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U.S. Forces Once Again Block Russian Patrol Moving To Oil-Rich Area In Northeast Syria (Video)

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U.S. forces have prevented the Russian Military Police from reaching an oil-rich area in northeastern Syria for the third time this week.

According to several sources, a patrol of the Russian Military Police was moving on January 21 from the border city of Qamishli towards the area of Rmelan, where one of Syria’s biggest oil field is located. Several U.S. armored vehicles intercepted the patrol, blocking the M4 highway.

The Anadolu Agency’s reporter in northeastern al-Hasakah said that the situation didn’t escalate, as the Russian patrol returned to Qamishli after waiting for around an hour.

However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed that Russian and U.S. service members engaged in a brawl and went on to aim their rifles at each other. These claims are likely ordinary fake news.

On January 18 and 20, U.S. forces blocked two patrols by the Russian Military Police on the way to Rmelan.

Officials of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are working with both sides in northeast Syria, claimed that they helped de-escalate the incidents.

Russian forces have been dealing with these provocations with a high level of patient, most likely upon direct orders from their leadership. This could be related to Russia’s efforts to de-escalate tensions with the United States on the international level.

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Mehmet Aslanak

US has to steal oil to fund Kurdish communist guerilla. When peaceful Kurdish parties coalition (ENKS) takes the Rojava over from the communist guerilla (YPG/PYD/SDF/PKK/ALF/Blah blah….), there won’t be any need to steal oil. Turkey will open borders to trading for the Syrian border towns.


The USA doesnt need the oil to fund the commie Kurdz. US just wants to deny Syria their own resources, to prevent rebuilding. Keeping Syria in a state of war for as long as possible was the contingency plan if installing a puppet regime failed. It’s part and parcel of a theater-wide policy of disrupting the adversaries of the United States of Israel.


How long the US can preserve this situation? A few years ago it would have been impossible that US forces meet with Russian patrols in these areas of Syria and now, these scenarios are more and more often.

Jens Holm

Its no question of can but about will.

The lines between Russia and USA avoiding confrontations has been there since Russians arrived and has been respected.

Because of the Trump retreat the borderline between them is just moved.


So they must also stay in Iraq for the same reason huh? Please cut that propaganda nonsense! That’s propaganda they told you in Western MSM news surely…. Ask the Kurds if they need that money or not. And listen what they will tell you instead of talking propaganda. What do you think is heroin in Afghanistan for? And oil in Syria , Libya and Iraq ? From US perspective they are used when possible to finance their endless wars and their global stooges or make profit their favorite corporations. Iraq is full of foreign corporations and don’t you think they didn’t think already how to use Syrian oil to their advantage? So cut that Trump bullshit explanation please! When was US refusing robbing other countries out of their income to finance their global terrorism and their own terrorists? Never! US are CRIMINALS and THIEVES !


Securing oil was a main objective of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but since then, it’s shifted away from that. The long-term aim of the FUKUS/Globohomo alliance is to isolate non-aligned nations . The US remaining in Iraq and Afghanistan is pursuant to that objective.Continued US presence in Iraq offers a base to destabilize Iran and Syria, and to interdict supplies to Hezbollah, a contingency deemed necessary once the attempt at bringing post-Saddam Iraq into the FUKUS orbit failed. The mineral wealth of Afghanistan is a bonus goal for FUKUS, but the more salient reasons for the continued presence there is to destabilize Iran and attempt to spread western liberal values into the underbelly of Asia to pave the way for more infuence.

The ultimate goal of FUKUS/Globohomo’s middle-eastern misadventure is, aside from securing the jewish pirate state, to put Russia under the same state of seige that Iran is being afflicted with.


I am tired of that boring useless lecturing. Everybody knows those bollocks you just have explained to me… But they were not really the subject… Instead you could have explained why is US already 20 years in heroin business in Afghanistan? And what are those oil corporations (Exxon,BP etc..) doing in Iraq? A site seeing maybe? Why were Saudi’s (and few US corporations as well) in US-Kurd Syrian area to see oil wells if the oil is not income for the Kurds?

And if you are so much out of touch with reality that Kurds are not interested in Syrian oil when even fucking birds know that Turkey was ILLEGALLY buying that oil from Kurds than how can I explain that to you? So why are you insisting on geopolitics theories and avoid to see the banal EXTRA VISIBLE reality of the situation? Because you believe Western MSM RUBBISH that “US has oil & gas” thus doesn’t need them… That is total nonsense ! Because they pay EVERYWHERE their proxy stooges, terrorists either with the drugs (heroin) money or stolen oil money! And Kurds ALSO are paid that way !!!


