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MARCH 2025

U.S. Game-Plan to Conquer Russia & China Is Clarified

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U.S. Game-Plan to Conquer Russia & China Is Clarified

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On 27 September 21, the brilliant geostrategic analyst Brian Berletic headlined “US War Plans with China Taking Shape”. He linked to and analyzed the then-latest draft of the U.S. Government’s detailed plans to conquer China. (The plan had been drawn-up in 2016, but sounds like today.) The objective of these plans is for the U.S. Government to continue into the indefinite future the U.S. Government’s dominance over the entire world, and to do this by conquering first Russia, and then China — conquering both of the now-rising superpowers — thereby not only extending its presently existing global dominance, but even increasing that, with the ultimate goal being for the U.S. to become the world’s first-ever all-encompassing global empire (by crippling both Russia and China). 

I have personally checked and verified each one of Berletic’s linked-to sources there. All of them are authentic, and reflect accurately the U.S. Government’s actual decisions and actions, right up until today, which fact (the U.S. Government’s doing all of these things) suggests that those are the U.S. Government’s operative plans, until the present moment. These are the U.S. Government’s plans for China. Berletic excerpted from the draft-plan its most crucial passages, and all of them have been U.S. foreign policies ever since 27 September 2021 (actually, even since 2016): they accurately represent U.S. foreign policies toward, in fact, both Russia and China, as-of today. They describe the ways in which the U.S. Government is hiring proxy-forces throughout the world, in order to destroy China’s Belt & Road Initiative before it can even become operative, and also the U.S. Government’s employing proxy forces and agents in order to defeat Russia in the opening battlefield of World War III, which is Ukraine. It’s the function which Ukraine is serving for the U.S. Government. Berletic makes clear that he does not believe that the U.S. Government expects things to extend so far as getting into a direct nuclear conflict between the U.S. and either Russia or China; however, I have published elsewhere evidence that at least ever since 2006, the U.S. Government has abandoned the prior (mutually shared, both U.S. and Russia) “Mutually Assured Destruction” or “M.A.D.” meta-strategy, which formerly had guided both countries’ nuclear-weapons strategy and designs. M.A.D. was the meta-strategy in order to prevent such a nuclear war from ever occurring. In America, it has been replaced by what is unofficially called “Nuclear Primacy”, or the design and deployment of nuclear weapons so as to win a nuclear war against Russia and/or China: aiming for all-out nuclear-war victory by the U.S. Government. Such ‘victory’ would be defined as consisting of the United States being destroyed less than any of its nuclear-war opponents would be destroyed (thereby maintaining, or even increasing, its existing control over the entire planet). They say that “the benefits of nuclear primacy may exceed the risks” (the destruction to the American side), and that among the possible “benefits” mentioned would be to “stave off the emergence of a peer competitor,” and to be “forcibly exporting democracy.” The U.S. Government’s “Nuclear Primacy” meta-strategy says that there are ‘acceptable’ levels of destruction of America in a nuclear war against Russia and/or China, so long as America ‘comes out on top’ globally, at the end. Berletic unfortunately just assumes that the U.S. Government remains committed to the M.A.D. meta-strategy. To me, that is instead an open question. In fact, existing evidence (such as I have linked to) indicates that the U.S. Government is now guided by the “Nuclear Primacy” meta-strategy: arming to win a nuclear WW III, not to prevent one.

On 19 July 2022, Russia’s RT News bannered “Julia Melnikova: World War Three is off – why NATO can’t afford to have Russia as its main enemy”, and basically seconded Berletic’s viewpoint (that America probably wouldn’t go all the way to nuclear war), without even mentioning Berletic’s article. Her commentary alleged that the U.S. Government had only recently been intending to conquer post-communist Russia (and so might peaceably accept again — as-if it did during the 1990s — what others call a “multi-polar world,” or at least a world that the U.S. Government wasn’t coercing):

Naturally, NATO’s new strategic document differs from previous entries in the series. The 1991 concept noted a reduction in the security threat due to the change in the balance of power in Europe, but also noted the need to take the legacy of the Soviet Union’s military potential into account. The 1999 edition characterized Russia, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova as partners for dialogue. The installment from 2010 finally attached strategic importance to relations with Russia and was aimed at deepening them on issues of mutual interest.

That “partners for dialogue” and “deepening … issues of mutual interest” never has reflected the U.S. Government’s real attitude toward Russia after the Soviet Union ended in 1991.

