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MARCH 2025

U.S. Combat Drones Resume Operations Over Syria’s Greater Idlib Despite Recent Accident

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U.S. combat drones have resumed operations over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is controlled by several terrorist groups.

A General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper unmanned combat aerial vehicle was photographed flying over the region on August 20. Opposition activities spotted several other U.S. combat drones flying over different parts of the region on the same day as well as on August 21.

The MQ-9 appeared to be armed with two AGM-114 Hellfire-type missiles. The drone was also equipped with two large pods, likely for communication or intelligence gathering.

On August 18, two MQ-9 drones crashed in Greater Idlib after colliding midair in a mysterious accident. Syrian sources claimed that Turkish air-defense fire was behind the accident. However, this is yet to be proven.

U.S. combat drones carried out a series of strikes on prominent terrorist commanders in Greater Idlib over the last few months.

The most recent strike, which took place on August 13, claimed the life of Abu Yahya al-Uzbeki, an infamous military trainer who worked for several terrorist groups in Greater Idlib.

U.S. combat drones often carry out its strikes on Greater Idlib with an advanced version of the Hellfire missile known as the AGM-114R9X “Ninja Bomb.” This version has a kinetic warhead consisting of pop-out blades meant to reduce collateral damage.

In the last few years, Greater Idlib became a safe haven for terrorist groups in the Middle East. ISIS leader, Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, was killed in a U.S. raid on the region earlier this year. Turkey which maintains a large force in the region is turning a blind eye.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Good job vaporize the unnecessary elements who are working for Wanker Assad..

Christopher Petrov

Hello turkish amoeba ? brain, fortunately US drones are over Idlib to vaporize your jihadi al nusra butt buddy friends with ninja missiles :)

Servet Köseoğlu

oh you convinced me..almost….go to fsb headquartes tomorrow and fill the job application…such a wasted talent…jalka…

Christopher Petrov

Haha need some pictures of your jihadi friends who got turned into jelly by US ninja missiles? I got lots of them. Its happened at least 4 times this year. And will keep happening. Where is stronk turkish air defense?

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont have jihadi friend bozo…just check your back yard at north caucaus…us vaporizing who doesnt either obey them or the ones who are working for assad…where is the mighty russian army at east of syria? just try it…come on shoot kalibrs…


that is so petty and childish you are threatening with other country strength and that country is not even in good relations with your country WTF? who is crazy here?! US that are in small numbers and widely spread are very vulnerable if the Arab tribes start organized resistancewith IED”s and similar

and they are already starting… so why would Russia send Kalibrs or anything and start WW3 over nothing when somebody else can do much better job?

and for your “where is might Russian army” he can also ask you the same “where is might US army” on the territory controlled by Assad, Russia…nowhere of course. the point is big powers Russia and US do take care a LOT not to start the conflict with each other so you are basically talking rubbish and showing of with somebody else’s dick that’ you don’t have.

Liberal guy



No need to explain to the turkish troll. There are reasons why Turkey have not a single Nobel price winner …


If there was one they must have raped him and kill him for being different than they are.


Not even in wildest dreams was “Turkish air-defense fire behind the accident” of two downed Ripper’s. It could have happened accidentally once but never 2 times! It was SAA or Russian air defense behind all that. What counts is that they are down!.

Christopher Petrov

then it should happen again :) and keep happening

Liberal guy

Yes u said the right thing

Liberal guy

Russian black ops


Pompeo is barking…nothing that was not expected already. “US Will Use Every Tool to Prevent China, Russia From Selling Weapons to Iran, Pompeo Vows” https://sputniknews.com/world/202008211080238096-us-will-use-every-tool-to-prevent-china-russia-from-selling-weapons-to-iran-pompeo-vows/


“U.S. combat drones have resumed operations over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is controlled by several terrorist groups.”

The worst of those terrorists are Erdowank’s invader army, US Zioterrorist drones are there mostly to provide Turks/ISIS/al-Qaeda fresh intel and tactical support.

Servet Köseoğlu

By the way saa can’t down any reaper class drone considering stupid assad whores capability …probably they think its f.cking big vulture or eagle…they can’t even manage soft production lines for toast bread…


I wonder why Turkish F-16’s are afraid to fly over the border, instead they send drones. :/

Servet Köseoğlu

they dont want to get stuck at filthy syrian desert with russian,syrian,iranian guys on a high protein diet or do they charge admission..

Christopher Petrov

I’m sure you’re on a high soy diet little faggot boy

Servet Köseoğlu

that phrase has an intellectual property..dont steal it..here is your homework until tomorrow you have to imagine something original…keep in touch….

Christopher Petrov

Haha exactly. Russian SU-35 threatened to shoot them down many times over Idlib, Aleppo and Northern Raqqa.

Fog of War

Same reason Russia and Syria wont fly over ZioControlled Syria. What are they afraid of ?


Russia, Iran (drones) and Syria are flying manned missions and deploying air defense systems east of the river. They’re just not using them to implement a no fly zone yet. Though I’m sure that that’s in the planning stages.

Liberal guy

Yes right so true u spoke.

