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U.S. Claims Iran Shot Down Its UAV Over International Waters Says It Was RQ-4A Global Hawk

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U.S. Claims Iran Shot Down Its UAV Over International Waters Says It Was RQ-4A Global Hawk

An RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft like the one shown is currently flying non-military mapping missions over South, Central America and the Caribbean. U.S. Air Force photo by Bobbi Zapka

The U.S. military claimed that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Crops (IRGC) had shot down its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the international airspace.

“U.S. Central Command can confirm that a U.S. Navy Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (or BAMS-D) ISR aircraft was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile system while operating in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz at approximately 11:35 p.m. GMT on June 19, 2019.” U.S. Navy Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman for the Central Command (CENTCOM), said in a statement released on June 20.

The CENTCOM called the Iranian action “an unprovoked attack on a U.S. surveillance asset,” denying that the UAV had violated Iran’s airspace.

The U.S. military identified the UAV in its statement as a BAMS-D, a variant of the RQ-4A Global Hawk High-Altitude, Long, Endurance (HALE) UAV. Earlier, U.S. officials told news agencies that the UAV as a MQ-4C Triton, a specialized version of the global Hawk developed for the U.S. Navy.

U.S. Claims Iran Shot Down Its UAV Over International Waters Says It Was RQ-4A Global Hawk

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The RQ-4N BAMS-D was the experimental precursor to the MQ-4C, developed under the same Broad Area Maritime Surveillance program, which explains the confusion.

BAMS UAVs were designed to provide the U.S. Navy with real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities over vast ocean and coastal regions.

The CENTCOM’s statement indicates that the U.S. is not willing to take the incident lightly. It’s unclear if Washington is planning to respond. Any such military action could lead to a serious conformation in the Persian Gulf.

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Cheryl Brandon

The Israelis would have several motives to shoot down MH17. Firstly, they may want to punish Malaysia for having set up the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission which, in November 2013, found the state of Israel guilty of genocide of the Palestinian people. Secondly, they may be seeking to punish Holland for the fact that the largest pension fund in the Netherlands decided earlier this year to withdraw all its investments from Israel’s five largest banks, because those banks have branches in the West Bank and are involved in financing the construction of illegal Jewish settlements on occupied territory.

Toronto Tonto

The world knows putin and pals the terrorists shot down MH17 over Ukraine dumbazz .

Zionism = EVIL

No dumbass, the Uki hohol shitheads did.

Putin Apologist

By the “world ” you mean the Zionist occupied regimes in the West, right?


Indeed, the US in its infinite hubris has also anointed itself as the “international community”, along with a few vassal EU states and UK.


Yeah like us and our US ZOG…


Ukraine’s inept military shot down MH-17, no Russians were near the site or involved at any level.


Were you there and saw no Russian near the site?


Russia released the serial #s on the missile that shot down the plane. It was sent to Ukraine in the mid 80s. You know like the VIN on your car…


Let me guess, it was #UKR41N3D1D1T


Look also at the Tel Aviv-Novo Sibirsk incident 18 years ago, when Ukraine military shot down airliner with S300 by mistake…this incompetence has historic analogs in the short history of post-Soviet UA.

Concrete Mike

Like i told you earlier, according to you and your fellacio friends, the evidence is in hand.


Can you disprove Almaz Antey ‘s evidence? No you cant, all youhave ishitty facebook evidence, a comprimised source for a comprimised investigation.

Stop lying for a.paycheck. have you no honour?


Actually Mike, there is Russia and Malaysia vs the rest of the world. They thought it was an Ukrainian military airplane. Putin sacked Strelkov immediately after that.


Do not include the rest of the world like you know what they think, my gov(which is a NATO country) for example does not agreed that Russians did it because there is no proofs for that. You do not speak for the whole planet so stop putting everyone on the same bag, even the Dutch’s that investigate the incident cannot confirm any Russian involvement


Lies! there is no government that officially expressed the disagreement with the Dutch lead investigation conclusion, other than Russia and Malaysia.


Who the fuck are you to tell me what my gov said or not and not only mine but many others. The sure is that Russia didn’t do it for what we know so far and there wasn’t any reason to do it, the one that had more reasons was Ukraine to get the west involved. As I said above, you are very arrogant and ignorant if you think you speak for every country in the world.


Occupybacon is Bolton’s housekeeper.


Haha I bet he is and most likely he offers additional comforts every night at Bolton’s bedroom lol.

Concrete Mike

The dutch investigation found a huge bag of weed and have been smoking on it for 5 goddamned years!

Wheres the proof that not based from compromised social media.

Concrete Mike

Thats the proof??

PATHETIC! 5 years dude!!


