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MARCH 2025

U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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On February 13, the U.S. delivered a shipment of Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) laser-guided rockets, valued at more than $16 million, to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).

The rockets, which are a part of the U.S. military aid for Lebanon, will be used to arm the A-29 Super Tucano warplanes of the Lebanese Air Force (LAF). The warplanes were also purchased through the U.S. aid program. The LAF received the first two Super Tucanos on October 31 of 2017.

“Today’s delivery demonstrates the U.S. government’s firm and steady commitment to support to the Lebanese Armed Forces in their capacity as the sole, legitimate defender of Lebanon,” U.S. embassy in Lebanon said in an official press release.

The APKWS is a design conversion of Hydra 70 unguided rockets with a guidance kit to turn them into precision-guided munitions (PGMs). The rocket is guided by laser beam riding and has a range of 1,100 to 5,000 meters.

The U.S. says that it has invested over $2 billion in the LAF, since 2005. The aid is supposedly aimed at securing Lebanon from terrorist threats in the region. However, many Lebanese experts believe that Washington is trying to challenge the legitimacy of Hezbollah inside Lebanon with this move.


U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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U.S. Delivers Laser-Guided Rockets To Lebanese Army (Photos)

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The same ineffective Lebanese Army that couldn’t protect the nation from terrorists who were crossing in from Syria that of which Hezbollah had to literally do all the fighting in order to uproot them and push them out? That Lebanese Army?

Fucking joke…I hope, sincerely I hope that the Lebanese military has a clandestine agreement with Hezbollah to legitimately help one another and share arms if a war is imposed on them. We all know that Israel has long term plans of eventually spreading into Southern Lebanon taking oil and fresh water. This cannot be allowed to happen.


These weapons are TOTALLY useless on purpose!!!! Its like SAA trying to shoot down russian airforce with the S-300….. does´nt work!!! safety mechanism!! same with this bs supply to lebanese army…..does´nt work against IDF or NATO Targets!!!

Jens Holm

You have no idea about those missiles at all. And who says they are against IDFs and Nato at all. None says.

Bigaess Wangmane

When the Fake-Semite forces invades Lebanon again, Hezbollah will 100% guaranteed have to fight them alone to stop the Litani from being annexed. The Lebanese army will not stand and fight against the boss(Israhell) of their boss(USA) under any circumstances.


These laser guided rockets wouldn’t work against Israeli terrorists, so what’s the point to take from these idiots. LOL


Yes, I was just thinking that. We are using a strong Lebanese Army to curtail the influence of Hezbollah inside Lebanon. Believe or not, Hezbollah is not very popular in the non-Muslim portions of Lebanon, in fact many of the indigenous Christian communities in the north favor Israel over Hezbollah. A cohesive Lebanese Army will make Hezbollah unable to defy the wishes of Beirut at will as they have in the past, but still any civil war in Lebanon is liable to devolve into anarchy.


Who, Christians favor Israel? It is from Sharon and Sabra and Chatila that Christians detest the Nazis of Israel, they are with Hizbollah and also members like armed militants. The American missiles are for the army, so that they can use them against Hezbollah, it is not said that in the future the US criminals, on Ashkenazi cazara instigation, trigger a civil war in Lebanon.


Shows what you know.

Jens Holm

The non Hesbollas might get stuff from the saudis as well, because they were forbidden by USA to support ISIS.

Saudis even want to support Israel some and SDFs.

Concrete Mike

Saudis cant even support their bitches in yemen.

Saudi support is a curse , accept it if you wish to lose.

No thank you!!!


Hassan Nasrallah has opened its ranks for some years to non-Shiite volunteers. The liberation of Maalula, a very Christian Syrian village, by Hezbollah, confirms this.


Just because you use the right syntax as if it belongs in local history, does not mean it does. But I don’t argue with neo-Nazis……

Allan Greedspoon

You are displaying all the ugly characteristics of a zionazi. Why waste your time on this site, when there are plenty of zionazi sites to comment on: Haaretz, Jerusalem Post etc etc . .


The problem with you Jews is that you live in an ideological, parallel world. In the USA Jewish intellectuals have thought about the new trotskysm of the new american century to export war and genocide. For me, today the Nazis-Stalinists are you, there’s nothing to discuss, just distance yourself. Jewish fundamentalism or neocon = Islamic fundamentalism.


I’m neither far right nor a Jew.


You tell lies. Nobody in their right mind favors the fascist genocidal Israel terrorists, may they rot in hell.



These bombs will never be used against the Israeli fascists. Only Hezbollah has been able to defeat them using much less “sophisticated” weapons. Glory to Hezbollah and defeat to Zionism!


I find it rather amusing to see you neo-Nazis dig a hole for yourswlf with how grossly ignorant you are about this.


That’s where you Jew supremacist Nazis always get it wrong. I am opposed to Apartheid and racial supremacism, and that is the core of Zionism. Zionism is Nazism, they developed at the same time, they took ideas from each other, they even worked together. There’s lot of info about this. There was also the infamous “Transfer Agreement”.

So, sure, you are the Nazi, I am the anti-Nazi. But like the true filthy disgusting vermin Nazi you are, you try to turn truth on its head by labeling the Nazis peacemakers and the peacemakers Nazis. It does not work here, you filthy Nazi.

I pray for the destruction of the Zio-Nazi regime!


Do you have any idea how stupid you’re making yourself look, bro? Maybe I should just plaster this all over the web and ask for real Lebanese people’s opinions….


Go for it Nazi boy. Evil filthy Jew supremacist/Zionist. You Zio-fascists are worse than N. Korea, worse than Wahhabism, worse than Saudi Barbaria – you are the most evil people on the planet.


Your egomania will be your death… hopefully.


