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MARCH 2025

U.S. Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters At Qatar Airbase To Counter Iran

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The US has deployed F-22A Raptor stealth jets at the Air Base Al-Udeid in Qatar amid soaring tensions with Iran.

“The US Air Force F-22 Raptor arrives at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, June 27, 2019,” the US military said in a release on June 28. “These aircraft are deployed to Qatar for the first time in order to defend American forces and interests in the US Central Command area of responsibility.”

The Air Force did not give the total number of F-22s deployed. Pictures  from the area showed at least five the warplanes over the base.

U.S. Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters At Qatar Airbase To Counter Iran

US Air Force F-22 Raptors fly in formation as they prepare to land at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, June 27, 2019.

U.S. Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters At Qatar Airbase To Counter Iran

US Air Force F-22 Raptors arrive at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, June 27, 2019.

The F-22 deployment came a week after an Iranian surface-to-air missile shot down a US spy drone over the Strait of Hormuz. Iran said the drone was in its airspace, but Washington claims it was over international waters. US President Donald Trump even claimed that he ordered a military strike in response to the Global Hawk shootdown, but then called it back.

U.S. Deploys F-22 Stealth Fighters At Qatar Airbase To Counter Iran

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Concrete Mike

Why would you deploy an air superiority fighter against Iran, who doesnt really have an air force!

Ohhhhh i get it, hurricane season is coming, storing them in qatar will be much safer for the planes!


It’s a political statement that Trump appreciates Qatar’s clean runway. This plane needs red silk carped to land on.


And air conditioned hangers, the F22 needs aircon.

Romeo Pesiao

The US ensure that if they attack Iran, no more air assets will be taken down during the operation.

Rhodium 10

These jets are useless…because in case of war the main target would be this airbase in Qatar..and Iran have enough ballistic missile, drones, Cruise missile to launch a saturation attack and overwhelm Patriot air defense!

You can call me Al

The Houthis, sent one home made missile / armed drone, right through the Saudis air defence system (Patriot).

Jens Holm

A lot af garbage from You. I amsure Saudis will give them base rights against Iran.

You powerbalance of course dont include the strength of the ones agaist Iran. They all give up and wait for You drinking tea in their tents. They even has fasten their seatbelts in their armchairs, so they dont run away.

Rhodium 10

Iran have enough long range ballistic missile to destroy Qatar air base and others..included saudis air bases!…its an easy target for Irani Missile as saudi bases have no bunker shelters.


If one of those strayed into Iranian air space and was shot down, the whole world would see the emperor had no clothes.



This image will give you nightmares , Sinbad :) It gave me PTSD.


US never said F-22 can’t be shot down with a SA missile, its purpose is to patrol detect an enemy aircraft before the enemy aircraft detects it. It’s not an attack but rather a defensive weapon.


Iran really has no aircraft, so what are they doing there?


It’s a political move not military, those planes visit only advanced or allied countries. It’s kind of a VIP visit.

Jens Holm

They do, but its museum.

Glenn Hopkins

The U.S. may have a couple F-16’s but why risk the shoot down? The F-22 is better in most opinions than the F-35 also.

Pavel Pavlovich

‘Most opinions’ seems oblivious to the fact that the F-35 is not a 5th gen fighter.


China has the most opinions seconded by India.

Hisham Saber

China backs up its opinions with sheer might, like the J – 20. India got its collective ass handed to it by Pakistan just the other month. India is a basket case of a country, with the highest suicide rate per capita in the world. Infrastructure in total shambles, now go see what the Chinese Mega-Metropolises look like today. With the most advanced infrastructure on the planet. But wait, the Chinese are not finished, now they plan on integrating most of the developing world with their OBR Silk Roads.

India, a decrepit nation of scamming call centers that produces nothing of value. China, Three Gorges Damn, millions of km of modern, reinforced highways, a giant that’s making leaps and bounds to fix what the U.S., Britain and France have done to destroy much of the world. Since 1980, China has lifted 850 million of its citizens out of poverty, while in India today, they have the awful, racist caste system, much like the U.S. does, where 1 billion are starving, 100 million educated class have, or are about to leave for jobs in the U.S., Canada or Britain, and 25 million elites, the rich. Some progress. And if India cant be any stupider, they refuse to join China’s gargantuan OBR and reap untold benefits, because they simply cant get along with their neighbors. China is going to sell Pakistan the J – 10’S too, so eat shit India.


China can make a smart phone alone, without importing components from 15 countries. They need to import the American GMO to be allowed to use google maps… J-20 Chinese engine is pure shit, it barely can take off. They had to made J-31 with the Russian Saturn engine.

