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U.S. Forces Intercepted Russian Patrol Near Vital Crossing With Iraqi Kurdistan

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U.S. Forces Intercepted Russian Patrol Near Vital Crossing With Iraqi Kurdistan

US armored vehicles on the key M4 highway in Syria’s northeast, via AFP.

U.S. forces had prevented a patrol of the Russian Military Police from reaching the vital Simalka border crossing between northeastern Syria and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on July 16.

The Russian patrol consisting of six vehicles set off from al-Qamishli city in northern al-Hasakah. U.S troops stopped the patrol near the town of al-Malikiyah.

“[U.S. forces] cut the road again near the town of Sukhr Khaj and the junction of the town of Rubariyah … U.S. forces also deployed checkpoints on the road leading to the crossing,” the SOHR’s report reads.

Over the past few months, U.S. forces prevented a number of Russian patrols from reaching the Simalka border crossing and the oil-rich area of Rmelan.

Simalka is the main border crossing between northeastern Syria and Iraq. Most of the U.S.-led coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces’ supplies pass through this crossing. Logistic convoys enter the northeast across Simalka on a regular basis.

The U.S. is panicking over Russian growing influence in northeastern Syria. Washington is trying to restrict the movement of Russian forces in the region, especially in the northeastern countryside of al-Hasakah.


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Lone Ranger

Eventually the U.S. will go home same as in Nam. Without Turkish support they wont last and Turkey wont let the U.S. prepping up the Kurds. Idlib is getting smaller and smaller for jihadis, once they are gone Turkey and Russia will focus in the Kurdish area.

Fog of War

” Eventually the U.S. will go home same as in Nam. ”

Yes, we keep hearing that. How about a prediction on a date ?

Lone Ranger

Hard to predict. My opinion 1 year give or take.


Sadly the best chance would have been with the Donald, if Biden wins it will look even more dire. The both party establishment want to stay in Syira for Israel and Kurds, so a full withdrawel is even less likely than with Trump who is desperate to win and get at least some campaign promises done. Lets hope there will be a positive suprise before election, because ATM it looks like Trump is going to loose big time. A senile Biden will be like Regan, a puppet where the Dick Cheney tipes are the real rulers. And the neocons of both parties would surely prefer to burn down Syria before withdrawing even 1 soldier. We may even see a surge and even expanding of the footprint. Thats how fucked up it is in 2020 i fear..


Putin needs to give the order to his military,next time drive through or over those bastards,and if they have to Russia should beef up those armoured convoys.

Harry Smith

Why would Russia help Turkey to solve their problem with Kurds? The stronger SDF becomes the harder is pain in Erdogan’s ass.

Purple Toast

The SDF/PKK and other such ‘flavors’ are in secret cahoots with the fake Israelites occupying foreign land. They have planned to divide Syria. Some of them – Antifa trained – were recently deployed in Seattle USA among the BLM planned hoax false flag victimization to charge whites against blacks and vice-versa with the same population expel techniques practiced in NE Syria. “Divide to conquer”. I know their plans well.

Fog of War

Quite correct, things are very murky there. For one, Russia put itself in between the Turds and Turks to prevent Turkey from taking the Turds out. However, if Turkey would attack the Turds they would also go against their overlords, ZioAmerica. At that point, the Americans would have to retreat or face Turkey militarily, meaning, this would be the end of NATO. So in a way, Russia prevented NATO from disintegrating. Strange bedfellows ?

Ivan Freely

It’s really a balancing act. Russia is trying to make the best of this messy situation.

Fog of War

I dont see it that way. The greatest thing that could happen for Russia, Europe, and the rest of the world, is for NATO to turn on itself and collapse. Putin prevented this in that situation. Not only that, but Putin also prevents Syria from finishing the war while trying to remove Iran from Syria. He also most likely intervened there to prevent the Jihadis from winning and turning on Israhell. After all this time his actions are extremely suspicious.