Servet Köseoğlu

russia doesnt have drones but hey wait a minute our midget gopnik begged to israel to produce forpost drones under license…

Fog of War

You’re full of hypotheticals , I asked a realistic question which you failed to answer.

Servet Köseoğlu

it doesnt matter where ı am from what matters what we will do…and dont give me lecture..thanks..

Servet Köseoğlu

Ali shits in my dinner again…


Such could monly come from a turkish “brain”. You make low intelligence people proud to be one of them. Some good advise to you: When your IQ does not exceed room temperature, it would be better not to post anything.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı cant pysicall reply to everyone…but ı will make you an exception…is that your best shot?nice try you changed my mind….almost..almost…

Tommy Jensen

Be careful. Anybody can interpreat what you really mean out from your text. Jews were burned in gas ovens at 110C which you say was the IQ Intelligence of your father and his fathers, and you say the Goyims Intelligence IQ doesnt reach above room temperature. This is what YOU said.

Fog of War

Looks like the Zios fly anywhere they want. Is this approved by Syria / Russia ? Can Syrian planes fly anywhere they want in Syria ?

Servet Köseoğlu

lol.. Syria and planes is oxymoron…


Hey I was just going to ask the same thing. No loyalist asset flies east-of-Euphrates or near the al-Tanf exclusion zone as far as I know–the famous “red lines” beyond which you will be shot at. Seems no such rules exist the other way round. It may be one of those issues where Moscow’s rhetoric insists they be flattered as an “equal partner”, without carrying itself like one at the hour of truth.

Fog of War

Slowly, everyone is catching on. This war should’ve been finished long ago, however, it seems certain parties want to drag it out as long as possible.

Another reason is the slow motion destruction of Islam as a religous force. The middle East is slated to be destroyed and then rebuilt under Western values, once that happens, the Zio system will commence corrupting middle eastern youth with porn, mindless entertainment, commercialism, and drugs. Once they have the youth then its game over.



The war never should have happened in the first place. I’ve watched it almost every day since the Russian intervention in 2015. Nasrallah said that it would have been lost without Russian intervention. And lost earlier than that without Lebanese and Iranian intervention.

The US, Israel and others were flying over Syria and bombing what they wanted. Without air cover Hezbollah and Iran could only prop up the SAA for so long. The zioNATO/Gulf alliance was, and may still be outspending the Syrian government coalition. The Syrian defense budget is $2 billion a year. The terrorist regime change project has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 to $150 billion.

The intervention of the Russian air force provided the much needed air cover and air assault capability to take the pressure off of SAA and Co. ground forces to allow them to switch from defense to offense.

I’ve had many come to this site that I’ve debated the Russia isn’t doing enough accusation. And I’ve asked them the same question that I’ll ask you. I’ve never got a rational answer from any of them. How would you have done things differently so that the war would be won now, and what would you do differently now to win it sooner rather than later?


No one has the military power of the former Soviet Union like Putin does, and in 2012, when Putin took power from Libya’s traitor Medvedev, there was a major bombing in Damascus that almost kills Assad.

Must we all guess Putin doesn’t know that ever since the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine project was started “terrorism” as we know it today started to spread through Palestine, then the whole Middle East and world?

Are you trying to say Russia couldn’t have done anything differently and being “partners and business” with the global Ziocorporate terrorists and waiting until 2015 was the only thing Putin could do?


I’m not saying that the Russians couldn’t have done more. I’m simply asking what the better plan is, and what would be the cost? No one has answered these questions with viable solutions in my opinion.

Putin has the whole world on his plate. Could he have done more is Syria? Sure, he could have invaded with divisions and the war would be over now. And where would those divisions have come from? Someplace else that Putin is countering the zioNATO threat. It doesn’t do any good to gain in one area and lose in another. Right now he’s gaining everywhere.

Another who has a lot on his plate is Sisi. He’s boot strapping Egypt like the Chinese did China 25 years ago. He also has the resources to clear Syria to it’s borders. And wisely didn’t waste them in Yemen. Can he get Gulf/Chinese backing to pay for an Egyptian deployment to Syria? I don’t know. But it would be helpful if he could.

What are my suggestions?

Get the US out of Iraq and the Egyptians on board with a regional coalition to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories. And possibly deploy the Egyptian military along the Russian frame work with heavy weapons and infantry to shore up the man power situation to Syria to help with clearing operations there and provide their military with battlefield experience. And part of the Egyptian Air Force for air combat operations to cover their ground operations. And Egyptian air defense forces to support their air force and ground forces.

Also work with the Jordanians on hosting a regional coalition for clearing the West Bank and East Jerusalem. By providing counter measures for Jordan to mitigate economic terrorism and regime change efforts. And new dual use facilities that will contribute to the Jordanian economy during clearing operations and afterwards.

And begin the process of withdrawal negotiations with the Israelis from the occupied territories. To avoid unnecessary loss of life and property destruction. And work with the Palestinians on transitional planning for a post occupation future.

