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MARCH 2025

U.S., Germany To Supply Ukraine With Dozens Of Bradley & Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles

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U.S., Germany To Supply Ukraine With Dozens Of Bradley & Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Soldiers from 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, travel in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, May 24, 2014, during Combined Resolve II. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

The United States and Germany have agreed to supply dozens of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Ukraine, where Russia has been conducting a special military operation for nearly a year.  

The decision was announced in a joint statement that was released after a phone call between American President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on January 5.

“President Biden and Chancellor Scholz expressed their common determination to continue to provide the necessary financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine for as long as needed. To this end, the United States intends to supply Ukraine with Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and Germany intends to provide Ukraine with Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles,” the statement reads.

The statement, which didn’t set a timeline for deliveries, said that both countries plan to train Ukrainian troops on the respective IFVs.

The Bradley, which entered service in the 1980s, is typically armed with a 25 mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun, a 7.62 mm M240C machine gun and dual BGM-71 TOW anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launcher. The IFV carries up to ten troops and can be equipped with explosive reactive armor for improved protection.

On the other hand, the newer versions of the Marder, which was manufactured in the 1960 and 70s, are armed with 20 mm Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm MG3 machine gun and a MILAN ATGM launcher. The lightly armored IFV can also carry up to ten troops.

Ukraine will reportedly receive around 50 Bradleys from the U.S. and at least 40 Marders from Germany. Both IFVs have day and night fighting capabilities.

U.S., Germany To Supply Ukraine With Dozens Of Bradley & Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles

A German soldier assigned to 1st Mechanized Infantry Company, Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Lithuania, checks the ammunition supply for his Marder, German infantry fighting vehicle. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

The decision to supply Ukraine with Western-made IFVs is the most recent in a series of U.S.-led steps meant to boost the offensive capabilities of Ukraine before spring. Earlier this week, France announced that it will be supplying the country with AMX-10 RC wheeled light tanks.

The heavily armed Bradley and Marder IFVs will make up for some of Ukraine’s armor losses. However, 90 of these vehicles, which are very vulnerable to anti-tank fire, will not be enough to repel a new large offensive by the Russian military, or to penetrate its defensive lines.


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Vladimir Lenin

Hence an example, Ukraine is totally dependent on Western countries. Without it it would have fallen


The strange thing, though, that seems to have just gone right past the Ukretards, is that they are not being given enough to win, just enough to keep dragging the conflict on, as per US objectives described quite clearly by Rand in 2019. The Russian approach to the entire situation since 2014 has reflected a long-term goal of maintaining significant links to a political and economic entity on the territory of Country 404, whereas the Ukrainians have approached this from the US perspective of creating a massive obstacle to Russian integration with Europe, and Chinese integration with both. So the Ukrainians would kill everything alive in Donbas that won’t penetrate themselves with their Shukhevych dildos if the Americans let them. So the US keep them on a tight leash with the goal of producing enough internal dissent in Russia to effect a Gene Sharp special. The Ukrainians are absolutely deluded.


We’re a stupid nation, what can I say? God must’ve wanted to play a nasty joke on the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ihor

When the Americans want a proxy to win, they run something like Operation Nickel Grass, in which they flew A4s and F4s right from US stocks to Israel, and airlifted M60s and Tow missiles right into Israel. The Ukretards are not supposed to win, or they would have flooded the place with every single piece of interoperable Warsaw Pact equpment in the NATO warehouses, including every single fighter and tactical aircraft. Instead, the Ukretards get dribs and drabs, some WP systems, some NATO museum pieces, and a PR campaign for Javelins that was as absurd as their Ghost of Kiev comic book or the Russian “routs” at Kharkov, Kherson, etc. Somehow the Ukrainians delude themselves into believing that could “destroy” an entire Russian army corp and yet the Russians can still keep an army in four oblasts engaged in constant combat. Ukretardism seems to be a form of schizophrenia or perhaps borderline personality disorder. Glory to Mental Illness! Glory to Seroquel!


very good vehicles , made 45-60 years ago … during vietnam war :) and US is supplying 50 bradleys for 2.8 billions , thats 56 millions for one bradley … roughly 10 times more expensive than a leopard 2 modern tank . its a big SCAM :)

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Bankman-Fried level scam.


Podolyuka commented that the Marder is much more advanced than its equivalents in the Russian arsenal, although 90 units alone cannot make a big difference.

EU must not be USA slave

Get more info about the Russian equivalent for Marder, first.

EU must not be USA slave

Podolyuka being an Ukronazy shit swallower?


All westerner scrap metal to power the Russian BMPT terminator!

🤡 Biden the Clown™, 🤡 Zelewski the Clown™, 🤡 Scholz the Clown™, 🤡 Harris the Clown™, 🤡 Pelosi the Clown™, 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged


A few HIMARS were enough to make the russian Nazis run away from Kherson, now think what will happen to those orcs if the NATO really starts to send more heavy weapons 😆😆😆

Max Schmidt

HIMARS were not the reason, you stupid naziboy



Good post and basically true…

Yes but they will not do because they are all in cahoots wit each other. Putin, Merkel, Johnson, Biden, Trump, Xi Jinpging, Modi (India) etc.

See, your thinking is generally right but in this point still unreal.