Jim Allen

Not at all. Russia’s main interest is stopping WWIII from going hot. What you describe are not deliberate, simply how the cards lay. Russia isn’t preventing anyting with regards to Syria. Do you think Russia makes decisions in secret, or some shit ? Assad is on board with what’s happening, Iran as well, including Hezbollah, and now Iraq. This is an allied effort. The time, effort and US forces, terrorists, defense contractors are kept tied up in Syria. Costing The City of London big dollars. The forces tied up here, aren’t fighting on other fronts, and doing nothing here. Meanwhile, Russia has other fish to fry. Venezuela, Ukraine, it’s own issues, strengthing it’s capabilities, economically, militarily, not just for Russia, but Russian military hardware is in the highest demand of all countries in the world. It really is a balancing act. Russia has made a few blunders, but nothing like the blunders that it’s “partners” have made, and continue to make. Then there’s the right, and wrong thing. Russia is not wrong, Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iraq are not wrong. The West is totally wrong. Criminally wrong. US in the Middle East is outnumbered, outgunned, and running out of time. It’s been defeated once, and is halfway to another whuppin’. You don’t understand how things work, and unwilling to learn.

Fog of War

Thanks for your unsolicited OPINION. I dont need some redneck, truck hauling, ‘merikan insulting me here. Since you’re so intelligent please inform us on how you plan on salvaging your own nation. You cant even fly your beloved Confederate flag anymore, Yet you’re going to come here and lecture the rest of us ? GTFOH, as the Italians used to say.

Jim Allen

Opinion on public venues need not be solicited, Bozo. My comment is NOT opinion, it’s fact, and you need someone to teach you manners. Your country is no less oppressed than what was once USA. The opinions of pitiful trolls have no standing, or cash value. I own the truck, and owning a business is something beyond your capability, observing your comments, and snowflake response.. Your ad hominem is too poor to comment on. I’ll speak whenever it pleases me to do, Mr. Keyboard Kommando.

Brother Ma

The ihadis are also trained by the Israelis. What are you talking about. They apologise every time they sent a bullet accidentally into Israel.

Fog of War

That was just an ” alliance ” of opportunity. It wasnt going to last if the Jihadis took over all of Syria.

Brother Ma

Yes you are right but the damage was still done to Syria because of it. Israel the fools are worse off ,the jihadis have been moved on by the US and Israel to more fruitful warring areas -Libya- but Syria had innocents slaughtered.

God curse the US , Israel and all Salafist Moslem dogs.


That was a sound strategy years ago. But Erdogan changed the game and Putins strategy is now working against Russian and Syrian interests. Putins strategy only works if the other side acts at least somewhat civilized and able to uphold agreements. But this is Turkey and the middle east, and Erdogans strategy of always being more aggressive and bold has clearly allowed Turkey gains that noone could have believed to be true 1-2 years ago. Turkey is now in solid position in Idlib, and without direct Russian fire support and attacking of Turkish forces Idlib is lost and Jihadis protected. That is a sad fact and direct outcome of the Astana Idlib deals 2 years ago. In Putins defence one can say that he canged startegy at the start of 2020, but when 30+ Turks died in the Russian airstrike, understanably Putin deescalted in fear of a war between Russia and NATO (Turkey). So IMHO it is too late. Idlib has been lost for at least years, if not generations to come. Only if Turkey is pressured on some other front, is getting something else in exchange for Idlib, or pressured internally, this could change. That is the sad situation.


If i was Syrian there is no way i would accept those Turks taking Idlib,just look at Northern Cyprus,that can’t be tolerated in Syria,if Russia hadn’t had a ceasefire the SAA with their air support would have liberated it by now.

