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U.S. Claims Iran Test Fired New Medium-Range Ballistic Missile

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U.S. Claims Iran Test Fired New Medium-Range Ballistic Missile

An Iranian Shahab-3 missile launched during military exercises outside the city of Qom, Iran, in June 2011. (AP/ISNA/Ruhollah Vahdati)

On December 1, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that Iran had test fired a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) capable of carrying multiple warheads.

“This test violates UNSCR [United Nations Security Council Resolution] 2231 … Iran’s missile testing & missile proliferation is growing. We condemn this act and call upon Iran to cease these activities,” Pompeo said on Twitter condemning the alleged Iranian missile test.

The UNSCR 2231, which was adopted in July of 2015, endorses the nuclear deal with Iran. However, it forbids the Islamic country from developing missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

Experts believe that Pompeo was talking about the newly-developed Khorramshahr MRBM. The Iranian missile has a range between 1,000 and 2,000km and it is capable of carrying multiple warheads.

Two days ago, U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, condemned a test of Khorramshahr that occurred a year ago and claimed that the missile poses a threat to several European countries. If confirmed, the new Iranian missile test will be a clear response to Hook’s claims.

By shading the light on the Iranian missile program, the U.S. is attempting to pressure the European countries which have resisted Washington and opted to maintain the nuclear deal with Iran so far.

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This is propaganda preaching against Iran.

The whole world condemns the butchery that the Washington morons and their allies have started since 1930 in the whole world. They create markets for own weapons in this way to bomb children and their parents in their homes.


The US has a missile defence shield deployed in eastern Europe to guard against this very threat. Remember?


They know that it’s useless against Iran’s missiles. That was the official justification, but the real reason was Russian missiles. Looking at a map, Poland is probably not such a good place to put ABM defence if the aim is overcoming Iran’s non-existent missile threat. But hey, they’re Americans who think Iran is located either in Australia of Antarctica.

viktor ziv

True, some US officials are mixing Austria and Australia, too.


The US is currently ditching arms control. They also ditched the nuke deal with Iran. So why are they concerned with what anybody else is doing these days?


Well theres only Israel in the ME allowed to have ballistic missiles!!

Chris Saunders

The whole nuclear weapons charade is not the real reason Israel is scared by Iran. It’s Iran’s missiles that are the real target. 1000+ ballistic missiles falling on a city like Tel Aviv would be similar to a small nuclear device exploded. While nukes have a greater strategic potential, conventional missiles with HE warheads are an effective tactical weapon and give the Zionazis sleepless nights . .


Precisely; it’s solely to deter Iran’s missiles and its scientific program. Israel follows its (British) creator’s footstep: keep others backwards economically, culturally and militarily.

Hisham Saber

Iran has every square meter/foot of Israel mapped out for ballistic missile bombardment in redundancy. It will be more, much more than 1000+ missiles falling on Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv will be non-existent and reduced to a simmering crater should Israel try anything ridiculous like attacking Iran with nuclear missiles. Plus, Iran has a Fatwa-Religious ruling/edict against nuclear weapons. But you see, Fatwa’s, can be reversed, annulled, or tossed out by a panel of religious experts in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, which Ayatollah Khamenei is a member of Iran’s highest structure.

So if push comes to shove, Iran can and will assemble the nuclear warheads needed, put them on the proper ballistic missiles and off they go. Iran has the material, uranium and plutonium, enriched above 95%, they have the vehicles to deliver the warheads.

Israel, and her idiot savant, the U.S. , know this quite well. And they are terrified of this.


You are right Hisham, a fatwa in general can be rescinded but there are fatwas and there are fatwas. For less important matters it is done, based on the time, culture, conditions, etc. Like Sturgeon fish. But for something like a nuclear weapon which will cause a high number of civilian (non-combatant) death and destruction the fatwa stands, even when the nation is attacked by such weapons. This fatwa is not limited to the nukes, but all kinds of WMDs.

A clear example in regards to the weapons of mass destruction is when Saddam’s Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers AND cities, causing tens of thousands of casualties and hundreds of thousands of injured for life both in soldiers and civilians (of course MSM never talks about it and pretend Saddam’s CW was only used against Iraqi Kurds).

Based on all laws Iran was justified to retaliate in kind and there were some military commanders who insisted on doing so, but the fatwa forbade using WMDs and that was it.

We believe that WMDs (the kind of weapon that is guaranteed to harm ordinary people no matter how or where one uses them) are religiously and morally wrong choices. Even if our enemy uses them it doesn’t give us an excuse to repeat their cowardly mistake. So now that WMDs are not an option we need other means for defence and deterrence and we need a lot of them. Iran managed to prepare itself and create a conventional deterrence that works and that’s the reason for the west’s hysteria over our defence capabilities.

Hisham Saber

Yes you are probably correct on this aspect. But at least Tel Aviv and Washington believe it possible.

Iran has every square meter/foot of Israel slated for bombardment in redundancy with high yield conventional ballistic missiles. And that goes for all U.S, British military assets within a 2000 km range. And that’s all they need really. iran is smart enough to have not sought ICBM technology and development, as this would be highly costly and not part of Irans military doctrine.

Iran has up to 1 million or more ballistic missiles of various kinds, including anti-ship missiles. And they are using highly sophisticated and accurate guidance systems acquired from China and duplicated by Iran.