The Objective

Your suggestions are naive. Egypt and Jordan won’t dare defy the U.S even if Russia asked them to. Trump will just sanction Egypt to oblivion. Israel will destabilise Jordan and even Egypt. Suddenly, Sis will face a major Egyptian revolution that morphed into armed opposition. Egypt has a debt to GDP ratio of 98%. That means it’s in deep financial mess. It’s military has only modest capabilities. Google this analysis by FPRI: “Egypt’s Military Limitations”

Again, Russia cannot afford a war with the U.S right now – not in the middle East or anywhere. There is also Turkey to contend with.

Your opinion will more likely destroy Assad than save him.

Servet Köseoğlu

Russia can not even dare to stare where us presence is…f-22,brand new f-35 ,f-15 co will vaporize the goblin army in a second..russians know this…THEY ARE NO MATCH…


Have you looked at the amount of advanced Russian military equipment that the Egyptians have bought? I don’t see a lot of US sanctions, do you?

Everybody is defying Jewmerica, including the euros. With the economic high dive belly flop that the US just did. All that sanctioning the rest of the world is going to do is be self sanctioning. Nobody needs the US anymore. They can get everything that that they need from Russia, China, the EU and the rest of the world.

The only thing that the US has that everybody uses is the dollar. And there are alternatives to that.

“A German report stated that Russia secured permits to establish military bases in six African countries, including Egypt”

– Russian AFRICOM sparks US concern as it competes with US AFRICOM in Libya –


Egypt’s debt has been spent on a major economic build out that should be strengthening it’s economy.

Israel is trying to destabalize Egypt now. Without a lot of success. Egypt has been around for 4,000 years. If push comes to shove, my bets are on the Egyptians.

Any involvement with Jordan needs to include preemptive destabilization counter measures.

The Objective

You don’t know how costly a foreign military campaign can be do you? Egypt siding with Assad to the extent of sending troops will spark a U.S.-sponsored revolution that’ll unseat Sisi. All they need do is make life hard for Egyptians. Economic investment does not equal economic gains. Russia is not winning the war in Syria. It’s losing. It is spending more and more money to keep Assad in power. It has lost over 300 Russians plus a Major general just last week. How many soldiers did the U.S. lose? How much does America spend on Syria? Whatever they spend is being paid for by the oil money they are stealing. The U.S can sustain this situation for years. It can keep training new terrorists in territories it control and throwing them at the Syrian government. Israel is currently not trying to destabilize Egypt cos that might lead to another strong Muslim taking power.


It’s costing the US a lot of money, far more than the Russians are spending:

“Robert Ford’s disclosure constitutes the latest admission by a government official that the cost of U.S. operations in the Syrian war have exceeded 11 digits, extending into the tens of billions.”

– US Ambassador Confirms Billions Spent On Regime Change in Syria –


Russia has $1/2 trillion in foreign reserves and gold, aka cash in the bank. It can easily afford a few billion on the Syria war using it’s current format.

“Russia has suffered minimal casualties and, despite domestic fiscal woes, is handily covering the operation’s cost, which analysts estimate at $1-2 billion a year.”

– U.S. sees bearable costs, key goals met for Russia in Syria –


The Objective

Up to 300 Russians died in Syria including a major general. Less than five Americans died in Syria. America is paying for the Syrian war with Syrian oil. Russia is spending from its pocket. How does that add up to you?


Wars are won or lost by gaining or losing territory. Any questions?:



“Russia is not winning the war in Syria.” Really?


The Objective

Yeah, Russia isn’t winning. Its goal is to reunite Syria under Assad’s rule. How close is Russia to that goal?


A lot closer than they were when they entered the war to prevent the fall of the government. Which is now not going to happen. Syria has gone from controlling 10% of it’s land and none of it’s airspace to controlling 60% of it’s land and 70% of it’s airspace. And partially controlling the other 30% of it’s airspace and 15% of it’s land. It controls or partially controls 100% of it’s airspace and 75% of it’s land. Do the math.

The Objective

for how long? since late 2015




“Israel is currently not trying to destabilize Egypt”

Isis, who are the terrorists attacking Egypt, are a well known Zionist creation:

“Washington created and supports ISIS, along with other anti-government terrorists in Syria and elsewhere.”

– Israel Supports Syria’s ISIS Terror Group –


The Objective

You don’t understand what’s happening in the middle East. Read up on the intra-sunni conflict and see whose side are Sisi and Israel on.


It’s called the Yinon plan.

Israel needs to first be cleared out of the occupied territories and eventually replaced with a unified Palestine. You ignore Zionist Isis attacking Egypt and tell me that I don’t understand the middle east?





The Objective

What’s this?


The Prime Minister of Israel shaking hands with one of his Isis terrorist partners being treated in an Israeli hospital.


Egyptian Air Force


The Objective

Egypt has a debt to GDP ratio of 98%. It cannot sustain any major military operation.


“Another who has a lot on his plate is Sisi. He’s boot strapping Egypt like the Chinese did China 25 years ago. He also has the resources to clear Syria to it’s borders. And wisely didn’t waste them in Yemen. Can he get Gulf/Chinese backing to pay for an Egyptian deployment to Syria? I don’t know. But it would be helpful if he could.”