The USA has been fighting a war for the last 19 years in Afghanistan and it certainly isn’t because of Afghanistan’s oil or poppies. Synthetic opioids and fracking have shifted the resource focus away from the middle-east.

Raging on about heroin like it’s some critical resource worth going to war over today, when the bulk of the problem is synthetic opioids shows that you’re thinking about this issue like it was the year 1910.

Competition for resources matter, but resources are a means to an end; the end goal for the US-centered alliance being global dominance.

With fracking, he USA is a net exporter of oil, so oil in Syraq is of far less importance to the USA than it was 15 years ago.

That is not to say that not a factor keeping the USA in Syraq, but it’s not the primary one.

Your theories about “it’s all about muh oil and muh heroin, man” are archaic and obsolete. You’re basically trying to understand today’s wars looking through a marxist lens that’s a hundred years old and no longer applies the way it used to.

Jens Holm

I allow me to agree in most of it even its very biased. Unfortunatlý You forget, that growing of drugs has spread a lot and not only in Afghanistan.

The chemical production of other kinds of drugs has spread too.


I never have said those things you put in my mouth…you have completely missed my point about war as RACKET and US as COMMON THIEVES of resources that use ANY criminal methods at their disposal! You white wash those US war CRIMINALS either as “useful idiot” or as shrewd operator who persistently push U.S. criminal methods and interest’s and covers their crimes. You literally twist everything to make “proof” out of it. That works quite well with majority of people here unfortunately. US didn’t go to Afgahnistan to start heroin smuggling as main motive (that is for them just important supplement activity) And yes, they did come because of huge mineral richness (“rare earth” materials among may other)and because geo-strategic objectives . And yes they use HEROIN smuggling as source of income to finance many things!

And you keep lecturing about OBVIOUS things like for example US quest for ” global dominance” that absolutely everybody knows.

“Your theories about “it’s all about muh oil and muh heroin, man” are archaic and obsolete”

I think that you are paid US troll !

Albert Pike

Good fight – you two, nice to read.

Jens Holm

I am sure a lot are very tired of no learners like You too.

Why dont You pokking dont look up what pokking those companies do in Iraq.


USA and others protect and try to control we get oil from there. And here USA is only 17% user.

Owners: BP Royal Dutch Shell ExxonMobil Total S.A. Partex. Before that it was owned by the Turkish(Osmannic) Company. You with every right can say, that the winners of WW1 took it but not from the locals.

For the locals oil hardly was for lamps. They were not able to and not even interested in taking up oil. It was as in Baku, where Nobels took up most of it by their innovation. Here You can add Texas in USA and Iran and Saudia Arabia.

The locals did nothing apart from expecting some pay for the local upperclass.


It is not true anything you say you NATO simpleton! I will not lose my time on you.

Jens Holm

Itake it again. USA try stop all oil and fuel to and from Assads. They has done that for years. They dont steal that little oil and certainly not from a far away corner of Syria even Chairman Assads tells You…

And dont Nato me as Dane. We are asked in by the Bagdad Goverment helping the New Bagdad forces to be a real army again as well as fighting ISIS and by that are united in the Cialision with the Bagdad Goverment.

We even pay for educating them and take care of a radar paying 50 million dollars as help for 2019.


A dozen countries not involved in combat operations still contribute to Capacity Building Mission Iraq effort in Iraq. Those who have announced their participation in the program, which trains Iraqi security forces, include the United States, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovenia,[26] Spain, and the United Kingdom. As a result of the BPC program, nearly 6,500 Iraqi forces completed training, with approximately 4,500 currently in training.[27]

Source fx wikipedia and for 2014. Do we have to spell it in LEGO for it and add some WINDTUBINES to make electricity in Your brain for it.

Jens Holm

Thats partly correct but also very biased.

Jens Holm

USA only buy – BUY – 17% of the oil from Iraq. Both Vhina and India buyes more.

Syria hardly has any oil according tó the amounts for Iraq.

The Iraqian oil is owned by the big western companies, but they do pay a lot of tax and give jobs.

Jens Holm

There we go again. Using facts is not even and option for at least 2 of You.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Bingo. The sole purpose of American presence in the Middle East is to create a military web guarding Israel and being in between them and their neighbors.

