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MARCH 2025

U.S. ‘Electronic Attack’ Aircraft Spotted Over Iraq

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A U.S. EC-130H Compass Call “electronic attack” aircraft has been spotted over the southern and eastern regions of Iraq.

The aircraft took off on September 24 from Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi. After crossing the Persian Gulf, the aircraft entered Iraq’s airspace and flew between the southern province of Basrah and the eastern city of Kut in a line parallel to the Iraqi-Iranian border.

Compass Calls is a heavily modified version of the C-130 Hercules developed to disrupt enemy command and control communications, perform offensive counter-information operations and carry out other kinds of electronic attacks.

The U.S. Air Force’s EC-130Hs carry out missions over the Persian Gulf on a regular basis. Nevertheless, they rarely fly over Iraq.

The U.S. may be intensifying its intelligence operations over Iraq to address the growing threats faced by its forces. In the last few months, a series of attacks targeted U.S. forces and diplomatic mission in the war-torn country.

Iraqi Shiite armed groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are reportedly behind the attacks on U.S. forces.


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Fog of War

Getting ready for Iran.

Lone Ranger

Bring lunch and bodybags, it could take a while…

Fog of War

That might sound funny, but how many Iranians are going to die as a result ? How much of Iran will be devastated ?


Not as much as Israel or US bases in the Gulf.

Fog of War

Time will tell, but no ‘merikans will suffer in the process.

Assad must stay

so certain you are

Fog of War

Yes, Iran has no capabilities to strike the US mainland, and ” terrorist ” like strikes would not be viewed as a proper military response. I would strongly argue against them.

Assad must stay

They dont need to

Blue In Green

How can you even remotely say “no ‘merikans will suffer in the process”?

Mageh magzet tateeleh?

Of course Americans will suffer in the process. It’s pretty widely known by now that Iran’s response to an American attack will be to destroy (outright obliterate) the largest U.S. bases in the Middle East resulting in thousands of U.S. soldiers dying and being injured within the first days to weeks of the conflict (10’s of billions of dollars worse of equipment gone in an instant) and regional American military capability will be dramatically reduced overnight. U.S. armed forces will be subjected to the largest downpour of heavy precision weaponry thus far in their modern history. These weapons are not some joke Fog of War, please don’t downplay Iranian capabilities unnecessarily due to Iran’s reluctance in not striking back at every transgression committed against them.

This isn’t some sort of HollyWood fantasy scenario where America gets to get away from this unscathed. It will experience catastrophic material and manpower losses at the onset of the conflict.

Jens Holm

Learn instead of writing crap.

You even write thay will fight as You wish.

I can only see You and Your kind in cicles with Your barebums out to the rest of the world seein nothing of it.

In the other hand or nose, we only see Iran is only dirt and smell from those behinds.

For a start I wil say You used ballistics on USA and we as danes invited bythe Iraqi goverment to help them di remember that very much.

So You will get a lot of ballistics and not at military tragets but to crioole Iran ven mopre then it already is.

Blue In Green

What an exceptional idiot you are…

This isn’t some Hollywood movie for the last time. Iran has war-gamed this entire scenario (as have the Americans) and Iran can inflict catastrophic losses on American forces within the first days to weeks of fighting very, very easily.

The onus doesn’t lie on me to explain simple realities to you who can’t even coherently write down a sentence in English without sounding like an autistic child.

Iran’s Bm’s will penetrate American ABM shields easily given sheer missile count alone. This will stymie American effort to respond since their assets nearest to Iran will be all destroyed. This will mean they will have to resort to Air-craft and other military assets further away from Iran. Meaning initial American respond intensity will be drastically reduced allowing Iran to establish itself military in which ever way they see fit.

Jens Holm

There willl be no first week.


Mr Bolton please chill :)

Alberto Garza

saddam said exactly the same thing .

Blue In Green

Wow, when in doubt compare the Iranians to Saddam’s Iraq.

Apples to Oranges Alberto.

Saddam’s conventional military of the 90s didn’t nearly the same capabilities that Iran of 2020 today has.

I won’t get into the details as it’s simply too much to go over.

Jens Holm

You might subtract or add defences has improved too.

Fog of War

I meant the US mainland. No ‘merikan citizens will feel the ” military ” effects of the war with Iran. Look at my response to ” Assad must stay “.

Icarus Tanović

How many Hezbollah guys are even now in Mexico? Many.

Fog of War

Silly question. Hezbollah doesn’t kill civilians. You should read my posts more carefully.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, but it does military bases.

Fog of War

Read carefully. I said average ‘merikans. If they dont feel any pain then they dont care about a foreign war.

Icarus Tanović

It doesn’t matter. Think about it.

Fog of War

Yeah, I get it . Psychological shock from getting attacked on home soil. Still doesnt matter, the Hezb guys will be caught within days and the ‘merikans will just get more enraged at Iran. Bad strategy and waste of good soldiers.

Icarus Tanović

They won’t be caught and you know that very good. What do you think who did Texas expolosion, nack in the days? Nowadays who did those huge wildefires all across west coast? Even in sequoia np.

ivan cohen

with the killing of Suleimani they tried to see what will came after, they understood finally which Iran in an opponent too bad for their coward way to criminal acting. The same happening with North Korea, they have finally nukes and Usa can’t withstand this type of opponents, they are habitually cowards, they are very champions in killing civilian people, but not when they face some sort of antagonists ………. Also Syria is become too strong for their criminal ziobehavior , so w are assisting to the start to the end of this type of behavior, false flags too, also that way can’t be used anymore, MSM can’t sustain plurality of information which they claim fake news (in the start were them the more spreaders of fakenews, for information, they are soccumbing to their inventions). They are losing allies everyday, they are starting to make stay into bases their soldiers, because unsafe in : Afghanistan Syria Lybia (escaped completely) Iraq etc. etc.

and in a close future they must re enter in bases also when in allies territories (Germany, Italy, Turkey, Kosovo, Greece, and many other places) IN THE END…they are unsafe all around the world, and at the end in few years they must come back hpme and change their abitual behavior in politic, threats and bad behavior will end soon.