I have documented that the plan by America’s Government was instead to fool Russia’s Government to believe that America ended the Cold War on our side at the same time when Russia ended its side of the Cold War in 1991, but that the U.S. Government was actually planning instead to surround Russia by increasing NATO, right up to Russia’s borders, and doing it in such a way so that by the time Russia recognized that this was the case, it would already be too late for Russia to be able to defend itself against the fait accompli, and so Russia would then become swallowed-up by the U.S. Government. That RT analysis remains deceived by the U.S. plan, which didn’t even start to become disclosed, even to America’s vassal-nations (such as the EU), until 24 February 1990. Russia’s Government shouldn’t continue to publish affirmations of lies that America’s Government had privately admitted to its own vassal nations are lies, as early as 24 February 1990. Why does it do that? Does it make any sense continuing to do that?

Consequently: the U.S. game-plan is, as Berletic documented, to defeat Russia before defeating China; and this is the reason why the U.S. Government is so determined to win the opening battle of WW III, which is on the battlefields of Ukraine. (The U.S. Government was, in fact, so bold in the planning of their 2014 coup that took Ukraine, that it had even included their replacing Russia’s largest naval base, which was (and still is) in Crimea ever since 1783, and to turn it into another U.S. naval http://www.apple.com/base, but that part of the plan failed.)

If Russia wins its objectives in Ukraine, while the U.S. fails to win its objectives there (which are simply to defeat Russia there — so that this is a zero-sum “game”), this would, in and of itself, end the U.S. empire that had started on 25 July 1945, when U.S. President Harry S. Truman decided (on the basis of the advice that he had received from his hero, Dwight Eisenhower), that if the U.S. wouldn’t take over control of the world, then the Soviet Union would; so, America must take over control of the world. It was either “us” or “them,” Truman was told; and he decided that it WOULDN’T be “them” that will win this zero-sum game. And President GHW Bush secretly informed America’s ‘allies’, starting on 24 February 1990, that it STILL wouldn’t be “them” to continue equally with “us” in peace, meaning now Russia to be a “partner” except as being a continuing adversary, because “To hell with that!” (meaning real peace with Russia); “We prevailed, they didn’t” (and “they” still need to be totally and humiliatingly defeatedby “us”; “they” need to become conquered). That is the reality (the U.S. Government’s pure zero-sum-game mentality), which Brian Berletic’s article documents to be the case regarding the U.S. Government’s plan regarding China; and (as I have documented) it applies ALSO regarding Russia. (Yet, Berletic seems to believe that it’s not being applied in U.S. thinking about the conflict in Ukraine.) The Governments of both nations (Russia and China) would do well to publicize that it applies throughout the U.S. Government’s international-affairs policies, instead of continuing to promote the U.S. Government’s lies to the contrary.

This is the reality. No myth. America’s foreign policies are laser-focused on crippling, if not destroying, all possible competitors.

Especially, all nations in Europe need to know this, and to reverse course because of it. Because, if they don’t, then Europe’s economies will be crushed this coming winter, in order to keep up the U.S. Government’s lies. It’s their choice. Either continuing as American vassal-nations, or else making a fundamental turn, toward freedom and justice — the breakup of the U.S. empire, and emergence of a real democracy and equal rights, in the relations among the world’s nations. It’s their choice, to make, one way or the other. Thus far, Europe’s leaders have been virtually suiciding their nations. How, and how well, is the U.S. Government bribing them to do that, to their nations? Or, are they actually that stupid, to be ignorant of what they are doing, or why, or whom the beneficiaries of it are? Of course, the press has also played a role, but it’s serving the same group of ultimate masters. How can European publics ever wake up? Before it’s too late?


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K. Wolfe

To lust after being the biggest Bully. Can any idea be more infantile or less doomed to destruction… it is the ultimate Fool who affronts the one who is the Creator of all.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The Islamist moderator at SF is active in deleting posts.

Probably thinks that it is best to remove information so that the illiterate do not start to reflect on the state of things.

Bernard Davis

Indeed it is. But you have to understand that America itself is a religious cult : America is God, and therefore has not just the right but the duty to rule the whole planet. That is what most Americans sincerely believe (though of course there are many intelligent Americans who don’t) and it is the combination of that weird childish belief with massive military and financial power that is the biggest threat to the peace of the world.

Steve Standley

berletic is a zionist scumbag


Who is downvoting Steve for this comment? Trolls or the actual SF community? What is wrong with what he said?

Christian J. Chuba

Step 1 is always … ‘saturated U.S. MSM with stories depicting your enemies as pure evil’. In order to carry on a war of domination, you need to have the U.S. public hate the targeted country.

China, ‘trying to replace the U.S.’, ‘student spies’, ‘genocidal’. Russia, ‘trying to conquer Europe like Hitler did’ ‘committing barbaric war crimes’ ‘corrupt’

This makes it impossible for Congressman to argue against increasing hostilities, lest they be accused of being traitors.

