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MARCH 2025

U.S. Carries Out “Historical” B-25H Bomber Flight In Ukrainian Airspace Along Crimea And Eastern Ukraine

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U.S. Carries Out "Historical" B-25H Bomber Flight In Ukrainian Airspace Along Crimea And Eastern Ukraine

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On September 4th, United States Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers carried out a “historical flight” in Ukrainian airspace.

The strategic bombers were accompanied by Ukrainian Air Force Su-27s.

After arriving in Ukrainian airspace, the bombers orbited for an extended while along the borders of Crimea, and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

Three B-52Hs, with the call signs Julia 51, 52, and 53 departed RAF Fairford in the United Kingdom on Sept. 4, 2020. There are conflicting reports about whether the third bomber took part in the mission to Ukraine, but only two of them were ever visible on online flight tracking software.


In addition, a number of U.S. aerial intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets, as well as those from the United Kingdom, were seen operating in the area at the time.

This included an Air Force RC-135V/W Rivet Joint spy plane, as well as an RAF Airseeker, which is derived from the Rivet Joint.

A RAF Sentinel R1, a radar platform based on the Bombardier Global Express business jet, was also present for a time.


Later on, it turned out that it wasn’t the first time in history that US bombers are in Ukraine, but rather – third.

It also follows a US B-25H Stratofortress strategic bombers flight above all 30 NATO member states in 1 day to testify to US commitment to defense of all members of the alliance.

In addition, as noted, in May 2020, B-1 bombers also trained in the region together with Ukrainian fighter jets, including conducting mock anti-ship operations clearly meant to send a signal to the Kremlin and the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet.

Last year, a B-52, also part of a detachment at Fairford for a short-term deployment, made a run in the Black Sea at Crimea that mirrored what one might expect to see in an actual strike on targets there involving the employment of air-launched cruise missiles, too.

U.S. European Command (EUCOM) has confirmed that three B-52 bombers took part in the mission over Ukraine, as did Ukrainian fighter jets, in a press release. The full release is as follows:

“Three U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bomber aircraft from the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, conducted vital integration training with Ukrainian fighters Friday inside Ukraine’s airspace.

Friday’s strategic bomber mission is part of the long-planned deployment of six B-52s to RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, England. The mission provided partners valuable midair training. In addition, the mission demonstrated how forward-located aircraft and crews, such as those in the B-52 units, enable collective defense capabilities and provide the U.S., NATO Allies and partners strategic and operational breadth to deter Russia and assure Allies and partners.”

More than 200 related missions have been conducted since the Bomber Task Force launched operations in the European theater two years ago. These ongoing bomber missions showcase the U.S. Air Force’s ability to continually execute flying missions, sustain readiness and support Allies and partners across Europe, regardless of external challenges to include the current global COVID-19 crisis response.”


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johnny rotten

A real pleasure to see them fall, ask the Viet who have thrown down just under fifty.

Lone Ranger

These B-52s wouldnt last 10min in a real war. Like you said they lost dozens of them over Nam and that was 50+ years ago…

Jens Holm

You dont get it. Its last reserve and the tactics is,You cant shoot all at the same time.

According to wiki they have 80 of them.

Lone Ranger

And you think Russia cant shoot down 80 of these? ?

Tommy Jensen

This is what YOU think, not me.

Lone Ranger

Time to take your meds…


They can’t shot all of them before being wiped from the map.

Lone Ranger

They easily could. In fact they could even destroy the airfields before the B-52s take off.


The moment a Russian official talks like that, another one puts a bullet in his neck.

Lone Ranger

Nah, they aren’t ukropnazis ;)


Very original. You don’t know what boredom means.

Lone Ranger

And you? Isn’t it boring to troll for the CIA, telling the same kids over and over again?


Krokodil makes your brain smell

Lone Ranger

Do you smell rainbows like Jens too?


You think you smell like rainbow?

Lone Ranger

I wasn’t talking aboute me but an actual rainbow :)


I didn’t know emos talk about other things than cry and rage

Lone Ranger

Jens surprised me too. It seems he has a few clear moments between LSD induced deliriums…


There is nothing like krokodil when you run out of food and vodka

Lone Ranger

Poor ukropnazis…:(


one S-400 battery can engage several targets at once,they are dangerous in their delusional thinking.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. Russia has around 250 battalions of S-400s. One battalion is 7 launchers each with 4 missiles. And that’s only the S-400. They have S-300, S-350, BUK, TOT, Pantsir, OSA…

cechas vodobenikov

according to the CIA comic book wiki? LOL


Poor scared lil Russians, you need to change your underwear

Lone Ranger

You are mixing up Russians with ukropnazis…


Little greens in Crimea are still in bunkers smelling each other shat pants.

Lone Ranger

Nope. That’s Azov nazis hiding in the dirt trying to kill civs between two gay rape sessions…


Crimea river

Jim Allen

Scared of whom ?


