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MARCH 2025

U.S. Flies Two B-52H Bombers Over Middle East To “Reassure Allies”

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U.S. Flies Two B-52H Bombers Over Middle East To "Reassure Allies"

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On March 7th, two US B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers flew over the Middle East, as a show of strength against Iran.

The US military’s Central Command said the two B-52s flew over the region accompanied by military aircraft from nations including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It marked the fourth-such bomber deployment into the Middke East this year and the second under President Joe Biden.

Flight-tracking data showed the two B-52s flew out of Minot Air Base in North Dakota, something Central Command did not mention in its statement on the flights.

Iran, as usual, wasn’t directly mentioned by CENTCOM’s statement. According to it, the flight was to “deter aggression and reassure partners and allies of the US military’s commitment to security in the region.”

This goes directly opposite of US President Joe Biden’s claim that he wants to return to the Iran Nuclear Deal and have a sort of normalization in relations.

Biden expressed a desire to return to the deal if Iran honors the deal’s limits on its nuclear program. However, tensions remain high after militias in Iraq — likely backed by Iran — continue to target American interests.

In late February, Biden ordered the launch of an airstrike just over the border into Syria in retaliation, joining every American president from Ronald Reagan onward who has ordered a bombardment of countries in the Middle East.

On the same day, Beirut-based channel Al-Mayadeen aired footage of the Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged roll-on, roll-off vehicle cargo ship hit by the blasts February 26 in the Gulf of Oman.

The grainy footage included areas blurred out on the video, likely coordinates and other information displayed by the Iranian military drone. The footage at one point showed what appeared to be a hole in the side of the vessel.

Al-Mayadeen did not say when the footage was shot, nor explain the circumstance by which the Iranian drone was following the ship. The U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, which patrols the Mideast and often has tense encounters with Iran, declined to comment on the footage.

Off Gaza’s coast, three fishermen were killed in a reported Hamas misfire, according to Israeli media.

At the same time, Arab-language media reported that it was an Israeli strike that killed the fishermen.


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Just Me

US has become a complete joke, as if flying 70 year old junk aircraft with peeling paint is going to impress anyone but the Wahhabi and Zionist a$$holes. LOL.

Clarence Spangle


Servet-i Funun Literature

Meanwhile,after 37 days of blockage, Ypg decided to sell oil to Assad regime who supposed to govern his country 😁.Today Assad regimes Hussam Qatirji’s company with 80 trucks entered the Ypg region and transported the oil to Homs rafinery.Last effective Saa strikes worked.Even Ypg understand that these dumb Fsa can not achieve anything without colossal support or even with support.

Clarence Spangle


Assad must stay

Hahahahhahahahahaha all they have been doing for years now is “show of force” they know they cant actually do jack shit to iran without israel getting wiped out and pretty much starting WW3

Clarence Spangle



This McKenzie Junior needs a bitc#slap to wake up. Since Trump left, more than half of turmoil in the region is generated by this guy just so he feels important. Maybe he feels CENTCOM commander is too small a job for his bubble head.

Show of force? My foot!!

Please set foot ONE inch into our airspace with your BUFFs so we teach you how “a show of force” is done.

Assad must stay

And these b52 will take about 12 hours or more to respond to an attack to “reassure their allies” hahahhaa

Clarence Spangle




Clarence Spangle


Jens Holm

You show Your own level well.

Clarence Spangle


Decatur Guy

Biden: Jewish leaders drove gay marriage changes; https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4382986,00.html Joe Biden Acknowledges ‘Immense’ Jewish Role in American Mass Media and Cultural Life; http://ihr.org/other/biden_jewish_role

Clarence Spangle


Jens Holm


Supreme Blyat



There are concerns from some independent media that Russia will allow itself to go into a new form of communism and the ‘old guard’ never really went away. Maybe with enough Russians aware of who was behind the Bolsheviks they can avoid a repeat of that 80 year long disaster.

Jens Holm

Very good. They all are making America great. Well its partly true. When they meet someone like You as decliner, they feel they grow.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, we all love it. Stay away. Our GDPs are very good because we includes all and help each other.

Its so funny so many here are in a world, where so many people not even care.


In a way he’s telling the truth, but the masses are brainwashed to see this as a good thing.

Jens Holm

Its just one of many tools.

Supreme Blyat

Obviously the main danger for the Saudis is a popular urising followed by civil war. So yeah, they don’t need to hurry.


Based on ads put out for engineers experienced in fixing cooling units, even the B-2 is having issues, and this costs over $2 billion per unit.


