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MARCH 2025

U.S. CENTCOM: Russia, Iran Prevent Syria From “Moving Forward”. Russian Air Defenses Threaten U.S. Air Power’s Dominance

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U.S. CENTCOM: Russia, Iran Prevent Syria From "Moving Forward". Russian Air Defenses Threaten U.S. Air Power's Dominance

General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of U.S. Central Command

Speaking during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on March 13, Army Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Central Command, claimed Russia and Iran are destabilizing the fight against ISIS in Syria and accused Tehran and Moscow of preventing Syria from “moving forward.”

“Our mission in Syria is strictly focused on defeating ISIS,” Votel said. “The biggest threat in Syria right now is all the other instability that is taking place that is preventing the country from moving forward …Certainly Iran is an aspect of this but so is Russia.

The general claimed that Moscow acts as “both arsonist and firefighter” fueling tensions among different forces and then attempting to arbitrate disputes. Thus, Russia is allegedly undermining relations between Turkey and the U.S.

So I am concerned about this role that Russia plays in northern Syria and how it impacts all of our relationships and especially relations between us and Turkey,” he said adding Turkey has been “a key partner in the fight against ISIS here for a long period of time, and we do recognize they have legitimate concerns with security along their border from terrorism.”

The commander of the CENTCOM continued saying that the US will challenge the Iranian and Russian efforts iin the region.

“Iran has been a key enabler of the regime for a while… [Russia] also is a key enabler of the regime,” he said. If Russia, Syria and Iran do win in the region, “it means we will contend with this influence of Iran in this particular area and the influence of Russia.”

Votel also said that the UN ceasefire imposed last month has had little effect and complained that the increase of Russian air defense capabilities in Syria threaten the US air power’s dominance.

In other words, Syria, Russia and Iran are guilty that the US had failed to overthrow the Assad government and to instal a puppet regime in the country. Now, the US has to digest the consequences of its regional policy.

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Dušan Mirić

Are you naturally born stupid or you’re just spineless servant of the Dark Force? Can’t believe such an idiot can get such rank.

klove and light

other way round brother……because he is such an idiot and has no character he got that rank!!

Promitheas Apollonious

They always chosen them, like that, they called the YES SIR toys.

klove and light

right on


Wait Trump will fire him on this idiotic statement.

northerntruthseeker .

Actually Votel has no soul, answers only to his Jewish masters, and that is why he is so high ranked….

AresXtremE Nemesis

It is normal that perpetuators (warmongers/plotters) of Syrian conflict like USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia, accuse others for their own mischievous doings. If USA is retard nation, they think that also others are stupid like them.


This is first time in history that Washington attack was delayed but not cancelled and Syria and their allies should have to be ready all the time. This is a lesson for Israeli terrorists too, if their asses have been seen in Syria then their asses will be smashed by the tip of the most suitable missile.


Last night the Trump attack on Damascus was imminent but due to S400, S300, S200, Pantsir-S1, SU-57, SU35 was not happened. The Syrian, Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah and whatever their allies were all were stand by for Trump attack.

AM Hants

Fingers crossed, they have not decided to try another day.

Are Russia, Iran and Turkey holding peace talks on Syria on 16 March 2018? Together with the Russian Presidential Elections on 18 March 2018. Rocky days ahead, owing to psychotic, political insanity.

John Whitehot

in case things go south, i salute all my friends here at sf in advance. good luck everybody.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Jesus Christ, I don’t know if I should return the salute or just hate you LOL, but I have to accept you’re right, let’s hope everything goes the right way!!!


Diplomacy alone cannot prevent the enemy from attacking. Only the knowledge that there will be negative consequences will do that. -)

Tudor Miron

Thats exactly the reason why he got such rank.

AM Hants

He is not the only one.


Idiots promote idiots, Paedophiles employ paedophiles, Thieves mix with thieves etc. It is as simple as that I think and the US ,UK EU ,Israeli cabals in power have combined to cause a perfect ‘shit storm ‘ that threatens the very ground we ALL stand on.

However I can honestly say that I would prefer extinction than to survive in a world enslaved by Zionism, or any other ‘ism’ for that matter :)


Anyone in the US military above the rank of Major is promoted on the basis of political and social considerations, i.e. their reliability in advancing western-style left-liberal democracy, not martial skill.


the american military gay lgbt cry ouh ouh!!


An army where woman have bigger ball’s than man !


In other words, Syria, Russia and Iran have beaten up the terrorists (and their masters) badly. Well done!


“Russian air defense capabilities in Syria threaten the US air power’s dominance.” I hope Russia will increase those defense capabilities, because no one but SAA should’ve air power dominance in its country.