Little green rats will are shitting briks in their bunkers in Crimea

Lone Ranger

Sorry, no ukropnazis in Crimea ;)


Crimea river

Lone Ranger

No, you Crimea river :)


Lil moscal hang from cottonwood :)

Lone Ranger

Was that in english?


Boring copy pasta

Lone Ranger

Indeed, you should stop copy pasting.


Nigger, all you do on tbis forum is repeating 2-3 phrases under each article.

Lone Ranger

Than stop doing it…


Doing what

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

I earned your dinner… Do you need dessert too…?


I’ll let you know when you cal live. I work weekends since covid

Lone Ranger



Whats your job selling your arse on Maidan?


No but your mom’s.

Jim Allen

That’s very unlikely.

Jim Allen

MiG-21 accounted for many losses to these, and F-4 fighters. SAM musta’ got the rest.

cechas vodobenikov

stupefied Ukrainians invite even more stupid amerikans that prance like little girls—s400 can track the incompetent f35 400 km from Krim —-nazis enjoy socializing w other nazis


That’s beside the point. The strategy of making the “world’s best missiles” to deploy them only Russia not to upset “business and partnership” with the globalist Zioterrorist corporatist means incurring the risks of US/UK/French nukes flying freely in Ukraine. Even if Russian ICBMs can reach London in 3 minutes, Russia is at a great disadvantage.

Lone Ranger

Russia exports the S-400. China and Turjey already has it. Belarussians too.


Hopefully there’s some covert strategy waiting to be fully materialised behind that, ’cause giving S400 to the protectors of ISIS/al-Qaeda in Idlib has so far only worked to reinforce their position as invaders.

Lone Ranger

Idlib is getting smaller and smaller for the jihadis. And Turkey is in its way out of NATO and under U.S. sanctions. Meanwhile Russia more than probably has built in backdoors so they cant fire the S-400 on Russian jets.


They took Aleppo in 6 months, Russia doesn’t really want to take Idlib, that would put in danger big businesses with Turkey.

Lone Ranger

But it’s getting smaller. Now even Turkey is throwing some of the radicals into the meat grinder in Lybia.


Idlib is not getting smaller, that was before whwn Russia was still helping Assad, Turkey raised a camp even in North Latakia. Now Russia and Turkey are BFF. Also Assad was not visiting Moscow for long.

Lone Ranger

He was there last Christmas. How often should he visit? SouthFront has a good situation map on Syria. It’s clearly got smaller. Jihadis have around 30% of idlib. Before that it was 80%. Turkey is sending the trolls to Lybia to die.


More childish shit

Lone Ranger

How so?


Donetsk terrorists will cry and rage :)


The only ones crying with rage are the Reich Nazis,i still enjoy watching those UkiNazis and Nato Bitches getting their balls barbecued at Donetsk airport. https://media4.giphy.com/media/l9sPwrIrDODuw/giphy.gif


How many terrorists did they took out before their heroic death?

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazi terrors*;)


B-52 will fly oftenly over Ukraine from now. Ruskies can’t intercept shit.

Lone Ranger

Even Vietnam shot down 31 B-52s. 50 years ago. Ukropisstan is a CIA, Soros,IMF colony now. If Russia wanted they could take it anytime. But nobody wants that shithole.


They need it like air. You are literarry sufocating on it


You are total idiot beyond any repair. Little bit more effort and you’ll overtake Jens totally idiotic comments

Jens Holm


cechas vodobenikov

when you learn how to think inform us–you ignorance is spectacular

Jens Holm

And those enemies of course are sitting on their hands and has never heard about S400.

Your best mistake is thinking we are as stupid as You and You are clever.

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your insecurity again next


“Historic” was Gorbachov’s decision to cede Russian territories like Ukraine and Belarus to “independent” regimes in Kiev and Minsk. Western Ziocorporate terrorists flying their nuclear bombers in Ukrainian airspace is a natural consequence of their own assertive, if very dirty and bloody, geopolicy. Russia’s strategy has been to “avoid war at all costs”, even if the cost is the deployment of Zioterrorist military assets closer and closer to Moscow.

Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan will fall soon. When Sugardaddy goes belly up. Everybody knows that.


Unless the EU, the euro, their central bank, their stock exchanges, etc. also go belly up, Ukraine will remain an Zionazi enemy of mankind.

Jens Holm

As long as You force them to contrast they will. Thats the whole point. Do You really expect they will join collapsed communisme of the worst kind.

Do they have traditions for democrasy and even understand Our systems. No, they dont. The worst ones in Ukriane are just like Yours and those and old seniles from WW2 crashed USSR.

If u have given Gorbatjofs and Jeltzins real power 20 years before You did a minimum would be USSR would stay longer and decline and not collapse.

