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MARCH 2025

U.S. Deploys Six B-52 Bombers For Possible Strike On Iran

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U.S. Deploys Six B-52 Bombers For Possible Strike On Iran

A B-52 assigned to the 23rd Bomb Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., flies over an aerospace show in Malaysia, March 26, 2019. HEATHER REDMAN/U.S. AIR FORCE

Six B-52 bombers have been reportedly ordered to be deployed to Diego Garcia, a British-controlled island in the Indian Ocean, for possible operations against Iran. Reports say that the order was made by the Pentagon on January 6.

The B-52 warplanes were sent to Diego Garcia because the island was allegedly out of range of Iranian missiles, CNN claimed citing an unidentified Pentagon source.

The supposed deployment of strategic bombers took place amid the US open preparations for a military conflict with Iran. The Trump administration decision to assassinate Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani and other top Iranian and Iraqi officers in Baghdad on January 3 led to a regional crisis.

Iran promised a harsh revenge to the United States. The Iraqi Parliament already voted to expel US forces from Iraq. Despite this, the US seems to be unwilling to leave the country and will once again remain in Iraq as an occupation force.


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B-52 are flying coffins and the Vietnamese with relatively primitive SA2/5 shot downs dozens of them. Iranian air defences are quite robust. And secondly, Diego Garcia will be hit with Iranian cruise missiles and drones. This is just childish US posturing and will fail.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

even their F-14s can take them out

Zionism = EVIL

There will be no need for that. The Americunts are in panic mode as the size of resistance forces and the area is too large. Iran is not Iraq 2003. It can mobilize a very large pool of determined and angry resistance fighters and the decision has been made. Looking ahead, it is important to recognize that Iran’s paramilitary forces and regional allies can muster over 16 million armed men and women. With the anger I saw on the streets today, Iranian women were as determined and ferocious as the men. Iran has over 300,000 men under arms in the Middle East, including 120,000 positioned along three of Zionist borders: the Hezbollah now is in total mobilization and has moved to its strike posture and is deploying 100,,000 fighters in Lebanon and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad maintain 30,000 and 10,,000 armed men respectively in the Gaza Strip.The Iraqi Shia manpower is close to half a million men and the hammer is about to drop.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

what about the aircraft carriers if they are out of range of irans missiles can they still do strikes?

Zionism = EVIL

Without giving too much away, this will be a unique and totally different sort of conflict and the Americunt arseholes will regret the day they killed General Soleimani. Read the Russian official opinion on RT by googling Iran holds all the cards.


You’re not eloquent…BUT U FKN NAILED IT!



F14s were designed as interceptors and were a good aircraft.


Another soutfront article said that USA aircraft carries stationed in the Arabia Gulf would be out of range of Ian missiles and they could perform stand off strike from there. So that means Diego Garcia is out of range of Iran Surface to Surface missiles.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i am sure iran has considered that and has arranged accordingly to compensate


Yep, but Trump hasnt considered everything. Apparently, the Orange monkey was “stovepiped” the Soleimani assasination by his Neocon israel first dual passprt holders in the Whitehouse who take orders directly from nuttyYahoo. The US is major posturing now and desperately need a face saving way out.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Stovepiped? There is only one way out for US: leave the middle east completely and forever, apologize to every country for all the innocent people they’ve killed and damage done, lift all sanctions, and just leave them all alone


Russian and Armenian tracking stations are not asleep either. This is not Iraq, but a large battle tested state with a 3,000 year old history and many allies.


Russia has no coverage in the India Ocean though, unless ships are there? Maybe the Chinese from their new Naval base in Sri Lanka would give Iran advanced warning of USA launches from Diego Garcia?

Zionism = EVIL

Russia has intel gathering ships all over the world even in Cuba, and China is now ha the biggest naval surveillance fleet of “trawlers”. Iran’s own BVR systems like I have explained before including the Kolchuga are very good. They have been knocking the most sophisticated Americunt drones for years.

Free man

There is no chance that Russia or China will intervene in favor of Iran. People write all their wild fantasies here. The United States is China’s largest trading partner, do you really think it will help a country that is fighting the US?