Russian Military Operations Center


Fog of War

Before I start I suggest you watch the video I posted as it might clarify some things for you. Whats happening in Syria is theater and ” fun and games ” by the Zio controlled world powers. Having said that, here’s what Putin could have done from the first moment when Russians arrived in Syria. This was, of course , before the ZioAmericans or Turkey were there. 1) Declare all of Syria , a no fly zone, to prevent any potential dangers to Russian aviation there. Enforce strictly, no excuses, just like ZioAmerica would do. 2) Russia should’ve never engaged in reconciliation agreements and the shipment of Jihadis from one place to another. This just created the quagmire in Idlib, on purpose I might add. 3) Russia should’ve never allowed Turkey into Syria lands. 4) Russia should ‘ve never allowed Israhell to attack Syrian or Iranian assets. 5) Idlib should’ve been finished with months if not years ago. Your confusion stems from the fact that you believe that Putin is an honest ” broker “, hes not. Putin’s job in Syria is multi-fold. 1) Prevent the Jihadis from winning completely and then possibly turning on Israhell. 2) To prevent Syria from winning completely and to drag the war out as long as possible. Similar to Donbas ? 3) To force Syria to acquiesce to Zio demands. A new constitution, a ” democratic ” system, The opening of Syria’s financial system to the ZioWest, just like Russia’s.


I watched the video. All that it confirms is the depth of the national security threat that Israel and Jews pose to the US. Which is why US ties with Israel need to be severed and the US dejudified so that it’s Jew free.

“1) Declare all of Syria , a no fly zone, to prevent any potential dangers to Russian aviation there. Enforce strictly, no excuses, just like ZioAmerica would do.”

Easier said than done when up against a nuclear super power like the US. When direct US/Russian conflict can easily escalate to a nuclear exchange.

“2) Russia should’ve never engaged in reconciliation agreements and the shipment of Jihadis from one place to another. This just created the quagmire in Idlib, on purpose I might add.”

The green bus rides saved a lot of lives, avoided a lot of property damage, and cleared a lot of territory at a far lower cost.

“3) Russia should’ve never allowed Turkey into Syria lands.”

Syria has a military cross border agreement with the Turks. The Turkish intervention has been a net positive. They’ve bracketed the Zionist Kurd traitor secessionists. The Israelistan KRG ll project is toast. The Turks pushed the US south and opened up north eastern Syrian to the Syrian government coalition. Once the SDF is cleared to the Iraqi border, the US is gone, and Syrian government control is reestablished south of the Turk border. The Turks will have no reason to stay, and can make a negotiate withdrawal and amends for all of the damage that they did early in the war.

“4) Russia should ‘ve never allowed Israhell to attack Syrian or Iranian assets.”

It’s an escalation management issue. The IAF has been forced out of Syrian airspace and is making nuisance attacks that have little effect on deterring the ongoing Syrian victory or preventing Russian, Iranian or Hezbollah entrenchment in Syria.

“5) Idlib should’ve been finished with months if not years ago.”

Idlib has the highest concentration of terrorists and terrorist military equipment. Supported by Turkey. The second largest military in NATO. The Idlib terror zone has been cut in half and that’s continuing.

“1) Prevent the Jihadis from winning completely and then possibly turning on Israhell.”

A regional military coalition to clear the IDF out of the occuppied territories is a much better way to deal with the middle east’s and humanity’s Jew problem.

“2) To prevent Syria from winning completely and to drag the war out as long as possible.”

It took the Russians two wars and 10 years to restore order in the Caucuses on their own territory by themselves. They’re doing the same thing in Syria, except they have a lot of help this time. The Syrian victory continues to progress.

“3) To force Syria to acquiesce to Zio demands. A new constitution, a ” democratic ” system, The opening of Syria’s financial system to the ZioWest, just like Russia’s.”

That ended with Hezbollah and Iranian, then Russian intervention. Russia’s system isn’t open to the west, it’s heavily sanctioned. I’m not against Russia being open to the west if it’s done properly. Russia has had a remnant systemic Jew problem from centuries of Jew infestation that almost destroyed it. Just like is currently being done to the US. Russia was once the most Jew infested nation on the planet. They’ve gotten rid of 90% to 95% of the vermin Jew from previous highs. They need to finish the job.

Fog of War

” I watched the video. ”

You might have watched it but you conviently left out the Russian / Putin / Chabad angle. You should watch more of that gentleman’s videos as they are excellently laid out and will give you a better understanding then you seem to have now.

” Easier said than done when up against a nuclear super power like the US. When direct US/Russian conflict can easily escalate to a nuclear exchange. “

Its very easy actually. For instance, the ZioAmericans said dont come near our bases or airspace in Syria. Nuclear armed power Russian and Syria quickly complied. In fact , Russian mercs and Syrian troops got blasted when they tried to approach. It seems the ZioAmericans dont fear a nuclear power. Neither did the Soviet Union by the way. Very easy and simple, unless you’re Putin of course.

” The green bus rides saved a lot of lives and avoided a lot of property damage. “

Now more lives, property, time, and money will have to be spent to fix the new problem in Idlib. In fact, if these agreements never happened the war might already be over. Did the Soviets do these type of agreements with the NAZIS, to save lives and property, or did they go all out ? Let me at that the bus rides to Idlib were intentionally designed to prolong the war.