Lone Ranger

EU is only helping Ukraine because the U.S. Once the U.S. goes belly up the EU will let Ukraine drop like y hot potatoe.

Jens Holm

I see none of that. Many here cant see what blindsfolds You.

Lone Ranger

Big words from an autistic guy on LSD…


Butthurt stable boy cries and rages

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like you and Jens… Are you guys buying drugs from the same dealer…?


The sound of your exploding butthole almost broke my windows

Lone Ranger

That was probably the Tampax falling out of your mangina and hitting the dirt floor…


Lil moscal blood is yellow from too much vodka

Lone Ranger

You sound like an expert on it…?


Moscals always blame others for what they do

Lone Ranger

Sounds like D.C. With 900 sanctions against 90 countries…


Moskals can number empty bottles.

Lone Ranger

Thats more than what ukropnazis can…


Only when they interogate donbas terrorists, they force them sit on empty bottles untill their arses explode. But they are used to it since they pay krokodil in nature

Lone Ranger

Poor azov nazis… Didn’t know their situation is that dire…


Once krokodil reaches your brain you are a happy Russian

Lone Ranger

I’m not Russian and contrary to you I don’t do drugs.


Sure you do

Lone Ranger

Do what?

Jens Holm

They have to find their own way. That takes generations. To me they are like an old car, which need vital things replaced and number one is the minds and number two close to is a new engine and a few other things.

Tey cannot get them from exist. Thosepeople hardly know what it is and certainly not even has a language for it.

I dont blame people for that, but I do blame russians very much too for going back instead of a needed change for their people and the rest of the world.

The nazi contrast will remain as long as those 2 provinces are not given back – or those people change or emmigrate to Russia today(even very unfair).

Putting in LSD in this is not solving anything. Maybee You can cure covid with a new hat as well:)

Russians now are demonstrating for returning of a Major needed just west of Vladisvostok. They have seen how sober cleaning actually works. That should be followed every place, where things are wrong istead of smasking pumpkins or whats done i Russia as well as Ukraine and Belarus.

Thats what we have tools for,where I live. You might not like Our version of replacing people but as a minimum You should like being able to replace people, which cant handle any changes unless dirty tool of the worst kind id used.

And those bad people we mainly put in jail, if they font change and has become criminals.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for proving my point…

Jens Holm

I dont se Your points as anything like that.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. Well said Jens. Well said…

Lone Ranger

Never go full retard Jens…

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your blindness again jenny


Little greens shat their pants. Everybody smells that. Crimea is a shithole right now

Lone Ranger

You spelled Kiev wrong tho. Indeed, Azov is shitting their CIA pants :_)


As long as B-52 is above Kiev no moscal is approaching. Like they orotected Tiblisi in 2008. Moscals stopped at 50 km’s away.

Lone Ranger

They stopped because they didn’t one to destroy a capital city. They aren’t the U.S. whom will bomb anything anywhere anytime. I.S. backed georgian trolls crumbled in 5 days. U.S. is still looking for their lost soldiers…


They stpped because Uncle Sam had 200 soldiers in Tiblisi

Lone Ranger

U.S. lost that much in the war. Did Vietnam stop when they took Saigon? Nope. Russia stopped because all objectives were reached. There was no reason to destroy the city. Afterall they aren’t Amercants :) Sakasvili.is now a fugitive both ion Georgia and Ukraine…


Krokodil and vodka are the best

Lone Ranger

And flankka. New top items for ukropnazis…


There are many but none as good as Russian krokodil

Lone Ranger

Thats CIA krokodil…


Is CIA selling krokidil in Russia?

Lone Ranger

Indeed. They did. Number 1 global drug trading agency. In the U.S. and abroad.


And what are CIA looking for in Russia their ruble? Ahaha


Krokodil makes moskal smell from thousand miles

Lone Ranger

Wrong decade Comrade… Falaka and Azov are ? tho.


Krokodil never gets out :)

Lone Ranger

At least in Ukraine…


Russia has over 100. 000 krokodil addicts

Lone Ranger

According to soros news. Meanwhile ukropnazis are the most alcoholic drugged out nation in Europe. But still far behind the global number 1 U.S.


I bet they do, because they afford alcohol. If muskals affirded enough vodka they haven’t a krokodil problem.

Lone Ranger

You spelled kievistan wrong tho…



Lone Ranger

That will be the new name of Kiev ;)


When will hang all moscals there.

Lone Ranger

All the azov nazis*

Fog of War

” Ukropisstan will fall soon. ”

We’ve been hearing this talk for how long now ?

Lone Ranger

Thats Russia and Syria. Indeed .


Nonsense! It was not Gorbatchev that did that. He has deliberately destroyed USSR pretending that CIA controlled drunkard Yeltsin did it. While it was Yeltsin who permitted independence of those Soviet “Republics” by signing the agreement with them (which he didn’t have to sign!!) That slogan “avoid war at all costs” you have pulled straight out of your ass you Westrn Zionst cunt! Perhaps you should “avoid CIA anti Russian propaganda at all costs”? You sleazy anti Russian son of bitch!