Florian Geyer

Whereas in reality the members of congress who just ‘ Go along to get along’ are traitors that fully realise the destructible power of Israel.

Slava Rossiya.

Florian Geyer

It appears that the forthcoming Winter War in Ukraine could see Siberian Troops being deployed by the Russian military during the harsh Winter months.

Muhammad your Prophet

What the hell would the US want to do with a worthless frozen wasteland like Moscow? The place is so fucking claustrophobic I can’t imagine anyone visiting that shithole other than to fuck one of those chicks at the FSB.

Mohammad your Dog

Worthless lol – you forget about the 75 Trillion in natural resources.


In order to topple the existing governments we need to create systems alongside those governments. In order to topple the financial system, we need to creat alternative systems alongside that said system. These should facilitate lcal trade and enterprise, services and food creation.

jens holm

What crack are you smoking here?


USSA diseased and rotten to the core gone full covaid$ ape as its fiat filth gets flushed and the gerontocracy in the Washing town sewer becomes ever more irrelevant. Insanity is not pretty as the no longer great Satan flames out and dies.


I’m sure pootie-poot aka “Ostrich legs” will placate the Western CBs with the next necessary tranche of physical Au that the BOE/Federal Re$erve set the price at for Russia (Good Obedient Bear)… along with this “just in time” announcement (https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/gazprom-declares-force-majeure-will-halt-gas-flows-germany-indefinitely) to help them live “just one more day” while they continue to murder innocent Ukrainians 8 years “in”… As he is the richest ex-KGB official in Russian history!… Made rich of course by Elvira Nabiullina and the rest of the Fifth Column STILL inside Russia’s Central Banks doing the bidding for Western commodities markets AGAIN at Russia’s expense!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
tranny sawyer USA#1 social worker

Tammy sex change achieved—-frequent Taliban rape produced gender dysphoria

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The United States is more powerful than the mythological fantasy Allah who, according to the myth, has created everything that exists.

Now the Muslims must unite in prayer that their god takes over rule and care.

Allah the god has slept long enough.

A little hocus pocus is what is needed.


Jon I hate it when people like you take the truth of this situation and flip it on it’s head, the U.S. started WW3 when they overthrew the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 JUST BECAUSE the Ukrainian government back then pursued expanding trade with Russia rather than the EU. I’m completely flabbergasted that people like you still look at what Dementia Biden and the U.S. are doing right now and come away thinking “America good, Russia bad”, the U.S. government right now is also threatening Iran, they literally made it known recently that they would “use force” against Iran if they get a nuke, this alone should tell you that the U.S. is the biggest threat to world peace, especially since Iran at this point is choosing to side with Russia via trade deals and even sending them armed drones, China is also not going to side with the U.S. when they’re already being pressured by the U.S. too, Biden hasn’t lifted the Trump era sanctions on China, you know this right?

Next, there was already a war going on in Ukraine for eight (8) years before anyone started talking about it in the US or Western Europe, now most people around me just line up as cheerleaders for the Ukrainians who rioted and forced out the legally elected government that was in office 8 years ago. Research “Revolution of Dignity” and “Euro-Maiden” movement. There were a lot of complaints of genocide against Russian speaking Ukrainians over that 8-year period…but not very much of that was in western news? Just have a look at Azov Battalion they’ve been killing the population of east Ukraine since 2014. Another one is the tornado battalion that was dismantled for crimes you wouldn’t believe, a few of them went to prison just to apease the population. They support and celebrate Stepan Bandera a WW2 war criminal. You’ve got to be neutral once you start digging to find the truth. Patrick Lancaster a journalist has been living in Ukraine for 8 years is honest.

Last, why would Russia want Ukraine to be armed to the teeth before they attack? Why not fight them back in 2014 when they had less trained troops and fewer foreign weapons? Wouldn’t that make military sense? I think that the Russian intent was to try and solve this issue via diplomatic means. When all diplomatic efforts failed and time was running out, the Russian leadership had to make the extremely difficult decision to launch a military invasion. Time was running out, the longer they waited, the more weaponry would’ve been sent to Ukraine. Remember that the Ukrainian leadership supported the introduction of nuclear weapons to the Ukrainian military arsenal. They also wished to join NATO. In my honest opinion, NATO expansion is a serious concern for the Russian leadership. I would compare this situation to the Cuban missile crisis. Nobody want’s offensive weapons placed at their doorstep.

