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MARCH 2025

U.S. EUCOM COVID-19 Update Page Mysteriously Vanished From Website

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U.S. EUCOM COVID-19 Update Page Mysteriously Vanished From Website

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The US European command appears to have misplaced the official page on the current situation on the COVID-19.

This means one of two things – the situation is going so well that not a single NATO soldier is currently infected, and there’s no need to publish any updates at all;

Or, alternatively, the situation is so severe and the alliance was so late in applying any counteractive measures that many of its troops and personnel have contacted COVID-19.

It is clear which one is more likely, and according to various sources, the reason for hiding statistics on infected people was the increase in the number of sick/isolated US troops in Europe.

These include the personnel of the 2nd Armored Group of the 2nd Armored Division of the 1st Cavalry Division and the armored brigade of the 2nd Armored Brigade of the 3rd US Infantry Division, located in Poland, in the cities of Ozhis and Dravsko-Pomorsk, respectively.

Already in contact with them were units of the Polish 15th and 16th mechanized divisions, as well as about 1,200 troops from the UK, Croatia, Romania and other US units.

The command of the troops is taking measures to limit contacts with the local population. Furthermore, the hope is that the presence of the US military in Poland will not provoke an uncontrolled epidemic in the country.

Such circumstances impose restrictions on the timing of rotation of these units. Initially, it was planned to carry out the rotation of US deployments in Poland, and Europe after the completion of the exercise “Defender Europe 2020” – in May-June 2020.

But then it was announced that US troops deployed in Europe would remain there for an indefinite period, given the spreading of COVID-19.

However, it could be that evacuation could be carried out earlier, or on an emergency basis if it spreads too wide.

Four NATO soldiers tested positive in Afghanistan, and as of March 25th, three staff members at NATO Headquarters have tested positive for COVID-19. One has fully recovered and is back at work, and the other two are recovering.  Two contractors have also tested positive.

Defender Europe 2020 has throttled, with all movement of US troops to Europe being stopped as of March 13th.

“As of March 13, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased.… Linked exercises to Exercise Defender-Europe 20—Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response—will not be conducted,” U.S. Army Europe announced on March 16th.

Because no such exercise has been conducted in a quarter-century, Defender-Europe 20 is vital. Defender-Europe 20 “shows that NATO allies and partners stand stronger together,” a U.S. Army Europe factsheet explained.

Some deployments from the US to Europe were carried out, and those troops are to remain to secure Poland against the “Russian threat,” just in case.


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Zionism = EVIL

We are fucked; it is much worse than the media report according to US sailors on USS Roosevelt

And the fallout isn’t just aboard the USS Roosevelt. In Kuwait, the brigade deployed to deter Iran is now caught in the Pentagon’s 60-day movement freeze as attacks on US forces in Iraq mount.

The Americunt arseholes are up shit creek as almost 20% of their lardass cowardly child killer military of retards is sick literally. The Pentagon bio-warfare at its best :)

Lone Ranger

Ironic isnt it. I dont wish harm on anybody, except on rapist cannibal headchoppers, but they shouldnt have released it on China. It was a last ditch effort to slow down the Chinese economy and to to e the U.S. economy, but it backfired bigly badly

Zionism = EVIL

Evil mostly backfires. These Americunt arsehole murderous scum have been killing millions of women and children, putting sanctions on medicines and have no respect for humanity so the day of reckoning had to come. This will really destroy them as they are not used to hardship and are already fighting over toilet paper. This is time for the resistance forces to attack them and inflict some serious pain.

Jens Holm

Evil backfires is You:) look up. Everyone around You wear mask.

Ricky Miller

So says Jens NATOspam, who goes to his keyboard each day to type out globalist Imperial lies as the world goes downhill. Clueless dupe.

good american

They know what’s going on, they’re disingenuous wicked people.

Jens Holm

Yes we know. We have a free press and are able to read AngloAmerican English well too.

Is “disingenuous” a kind of makruh:)

Jens Holm

I dont see the world go downhill. True: When You bring spam, I often do too in global solidarity.

Denmark once was an Empire with Norway. If the Britts gets too many problems outside EU, we will buy them and they are in EU again.

The seize of Big Ben over there is inspired from a bodypart of Ours, and it isnt the nose.

Ricky Miller

Go bring spam somewhere else. This site is for people resisting the state of disorder that the world is being brought to. There are places for you to go to celebrate the neoliberal order but SF isn’t one of them. Why not just leave us alone?


