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U.S. Coalition Warplanes Target “Tents” In Northeast Syria: Monitoring Group

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U.S. Coalition Warplanes Target "Tents” In Northeast Syria: Monitoring Group

US-led coalition F-15 over Euphrates Valley

U.S.-led coalition warplanes carried out early on November 9 several airstrikes on tents set by unknown individuals in northeast Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The UK-based monitoring group said that the targeted tents were located in an area known as Khibrah in northeast Deir Ezzor.

“The tents were set about a week ago by people who claimed to be hunters. The airstrikes killed everyone who was in the tents,” the SOHR’s report reads.

Khibrah, a desert area, is controlled by the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a close ally of the U.S.-led coalition. This makes the airstrikes very unusual.

The U.S. airstrikes may have targeted commanders of ISIS or other terrorist groups. Last month, U.S. killed the terrorist group’s leader Abu Baker al-Baghdadi and spokesman Abul-Hasan al-Muhajir in similar operations.

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Their just tying up loose ends and ‘shaping the narrative by eliminating contradictive information vectors’

You can call me Al

Damage control.

Jacob Wohl

Look at that beautiful F-15 Eagle. Has the best combat record of any aircraft in modern history (105-0) NO LOSSES. And successfully shot down 10 Serbian Mig-29s during 1999

Jacob Wohl

IDF have used the F-15 to successfully destroy Iraqi and Syrian nuclear reactors, and will no doubt use them again to destroy Mullah Regime’s nuclear reactors :-]


F15s would get blown from the sky by Iran S300 lol


up yours war monger


F15 Eagle that ancient thing first flown in 1972 lol

Rhodium 10

They shot down 3 Mig 29 using AIM 120..Serbian Mig 29 lacked of Long range R-77!…during desert storm 1991 Iraqi air force shot down 2 F-15E.. serial number 88-1689 Pilots Major Thomas F. Koritz and WSO Colonel Donnie R. Holland ( both Killed)…serial number 88-1682 Pilots David W. Eberly and WSO Major Thomas E. Griffith were captured!….Sep 1979 an Israeli F-15A 676 of the 133 squadron was shot down by Syrian Mig 25 Foxbat…Pilot Lt Guy Golan was killed! ( as usual Israeli propagande told that it was as consecuence of landing accident..)…


Isn’t this the same so called SOHR fake news outlet that has peddled every bs narative from regime chemical weapons attacks to white helmets staged videos to terrorists shelling and car bombing civilians are moderate rebel freedom fighters? What makes them any different from the white helmets staging fake chemical weapons rescue videos?


yep that’s the one.


the best thing would be for the powers in control (and that’s not the unhinged states of A which is just a troublesome bit player evidencing the disarray policies in washington dc is in) to go straight to israel and close it down, terminate it and send the thieving and murderous occupiers packing – the resources are there and israel is ripe for the cauldron. getting israel out of the way would settle about 95pct of the problems in the middle east.

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