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MARCH 2025

U.S. Claims Russia Is “Stuck” In Syria, In Weak Position For Negotiations

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U.S. Claims Russia Is "Stuck" In Syria, In Weak Position For Negotiations


US National Security Advisor John Bolton claims that Russia is “struck” in Syria and the US has an upper hand in negotiations on the conflict.

The Russians are stuck there at the moment,” Bolton said during an interview with Reuters while on a visit to Israel. “We’re going see what we and others can agree in terms of resolving the conflict in Syria. But the one prerequisite there is the withdrawal of all Iranian forces back to Iran.”

Bolton added that Moscow is now “looking for others to fund post-war reconstruction” in Syria. Bolton described this as “an opportunity for Washington to press for Iranian forces to quit” the war-torn country.

In response Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov slammed Bolton’s remarks.

“It is not correct for anyone, let alone our counterparts in Washington, to claim that Russia has stuck up someplace,” Peskov said according to TASS. “Let us not forget that US military personnel is present on Syrian soil, too.”

According to Syrian experts, remarks by Bolton are an example of wishful thinking. Since the very start of the Russian operation in Syria, the MSM and the Washington establishment have repeatedly claimed that the conflict in Syria will become a “second Afghanistan” for Russia. However, the situation has appeared to be very different to what the US was expecting.

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Promitheas Apollonious

I wonder what he is smoking.

Tudor Miron

That stuff is taking its tall on him.


” toll ” Tudor. I know you are a keen student of English and I trust that you will accept my correction.

“take its toll. Be damaging or harmful, cause loss or destruction, as in The civil war has taken its toll on both sides, or The heavy truck traffic has taken its toll on the highways. This expression transfers the taking of toll, a tribute or tax, to exacting other costs. [ Take its toll – Dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com/browse/take-its-toll

A ‘toll’ is a fee charged for use of an asset such as a bridge etc. There is no private way to communicate on Discus which is a shame really.

Tudor Miron

Thank you Florian. With you help my English may get to a point where people start to understand my babbling. I’m not there yet but there’s hope :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Your posts enrich this discussion. With all this stress, I wonder how Bolton would look bald, not to be confused with bold! Aah, the joys of English!


Your English is excellent Tudor. English is said to be a difficult language to master. In fact all too many British borne citizens are semi literate these days.

I like to think my posts are easy to read and of a reasonable standard, even though I am fully aware that there are English speakers far more competent than me :)

Using a Thesaurus in any language is useful as long as one understands the nuances of a chosen word and it is used in context.

Tudor Miron

Thank you, my friend.


Agreed, Tudor you have no need to apologize, your input is always valued.


Actually your use of “Toll” was fine and totally acceptable.

I use it your way many times and was an Honor student in English, as a student, and a teacher for 15 years, fortunately not in the U.S. where they still pronounce NUCLEAR as “N U C U L A R”, including former Pres.George Bush-baby

If I had taught in the U.S, they would pronounce NUCLEAR correctly and more than likely would not be in the position most Americans are in – DUMBED-DOWN

They are very well spoken in TRASH -TALK though :-)

Val Shadowhawk

Yes! http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com

Empire's Frontiers

Intelligence in language is demonstrated by the listener, with that, your English is in advance of many who learn it as their first letters.

Tudor Miron

Thanks but I have to note that initially I used Tall insteed of Toll. I edited after Florian kindly pointed to that mistake. If someone wants my help with Russian I will be glad to give a hand.

Empire's Frontiers

I see

Fine English in any case

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Umm, teacher’s pet I see! Let’s try posting in our 3rd or 4th language! Some of my students really get worked up about hole, whole and hall!


Tudor and I have an understanding. He speaks Russian fluently and is keen to learn English to a level that exceeds his existing commendable abilities. If I can assist him with that I will do so for as long as he asks me to do so.

I can only wish that I had his knowledge of a foreign language :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I am bilingual in English and Hindi, with O’level French, one year of German and fluent, I repeat FLUENT knowledge of Russian, equivalent to that of a one-year-old. Dax and his “gaa-goo-poo-joo-noo” would really appreciate my Russian!

Promitheas Apollonious

you have a mental problem kid. Take care of it.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Your’re just jealous!