You can never buy nor into the commonwealth,besides denmark has only fake currency,no real hardcore commodoty other than wood?


Denmark is famous for its pigs. Human and animal. :)


and bacon

Duc Palatine

That’s a surprise, US decision making at its best ends up wiping out the US economy and killing half a million of its on fat bloated retarded population.

Jens Holm

We will see. Accordin to my fingers and toes best case for You must be several millions and not 0,5.

Ricky Miller

Go away. We already know what’s happening, Jens. Our brains are on and we’re not hooked into Imperial news nightly.

Jens Holm

None knows what really happening, but we can gues and also dont bias things as You do.

Ricky Miller

You are permanently biased in favor of Empire. Bombing small countries in military acts both not in defense or in acts approved by the United Nations Security Council, check. Endless mass consumption, even if that consumption erodes community, and the spirit of human beings, check. Endless outflows of waste from said neoliberal world economic order, check. Endless propaganda and suppression of free speech that doesn’t toe the globalist cabal line, check. Your biases are present in your very assumptions of what’s right and wrong, and in your willingness to tolerate lies and mass subjugation.

Jens Holm

I have written against that sice we should not have invaded Afghanistan and several times also we should pur walls around ME west of Istanbul.

I dont expect You have a memory, but I do expect You dont blame me for something there are no indocations for at all.

Reading like You do right here again and again tells me, You have no relations to most things going on by me as well as main parts of, what west is and where I am against it.

You mainly write crap using words You not even know about. And Yes, I do prefare how we westerns do. At least some link to something better would be nice.

Give me, where it is and what it can, which makes me and millions more happy then we are.

When You write here, You are not a part of the western world at all. It could make sense, if You trýed to make Your own country or found, where Ypur ancisters came from.

Some of my friends are in their own countries and as long as they stay there, they are my best friends.

Ricky Miller

You write crap all the time. I know what I believe and why. I know you and your country is in trouble. The Covid-19 virus has hit Denmark hard, way harder than Russia. My home state of Ohio here in the USA has more people than Denmark but your country has more than twice as many infection cases. And the climate change is going to destroy much of Denmark, with a lot going under the water and much more in drought. Maybe Russia will help the Danish people with fresh water and food because America sure won’t. But Denmark will have to quit helping America and the UK attack other people in order to get help. Russia shouldn’t help Denmark unless you begin following the United Nations Charter and turn back away from the evil things you help them to do.


Serves the kweer empires well,they the lamestream kweer media of the wests never mentioned ex and post aids carriers are natural magnets,unlike china who were hit!


In this case the future may hopefully not be that of the movie Idiocracy…


I am looking for a friend for virtual sex, sharing an intimate photo, I am waiting for you at — http://trim4.me/teD

Jens Holm

Again I see crap only. There also are no reasons for slowing down the Chinese economy. There are good reasons for the rest of the world to get into the Chinese market just as they can buy most of our companies. They also should not keep the Yuan as low so the prices of their productions are too too low. They also dont control bad made copy-products. We have them here too, but we keep them down on a much lower level.

Most in my part of the world would like the chinese having better conditions for their life. They do a good job making the cake to share bigger.

Here TRump and partly Putin is far out. We have to have fair prices as well as equal rights. Chine for many years has had extra good conditions made by us and with them. Now the protectionisme should be over. They fo vey well.

It was the same India had many years ago. There are no starving in India any more. If so its about their Goverment prefare swending missiles into space or something, so that extra was not needed anymore. I remember as a child, we again and again saw poor starving people from there and many even starved to death.

We dont see that anymore.

Things are both ways. USA has to change things themselves too. USA has the same kind of internal problems according to EU.

I allowq me to add, that EU is better nd better in production and many other things. USA partly has lost its vitality.

Ia m pessimist. They will get Biden but Sanders is needed. We will get a kind of Hillary by Biden but in a nicer version. They need to renew the establishment.

Ricky Miller

Spam, spam spam. No one even understands your crap but we do know that you have mad love for the Empire. There are many, many sites where you can digitally orgy away with other Empire lovers, Jens. Go away, your online Roman bathhouse awaits.

Ricky Miller

What we do see by way of the Copenhagen Post online this week is that Denmark’s economy is contracting at a record pace, nearly 7%. More than four times the number of people than usual have declared themselves unemployed and the authorities say that 3,000 people in Denmark are presenting with symptoms every day and must be tested. Denmark is in big, big trouble. Malaysia has now said that the Coronavirus is so bad in Denmark that no one from Denmark or who has transited through Denmark can enter Malaysia. Being a pet of America’s Empire sure hasn’t helped you any, Jens.