But remember, Islamic jurisprudence says you fight the enemy/oppressor as he fights you, and you stop when the enemy/oppressor ceases and desists from hostilities. Then Muslims also cease and desist.


but it won’t be Iran that starts anything in the region – it will be israel of course or if they have managed to dupe the duped white house party to step in and do the heavy lifting, anyway, israel is, in a little longer perspective than a few years, toast and its people will be on there second diaspora which will last for 5000 years, at least!


Its just another convenient stick to beat Iran over the head with (for Israel of course). How many UN resolutions does Israel have against it. I think the really worry is that with every missile test Iran carries out they are becoming more efficient & accurate.

Hisham Saber

Israel is in direct and blatant violation of 70 U.N. Resolutions, with Resolution 2334 being the last one. And that’s not counting all the U.S. veto’s used to shield Israeli crimes against humanity. Israel is also in violation of Geneva Conventions and all civilized international norms.

Iranian ballistic missiles have new highly accurate and sophisticated Chinese guidance systems. The Iranians have modified and now mass produce these for SRBM, MRBM all the way up to 2000 Km’s. Ayatollah Khamenei has put the range at 2000 km as this would be all Iran really needs, and shouldn’t expend fortunes on ICBM’s.

If Hezbollah of Lebanon have an estimated 150,000 missiles, than its pretty safe to say Iran has hundreds of thousands of high explosive yield warhead ballistic missiles in their inventory. This goes for anti-ship missiles , some of which are Chinese variants, like the C-180, which was used by Hezbollah in 2006 against Israel’s naval flagship off the coast of Israel, coming alarmingly close to splitting the ship in two and sinking it with all aboard.

Cheers, Salam.

viktor ziv

70 UN resolutions?!!! And after U wrote “150,000 missiles”, Your comment became irrelevant. Start counting from 1 to 150000 and You might realize the number is ridicul.


Khorramshahr MRBM said to be a down sized version of a Hwasong 10 to make it more mobile and tactical. But can carry a 1800 kg warhead, which also decreases it’s range. Iran does not wish to make Europe nervous I guess.

northerntruthseeker .

So let me get this straight… The US has no problem with Israel armed to the teeth with illegal nukes including medium range Jericho missiles and now Intercontinental ballistic missiles… And those are absolutely armed with nuclear warheads… And yet here they go fucking ballistic when Iran has every right to test fire medium range missiles?

I do love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning….


the smell of hypocrisy in the morning…. is the piss-raeli smell….

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are telling fibs as usual, however, Iran has just deployed a brand new domestically build frigate SAHAND.

Iran has been building up its naval power in recent years to protect ships and oil tankers from pirates and deal with a growing hostile US naval presence in and around the Persian Gulf.

The Iranian Navy has ceremoniously launched the Sahand, a new destroyer class said to have radar-evading stealth properties, electronic warfare capabilities and a flight deck for helicopters, at the port of Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz. According to Iranian television, the destroyer is packed with advanced weaponry including anti-ship and anti-aircraft guns, torpedo launchers, surface-to-surface missiles and surface-to-air missiles. The vessel may also soon be fitted with the Kamand close-in weapon system, capable of firing 4,000-7,000 rounds per minute at close-range targets within a range of about 2 km

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are telling fibs as usual, however, Iran has just deployed a brand new domestically build frigate SAHAND.

Iran has been building up its naval power in recent years to protect ships and oil tankers from pirates and deal with a growing hostile US naval presence in and around the Persian Gulf.

The Iranian Navy has ceremoniously launched the Sahand, a new destroyer class said to have radar-evading stealth properties, electronic warfare capabilities and a flight deck for helicopters, at the port of Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz. According to Iranian television, the destroyer is packed with advanced weaponry including anti-ship and anti-aircraft guns, torpedo launchers, surface-to-surface missiles and surface-to-air missiles. The vessel may also soon be fitted with the Kamand close-in weapon system, capable of firing 4,000-7,000 rounds per minute at close-range targets within a range of about 2


H Eccles

So.. Pompeo waited a whole year to whinge about a missile test..?

for fk sake..


Europe hasn’t much to worry about from Iran so fatso’s view is redundant from that point of view. After all Iran isn’t known to start wars and won’t start one but is entitled to defend itself when israel has managed to convince the white house morons that they need to do something about Iran. And that situation tells us that the one party that needs to be deconstructed is israel and all land stolen by the tel aviv thieves returned to the rightful owners. Thus, the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement is the first step to take and, after all what can israel offer that the rest of the world can’t provide better and cheaper, And put a stop to all financial help that jews across the world is sending to israel. A stop of such funding and israel is toast!

Dušan Mirić

So what?! Iran is sovereign to decide what to test until it hurts someone else.

Chris Chuba

If Iran has a missile with a range of 2,000 km, it’s obvious that Iran wants to reliable target Israel which is understandable since Israel can hit Iran with nukes. So this isn’t even close to parity but offers some deterrence but anything more than Zero is unacceptable.

So which European countries can be theoretically hit, hmm … let’s see, Russia, I’m certain the U.S. is crying about Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and maybe Moldova. I’m certain the Iranians are dying to hit Moldova.


Iran must have nuclear tipped ballistic missiles like Israel have. Who gave the right for those sociopathic murderers to be the only ones to have nukes in the middle East?the Jews must fear a al scale nuclear retaliatory attack if they ever destabilize the middle East like they have been doing in the last decade, spreading misery and killing millions of Arabs trough their US attack dogs.

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