Assad must stay



For real, and this bomber was even rumored to have an alternative power source still classified that allowed it to fly dead silent. How the mighty have fallen.

Assad must stay

yea and the trillions spent on zog wars didnt help much hahahhaha

Jens Holm

Its just back to normal.

You insinuate what he will do and even blame him for it. Then You is far out.

Potato Man

“Oh Wow, they are so scared now” LMFAO. We all saw what happened to that drone they send into Iran borders and Iranian also could have shot down the air plane that was controlling that spy drone. The Iranian told them to fuk off and that’s what yankess did. Also, remember (2016 U.S.–Iran “naval incident”) if they entry Iran or attack they have it coming for themselves. “Show of force” and guess what Zion were with them. Those Zion and Wahhabi better know, they not gonna survive Iran attack. They don’t have any good ADS or having a lot of lands.

Clarence Spangle

Iranians threw away their empire when they deposed the Shah.

Ashok Varma

Resorted to spam now as no one takes you seriously. Namaste oh Chutiya.

Clarence Spangle

“Looked at from this point of view the apparent insanity of our government’s foreign policy is revealed as a piece of shrewd calculating logic, put into effect in order to promote the Jéwish idea of a struggle for world-mastery.” ~ Mein Kampf, The Right to Self-Defense

Potato Man

“Iranians threw away their empire when they deposed the Shah.” I’m not even gonna say shit buddy, I saw you other shit post.

Clarence Spangle

Your Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews.

Potato Man

“Your Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews.” “Your”? LOL just because I don’t buy shit from retards doesn’t make me Iranian or Middle Eastern, Iranian are powerful and smart people, you look at Iran and that shit holes called “Zion state” & US and you wonder what would happened if Iran wasn’t under sanctions for 40+ years. Zion bag US, EU for money and without US they good as dead, Iran’s Shah wasn’t doing much you ****. The Iran Shah fuked up in Iran and in “west”…and Iranian were the ones that achieved so much not the fuking Shah, that was sucking Mossad, MI6 and CIA dicks.

If you put more shit posts and your wet dreams stories I just block you buddy, you spawning the same shit and pics.

Clarence Spangle

“Looked at from this point of view the apparent insanity of our government’s foreign policy is revealed as a piece of shrewd calculating logic, put into effect in order to promote the Jéwish idea of a struggle for world-mastery.” ~ Mein Kampf, The Right to Self-Defense

Tommy Jensen

They have a new Shah now, Rouhani.

Potato Man

Ohhh I don’t know about that buddy, he did fuked up with Iran nuclear deal and so much more. Why would you call him Iran’s Shah tho? Also, we might not even see him again (2021 Iranian presidential election) coming up soon. BTW “General Saeed Mohammad, the commander of Khatam-al-Anbiya formally resigned to become a presidential candidate.” He seem really good tbh.


don’t be dense – rouhani is the voice of the mullahs and nothing else.

Clarence Spangle

The Persian Empire was the greatest pagan empire in human history and they threw it all away because of their Abrahamic death cults.



yeah, sure as a clucking bell scares the Iranians almost off the map.

Clarence Spangle

Iran threw away their birthright and squandered their power in the world when they deposed their 2500 year old monarchy . . . today, they couldn’t fight their way out of a piss soaked paper bag.



We never did, we still have a father figure and a very wise one. What former monarchs gave up, the current one will take back.

And the history of Iranian monarchy is much older than 25 centuries. 2500 ago the first empire was born. Before than we have almost another 50 centuries of kingdoms.

PS. You are a very good clinical example of attention seeking. Posting contradictory posts to horde likes? Pity I’m not a psychologist.

Clarence Spangle

Iran threw away their birthright and squandered their power in the world when they deposed their 2500 year old monarchy . . .

Today, they couldn’t fight their way out of a piss soaked paper bag, they couldn’t even beat the Soviet puppet Saddam Hussein, who fell in a matter of a week to the illegal US invasion.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush.” — Donald J. Trump


dadaash I told you, in adam parsi zartushti hast. He’s upset that Iran lost to shotur during the time of Yazdigerd. You need more proof than his bolded comment up above?……was I right or was I right?…..lol

Clarence Spangle

The Persian Empire was the greatest pagan empire in human history and they threw it all away because of your Abrahamic death cults from the Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e72f2fc84707c5b040c630e94129dd03e3b8393b6cd8f0fc5b9729564a95f64.jpg


jeez louiz doc……You don’t have to convince me. You’re goin get an aneurysm if you don’t stop with trying to revert us back to Zartushti.

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews…


Jens Holm

Its Brittish. Mont Python made it.