Aww, the filthy Zionist scumbag wants to murder non-Zionists. Well, we already knew that about you – you are, after all, a Zionist, i.e., a sub-human murderous cretin. Soon enough Zionism will be utterly destroyed and its leaders hung from lampposts like Mussolini, whose fascism was 1,000 times better than Zionism.

Jens Holm

And You killed the dead sea :)

Joe Kerr

The stupidity comes from you, whether you realise it or not.

Jens Holm

Thats not stupid, just because You dont like it. Writing like that with no reflexions tell You are the non smart.

Joe Kerr

Try using a dictionary before your next dribble, to avoid exposing your single neurone brain.

Jens Holm

It seemes You use a dicktio-canary. You only are able to use highschool english for lawyers and doctors, which I started with many years ago.

Most people here dont do that and especially not at sites like that, because we speak and write common english.

Concrete Mike

Its his syntaxe…in french there are some manuals on it like grevisse and bescherelle. Is there an anglo equivalent?

Allan Greedspoon


Concrete Mike

Please do, maybe it will get through to you after 1000 lebanese say israel over hezb? Fuck no!!

The elections werent clear enough were they??

Allan Greedspoon

Zionism is one of the purest forms of Apartheid . . something this Yid seems to not understand . .

Concrete Mike

Follow the rules like the other country instead of acting like the fascists you project everyone that call you out to be.

I dont dig holes, I fill them.

Concrete Mike

Ive never heard 1 lebanese say anything bad about hezb! Not 1

Didnt matter if they were christian or arab.

That was during summer 2006 when we played fooseball all the time during university, these guys were really good we played them everyday. On occasion we would go to anglophone bars and play fooseball against the anglos. Obviously the question came often as draft beer was 1.20$ at the time.

Most of the world does not favor Israel because of Israel’s contempt for interationnal law, refusal so to sign nuclear non proliferation treaty and refusal of having there weapons programs inspected as all other have!

Just because israel supporters are loud does not mean majority.

Allan Greedspoon

Utter nonsense! Hezbollah is very popular with large portions of the Christian community. have you even been to Lebanon, or is this just assumptions. ? Last time I was there, the Christians, though not pro-Iran, were definitely more favorable to hezbollah, as their own army could not have repelled an invasion by the Zionazis as in 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdZgkGI5h0A


I don’t argue with neo-nazis.

Allan Greedspoon

That’s fine with me, because I never argue with zionazi apologists . .



Chris Saunders

Demented Zionist fool. Go to Hell and stay there!

Chris Saunders

Demented Zionist fool!

Harvey Swinestein

Filthy zionist scumbag

Joe Kerr

Laser guided rockets with a max range of 5km? Well fokadoodledoo, wowee and toss a crow… if that’s the limit of U.S. aid to Lebanon’s army, then dumping this junk and accepting Iran’s offer should be a no brainer, notwithstanding Lebanese PM Hariri’s lack of said organ. Too bad Hezbollah’s new expanded ministry didn’t include the PM’s job.

Jens Holm

Its seemes You not even know, those are air to surface by laserpen. So what else dont You know and comment as if You have connections direct from above :)

Hydra 70https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_70

Joe Kerr

As the article said… but irrelevant and useless in any war with Israel, something anyone with functioning grey matter ought to know (that obviously excludes you).

Jens Holm

But those weapons are not against Israel. You seemes not to get it. USA should give or sell Lebanese weapons against Israeliens.

Trump saiid that ????

We take it again in proper english: Those weapons are against enemies of USA and Israel, and those of course are Hebolah and Assads.

Jens Holm

As I see several here do theirt best to talk down US standard weapons trying to make them to nothing and make others believe, those are nothing. You dont want to know Your enemy, Your stupidists. Well someone not that stupid might.

Hydra 70https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_70

Its missiles laserguided by laserpen fx by F16`s air to surface. They are very good.

Joe Kerr

Are you drunk or is your IQ really in the single digit range?

Concrete Mike

The reaction your getting is a symptom of frustration. The west specifically told the lebanese army to let the terrorist from syria set bases in lebanon.

We know this was part or regime change shennannigans, as the bases are all around syria.

So the attitude is who fucken cares, the lebanese army didnt even fight al nusra ON US orders.

Weapons with strings attached , not matter how good the weapon is,the strings will strangle you way before you get to use the weapon.

Besides, the lebanese army cant fart unless usa says ok.

Joe Kerr

Looks like the hasbara troll fund’s getting low, judging by the quality of their posts here.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, evaluating and reflecting is a bad thing for many here.

Allan Greedspoon

Reason is the Zionazi regime is running short of competent, educated boiler room patsies, so now they are taking bums, drunks, prison parolees, ex-military personnel with PTSD and a sprinkling of superannuated kibbutz devotees who have fallen on rough economic times. This is the main reason why their trolling raves and rants lack intellect, sophistication . . .and just plain proper grammar . ..

Allan Greedspoon

Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the electronics in the equipment is full of cookies, knowing that it will eventually get appropriated by Hezbollah in the event of another Lebanon-Israel War . .

Jens Holm

Why dont You read about it. This is no cupcake contest. Those are very well described since long in several versions.

I wonder what can and cannot surprice You. I am not surpriced Yiu prefare gussings in stead of facts.

Hydra 70https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_70

Allan Greedspoon

Aawww Holm….you escaped again??!! please someone call the asylum authorities . . .

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

So the weapon is a 30-40 year late mini version of the Sovjet S-24L?

And with the 70mm Hydra being effective against soft/lightly armored targets, they will most likely be used against building, position and lightly armored vehicles.

But perhaps they could be used as laserguided rockets fired from the ground instead, depending on the conesize of the laserseeker head.

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