They are also imploding from their internal territories, american people at home is tired , very tired! for what concern economical aspect, things are not different at home, things are going very bad


What happened Once happened Twice !

in 1966 Charles de Gaulle withdrew from NATO,

US/Jews punished him with Mai 68 unrest lead by a vomiting French-German politician, Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit

President Pompidou, a Rothschild Banker replaced him…. Since then, all French President’s are Washington/CIA/Mossad selection Many are from Rothschild Bank alike the hated Macron

Young Leaders association

Politicians selected by them are perfect opportunist’s Rubbishes

https://frenchamerican.org/young-leaders/the-program/ https://french-american.org/programmes/young-leaders/historique-des-promotions-young-leaders/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French-American_Foundation

ivan cohen

I know…I know, I know very well this particular, for me was very strange de Gaulle wasn’t killed by some lonewolf which forever are in place when someone in Usa needs . . . . . A question, you are not italian but you know something of MATTEI of ENI in Italy? Hie airplane was shot down but the truth NEVER came out, do you know something at this regard?


I do remember in the early seventies to have seen an excellent movie about it with Gian Maria Volonte This my knowledges limits about ENI ….

The Mattei Affair https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mattei_Affair

ivan cohen

perhaps this movie was close to the truth, but not sufficiently precise. Mattei was a very tempest for the seven sisters or american-brit-dutch oil monopoly industries when ENI taken may contracts all over the Middle East for giving better conditions to sovereign governments of many countries in Middle East. The threat posed by ENI was very imposing, the risk was to lose many businesses and helped by Cia they eliminated the threat. SIMPLY!!!, the evidences of the sabotage was very clear but government of Usa imposed to italian puppet government to hide all…. Today secret archives are yet closed, but there are any dubts….. The behavior of colonial evil terrorist nations lead by Usa and Uk leave us no chances to know the truth, but events from 1945 worsened a lot!!!! Before Germany and Japan and some other nations were opposed to the great evil, now we have the only hope of China and in some form also Russia (coupled with Syria, Venezuela, NorthKorea, Iran and some others few sovereign nations) that can break the wall of unilateralism (which is worse than nazism or whatever other possible opponent ) the real axis of evil. I don’t find in history a worse danger for peace and prosperity than zio-anglo-american axis. We are assisting to events which this axis is the center of every war, false flag, terrorist attack, illegal criminal sanctions, and whatever crimes which we can’t do to nothing to stop. If not creating an alliance to crush completely this threats. Threats the world can’t sustain for more time . . . . .


Who enjoy the crime is as usual the only correct answer ….

I do believe the Silk Road resurrection is Eurasia backbone best hope to cure the UK/US/Ashkenazi Colonial Cancer…


American 50% are poor and suffering thanks Israel support and Army crazy budget for push button Soldiers, Drugs, and Corruption Gangrene ! Gangrene is as sure killing sickness as overweight (lol)

71% Of Military Age Americans Too Sick To Join, Study Says https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/03/71-percent-military-age-americans-too-sick-join.html

Blue In Green

Apologies if I came off as too abrasive.

Fog of War

No need. I didnt think that was an abrasive comment.

Lone Ranger

I don’t know. Hopefully the U.S Won’t go full retard. But Iran didn’t run away from Iraq either and Iraq ended up losing…

Blue In Green

Naturally many depending on how the U.S. wants to strike Iran.

Jens Holm

Thats right.

Big the main buyers from Iran are China, India, Japan and Korea.

Their dependesy hardly ever is mentioned here. We only see one side of the picture and often very very biased.

Only Russia might like a destruction there more or less both ways. The crude oil certainly will be over 40 dollar:)


If invading Iran US (and “allays”) will suffer heavy losses to the point that they will be forced to retreat. If not invading, just bombing and missiles, they will suffer heavy losses all the same. US are not up to the task to inflict “punishment” to Iran, without being punished themselves. Except if they start using tactical nukes in big numbers, that would be the beginning of WW3.

Jens Holm

I read that crap again. Iran never will be invaded where somthing like WW1 will be expected.

If things should happen tthe USA will knock out all logistics in water, elctricity, bridges, harbour facikities and like that.

Not a single expensive american will die for that if thats not needed.

Iran very fast will be like an almost human with no arms, legs and already in most things behave as it has no brain.

Blue In Green

Good thing you don’t know what it is you’re talking about Jens or else I really would have been disappointed.

Hopefully you’ll be here on SouthFront to eat your words when it all goes down ;)

Jens Holm

Iran is only a regional power and very small for the world.

You really dont get the levels of escalation in it and who buys the oil including the Iranian one.

Souh Front is not a representative for the whole world but mainly muslims in the diaspora and muslim countries. Most of those many have no idea of western systems and how we are. Its not even Haram to debate the most vitals of hours. They and maybee You not even have a vocabulary for it.

Even so they proclame this and that sujch as the dollar and the west collapsed 22 days the last month and igno´re that fx Iran hardly has something named money.

And where are the Iran supporters – Wel they use lira in Syria and Lebanon, where their currency is replaced with dollar og trading a potato for a carrot to make a meal.


Yes but in that case byebye Wahabi oil as Iran will wipe out their oil industry, if Houthis could penetrate that deep, imagine Iran.

Jens Holm

Thats probatly correct they partly can if they try somethinglike that.

Its ignored what will happen too.

There coukd come a conventinal war, where the Iraniens forces not even will meet a single american – or Iran will truy destruction át the enemy coastline.

If they choose second choise USA and for that matter others will not give them velvet or something nice and soft instead.

USA has no lack of oil and certainly not from ME.


Indeed, the economies who would suffer the most would be China, Japan, India, EU and the emergent ones and those who would gain would be USA and Russia as oil exporters.

Jens Holm

Yes many will.

Others in mainly Africa wil be better paid too, but much is owned by westerns but some is own by the chinese too.