Jens Holm

All is well described at interner for years and in details.



Jens Holm

And if I write a link, You will deny it exist having turbo on Your memorylack as well expecting normal westerns like me and billion of others keep ourself as illitarate as You.

It must be a hard job to be You like combing Your hair even You are bolded inspored by Hans Christian Andersen and the Tzar with not clothe.


cechas vodobenikov

u merely expose yourself to an insecure emasculated and submissive member of a US colony—too cowardly to challenge your nazi occupiers


Maybe he’s a burgeois that prefers don perignon over vodka.


That’s the fun talking with a totalitarian, they can’t think of themselves as valuable human beings therefore they don’t consider you a valuable human being also. You’ll both look at blue and he will lie stright in your face that’s red if he believes that lie somehow serves his master.


Problem is those Uki Nazis are all but members of Nato,won’t matter if they are not official members if Ukraine is crawling with Nato troops anyway.if i was Russia i would have shot that bomber down as it was a threat to Russia,that would have concentrated their tiny minds,i bet it wouldn’t have happened again.

Lone Ranger

U.S. openly supporting nazis like in the 30s. They never change.

Jens Holm

You made them.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, they always wanted to join the nazis.


Nazis and fascists appeared as alternative to communism sponsored by moscow

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis were on the list of nazis. After the war Germans would have have wipe them out. Only Germans and Scandinavians would have been left everyone else was on the list from Portugal to Japan.


Who cares what would have happened when it already happened. Ukraine will live free or die. And will take Russia with her.

Lone Ranger

Ukraine was never free because it’s a fake entity, always was. Ukraine has less rights than during the Yanukovich era. A colony of 25million people, falling apart on imf loans can’t really hurt Russia. And the more time goes by the.more everyone can see how fake ukropnazis are. Even Baltic nazis and Poke yards hate you, they are talking about you like you are trash, only using you like useful idiots. Poland has a plan of reestablishing the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, too bad Ukraine is not in the plans..


Nice copy pasta

Lone Ranger

Indeed, you did twice…


Krokidil much?

Lone Ranger

No thanks. I don’t do drugs.


It’s the best Russian product so far.

Lone Ranger

CIA product*


CIA outsources drugs in Russia? Putin must be paid premiym for allowing that.

Lone Ranger

CIA did. Not anymore.


Putin is the master of krokodil traffic now.

Lone Ranger

He is the master of how to fuck the CIA ;)


Like riding the CIA cock like a cowgirl

Lone Ranger

Is that your hobby? Tell me more about it…


I like to play with my midget kinky games, his favorite is being hide and seek in Kremlin. Some times he asks Medvedev to pretend is him so his poor anus can take a break and Medvedev bravely accepts. Wanna join us?

Counter Against Anti-Russia

your joke is fucking Disrespectful What are trash talk and Jerk you are.


Atomic midget is the puppet if moscow billionaires whi give him expensive watches and trips with nuce yachts.

Jens Holm

It never happend to hurt any but was a result of Russians hurting them for many years. Well, some got good time too, the provilileget no se no listen no talk, but Marx and Engels for good reasons didnt work and very much because a centralized incompetent trust.

Marx could have worked much longer and better by reforms and vital changes, but Russia and semilars can change unless they change.

You insist old Russia should remain the same. Thats very wrong and it did not even work well. There are several versions of solutions for that.

But You deny to see that no changes is a solution as well and now adding dark and all kind of changes as a no go.

You see it is possible as China do. You might not like it, but a moderate version of them might do it. They investy in people educating all they can much better, so they can understand and handle much more advanced things. And they do rewards them very much and the find the money for it by txing some of the extra.

If I see the Russian version all is about putting 500 low educated more in to make more oil of digging goldmines harder. Much of that is low Iq.

Tempting to compare woth USA and its problems. Instead of enough well educated ones for the future, the “mexicans” are many and needed, because they as in Russia almost are in the starving level and therefore has to work. So as Russia, they compete with the low educated countries.

Thats no future when they look how we do as well as the resulsts are very visible.

Lone Ranger

Lay off the drugs…

Jens Holm

Thas hard facts well descriebed for many years in statistics and even by satelites.

Lone Ranger

In soros NGO phamplets maybe written by guys like you…

Lone Ranger

Typical Ukrop mentality you don’t care about anything only your hate, only short term. You were on the list of the nazis. And you are again on the list of the U.S., Poland, Baltics… Let that sink in… If you think they are your friends or allies you are mistaken Bandera was also executed by nazis if I’m not mistaken, eventho he was their best student…


Let the krokodil sink in, it will make bandera dissapear for a few… Then Bandera comes back and eats you.

