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U.S. Embassy Turkey Openly Lies About U.S. YPG Support

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U.S. Embassy Turkey Openly Lies About U.S. YPG Support

Originally appeared at MoonOfAlabama

U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Turkey – December 28 2016

The truth regarding misinformation in Turkish media concerning United States and Coalition operations against ISIL in Syria:

There is considerable misinformation circulating in Turkish media concerning U.S. and Coalition operations against ISIL in Syria. For those interested in the truths, here are the truths:

The United States government has not provided weapons or explosives to the YPG or the PKK – period.

Washington Post – December 28 2016

On the road to Raqqa:

At the heart of the issue is the U.S. military’s policy of sending arms to the area controlled by the main Syrian Kurdish militia, the People’s Protection Units, widely known as the YPG.The decision has paid off so far. The YPG — which constitutes the Kurdish component of the SDF — has proved to be the United States’ most effective military ally in Syria, and it has retaken vast swaths of territory.

The embassy statement denying weapon and ammunition support for the YPG is obviously a lie. That the U.S. provides and provided weapons and ammunition to the YPG since 2014 is definitely true.

The same U.S. Embassy statement also denied that the U.S. supports or supported ISIS aka DAESH:

The United States government is not supporting DAESH. The USG did not create or support DAESH in the past. Assertions the United States government is supporting DAESH are not true.

There are many indications and that the U.S. actively supported ISIS aka DAESH in at least in its early years.

In 2013 the Georgian Special Forces officer of Chechen heritage Abu Omar al-Shishani, who had had extensive U.S. military training, was the ISIS commander that led ISIS and the U.S. supported Free Syrian Army under U.S. paid FSA Colonel Abdul Jabbar al-Okaidi in the capture of the Syrian Air Force base Menagh.

Who supplied and paid ISIS for that service?

Recent ISIS videos taken near al-Bab show ISIS attacks on Turkish Leopard 2A4 tanks with U.S. manufactured TOW anti-tank missiles. Those fell from the sky?

The statement by the U.S. Embassy in Turkey is easily proven to be an outright lie. Why the State Department believes it is smart to officially put out such blatant untruth is inconceivable. It surely does not add to the credibility of any of its other statements.

Screenshot of the embassy statement:

U.S. Embassy Turkey Openly Lies About U.S. YPG Support

Click to see the full-size image

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VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“Recent ISIS videos taken near al-Bab show ISIS attacks on Turkish Leopard 2A4 tanks with U.S. manufactured TOW anti-tank missiles. Those fell from the sky?” Yes, they did fall out of the sky! The US planes just made those drops entirely by “accident” in exactly the same way that they bombed the brave Syrian forces at Deir-Ezzor. As Britanny Spears would sing “Ooops, I did it again!!!”. The US lies are clearly exposed for even two-year-olds to see. It would be laughable, except it leads to deadly consequences for whole nations.


This is nothing. Turkey and Russia have a trove of evidence which they are threatening to release if the US does not butt out of Syria.


How do you know it was US TOWs and not the iranian clone? Toophan I think it is called.


Because the Turks have captured some ISIS members with TOW missiles. They subsequently published their serial numbers and photo’s showing US origin.


Alastair Johnson

“There are many indications and that the U.S. actively supported ISIS aka DAESH in at least in its early years.” – True, and Turkey was one of the other partners in that relationship, along with Saudi, Qatar, Israel and Jordan, where the training of ISIS took place. Afterwards, Turkey has continued to support daesh as its proxy in Syria, with weapons, ammo, logistics, visas and medical treatment in Turkish hospitals, in its pursuit of genocide against the Kurds.

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