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MARCH 2025

U.S. Finally Admits Ukraine Bombs Zaporizhzhia’s Nuclear Power Plant

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U.S. Finally Admits Ukraine Bombs Zaporizhzhia's Nuclear Power Plant

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Unnamed American officials, according to the New York Times, have admitted that the explosives fired against Ukraine’s nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia have been fired against the plant by Ukraine’s Government, not by Russia’s Government, and furthermore these officials make clear that Ukraine’s attacks against the plant are a key part of Ukraine’s plan to win its U.S.-backed-and-advised war against Russia, on the battlefields of Ukraine, using Ukrainian soldiers.

Zaporizhzhia is a city in Ukraine that is in Russian-controlled territory, and Ukraine’s strategy is to destroy the ability of the plant to function, so that areas controlled by Russia will no longer be able to benefit from that plant’s electrical-power output. The United States Government helped Ukraine’s Government to come up with this plan, according to the New York Times.

This information was buried by the Times, 85% of the way down a 1,600-word news-report they published on September 13th, titled “The Critical Moment Behind Ukraine’s Rapid Advance”, in which it stated that, “Eventually, Ukrainian officials believe their long-term success requires progress on the original goals in the discarded strategy, including recapturing the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, cutting off Russian forces in Mariupol and pushing Russian forces in Kherson back across the Dnipro River, American officials said.”

When IAEA inspectors arrived at that plant on September 1st, after a lengthy period of trying to get there to inspect it but which was blocked by Ukraine’s Government, and the IAEA started delivering reports regarding what they were finding at the plant, no mention has, as-of yet, been made concerning which of the two warring sides has been firing those bombs into the plant. Even when the IAEA headlined on September 9th “Director General’s Statement on Serious Situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant”, and reported that the plant’s ability to operate “has been destroyed by shelling of the switchyard at the city’s thermal power plant, leading to a complete power black-out in” the entire region, and that “This is completely unacceptable. It cannot stand.”, and closed by saying they “urgently call for the immediate cessation of all shelling in the entire area,” no mention was made as to which of the two sides was shooting into the plant in order to disable it, and which of the two sides was firing out from the plant in order to protect it against that incoming fire. Previously known was only that the city of Zaporizhzhia has been and is under Russian control ever since March 4th. Consequently, all news-media and reporters have known that (since Russia was inside and Ukraine was outside) Russia has been defending the plant and Ukraine has been attacking it, but until “American officials” let slip, in this news-report, the fact that this has indeed been the case there, no Western news-medium has previously published this fact — not even buried it in a news-report.

So, although nothing in this regard may yet be considered to be official, or neutral, or free of fear or of actual intent to lie, there finally is, at the very least, buried in that news-report from the New York Times, a statement that is sourced to “American officials,” asserting that this is the case, and the Times also lets slip there that this “shelling” of that plant is an important part of the joint U.S.-Ukraine master-plan to defeat Russia in Ukraine. It is part of the same master-plan, which the U.S. Government recommended to Ukraine’s Government, and which also included the recent successful retaking by Ukraine of Russian-controlled land near the major Ukrainian city of Kharkov, which city’s recapture by Ukraine is also included in the master-plan. Both operations — the shelling of the nuclear power plant, and the recapture of that land near Kharkov — were parts of that master-plan, according to the New York Times.

The Times report asserts that

Long reluctant to share details of their plans, the Ukrainian commanders started opening up more to American and British intelligence officials and seeking advice. Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, and Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to Mr. Zelensky, spoke multiple times about the planning for the counteroffensive, according to a senior administration official. Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and senior Ukrainian military leaders regularly discussed intelligence and military support.

And in Kyiv, Ukrainian and British military officials continued working together while the new American defense attaché, Brig. Gen. Garrick Harmon, began having daily sessions with Ukraine’s top officers.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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I think the USA is incapable of telling the Truth as it lies continually for its 400 year existence just ask the Native Americans – “white man ” –American -speak with forked tongue – how can they possibly call themselves “Christians ” Jesus called the Scribes & Pharisees liars as they made people do what they said but did not do it themselves –the American government should apply for Pharisees jobs -good qualifications !

Florian Geyer

A friend of mine is in Hungary. I send him the article. It will be interesting if this news is known in Hungary as well.

Slava Rossiya

AM Hants

Can you imagine if the plant was in say Kiev and it was Russia that was striking it, what the media and political hysteria would be?