I can only redommend to lower the indepnesy from oil. We do and many others.


Nobody is claiming that US and “allays” can’t win against Iran. Invasion or not invasion – either way they will sustain for US unacceptable loses (thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands of wounded very quickly within few wreaks) that not single US president will be able to survive. That’s why Trumpet hesitates despite enormous pressure of Jewish lobbby

Jens Holm

You are very much wrong about this.

Trump never will put in any americans to defeat any but use other methods. He also has no money for it. The warcommiti has( MaCain). Trump only has money for incodent levels.

But if things escalte to a level, where Iran destroy any cities there or oil facilities, there will be rapid exchange of more then dynamite.

Too many here ignore ME and Iran is only a corner of the world and some kind of needed backyard only.


oh i think tel aviv will turn into an island like beruit..

Jens Holm

You hardly think. Thats the whole point. You are raised to obey and by that are infantile incompetent.

A good start would be to clean and improve Your own house, tent, cave or trousers.

I see none of that. So actually Your lazy bum wishes are people in Tel Aviv should live like You.

But they dont and wont. They are not raised and treated as sheep


The farther point it could reach will be tactical nukes threats but will never never be used. Russia could respond by using them somewherelse. More like Iran will aquire nukes in the future.


Using nukes (even tactical) against non-nuke country is genocidal crime. Russia and China will not permit that kind of US “victory” over Iran under any circumstances. How would they react exactly I do not know . All I know that both China and Russia would get even more involved to prvent US pplans which would lead in direct confrontation. Iran is strategically important country for security and resistance on Zionist domination over Asia.

As long as China, Russia and Iran are resolute to resist US dominance in Asia that influence will be limited. I agree with you about nukes. If Israel and US continue with endless sanctions and aggressive posture Iran will acquire nukes.


Probably helping Iran to aquire a few warheads? I stand for US but I think they need a slap in the face from time to time to calm their cowboy behaviour.


We all don’t have to think the same as long as we stay reasonably well balanced (not trying to trumpet the propaganda only for one side ) But often enough people are not interested in being objective. All they want is just pushing one sided agenda no matter what. And “conversation” with those people is useless and just exchange of attacks which can become very boring


Agree, I exppected to find in (pro) Russians inteligent persons that understand that the greatest fight of the westerners are with their own elites not against Russia (because there is not much money in it) , instead I found only ppl that do not accept any critics toward Russian elites and repeat like parrots the same boring slogans and blind hate towards westerners.


Well I do not accept criticism against Putin not because he is perfect but because he is also personification of Russia and for the moment he doesn’t have alternative (I do hope they find somebody younger).

He represents compromise of dominant lobby groups in Russia. So when people attack him they do not understand that many of his decisions are expression not only of inside balance of power but also as expression of outside circumstances and priorities for Russia that can influence his decisions. Russia have never chosen to be enemy of the West (both Yeltsin and Putin were seeking membership in NATO and were rebuffed with disdain) Time for talk has long gone and time of possible conflict (if it ever happens) is near. As for criticizing democracy in Russia is so out of touch since all over West situation is going worse every day, specially in US. The proof is Assange to be deported as foreign citizen to another foreign country under false accusation for doing his job as journalist. With the coming depression people will realize that there is no such thing as “democracy” and that has never really existed either.


I know about those talks, Russia refused to noin NATO and totally understandable, when yoy make alliance whith someone with an economy 10 times more powerful, you’ll be swallowed. I half way understand your point of view about Putin, I know this opinion is general in Russia. I like to bash him only to troll some extremely boring people here. Anyway he got used with expensive stuff :) While the Assange and Snowden problems are real, I don’t agree at all with the total inexistence of democracy, the fight for liberty should be permanent and improved, just because always will exist thieves doesn’t mean we should disband the police. We should make it better. And the banksters and billionaires should be punished sooner or later.


All I am doing , I am echoing what other people say about democracy in US that is under threat and even in EU going worse with this COVID bollocks. It is a fact that in US one can be arrested and retained in prison indefinitely without trail under anti- terrorism charges . It is fact that CIA was kidnapping people and taking them to the foreign countries to torture them. Those situations can exist only in fascist-communist totalitarian countries and Assange is just confirmation of all that fascist current. In UK police (without masques) arrest people on the street for not wearing masques while in Sweden NOBODY is wearing the masque even inside the buildings! That is also sign of totalitarianism by imposing bizarre laws without public debate and enforcing it by police repression…etc etc. You misunderstood for Russia …they actually WANTED to become members of the NATO (both Yeltsin and Putin immediately after him when got in power had repeated demand Russia becoming member of NATO) But they were REJECTED by the West ( considered not to be worthy and equal )


Sorry I don’t have any information on this, I should doccument more.


For Sweden not having masks at all is well known fact….just Google Here are some articles of arrests of Britts including out in the open…on the street

K Man Pepper-Sprayed After His Refusal to Wear Mask on Train Leads to Brawl With Police – Video https://sputniknews.com/uk/202009061080381507-uk-man-pepper-sprayed-after-his-refusal-to-wear-mask-on-train-leads-to-brawl-with-police—video/ Mom is TASERED and arrested for not wearing a mask in front of her crying kids at school football game https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12762609/ohio-mom-tasered-arrested-mask-school-football-game/ UK: Man Arrested For Not Wearing Mask Asks Cops Where They Were During BLM Riots https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/09/uk-man-arrested-for-not-wearing-mask-asks-cops-where-they-were-during-blm-riots/ They do the same in Australia as well (both TOP ranking “democracy” countries!!!)


Actually I know about these. I don’t know about CIA kidnaping Americans and torturing them in foreign countries. Or that Russia really wanted to join NATO and being refused, and I highly doubt. In most countries police will ask you to wear mask in common transport and buildings and arrest you only if become agressive. I know something bad is happening in Australia though.