Morons for Profit

Good comment. That’s how I feel. And any supposed government that commits and directly sponsors warcrimes (on ethnic Russians in its territory, via state sponsored neo-nazi extremists which are directly tied together and/or embedded with its SBU/Gestapo branch) looses all legitimacy as a legitimate government, at very least, over these regions that have declared and voted for independence and that are the victims of this juntas war crimes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Morons for Profit

Me too…!!!! That is the way I see this awful situation too. The U.S. & NATO moving up, onto the Russian border is aggressive and posses an existential threat to the Russian Nation and People. Russia lost 25 million in WWII, and is not going to risk another mega-million loss of its citizens. Did Stoltenburg and the U.S. really believe that they could work out a deal with Ukraine that allows them to put U.S.nuclear armed missiles on the Ukraine & Russia border 5 minutes flying time to Moscow, with no negotiations without the Russians being very concerned and perhaps angry…???? This was also a bad time to tweak Russia’s nose, just when their & China’s military technology has surpassed the U.S. & NATO by “generations,” not years. None of the vaunted U.S.fleet of battleships & aircraft carriers have ANY defense against Russia’s and Chinas hypersonic weapons and neither do they have any way to stop them on land. They have been used effectively in Ukraine. Only time will tell the final outcome of this dreadful war, but l think it is quite clear even now, who is the stronger party.

The Official Hacker Of South-Front

Well Said, The promblem with Americans is that they cant think for themselves, any information that they hear on TV they accept as FACT, Because Why Would The Government Lie To Me, is Most Americans Mentality!


The press does not merely play a part. Without the press and mass media in general they could never condition people to accept their actions.

What the author doesn’t understand is that the world has already been conquered.


To the Russian Federation with or without their indifference to 3 buildings 2 planes and the fixing of energy and Physical PM through the BOE/Federal Re$erve setting the price for the Russian Central Bank and the rest of the global commodity markets…

SF scrubbed my earlier post on this read showcasing Putin’s wealth (for no reason) and duplicity as a financial “proxy” that feeds the U.$. war machine (directly and indirectly) that got Russia and the World to this place… But those contradictions and matters aside… like it or not the $buck $t0ps HERE https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/rand-paul-senate-just-rejected-my-attempt-reaffirm-constitution

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
L du Plessis

A US pipedream 😂


European leaders are especially stupid people whom are raised their position with help of MSM. In Finland, current Prime minister is 36 year old seler from the shopping center. Previous one was union guy with no education worth of mentioning. Before this union guy the guy was pretty capable but very corrupted to gain his own property. Before this punk there qas two most idiotic persons what you can imagine as a prime ministers. A. Stubb. In higschool his total grade was lowest possible to pass. Any better didn’t managed Mr. Katainen who is now member of the EU comission.You don’tneed to be ingenious f**ck those idiots in the ass. They all arecreations of master of puppets. Funniest thing is, that it takes only couple of nickels to briber those poor bastards,if you print them face on the first page of Forbes. This is how europeans are controlled.


The way I understand it, the long term goal of the ‘War on Terror’ was to attempt to radicalize Muslims in both Xinjiang and in the Caucasus region of Russia (Chechnya/Dagestan/Ossetia etc).

The US then offers to ‘help’ fight these ‘insurgencies’, the same way they ‘helped’ Syria. That is, help even when your request to help was rejected. And then to ‘accidentally’ airdrop weapons to the rebels, instead of to the government forces you were ‘trying’ to help.

Crazy as it may sound, I am pretty damn sure this was actually the plan up until probably at least ~2013/2014, when they decided to go the Ukraine coup route.


They can’t even control their own borders, and now they want to conquer the world!!! Idiots!

The Official Hacker Of South-Front

Valid Point and on another note i just want to apologize for Censoring you, i have had a Change of Heart, and im no longer going to be siding with the Ukranians & Nazis! I want you to tell me more about the comment i took down about Russia being a Christian Nation

And there was also a comment i took down where you was saying something about NATO is a bunch of Demons that are bent on destroying Russia, if you rememmber what you said Post it again so i can read it thanks..

Last edited 2 years ago by The Official Hacker Of South-Front
Paul Citro

Science Daily has recently referenced a study that shows that even a limited nuclear exchange would have severe climate effects significantly dropping global temperatures for years. We would be looking at a catastrophic mini ice age.


Great plan. But Russia and China might not agree to being conquered.

Pooty Tutenkahmen

I suspected Russia will have to take Ukraine AT LEAST all the way to the west bank of the Dnipro river + Odessa, to convince ‘the collective west” its gambit in Ukraine has failed. But i think now, that the imperialists aren’t going to accept defeat in Ukraine. Russia may pacify Ukraine as it has pacified Syria but the great satan is already attempting to open another front for Russia, now against the Serbs, again..This is possibly to distract while the Pelosi shambles plays out, but as long as the US and its proxies have the ability to cause harm around the world they will certainly do it. Russia China and Iran will have to fight this to the end.i hope it wont go nuclear

Buford T. Justice

These neocon assholes have bitten off more than they can chew.

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