” The Turks will have no reason to stay, and can make a negotiate withdrawal and amends for all of the damage that they did early in the war. “

You’re just dreaming here. I’m sure the Turks will also convert the Hagia Sophia back to a church.

” The IAF has been forced out of Syrian airspace and is making nuisance attacks that have little effect on deterring the ongoing Syrian victory or preventing Russian, Iranian or Hezbollah entrenchment in Syria. “

The Yid caused a Russian plane to get shot down, killed many Syrian and Iranian troops, caused the explosion in Lebanon, and killed the Chinese ambasador. Attacks with little or no affect ?

” Idlib has the highest concentration of terrorists and terrorist military equipment. Supported by T urkey. The second largest military in NATO. “

Great , now you’re contradicting yourself, you just stated above that once Syria wins Turkey will gladly pack up and leave. Yet now you say they support the scum in Idlib and are part of NATO. How do you propse to win Idlib then ? Fight the full might of Turkey and maybe NATO ? Your logic is off.

” A regional military coalition to clear the IDF out of the occuppied territories is a much better way to deal with the middle east’s and humanity’s Jew problem. “

This has nothing to do with clearing the Yid out of anywhere. Putin went into Syria to prevent attacks agianst Israhell. This includes attacks by Syria also.

” It took the Russians two wars and 10 years to restore order in the Caucuses on their own territory by themselves. They’re doing the same thing in Syria, except they have a lot of help this time. The Syrian victory continues to progress. “

The first Chechen war was clusterf*ck with poorly trained, equiped, and led soliders. Basically, a waste of time and lives.

The second was actually run and executed correctyl. However, it seems you dont know that much about it. I suggest you watch the Russian documentaries. The Russians went in full blast, were brutual, and showed no mercy . They took out whole villages and cities, with civilians present or not. That is how you quickly win a war. Not the footsie playing that Putin is doing in Syria. It seems Putin is way more aggressive when it comes to his own nation.

” That ended with Hezbollah and Iranian, then Russian intervention. Russia’s system isn’t open to the west, it’s heavily sanctioned. I’m not against Russia being open to the west if it’s done properly. Russia has had a remnant systemic Jew problem from centuries of Jew infestation that almost destroyed it. Just like is currently being done to the US. Russia was once the most Jew infested nation on the planet. They’ve gotten rid of 90% to 95% of the vermin Jew from previous highs. They need to finish the job. “

No it didnt, go look at the current UN designed and soon to be adopted new ” Syrian ” constituion. Also, look at Russia’s and find out who wrote it for Russia. Just like Russia’s finacial system.

Also, the highest concentration of the Yid in Europe was in pre WW2 Poland not Russia or the Soviet Union.


“You might have watched it but you conviently left out the Russian / Putin / Chabad angle.”

Putin is a former KGB head. It’s his job to collect intel on threats to Russia’s national security. I’ve talked with Chabad at depth. I assure you that I’m not ziophile. You haven’t demonstrated a lack of understanding of the Jew problem on my part.

“Its very easy actually. For instance, the ZioAmericans said dont come near our bases or airspace in Syria. Nuclear armed power Russian and Syria quickly complied. In fact , Russian mercs and Syrian troops got blasted when they tried to approach. It seems the ZioAmericans dont fear a nuclear power. Neither did the Soviet Union by the way.”

Russia and Syria have enforced the no fly zone west of the river, and taken down more zioNATO aircraft inside the no fly zone than the zioNATO combine has taken down Syrian government coalition aircraft outside of the no fly zone. Including a lot of Turkish drones, who have or had US nukes on their territory.

They reached a negotiated a temporary de eascalation agreement with the regime change project backers. They stay out of the no fly zone west of the river, and the Syrian government coalition won’t attack aircraft east of the river or over Al-Tanf. Even though though Syrian government coalition aircraft are flying east of the river and probably over Al-Tanf as well.

“Now more lives, property, time, and money will have to be spent to fix the new problem in Idlib. In fact, if these agreements never happened the war might already be over. Did the Soviets do these type of agreements with the NAZIS, to save lives and property, or did they go all out ? Let me at that the bus rides to Idlib were intentionally designed to prolong the war.”

Right now the Syrian government coalition is far ahead in terms of less loss of life and property than if they’d expended them with unnecessary clearing operations. Until that changes, it was a successful tactic.

“You’re just dreaming here.”

I doubt it. The Turks were pushed back in Idlib. That can be done again if necessary there and elsewhere. Hopefully it won’t be necessary.

“The Yid caused a Russian plane to get shot down, killed many Syrian and Iranian troops, caused the explosion in Lebanon, and killed the Chinese ambasador. Attacks with little or no affect ?”


“Great , now you’re contradicting yourself, you just stated above that once Syria wins Turkey will gladly pack up and leave. Yet now you say they support the scum in Idlib and are part of NATO. How do you propse to win Idlib then ? Fight the full might of Turkey and maybe NATO ? Your logic is off.”

How the Turks handle the withdrawal is up to them. The Turks have lost half of Idlib and are cooperating in reestablishing Syrian government coalition control in Idlib. I’d clear Idlib to NW of Idlib City and leave a Turk bracketing force in place to contain the Kurds along the Turkish border west of Afrin for now.