You “don’t know about CIA kidnapping Americans and torturing them in foreign countries” ??!!?! Incredible! You never heard of those?! Have you at least ever heard of US killing Americans (by drones) without them being arrested and trialed ? As for kidnappings …Not necessarily only American citizens, but citizens of other countries as well. I know for the case of Canadian (of Muslim origin) that was kidnapped by CIA from Canada and taken to Egypt for torture. There were even some European countries involved like Romania, Poland and specially Baltic countries as well in the transport of the kidnapped, their imprisonment and torture. Actually CIA took them in all countries whose laws permitted torture during interrogation. I know that Canadian once released have taken his case to the Canadian court for US kidnapping and torture (but I do not know how all that have ended up) ———————– Doubt if you want but there are proves on the internet that Russia wanted to be part of the NATO !

Doubt…I do not mind…

Her Wikipedia (which is just instrument of propaganda) but still:

“Russia joined the Partnership for Peace (NATO*) program, and since that time, NATO and Russia have signed several important agreements on cooperation. According to Vladimir Putin, he proposed the idea of Russia joining NATO to President Bill Clinton in 2000 during a visit to Moscow, to which Clinton responded that he “didn’t mind“ This is NOT true because Clinton DID mind (they saw Russia more as their future victim with same destiny as Yugoslavia) than as partner in NATO! They wanted to destroy Russia to get their hands on resources.

Internet is full of proves just type the search options !


You mix yrue facts with speculations. A muslim US citizen was droned somewhere in Yemen, during Obama. But he was not alone, among other Qaeda members, or at least that’s what official news said. Those brought by CIA for ‘Interogation’ in Romania and Poland where from Afghanistan, not US citizens. Before those NATO-Russia treaties and Putin, Russia was already invited, not directly but to follow the path to NATO but opposition politicians continued to be assasinate and Russians proved that they are not prepared for democracy as they fear to lose a providential leader or for free market initiative as almost all their rich are jewish. Russians prefere to be modest workers, to be told what to do and have a great leader that protects them.


What speculations? You only mention one case but there was plenty of them. I suppose some of those people even died not to tell their story! If those CIA fuckers were 100% sure that those guys were “Qaeda”they would charge them and take them to the court..(which is grotesque because CIA have created Al Qaeda and financed them and have controlled some of their leaders and have used them not only in Afghanistan but also Russia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Africa, Philippines The story about kidnapped Canadian taken to Egypt and later released is true! He has taken his case to the Canadian court and it can’t be more real than that. I can’t comprehend why can’t you find kidnapping of foreign citizens and taking them for torture shocking?! Assange case is similar in many ways . CIA plays dirty as they possibly can and you having so much trust in them is naive Not skin of my nose…suite yourself but do not complain later on.


Every secret service acts like mafia, that’s their role. Why didn’t they bring the muslim alive to US? Probably they didn’t want to endanger more soldiers with the operation. He was in a muslim country with his comrades. I will read. ‘I can’t comprehend why can’t you find kidnapping of foreign citizens and taking them for torture shocking?!’ because I have read enough books about this subject, that’s what secret services do.


because I have read enough books about this subject, that’s what secret services do. Maybe CIA, MI6 and Mossad and many other NATO secret services that imitate them but not Russian , Chinese they do not create Islamic terrorism and smuggle drugs like CIA. That CIA acts like mafia I agree with that 100%. What business they have in kidnapping people specially foreigners and taking them to other countries for torture?! That is worst kind of totalitarianism against all US laws ! Why are they keeping Assange as Australian so long in prison when he didn’t brake any of UK laws. What right do they have to prevent him from returning to his country and extradite him to another foreign country against his will?!? All that is illegal as it can be and has nothing to do with not even the most basic human rights


US and UK services are more ‘visible’ because they have the money and they have history in doing bad things but ALL are doing it in equal proportion wirh their funds.


Nope. I will not buy that Russia and China are in business of smuggling drugs and creating Islamic terrorism (like Al Qaeda and ISIS) Killing occasionally somebody yes because that is what they do to each other

Obviously not poisoning useless insignificant nobody with 1% vote like Navalny


I meant bad things in general, not exactly sponsoring terrorism and drugs smugling. I believe China is in bed with Soros and Russian Gate is made up to cover that.


So I hear that often… people keep repeating story about “globalist ” side of China . I took a note about that, but so far I don’t see anything concrete as proof for that. Communism as ideology is internationalism but Chinese as people are quite nationalistic, patriots, they don’t care about internationalism so much. What Russian Gate?


There is a word saying ‘follow the money’ or smth. How are not Chinese globalists? Isn’t global free trade regardless of national borders, globalism?


Globalism is US creation WTO is US creation just like everything else related to trade. China was more than happy (when Nixon and Kissinger have explained them conditions of the Chinese industrial trade) to participate under any conditions just to develop trade with US and West in general. They were happy to accept WTO membership and everything else related to fulfilling conditions. I do not see China playing the same game because US would never tolerate existence of another rival breading down their neck. I rather believe in new cold war and world separating in two, even in WW3 but not in China working hand in hand with US for globalist objectives


Are you sure it’s not UK creation?


Isn’t that the same, even if so what difference does it make ? I personally don’t give f*ck if it is US or UK and can’t bother to verify


Globalism is a vague term and definetely different for both us and if you don’t give a fuck, let’s debate other subjects on other articles.