Harry Smith

Don’t forget that we passed peak of oil. Fracking slowly goes down and oil will be the resource to fight. How could USA protect Israel with bases in Venezuela?

Jens Holm

Trump probatly will replace Syrians with Mexicans and all in ME soon after that will grow cactus for tequila.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

US presence in the ME is for Israel. The Venezuela issue is just pure imperialism.

Harry Smith

There is another point of view. Some wise people say that part of the USA elites are evangelicals. And those together with messianic Jews want to create the Great Israel. Evangelicals believe that in case of Great Israel they will be “raptured” to the heavens while Jews will rule the Earth for 1000 years. So both allies have to secure 2 strategic foundations. 1. Israel has to be the only nuclear power in the Middle East. 2. The mutual destruction of other nuclear powers at the Earth.

To get more information about the point of view presented here 2 possible google searches: Evangelicals rapture Pax Judeica

Jacob Wohl's Nose

brainwashed evangelists that think they must die and burn the world for the sake of Israel, even though in the Jew’s ancient texts it clearly states “there shall be no Israel until the Messiah comes”

Harry Smith

In the Apocalypse said that Jesus the Christ will rule with saints for 1000 years. So evangelicals and not evangelists combined (with huge help of messianic Jews) this prophecy with the prophecies of Isaiah and got a very interesting picture.

Evangelicals think that Jesus the Christ will return to the Earth not for the final judgement but for ruling with righteous for the 1000 years and those righteous will be Jews. While evangelicals will be raptured to the heavens and will wait in paradise for the final judgment.

Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah and He will return to the Earth to fulfill the Isaiah prophecy about Great Israel which will rule the mankind from Jerusalem.

And as their messiah has to rule using the power of Israel state, they have to secure Israel by neutralizing it’s enemies around and give to the state of Israel the indisputable world power by taking out of the game other nuclear states.

I do understand that it sounds crazy, but just google for “evangelicals rapture” and “Pax Judeica”. The are a lot of people who believes in it.


I wish just once they wouldn’t “guard” us and give us a free hand with full poliical back up at the UN to do whatever we want to our enemies. How’s that? If it was up to me I’d order the IDF to slaughter all the terrorists in Gaza in less than a day.


hush juden vermin…

Jens Holm

People like You are the reason for we invented DDT.

Jens Holm

Maybee You could have some of their many spendable children and use them for Bonzai lessons.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Flattening Gaza city alone wont solve your problems and defeat them all. Look at Stalingrad, 100% of the entire city was razed to the ground by millions of pounds of German Artillery/Bombs/and mortars. Not a single building left standing intact. And yet the Russias were still able to hold out inside the city underground, inside destroyed buildings and in trenches. And they drove out the Germans.

Jens Holm

You must be a gorilla Yourself.

ENKS hardly has any support in Syria. It seemes You know nothing about it, but I have found this link for You:


Mehmet Aslanak

This is old. Currently Erdogan & Barzani pours money for ENKS in order to overthrow communists Kurds.

Jens Holm

Yes. Erdogan use any method to legalize the taking. It is true Barzanis and the PYD kurds disagree a lot and by that has killed each other.

But facts also are, that if Barzanis took over northern Syria, the kurds would be the only deiders and rulers and would not care for and include the rest.

Thats very wrong. Kurds are not even a majority in the “Rojava”. Doing that is exact the same as AKP does in Turkey, Assads pretend for Syria and Shiits do for Iraq. By that Kurds would be the exact same low level.

SDFs in their plan includes all in all loca lparlaments in %. Well, that WAS their intensions. 2 millions Kurds should not run 2,5 million mainly arabs.

Mehmet Aslanak

You probably are not allowed to learn that Afrin city council is 9 Kurds & 1 arab, because Erdogan & his jihadists don’t think to change demographics of the region. They just want peaceful Kurds, not hostile commies.

Jens Holm

Peoplle from outside Afrin has many good sources for, whats going on and not going on there.

This is one example of many:


Mehmet Aslanak

That’s an excellent document, thank you. Actually it confirms what I said, Afrin belongs to the Kurdish majority. Erdogan & his jihadists respect that fact. “Powerless” comment is belong to the author who certainly has a right to add his opinion. At least borders are open & trading is allowed with peaceful Kurdish council. Do you think Afrin will be very powerful when communist guerilla in councils & but border gates were all sealed?


