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U.S. Establishes Chinese Nuclear Threat By Length Of Missile Formation At Arms Parade

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U.S. Establishes Chinese Nuclear Threat By Length Of Missile Formation At Arms Parade

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On September 15th, the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall S. Billingslea gave an interview to Lou Dobbs and spoke about nuclear weapons, deterrence and the threat that Russia, and mostly China present.

Billingslea used the chance to primarily push claims that China is being extraordinarily secretive.

Similarly, to how it allegedly hid information about the coronavirus. The US continues to blame China entirely for the fiasco that its anti-COVID-19 response has turned into.

The US Ambassador said that China had a “great wall of secrecy” and it is “stonewalling” any attempts to gain any information on its nuclear weapons program and arsenal.

The “Great Wall of Secrecy” claim is quite interesting, since it is part of a rumor that’s been published in MSM back in August 2020.

According to it, back in 2006 China revealed Yongqing ancient war passages which was used to house troops during war time.

The structure of the caves was complicated and possessed advanced military facilities such as camouflaged exits, covers, and locking gates.

According to MSM, it was revealed back in 2016, apparently as response to claims by some US experts, who said China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) did not have credible “second strike” capability.

The secretive China, apparently, decided to reveal its underground nuclear bomb stash, according to MSM.

The study, “Strategic Implications of China’s Underground Great Wall,” suggested the tunnels could hide as many as 3,000 nuclear weapons.

The author, Phillip Karber was a top national security strategist during the Cold War and this figure was many times larger than arms control experts in the US intelligence estimated.

Karber said “China’s military culture has long-valued defensive fortification and tunnelling” referencing the Yongqing ancient war passages as just one of seven “underground Great Walls” that inspired the newest project.

Notably, the photographs provided are from ancient tunnels that appear to hold no weapons, and from Chinese military parades that are “similar” and being used by the PLA.

As a result, Billingslea said that US President Donald Trump had called out China, and said that they are “surging” and the next arms control treaty “must” include and “must” limit China, in addition to Russia and the US.

The narrative of the threat that China presents is pushed with “declassified” satellite imagery of a PLA arms parade, back from 2009 and from 2019, showing that the Chinese military’s capability had grown.

U.S. Establishes Chinese Nuclear Threat By Length Of Missile Formation At Arms Parade

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It would likely be more worrisome if the parade was just a carbon copy of the previous years’ and that would likely mean China was really hiding something big, but that comes down to speculation.

It could also be considered viable to simply ask China for photographs and videos from the arms parade, so that the US have some higher quality imagery to use to push their narrative forward. Beijing could potentially oblige, who knows?

A video was also used, likely simply taken from Chinese media.

The worrisome part is that in 2009, the length of the missile formation length was approximately 400 meters. In 2019 it was 4.3 kilometers.

The worrisome part is imagining what it would be 10 years in the future, if it grows tenfold – that means it will have a 40 kilometers missile formation length at their parade! And on top of that, potentially, each missile could be nuclear, despite no evidence of it being the case.

It should be mentioned that if the US paraded its nuclear missiles, the formation length would be much longer than 40 kilometers.

Regardless, according to Billingslea, and it appears to be a very obvious election campaign component – the American people need to know that US President Donald Trump has their best interest at heart, deterring the adversaries and developing new technologies that no other nation has – such as hypersonics, which both Russia and China appear to have, but the US doesn’t.

When it comes to Russia, Billingslea said that towards Russia, negotiation appeared much more viable, and that Trump had had the necessary conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and arms control was on the menu.

In conclusion, the US wants an agreement that would be outlined with Russia, and then include China at a later point and cover all nuclear weapons, and finally more transparency and verification is needed, since according to Billingslea the New START had many deficiencies due to it being from the President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden era.

Conveniently he managed to remind the American people that current presidential candidate Joe Biden was the reason for a “failed” arms control treaty with heavy deficiencies.