Lone Ranger

I see you already injected it…


We don’t work with moskal products.

Lone Ranger

Except 90% of your military…


Yeah, USA needs Russian krokodil… Keep it all for yourself

Lone Ranger

There is no such thing. Its a cia product nowdays, same as Afghan opium and Colombian cocaine.


Made in Russia for Russians.

Lone Ranger

Will be the new slogen after the fall of Kiev ;)


*Fail of Moskal

Lone Ranger





Whats funny about you Bandera morons is the Nazis looked on you as Untermench LOL!!


Bandera is forever under your bed. And in your mom bed.

Lone Ranger

My bad, he was killed by the KGB. Anyway good riddance.


Like most Russians

Lone Ranger

He wasn’t Russian.


Not him, them millions.

Lone Ranger

Killed by adolf and bandera…


And krokodil

Lone Ranger

Less than Ukrops.


Aftwe the B-52 incursions lil moscals need double dose of krokodil to be themselves.

Lone Ranger

Whishful thinking…


Still scared because of B—52?

Lone Ranger

Still scared because they failed?


Failed what? Bomb your ass to oblivion? Nahh maybe next time. But stay strong, they will come back.

Lone Ranger

How could they bomb something when they would be toast long before that?


We have seen in Syria how effective Russian toasters are.

Lone Ranger

160,000 dead terrorists… Indeed, they are effective.


Russia is though when the other side can’t fight back but when Turkey shot down their plane, Israel made SAA shot down another Russian plane or NATO flies strategic bombers near Crimea and Donbas then Russia is a cute puppy.

Lone Ranger

Is that why Bibi and Erdogan went to Moscow, twice, each…? Bagging Putin to forgive? Russia has proven itself time after time, it’s the U.S. that never picks a fight with a peer enemy.


They went there to bang some Russian girls, Purin’s billionaire frinds are great sex party orhanizers :)

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like a Soros party at New York…


You spelled wrong Deripaska and Moscow

Lone Ranger

You wrong wrong…

Lone Ranger

Except the girls are Ukrop…


You spelled wrong Russia

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Ukraine is the only country in Europe where they can legally sell children to foreigners… Let that sink in…



Lone Ranger




Counter Against Anti-Russia

After when Turkey shot down Russian plane Putin Repond with S-400 and SU-35/30 that make Turkey Scare as hell and bagging for forgive. “Israel made SAA shot down another Russian plane” yeah using Russian Plane as Fucking Shield to protect themself WHAT ARE COWARD! 15 personnal lost thier live and you think is fucking Funny?! I hope your fucking DIE! Israel will REGRET it Karma will follow them. NATO flies strategic bombers near Crimea and Donbas then Russia is a cute puppy? huh you fucking Underestimate Russia and Thier Capabilities. you what ever you want but when you and ur stupid Western friend poke the Bear. you and your western friend is the one that will be cute puupy.


You hope me to die? I made another Ruskie to cry :))

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Yes I hope you F2cking DIE cuz You will STOP INSULT, Trash TALK, Disrespectful and Anti-russian! Edit: I’m from Thailand you fucking hater.


I don’t care, Putin is a chick with dick. And Ruskies are impotent drunks.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Your leader country is just clown and master puppet to West and your Ukraine are important to Neo-Nazi.



Counter Against Anti-Russia

We have seen in Syria how effective your ISIS toaster are! Stop f@cking INSULT Russian you piece of shit trash talker.


Say hello to the little green from kremlin and the other baikal moskals.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Say hello to your stupid UkropNazi and your west friend that start coup in Ukraine.


Better than little green muziks.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

No one in here Scared of B-52 here S-500/400/300 can easy to shoot down B-52 and fall in ashe.


S-x00 didn’t shot any enemy plane by now, in contrast, a batery just got blowed in Armenia by a platic drone.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Ukriane will never take Russia with her Stop trash talk around!


Make me.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

SHUT THE FUCK UP and STOP IT! you just make people here hate you most. You are just fucking Social Waste.


Not all people here are little greens.


Yes they were during WW2,some Ukrainians joined the Nazis even took part in butchering Jews,sounds like you would have been with that trash.


Not at all!!! but some moskals yes, maybe :)

Counter Against Anti-Russia

“Nazis and fascists appeared as alternative to communism sponsored by moscow” What the fuck is this What are Low IQ you are! Original Communism idea is from Germany and Karl Marx are german!


Yeah but mostly cavemen and trihlidites adhered to it, like muziks and other mongols.

cechas vodobenikov

your ignorance and stupidity is farcical


The Ukrainians had a deal singned with China becoming a major hub for the New Silk Road, something which could not be allowed by US. What do you think why US spent all that money to foster a revolution in Ukrain? Having been there before the revolution I met noone who was that unhappy with the government. I couldn’t see any signs of uprest resulting in a revolution then, but a lot of foreign NGOs being very active undermining society.