American proof is based on what is reported by the media. If the NYT reports that the moon is made of green cheese, CNN will quote the NYT, so will Reuters. Then ABC quotes CNN and NYT, the BBC quotes ABC and NYT. They all continue to quote each other as a source of fact, but they know it’s all lies.

When this war is won, all the journalists and the owners/major shareholders of the media corporations should be tried and hung.

Concrete Mike

Good observations, i noticed the same effect around 2011 early 2012.

Yes the journalists and especially the editors.must be braught to justice for what they done!

Im sure yôu can tie a nice noose ;))

Putin Apologist

Actually, most of “the rest of the world”, like Russia and Malaysia, were excluded from participating in the “investigation”.


Congratulations, you win the bullshitter of the day award.


Can you provide evidence? The Malaysian Prime Minister would like to see it too.


not a MQ-4C?

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are pathological liars and are embarrassed that they lost their drone operating illegally in Iranian airspace.

Joe Dickson

If it was over Iran there would be wreckage and the IRGC would proudly display it all over PRESSTV.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts lie and have lost $400 million worth of worthless drones in a week in Yemen and now over Iranian airspace :)

Concrete Mike

It hasent been 24hrs yet. Wait a bit for the dust to settle.

Also dont expect Iran to behave like how we would behave in the west, thats a dumb assumption we all make too often.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has released photos of the dumbass Americunt liars drone over Jask, right before being shot down by Khordad 3 system.


Concrete Mike

Interesting photo, not context though.


This comment on Sputnik makes better sense ,Mike.

” Seán Murphy The Strait access is regulated by the Law of the Sea Convention, to which the USA is not a signatory. It concerns only marine vessels, so any aircraft flying over it are violating Iranian sovereign Air space.”


I o not believe your photo, but I do believe the drone was where it should not be. (the photo is taken from another aircraft , and if anybody fires SAM’S you dont want to be flying near)


Remind me what time the Incident took place and then watch the Iranian video of the alleged incident. Can you see clearly now the night time has gone? Who da dumbass?

Ziønist šhill

Nice shot fellas! Carry on


The downing of drone will definitely hurt Trump that what’s happen. The downed drone parts are now in Iran custody. It would be a little pain for Trump.

Zionism = EVIL

The shithead Trump needs to get rid the chickenshit Bolton or the Americunts will end up in a real war. The Americunt fuckwits launched this junk drone from UAE. They were proudly showing this to journalists last week and bragging about their “technology” ROFLMAO :) :) :)


Concrete Mike

Bolton needs to go for the sake of humanity! Patriots protest !!

Ashok Varma

Bolton is a danger to America and world peace. This can easily escalate and it won’t be Bolton dying in the Persian Gulf, but America’s poor rice bowl soldiers.


Bolton needs to be deep sixed.


The problem is that US Patriots fire blanks :)


The US version of events is highly doubtful, first the US denied that it had any drones flying over the Persian Gulf and only after Iran displayed photographs and evidence that the US acknowledged that it had lost one of its most sophisticated and long endurance RQ-4A Global Hawk. The accuracy of Iranian radars and SAM systems has to be commended. Iran is totally entitled to defend its airspace.


Anything the US postulate is highly doubtful, when they open their mouth they lie!


This post on Sputnik seems to make better sense in my opinion.

” Seán Murphy The Strait access is regulated by the Law of the Sea Convention, to which the USA is not a signatory. It concerns only marine vessels, so any aircraft flying over it are violating Iranian sovereign Air space.”

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

first they said they had no drone there, now they have to admit it lmao too funny


Where are the links man?


there will not be war! only “conflict” to drive up oil prices! Drones are an acceptable loss!


Somebody’s lying. The Iranians should have video, pictures and debris to prove their side of the story. The same goes for the US.

Cheryl Brandon


Ashok Varma

The US war lobby and AIPAC are trying to economically cripple Iran and these drone spy flights are part of the pressure. Iran will not buckle in this game of chickenhawks.

Ashok Varma

Trump trying to intimidate Tehran to negotiate and this drone was violating Iranian airspace. US provocations must stop.

paul ( original )

Surely everyone knows that these drones are only used to ferry mail between overseas humanitarian workers and their home states in the US. Think of all the love-letters that were lost when it crashed.

J Ramirez

Regardless of the claim ass to its location, it proves Iran can track and kill stealth aircraft.

chris chuba

17 miles from Iran while Iran which is 3 miles from their territorial air space. I would not call that ‘unprovoked’.


Who told you it was 17 miles? Was it the same people who told you Iraq had WMD’s? The same people who denied they bombed a hospital in Afghanistan? The same people who denied they used germ warfare in Korea?

Lets face reality, America mostly lies, the truth is rarer than diamonds in America.