Promitheas Apollonious



I envy your abilities. I am too lazy to learn as ‘ everyone speaks English if one shouts loud enough ‘ :)

Or so the ignorant say anyway.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I do plan to spend a whole 6 weeks holiday in RF to finally get a respectable knowledge of Russian. That is the only way, unless you get a Russian wife! (I am too old for that now, I will leave that to the Boss Trump, who has a “Russian Wife”) Gottit! That is why the US dumbos think Trump is a “Putin puppet”. These ignoranses really get confused between Russia and Slovenia! I want my prize, from somebody!

Empire's Frontiers

Knowing the words and making them mean something are different things, I suppose.


I often think that when I listen to the US State Dept briefings :)


His own dried shit I suspect :)


He loves himself that much


Piles of his own BS

Gregory Casey

Bolton is probably the stupidest NSA America has ever had or is ever likely to have.


Don’t say that, just when you think that it can’t get more stupid, some new US politician will surprise you!


US has an unpredictable President and politicians as far as stupidity is concerned, but very predictable policies of the deep state as to who is the boss there. Now whoever thinks that can be partner with the deep state without submitting to their commends is a naive dreamer.


unpredictable or not, deep state or not, many seems to have poor language ability/language barrier both in terms of vocabulary and grammatical sentence structure, as well as a logical thinking in order to make a reasoning or argument valid. To make up for this inability too many US politician relay solely on crass bulling tactics …


We wanna see to deal with them instead of these morons.


LOL, the problem is which next of them.

Brother Ma

I know right! Dumb and misanthropic and he reminds me of the cartoon character “perfect”neighbour in the Simpsons. Haha.is it Fleming family?

You can call me Al

I think there is more than that (although I agree with you), he is also insane, totally ignorant and fully believes that the US should run the World; the latter is quite common in the US, probably delusional.

PS He is one ugly fucker as well.

Gregory Casey

Definitely insane and although I’m quite unqualified to comment on his looks, he does appear to me to be quite reprehensible, both in looks and in attitude!!


You use too many euphemisms for the guy ;-)

You can call me Al

LOL…. whatever your name is.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

He is as thick as two planks, and still hopes to play the divide and rule imperial strategy: Russia v Iran, or Russia v US, or China v India. The Syrians would do without the tainted blood money of the US funded UN and the Soros funded “civil society” fraudsters and child molesters.


ONLY Americans can be so dumbed-down, as to believe American Military has ANY right to even BE in Syria, much less to talk about who is “too weak” or has a right to negotiate in or about Syria

Put you tail between your legs, yanks and slink back to America, where you belong, before it is too late.

Pave Way IV

Dual-citizen Bolton works 100% for Israel – always has, always will. ‘America’ is his part-time neocon job on the weekends. Kind of like a hobby. He just does it for the employee discount.


pretty sure that is the only reason he got the job…


nobody can stand the son ofa baitch…


He has always reminded me of the TIMID GEEK in school, whom everyone picked on and now is his chance to “get even” by acting tough…..SEPARATED by THOUSANDS of Miles from an ENEMY of REAL MEN and FRONTED by the U.S. Military, of REAL MEN, of course.

Pave Way IV

Bolton – like all treasonous Israeli-firster Deep State neocon psychopaths – makes a major mistake by thinking his side can decide when to start WWIII with Russia, China or Iran. The error in that reasoning, of course, is the assumption that his side wins the war that will necessarily precede that: U.S. Civil War II. Not sure who is going to start that one, but I sure as hell will be here to help finish it. Post-woodchipper Bolton? Er… not so much.


Bolton quickly stunned when somebody ask him that what are you doing here.


Well, there was the blob, Kissinger, on the same par as Bolton– bad breath, vulgar, evil maggot. Too bad that there are so many of their like to replace them. However, Iran, like Hezbullah, and Russia are not going anywhere and if they are it is to kick the living shit out of Israel and the US– and any other parasite that threatens them. That is what I see and I really don’t think I am wrong. I am not sure how the “game” is being concluded, but I said some years ago that all of Syria will be won back–every inch of it and Syria will, for its pain and suffering, become a much stronger nation–and pity poor Israel– because all those parasites of settlers in Gaza, Palestine, and the Golan will get the boot–and than some. Aand, to be truthful, this is what i see being played out. I am just sorry that people –innocent–on all sides of these conflicts have to suffer because of the greed of Israel and the madness of the US

Gregory Casey

Wholeheartedly ……. and sadly, I agree with every word!


Kissinger was not a nice guy, but he was smart, BoltOn is a mouth without a brain.


Preskov might have added that US troops are in Syria ILLEGALY, and demanded that they withdraw those illegal troops from Russia’s long time Ally.