Zionism = EVIL

A Jew arsehole like you is on all blogs with the same BS, we know who you are dumbass :)

Free man

temper, temper. Things don’t go the way you want? I’m happy.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew FUCK, you post the same crap on all blogs. Do you think people are stupid :) You retard get paid for the same BS. Your IP address is from US dumbass. We have been tracking you arsehole LOL

Free man

I think you’re stupid. You’re the one who thinks the mullahs can beat the world’s greatest power. But the mullahs are not as stupid as you.

Zionism = EVIL

Motherfucker you just said on al-monitor that you are an Iranian Jew and live in the US. Some of us know more than others dumbass :)

Free man

Please show me where. You’re full of sh1t as usual.

Jimmy Jim



If the Vietcong could, and the Taliban could, then hell YES, the Mullahs could. “world’s greatest power” my ass, they only great when bombing poor countries. They’d only invade Iraq AFTER strangling it for 10 years and WITH the help of a coalition that included ALL the top Western powers. Generally, the Yanks and Yids are cowards. Iran is the daddy of Hezbollah, who, with only 2000 men, defeated the Tel Aviv Fake jews backed by the US. So bring it on fake Jew


Agreed China would not provide direct military support to Iran.

But China has already performed industrial espionage on USA, so to provide behind the curtains logistical support or intel to Iran is surely on the cards?

Zionism = EVIL

Dude you are arguing with a hasbara retard from the US. Their whole aim is to create a conflict and post disinformation.


Exactly. That’s why I just block the DFs. Wasting ones breath arguing with a total paid idiot is just that…a waste.

Free man

The Chinese will not endanger US relations. The Chinese have long-standing strategic thinking. They need the US to become the biggest superpower in the future.

Free man

The world today is transparent. China and the US know what each is doing. I think war is bad for both sides, but especially for Iran. Even though there are some here who want such a war.


especially for Iran? hell no, especially for israel. I’m betting on Tel Aviv turning to glass by the end of the month.


That sure didnt stop China from sending Techies to help iran down the Sentinel Drone, neither will it stop China from sending missile batteries, EW goodies.


As long as they don’t intervene in any way…betray Iran maybe?


Good point. Russia and Chinese radar intel for Iran would be smart as USA could not take out the ships or radar stations sourcing that. So yes this is going to be a lot a lot harder than Iraq 2003. Russia + China much stronger and committed opposition today can easily give Iran indirect none attackable support from Syria (land + sea), Sri Lanka, Armenia, Djibouti.




What good is a carrier that cannot deploy its weapons, for a carrier to be effective it needs to be 200 miles or less from the coastline.


You are right about that, but I believe that Iran has outfitted some of their aircraft to carry cruise missiles…not to mention that they have sub launched cruise missiles. Since you and I and most others can think of logistical and tactical problems, I think that the Iranians are smart enough to cover them as well. After all, they’ve had 40 years to think and prepare. They saw years ago that they had to have missiles and EW to survive. DG might just be part of those 13 scenarios they have developed.


DG must be about 3800 km from Iran, approx. Does Iran possess weapons of this range?


will be fun to watch them when they crash and burn and the pilots and crew being dragged to the nearest lampposts for some free swinging in the wind – the unhinged states of A is preparing a body bag galore from the middle east to pendleton – death to uncle sam and death to trump and his slimy son in law and pompeo and mnuchin and so on. let’s hope melania takes the Iranian offer of 80m$ for her hubby’s head seriously, finish him off, gets off and rides into the sunset with all of the money intact and becomes an honorary citizen of Iran as well

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahahaha she probably will

Zionism = EVIL

She is a mail order hooker and speaks English like a Slovene peasant. It is quite embarrassing :)


nah, the B52 will only be used for launching air to surface cruise missiles from afar, out of range of Iran SAMs to supplement other attacks as part of a mass overwhelm defences attack. Only the more modern stealth aircraft would be used to get into Iran airspace. They will be the test of how Iran SAMs perform.