Why waste a perfectly good SAM on a drone? Even the ancient Iranian MIG 29s and F4s have service ceilings similar to the drone’s at ~18k. Any indication they shot it down the old-fashioned way?

paul ( original )

It would be interesting to know the details. Testing the missile system, particularly if it is indigenous, does have its merits.


Because by the time a fighter could get on it, it would fly back into international airspace, It didn’t have time with a SAM.

David Parker

“… non-military mapping missions … .” What a farce, any uninvited intrusion into the airspace of another nation is an attack. If China sent a drone over to “map” the US of A, we would get the real story.


Iran pres to tRump… “Those drones are fun, kind of like a softball pitch tho”.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Drone was flying in INTERNATIONAL AIRSPACE. US Military will respond forcefully and crush the mullah IRGC terrorists very veryyyy soon!!!! :-)


And lose more planes, bring it on loser.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

are you serious? Iran’s air force and navy will be completely wiped out in less than 1 week maximum. US F-35/F-22 SEAD is more than capable of destroying each and every single one of the mullah air defense systems :-) Iran will be destroyed and freedom and democracy will be brought to its people once and for all

J Ramirez

Just like you won the war in Afghanistan, how long ago….. Oh wait,your still there :}

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

yeah that’s because US was not allowed to go full force due to Obama! Trump is now using MOAB and we will win in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Iran!!!!!

J Ramirez

You lost a long time ago, get over it and move on.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

there’ll be no losing against the mullah shia jihadists of Iran and their IRGC terrorists

Concrete Mike

Hah good luck with that.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Israel has won every single war its ever had. Take that!

J Ramirez

I thought we were talking about the US. Now we know your a Jew. From the Jewnited States of America. How old are you? Who says”take that” ? If you use all caps like Trump then we might believe you :)

J Ramirez

Correction, it started under Bush, read up on history and educate yourself. First Bush then Obama now Trump and nothing has or will change. If your old enough, drink a beer and try to relax. Stress leads to many health problems :}


lol, Murcia, dumbass

Concrete Mike

What you call freedom and democracy, i call slavery to western capitalists that are above the law of us normal.folks!

If Iran chooses to reject that, its their own choice, you have no business telling them what to do.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

they can do whatever they want, as long as they don’t threaten the existence of Israel, develop nuclear weapons, or threaten the USA

Concrete Mike

Hah when israel stops treating the palestinians like garbage, maybe their existence wouldnt be so tenuous.

We aint blind we can see.

Jean Morgan

How many Palestinian ghetto prisons are located throughout the Middle East and N. Africa and where is the UNRWA reporting the worst ghettos to be situated today?

To be frank, I seriously doubt you care about Palestinians. I suspect you’re looking where you’ve been told to look.

Concrete Mike

There seems.to only.be 2 open air palestinian prisons to do the job. Oh wait there are also.many palestinian refugee camps in lebanon , syria and jordan.

I.dont care what the UN says as its biased and under control of the warmongering USA its pupeteer and its many puppets!

I walked in my.first pro palestinian two state solution march in 2002.

You dont know me and you should not assume, assuming things about strangers is quite morronic and show you cant think further than your nose!

You rocket nose 2.0??

To be frank.i think your just either a zionist shill or too.much a coward to recognize the truth in front of you and to call out these warcrimes and their supporters.

Jean Morgan

Wholly Toledo, Batman! That’s a mountain of assumptions from someone who believes assuming things of strangers is both short sighted and morronic. I got a sincere chuckle from your post.

I think you’ve shown how my assumptions proved correct. You’re agitated by the idea of discussing Palestinians forced to live in nearly 60 designated ghetto prisons throughout the Middle East and N. Africa. You make clear that you want no discussion of the fact that the one international body specifically mandated to lend aid to Palestinians have outlined for years how and why the prisons set up for Palestinians in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan (in that order) practice the most oppressive conditions of all these prisons.

You’ve been more than clear, Mike. The Palestinian people, the culture itself, is not your real concern. Zionists and Zionism is where your sights are set.

Concrete Mike

Well.at least zionism aint.up my ass like you. I can see zionism its all.around me for fucks sakes!!

I care for equality for all, you can even call me comrade mike for all i care.

Ive grown distant ofthe system were in the west, our governments are there for the corporations not the people.

I dont appreciate you calling me a fake palestinian sympathizer, i dont give a fuck how many prisons there are in the world, I really dont because thats semantics.

The real issue is we have a country that claims to be the only democracy in the middle east ( never mind turkey or Iran), yet at the same time have an apartheid system , where jews are above everybody else, in others words a fascist state!

Thats my issue.

