfo repeatedly.


Like I said, it is you for thinking that the election will be overturned. I guarantee you it wont.


You’re the habitual liar and disinfo peddler, not me.


So now you have nothing but insults. Your proclamations are nothing.

The election will not be overturned and like I said, if anyone is convicted of fraud they will pay but the election will not be overturned.


I posted your contradictory statements. They can’t both be true. One is a lie. 3





Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity. 3


Sure you don’t want to start some more threads so you can keep posting your stupidity even more.

This is getting funny.


Copy and paste where I said that the election was going to be overturned, not that it could be overturned. You can’t so you won’t. Because you’re a habitual liar and false accuser.


Not only did you suggest it could be overturned but you suggested that Biden be remove by the 25th Amendment which is just silly since that would put Kamala Harris in office.


That’s a dodge with no quotes. It proves nothing.


No quotes? Do you not remember what you said? Are you denying that you suggested the 25th Amendment? If so then we now know who is INTENTIONALLY lying.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. Your false accusations against me that I’m a liar are a lie. You are the liar.


Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity.



Adriana Fusco



None of what you posted will make a difference and will fall by the wayside in the end. Get a clue, or a brain or something.


– 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits Related to Election Integrity –



LOL. Those will go nowhere.


With your credibility deficit as a habitual liar your opinion isn’t worth much.


Not opinion, it’s fact.


You’re the habitual liar with the credibility deficit, not me.


Your insults do not change the facts.


I posted your contradictory statements. They can’t both be true. One is a lie. 4


You have posted no contradictions.



Falsely accusing others of lying is what liars like you do to distract attention from your own lies.

“All you have is accusations and no proof.”

“I never said there wasn’t evidence.”

You’re wasting my time. You can’t have a rational debate with an irrational liar like you who doesn’t want to have one. And just wants to spam the thread with two faced lies and stupidity. 4

Adesina Tewogbade







More stupidity from a brain dead retard.


Get back to me after those cases have resolved and Biden is still in office.


They may be closed but they won’t be satisfactorily resolved until proper forensic audits of the ballots, voting machines and vote processing videos are done. If they aren’t the only thing that will be proved is systemic corruption and obstruction of justice.

If proper audits are done. The available evidence at this time indicates that the election is fraudulent and should be annulled. Trump subverted the audit process. Whether that was coerced or consensual is debatable at this time.

The courts are fighting discovery necessary to conduct proper audits every step of the way. That in itself is an indication that the election was fraudulent and they’re trying to block government employees and contractors from being prosecuted.


“Trump subverted the audit process.”

Why would Trump subvert and audit process that would prove that the vote was stolen from him?

That’s the question you need to answer.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. Your false accusations against me that I’m a liar are a lie. You are the liar.



Adrienne Deckman



So you can’t even answer a simple question. I didn’t say I disproved anything, except for you accusations against me. But I DID point out your ignorance for wanting Biden removed using the 25th Amendment.

You admit that Trump didn’t do all he could and then think that the election fairy is going to do it for him. LOL. Idiot.




More claims.


It’s called judicial quality evidence. Do you even know what that is?


And your scotus has rejected that evidence.


They never looked at it.


How long can the criminals keep the lid on the fraud? A properly conducted audit should prove conclusively beyond the shadow of a doubt that Trump won. What happens then?


Audits don’t matter. The deviant left is in control of the media and the “deep state”. The truth will be swept under the rug just like it always is.


They matter when the courts work.


Do the courts work?


When they have to evaluate the evidence they usually do eventually. Which is why they’ve used procedural gimmicks to run out the clock on a short window of opportunity. So that they don’t have to rule against overwhelming evidence proving the fraud or authorising discovery to obtain the evidence.

Trump should have used federal criminal authority to obtain the evidence. Rather than delegating discovery to private non governmental civil discovery. No one has provided an explanation for why he did that that I’ve seen.

Tommy Jensen

Cry me a river. Republicans whine too much and do too little.


That’s because they are stupid in believing in the Constitution that is opposed to Conservative Christian values.

Fog of War

Make of this what you wish.



This video can be watched by clicking on the link below the screenshot.




Jones says that the headline to this video is sarcasm, that Biden will be sworn in, and that the troop buildup in DC is to deter any resistance to that.


Biden + democrats and traitors of usa crawled to china not the other way around, Trump smashed chinese companys whom the democrats + traitors invested in not so much against ccp (ethical leadership)

Ccp are more ethical partys but also have deep state do buisness with us deep state and that’s why the hate it all communist ploy is not factual but a cowards means to hide what they are doing behind the scenes,sadly most americans fell for the nazi/nwo trap(period)

What more proof can there be? communist party is natively for the communitys,make no mistake they are not as prone to debts and scams but rather deliver the real goods and in timely manner compared to capitalists of the last 30 years at least whom are todays nwo democrats!

Republicans were tools of their tyraids,which may see trump be the last ever legitimate president of usa whom like china used by the phaedo reserve as covid scapegoats, Where it were unelect bank,gates,soros,cia,corporate usa whom planted the sht(period) Look at it this way,why on earth would china wanna slow economys,that is not their way!

if some of it makes sense.


Q plan went pro fascist,instead of anti deep nazi state,too much blame it all on china,russia etc Besides Communists ain’t Corporate Capitalists,never were,biden is a nazi smoke screen(period) that’s when i realised usa’s going down for good,But you never know,trump has 1-3 days left? Keep shining them barrels,god knows,very well may need it:Stay safe:


He should of done a federal audit of the ballots, voting machines and vote processing videos to prove the fraud. Jones is saying that he didn’t have Justice Department support to do that. Though it could have been done independent of the Justice Department with a special prosecutor, task force and grand jury.

The NSA should already have comparable evidence proving the fraud that can be declassified. But that might compromise the collection methods if it is declassified.

The political establishment of both parties have been against him from before the last election. The Republicans tried to block the primaries to keep him off of the ticket. But he won by such large margins that they failed.

The US political and judicial systems are extremely corrupt. It wouldn’t surprise me if Jones is right. I’d be more surprised to see some type of mass arrest of traitors, though I’d welcome that, than I would be to see Biden sworn in.


Q has been consistently wrong on a number of topics. It’s not a credible source of information.


The national guard units mobilized from all over the country are sitting ducks for a false flag operation aimed at providing an excuse to totally shut down any dissent. When boys from every state die in auto born ied attacks blamed falsely on Trump supporters, the ground work will be complete. There are very bad times ahead. All Trump supporters are staying home. There was no uprising in the state capitals this weekend. If DC erupts Wednesday it won’t be Trump supporters. They don’t roll that way. The left is manufacturing an excuse for repression.


Most of them are not Conservative nor Christian. They support and fly the flag of a country that was designed to eliminate God. The 1st Amendment does exactly that. The Constitution itself is a rejection of God for the will of men and we know that men’s hearts are evil.

Ryan Glantz


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