Iran is a very large country and they have prepared for many scenarios and Russians will do all they can to help as it is in their interest to weaken the US. It will make the Ho Chi Minh trail look like a footpath when the border from Armenia opens up.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran Holds All the Cards in Coming Middle East Conflict with US – Unless the madman Trump is Ready to Drop a Tactical NUKE and get hit by Russian and Chinese nukes in return.


Nukes only happen in Hollywood.

Jimmy Jim


Ese Bob Shokare

My thoughts exactly. But I think that Trump is playing the mad man card, keep your opponent guessing as to your next move. These bombastic statements are meant to do just that. The U.S has only the nuclear card to play with right now, and they know this. What they don’t know is the response the world would give them.


Yah good point, even if Russia and China do not intervene directly, their support as with North Vietnam back then, could prove to be decisive. Would be frustrating for USA not to be able to attack those supporting assets. So it gives Iran an advantage as any USA (and Saudi) asset is ‘up for grabs’.

Hmm Israel is a joker in any escalation; will they intervene on USA side? Can they do much as they are still quite far away, difficult to conceive their army going all the way to Iran?


Russia could help Iran since the oil price growing helps them and Gazprom & Lukoil would have a chance in Iraq too, China won’t contribute because they import the oil and export goods through that region..


They’ve already alluded to their submarines. I’d love to see the Iranians play war games with them and their sub-hunters.

Debunking Arrogance

This is a modern battle. Stop comparing Vietnam era to the 21st century. The US have far more defense spending as opposed to then when their currency was not the world reserve currency. They can destroy Iran if weapons only will be the comparison factors. Our only way to victory is rely on Allah. He helped the sahabas in badar. He will help us now if we put faith in him, strive, persevere, and show patience. Iran needs the prayers of every Muslim in the World – Sunni or Shiite or whichever sect. The USA will not spare any Muslim country on Earth. They have singled out Islam as their enemy number one just like communism was. they are engaged in a sustained campaign by whichever means necessary to destroy and eliminate Islam. They have a detailed plan to nuke the Ka’aba. I have read this and I know it’s real. some of them argue that nuking the Ka’aba is the only way to trigger mass apostasy of Muslims. There is no doubt in my mind that at some point, they (the US and or Israel) will attempt to bomb the Ka’aba.

Hasbara Hunter

It might have slipped your mind but you promised to send me some in-depth Research Libyan Links…If I can get them that would be noice…thanks in advance…

Ese Bob Shokare

Rubbish, defence spending has not translated to better equipment so far. The Iranians Russians, Chinese can make war very costly for the U.S and this is well known by planners




How long will it take for Iran to flatten Israel in a saturation strike vs US strikes on Iran, thats the question. Can the US decapitate Iran’s leadership BEFORE Tel Aviv and Haifa is flattened? – I think not. Israel will be the first casualty. Even if Israel and the US attack together, which I believe they will.


Russian EW nullified a lot of US cruise missiles shot at Syria, LRASM are not much better. The subsonic stealth B2 can be intercepted and swarmed by F4 and F5 and be finished off WVR, the rest of the stealth fleet carries limited payload for any significant effectiveness.


Iran does have the Moskva-1 EW system delivered from Russia. US does not know yet Irans full EW capabilities. Maybe they have Krasokha-2 also, which would allow spoofing the GPS system. https://www.armyrecognition.com/november_2015_global_defense_security_news_uk/russia_could_deliver_electronic_warfare_systems_moskva-1_and_rtut-bm_to_iran_11511151.html


Zionism = EVIL

Bad idea to start a war with Iran. A conventional war against Iran is unwinnable. The only way for America (and Zionist ‘666’ Israel)to win is by using nuclear bombs. Iran does not have any nuclear bombs. However, it is understood, that Iran will be given nuclear bombs by Russia or China … once nuclear bomb is used against them. So, for all those war mongers out there: Really? You want to start war with Iran? You think that war with Iran is salvation of Zionist ‘666’ Israel (the Satanic counterfeit)? Really?


Trump supporters believe the destruction of the Jewish religion is coming…and believe they will change to Christians and the Christian ‘ born again ‘will be raptured


Yep. These people are basically traitors to the human race. They bastardize the teachings of Jesus and serve Satan, but they’re too stupid to know it.

