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U.S. & French Ammunition Found At Former Hay’at Tahrir Al-Shame Position In Greater Idlib (Photos)

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On March 21, Russian journalist Oleg Blokhin shared photos of U.S. and French ammunition which were found in a former position of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Greater Idlib.

Blokhin’s photos show dozens of containers of 120 mm M933A1 mortar rounds, which are used in the U.S.-made M120. The mortar is a copy of the Israeli Soltam K6. This type of mortars was spotted before with the defunct U.S.-backed New Syrian Army (NSA) in southeast Syria.

U.S. & French Ammunition Found At Former Hay’at Tahrir Al-Shame Position In Greater Idlib (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

U.S. & French Ammunition Found At Former Hay’at Tahrir Al-Shame Position In Greater Idlib (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

The Photos also show several CM5\CM6 38 mm tear gas grenades. These grenades, which are meant to be used for crowd-control, are manufactured by France’s SAE Alsetex.

U.S. & French Ammunition Found At Former Hay’at Tahrir Al-Shame Position In Greater Idlib (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. By Oleg Blokhin, source: t.me/Oleg_Blokhin

The M933A1 rounds were likely supplied by the U.S. years ago. Loads of weapons were supplied to Syrian “moderate” opposition group as a part of a train and equip program that run between 2014 and 2017.

The French-made CM5\CM5 grenades, however, were never spotted in Syria before. It’s unclear how HTS acquired these grenades, or how it was planning to use them. Tear gas can be used to simulate the exposure to prohibited chemical weapons.

Greater Idlib militants received support from the Western and Arab countries for years. Now, most of their supplies come from Turkey.


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opet ja

No way, Syrians and Russians are lying…

Ricky Miller

Right. And all the American politicians who put weapons deals together in Congress for terrorists must be lying too. And John McCain, he actually went to Syria on one of these supply runs and posed for pictures with proven jihadists. Get real. The U.S. armed these groups in order to attempt regime change in Syria. They openly said so, although their nomenclature titled jihadists as “moderate opposition.”

Joe Dickson

They found way more Russian ammunition soo….

Ricky Miller

Russia can ship as much ammunition as she wants to the Syrian government. It’s a government, holding a seat at the United Nations, and responsible for law and order inside Syria. Weapons for terror groups armed as an instrument of foreign policy is the issue here.

Joe Dickson

It was found in possession of HTS as well as every terrorist organisation on Earth. Russia supplies all terrorists…

Ricky Miller

HTS is not being armed by the Russian Federation. Only a certifiable idiot would make such a claim. Russia bombs HTS. Some Russian ammunition surely found it’s way into terrorists hands by way of looting overrun Syrian Army bases, early in the war. But nothing like the volumes of Western supplied equipment captured by the Syrian Army from jihadi street gangs and presented to the international community in dozens of photographic press releases over the past five years.

Joe Dickson

You claim they are not being armed by Russia yet they are flush with Russian weapons. You claim France is helping them because they found a French weapon… your logic makes no sense.

Ricky Miller

Russia doesn’t give them weapons and in fact refuses that HTS be a part of any cease fire every time Turkey brings it up. Or does your slow brain have trouble tracing the chain of possession from Syrian armories to jihadi street gangs as Syrian bases were overrun? Deliberately giving jihadi street gangs weapons, money, Toyota trucks and PR cover is an American habit.

Ricky Miller

BTW, the logic is sensible because Syrian weapons prewar were nearly exclusively supplied by the USSR and Russia. France and the U.S. and the UK were not in the weapons trade with the Syrian Arab Republic, hence there were no weapons of that origin to recover at Syrian bases overrun by terrorists. So, someone brought them weapons and has given them money for a decade to pay jihadi salaries. That someone is not Russia, who arrived in 2015 to put them down and restore order and rule of law.


Spot on!

Moreover, the former Jewish minister of foreign affairs of France was a staunch supporter of the numerous terrorist groups attacking Syria and is very famous for the quote “Le Front Al-Nousra fait du bon boulot en Syrie!” = “The Al-Nusra Front does a great job in Syria!”.

The French government gave its stock of Famas machine guns to terrorist groups in Southern Syria.

The French ministry of foreign affairs used to have ISIS financed through the French Lafargue concrete factory in Northern Syria (Hilary Clinton and a few other US neocons were also on the board of Lafargue at that time…)

And so on…

good american

I keep saying-We need better background checks! Do these terrorists have a history of mental illness? Smoke marijuana? How often have they abused farm animals? More than 8 times a day? We must be more careful to whom we illegally give weapons of war!


Hello, rate my nude photos and videos (18 y.o.) absolutely free – http://trim4.me/hBY

good american

No, thanks.


Take your low end trolling elsewhere.

Xoli Xoli

France,Germany,USA and Turkey are so concerned by well being of Syrians but their all arms Idlib terrorists on daily basis.Clear bias and double face double tongue actions of traitor against Syria plot to steal Syria oil.

Jens Holm

There is no double face. They has been open about it even not totaly open. Again we see Your represent thereadons for You think there is a deep state. You systamticly are kept in the dark by Your own Goverment therefore information like that being in news and goverment decissions in the open here has not reached Ypu. You not even are allowed to read about it on internet.

Pathetic to hear about oil again. Syria hardly has any. I could understand if it was olive oil for diesel.

USA makes a hard blocade, which includes oil. But it true SDFs use their own oil. It dont belongs to Baathist which before stole the incomer from the rest of the population. ISIS stole it from them.

SDFs jut has nationalized Your bathtub oil. Assads should do the same thing for their stolem parts of gas and oil as well.

Xoli Xoli

No wonder Jesus said in the last days God will release a spirit of lies.So that liars will keep on with their lies.As their will be preserved for judgment day.So Jake,Holmes,Pompeo,Satanyahu,Erdogan and Trump keep on laying. Your days of deep regret is fast approaching.

Jens Holm

As usual its ignored that arabs paid a lot of that ammo. It still is ignored that most arabs in Syria dont support Assads as well.

Muck like Assad and Russia believe in long distance support. More like 5 million Syrians are not even in Syria as well as they phone with Allah, where 6 – 600.000 finally found some ever lasting peace.

good american

Many countries have that system. My children have three nationalities.

Lone Ranger

Are you on meds? Are they putting sodium fluoride or lithium in the water in Denmark…?

Jens Holm

I write what I know and do reflect.

We only use Lithium for batteries and tank ammunition.


Of course, isn’t that obvious since the beginning of the war ?

Lone Ranger


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