It will be resolved.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia should just drive through, and shoot straight and fast should any US personnel try to stop them. Giving in to bullies is a bad idea, giving in to the US will make matters worse, and after all, the US are there illegally.

Concrete Mike

I will kindly disagree, last thing you want to do is give usa an excuse to come back in guns a blazin. Remember when usa was pulling out of manbijj, isis convinently bombed some cia agents?

And voila usa pullout interrupted. Never put it past these fuckers to turn it all on its head if it gives them an excuse for more boots on the ground. Thats what is desired.


You are the voice of reason again, Mike.

Why is it that so many consider the violent Knee Jerk reaction to be a wise reaction?




If US come “guns a blazin” against Russian soldiers they will receive adequate response. I don’t think that Russia and her soldiers can be treated like that by anybody.

So what is to be done? Because if they did it again,they have no reason not to repeat it many times.. Until situation becomes totally humiliating and absurd.

Unless all this is just US PR stunt propaganda that didn’t happen since there is no video proof..

Jens Holm

Russians are not treated as anybody.

Your name is Propagandalf:)


Your name is another NATO PIG on duty.


moron too much….

Jens Holm

It write facts. Facts are the border to the new american zone seemes to be decided by the Anericans.

I and You can have different or same oppinions about it. Thats oppinions an maybee not facts or hopes or wished as You and I hope or wish.

When I read, I often reflect: Why did they get countries at all. Do they know what it is.

Its like having a lott of kacling little roosters and I wish them killed and enjoy hens and eggs.

Jim Allen

Maybe your own set of facts. Actual facts ? Not so much. All the knee-jerk reactions are comments made by those that do not understand war. Russia has been making US/NATO exasperated, simply by refusing to amuse their Western desire for war. US has been escalating their provocations. Trump has used every means, and methods to anger Russia goading it to attack. The Bear is not impressed, and remains unmoved. Putin’s cool, confident total badass demeanor, and his trademark one-off smirk, and single word (Nyet) drives the arrogant sociopaths to rage, the bluff, bluster, with even more, and bigger threats, taking actions that place higher risk to their forces, raises tensions beyond. Well into the range of Western forces, already aware they’re facing an opponent they are unable to cope with will blunder. Russia’s just pressing, a little, poking to get reaction. War is as Psychological as it is fighting. There’s the fact wars are not won on the battlefield, but over the negotiating table. Meanwhile, Russia is stocking up munitions, particularly the munitions that are so new Russia simply had time to manufacture adequate quantity. A new ship, or submarine enters service every month, or so, large numbers of intensely upgraded aircraft return to service, and new planes being built. Armor, transport, logistics, missile defense systems, (integrated in Russian military’s hands, and Syrian air defense forces. Other export models are not. Russia is preparing to take action of Some kind.

Harry Smith

I will kindly disagree, last thing you want to do is give usa an excuse to come back in guns a blazin

Missiles strike on USA bases in Iraq showed that USA has no balls neither capabilities to start the real battle. At my point, if any firefight happens it could hit Trump while he is in the process of impeachment. And Trump’s reaction is unpredictable even for Trump himself. It’s kinda dealing with a monkey which holds a hand grenade.

John Wallace

Missiles strike on USA bases in Iraq showed that USA has no balls neither capabilities

Those missiles were a message o Trump. He understodd that in order to prevent thousands and thousands of US casualties he had to go nuclear against the well hidden and well protected tens of thousands of Iranian missiles capable of wiping out all American bases within 2000km plus Israel , Saudi Arabia ,Quatar and UAE. That would have resulted in a massive multiple country war that would have crashed the worlds economy and resulted in millions of deaths. Go back and watch his speech he gave the next morning with news eyes and understand that he realised how close he had come to pushing the big red button. Either he decided not to or he was TOLD you are not going too.. Sometimes it take bigger balls to walk away.

Jens Holm

Comic Ali was funny.

John Wallace

Are you trying to say Chemical Ali which doesn’t make sense either but … ???

Jens Holm

Your text is a joke but not funny.

Harry Smith

It’s better to see the gap which can save a lot of words. I think it’s not Trump who understood, but some big guys very clearly explained to Trump the consequences. Any serious conflict means crush on the USA debt market which can end USA economy in several weeks. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c69d5e2b0bb20f1420838e4f6341049d7cb6b0872562d6d1493caefcddfb5ad.jpg

John Wallace

Yes I think more likely told as his business ego tells him he must win at all costs which is not the way for International Relations. Yes share markets all around the world dropped and gold and silver jumped and had he continued they would have plummeted , nose dived or rocketed in the case of Au , Ag

Jens Holm

If You need a job, I will recommend You to any enemy of mine.