Traiano Welcome

Iran is capable of manufacturing a low-tech cobalt enriched particle diffusion bomb aka “dirty bomb”.

This kind of weapon is far more deadly than conventional nuclear weapons because it makes a large area of land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

A conventional nuke will at least die off in radioactivity after roughly 50 years, but cobalt enrichment, never …


Hit the Yids…..

Jimmy Jim

Saudi and Israeli online trolls at work to stoke hatred, sectarianism against Iran



Debunking Arrogance

Do not make such proud comments. Remember when the companions of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w became confident of victory due to their large numbers in the battle of Uhud. Allah humbled them by allowing the Kuffar to inflict painful defeat. Later, Allah warned them to only rely on him for victory, and their weapons and numbers as only a tool through which victory is delivered.

Iran and all Muslims need not be afraid, but fight hard and be prayerful. We must put our hope and faith in God and not our weapons of war and soldiers. Allah can make this war the last war America will fight. We have only to ask, struggle and be patient. Allah will come to our aid if we fight for his sake.

What every Muslim should be doing now is praying hard. Spend the night in prayers and repentance. Pray for the Muslim armies facing America and its allies. Cry to Allah for help. This is not just a shiite war. It is against all Muslims. The Americans did not spare and will not spare sunnis in their slaughter of Muslims. Palestinians are majority Sunni, and they suffer more than any group of Muslims in the World today, an this has been the case for 80 years.

A defeat of America in the Middle east is a victory for all Muslims regardless of your sect. You must understand that our religious differences should not make us wish evil upon one another. Let us leave that for Allah to judge.

Every Muslim who reads my comment should go into serious prayers, expecially in the night when people are asleep. Tell people around you to do the same, and encourage them to spread the message to others.

Should Allah answer our prayers (and he will if we have faith), the world is about to witness a miracle


Although I’m not muslim, I’m human. I read what you wrote several times.

Hasbara Hunter


Prince Teutonic

Maybe they will blow themselves up with a granade like that Russian Su-25 pilot but then again I really don’t think so…

Jimmy Jim

Burn the KIKES!

Zionism = EVIL

Second BOLD PREDICTION of 2020, this time Iran will cause pain and hit the Americunt arseholes hard and sooner than most think and at the most unexpected place. Just watch this space :)

klove and light

B-52 lololol… flying coffins in 2020……ridiculous … 6 B-52´s… boo woo Iran is scared


USA has moved on gravity bombs falling out of hatch. B52’s can be used to launch missiles at Iran from well out of range of Iran SAMs. Do not under estimate USA’s long range fire power; USA can bomb any country in the world even from their bases in USA.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thats 6 bombers the US may never see again lmao

Zionism = EVIL

I have some news for you :) my friend, the Americunts have stirred a hornets nest and have definitely showed unacceptable hubris and will be hit hard. You can take this post to the nearest Jew bank ;) Ismael Hanniyeh made a very strong speech in Tehran today at General Soleimani’s funeral. Why do think the Jew fucks have gone quiet?

Free man

Trump wants war. An Iranian response will open the hunting season. The mullahs will not know who and from where they are being bombed. So they should stick to threats and raising red flags.

Zionism = EVIL

You may be surprised. Just wait and see. All this Americunt braggadocio is about to have the hot air deflated.

Free man

No chance. If the Iranians respond, it will be a mistake on a historical scale. They just have to look at Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Gaza.

Zionism = EVIL

Just wait and see :)

Free man

Yes, we will see.


Afghanistan: Poorest country on earth. After 18 years, Taliban in control. US begging for negotiations.

Syria: US owned headchoppers all liquidated, Assad back in control.

Iraq : US on the way out, after spending trillions to be there forever.

Yemen : US and Israeli backed mega rich Saudis getting their asses kicked by pyjama clad houthis.

Gaza: Only an idiot would mention this.Gaza is blockaded. regular Israeli assaults amount to beating up an opponent whose hands are tied behind his back. It amounts to genocide., but hey, the Kikes are cowards and so are the US.


Agreed USA does not win a war and does not want or need to as its goal is to create chaos and have an excuse to maintain military presence. But while the yanks are there creating violent mayhem, its hell for the people in those countries, so Iran has to avoid war with USA.