I wouldn’t be surprised if you were right. American IQ (incl. that of their government !) is going into the direction set by the fantastic comedy movie Idiocracy (A MUST WATCH !!)…


It wasn’t Trump who did it,but o/seas nwo/neo-liberal/soros sects trying to take him out!


Although I’m pretty sure that the release of covid is not government policy but part of the deep state doing its own thing. Have you seen the video of Pompeo sayin about “live exercise” and Trump muttering “You should’ve told us!”?

Jens Holm

Another faked insiniuation from You. The real thing is, that You dont look around and therefore dont see the information about it.

And You conclude anything from that. We are not fucked. You are.

And as usual You are only able to see americans. USA has the most RAPPORTED cases. Where people lie 100% about ít as well as no rapports are made, there according to You level of non thinking are none.

Look at the Map for Syria today about it. Its says Syria is 5 hit. But are the Turkish and the SDF parts not Syria. Has Assads given them away to Turks and SDFs???

Here there are several rapports from both areas only telling “several”or mayee “many”. I allow me to assume, that Assads lies a lot. There are many more in the Regime part. I dont know if its only 100, but it for sure is more then 5.

Ricky Miller

Yak yak yak. Blah, blah blah. Here in Ohio, where my wife is an RN and working, it is predicted that as many as three times as many people have it than is known. No one anywhere can truthfully report because no one actually knows. Russia is doing better because she closed her borders with China over the winter months whereas Europe and the U.S. did not. Most of Russia’s cases arrived by way of Europe in the infections second wave. You are a certifiable idiot who roots for evil and who talks both nonsense and gibberish.

Jens Holm

I dont use a source like that for estimates. I use statistics for virus spreading. I dont care about Ohio and for that matter the shoeseize for Your wife.

You are some round one having skin from a pig or something like that, were virus grow. I see the first one hit a corner named New York and soon after Los Angeles.

Those spread out by people in local airplanes, trains, cars and busses. But I also add hits named as “incommers” mainly by Your biggest airports like Atlanta, Chicago and fx Dallas.

Finally I add delay. Delay is where people fllow the normal and well known rules for spreading or not spreading virus and bakterias.

It would be the same for killer bees, rabias, rattle snakes, mustangs or batts but fx having a completly different timetable and reasons for spreading as well as needed treatments.

Ricky Miller

Danes are knowne tooo well for spame. Spam, I mean. Danish soldiers often serve and kills for the goals of Americans. You don’t care and serve American masterz very well. Good pet, pat on the head. Go to halal store now and interact with many more people. Hug many, Jens.

Ricky Miller

The acting U.S. Secretary of the Navy is confirming this morning an expanding Covid-19 breakout on several deployed U.S. Navy warships, including more than two dozen aboard the USS Roosevelt. That’s the news here in America this morning, Jens NATOspam. Unless you’re saying that the Navy Secretary is faking an outbreak on his own ships? You’re a fool.

Jens Holm

I never said or meant that. I wrote this has not been a secret for me for many days because I can read things well.

Fx 700 danish elite soldiers has to be in their camps. Thats not a Danish thing but a Nato one. Danes never would do like that unless there are important reasons.

I see no reasons for those 700 or maybee others should attack anything in the world for the moment.

I have almost exact the same news as You have and live. I have CNN and BBC news live as well as Internet for the many other channelse You have for TV, Radio and the Internet. I do have medies as tight here such as facebook, instagram an like that.

It might be a secons after You, and thats it. Its about following things well as well as read them well and often behind the lines.

I am sure I follow USA better then most Americans and danes do.

Ricky Miller

It’s the USS Boxer too. Viral cases there are exploding as the crew is living in quarters together, both ill and well. The Navy carried out long distance deployments anyway despite the fact that Covid 19 can have a long incubation period. 6-8 American warships could be affected, with crews living in tight quarters. Russia’s Navy is fine though so far, as most Russian Naval bases are closed to outsiders.


Rampant poverty, ghettos, racism and lack of health care have caused the rapid spread of COVID-19 in US which now has more cases than the whole world combined.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans in retreat everywhere

Zionism = EVIL

“Exceptionalist retreat” though, the dumbasses will go down telling lies.

Jens Holm

You copy paste yourself very well.

Ricky Miller

You spam globalist NATO talking points here on SF, endlessly.