Albert Pike

There is no real impeachment – there is just a psyop called impeachment…

Harry Smith

Yep, but psyop against psychologically unstable person can bring awful results.

Albert Pike

Same people say every murderer is an unstable person. Since all presidents since Kennedy were murderers, Trump isn’t more unstable as all his for- runners. Anyway since Ronald Reagan the presidents are also trained actors, even get their own mentioning at IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0874339/ Therefore making it difficult to differentiate between phases of acting and being president – in fact, nobody knows which is which.

Most likely they saw how long and well it worked with Fidel Castro: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004242/ and therefore we will see much more of this pattern in future…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US aren’t looking for reasons, they already stated they are there for the oil.

Did the US retaliate against Iranian missiles?

Sometimes, you need to remind them that there troops aren’t that good, and then they remember that.


Nobody, but nobody, in their right mind would mess around with the the Russian MP. Its shows how disciplined the MP are not to be drawn into a mindless provocation. When they want to they will deal with the momma’s boys.

Jens Holm

Yes, nothing is “just”.

Jens Holm

Nothimg is just there.

Xoli Xoli

Remember Astana de-escalation zone proposal have settled non invited Turkey and USANATO in Syria.The enemies are in confine de escalation zone which their are systematically expanding.Russia must know put it in detail that de-escalation zone does not prohibit Russia from fulfilling it legitimate request from a legitimate government to help recover its territory.

Jens Holm

At least someone remember parts of reasons for, whats happening + + +.


The U.S are the owners in the SDF areas, Russia better find another place.

Concrete Mike

Syria owns all of syria you fucken twit!

Stay home and mind your own goddamned business for once, quit being so nosy!


Syria owns what Russia wants them to own, simple as that. They lost the oil fields in the war just like they lost the Golan to us.

Jens Holm

Ha ha. Funy version. Thank You. Reading here I need laughs.

Jens Holm

Syria never has been owned by all Syrians and Allah send them Assads, because they had to be punished.


Squatters more like they have no rights under any law. Eventually US will have to leave Syria

Jens Holm

Kaffir beduins like You should take Your Baktrian camels and go home – If You know where that is.


I’d say they don’t “own” anything, they merely, opportunistically forced themselves uninvited upon an exhausted, much weaker and unwilling country that they also happened to have tried hard to destroy beforehand, now they cling on whatever remains of a costly and strategically clumsy residual military posture and presence. Trump’s incoherent thinking and U-turns further harmed the little leverage the US had, hence we see them resorting to the cheapest unprofessional and irresponsible pot shots at the Russian military there. What are they trying to provoke exactly ? an armed standoff with the biggest military they ever had to face in the whole history of the US armed forces ? manage to break what wise leaders carefully avoided for 50 years of Cold War ? honestly speaking, if anything, their whole actions seem to be quite chaotic and don’t amount to a calculated strategy anymore as they once did during the regime change approach when Russian hadn’t intervened yet. They simply don’t know what to do anymore, other than to be a maximum nuisance to Syria’s reconstruction.


gryzor, I think the borders are very clear. There is no Syria anymore, there is the Russian areas and the U.S areas. If Russia wanna enter SDF areas that’s fine, but the U.S and their Kurdish allies have the last say about where they should go. The SAA doesn’t call the shots anymore there, even if they think they do.


I’d rather say that there is no “recognized Syria” anymore because its central government has lost the ability to respond, it is different than to say it is “not Syria” anymore, wording matters. And since the US happens to be the world’s standing superpower, Damascus cannot, specially in its current dire condition, even remotely hope to ask its legitimate borders and territory back.

Following the same rationale, we could as well be saying that there is no Israel either, since their continued existence in the region (at least as a hegemon doing whatever it wants with its neighbors whenever it pleases a given cabinet) depends essentially on US diplomatic cover, military aid and unconditional, absolute support in any prospective stand-off with foes that could damage it like Iran , and they handle the rest on their own. Rip the US out of the equation economically and militarily, and all of a sudden everything changes, Israel’s military machine become a shadow of its current self in a matter of few years at most. Pretty much exactly like Syria and Russia, in terms of relationship, the two pair are structurally close in their respective bonds. Russia leaves tomorrow, Syria is up for western and jihadi grabs again the day after, quite literally, you’d see chemical false flags following by a massive air campaign and then a resurgence of “resistance mouvement” everywhere starting from Idlib.