Jim Allen

Turkey’s position in Syria is far from solid. It’s forces are overextended, and without the wherewithal to sustain war for any length of time. Russia can strangle Turkey with a handful of sanctions, as Putin demonstrated a few years ago. Six weeks, and Erdogan was in the Kremlin begging Putin to relent. Not being a vindictive bitch Putin relented. Turkey’s pressing it’s luck with Russia again, and has no support from his NATO allies. Turkey is involved on three fronts. Syria, Libya, and Greece. Has Iran, and Iraq, on it’s borders along with Syria. Israel makes no impact, execpt to irritate the Syrians, and Iranians. As Russia has a good size number of its citizens living in Israel, it poses problems for Russia. Israeli talk is cheap it’s scared to death of Iran, and hated by it’s neighbors, and the world. But has fallen to US Government as being the most hated country on earth. Israel is now second most hated country on earth. Without US military protection, Israel would cease to exist, and may despite US military protection. Let Israel attack Iran, when it’s found to be responsible for these attacks on Iran, and it will, there will be a response, when Iran is good, and ready. Iran, not being a terrorist organization, and hasn’t attacked another country since since 1775 it’s leaders are not irrational fanatics, or Arabs. Decisions are considered, logical reasonable, and effective. Despite Western claims to the contrary. Iran is not some backwards Podunk 3rd world shithole country, either. It’s a modern highly industrialized, country and leaders in technology, both military, and commercial. A strong regional power, US military cannot defeat Iran in conventional war. Iran is not desert it’s Persia. Iran also hates US Government, and The City of London. It bears no ill will towards US citizens, for reasons you’ll probably never know. Iran has good reason for the attitude.

Brother Ma

Screw those Russian ciizens in Israel. They have allied themselves with Israel and most are in fact Jewish anyway.

Jim Allen

Not my opinion. Relating a stated Russian concern.


Well said.

Harry Smith

That doesn’t mean Russia must help Turkey solve their problems. Because strong Kurds state with access to the oil means future disintegration of Turkey. And if Kurds are some kind involved in BLM – that’s good, because you can’t endlessly pull the spring.

Brother Ma

Yes but it also makes it hard for the Syrians to kick out the K-turds as well.

Harry Smith

You can’t get everything at once.

Brother Ma

I can understand that .Good point.

Purple Toast

It’s a provocation game. Putin knows this. He’s playing the long game.

The Objective

Putin cannot win a shooting war in the middle east with even Turkey let alone America. They just don’t have the manpower. See what Turkish drones did to Syria’s pantsir sir defences. Drones!

Jim Allen

What ? You’re delusional. Why is it your hero’s attacked the Russians in Syria ? Because they can’t win a shooting war wit Russia. Iran either for that matter, and they know this fact. Turkey picked off a couple Panstir’s, but not when they were in operation, Turkey’s not that stupid. It caught them while they were in transit where any weapon is vulnerable. So, what ? Idiot, idiodic claims.

The Objective

Read this before shooting off with your mouth.


A country’s defense minister certainly has access to better intelligence than you and I combined. I hope the Russians on this forum don’t overhype the success of Russian weaponry as the Americans did and we’re humiliated later on. Russia’s weapons tech is not omnipotent.

Jim Allen

Your point ? Oh, wait… you have no point. Nowhere did I state Russia’s weapons tech is omnipotent, and I suppose you’re the head of US military intelligence, currently, no ? Information in my comment is from intelligence services, and are glaringly apparent fact. More than your indoctrinated mind can process apparently, preferring to parrot Western MSM.

The Objective

So yours is the true version of events? Well, one day these weapons will encounter one another in real battles and we’ll know the results. BTW, I want a link to your counter-MSM intelligence sources. That’s if you have one. I will read even if it’s in Russian. Otherwise your argument is dismissed for being subjective.

Jim Allen

Search it yourself, I had to. I’m not arguing anything, simply overstating the obvious. I also encourage you to believe what you wish, I’m not about to discourage a fool that’s determined to underestimate an opponent.


Russians have no business there, why do they need to be closer to Iraqi Kurdistan? it’s just looking for provocations.

Purple Toast

And do US Americans have any business there either? Oh, wait! Syria is now the 51st US State! Iraq is the 52nd US State. Right! Silly me, my my my… oh my. Hypocrites, liars and thieves plundering the Syrian/Iraqi oil…? I can go on if you wish. Do you? ;) Mazel tov! Todah rabah! Stolen oil for everyone around!