Clarence Spangle


Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect data. Several has been much bigger. Romans, Assyrians, Ottomans, Chinese, Mongols, Arabs and maybee Inkas too.

It was the Arabs which took over by Islam and made the strange mix making strange Leaders and not the Jews.

It seemes You dont know much about Abraham as well.

Jens Holm

Aegility might do it:)

Clarence Spangle

The Persian Empire was the greatest pagan empire in human history and they threw it all away because of your Abrahamic death cults from the Jews.


Europe also follows Abrahamc death cults of the jews no? Or you will only cherry pick on Iran now?

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a bitch member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.


Clarence Spangle

All of your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews…



yous a fraudster……see my reply above modr jende…….

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a bitch member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.



Oy oy!! Is someone putting a gun to your head and make you write drivel?

The Persian “empire” from start until we accepted Islam and made it our own was Zoroastrian. The first monotheistic religion in history, long before the first empire ever existed. You yarn to worship a d!ck or something? Be my guest.

Why am I replying to this guy? I must be crazy to reply to it. Dammit Garga, This one is not one of funny trolls like TizTeez. Reward yourself by blocking it [Done]

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a bitch member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.


Supreme Blyat

And I thought that monoteism was invented by Greek philosophers like Plato. Zoroastrian is relative common for New Age enthusiasts, having it in Twitter profile screams Hipster with a twist.


To be fair to the Iranians the 1979 Revolution was the result of decades under a CIA backed brutal dictator who was throwing lavish celebrations while the people were starving, as well as torture and execution by the scumbag’s ‘Savak’ secret police. All because Kikedom couldn’t stand the idea of Mossadegh doing what leaders are supposed to do, ensure the nation’s resources pay the locals first.

But yeah if they could pull out of the theology and become more secular like Lebanon while still keeping upright its middle finger at Kikedom that would be great.

Jens Holm

Iranians are nothing in this too.

Clarence Spangle

The Persian Empire was the greatest pagan empire in human history and they threw it all away because of your Abrahamic death cults from the Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2e72f2fc84707c5b040c630e94129dd03e3b8393b6cd8f0fc5b9729564a95f64.jpg


Mentioning ‘Pagan Persia’ reminded me of a rant I saw on MeWe about how the Abrahamic faiths destroyed Europe and the Americas starting with Christianity and setting the groundwork for the spineless masses without honor and courage that we see today in these regions.

The CIA run feminist movement took advantage of women’s grievances that was thousands of years in the making as a side effect of the Abrahamic mind virus. Pagans had a much more healthier system of recognizing men and women are different, but one sex was not more ‘better’ than the other.

Just as a 3-pin plug and a 3-pin socket are meant to be different, but both are needed for the appliance to work.

Iran was actually doing great as a secular society but then the bloody CIA interfered with Mossadegh and put in a brutal puppet dictator that left the Iranians little choice but to embrace the theology in 1979.

The world has had a lot of potential for a very different timeline that has gone to waste because of a hidden enemy that most have been brainwashed to call ‘anti-semite’ for mentioning them. Which is laughable because ‘semite’ = Arab

So the circus show carries on and all the informed and intelligent people can do is use their brains to take notes of the slow-motion disaster rather than contribute to building a better future. The more intelligent among us are also the wasted unused potential as being able to think for oneself these days is branded as ‘hate speech’.

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.



since the world would be happy to see the jews in palestine (and elsewhere as well) being on the extinct list, it will be required that turkey and iran join forces with the other goes without saying to get the result the world will applaud. a few minor obstacles in the way, idlib and isis, the kurds and the stolen oil but once those are settled the jews better pack their bags and be on their diaspora 2.0.

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a bitch member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.



Mentioning ‘Pagan Persia’ reminded me of a rant I saw on MeWe about how the Abrahamic faiths destroyed Europe and the Americas starting with Christianity and setting the groundwork for the spineless masses without honor and courage that we see today in these regions.

Iran was actually doing great as a secular society but then the bloody CIA interfered with Mossadegh and put in a brutal puppet dictator that left the Iranians little choice but to embrace the theology in 1979.

The world has had a lot of potential for a very different timeline that has gone to waste because of a hidden enemy that most have been brainwashed to call ‘anti-semite’ for mentioning them. Which is laughable because ‘semite’ = Arab

So the circus show carries on and all the informed and intelligent people can do is use their brains to take notes of the slow-motion disaster rather than contribute to building a better future. The more intelligent among us are also the wasted unused potential as being able to think for oneself these days is branded as ‘hate speech’.