Plus, I don’t see the US trying to get back where the Russians have set foot every since Trump’s partial/temporary/whatever pullout he decided a month ago from the northern regions in favor of a Turkish invasion, so I wouldn’t yet say who has the last word on this or that. They are playing a very dangerous game here angering the Russian bear in what it now considers its turf, mark my words, wait & see… and i’m not sure I wanna see what’s ahead anymore.


We both know the U.S and Russia won’t go to a war over Syria. The two sides know it would be a lose-lose situation, but why would the U.S troops let the Russian army move freely in Syria? it’s against their interests. Plus, it’s not like the SDF loves Russia or the SAA, they need them to counter Turkey since the U.S won’t go againt a NATO ally. It’s just politics, don’t think for a second the Kurds want Assad back.


You mean why would the US decide anything that happens on the ground for Russia, considering it overtly tried to destroy this country, and still pretty much indirectly continues to prevent its reconstruction through massive sanctions and military occupation, after years of having tried to disintegrate it through the help of GCC states and their Sunni extremist militia proxies ? My answer is : because all of what I said. The US struck Syria, and now occupies it and pillages its oils fields with its POTUS claiming it almost weekly with pride, like a bandit. By contrast, Moscow was officially invited by the central Syrian government to come and rescue them. Now of course they also care about their interests and bargain Syrian lands when it suits them, for instance with Turkey.

Now you can say or think what you may about them, but objectively, and factually, in this affair Russia was on the better side of history and prevented Syria from becoming another jihadist hub à la Afghanistan, whereas the US, just like in Afghanistan and Iraq, acted in a completely shortsighted, irresponsible and reckless way that provoked the fall of the state fabric and its institutions all the way down to warlords struggling for power while grabbing the pieces.

Now of course Assad is also a bloody tyrant , I won’t ever be one for supporting the Baathist anywhere they rule or ruled. But to choose between one more jihadistan, my choice is easily made, I want secular structures wherever they can stand as an alternative to Shariah law in this dreaded region.

The question is : why would the Syrians and their ally Russia let the US move its oil convoy freely steal the country’s national ressources ? it doesn’t even make basic sense.

Jens Holm

Accirding to the different backups for uprise as well as local selfrule by Kurds and later SDF, there was no Syria as a one country.

It was a private property owned by the Baathist. Now most of it is an amputated Russian affiliate.


Just as the US of A is a private entity owned by its financial establishment and military-industrial complex calling the shots on who gets what. On that definition we agree. And no mater the regile in place, no matter how bad the Baathists can be in their own country,they are still Syrians and only the Syrians and Syrian kurds themselves can take on them.Not some opportunistic thieves coming from outside and taking their oil and lands for themselves while the whoe peomle are weakened and cannot fight back at the moment. Occupation and pillaging will never be an excuse. But of course I don’t expect simpletons such as yourself to understand a bit of that.

Jens Holm

Yes, they have no choise.

Wayne Nicholson

Lets just wait and see how this all turns out. In 2015 the US said Assad must go and was ready to impose a no fly zone over Syria. ISIS controlled much of the country. Isis was exporting oil to Turkey in the open in front of the US coalition and the white helmets were treated like movie stars. Syria was on it’s last legs

Today Assad is firmly in power and the SAA is steadily gaining ground in Idlib. The Turkish rat line from Libya is now running in reverse …. Turkey has given up on Syria and is pulling it’s “moderate rebels” out. Most of Syrian air space is controlled by the Russians. The US coalition has all but evaporated. Iraq is

Wayne Nicholson

The Russians don’t care. Time is on their side. They aren’t going to risk spending a dime to drive down a road the Americans think they own.

The USA is going to get booted out of Iraq. If they don’t leave the cost of operating in Syria while fighting an insurgency will make the whole Syria project untenable.

Kurdistan will never be a state unless the US puts them on the welfare roll courtesy US taxpayer … it’s completely landlocked without a friendly country to allow an an air corridor.

How is the USA going to get “kurdish’ oil out of Syria if iraq decides they want the US out? Turkey? …. allowing oil exports to benefit the kurds? Armed convoys through Iraq? It would be cheaper just to give them the cash.