The most corrupt society in Europe sponsored by Moscow to keep them poor, that’s what you get under influence of Moscow, stay poor and corrupt.


Russia subsidised Ukraine for years,behave yourself clown.


They subsidized only Ukraine’s corrupt politicians, so I’d call it bribing.


They subsidised many things including your gas.


The only way they could do that was to give me one of their american beans can from WW2 which they are still eating today. But I don’t like beans.

Lone Ranger

Most corrupt society in the Europe is Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine… All three sponsored by the CIA…


Ukraine was top and still is because being a vasal of Moscow is slowly undermining any nation. But they started getting better.

Lone Ranger

In a parallel universe maybe. Pensions were cut in half, energy prices tripled, 5 million Ukrainians left the country. Nobody is buying Ukrop tech, not even Russia. IMF, CIA, Soros and oligarch run nazi paramilitary groups are slowly strangling Ukropisstan into oblivion, yeah a real success story…


More moscalish shit

Lone Ranger

Lower the LSD intake… I gave the same advise to Jens…


Even more childish shit. Kid u retarded

Lone Ranger

Big words from a drug addict on CIA payroll…


Said the krokodil in your brain

Lone Ranger

Lay down the crock mate…


Krokodil is where the little green comes from.

Lone Ranger

Azov nights….Indeed.



Lone Ranger

Glorious banderistan…


Still better than muzikstan

Lone Ranger

At what? Sucking soros dick?


Don’t worry, nobody sucks dick better than Putin.

Lone Ranger

I know you have a crush on him but I have to dissapoint you, he is hetero…


Indeed? I never asked the poor midget. I thought he likes it.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Yes, Ukraine was on TOP……….TOP of corruption sponsor by West and I don’t see anything getting better in Ukraine. and Putin is right about it “We can’t speculate on the problem of corruption, it’s spread all over the world. Well, look at what happened to our neighbors, where the current government came on the wave of fighting corruption. This was one of the flags with which the opposition came to power. Unfortunately, they went through a coup d’état, but they came to power, and what, the result of which, corruption has become even greater. Ukraine is drowning in this corruption, and at the highest echelons of power, and to the bottom” -Vladimir Putin


Lenin’s head aproves.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

I’m not fan of Communist fucking UkropNazi bastard!


Don’t cry, little girl, here’s a lollipop for you. I pulled it from Lenin’s nose.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

I’m not fucking little girl you shithead. You just try to piss someone off because you like to see it.


I don’t like to see it, I like to read it.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

Again, Low IQ brain and Idioitic thinking about Moscow influence other country when the Europe is the one Corrupt itself What are waste of time of your life.


Fix your suicidal rate.


“The Ukrainiens didnt want to join the Communists at all.”

Care to present some evidence of this because according to recorded history the Ukrainians had their own home grown communist party (CPSU) which merged with the Bolsheviks in 1918.

Communism was very popular throughout Europe during the interwar years.


Almost eveey country had communist parties back then.


Donesk terrorists cry and rage already

Lone Ranger

You keep spelling Ukropnazi terrorists wrong again :)


Donetsk militias beg Putin to help, he looks for business in EU.

Lone Ranger

They don’t need help. They managed to humiliate the Ukrops every time for the past 6years. It’s not even the Ukrainian military that is fighting. It’s CIA/oligarchs funded neonazi trash.


More copy pasta

Lone Ranger

I typed it…


Boring than a bot

Lone Ranger

Don’t be so hard to yourself…it’s not worth it…


You don’t like to be calked biring?

Lone Ranger

Are your drugs kicking in…?


With such krokodil and suicide rates, no wonder you need to focus on others to forget

Lone Ranger

Sorry, but you must be mixing me up with an ukrop…


Ukrainians live way longer than moskals

Lone Ranger

In disney movies they sure do.


In bolywood movies Putin has a dick.

Lone Ranger

In real life he has a horse dick…


Tell me more about it, do you like big cocks?

Lone Ranger

Im hetero. But I like the fact you have a mancrush on Putin. ;)


Well if you say he has a horse dick, that means you’re into that weird kink ;) I was making fun of him but giving the midget a horse dick, you are the kung of the midgets with horse cocks.

Lone Ranger

Hook, line and sinker…;)


Tell me more about his dick.

Counter Against Anti-Russia

F2cking assH@le They not Terrorists They just Local Milita try to defend itself from UkropNazi.


TERRORISTS. Zakharcenko = Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi.

catalin zt

The fascist-capitalists never change!


Soon in Moscow


Just think if this has been done from russia in the US border

Tommy Jensen

YOU can think if you want to think. Dont issue instructions of what I should do. Nobody is here to think!


Closing the eyes does not make reality go away. If you have fears, don’t run away, but face them and stand against. To think things trough and also take the opposit position is the best way to see own mistakes and wrong perception. All obviousely missing in you.