The average person could never fathom the horror or wanting to attack a nuclear plant, especially in a nation that has experienced the fall out of a damaged nuclear power plant. Yet those we elect, that we actually vote for, have absolutely no problem, encouraged by the media, with regards wanting to destroy the largest nuclear power plant, that just happens to be in Europe.

Would the US be so obliging, if the nuclear power plant was on the borders of the US and they would be first in line for the fall out?

t s

I predict decommissioning and scrapping .. such steel will make for good weapons.

AM Hants

It will take years to decommission. Plus, if they can get it working, won’t it benefit the people of Eastern Ukraine?


Total decommission will take years, but turning reactors off – just few days, a week as local governor and “RosEnergoAtom’s” representative said. The most dangerous point is dry cask storage of spent nuclear fuel. Reactors has quite massive concrete protection, casks in the storage has no protection at all, being placed at open air. This is technology of “Westinghouse” by the way, they were trying to install their own nuclear fuel rods to the NPP, which cause several failures, because of different shape of rods. This was the second attempt after Temelin NPP in CZ, but czecs decided to stop mad experiment and return to original rods supplier. This situation shows the level of obeying. Czech are very obedient, nazi ukros – absolutely.

AM Hants

Cheers. I remember reading about Westinghouse taking over the Russian nuclear power plants in Ukraine, using the wrong rods. When Yats was Prime Minister, once he sent the gold to the USA, he sacked the Senior Members of the Atomic Safety Organisation, operating in Ukraine. Ironically, they stated how dangerous the wrong rods were, yet, they still went ahead and gave Westinghouse the contract, wrong rods included.


It does not take more than a few hours to shut down the reactor, a few weeks to unload the reactor, a few months to dislocate all the radioactive material outside the power plant. All that remains is the radioactive casing of the reactor and maybe a few other things, which you can shoot as much as you want without endangering the environment. It will take several years to completely dismantle the plant, but it is irrelevant from the point of view of safety…

Ziological Warefare

400 years? Try almost 250 years and already out of steam and collapsing. They are no match for China, 3000+ years of experience. Its like an intern up against a master. They have big toys but no brains in their dealings with countries

Last edited 2 years ago by Ziological Warefare

Pilgrim Fathers to America =1620 to 2022=402 years .

No argument about the rest of your post.


So tell me again “why” the EU would not make happen an emergency vote in the Security Council given not only the implications of the destruction of the largest nuclear power facility in Eastern Europe to invoke that war and what it would do to Western Europe in starting the worst escalation in human history?….

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

“Zaporizhzhia is a city in Ukraine that is in Russian-controlled territory” Who writes such crap?


He’s made an error: the city of Zap. isn’t in Russian hands, the nuclear power plant is in Russian hands. The “Zaporizhzhia NPP” is actually across the river, in Energodar. The USA/Ukraine have used this fact repeatedly to confuse the narrative, i.e. they say that Russians bomb Zap. (which is true) without specifying that the Zap NPP is actually in Energodar across the river, therefore leading the viewer to believe “if the Russians bomb Zap, then they’re also bombing its NPP”!!!

Fee Fi Fo Fum

No skin off America’s nose. Any radiation release would never reach it.

PS: I’ve always smelled the blood of those Yanks and Limeys on this.


Just a mess, crumbling lying 🤥 US Administration run by by Deep State, CIA, Rockefeller Foundations, CFR, WEF, NED, NSA, Davos, Massad and every other over entitled fascist, imperialist foundation and secret society criminal Foundations. Quaterbacked by the likes of Soros, Kissinger Evil 😈 bullshit. To be sure these are the evil shots behind shooting at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe by their NAZI henchmen. Discusting and should all be irradiated from humanity.

AM Hants

Not forgetting how the same crowd allegedly purchased around 75% of Ukrainian agricultural land. The same crowd behind wanting to depopulate 90% of the planet. Their mummies must be so proud.

Rockefeller and how did the late David start out? Must refresh myself, checking out Rockerfeller and the Eugenics programme, and how it was transferred from the US to Germany, prior to him and his mates creating the Bolshevik Communists, whose aim was to overthrow the Russian Empire and set up the Soviet Union. Together with his creation of Mao’s Communist Party in Russia. Together with the Fascist Parties and National Socialist Parties, including the German Worker’s Party. Not forgetting his role in the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour. That was created back in 1913, with two Irish brothers from Dublin. One ran the ‘right side’ of the British Media (Daily Mail) and the other the ‘left side’ (Daily Mirror). The main aim of the Tavistock Institute was ‘mind control of the masses’. Ironically, they were planning WWI and needed to change the minds of the pacifist citizens and subjects of Great Britain and the US. Tavistock Institute, now, carries on with the ‘mind control of the masses’ and is dominant within the gender fluid movement. Now why do they want to sterilise the majority of humans, excluding themselves?