Jens Holm

It is copypaste. I have seen it myself, an no one can spell exceptionalist correct twice.

He probatlæy got is from croswords yesterday and had to use wikipedia to know, what ir meant with his whole family and their teacher.

Ricky Miller

Denmark is in land of illusion USA grasp. I know this well. Immigrants often overwhelm Copenhagen too ans some are infected but you know not. They hate you and open but many mosques. I care not and hopes soone that Danishes burns to the sand.

Jens Holm

Yes, its a planned retreat given by Trump when he should be elected. Now You can go on kiling each other as You wish according Your traditions.

You now get no free weapons and many of You could have a new job makingg bows and arrows.

colin adese

The US temporarily halts its Genocidal Killing Spree. Thanks Mr Coronavirus

Zionism = EVIL

Their third rate military is up shit creek and that is why there is blanket ban on any information.

U.S. Navy and Marine Corps service members in Kuwait and near the Persian Gulf were ordered on Wednesday to break their own quarantine to set up makeshift shelters for U.S. troops coming off a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, where an outbreak of the novel coronavirus is rapidly spreading within the hulls of the ships.

The service member added, “We’re fucked.”

Jens Holm

Aloha Evil backfire.


US infection rate is over half a million and more than 10,000 deaths, they are covering up and it will get worse.

Lone Ranger


Duc Palatine

Great opportunity for all US soldiers and airman to leave European soil and never come back. The majority of the population don’t want them here.

Jens Holm

Of course Nato want to have them here. We any time will prefare thjem for Russians west of Berlin.


Real number is always hidden, do you remember Viet-Nam ?


That’s correct and even the prostitutes are not keen on the US Military Covid Carriers :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Pandemonium In The Pacific: US Carrier Diverts To Guam As COVID-19 Cases Spike Among Crew An absolute disaster is fast unfolding aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Western Pacific causing emergency contingency plans to be put in place. By Wednesday eight sailors aboard the carrier tested positive for COVID-19, but clearly the outbreak aboard the ship is nowhere near being contained as on Thursday the US Navy said that number has jumped to 23 sailors confirmed for the virus. Pentagon officials further admitted the ability to conduct widespread testing aboard the ship is limited in a situation so dangerous that the carrier has been diverted from it’s original course, though Acting Navy Secretary Thomas B. Modly sought to stress “the ship is operationally capable and can do it’s mission if required” — no doubt a message ultimately meant for America’s rivals and enemies in the region. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/unfolding-nightmare-pacific-us-carrier-diverts-guam-covid-19-cases-spike


Maybe the Russians can help them ;)


Better yet, the Chinese, in the South China Sea .


ROFL – a Russian mobile bio lab on the deck of a US carrier!!!

Duc Palatine

According to the US navy it only has 19 confirmed COVID 19 cases https://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=112473

Ricky Miller

Which means they’ve admitted to more cases on one ship, the Roosevelt, than they are for the Navy as a whole. Either the Roosevelt has gone rogue and is flying a pirate flag or the Navy can’t keep it’s talking points lies straight.

Jens Holm

Or something else.

Ricky Miller

NATOspam troll.


That’s the trouble with lies, you have to remember what you lied last time


Real number is always hidden, do ypu remember Viet-Nam ? or “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.”

George King

Duc, I thought that was concussions from Iranian missiles but that number grew exponentially to over a hundred +. Well the Navy Military Report does confirm but didn’t the US President and Secretary of Defense predicted or claimed much lower…. Indeed the theater of the absurd plays on.

Raptar Driver

This is the end stages in the plunder of North America. Next is China & Russia, unless they act quickly.


Russia and china acted allready,spring is here,so the worse is over,usa on the other hand has too many ex and post aids carriers,as like in europe which are natural magnets to virus, this is why same sex marriage was foretoild as the abonimnation,chinas the exemption, conversely orthodox cultures are far less affected why you may ask? Read the good book!


If the LGBTQ mob get wiped out by Covid its a bonus. It would be interesting to know the total death toll of the perverts after the Pandemic fades away.

Raptar Driver

Thanks for the advice.I have read the good book many times.

Assad must stay

Get out of poland get out of europe get out of middle east OUT!!!!

Ivan Freely

Imagine that. WW3 adverted due to a cold. LOL


HG Wells War of the Worlds


Many a true word is said in jest. :)


US military may be more infected than reported openly. Have they been used as carriers of the pathogen to Europe? Covid is a biowarfare agent so I don’t put anything past the US deep state.

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