Tommy Jensen

I have my life with icecream fokking girls, and you have your life with thinking. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3820677fd1838df76888ce7be9f8568b6c523a9260c6681da67a1c2c064caea4.jpg


It happens each month with bears near alaska

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Wait until they are circling San Fran or Baltimore, then the crying rage from CNN will start.


With those rusty bears? Lel.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Those Bears are a decade younger than the B52s.

The latest B52 in service, was built before Kennedy was assassinated by his own people.


Tu-95 (the Bear) is for bombers the same as Admiral Kuznetsov for carriers.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Must be why the Yanks shit themselves when they see them off their coast.


They know poor Russian pilots want to land in USA and ask for asylum but sadly they have orders to not allow them. And btw the bear is so noisy they hear it before they see it :)

Fog of War

Why hasnt it ? Why hasnt Russia place short range misslies in Cuba yet also ?


for the same reason US placed cruise missiles in turkey during the 60s

Jens Holm

Some Harry Smith says I should take a map only showing the megapols in Russia and name them as the whole Russia is doing fine.

Again manipuation taking out hospital facilities and a lot of other things. Can we rely on maps like this according to Harry Smidt: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31b31d1b28c6c1dc052d42377527b97dd8560f5047f875fd2ec99388af30e9d3.png

If we ask Harry Smidt all in Russia becomes more then 100 years old and buy their children new russian cars too.

cechas vodobenikov

your banal dissimulated propaganda is tiresome jenny

Tommy Jensen

Jens. Russia only had 20 years of building up their society again, after Western Investment bankers looted the Sovjet down to chaos. Still today Danske Bank in your country is involved in whitewashing criminal billions out of Russia.

During these 20 years, Putin closed 42 prisons and halfed the inmates, pensions and minimum salary tripled, society became organised again, all foreign debt paid, new modern military technically superior to Nato, fat state bank coffer with gold and valuta reserves, GMO kicked out in favour of natural seed. Export and business flourish despite all sabotage. Russia is about to bypass Germany in important economy.

In a decade more you are out of time, and see Denmark in light blue and Russia in dark.


20 years ago the barel was $20. In 2008 it was $120. Most of the time of Putin it was ~$60.

In 2019 it went below $40 and the Russian GDP growth was only 1%.

Imagine Putin having the bad luck on oil price like Yeltzin. He was novichocked by now.

Lone Ranger

Oil gives only 12% of the Russian GDP. Germany had a negative growth… U.S. is in minus 38% right now…


Not everybody here have children level economy level like you.

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it…


Copy pasta

Lone Ranger

Than stop copy pasting… Did I earn a dinner for you yet…?


Krokodil much?

Lone Ranger

No thanks. I don’t do….


But you talk like it

Lone Ranger

How could you know if you are under the influance…


Again, I don’t have access to Russian luxury products. Like krokodil.

Lone Ranger

Ukrop luxury products*. Nowdays. You can thank the CIA for it.


CIA works with high quality stuff, krokodil is only for muziks

Lone Ranger

High quality like Porkyshitko and NavalnY…? Aka ukropnazis in denial…


Well, they humiluate Vladimir Poison, doing their job pretty well.

Lone Ranger

CIA did a lame job, Navalny is still alive…


*Putin did a lame job. The GRU agent is dead already.


Check the suicidal incidents and Russia is top.

Lone Ranger

Fake soros statistics.


Good job U.S and Ukraine! more cooperation needed.


I thought Israel hated neo nazis given your history yet Ukraine is infested with them.


Not all of them are like that, even the President has Jewish origins.


Thats what makes it more sickening,a jew collaborating with Nazis.

Tommy Jensen

We all come from Abraham. Some more than others.


Israel is actually arming and training Ukrainian Neo-Nazis!


Tommy Jensen

They did it again. US did it again, insulted us. Next time they do it we will send a cry letter to UNSC and give Assad S-300, next time.


Big deal Russia carried out exercises last week near Alaska – biggest such drills in the area since Soviet times

Tommy Jensen

Its easier and cheaper to shoot the B-52 bombers down, than start playing the same stupid endless game. US has endless money from their dollar printing, Russia not!

Maybe Russia is caught in business realations or similar, but a punch in the bully’s face is the only thing that will give respect and will work.

Lone Ranger

U.S. empire is toast. They only have money till hyperinflation kicks in.


The plane is extremely slow and difficult for abrupt changes of directions : The plane was not even close to the border otherwise it would meet Russian fighter jets interceptors with their missiles locked on that crappy plane.

It is not even hole squadron of B-52’s that was flying near the border but ONE bomber, so all this is far too exaggerated !