I don’t give a f*ck because it is technicality and totally irellevant who created WTO

Was it US or UK is of no importance on this subject. The point was that China had to play by already existing rules of the game imposed on them as main condition And to claim now that they perpetuate “globalism” despite obvious antagonism between US and China is simply stupid if there are no concrete indications or proves. Do you or don’t you have them? If not why are we wasting time on empty talk? BTW somebody has flagged one of my comments as spam I hope that is not one of your bad jokes


No, I didn’t even know about that feature until now. You see countries as individual entities represented by their governments, I see multiple entities inside each country that are in competition, for example the competition between Dems and Reps is more harsh than between USA and Russia because there are more money in that game. So Chinese and American people don’t have much to say WTO deals, many never heard that word. It’s billionaires business to care of those complicated institutions :) And that’s why most rich of Russia and Ukraine billionaires don’t belong to these nations, because you don’t care. In contrast to the rest of Eastern European countries that have 95% of top rich from their own etnicity, because EU has rules to not pillage the natural resources ;)


for example the competition between Dems and Reps is more harsh than between USA and Russia If you are in US it sure looks that way since competition between two countries is outside US while Dems and Reps competition is under your nose every day. 700+billion military budget is not small money and is spent to keep US on top of the game in their “competition” against Russia and China mostly. Billionaires in every country does not identify with their nations only with profit. Money is their homeland Topic was Chinese “globalism” remember ? Without anything conclusive so far. There is nothing “globalist” in competition between two nations (US & China) It is only globalist when they apply neo-liberal rules and open their borders totally for trade and services. Today that process goes in opposite direction between US and China so how can China be labeled “globalist”. I have heard conspiracy theory where US will be destroyed and super rich will move to China (sounds like total nonsense) Super rich can live wherever they want, they are not linked with place or country


700+billion military budget is mainly to keep military bases in foreign countries, that protect the business. They need that to keep the Dollar a global currency. So no, not because they fear Russia and China :)

Globalism is the free circulation of money promoted as ‘free circulation of people’ by people like Soros, to bypass national borders.

The Chinese would like to free trade with any smaller economy, to dump their cheap products until they are totally dependent, would you like your country to free trade with China?

Neoliberalism is a tool of globalism, but are not synonymes.


700+billion military budget is mainly to keep military bases in foreign countries, that protect the business. They need that to keep the Dollar a global currency. So no, not because they fear Russia and China B*llocks!

They need bases for “protection” of business but they don’t need hole army against Russia and China ?!? Why wouldn’t they need it?!!

Are you another conspiracy l u n a t i c that claims everything to be staged and that China and Russia are already controlled by “Zionist”?!! US military bases existed long time before anybody could have even dreamed that dollar would need any kind of backing or support to stay “global currency”, let alone to be used to recycle mountain of dollars. So no bases are not created to keep dollar as “global currency”. It is only now that dollar is getting desperate need to justify its existence as “global currency” “Free trade” is just another US neo – liberal b*llocks imposed on the rest of the planet. The problem is that greed has destroyed US and have displaced all its productive industry and now desperate US wants to create new rules. Too late! Free trade = globalism (corporate neo-liberal paradise) imposed by US and now removed also by US (when it comes to China, Russia and allays)


I’ll give you an example, Iraq invasion costed per year 10 times, maybe more, than maintenance of the nukes. Yes, military bases are meant to protect the business. When a country gets an American base, it expects a foreign investition inflow and growing rate. These are facts, not conspiracy theories.


“Yes, military bases are meant to protect the business”

That’s not what I have said AT ALL !

Fuck it Bacon! If you are not going to read my comments attentively enough I will not write any more comments. I will not answer any of your comments any more because they are not very interesting and you do not bother to read my answers anyways.


Sounds fair

ivan cohen

Of what democracy are you talking? American, australian democracy? or Uk democracy which taken Assange in EXTRATERRITORIAL EMBASSY? to put a journalist in jail with no elementar issues? Or nations which wants to oblige the people to take vaccines NOT TESTED, with law created by Big Pharma and sold senators? these are democracies? Usa democracy where people CAN’T PROTEST FOR PEOPLE KILLED BY POLICE ? Please you must come back in australia to troll your fellow citizens


No journalists assasinated in Russia at all :)


Killing Journalists Championship belongs the RP Philippines & Irak

Simpleton & arrogance championship belongs US & RP oldest Colony !




Nice from you that you made that edit.

ivan cohen

no president assassinated in industrial quantity in Usa and where they have “interests”, no coup, no NGO which finance terrorism (ALL ARAB SPRINGS) with excuse of £democracy” the same democracy which don’t exist in almost all western countries, all of these are owned by cabals, corporations, banksters & gangsters, big pharma, and militar industrial economic complex. a journalist death is a very frequent event also and overall in western countries. see Ukraine assassinations (tens), Malta, Uk, Italy etc etc etc


Who cares about presidents assasinations? Pussies that like to bend over and spread their asses with both their hands!


Just Google for “Gladio” on globalresearch.ca https://www.globalresearch.ca/search?q=Gladio&x=11&y=10

Under Arroyo Presidency, a Bush schoolmate, about 200 journalists were killed Yearly by the Police, Army and Privates Armies(120 in Manila only)

Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: Mission to Philippines, Philip Alston (2008) https://www.hr-dp.org/contents/986

Some believe “The Davao Buang”(Duterte) organised 40’000 EJK(extra judicial killings) and he is proud of it. Some of his victims are Children’s, Clerics, Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, Doctors, or what ever, even inside Police jails. Children’s and foreigners kidnaping by Police, Army, or BI at the Airports, Piers is casual. Even a Korean businessman was kidnaped at home by the Police, cremated to be toilettes flushed as soon as ransom was paid by the Wife… This occurred next Bato Senator office, he was the Police Secretary at that time. The known guilty were promoted….

Beware the Philippines, is the Gates of Hell ! Airports, Piers, Manila, Cebu, Davao are the most dangerous places. But in the bush it’s full of small US bases, and Abu Sayyaf/ISIS/Al Qaida proxies beheading for the bogus War on “Terror” “The curious people are not welcome”

Excepted for MSM head news to justify muslim bashing !