Aside from that how are they going to get contractors into Syria to repair and re-develop the oil fields after the assassination of Soleimani? No one is going to insure a contractor going into an active war zone. Again it would be cheaper just to give the Kurds cash.

The whole idea of ‘guarding the oil”is just Donald Trump playing dog in the manger. it’s a childish idea that was never thought through.

Jens Holm

Three things. SDFs as the onl ones has(had) a devellopment plan for the SDF area 2) Many countries actually are landlocked and doing fine and 3) If You look at the ownership of the oil in Syria only 50% is by Syria and Assad. Tey even are owned by China and India as well.

Some backyard thinking also see those companies are in Iraq as well, so I see those might like to connect to Iraq, take oil by that (and maybee or not) pay Assads half of the profit.


USA by that could act as protector but not owner.

Wayne Nicholson

“SDFs as the onl ones has(had) a devellopment plan for the SDF area”

That’s ridiculous. Those oil fields were developed and producing oil and gas long before the Syrian war.

“2) Many countries actually are landlocked and doing fine”

Yes but are those countries surrounded by Turkey, Iraq and Iran who have no intention of supporting the Kurdish state? Every landlocked country has friendly relations with at least one neighbour. Tell me which of the Kurds neighbors would allow overflights or a port. Do you expect the Kurds to live in the Syrian desert and eat oil?

The Turks consider the SDF terrorists. Is the USA going to stay in landlocked Kurdistan forever protecting the Kurds from the Turks? Kurdistan is a pipe dream.

“3) If You look at the ownership of the oil in Syria only 50% is by Syria and Assad. They even are owned by China and India as well.”

They are DEVELOPED by China and India. Syria gets royalties from them for the right to develop their oil fields. Is the USA paying Syria royalties?

“Some backyard thinking also see those companies are in Iraq as well, so I see those might like to connect to Iraq, take oil by that (and maybee or not) pay Assads half of the profit”

The USA just killed 40 or so iraqi soldiers with air strikes. They voted to kick the Americans out of the country and the US embassy is now a fortress guarded by a thousand or so marines and airborne troops. Iraq supports Assad.

How on earth do you see the iraqi’s supporting oil transmission through their territory?

Jens Holm

USA is not owners. They were protecters until they partly left.

Jens Holm

Yes, and me too. Syria and Russia also could share Turkey. Russians always has wished themselves having Konstantinopel.

Tudor Miron

Simply compare the area of those US “owned” areas 6 months ago and now. Shrinkage :)


Put the mines and IED’s against those PIGS ! Kill them all ! KILL those bastards!

Jens Holm

Comments like that are so funny. You have so many unrelaitic wishes. Even pigs were more clever then You and left.



Jens Holm

Pigs has made complaints about You in UN. They want their country back. Go some where else. Become Beduins again or something.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

What is the point of this? Russia should just use those BTR-82 to smash on through their trucks and be on their way. Even better, take helicopters or detours. If the Americans dare to fire on them, then use those 30mm cannons to chew them up :)

In all honesty, I can’t wait to see a video of Russian Military police kicking little american punk troops asses. US troops losing in a fist fight will make them call for air support ??

Assad must stay

Me too man, I am so done with russia allowing US and pissrael to do whatever they want whenever they want

Rhodium 10

SDF want the Russian to take control of that zone…for many reasons: 1º to stop the Turks in their desire to expand…2º to avoid conflict between SDF and SAA…3º To defeat ISIS!… while USA its no longer a reliable ally: 1º Didnt stop Turks ( NATO Ally)…..2º have promoted conflict between SDF and SAA…3º Have helped ISIS& Al Qaeda vs SAA under cover!….

You can call me Al

So let the SDF take the Yanks out.


If paid very well I am sure that they would do it. As long as they can accuse somebody else anything is acceptable for those two faced scum…

Jens Holm

SDFs dont want that at all. They want Turks out of Syria as well as local selfrule.

You only talk enemy talk about them.

Damien C

The Russians have to park up and wait, they’re trying to play the role of a peace-maker for the local indigeous population, for the geo-political stage and the international stage. Of course the U.S is going to sulk and make life difficult it is what they do best aside from destroying lifes and material.