Arch Bungle

Not very reassuring when your CRAM and Patriot air defense are fast asleep while Ansar Allah missiles and drones go whizzing by to Ras Tanura …

Clarence Spangle

Iranians threw away their empire when they deposed the Shah.

Ashok Varma

It is ancient history, get over it.

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Ashok Varma

Hitler was a Jew himself and an idiot. What kind of a retard would attack the USSR which was four times the strategic mass of Germany. It would be like the desperate Zionists attacking Iran.

Clarence Spangle


Jens Holm

Ha ha. There we go.

The Jews made You as an experiment and here You are in their version of egg.

johnny rotten

Nazism was the best false flag ever invented by the Jews, they financed Hitler and led him to fight for them, every war has always been a war of the bankers, and for the purposes achieved they sacrificed only a few of their co-religionists, then they inflated the numbers and stole Palestine, and still today there are idiots around who have not understood it.

Clarence Spangle

You’re cum drunk.


Jens Holm

Its Clarence Spangle. Only 2 legs are missing.

Jens Holm

Next time its not gold but zink.

Jens Holm

You have a hard time fighting that much all the time.

Mozart played piano from he was 4 yers old. He certainly go tired and not very old as well.

Arch Bungle

They had no empire under the Shah.

He was a puppet under the British.

The fool called himself King of Kings.

His actual title was “Slave of Kings”.

The Iranians reclaimed their Honor

When they booted the impostor out.

Clarence Spangle

Your homosexual Abrahamic death cults are from the Jews… Now, Turkey is a member of NATO instead of a greater PAGAN Persia.


Jens Holm

Ismail did it. Thats why there are so many restrictions in Islam. He could not behave and therefore all muslim children suffer by obeying any old ones.

Jens Holm

Too many loved opium as well.

Jens Holm

Iran by the son and father was no empire at all. Most things even was darker then now.


Gave you monotheism didn’t it?……here you are fucking refugee syrian and turkish boyz and complaining no?


oh yeah?……what about the euros who according to you, adopted your ‘death cult jewish Abrahamic religion’…..? or you ignore the european plight and just want to single out and cherry pick on Iran only? I bet your country is under full control of the Anglo-Zionists, but here you are nit picking Iran? a country which absolutely despises the Zionists.

Ashok Varma

The Houthis have done serious damage as oil prices are skyrocketing.

Clarence Spangle

“Looked at from this point of view the apparent insanity of our government’s foreign policy is revealed as a piece of shrewd calculating logic, put into effect in order to promote the Jéwish idea of a struggle for world-mastery.” ~ Mein Kampf, The Right to Self-Defense

Jens Holm

Those were the days. I have a scince book named “Geology from before the world was made”.

And where are the 1000 year Reich:) Marxisme by a Jew scientist at least was vandalizing many parts of the world in 74 years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae16702b8dbdc79c917e74bec96c1a55a6a150bbbf63bacb36e7716f567d58f7.jpg

Jens Holm

Thats not related. I makes more sense blaming my father for it.

But if You are worried go and get You a windmill or a solarpower facility. You can be shareholder too. It often pays off.

Try Vestas or Simens windpower and remeber to fill up a truck if Your intensions is to pay by rials, liras and for that matter dirham.


These B 52 H flights over ME and N. Europe are becoming tediously boring……yawn.

Clarence Spangle



What do you mean?

Supreme Blyat

What do you mean what do you mean Jewsus


FYI Jesus Christ was not a Jew, He was the Son of God…..God is not a Jew. Jesus Christ came to the Jews as a prophet with a divine origin.

Supreme Blyat

Jews Are Gods. And you shall obey too.


Jews are a speck of the dust in God’s eyes. Zionist Jews are a big zero before God.

Supreme Blyat

All Jews are Gods for you from now!


Jews are a speck of dust before God. How can a speck of dust be god?

Tommy Jensen

They are pre-stage exercises.


Pre stage to an embarrassing defeat, hence the country with the largest defense budget relies on 60 year old aircraft to project its power, because B1 and B2 are hangar queens.

Jens Holm

So why comment it:)


Why should I not comment. You Danes feel good about B-52s flying over Norway and stimulating an “attack” on Kaliningrad?

johnny rotten

Someone should tell the Yankees that their messages are ridiculous and out of date.

Clarence Spangle


Just Me

The monkeys are nicer looking, just saying!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Those chimps are probably part of the Oxford AstraZeneca mass euthanasia project. Some lucky human will be the first to get chimp flu.