One day enough is enough. Losses are taken, but revenge is served.

Traiano Welcome

The US cannot win a conventional war against Iran: It is incapable of occupying Iran and it will not be able to deliver a decapitating strike against the Iranian leadership without resulting in the complete destruction of Israel in response.

Some are saying that the US will use nuclear weapons. However, it will not be able to make use of this option because of some or all of the following considerations that will block its use and force the US the stand down, leaving the Iranian state intact:

There are a number of factors that would prevent a nuclear strike of meaningful impact against Iran by the US:

1. Radioactive Fallout and it’s impact in the Gulf to US allies. The US will risk blanketing it’s own bases and allies, possibly even states like Russia with resulting radioactive fallout depending on the prevailing weather at the time.

2. Risk of Nuclear Counter-Strike by Russia and China: Russia will not be able to assure itself, once it detects a nuclear launch that the strike is not surreptitiously meant for *it* while being ostensibly targeted at *Iran*. Russia would have to gamble on the hope that this is not the actual case and intention of the US in *ostensibly* attacking Iran with a nuclear weapon.

3. Risk of Nuclear Counter-Strike by Iran on *Israel* and EUROPE: While Iranian missiles may not be able to carry a warhead to the US mainland, they are certainly capable of carrying a radioactive Cobalt-enriched “diffusion warhead” aka “dirty bomb” to Europe and Israel. The US must calculate that Iran may threaten (credibly) this “Samson Option” if the attempts a Nuclear strike (or a strike resembling one, or of equal material impact to one).

4. The Geopolitical aftermath even in the event of a successful strike with no retaliation:

4.1 Even in the event of a successful strike, the implications for nuclear proliferation globally may force the US to reconsider as small countries “Rush for the Exits” and remove all restraints against proliferation. The world that emerges following this will be one where every vulnerable state may consider it an existential prerequisite to own effective nuclear deterrent. The era of nuclear weapons as a normal course of war will be upon us nearly a century after it’s first emergence. In such a world, the US would immediately lose it’s status as a global Superpower and face amplified threats against which no preemptive solutions exist … This proliferation, given it’s initial boost by this Event, will be accelerated by modern trends like

a) A.I, b) minitiarisation

c) Nano tech

d) Exponentially growing computing power. In short, nuclear weapons will no longer be the preserve of rich and powerful states but may become affordable to small, highly motivated groups radicalised into believing that the ends of revenge justify the means … These trends will all come into play due to the “Normalisation” of nuclear weapons use against non-nuclear states like Iran.

4.2 The resulting radicalisation of moderate muslims in the Islamic world may lead to accelerated proliferation of nuclear weapons among non-state groups seeking revenge. Islamic sympathisers in nuclear armed Muslim countries like Pakistan may assist other Islamic groups in the same way A.Q Khan assisted with North Korea and Iran’s nuclear programmes.

5. The Economic impact due to disrupted shipping in the Gulf resulting from shipping insurance premiums skyrocketing. Yes, a nuclear risk will now have to be factored into all shipping and oil extraction activities in the Gulf. The impact to the multi-trillion derivatives market will be unpredictably far reaching, resulting in bubble collapses many times larger than the 2008 sub-prime collapse and earlier market crashes.

Some or all of the above factors will combine in unpredictable but devastating ways for the US, it’s allies (and others) resulting in a net detriment to the West in the immediate future and for decades to come. The unintended geopolitical results will be beyond the US’ capacity to manage and the loss of the ability to predict and manage these far reaching effects will result in a net reduction of Western global dominance in both the military and economic sphere.


You’re a poet, the language you speak is music from heaven.

Who are you?..!

Concrete Mike

And why should we value the opinion of an MKO supporter?

You should stick to shut the fuck up and stop supporting terrorists.

Free man

Writes senile pussy mike.

Zionism = EVIL

Arsehole JEW FUCK lol

Free man

When fools have no smart arguments they curse.



Concrete Mike

Ill admit, you got some balls coming here spewing your intellectual trash. Your still a terrorist supporting motherfucker though. Looking over your shoulder yet??