John Whitehot

they already increased it several weeks ago by deploying additional S-400s and changing the air group composition to more multirole fighters and less tactical bombers. Air defences in Syria are adequate at dealing with anything short of WW3.

Rüdiger Preiss

“Turkey a key partner in the fight against ISIS” – what? In buying ISIS oil??

John Whitehot

everybody tried to exploit ISIS besides Russia, Iran and Syria.

why? it was put there by Israel with the encouragement to the west and sunni fundamentalist countries to exploit at leisure.

then it came october 2015.


I read in AMN and VT news that the RuAF and SyAF keep their planes in the air as they intensity their airstrikes as well as keeping their airspace illuminated for possible incursions.

AM Hants

That makes sense.

John Whitehot

hmmm, seems to me that most medias are trying to keep up some sort of histerya about impending US strikes.

it’s strange that such innuendo in articles is sidelined, if existing at all, in Russian or Syrian official medias.

AMN had an article yesterday about a US comedian turned jihadist, in which it described counter terror forces as “Putinites and Assadites”.

Note that the article didn’t bear any signature from individual journos.


Yeah that’s seems more likely.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The good CNN reporter Bilal the bile producer!

John Whitehot

yea, that nigga with a gray beard xD

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Sunni Muslim Obama and Hillary Clinton and their CIA armed ISIS using weapons they stole from Lybia.


Sadly for all of the insouciant Americans who learn their history from Hollywood the result of their unconcern for all others on the planet will be :-


The cleansing of America by Fire. It is long overdue.

Mo Richard

This idiot is telling the world that they are the “good guys” fighting the just cause. i.e they’re the ones bringing peace to Syria. Hey I’m I really dreaming!!? What do these people think we are!??


Bobbing head idiots.

Promitheas Apollonious

Idiots and hollywood/TV educated. Since they always learn to think and behave as though usa is another planet and all are made after the american prototype, of clones.

Lawrence of Arabia

does it matter…lobotomised masses believe….u n me….up against the wall…


Regime. Iraq regime. Syria regime. Israel regime.


In clear Votel ment, Russia and Iran are destabelizing the US evacuations of IS Bloody Mercenary proxy’s with US helicopters to other batllegrounds, terrorists invented, organized, trained, armed and COMMANDED by himself witch make him and othger US governmentals warcriminals !

Promitheas Apollonious

yes war criminals that they never see the inside of a court.


Corporal Voltel is breaking willingly and with premeditabtion international law !

Promitheas Apollonious

one question. The only international law this world ever expiriense or seen is the law of the powerful. Common sense law none ever seen practiced. So the law is what they who think are the rulers of the rest say it is. For the moment.

P.s. so what law are you referring to?


Yes. & History as well. History is written by the winners. JD.


He’s breaking International law and therefore should appear before a Nurnberg Tribunal !


Corporal Voltel is whining like a child!

northerntruthseeker .

Corporal? If I was in charge, this clown would be a janitor or buck private third class at best!


Can’t imagine they can talk pure nonsense in such high level meetings devoid of logic and reality on the ground.

..plus lies to too

Promitheas Apollonious

devoid applies to your logic and common sense they believe what they say as they groomed to believe is their right to go to other countries and destroy and steal everything from them using them as slave labor.

What part of their NWO did not understand?


If you ask him in front of lie detectors whether is the Avengers is real or not he will say yes and the lie detectors wouldn’t ring because they believe it from the bottom of their heart.


“In other words, Syria, Russia and Iran are guilty that the US had failed to overthrow the Assad government and to instal a puppet regime in the country” => What a delightful summary.

Ishyrion Av

Yes, but shameful and sad too. US and his other “key enablers” in the region (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey) are focused on destroying a country (many countries!) and lives of millions of people, tearing down civilizations only for them to lead above chaos. I know is not news. I know they do it like they breath. But it still makes me sad that some people became so devilish, hating so much the human life. I sincerely admit that I cannot comprehend this hate.

AM Hants

But it still makes me sad that some people became so devilish, hating so much the human life. I sincerely admit that I cannot comprehend this hate.

Well said and so many of us share your sentiments.


Russia won’t do anything in the event US & NATO start obliterating SAA positions in Eastern Ghouta: the Russian military has never been prepared for such fight nor do they care about the fate of their Syrian partners (these good-for-nothing simply represent the interests of Gazprom).

Ariel Cohen

Watch that right hand Wanksalot . . it’s becoming unstable..


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The Trump brutal regime the butcher must stop slaughtering students in classrooms in US.