Clarence Spangle

On the History tab of the Zika virus product page, it states, Source: “Blood from experimental forest sentinel Rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947.” Name of Depositer: J Casals, Rockefeller Foundation

AIDS is a hybrid of bovine leukemia and visna virus from sheep… like ebola, it was developed in Uganda during the reign of Idi Amin… by a company that was also manufacturing hepatitis B vaccines for the World Health Organization and still maintains a facility at Ft. Detrick. Gives a new wrinkle to the infamous “Raid on Entebbe” by the Israelis rescuing their weapon makers.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I can see a time coming soon when the U.S. deploys another 30, 000 troops upon Saudi soil to protect their American oil.

Clarence Spangle

Nobody is going to fight for Biden, except maybe this Ukrainian general . . .


Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think I just brought up some stomach acid.

Jens Holm

Biden try to show USA is back to normal according Europe as well. Fine with me. I still thing we should help them adding more to Our own defence, so USA has to pay less. I feel ashame. Our economy is no excuse.

We also gets a little more inflkuence by that. It sometimes is needed.

Simon Ndiritu

If the B-52s could intercept ballistic missiles or suicide drones, they could surely reassure the fairy Clown Princess MBS, but can they??.

chris chuba

Another $3M flushed down the toilet.

Why don’t the Gulf States and Israel pay for every other mission to reassure us that they appreciate our support or would that traumatize them?

Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon

is the ther of terrors paLLiAiting his chidrEN terrorists in the ME

Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon


Robert Ferrin

What a joke for if had been a real war they would have been shot down along with their escorts long before they ever put on a show just more endless propaganda for the mass’s and those sick upstairs.!!


Iran has better stuff than North Vietnam had in Operation Linebacker. B-52 is a heavy bomber but like every other component is a tool of which strengths and weaknesses. B-52’s strengths has the largest capacity bomb load of 30 tonnes or 6 x 5 tonne fully loaded transport trucks equivalent, larger than the Tu-95 Bear.

But this large load means its not an MiG-31.

Diversity quotas and homosexual deviants that are non-existent in Eurasia’s forces means the half the air force are made of milquetoast types who do not have the aggressiveness and physical and mental fortitude of the WW2, Korean, and Vietnam era generations of the US armed forces. The National Guard acting as Biden’s Praetorian Guard in DC are clearly shown in recent images to be overweight, poorly fed and are clearly not ready to fight even a short term conflict.

Also Iran has demonstrated it can despite sanctions put out advancements in technology:

” The challenge was to make a 2”x2” concrete cube with the highest possible compressive strength. Among the competitors at this internationally diverse school was a team from the University of Tehran. Jay takes up the story.

*”I designed a 2”x2” concrete cube with a compressive strength of 16,000 psi [pounds per square inch] at 28-days, a relatively high strength as standard concrete is on the order of 3,000 psi, typically. Now, The University of Tehran made several cubes between 50,000 to 60,000 psi, and possible stronger! I thought the aggregate to be made from quartz, and I also remember some steel fibers in the mix. These cubes exploded at failure, finally damaging the compression machine on the third or fourth cube (that machine was substantial, made for much larger samples). So, keep in mind this is unreinforced concrete (save the steel fibers) at an early age. Concrete becomes stronger, sometimes by orders of magnitude, over time. *

Jay Googled the sponsoring professor of the Iranian students, and found that he has an extensive resume in the fields of ultra high strength concrete and nuclear reactors. So it’s far from impossible that the Iranian nuclear industry has access to some pretty advanced technology in this area – and given the repeated threats to bomb nuclear installations, we can expect them to be well protected.”



These B-52’s will be destroyed on their bases in eastern Europe or Diego Garcia before they take off for strikes. Iran’s ballistic and cruise missiles can easily reach up to Poland if need be……No problem at all.


Russia also has that air-portable hypersonic killer converted from the Iskandar ballistic missile carried by the jet known to pose a direct threat to the SR-71 black bird.

This is what is called maximising weapon capabilities using present technology and points to the brilliance of Russian engineers.


And what they are more likely to use against a Deigo Garcia Base, that nuclear powered cruise missile that can stay in the air long enough for a round-the world trip. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9M730_Burevestnik


yeah better publicity for Russian weaponry…….but, Iran testing its own missiles daily against the most heavily defended Sawdi facilities……you paying attention?

Jim Allen

Tu-160 has the largest bomb capacity. World record holder, for that, it’s also the biggest, heaviest, and fastest strategic bomber. There is no analog. Tu-95 Bear is light on bomb load, next to the B-52. MiG-31 makes a good fighter escort for Tu-160. It’s fast enough the big bomber can’t outrun it.

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