Free man

definitely not. I am among the few here who oppose war and oppose terrorists of all kinds. You’re the one who resorts to trash take.

Zionism = EVIL

This motherfucker says he is an Iranian Jew and his IP address is in US. He has been banned from most sites for spamming cut and paste.

Free man

Yes sure. LOL.




Do you want Iran to end up like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Gaza, the countries Free man mentions? Better to think before running into the crocodile’s mouth. USA is doing everything to satisfy its own war addiction; a new war every 5-10 years. Bad luck on Iran it is the bait, but is has no choice but to manage through this; do not give the addict thug USA justification, that is exactly what it seeks.

Sure Iran needs to respond to send a deterrent message to USA. But if it does someting so big that the US president / govt can use it to justify a full blown war, Iran is destroyed from the air. Then try running a country of 80m people with no water, sewerage systems, power stations, food supply chains? USA does not even have send one soldier into Iran. It’s sending more troops in to defend its military bases as Iran has ground forces advantage and short range SAM coverage.

Iraq parliament are showing the way; expulse USA from Gulf region using legal and diplomatic pressure. Will take time but it will ensure victory without self destruction.



Zionism = EVIL

BTW folks. This hasbara JEW fuck “Free Man” is on all blogs with the same propaganda. This motherfucker has all the time in the world as he seems to have nothing better to do. I just saw him posting total baloney on al-Monitor and then cut and paste same at other sites. The Jew fucks are panicking.

Free man

You’re a psychopath preaching for war everywhere. Is your life so atrocious?

Jimmy Jim


Damien C

The B52s from Garcia will allow the US to deploy up to 20 Tomahawks from each plane 1500 Km off the Iranian coast allowing the US to strike up to 1000 Km inside Iranian territory. Even though technically it is within range of Iranian missile they will still have the ability to cross the danger line deliver their payload and withdraw to a safe distance.

Using craft off a strike group platform will less munitions in the theatre and identify a location zone of an aircraft carrier strike group

Douglas Houck

Doesn’t the US have more than enough means to launch Tomahawks that B52s are redundant? I don’t remember B52s being used for the last US Tomahawk strike against Syria. And weren’t most of those cruise missiles destroyed? I would say it’s unclear why the sending of such an old plane was taken. Even the 30,000 bunker buster is intended for the B2.


Good point. Maybe the B52’s are obsolete flying ducks to be shot down and such an event used as a red flag go to war media photo opportunity? If a B52 flies close to Iran, they may have to take it out as it may carry tomahawks. A big plane coming down makes for a dramatic media news shot. Broken wing and B52 falling out of the sky slowly with pilots bailing out; holly wood stuff to stir the imagination and indignation; perfect red flag.

Ashok Varma

Trump in his madness and narcissism will push the US into another conflict it simply can not win and will have severe global repercussions. Most of oil dependent Asian economies will bear the brunt. India imports 70% of its oil from the Persian Gulf region. US lawless actions are now gathering a momentum of their own and war appears imminent.


Up to now Iran have shown enough restrain and cunning not to let a full war happen. If Iran keeps that up there may be no war until Trump is no longer president. But impeachment would not help as he is replaced by VP Mike Pence who is an even bigger flat earth fundamentalist. It has to be a democratic president elected for tension to decline.

Yea agreed the oil dependent Asia nations would be hammered. As Iran’s last remaining customers, Iran will factor this in and again try to avoid war.


What would the US do if all countries as a reaction on it treat declare the US embargos void? Will US declare war to all of them? I dont think so. The embargos are vital to US economy, without them they falter.

Ceasar Polar

Literally 6 Sitting ducks if they approach the Persian golf. Can only stay 2000 kms away from Iran for show only


USA’s Red flag targets?


For sure Iran would use its subs in the indian ocean to take out the runway on Diego Garcia. If at war strike all targets in range, or not?

Ceasar Polar

Irani subs are now equiped with long range missiles so yes, Diego garcia can be at range. However it would be a suicide mission for the crew since the US might have subs posted around Diego Garcia as well. They still can shoot and damage the runway for sure.

