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U.S. Forces Established New Base In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

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U.S. Forces Established New Base In Syria’s Deir Ezzor – Report

US forces, accompanied by Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) fighters, drive their armoured vehicles near the northern Syrian village of Darbasiyah, on the border with Turkey on April 28, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / DELIL SOULEIMAN

U.S. forces have established a new base in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on May 8.

According to the UK-based monitoring group, the new base was established near the town of al-Jazarat in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside. U.S. forces shipped loads of supplies to the new base over the last few days.

“More than 300 [supply] trucks entered Syria’s territory in the last few days and headed to the al-Omar oil fields in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, later a large number of these trucks headed to al-Jazarat,” the SOHR’s report reads.

The monitoring group also revealed that U.S. forces are currently working to expand their base in the al-Omar oil fields. Large reinforcements are reportedly being deployed in the base.

U.S. forces also sent reinforcements by air and land to their bases in al-Shaddadi and Qasrok in the countryside of al-Hasakah.

The U.S. is reportedly working to solidify its presence in northeast Syria. Last year, U.S. forces withdrew from bases in Aleppo and Raqqa to facilitate a Turkish attack on their ally, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The U.S. influence in the region shrunk as a result of this move.

Now, the U.S. appears to be worried by the growing presence of Russia and Syrian government forces in the northeast. Moscow and Damascus are not only deploying addition forces in the region, but also establishing strong relations with local tribes.


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Did the US convoy enter from Iraq? Iraqi complicity in the war against Syria has been a big part of the problem that needs to be corrected.


The U.S will not be your biggest problem if the IRGC sends forces to Daraa.


They’ve probably been there for years, and in Gaza as well. Are you stationed at one of the IDF Golan sites they hit hiding in your bunker?


I don’t hide in bunkers, when I get called into duty it means the real shit is starting so right now I’m on stand by. Regarding the IRGC, it seems the 4th brigade (Iran-led) is already there, so I expect things to escalate and the IDF to take action. Who knows? they might just get what they ask for.


I wish you Bitches would invade Lebanon again.

Traiano Welcome

That would certainly be entertaining …


To whom? I don’t think the Lebanese would be laughing, then again they can only blame themselves.

Swift Laggard II

never met a stup1d commentator like you who thinks war is a game. utter sh*t


Why are you crying bitch? you said Hezbollah won right? so you have nothing to be afraid of. We need to destroy them, whatever it takes.


I gave you a like, that will probably happen sooner or later.

John Wallace

So what unit are in. The ITD . Israeli Transvestite Division where all members are Iron Hard.


Probably nothing is going to happen for the time being.


They may deploy to Jordan as well along with 1/2 a dozen other regional coalition members in both Syria and Jordan using an already existing UN mandate to put together a clearing force that makes the one that overran the Golan in 73 that you almost lost to minor by comparison. So that there’s no question that you’ll lose if you provoke hostilities.

And your days of dishing it out but not getting it in return will be over. And you’ll be less inclined to continue committing war crimes and violating international law. And when you run to the US for help you’ll get none and no one else will help you either. Because you’ve burned all of your bridges and alienated the entire panet with your crimes and evil.

Traiano Welcome

IRGC has been in Lebanon for 40 years. Israel doesn’t seem to scare them much. I bet they’ll still be in Syria in 40 years.


Let’s see about it.

Traiano Welcome

I doubt Iraq can be blamed. They’re essentially a US occupied government right now. Besides, Iraqi fighters have assisted Syria at various times in their fight against ISIS.


Yes they are occupied,and what should happen in a occupied Country? RESISTANCE.

Traiano Welcome

And indeed that is what the Iraqi people are doing, looking at the daily rocketing of US bases and assets, IED strikes on US convoys etc.

It’s the State that is a US sock puppet though.

However, I do struggle to understand why the Iraqis don’t resist occupation the way the Viet did.


Syria east of the river would be controlled by the Syrian government if it wasn’t for Iraqi duplicity.

Pave Way IV

“More than 300 [supply] trucks entered Syria’s territory in the last few days…”

300? Do they really need that much razor wire and land mines for the future Palestinian homeland ‘resettlement camps’? Deal of the Century®

Xoli Xoli

Syria has no sovereignty anymore.Erdogan and Pompeo just do as their like.Erdigan flooded Syrian soil with diesel leaking military old outdated equipment. Erdogan built more then 50 bases in Syria.USA were expelled from Iraq but now are shifting military equipment to Syria. Deir Ezzor and everywhere there are USA,FRANCE and Britain bases.Putin send on rotational bases military equipment to Syria just for testing purposes.Everybody knows USA doesn’t have weapons testing ground except shooting ranges for small arms.Lavrov and Kerry agrement of Syria weapons testing ground and Putin closed door Meeting with Israel to test its advanced weaponry against Russian no longer in used air defence Systems of Syria has become true.Syrian and real allies are dying in this great betrayal Putin war who only claimed the importance of Erdogan,Satanyahu and Trump troops and artillery and existance.


Turn those bases into Dien Bien phu.

John Wallace

I think Khe Sanh was the US version but they didn’t get over run and withdrew after the North gave up so yeah Dien Bien phu would be the better version.

John Wallace

Now that is how the US withdraws from a theater. But ask anyone in the States , even those lying dying in the gutters of NY from this virus they will tell you Trump the hero pulled out of Syria so there are no US troops there and Trump did the best in the world to save the US from that virus . At least with Biden who thinks Hillary is his wife and knows how easy it is to make money in Ukraine even if he has to funnel it through his son the Deep State are off to unfetted war anywhere they want.


Just a shopping mall to robbed blind later………….. this one if funny.

Assad must stay

russia and SAA should surround the bases to prevent them from expanding, its the only way to stop them short from direct opening fire

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