Also israel supports Jabhat Al Nusrah, so if these 2 fine chaps are in bed together, the thin veneer of democracy is now gone!!!

Mixing religion and politics is a bad idea.if you.dont have the proper checks and balances, that israel does not have.

My beef is with the political leadership of USA NATO and Israel.

I have no hard feelings for the regular man as they are sheep just like you and me.

Jean Morgan

Finally you’re saying it plainly, succinctly. The real issue for you is not Palestinian but, rather Israel and Jews. I have few problem with that, only be forthright about it and, please, stop exploiting Palestinians for your own personal cause(s). It’s simply wrong to turn our collective backs on the vast majority while exploiting a minority to further our personal battles.

I have significant issues with the Israeli government. However, let’s be honest with one another. Iranians don’t elect the Head of State and Turkey, turning less democratic as each day passes, is a Western Asia/Southeast European nation.

I’m a proponent of allowing Palestinians migrate out of the dozens of prisons spread throughout the Middle East and N. Africa. 70 years of denying this most basic of human right is long enough.

By the way: China and Russia are hardly “puppets” of the U.S. and the U.N. votes against American interests the majority of the time. To suggest the UNRWA is a puppet of the Americans is, I’m sorry to say, truly missing the point.

Concrete Mike

Please stop exploiting palestinians?

Are you fucking kidding me? I call out the zionists daily! Ill support palestinians the way I choose, because I can!

Jean Morgan

Yes. Please stop exploiting Palestinians for your own personal cause(s). You can rail against Jews, Israel and Zionists without further harming Palestinians.

You could, if you authentically care, learn of the plight of all Palestinians and speak out on their issues separately from your own, unrelated, personal cause(s). Example: For 70 years no “Palestinian refugee” living in Beirut, for example, may migrate out of the designated ghettos inside Lebanon. 70 years in prison is long enough.

Concrete Mike

News flash , usa/uk destroyed freedom and democracy in Iran in 1953.

Anything after is a.continuation of dumb moves by the west!

You are being set up to die and you cant even see it coming.

Stupid boy.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

dude, stop the anti-american disinformation. We all know US has been the good guy since its inception in 1786

Concrete Mike

Remember when we torched the white house :D


Your brainwashed. The CIA documents have been declassified and everyone knows that the US and UK tried to violently overthrow a democratically elected government to protect Its oil interests. Same old story, yet your too f#@kin’ stupid to see through the narrative that keeps you ignorant.

Concrete Mike

No where does it say that to be american, one needs to blindly follow it.

No where does it say that being american mean cheering for war in far away lands!

No whrre do it say that israel has to be first not america.

Wars of agression are the supreme war crime, according to the Nuremburg trials! What america has become in the last 20 years is just that.

So anti american is pro war.

You are anti american because you are a pro war cheerleader!

You have no idea.of the consequences are, thats what happens when your young dumb and full.of cum!

Your country is getting destroyed from within.




How do you know it was flying in international airspace?


lol https://www.marketwatch.com/story/right-wing-schemer-jacob-wohl-on-how-to-profit-from-politics-make-shit-up-2019-05-01


Yes, lol

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

30km off the Iranian coast is INTERNATIONAL AIRSPACE


Is that true though?


It seems that Iran has recovered wreckage of the drone. If it was in international waters than would the Americans allowed them to do that?, I doubt it. If the wreckage is genuine than it becomes clear that the drone was in fact in Iranian airspace.

Concrete Mike

Also using the metric system is un american!!


Check this https://www.marketwatch.com/story/right-wing-schemer-jacob-wohl-on-how-to-profit-from-politics-make-shit-up-2019-05-01

Concrete Mike

Haha roach motel hottub shot!


Flying within Iran FIR (Flight Information Region ICAO) without IFF, without filing a flight plan and not in radio communication with Iran ATC.

Concrete Mike

Hah seems like Donny decided otherwise, your wrong once again wohl!

Im glad.donny didnt strike overnight, no good would have come from that!

Now its in Trumps hands, he would be attacked regardless of what he does, he choose wisely last night.

A good.morning where saner heads prevailed!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

you’re lucky he changed his mind because there’d be major IRGC tears. But a military strike is still on the cards

Concrete Mike

Yes we are all lucky he changed his mind. Thank god.

Nothing good would have come out of that, especially for a drone!

The only.happy.people would have been idiot cheerleaders like yourself and the nyt to sell more toilet paper, err i mean newspaper!

Thank you Donald for somehow doing the right thing!


If that is what the US wants to believe then they now know that using the pretext of international waters doesn’t work any more.

Xoli Xoli

It is Iran strait and territorial waters.If it is national waters then Bosphorus, Panama, Suez,British canal should become international waters and free to be use anytime.

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