Those wanting a barrel run by the Russian patrol against a U.S checkpoint need to take a few things into consideration. 1) The Russian vehicles are ligher protected than the U.S vehicles blocking the road 2) The U.S carefully picked the spot for the checkpoint to favour them 3) The U.S probably would fire on a Russian patrol because they know Russia don’t have the forces in sufficient numbers or materials to retaliate to an attack by U.S forces 4) The only response would be a Russian protest and a U.S half hearted apology making the Russians looking weak and spineless and the U.S like the dog with the big-dick. People need to remember how the western media ran stories of 300-500 Russians wiped out by 12 US marines at Khasham. Just imagine what they would gloat about if actual Russian troops were killed by the oil thieves


Putin´s failure.

Jens Holm

I think Putin has no choise. They has to fill the gab as well as it goes. Russians dont care about some Syrian outskirts apart from,they are promised to be paid for militar and food help for oil.

Yes, its a very big job for Putin. Can they effort it ?

Jens Holm

Its not a matter of that at all but a political one.

John Wallace

30 US servicemen involved in the brawl claim the Russians had an unfair advantage, there were two of them.

You can call me Al

LOL, but probably true nowadays. “They hoodwinked us when we were putting our skirts and make-up on” says Sergeant Billy Bob III Jr.

Jens Holm

It doesnt matter if there was only 2 and they were in coffins on wheels.

John Wallace

vittighed Jens now laugh instead of stupid comment.

Jens Holm

All right – ha ha – ha ha.

And another one for the heroes: Russians are sober, because their airplanes and helicopters in Syria has to be vodka hangovers to give the Jihadist headache.

Russians also store Armata tanks in their banks instead of gold. Thats why we dont see all 7 of them :)

John Wallace

I used to think it was an English translation problem as to why many comments were non sensical. Now I see you are trangentially abstract and totally fucked in the head maybe from excessive use of LSD or you were dropped on your head as a baby.


moron much…….

Jens Holm

I dont see that. Its aböut making a new non fighting line. Russians are not there for attacking Americans at all even cute little morons like You hope so.

You can call me Al

Well fucking kill the Yanks then, enough of pandering to the evil.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. And they will sit on their hands waiting for You being too scared to run away.

Some might conclude that in ME too many by cousin marrigages has replaced the importance of brains and mouths. Darwin was in Lebanon too and descriebed why Hesbollas in next generation will be bporn with only one leg.


Assad has to attack Yanks to get oil wells from Yanks otherwise he will starve. , but hey, it is easier to bomb people in Idlib together with Russians and send some hundreds of thousands as refugees to some other countries.


The best thing the Russian patrol should do is set up a camp at the very site the US blocks them. Set up tents, latrines, sand bags and plan to stay there indefinitely. Bring in supplies, mess hall, command structure, and block the road going the other direction. Set up as many of these camps as the US blocks the way. Tie up as many US assets as possible.

Jens Holm

USA could do exact same thing. You seemes to forget Americans retreated by themselves by Trump and they could have stayed with as any troops as they wished.

You try to descriebe it as Russians advance and push americans back. What a joke.

cechas vodobenikov

the ignorance of culture among posters here is stunning—amerikan cowardice, greed and barbarism continues to be exposed….amerikan mercenaries die for their ruling class, stealing Syrian oil; Russians r civilized and reject amerikan barbarism

Jens Holm

You must have a very good microskope. You hardly find any americans here.

Not a single liter of oil has been stolen by amëriacans and SDF. The only thieves doing that are Your mercanairies named Baathists, where their Leader think he is commander of the Russian army having free entrence to all Russian pockets as well as ISIS.

When Americans steal its Mega and not Mini in bathtub seize as well.

They are blocking for Assads to have it. 50% of the oil in Syria is owned by French, Chinese and French comanies, so if true, they steal form their companies too.

Amercans hardly ever steal oil. They pay well for it for the marketprice. Iraqian oil until 1925 was owned by a Turkish/Osmannic company. That was taken from them by the winners of WW1 and not the locals at all. The locals was not engaged in taking up oil.

If You are Russian, You can can compare with Nobel and Baku. Hardly none from Caucasus took any part it using the oil as well as taking it up. It was private companies. The same goes for Texas.

It was not Iraq. Iraq not even was invented.

cechas vodobenikov

durak–I ignore stupid children..

cechas vodobenikov

r u merely stupid? Iraq,Libya Kuwait…trump admits he is stealing Syrian oil

Jens Holm

Haha. Trump dont know, where it is – yet

Luke Hemmming

Just build a new highway around the checkpoint. Problem solved. Lol. If only it were that easy.

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