John Negroponte was the Manila US Ambassador before he move to Iraq for the Civil War organisation…

Mysterious Blast in Philippines Fuels Rodrigo Duterte’s ‘Hatred’ of U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/14/world/asia/philippines-president-rodrigo-duterte.html

Ambassador to Death Squads: Who is John Negroponte? https://www.utne.com/community/ambassadortodeathsquadswhoisjohnnegroponte

ivan cohen

the only problem in Philippines is the external meddling of NON DEMOCRATIC NATIONS AS USA AND UK, so neither of them can teach democracy to Philippines which are on their sovereign territories. THIS IS THE FIRST PROBLEM, then if we see the precedent regimes of Philippines of the past we can find NOTHING of better than Duterte presidency. THIS IS THE FIRST CONSIDERATION WE MUST DO in the case of Philippines which suffered MANY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DEAD thanks to external intervents. Starting from Usa and continuing with Usa, Uk and many other external actors (Japan, China, EUROPE and others). this is what we can and MUST remember


Can’t say that about the Davao “Buang”… I am observing his absolutions folly and dishonesty since 1986

The US Imperial Culture is to select and promote the worst can be found to built a failed states thanks corruption to ease and maintain control ! Latin America “Trapos” are RP Xerox copy… If a Middle East ruler is good, he will be killed or removed at once !

I do believe all Imperial Colonial Countries did the same, Turcs are known to have been the less evil…

I have good reasons to suspect CIA/Mossad doing it in Geneva & Switzerland, thanks mainstream Ashkenazis medias, compromised Justice and Politicians….


The France Macronite Democracy fighting the “Yellow Jackets” is a US Imperial Democracy Xerox copy “Puppet” ! Assassinations with 40 dead eyes for intimidation !

The COVID-19 lockdown HOAX saved him from insurrection !

France is becoming a fascist government disappointment, surviving with propaganda harassment and Police intimidation !

ivan cohen

SAME BEHAVIOR WE ARE SEEING IN ALMOST ALL “western democracies” where fascist/sovietic behavior isn’t under control of anyone, while the same 4th reich nations (france, Uk, Usa, Germany, Italy, Spain, Nederland, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark …and many other western “democracies” which we can’t numbering), while the same fascist/sovietic ways of living of these nations can’t be discussed, with their millions of homeless, their fakenews commissions to stop independence information, their intervents in Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, almost all Africa, their inexistent wealth services if not for private paying, and many many many censorship and coercition of media at their “truth”. There are only Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, Syria, former Lybia (the most rich african nation with their population ever seen) Philippinian war on drug, and the countless attemptts to meddling in almost all countries they affirm to have “interests” to defend, no matter if sovereign interests of these nations and then more important are different of theirs. This world needs desperately of a new revolution, and if this revolution will be violent in this case MUST BE STARTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It’s now the moment when surpassing too much red lines these infamous, criminal, fascist nations (or the cabals and/or the corporations which owns their governments) must be stopped immediately, in the past this step was done before…… (also if our history is very different from the real truth happened)


Now it’s COVID-Fascism times for the said “Free World” !

Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi was Africa best leader, a bad exemple for the World, “Neutralised”, only the worst are promoted !

Duterte in RP, undoubtedly, the probably World worst ever and maddest thief, killer, and Drug Lord !

The humanity card castel built on permanent lies and illusion is collapsing !

Air, Water, Soil, Food and Seas are gravely polluted, even insects can’t resist…

ivan cohen

i’m not sure of what is Duterte because msm complete way of hiding truth all over the world, but the way in which he stop american meddling in his country is a god thing, then seeing what are doing americans in Thailand (only an example of their omnipresent crimes plaguing the planet, entire planet), and the shameful attacks on Iran, Syria, Venezuela are under the eyes of all people and MSM can’t cover that criminality. We are in front of a gangster nation, and if his people can’t control their governments (this is in front of all from 1898), then the whole world must take action and crush under all forms that nation with the other which follow their behavior (we know very well who are….). If in 1845 Germany was completely pulverized, then now for same reasons Usa must be pulverized (also if they are imploding under the weight of their crimes and thousandt of errors committed


Duterte was elected thank’s FaceBook, for sure he isn’t a US “Puppet” but all his surrounding is Marcos’s pardoned with giant plundering guilt !

He is undoubtedly the Country worst “Trapos” since 1986….

I suspect it’s done on purposes to provoque a “Casus Belli” in the China Sea… Meanwhile the Country is expecting a US “Liberation” from such a mad Dog….

Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini reach Iran domination thank’s DGSE/CIA/Mossad… A billiard game for Iraq-Iran holocaustic war and Shah Reza Pahlavi removal purposes


My I add, RP is an absolute Pathetic Tragedy affecting the most touching peoples I ever met !

The “Pearl of Asia” became the “Gates of Hell” thanks the US worst !


“I know something bad is happening in Australia though.” In UK also arresting people on the street for not having masks which is absurd comparing to East European countries (ex dictatorships) being more tolerant and democratic than UK or Australia!


I will check UK. Btw how is Internet in Russia, free like a bird?


I am not from Russia Bacon. You should ask Anton or Miron about those things… Russian internet is not expensive I presume, specially by Western standards.

ivan cohen

these top ranking democracies support extrajudicial executions by hosting drones command centers (Australia, Italy, Uk, and many other very democratic nations), vaccines people under obligation of laws, these democracies are in Afghanistan bringing democracy and making business with heroin, or making war on drugs in Colombia to steal territories to the small owners, or stealing oil in Syria to a sovereign nation with a president democratically elected, same for Iran, Venezuela and all the countries where they are “making their interests”. Now, seen many of these truth are finally clear, we are seeing western countries with no justifications (ended after tons of lies and deceptions) continuing to making wars (or using proxies, as in Yemen for example where are losing in very bad way despite all the means disposed) AND ONU (A SOLD ENTITY WITH ANY JUSTIFICATION TO CONTINUE HIS SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOR) must be alienated……. my excuses for bad english

ivan cohen

How can you stand for a colonial imperialist evil satanic nation (their governments, presidents, and all the cabals which own completely the nation), from 1898 they acquired a posture in front of all the nations of the world which can’t be sustainable from every point of view. Seen their criminal behavior, which NEVER CHANGED, causing the two world wars by posing sanctions to both Germany and Japan, helping blockade of sea for Germans in both world wars and contemporarily financing nazi party are the real events triggering the start of the wars. Who was behind are known, why not these criminal cabals not paid? And you, how can you stand for the nation of the violence for excellence? I’m a former MP of 80’s in western Europe, I was disgusted of what I seen in these days making me hating my country for what our governments are doing (breaking our Constitution by maintaining nukes in our sovereign country for the axis of evil and of terror) by following the mother of all the cabals… the Nato! An alliance born for trying to go in war in whatever way. This is a very shame, and you are YET standing behind that shameful criminal way of life? Maintaining al the people in a state of perpetual war? … occupybacon, please! think another time of what you think and do……..