Joe Kerr

Vietnam had no trouble potting these flying walruses 50 years ago. Iran will have even less.

Ese Bob Shokare

Those B 52 are just for posturing. Syria was able to take care of those massive missile Strikes with S200 defence batteries, Iran has way better missile systems than Syria.


Oh how I wish my father was alive to witness what he worked for most of his life.

Falasteen! Babbah habibi, are you watching!

Traiano Welcome

There are a number of factors that would prevent a nuclear strike of meaningful impact against Iran by the US:

1. Radioactive Fallout and it’s impact in the Gulf to US allies. The US will risk blanketing it’s own bases and allies, possibly even states like Russia with resulting radioactive fallout depending on the prevailing weather at the time.

2. Risk of Nuclear Counter-Strike by Russia and China: Russia will not be able to assure itself, once it detects a nuclear launch that the strike is not surreptitiously meant for *it* while being ostensibly targeted at *Iran*. Russia would have to gamble on the hope that this is not the actual case and intention of the US in *ostensibly* attacking Iran with a nuclear weapon.

3. Risk of Nuclear Counter-Strike by Iran on *Israel* and EUROPE: While Iranian missiles may not be able to carry a warhead to the US mainland, they are certainly capable of carrying a radioactive Cobalt-enriched “diffusion warhead” aka “dirty bomb” to Europe and Israel. The US must calculate that Iran may threaten (credibly) this “Samson Option” if the attempts a Nuclear strike (or a strike resembling one, or of equal material impact to one).

4. The Geopolitical aftermath even in the event of a successful strike with no retaliation:

4.1 Even in the event of a successful strike, the implications for nuclear proliferation globally may force the US to reconsider as small countries “Rush for the Exits” and remove all restraints against proliferation. The world that emerges following this will be one where every vulnerable state may consider it an existential prerequisite to own effective nuclear deterrent. The era of nuclear weapons as a normal course of war will be upon us nearly a century after it’s first emergence. In such a world, the US would immediately lose it’s status as a global Superpower and face amplified threats against which no preemptive solutions exist …

4.2 The resulting radicalisation of moderate muslims in the Islamic world may lead to accelerated proliferation of nuclear weapons among non-state groups seeking revenge. Islamic sympathisers in nuclear armed Muslim countries like Pakistan may assist other Islamic groups in the same way A.Q Khan assisted with North Korea and Iran’s nuclear programmes.

5. The Economic impact due to disrupted shipping in the Gulf resulting from shipping insurance premiums skyrocketing. Yes, a nuclear risk will now have to be factored into all shipping and oil extraction activities in the Gulf.


Hence, a war that in the end Iran would win.

Arch Bungle

Yes. Because a) there is a limit to the amount of force the US can use before b) the consequences of full use would leave the US critically vulnerable in the next round of conflict and c) Only full use of force will be sufficient to destroy Iran but d) the benefits of that are of 0 value to the US (or even Israel).

I believe the strategicians in the Pentagon are slowly realising this as events unfold.

King Cliff

They might be out of range for Iranian missile but they are not for radar. the Iranian knows well how US will strike,the first move tlisnto lunch tomahawk missile,for this to be done the ships must be in a certain my much much everyone knows the range of those missile . The second steps is to launch aircraft to eliminate anti-air defences and even if the USA military did take them out,they will be up and running in less then an hour. Landing an invasion wont be easy at all without heavy casualty and such move will rain heavy fighting for years and even of the US military did win they will face a longterm gorilla wars. Israel couldn’t stand Hezbollah gorillas warfare. This war is not in the best interest of the USA at,in military stand point,economically, politically,this war will take a major toll on the world economy and it might decrease the dependency of the USA Dollars by a big percentage in the world..I’ll impeached trump I’m a hard beat and try to make concessions for his actions with Iran.


IT WILL PREVAIL https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85562cae1e3b63dc3d83d20474fba4a8674adc11434c3f0a56824348e46c37ea.gif


3000 km away from Iran.

Daily Beatings

B-52s? Are they serious? 17 of them got shot down over Vietnam using SAMs with antiquated radar systems. Might as well just light them on fire and save themselves the humiliation.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x