Fuck US, UK and France let’s move forward..

Lena Jones

The usual unhinged assessment from Broomface Bolton.



That is the reason that Russia should not use UN and Geneva. Both are fake organisations.

Isolat and Fuck US, UK and France and let’s move forward and let them cry.

Brother Ma

Yes , Bolton is so right! Because the us isn’t stuck in Iraq ,Afghanistan like it was in Vietnam is it Bolton ?…no!?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

FUKUS is a nasty infection. Why would the Syrians want to catch it?

Tudor Miron

Saying that black is white and hoping that someone buys into it? This guy (bolton) is beyond pathetic.

John Whitehot

somebody should laugh in his face.


The other day Bolton issued a statement saying that Russia was about to betray Iran.

He is just so full of hatred and bile that he likes to believe his own bullshit.

Brother Ma

Typical Christian Zionist Evangelical idiot! They have hijacked the top positions of US gov . See Pence ,the Vice President!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The term is “s….. stirring”, one of the favourite activities of the “exceptional” people.


I guess that depends on who’s holding the negotiations. Russia is waaay ahead on that curve. America’s choice is to leave Syria or start fighting.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Yes Wimp Lo https://youtu.be/d696t3yALAY keep on making your own kinda sense.


On the plus side, if Washington has to come up with a fancy fairytale so it can leave Syria pretending it has won, well, bull shit on, Bolton! If that is what it takes for you to get the fuck out, be my guest.


Standard posturing from both sides. No Russia isn’t stuck in an Afghan-type quagmire, but the loyalists haven’t “won” either until they’ve kicked the Americans out (that’s 1/3 of the territory and half the oil in enemy hands, lest anyone forget). But doing so would require Putin to confront the partners whom he admires so much, something which he’s never been willing to do no matter what the Dark Throne throws Moscow’s way. Accordingly, the US indeed has a negotiating position that they will try to make the most of.


These idiots continue to sprout nonsense dispute the obvious reality that is apparent to the whole world. Amerikkka has truly lost all since of reality and their credibility has been totally destroyed in the eyes of the thinking world. By thinking world I mean anyone not held in thrall to the msm.

Pave Way IV

The Russians are stuck there? Then I guess this is just a temporary U.S. facility:


Fayez Chergui

what an idiot!

Tommy Jensen

Me and Bolton are on the same platform. Russia´s economy is in complete tatters after the Syria war and sanctions, they are contained in W-Syria and cannot move further.

US Army controles E-Syria, N-Syria is chaos, Al-Tanf secure the southern flank and US Air-Carriers carrying ICBM´s are pointing at Syria from the Sea West and South thus containing Russia stucked in W-Syria.

Russia will have to meet our demands. Iran and Hezbollah kicked out of Syria, US take over E-Syria and the best oilfields and North Syria will be occupied by US/Israel for a future Kurdistan. Assad can keep Damascus and Lattakia.

US, France, UK, Saudi and 56 other countries agree on this solution. Nobody can go against it.

Gregory Casey

Have you lost your mind? Seriously?


“Me and Bolton are on the same platform.” So you also gas people? Or is it merely flatulence ?


Oh man, I am laughing over here. The comments are great on this thread.

Yeah, Mr. Bolton is lunched out.


Russia Is “Stuck” In Syria, In Weak Position For Negotiations? really now lol.Yet Russia and its allies are the ones whom have the upper hand in Syria.

If anyone is in weak position for anything in Syria that would be the west. Is John Bolton even a human?


Lol, projection much? It’s you who is stuck in Syria (and the middle east as a whole), Russia is there legally with the full support of it’s government and most of it’s people.

Russia has all the cards in Syria and this warmongering dip-sh*t knows it. He just wants to create an illusion of strength in order to keep US troops occupying North-East Syria – to protect ‘precious Israel’ of course.


How can Russia be stuck somewhere where it has had permanent basing for decades that was just renewed for decades more?

It isn’t like the US which invades countries on false pretenses against the government’s wishes and is mired in endless war that it can’t win.

The Russians are winning this war and when it’s won will still be there like nothing happened.


Coming from a Jew loving neocon who has shilled for every misadventure that the Jews have gotten the US involved in. This type of nonsense shouldn’t be surprising. Some people never learn from their past mistakes and continue making fools of themselves into their old age.


Chemical BoltOn plans to gas Syrians in Idlib, people in the region should take precautions.



This Bolton is about the most moronic among the morons

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