“This has nothing to do with clearing the Yid out of anywhere. Putin went into Syria to prevent attacks agianst Israhell. This includes attacks by Syria also.”

It has everything to do with shutting down the Jew Yinon plan forever war against the region and humanity.

“Ten Israeli military positions in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights were targeted overnight Wednesday by rocket fire at a time when Israel hit Syrian positions in the southern province of Qunaitera amid heightened tension, according to the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV.

The targeted Israeli military sites include a military reconnaissance center, a position for border security, a military center for electronic jamming, a military center for spying on wireless and wired networks, a communication station, an observatory for precision weapons, a gunships heliport, the headquarters of the regional military command of brigade-810, the command center of the military battalion in Hermon, and the winter headquarters of the special snow unit, according to the report.”

– Rocket fire targets 10 Israeli military positions –



– Israeli Fighter Jet Shot Down Over Syria During Airstrikes –



“The first Chechen war was clusterf*ck with poorly trained, equiped, and led soliders. Basically, a waste of time and lives.

The second was actually run and executed correctyl. However, it seems you dont know that much about it. I suggest you watch the Russian documentaries. The Russians went in full blast, were brutual, and showed no mercy . They took out whole villages and cities, with civilians present or not. That is how you quickly win a war. Not the footsie playing that Putin is doing in Syria. It seems Putin is way more aggressive when it comes to his own nation.”

Putin is countering the zioNATO/GCC combine worldwide. He’s winning the Syrian war at a far lower cost than what the protagonists are spending. Without ceding territory elsewhere. When Ukraine became a problem he countered in Syria.

“No it didnt, go look at the current UN designed and soon to be adopted new ” Syrian ” constituion. Also, look at Russia’s and find out who wrote it for Russia. Just like Russia’s finacial system.

Also, the highest concentration of the Yid in Europe was in pre WW2 Poland not Russia or the Soviet Union.”

There is no new constitution anywhere near approval. If you disagree then prove otherwise.

“the vast territories of the Russian Empire at one time hosted the largest population of Jews in the world.”

– History of the Jews in Russia –



The Objective

There is no slow destruction of Islam even though a big attempt is being made. On the contrary, Islam is in a state of rapid revival. Changes in Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Tunisia and other places show that Muslims are struggling to end the rule of westernised leaders on our lands. That’s why there is so much instability. It’s a battle between pro-western Muslims and pro-Islamic Muslims. At the moment, pro-Islamic Muslims have the support of much of the Islamic world. It’s only a matter of time before corrupt rulership is overthrown in every Muslim country.

The middle East only accounts for 20% of the world’s Muslim population. The power of Islam is not with middle Eastern Muslims, otherwise Islam would already have been destroyed cos America has captured all the lands through puppets.

The real worry for the western world: Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Qatar. All these agree with the Muslim Brotherhood and as a group, they are militarily strong.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s something both Russia and Turkey desire and it serves a specific purpose, all the groups the US has been attacking are all totally opposed to the Astana agreements and resolution 2254, which Turkey Russia Iran the UN and the US are all trying to implement as soon as possible, and just coincidentally the US is attacking all the leaders of the pro Turkish factions who opposed the deal, mmmm. Sadly Syrian planes can’t fly anywhere they want in Syria, not yet anyway, others seem to though, Israel, US, Turkey. :[

johnny rotten

In practice, the cavalry of the air will protect the terrorists and occasionally liquidate someone in excess, depending on the usefulness and availability of dollars, as any company normally does.

Zionism = EVIL

Russian weakness has allowed Americunts to brazenly occupy Syria. Unless the SAA grows a pair and acts in downing some o these drones, the overflights will continue and get worse.

Servet Köseoğlu

russian cowardness..but when you start a conversation with pida-russians,they will try to cover this starting”we big powers always find a way to compromiss”…bollocks they know f-22,f-18 and co.will wipe their ass ıf they dont know their limit..


In 2015 Russia has saved your Shia arse from ending being barbecued by the terrorists (Assad included)! You were on the verge of TOTAL DEFEAT when Russia has arrived to SAVE YOU UNGRATEFUL PUNKS!! Now you want Russia to attack US so that you Iranians can continue to SUCK TURK COCOK’S and pretend to be “regional power”? Liberate Syria yourself because Assad is above your man, not Sunni ! Russia did already too much for Syria and receives only back stabbing as gratitude !

Tommy Jensen

Alawitskis are better educated than moderate Sunni rebels.


There must be at least few moderate well educated Sunni’s somewhere. Multi-ethnic multi religious country like Syria should have government representative of its population. Assad in secular Syria is by far the best solution now. But maybe not on longer term in once free Syria….


when the next two fall out of the sky, the dimwitted morons might start to suspect that something nefarious action is afoot and ground them for good.

Icarus Tanović

Down them some more and blame it on Al Nusra.

Zionism = EVIL

Not as long as the little midget Putin is kissing Americunt arse and can’t even speak up for Belarus.