US started to built the engine for F-22 in ’88. In ’98 it was already flying. China started it in ’94. Guess what it’s not ready yet.

Hisham Saber

The Chinese have been flying the J – 20 in non-combat training exercises all over China for some years now. Especially in the South China Sea.

Area Access / Area Denial is what gives the J- 20 an edge over American fighters, F -22 and the short range of the F- 35’s. F- 35’s that are aircraft carrier based have a very short range in fuel are access and that means for them to be successful, the carriers have to get even closer to Chinese territory than is safely tolerable. The J – 31’s are a perfect match for the F- 22’s. The F- 35’s are sitting ducks for the J – 20’s.


Area Access / Area Denial is not a Chinese weapon, you retarded moron, it’s a tactic employed by all armies since the Roman Empire.

How is the Area Access / Area Denial is what gives the J- 20 an edge over American fighters again?


Seeing as how the iranian air force doesn’t have any modern fighters a stealthy strike aircraft like the F-35 would be the ideal choice to go up against Iranian SAM’s. That’s the mission it was designed for. The F-22’s an air superiority fighter …. I’m sure it’s up to the task but why use it when Iran is tailor made to show off the F-35’s strike capabilities against Russian built SAM’s. This is just what they need for flagging sales, a fight against Russian air defences without it being the full blown Russian operated system and the risk of nuclear war …. unless they don’t have confidence in the F-35 of course.




They have Syria for that type of training. Good training camp for all countries toys.


Yes but what if the F35 sales pitch is BS? If one got shot down by Iran, the US would lose sales, and countries would be trying to buy Iranian SAM’s


” but why risk the shoot down”

Black F22 pilots ?


Ah the RAPTOR the most expensive one what was it some 185 million each. Well Good Luck.


They are a good plane, like a Ferrari they only go when the moon is conjunct jupiter and the Blue Danube is in flood, but when they go they really go. They will go down in history as the last good plane the US built. But of course a plane is only as good as its pilot, and Maverick is getting old.


The thing is AmeriTards, every time, every god dammed time your Gov and the Airfart….. sorry force, have an international day, regading air exsercises, aka top gun, your people loose, it dont even matter what you use, you stil loose, even Sweds runs circles around you, more mauverable, and shot refuel/arm and needs just an 3 man crew and 800m somewhere around flat terain, only the Russians have/can that to. Yeah and when I talk about Subs, etc, you laugh off old time diesel-electric as stone age, yup, ask your Admirals, because even here you loose all the time, even the French runned circles around your Carrier fleat and poped up smack in the middle of the pack. And so on.

Not to be cocky, but of course, you can out manuver an missile, etc, have EW equimpents, but the overall is crap, expencive crap, used to impress us in the 90s and thats 30 years ago, son. And this, like the 4000 men exc. in the BallTicks, an mire jammed with idiots, the normal ones flew years ago, only whores, criminals and policians are left, witch is worse, I leave it to you, but like the Orcs in Ukraina, they just make em self be more and more irrational and downright hillarious, in their assliking of the UssA. Yeah, no wounder they reaks of vaseline. Stupid swamp creatures.


Real Anti-Racist Action

The US only has the moral right to deploy their military in the Canadian and Mexican borders. No where else on the earth. The US had no right to get involved in any foreign war anywhere in the world. Presided and Founding Father George Washington said so. We had no right to get involved in the world war either. https://i.imgur.com/t9SBN.png?1 https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e4c99ed21957fccbe592b2db980dd8e7.webp https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-do-not-let-anyone-claim-tribute-of-american-patriotism-if-they-even-attempt-to-remove-george-washington-53-32-93.jpg

Jens Holm

So what did the other leaders say in those days ?

Best regards from ´Marilyn Monroe. .

Jens Holm

Stalin blamed USA for not fast participating in the WW2 war against Germany.


a political/propaganda move. dumb stuff in my view. just something else that can be blown up. my take folks.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol US keeps trying to scare iran, iran just sees this as more opportunity to shoot down and reverse engineer western tech, come on trump send a few near iranian airspace, dont be scared ;)))

Luke Hemmming

The photoshopping used by the US government in its analysis of the ship bombing is improving but again makes no sense why Iran would attack ships when they are saying they don’t want a war. Meanwhile the orange baboons is beating his chest saying he is going to obliterate Iran. Who is the aggressor here?

friendly anon

So Iran can detect and shoot down stealth drones. And now they send stealth planes? Yeah that will tech them¿

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