Jens Holm

You are no former MP unless it is some kind of Moron or a second class neutralized child caretaker from DDR.

Not even superpacifist in western europe write something like this and like that at all.

Being nie I will give You and answer too: Looking around the whole world, I see nothing better not even close.


Which part of Ivan’s comment are you reacting? These uSA have been involved militarily in South and Central America prior to 1898 but that year is the start of attempt at overseas empire. I am ignoring the westward expansion for sea-to-shining-sea consolidation. The America-Filipino war is the root of Asian Muslim hate towards these uDA. What brought the Filipino into alliance with these uSA was the Japanese.

Jens Holm

The Monroe doctrine is from 1823 and USA took colonies from Spain and not from the ones living there. They bought some parts too.

It seemes You dont know the Philipine muslims as well. Even the violent parts of Indonesïa wont have those pirats of the worst kind.

And they was there even before Spain took the main parts of the Philipines. Maybee some evil persons gave those pirates a comic pirat version of Islam.

Those small dwards in the south contributed nothing to any liberation of the Phillipines. NOTHING. The ones for independensy and with riots too were half of the population in 1/3 of the copuntry,which Spain actually possesed.

Thats very well descriebed with several very different books. USA finally accepted Phillipines should be their own. But before that could be possible they had to arm phillipnes to soldiers and polices to make control for the last 2/3. The Manillas could come and go at 1/3 more if they didnt try to goi against any there but only did mining or bought and sold things.

I will remind You that Phillipines alost all are versions of Catholisisme. They never would joun with muslim pirates having a comic version of Islam.

So You lie.

There was no America-Filipino war. The “civilized” half part of the inhabitants was helped to take over the rest and had partly succes even met with poison arrows and old spanish muskedonners.


Grab a collection of words from some history article, toss them together and pretend that your word salad has any meaning. Kudos in accidentally hitting that these uSA kicked the Spanish out of the Filipines. That must some kind of victory for you. The problem was that these USA would not leave. Damn foreigners thought they could keep their islands … waterboard ’em!

Jens Holm

I know everything about it the phillipines and the past by Spain too as well as after.

Do some factsfinding Yourself instead of assuming I am grabbing.

And yes the Spaniols would not leave to. They uprised several times against them too.

BUT the uprisers wasnt some muslims at the southern islands. Thats what I commented for and about.

He even write those muslims were in the front. No there were not. That part of the philipines was ignored by the spanish too and an avoid zone for anybody. It had no value as well.

The value parts of Philipines are very visible on a population map and the base there was and is food – a lot of first class food. Next You can add fishing and some mining.

So muslims wasnt in front of anything there apart from being murdering pirats against any. So this is not about any victory but how things, which is well descriebed, actually happend.

USA finally helped the Phillipines to take over Governess and administration in 1948. They therefore educated locals omadministration but also with the Philipines of that kind fighted back the opposition from the areas, the oppostion controlled. Thpse was in estimated number 2/3.

But then the Japanese came.

USA has no real interest in having those Islands. It was ambut America only. You are wrong in that too.

Jens Holm

Maybee You only has a picture from there:)

Fog of War

” The America-Filipino war ”

This is the war where the Americans invented water-boarding.

Fog of War

Thats an unfair attack. You have no way of knowing if he speaks the truth or not.

Jens Holm

Yes I do anytime. No real european will write it in that way.

Fog of War

What an arrogant attitude. Define a real European then.

Jens Holm

I already have. Europeans also dont bow 5 times every time they say hallo.


I always bow 5 times every time I say hello! Sometimes even 6 times. :)

Jens Holm

I know who is who here. Not even a right wing fascist in europe will say like that about Nato just as well as a pacifist related to Ghandi as I wrote.

ivan cohen

i’m not pacificst I’m ready to go to help Russia and/or China if ww3 start. You?


In the past century Russia and China killed a lot more people than USA and of their own. Russians claim they have no responsability because the jews ordered to kill their own ppl. Would you shot at your own people if someone would order you to do it?

Fog of War

Thats not a fair question. I’m assuming most of the Russians were willing participants, but others werent. For example, would you shoot someone if your family faced death if you didnt ?


All I have to say is that couldn’t happen in a civilised country. Multiple officers would had revolt on criminal orders.

Fog of War

” Multiple officers would had revolt on criminal orders. ”

And mutliple officers would be dead that same day. I dont think you understand human nature very well.


Nobody fully understands it. I continue to believe that in western world those orders world lead to mutiny. Actually that’s how anti-communist revolutions happened.

ivan cohen

this is what western propaganda told. Do you know what americans did to german people from 1945 to 50’s? 9 millions of people killed by famine torture and displacement. But the media of west NEVER TOLD that! So what we know, from the west of the ultra millions of people killed in siberia or China, I know for sure, this time, of how much millions of Korean and Viet people were killed by american and western imperialism from 1949 to 1975 (when finally I seen helicopters put on the sea to take place for american cowards escaping from Saigon into carriers ) a very light for my eyes….


Contrary to what you had read on conspiracy sites, I heard from my own grandparents what commies did to them and whoever I talked heard similar stories, even worse than the ‘propaganda’ documentaries.


China Millions extermination was done under Russian Ashkenazi Bolsheviks advisers…..

US first Vietnam was done by Arthur McArthur Hero in the Philippines, population 40% exterminated, again in 1945 said “Liberation” instead Holocaust….