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And the economies https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b91173e16545d21140fc7f2b0085b0fbdc606c9d9a269d85f65fafe69629f53a.jpg


Please everybody FLAG this propaganda message about RIGGED 21.43 trillion Today US RIGGED GDP is only 19.5 trillion ! And their debt 26.7 trillion ! https://usdebtclock.org/


Ahh the debt story for children. They add inflation since 1913 to that debt. In that algorythm printing money = debt. That’s a third of the ‘debt. Another thirtd of the debt is owed to pension funds, and last third to private banks – which don’ t ask for debt to be fully paid because in case of major chrisis nobody could pay anyrhing. So grow up and move on from colored toys for children like that online clock.


US propaganda bollocks!!! After implosion of the dollar and collapse of the US economy. Chinese creditors will come to US to CASH IN all arable land and still good quality industry left…To register it as their own property and have US working force as cheap labor on very low wages to repay the long term re-programed debt to China!


Hahahaha, chines should bring sime big guns to cash Americans. Read a bir about ’71 chrisis. Back then Dollar was backed by gold and Japan and Germany who owned imense quantities of Dollars asked for their gold in exchange. Guess what Nixon said? You guessed right: Nope. From today nobody gets any more gold for their back.

But ok, China will size USA land, hahaha maybe USA will give them the Moon.

Daily Beatings

I have to teach you everything? The only reason the United States can carry a debt load of that magnitude is due to the reserve currency status they currently enjoy. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) would not be viable without this little factoid, which you failed to mention.

In the real world inflationary pressure would start to erode the value of the currency as more and more is pumped into the economy. Without significant growth through production and consumption excessive debt loads would eventually send the currency value into a death spiral.

Therefore the United States is on borrowed time when their reserve currency status is reduced, even moderately. Investors would flee the USD en-mass driving inflation into the stratosphere. History has shown time and time again that no country keeps their status as the reserve currency forever.


Where will the investors flee and what currency will they use?

Daily Beatings

Euro, Yuan, or a basket of currencies, most likely digital since this would bypass SWIFT. History is a harsh mistress: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b63c38c696f61f283d7497077135c127a2a0ea93b1fff771aaa1be83f682a4d.png


You mean bitcoin?

Daily Beatings

Bitcoin? No, digital with regards to government backed currencies. DECP, ECB, or ASEAN basket of digital currencies. DECP is available right now in China, who are already the world’s leader in mobile and digital payments.


And when will this happen?


Please eerybody, give this lil girl a lollipop and make her stop crying


Must have taken you a very long time to draw up that graph, unfortunately it is a useless piece of propaganda based on fairytales.


You got me, all the red was USSR, I just painted over.

Lone Ranger

Funny but true. Same fake debt based economies with an overbloated military going belly up…


I wouldn’t hold my breathe for that

Lone Ranger

Lets see what happens…



Daily Beatings

That’s so last year. wait until you the results post Covid-19:


Lone Ranger

U.S. economy is fake tho. All debt, smoke and mirrors. They export less than Germany…


Russia exports almost nothing but its natural resources.

Lone Ranger

Reactors, radars, ships, radio electronics, GPS systems, mining equppnent, pharma, weapons… There are more Russians products in the EU than U.S. made. Also most the made in U.S. stuff is actually made in China while made in Russia is still made in Russia. U.S. runs an exorbitant trade deficit while Russia runs a trade surplus…


All tbose products you listed barely make 5% of Russian exports and they are not exported in EU. The Russian exports in EU are gas, oil, wood, minerals…

Lone Ranger

I doubt that 5% would be valid probably some CIA/soros stastics. Greece, Turkey buying Russian weapons, and reactors, Hungary is also buying two new blocks of reactors. Russia is helping to build the ITER in South France, based on the Russian Tokamak design. Thats still more than what the U.S. exports, GMO corn and soy and inferior quality LNG for three times the price…


Military and technologic equipment makes 5% of Russian exports. Another 5% crops and other products, 90% fosils, minerals, wood. I already sent you the links you refuted as Soros made. Do you have a different source?

Lone Ranger

Yes common sense… Grain and oil and gas are relatively cheap. While high tech is very expensive. One reactor block costs around $8billion. Russia is building 6 in Europe and another 45 in China, India and a few third world countries. Aside from that if they can maximize profit with minimum effort why not. U.S. is trying to do the same but they cant produce cheap enough do to shale oil extraction is very complicated and expensive.