William Spielberger

You’re an idiot


You know what? I think I can live with these bitter American tears. How about you fine gents and ladies?

northerntruthseeker .

Yes, I feel so sorry for the Americans… NOT!!!!!


U$ and its satanic allies have indeed failed to install their murderous ISIS & Al-Qaeda puppets on Syria for now but the U$-led empire of evil is not done yet and they are indeed very, very desperate.

You can call me Al

They are delusional and insane, pathetic and incredibly predictable….how is God’s name can anyone still take them seriously ? (apart from their bully tactics of course).


I wish to god I knew. I talked to a person I’ve known for years and that I thought had at least half a brain cell. He ranted on about how all those that run for President in Russia get assassinated and that 500 Russians were killed near Deir Ezzor after they attacked US forces. I asked where he gets his news…Yahoo.

You can call me Al

Yeah – my Dad is similar.

northerntruthseeker .

My words exactly… What a bunch of bullshit coming out of the US….

Umesh Rai

But see how shameless these bastards can be. And look at US puppet UK as well. they don’t know about Russian involvement in the Spy death, but they have pre assumed that its Russia. And they have broken another barrier of shamelessness by saying “We don;t know who did it, but Russia you prove that you are innocent”. Can you believe this?


US is also a Jewish puppet regime.


Lies, more lies, & yet further lies. Completely & transparently obvious lies. Amazing. How did the mad U$Asylum Empire become ruled by such exceptional sphincters spewing such indispensable sh1te? John Doran.

klove and light

cant wait and see how this folds out in the coming 60 days…..east ghouta..farmlands freed of zionist us scum…city/town warfare now…….will the us/zionist scum dare to attack??if then only with missiles……will russia risk WW3 by destroying one or more of the us warships which fired of cruise missiles??? turkey in northern syria…can they make a deal with the us-zionist scum for manjib??talks were held between the 2!!!what will the answer be here to by russia??? Al-tanf….us self-imposed no go zone…will russia and iran allow that to be permament? the rich oil and gas fields to the east of deir-e-zoor..again us self-imposed no go zone…will russia and iran allow that to be permament?? It seems to me, that if the us-zionist bastards dont back off, there is only 1 possibility……iran-russia at war with nato!! we should all know by latest at the end of may…unless ofcourse the us bastards go all out before and attack first!

Promitheas Apollonious

Lets see in this chicken game, whose the chicken and who is the rooster.


What if US warships attack Syria with Tomahawks and US MIA was aware that Russia would not attack those ships, they would only down as many of the missiles as possible. However, Mossad also are aware of this scenario and Russian response. Israhell wants a different outcome, so, we get a re-run of the USS Liberty from June 67 except that in this instance the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and/or the Harry S Truman take hits from over the horizon. The Big Bad Bear is to blame and US have to respond immediately. What follows is on a need to know basis only: US Zionists and their Israhell brothers have conspired together on this as they did on 9/11 to get what they want……………WW111 and Russia to Blame


Have you read the |Great Butter Battle by Dr Suess?

AM Hants

Remember the 60 tomahawks that Trump sent to Syria, when he was hosting the President of China? One flipped in the tube, 36 went AWOL and 23 landed, but, left as much damage as a Novemember firework display. The Syrian Forces were flying a couple of hours later.

Not a good advert. Were they all duff missiles or did something meet them on route?


Yeah, I think He is an idiot, primed and honed thru years of bullshit, flowing daily, and reveals it instantly, what an joke, educated from been an idiot to an full blown moron.

If this thing, had pulled His pants down, bending over with His bare ass, and farted into the mike and cameras, that would be more close to the truth that this shit, wankee boy, according to standard smell tests.


Nigel Maund

These US Generals are total puppets of the Anglo – American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal who control the “AXIS of EVIL” (USA, Israel and NATO) helll bent on Global Hegemony and Dictatorship at any price and they will never give in. A defeat is just a setback for this appalling Cabal who just regroup ad carry on regardless. All the Terrorists have been funded by the Cabal and its AXIS powers so they are not struggling against ISIS which is their own creation, they want to destroy Syria, Iran, Russia and China as these countries are all that stands in their way to Global Domination and an appalling dictatorship of titanic evil.


Absolutely, however if/when/whether they dominate the countries you mentioned then who are they gonna fight afterwards? I see the reason for the fighting in Syria. Soon it will be over but the zio mafia, although defeated will not stop stirring troubles around the world. We all know, or most people are aware of who is who and what is what on the global stage. How long do we need to realize that the pay-masters must be eliminated?