The Kurds asked the U.S to stay there, so yes, the Americans have business there.


The Kurds are not the Syrian state you TIT.

Brother Ma

Iron Dome has shown he has no reason nor logic. He will say whatever to support his own views of Jews being in Palestine.

Jim Allen

Bullshit the Kurds have no standing in Syria. And, you’re lying, US military is using the Kurds as it’s justification for staying, and using them as cannon fodder. You’re a fake, a terrorist supporter, and pretender.

Brother Ma

Why do we care what the Kurds say? They have no country there and no right to call America in.

Should the Turks in Gerrmany call in the USA to protect them from Germany ?


It is still a Kurdish territory in Syria LR, so the Kurds have a say if the U.S can stay or not.


Britain is the 51st State :)

itibi ra

Fake jews have no business in israhell Palestine.

Get out.


Where is Palestine? I missed it on the map.

Fog of War


itibi ra

It figures that you have no clue.

Leave now. Get out now. Run – like you did in Lebanon when you got your asses kicked. Want your ass to be bruised again? BTW, you’ll need new diapers.

John Wallace

Palestine is where your grandparents went and STOLE the land and property off Palestinians. If you learnt to read instead of stealing everything you would easily find it on any map.


What more do you expect of self-hating shunned Iraqi, treated as a second-class citizen in apartheid Israel?


You should be looking at the pre 1947 map,that was before you bastards wiped it off the map,your arrogance will be your downfall.


Iraqi Kurdistan is not a country, your getting ahead of your self, Iraq is the country forming the eastern border of Syria, yes Russia needs to be there.


When Iraq invites Russians there, then they can be there.

John Wallace

Syria has already invited Russia to be in Syria , unlike the US who just walk in and say we are here and now we are going to tell you what you can do in your own country.

Jim Allen

Iraq has. It’s also formed a military Alliance with Russia, and it’s Middle East neighbors, you idiot.

itibi ra

Israel is not a jewish state. In fact, it’s not even a state, since the jews have no state. You do not belong there, period and you have no say in the affairs of Palestine nor its people. It is stolen land from Palestine. So get out now. Leave.

Jim Allen

Oattitude.Oh, shut the fuck up stupid. The West, including that pussy Israel have no business in the Middle East, and most of the world. Yet has it’s treasonous nose stuck where it doesn’t belong anyway. US Government serves The City of London, not it’s own interests, including protecting Israel. Oh, Russia is present in Syria by invitation of the Syrian President. Russia is a long time ally of Syria, and Assad requested military assistance from Russia, Russia accecpted Syria’s request. That’s what Russia is doing in Syria. US Coalition are invaders determined to destroy Syria, overthrow it’s Government as it did in Libya. The Coalition has not succeeded, and is losing ground. It’s checkmate, US dare not attack Russia, or Iran. It’s stuck. Attempting to use nukes isn’t an option, this stupidity will destroy the West, and the world. Pitiful troll.

Brother Ma

Why are you Israel there?


Russians and Americans pretend to harrass each other but all they do is keeping Erdogan away. Turkey could reach the Syrian oil fields in matter of days if Americans would let them and that wouldn’t be good for Russia. So Russia doesn’t really want USA out of Syria for now.

Purple Toast

I wonder what would happen if Syrian troops would “patrol” some Florida oil fields to “protect the oil from ISIS” and prevented US Americans from even entering their own fields there… hummm… I wonder…

Fog of War

They would be promptly neutralized with absolutely no warning to ZioAmerica’s ” partners “.

The Objective

Foolish comment. Imagining the impossible

Purple Toast

They just act like spoiled brats?


No wonder Assad got the Iranians more involved and you can bet that Assad regrets allowing the Russians to make deals with the US/Turkey over Syrian sovereignty. Why the US/Turks haven’t been taken to the ICC/ICJ by Russia/Syria is a mystery.

Jim Allen

Assad does not. You are a fool.

Brother Ma

Us is not bound by international criminal court or so it keeps saying.

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