Ahh, the secret Russian bases from Cuba source, I see

Lone Ranger

You think only the U.S. has black sites…? Lol.


You mean getthoes or what? :)

Lone Ranger

Now you are getting racist… You know full well what blacksites are. Secret military and intel bases.


And why woyld google blur the Russian and Chinese ones?

Lone Ranger

Are they? Does Google have a list of all blacksites from every country? Thats new…


They blur NATO for sure, I have something like that in my childhood town.

Lone Ranger

Good to know…

Daily Beatings

That’s so last year. Wait until you see the results post Covid-19. The projections don’t look so good for the United States:



And when the Mayans predicted the clock will stop?

Daily Beatings

What does some ancient religious believes have to do with economics?


And when the clock will stop, mr economist?

Daily Beatings

WTF? Do you actually read what you type before you post?


What will happen if the server gets offline for few seconds, will the clock reset?


So why IsraHell population under 10 million people can have 90 nukes (they probably have much more than that) and country with almost 1.5 billion people can’t have 320 nukes?!? Why IsraHell should have nukes at all since they are officially protected by US?!


China did agree to an agreement with the US provided that they reduce their nuclear arsenal to Chinas’ level; naturally the US declined.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Excellent reaction by China!


Some time ago China and Russia made a proposal of an international binding treaty to ban + outlaw any militarization of Space [Earths Orbit + Moon…so far]…you can guess? The AmeriCunts rejected the proposal.


That explains why US accuses all the time Russia and China for “militarizing” the space! The best way to discover what US does militarily is to follow their accusations. Whatever they do they always accuse their enemies fort that. So if they are provocative on Russian border they will accuse Russia for doing that, being provocative..etc., etc.

Tommy Jensen

China cant have more nukes than the British Empire as UK is an Empire and China not!

US cant reduce 5000 nukes to 300 nukes as this will wreak havoc in the International balance so France and Israel get unproportionate influence compared to US.

Therefore China’s proposal is hostile, aggressive and jeopardize the International Rule based usury Order.

Daily Beatings

Trump must be upset that Putin’s armaments are bigger than his.

Lone Ranger

Its no use to make deals and agreements with the U.S. they violate it at will. Its not worth the paper its written on…

Zaphod Braden

America, the “MASTERBLASTER” from the movie “Thunderdome” a giant moron ridden on and directed by Twisted Jewish Dwarves …….. Why does “capitalist” America give money & weapons to SOCIALIST Israel? for decades, Israel’s ruling political parties have been Socialist or Marxist. Since Israel can afford to send rockets to the moon PLUS it has a $120+BILLION savings AND $36BILLION in US Treasuries. why is America giving Israel WELFARE checks? Why is America taking dollars from poverty level, multi-job working Americans and GIVING the money to a Nuclear POWER? WHY and by WHOM an American President was MURDERED “We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop nuclear weapons capability–with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit”- John F. Kennedy. ——— under the Symington Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act, it is illegal for the US Government to send our tax money to any nation in possession of nuclear weapons technology that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or allow IAEA inspections. Symington Amendment: Since 1976, every single penny of “aid” to Israel money has been illegal; a crime committed by the US Government against the American people. all that money the US sends to Israel is a CRIME AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ——- The World should insist Israel live by the standards Israel demands of others. Be judged as Ye judge others. If Israel wants to be recognized, Israel must recognize the EQUALITY and HUMANITY of ALL People. Quit calling NON-Jews SHISKA, GOYIM, GENTILE. If Israel wants Hamas to ‘repudiate’ their charter, Israel must REPUDIATE their manual of hate, the TORAH, which openly proclaims that all ‘gentiles’ should be ‘Hewers of wood, and bearers of water’ …….. for Israel. Israel must recognize the Native People’s RIGHT to a Palestinian state. Israel REFUSES to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty or open It’s NUKES to inspection, Israel should have the exact same sanctions that were put on Iran


I agree with everything 100% except for the “Torah” which openly proclaims that all ‘gentiles’ should be ‘Hewers of wood, and bearers of water’

Would you be kind to provide a link or direct me where to find that information?

cechas vodobenikov

‘the men amerikans most admire tell them the most extravagant lies; the men amerikans most despise try to tell them the truth”. HL Menkhen

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