U$ Generals and politicians are like small kids! They act and talk like school yard bullies!

Nigel Maund

Agreed! That precisely the culture of the US military as shown in copious movies made by Hollywood. Their entire culture is one of arraogance, superiority, vulgarity, cold blooded killers and bullying. This is the ethos of the US Military like the Waffen SS.


You are exactly right!


US has a big problem. Assad still alive. Syria is building up again piece by piece. no nerve gas in Goutha, only in England with public histery and three isolated victims, never being seen…Rex Tillerson sack off, meeting with Kim in infinity…good work my friend, please go on…

Anthony Paul Mapes

Says it’s about ISIS then contradicts himself by saying it’s about countering influence, level of stupidity rises in this one!

Promitheas Apollonious

the worrying part is they believe what they say, based on the believe is their right and no one else. .

Anthony Paul Mapes

That’s the problem with exceptionalism you end up in a echo chamber


Hahaha! Very well-said!


Indeed and Trump has built the ‘ greatest, smartest and loudest ‘ echo chamber in the world has seen :)


Anthony Paul Mapes

I wouldn’t say trump did it, it’s always been that way


Trump has now been forced to surrender to the Deep State though. He was certainly not expected to win the election at any stage of the campaign by all but a minority and that included Trump Supporters .

I and a friend did bet on Trump to win though and that was a welcome windfall :)


Senat hearings remind me on Catholic Mass performed by a bunch of autists in the lunatic asylum. Just like the Mass, bunch of officially dressed people in the pulpit recite a predetermined text that hasn’t changed in decades. The auditorium then recites their answer – also predetermined and unchanging. The words are spoken automatically and without thinking – because if one starts analysing it the spell of mysticism might be broken. And then next Sunday you repeat it all over again. In the case of US Senat the autism part actually helps a lot. That way it’s much easier to profess the secular faith in American Exceptionalism while ignoring mocking laughter or shouts of outrage from the rest of the world…

Lawrence of Arabia

i like it, i really like it…on the bloody money son…….

AM Hants

Not forgetting, going to confession on a Saturday night. So the Priest gets to hear it all and then a few prayers later, you can get back to business on a Sunday morning.

Politolog Externista

I am a catholic, and I know blind priests. The mass is pretty ancient and as such it doesnt change, because the Word of God doesnt change. If you do not personally know God, you cant fathom the words spoken in a holy mass. It will be shallow and pretty much useless for the religious perrson. It will have very little to no effect on the person and as such, no personal growth or relationship with God. I have experienced the love of God, it is a fire burning really hot. But is is quite strange to say the least. How to reach Jesus and through Him to Father, is written in the Bible. Until then I was religious but it was empty. I do not blame you or your views on confession. God forgives even without it but it is a very good and useful tool still. Because many ppl think their sins are either too great to forgive or dont really care … spiritual blindness comes from big sins, some of the biggest are sins of the flesh.


OK: US warships attack Syria with Tomahawks and US MIA was aware that Russia would not attack those ships, they would only down as many of the missiles as possible. However, Mossad also are aware of this scenario and Russian response. Israhell wants a different outcome, so, we get a re-run of the USS Liberty from June 67 except that in this instance the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and/or the Harry S Truman take hits from over the horizon. The Big Bad Bear is to blame and US have to respond immediately. What follows is on a need to know basis only: US Zionists and their Israhell brothers have conspired together on this as they did on 9/11 to get what they want….WW111 and Russia to Blame

888mladen .

Turkey air force bombed Syrian army and Shia positions in Aleppo. Things are unfolding. Turkey has never been friend of Syria and it will never be. Putin’s treachery. Now FSA terrorists have gained valuable combat experience and they gonna use it against SAA. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-turkish-warplanes-bomb-syrian-forces-and-shiite-majority-town-in-north-aleppo/


Source please

888mladen .



Iran vs US and Israel war countdown has begun.


laughing at the ailing American & Western-European Empires.

jerry hamilton

Hmmm… What do you recon. Psychopath or Sociopath?


It’s hard to decide. The hubris of these people is incredible.

Ariel Cohen

General Votel, with all undue respect, why wimp out and become a puppet of the Zionazis? Grow a real military man’s backbone and live by your moral conscience …not by the Zionazi agenda of your Zionazi puppetmaster . .


He’s American – what moral conscience are you talking about?

Ariel Cohen



Flooding the region with weapons then bombing them – “arsonist & firefighter”. Maybe there are no mirrors in the US to help them see themselves, but only windows to see others…


Good. The entire mid-east needs to filled with s-400s and s-300s. Get to work.

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