Russia is 100% right not to trust you Iranians and keep you dependent on their help. So cry little more Iranian

Servet Köseoğlu

We cant blame putin..they dont have potential and balls to do that..the situation at east of syria looks like…hyena russians sees the true power and backed off.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/559a46cf1a89cff4068d26e263d85667a90e5ae116f554e599b8b21126621c6d.jpg


Where are these US drones flying out of? And are the missions pre approved by the Syrian government coalition? And if not, why aren’t these drones being shot down like the Turkish ones?

Looking at the targets, the Syrian government coalition may be allowing these drones to operate. Because they’re attacking the same terrorists that the Syrian government coalition is fighting.


Given the airspace limits in the area. It is most likely that the drones are coming directly out of Turkish airspace into Idlib area, where Syria is not trying to shoot things down at the present time. Turkey does not want to advertise this fact I think.


They have the range to come in from the coast also. Depending on where they take off from.


Incirlik Air Base

Servet Köseoğlu

nope they already have uav control ”rooms” at kamıshlı..they build airfields as well

Servet Köseoğlu

because they cant…simple..ı am sure russkie foreign department is using back door diplomacy dusk till dawn to remove us sanctions on their kneels…russia can only bully states much weaker than their selves…they are delusion,pathetic using mass media with trol factory to justify their actions…just like in southfront…

Assad must stay

not surprised, would be funny if it keeps happening lol

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not once has SF told it’s readers who the US is attacking and why, so I wonder why they don’t, is it a secret, it certainly seems to be, but I hate secrets so I have to spoil the party for SF, sorry.

I read the comments section and a lot of people seem unsure as to where and how the US drones get to their targets, but that’s easy to answer if you know who the US is attacking and the reason why they’re attacking them, and then you also need to know who actually benefits from the drone strikes, then it all becomes crystal clear. You should all be aware by now that the US isn’t attacking HTS targets, it’s JUST THE PRO TURKISH FACTIONS that the US attacks, NOT HTS. So why does the US attack them and why are they allowed to attack with obvious impunity, apparently there are no objections from Russia, Turkey, Syria or Iran, which is something else the comments section seemed curious about, but that’s probably because most people aren’t aware these attacks actually benefit Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran, as well as the US and the UN. UN Resolution 2254 is the answer to all the contradictions, this resolution ties all the contradictions and all the ambiguous connections together into one simple and easy to understand explanation, but first you need to understand what resolution 2254 is and what it does, and that’s too complicated for me to explain now, simply put it’s the process that the UN wants the Syrian Government to undertake to reform the constitution and political process, I suggest you do some research on the subject, it explains 99% of everything you need to know about Syria. Resolution 2254 is Russia, Turkey, and Iran’s resolution, they drew it up and proposed it to the UN and it was accepted unanimously, but Assad didn’t like the deal and refused to sign it for nearly 5 years. Then late last year the UN offered to make a new deal with Assad that suited him better, and Assad accepted it the very same day, now they’re in the process of rewriting the constitution and after that they begin political reforms. So as I said all the parties concerned have good reason to implement this resolution, Russia, Turkey, Iran, the US and the UN, and of course Syria too, since Assad finally agreed to the resolution, but if anyone’s been paying any attention it’s become blatantly obvious Assad’s actually been dragging his feet concerning the speedy implementation of the resolution, doing trade deals with HTS as one example, so as much as Assad’s agreed to implement the resolution he’s actually taking his own good time to do it [he’s a clever chap]. :] Then we also have to understand why the US attacks the specific groups that it does, so if you google the faction names that all US victims have belonged to, you’ll find they all belong to the pro Turkish factions who actually rejected the Astana agreements that Russia Turkey and Iran put in place to help implement resolution 2254. So the US victims are all opposed to Turkey’s agreement with Russia, mmm, that’s why neither Russia or Turkey object to the US killing them, the pro Turkish factions don’t like the fact their terrorist buddies were left out of the Astana agreement so they rejected Erdogan’s deal, so now the US is just doing Turkey’s dirty work for them, killing the terrorist leaders that are trying their hardest to stop the implementation of resolution 2254. So the US drones most likely use Turkish airspace to get to their targets and Erdogan refuses to acknowledge his complicity in the strikes, he’s more than happy to see the people who oppose his political proposals killed but he can’t afford the bad publicity himself, so he lets the US do it instead, and Russia has no objections either, they also want resolution 2254 implemented as soon as possible. And if you google search for the faction names you’ll also find many of the groups the US has targeted are also opposed to the Russian Turkish agreement to reopen the M4 highway.

Keep doing trade deals with HTS president Assad, F–K resolution 2254 and the Astana agreements, and F—K your allies too when they stab you in the back.

Servet Köseoğlu

excellent well-rounded summary..bad cop-good cop stuff is always working…(nice to read such stuff after discussions with stupid russkie slavians.) you saved my day…

Willing Conscience (The Truths



Soooo? Syria agreed that:

“The 150-member committee agreed on the 45-member drafting committee with 15 members from each list in late October 2019. …

Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia reminded council members that “this is a Syrian-owned and Syrian-led process which must be safeguarded from any external interference.””