The Rockerfeller movement and not forgetting that prior to 1942, the US were friends to Germany, with many US Corporations openly working with and supporting the National Socialist (German) Worker’s Party and ideology. It was not until America declared war on Japan, following the Pearl Harbour False Flag. Japan, a friend of Germany and then Germany declared war on the US. Just before Russia took the hit in Stalingrad, which changed the events of the war and the reason that the Allies won, the US joined the war, on the side of the Allies. They lost under 450,000, compared to Russia losing around 13 million out of the 26 million, the Soviets lost. Yet, coming so late into the war, losing so few, they changed the narrative and took credit for the work of Russia. Something they have never stopped doing.

What I find ironic, is the fact that those same people, run and fully support the Nazi Party and the ideology of the Nazi Party, yet, they lack the backbone to admit it. Projecting their own crimes on others.

Just minutes ago, I was listening to the radio and the news headlines came on (over in the UK). Well, they were talking of the Russians retreating, which has been the story running with the funeral of Lizzie. Plus, Zelinsky coming out with finding the secret graves, blaming the actions of his Nazi friends on Russia. Sadly the masses, flying the blue and yellow flags, and proud of their four jabs, believe all they are told. Can you believe it, the end of the world is coming, owing to 80% of Pro-Ukraine comments on social media, coming from the BOT Farms! Rockerfeller AI and Government funded trolls – fully supported by the same media, old Rockerfeller and friends control.



Last edited 2 years ago by oscar

For anybody in doubt that America OWNS the IAEA it has just announced that it–“wants ” Russia to leave the nuke plant and let Zelensky take it back.

It has just been published that America and Ukraine had decided long ago to attack this plant it was hidden way down in a confidential US report as they did not want Russia controlling it as it provided power to Russian controlled areas.

AM Hants

Has the New York Times, hidden somewhere, confirmed that Ukraine are the ones attacking the plant?

Knew this would happen. Same with the OPCW, over in Syria, when they blamed the actions of the West on Syria. Completely ignoring the facts that both Syria and Russia signed off their Chemical Weapons, that they got rid of, and signed off by the OPCW. Unlike the US, which was happily building bio-weapon labs all around the world.

Time to shut down the UN and all that goes with it.

AM Hants

I am losing the plot, commenting on the article that the US media confirmed Ukraine was bombing the Zaporizhzhia Power Plant, my first line so was not needed.


The liars knew all along, The US is directing all Ukraine actions


And even if not directed, but supported them later. They spent 5 billion dollars for democracy in the Ukraine before maidan in 2014 and bought obedient slaves for themselves.

Pamfil Military Academy

America is the Father of All Lies, the Empire of Lies and deceptions and moreover The Mother of all prostitution. Why ? Because from the beginning of XIX century all the elite khazar fake jew started to move there because of the bad turbulences made by them all over Rurope, but mostly in the Eastern Europe. They totally subdue all US financial and banking system running in the end over entire political and economical spectrum. USA is now JUSA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope they breach soon. I would love to live out my last years watching and reading about the massive genealogical damage done to the ukrainian race by radiation disruption. all those cool deformity’s and flipper kids with walnut sized brains. THAT would be hilarious!!!


Dear Russia It would surely be simpler to stop burying Ukrainian war dead, civilian or otherwise. let their corpses rot where they lie, let Typhoid and Cholera reign supreme. let the water pollute, let plague spread. It is the simple answer to Ukraine and MSM fake issuance of “Mass graves” (numbered and named where possible on crosses) they keep finding in the graveyards where Russians ,DPR and LPR have buried them after attempted identification. still waiting for a single picture of the Mariupol “Mass graves”

P.s. Dear Ukraine and MSM… “Mass graves” tend not to be single corpses tagged, # on crosses in graves dug by funeral workers. they tend to be bulk deposits in shady woodlands where no one will look.

Last edited 2 years ago by Banderitelivesdontmatter

Zelensky the Jewish Rabbi of kiev cares Not as to how many gentles die in Ukraine

Ziological Warefare

The British – and by extension – American imperial cretinocracies are rooted in duplicity. Those backstabbers speak with a forked tongue all the time. They have no shame, no honor


Russia really does need to take the gloves off and deal with these psychopaths the cable in Kiev sits in safety knowing it is beyond reach!


WOW, this in incredible, USA is admiting something like that of his dog nazi-fascist ukraine soldiers ! WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION !

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