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Indian multinational conglomerate company Reliance Industries is going to create a joint venture TA’ZIZ-ADNOC and the sovereign fund ADQ with a total investment of $2 billion in the emirate.
According to the official statements of ADNOC, the capacity of the JV plants will include 940 million tons/year of chlorine alkali, 1.1 million tons/year of ethylene chloride and 360 thousand tons/year of polyvinyl chloride.
Moreover, ADNOC may be on the list of foreign companies that will receive a large stake in the privatization of Bharat Petroleum. While a significant increase in demand for petroleum products is expected in India, and according to some estimates, it will require a 40% increase in production volumes.
The development of relations between the UAE and India, including the creation of a joint venture, is an important stage for the formation of the USA-Israel-UAE-India axis of influence. The new Washington-led alliance will be aimed at countering the growing influence of China.
Within this framework, the United States relies on the UAE, which increasingly confirms its title of an agent of American interests in the global energy market.
Today, Washington needs a counterweight to Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom, taking advantage of its monopoly position, is playing its own game, which has already been observed during the recent energy crises. The last US President Donald Trump was even forced to threaten Prince Bin Salman with the withdrawal of US troops from his country in response to the Saudi dumping, which brought the entire US shale industry to the brink of collapse.
It is the UAE that has become a Washington’s Trojan horse, which is used to prevent the rapprochement of Russia, China and India on the basis of energy cooperation.
You’d think the Middle East would learn from their mistakes in dealing with the US. Good luck in forming this new alliance.
If it is anything like the last “axis of democracy building” it is certainly doomed to fail.
No sooner do american idiots get kicked out of Afghanistan and they are back it again, creating fake coalition’s in the ME.
All India does in Dubai is paperwork, call centers and crappy I.T.
For actually building real infrastructure only China can deliver.
India suffers from a serious inability to “Get Shit Done”.
India is a filthy backward caste-ridden cesspool and hardly in a position to be a cannon fodder as the recent thrashing by the PLA in Ladakh amply demonstrated. The puppet corrupt UAE can be destroyed by a single missile, so not much of a coalition.
India stands as one if not the most eminent country of the none-aligned. The UAE will play their game; they want protection from that gang (US), so they get it. If it suits them, they’ll go somewhere else. Cesspool, ey? Not very gentle, not very man, Jim. Might be talking about your brain.
Yes, unfortunately these cowpiss drinkers just cant match up militarily no matter how advanced their Tech is.
Current goverment of india are killing and systemetically bringing down muslim run business with the help of hindu extrmist. But still this muslim pretender in ME are helping and doing business with this current extrmsit goverment of india. one thing is true this GCCC country is all about business they dont care about muslim getting annihlated in other country.
It is amazing to see the impact of British colonial rule even today. They have sown hatred between Paks and Inds and still continuous to this day. You still play the roles assigned to you by your colonisers and you don’t seem to realise that. Sad. Along comes a stuck-up like “Jim” to heap scorn on India (might just be Pakistan as well). Same bigotry, same game. Stop playing sectarian games, get real, get together.
The entire Sunni Gulf and Saudi family run states are sellouts that need to be wiped off the face of the earth – I guess the Houthis will be left to clean up that mess. Money cant buy balls and the Houthis have plenty.
India dances on many weddings. Member of the SCO, it still sees many of its businesses, digital assets and food supplies bought up by US/multinationals. India’s prospects of improving relations with China and especially Pakistan have lately been, well, not frustrated but less than hoped for. Let’s see how the whole Afghanistan thing will work out in terms of cooperation, energy etc. It is only natural that India seeks to diversify. It still tries to stay none-aligned. Yes, it is also questionable how much power the Indian government actually has.
India “non aligned” while doing the US’s bidding and sucking Israeli Dick?