– Committee drafting new Syria constitution meets Aug. 24 –


Syria is winning the war. They have little incentive to agree to anything that isn’t in their interest. if you think that Russia or Iran are going to pull the plug on the Syrian government to force them to accept a zio constitution you’re very mistaken.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is the amended version that Assad accepted the same day the UN offered it to him, the original version his allies Iran and Russia and his enemy Turkey drew up was much much worse, the old version let Erdogan choose half the 150 member committee and didn’t give Assad veto rights, so Vassily Nebenzia might remind the council members that the process is Syrian owned but Assad wouldn’t be doing it at all if the Russians and Iranians hadn’t forced him to, he knocked back their version for nearly 5 years because it was so bad, but just one day to accept the new and better UN offer, the lesser of 2 evils, with friends like that who needs enemies.

Before june 2018 the Saudi’s openly supported HTS and it was no secret from anyone, but the Saudis have spent hundreds of millions on Turkish opposition political parties and opposition media outlets, they even offered Assad 100 billion in reconstruction aid, so now they’re doing the exact opposite of what they once used to do, pre june 2018 they wanted Assad gone but now they’re desperate for Assad to stay.

The Arab League, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Israel have one common enemy now, the Muslim Brotherhood, but Iran and the Muslim brotherhood are firm friends, so it’s a bit like Russia and Turkey, geopolitical interests change the character of the game.

HTS are terrorists and no better than the Turkish terrorists for sure, but HTS doesn’t have international support, unlimited finances, and strong allies [apart from Turkey], or even a legitimate reason to be in Syria, but Turkey does, so from Assad’s perspective weakening Turkey and helping HTS actually serves his best interests. If HTS controls more than 75% of all the occupied territory in Latakia/Hama/Idlib/Aleppo what legitimate reason does Turkey have to be there, if the internationally recognized terrorist control more than 75% of the territory it means Turkey’s just protecting terrorists, and Assad will be able to say that when he smashes HTS and takes back 75% of the occupied territory. If HTS keeps up what it’s been doing they’ll soon have 80% of the occupied territory under their control, which’ll mean Assad will be able to take back 80% of the occupied territory.

Russia’s helping Turkey implement resolution 2254 by reopening the M4 highway which only strengthens Turkey’s political machinations, Assad on the other hand does exclusive deals with HTS effectively weakening Turkey’s Political influence in the occupied territories.

Syria isn’t winning Richard it’s on standby mode, we still have to get Turkey out before we can even tackle the US, and the best way to get Turkey out of Syria is let HTS kick them out [politically]. Erdogan will lose the next Turkish election and one of the opposition parties will win power, and every single one of the opposition parties keep saying they’ll pull out all the troops and reconcile with Assad as soon as they can, so we only have to wait 12 more months anyway, the Turks themselves will end the war once Erdogan’s gone, and hopefully lock him up for his war crimes.


Agreeing to participate in negotiations is some type of major concession for Syria and a betrayal by Russia and Iran. How so?

Please spare me of a half a dozen paragraphs of unrelated material that has nothing to do with my question.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I tried to point out you were wrong about the Saudis still supporting HTS, Qatar does though.

“Agreeing to participate in negotiations is some type of major concession for Syria and a betrayal by Russia and Iran. How so?”

Your ignorance is astounding, Assad didn’t negotiate a new settlement with the UN at all, he actually received an offer from them and then made his own demands before he’d even accept it, and when all his demands were met he agreed to the new amendments the very same day the UN made the offer. That was an independent offer that had nothing to do with Russia or Iran, it was a UN [US] initiative and it upset Erdogan more than anything else has to date, and you’d don’t think it was a snub for Assad to say no to his allies for nearly 5 years but say yes to the UN enemy in less than one day, LOL. Put simply Assad accepted the new UN offer because it gave Turkey and the opposition parties way less say in the rewriting of the constitution, the old deal Russia and Iran had in place virtually sold out Syrian political sovereignty to Turkey.


You’re an idiot talking out of both sides of your mouth. First you say Assad was forced into a bad deal by Russia and Iran. Then you say that he negotiated a good deal for Syria that he willingly accepted. It can’t be both.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I didn’t say Assad was forced into a bad deal by Russia or Iran, I said Assad refused to accept the bad deal Russia and Iran tried to force him to accept for nearly 5 years. And I said he demanded a better deal when the UN made him an alternate offer, Assad didn’t approach the UN they actually approached him, and he got every single thing he demanded when he accepted the new deal. But he got nothing from Iran or Russia, no concessions at all thanks to Erdogan’s objections, they wouldn’t even let him participate in any of the 16 Astana agreements, and the Astana agreements sole purpose was to help implement all the conditions and stipulations that the original Russian/Turkish/Iranian resolution demanded. I didn’t say he willingly accepted it, I said he accepted it and is now dragging his feet trying to slow the process down, if you didn’t understand what I meant by ‘he accepted the lesser of 2 evils, I don’t know what else to say, he had to make a choice between bad and worse, he chose bad instead of worse, but it wasn’t willingly, if Russia and Iran both said tomorrow that Assad no longer had to implement resolution 2254, Assad would tell the UN where to stick their new resolution too, the same place Assad stuck the Russian/Turkish/Iranian resolution. If you don’t recognize the simple fact that Putin sold out Syria to keep Erdogan on side you’re missing the obvious.


“Assad wouldn’t be doing it at all if the Russians and Iranians hadn’t forced him to”



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