Both sides play these games of flying close to each others borders but you they never cross into each others air space any shoot down would be highly dangerous


Fair enough, since they are partners now. On the other hand, NATO is getting closer and closer, inch by inch, like a horror (for some) movie:)))

Lone Ranger

It will be a horror for nato. Same as it was for napoleon and the nazis…;)


Lil muziks cry and rage

Lone Ranger

No, but ukropnazis and CIA trolls will, pretty soon :)


Lil moscals cry and rage since the fall of ussr

Lone Ranger

Really? Is that why the paid Soros CIA trolls and sanctions 24/7? Sounds like you are projecting same as Jens… Time to double tap your speedball…


More cry and rage from green moscal

Lone Ranger

I can only hear your salty tears hitting the floor ?


It’s your brain melting from krokodil

Lone Ranger

Yours clearly is…


Dead brain

Lone Ranger

Its never too late. Get your brain back, lay off the drugs.


Your comebacks are kindergarden level.

Lone Ranger

Cute isnt it :)


For a grown up rather sad.

Lone Ranger

Cheer up mate. Dont be sad…


When I look to some disabled people I prefer to be sad than disgust, because I forget sadness faster.

Lone Ranger

Stop looking in the mirror than. Everything will improve…


I was not refering at you as phisically disabled, don’t worry you are beautiful as you are.


Muzik, put the krakadil down, you smell like a dead skunk

Lone Ranger

Indeed you should.


Musik, say ukropnazi

Lone Ranger

Do you like to hear your name…?


I like to say muzik.

Lone Ranger

It flows off your lips. So natural…


Yes and moskal. Do you have other names that you live also?


As long as Ukraine is happy with it, its non of anybody’s business

Lone Ranger

It will be a short party…


short or long, still nobody’s business


Russia stop messing about,if it happens again deploy those S-400s,this bomber was a threat pure and simple,next time down it.


Since when one slow old bomber is threat to Russia?! Of course the fact that downing of one CRAPPY OLD PLANE would be declaration of war doesn’t bother at all genius like you! When you make nonsensical comments like these I keep asking my self aren’t you just smarter version of US bot ?!?


If that plane had been shot down Nato would have done nothing except sent an angry message and told the world what bad people the Russians are,the Turks shot a Russian jet down it didn’t start WW3,their bluff needs calling.


And that judgment is based on which previous experience?!? I am sure you have not single example!

Of course you have no examples but are just talking against the FACTS and rules of the engagements which state clearly in fucking article 5 that member countries MUST HELP attacked country! And that is exactly where your role of under cover bot kicks in to push reckless Russian reactions to show Russia as an aggressor! Not that your opinion counts. But your job is to feed such narrative and support such attitude.


I could base it on that US base in Iraq being blasted by Iranian missiles when US soldiers got a headache,then did nothing.


People like you (from the West) could base your accusations on many things, it goes so well with your big mouth. And fight to the last Russian agenda.

You of course deliberately ignore that US have ASSASSINATED top Iranian general and Iraki Shia commander with 4 members of staff.

A highest ranking general of the country that they were not in war with, which is in itself a war crime and an act of war.

So instead of starting war Iran has chosen to revenge his death with single strike on US base which has caused undisclosed casualties. That was not an “aggression” but an answer on the aggression ! Aggression is when country that is not provoked with anything attacks another country. Iran did not do that, he reacted on aggression!

So you better try harder next time!

It is even absurd to me that I am arguing on all this with the guy from the NATO country! Who is here to lecture what obligations or duties Russia has?!? Like you care more about those ethnic Russians in Ukraine than they do!!?

And if it is not you than it is some non Russian Muslims who are also lecturing Russia

And I can’t tell which one of you comes from the worse country while you all are full of criticism for Russia. And you never talk about your terrorism supporting countries who started all this in the first place!

Servet Köseoğlu

If the airframe is solid, you can vastly improve the capabilities of it by upgrading engines, avionics, sensors, etc. The American B-52 is from the 1950’s, but the airframe was so robust that it could be continually upgraded. Today’s plane is vastly more capable than the original design.

Assad must stay

I wonder what russian response will be to this, probably something unprecedented as well for sure

Band Itkoitko

This is one more indication that Trump is a weak leader. I can see why a lot of US Americans would like him in contrast to the alternatives, but in absolute terms he is inadequate.

The MAGA slogan is empty and in itself is a continuation of the standard Western practice of creating enemies, externalizing internal disasters, colonization, demonizing other human beings, nihilism, theft, murder, egotism, etc.

This attempt at escalation is in that category. Interesting how they don’t realize that this is a sign of weakness and a form of a needy insecure behavior. Every time you are the one trying to escalate and attract attention indicates that you are not in control of the events, but someone else is in control. Trying to provoke a reaction on the other side may recover some illusion of control and power. This is a very typical mode of action among the emotionally immature.

Jim Allen

Look, finally a target worthy of an S-400 missile launch.

Jens Holm

Haha. We use “dont shoot sparrows with canons”.

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