FAST FACTS: Balangiga Massacre https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/iq/things-to-know-balangiga-massacre

Kenny Jones ™

US really has no idea what’s coming for it in Iraq

Assad must stay

how is this getting ready for iran? nobody can get ready for iran, sorry


World war is always an option for the global Ziocorporate terrorists, it’s not like they didn’t profiteer dearly from the previous 2. With Russia/China doing their level best to keep up “trade and partnership” with them instead of breaking the globalist capitalist system, the Zioterrorists still have plenty of room to be positioning their assets.

Fog of War

” breaking the globalist capitalist system, ” If they broke up the ((( system ))) not only would their ( Russia / China ) elite lose all their power and profit, but they would also need to propose an alternative system. Sadly, the gravy train is too good for all sides to cause waves. Greed and power as always.

Assad must stay

what do you mean “gravy train is too good for all sides to cause waves”?


He means that super rich Chinese and Russians are against radical global changes of the system simply because they are integral part of it and their profits depend on it. But he is wrong since hole system is falling apart and some sort of cold war and economic decoupling between China and US is already taking place

Jens Holm

I agree in that even I am not “super rich”. We normal rich mainly prefare stabilty and mainly small changes and more good changes then bad ones. We do decide and make bad cjhanges too.

But we dont prefare war and even we dont like what the hardheads boycut according to Iran, we do prefare that for was. For EU its ther same. We are just moe merates in that then USA and a few are again we are even that.

We will see if there is and will be a cold war as You descriebe. I can only see the picture is very much made by Trump and his instability making of USA itself and parts of the rest of the world too.

I am sure a Biden at least will decline that kind of making contrasts, where its a minus for them.

But I do understand and see USA will not go back to support for world institutions, which for good or bad reasons.

I even agree with the Trumpetists in that. Why the F… should we support people which fight agains us and our ideas. Its like feeding mice and rats here and we dont.

Fog of War

Fair statement, although obviously I disagree with the conclusion. Due to obvious technological and social advancments the world needs a new economic, political, and societal paradaim. What I see Russia and China doing is trying to preserve the status quo with some realtively minor adjustments. This is not a way forward for humanity, especially at this juncture.


You do what you can with what you have. Knowing your own limits is one of the most important preconditions of every successful action. Globally planet is entering soon in period of excessive precarity thanks to staged COVID and arriving implosion of the dollar (and total collapse of global economic system and depression as consequence). Least indebted, with the biggest savings, sound advanced industrial infrastructure will recover first….While some of the worst will hardly recover ever. A new era and new much more sever world environment is arriving for all of us. China and Russia just go with the tide and try to stay on top of the game as much as they can with variable success.

Jens Holm

He night say it has better swimming and wests and several here denies that.

I see no reasons for any change. hanges should be to to the better and I only see one.

China has changed a lot. But they cam from chaiman Mao and as low as any could be and You can even run mpore the emirates well by Your raise looking back in the dark based on creating parts of Yourself.

So You say: Keep. I wonder why. Its very hard to see a succes for all people livig in there. If I lived there, I would pray 5 times a day having my behind towards Mexcca too and be armed against You untiol the leftovers was reduced to the zoo it is.

Icarus Tanović

So what? You’re gonna be out of Iraq in no time.


Walk out or carried out?

Icarus Tanović

Both if needed.


We can only hope the United States and the rest of it’s war mongering supporters will get what they deserve.

Jens Holm

A nd whats that ? Chicken for dinner :)


The threat to the US is Jews and Zionists mismanaging the US government. The US economy is collapsing. The partial reopening of the lockdown sectors slowed the collapse, but didn’t stop it. And a lot of the economy is still locked down. You can’t have an expanding economy with employment losses every week that are triple what they were when the economy was barely growing at 2%.



Jens Holm

All Your belowed has a much higher unimplyment rate then USA and mainly a social security which is much lower or none:)


This is my current work environment:


Jens Holm

Thats a lie. People like You mainy hide and cover themselves under umbrallas in dark basements.


The color revolution in the US is being run by the same Jews and Zionists that have used the same process many times in other places.


Work compliant transport case. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/924ebc0a16f7929970f2d80fe93057ce75623b01121830ec227056046f09836b.jpg







Jens Holm

If Your plan might be to commit suicide one bullet might do it:)


Pew pew peww

Jens Holm

And You love it. Its a kind of paern to You. You probatly was bored to death many years ago – of not.

Fog of War

True, however you have to admit that the Police structures in the US are also out of control, even before the whole BLM thing started. The Police had very little accountability and were rarely punished. I dont support neither side in this fight. Ultimately the Police is there to protect the US power structure not the common citizen.


The US is an outlier among developed nations with it’s exponentially high police killings per capita. That is 10 times higher than most places. YouTube is full of videos of killer cops murdering people in cold blood.

The US judicial system is incredibly biased against the victims of killer cops. It bends over backwards to see that they don’t get prosecuted, and if they do that it’s minimal and designed for them to get off unconvicted.

The grievances of the protesters against police killings are legitimate. But they ignore that fact that white people killed by cops outnumber black people 2 to 1. And the cause has been highjacked and is being fueled for regime change purposes by the same Jews and Zionists running overseas color revolutions.

Jens Holm

Its a succes in itself so many socalled arabs dont like it. Keep smiling.

cechas vodobenikov

u can’t distinguish success from failure jenny

Jens Holm

I can. When I read other media, which I do very much too.

Whats You succes rate. Is it liras and rials going down ??? But they cant. Is it the dollar collapsed 20 times this month – it has not. It cant. It only can decline, be the same or grow.

cechas vodobenikov

wasting money is an amerikan specialty more evidence the desperate empire is near collapse

Jens Holm

That would ne nice. Unfortunatly You are wrong.

There are billion dollar cases by Skandinavian banks transmitting billions of rubels and dollars as they wish including fraud and corruption of the worst kind. Its from all the way to Vladivostok and below in the new little ones.

You must be very cencured not to know that.

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