I have proven here, with dozens of proves, that Putin belongs to the NWO, same as China. This is what NWO means. New WORLD order . W O R L D !!!! What is obviously something most here not truely understand. What’s so complicated with that word, that most here not realize the implications of this word ?

It not New West Order – it’s WORLD ORDER. They all Putin Xi Jingping, Orban, Macron, Merkel, Putin, Biden, Trump, Duda, Netanjahu, Rothschild, Soros, Klaus Schwab, Lagarde, Zelensky, Erdogan, Berlusconi etc. etc.

They all belong to the same one big evil globalist satanic CABAL !!!!!

And they play to you as if they are fightin each other, when in fact it is only theater to fool people like you, into taking sides and giving their energy into one of the evil projects of one of these several globalist evil puppet actor, and their plan. (part of it being to slowly escalate everything into World War 3 and total Chaos)

Sunak, Trudeau, Zelensky, Macron, they are the WEF young generation puppets, but look at this video where Klaus Schwab speaks it out openly that Trudeau, Macron etc. are absolvents of his young global leaders the new generation-programm. He says that after mentioning that he is very proud not only for them but also for the former absolvents which included for example Mr. Putin and others with which the WEF managed to infiltrate the “cabinetts” of the world. So here you have it. THEY ALL belong to these satanist Klaus Schwab-Rothschild-Rockefeller jewish SYNAGOGE OF SATAN.

Video see here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LH0xCHwsYji9/

Hegellian dialectic. Thesis and Anti-Thesis lead to Synthesis resp. the aim the globalists want to achieve. Understand it, please !

They are tricking you, playing simple “Good Cop vs. Bad Cop” with you, and you not get it, that they are all “Cops” and not on your side, but all of them are working together to fuck you up !!! Get it, folks !!

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

Let’s say you are right. What’s the solution then?


@Chris Gr

Yes thats a very good question.

There is a very interesting article from a pro-russian website called anti-spiegel. See:


Also there is of course lots of pro-russian propaganda included, there is partly truth in it.

And I agree in so far with it, that indeed Russia should cancel all the foul treaty pacts and acts it did with the EU and US, including the 2+4 treaty.

The only problem I have with the article is, that it treats so-called Germany as if it is a souveran nation now, which decided to take part in the Ukraine vs. Russia coonflict, on the Ukraine side by free will. When in fact everybody knows that the German Realm is still a fully occupied nation, occupied by the Americans, Brits by military forces + intelligence agencies and by France and Israel by intelligence agencies, and is in no position of doing own free decisions.

Therefore it is hypocrite to say, Germany decided to take part in the war on Ukrainian side. Moreover another point is not true.

The article states that “The BRD absorbed the DDR”, and that’s false on even several different stages.

First both BRD and DDR where officially dissolved. And the Germans where told theat Germany had been re-united and both BRD and DDR where melted into one new Germany.

But of course if BRD and DDR are dissolved, then you cannot afterwards unite them. Same as when a man is shooting himself to death, and then afterwards his girlfriend does kill herself too, then the couple cannot marry afterwards. Simple logic. Should be easy to understand.

Moreover (if we leave aside these above mentioned absurdity) by system, it is not the BRD which absorbed the DDR, but the direct opposite. A know famous former Stasi member and fullblood communist from the DDR (who even studied in Russia) after the “re-unification” of Germany, with the name Angela Merkel ( real name of that jewesss is: Anjela Kazmierczak) became the chancellor and thereby leader of the new Germany. Whcih btw. is neighter BRD nor DDR but unknown to the masses, but you can check it out in the UN, no more BRD or DDR but has the name ” Vereinigtes Wirtschaftsgebiet Deutschland” ( United Economic-Territory Germany), and is nothing but a company. A Corporation and not a state.

The German Realm lies buried beneath this fake-state corporation, hidden from the eyes of the Germans, and is waiting to be re-activated, so that free, and souveran Germans, without US-occupation, without Uk-occupation and without russian-occupation can god-willing one day take the leadership back from the usurpers and occupiers and start friendly negotiations and relations with all their neighbors and live in peace with Russia, and all the other nations on earth.

Russia would surely profit from that, but Great Britain and France and of course the Jews do not want that, because German Nation is an economic stronghold, clever people, disciplined, structured and will outsmart UK and likely also US technology and economy very quick, and if having economic partnership as true equally weight eye-sight partner with Russia, will be unbeatable and a real economic danger to the US, UK and France economies, and the foul global jewish financial system.

But to achieve this Germany and Russia need to get rid of the globalist jewish parasites first. And that’s a real heavy task, since most of the populations in both countries still not even realize that they are under the boots of the evil satanic jews and their money-slavery and satanic-media mindcontrol apparatus.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Russia should cancel all treatys and contract’s since the moment the bankers favourite demon Lenin entered the playing field.



I can agree to what you say. That (cancelling everything long ago) would have been best to do, indeed. But demons like Trotzky, Lenin, Sverdlov etc. (btw. all jewish – but that’s for sure just a strange coincidence *rolleyes) are still praised everywhere by the lefties, and fake-democracts, and not seen as the demons they were. For example NWO-JWO demonic WEF globalist transhumanist praiser Klaus Schwab has a large statue of Lenin open, for everybody to see, in his office. He is admiring Lenin and the bolshewics, and want their concept to dominate the world with.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

But those wars existed way before the supposed Jewish infiltration, for example, the Hundred Years War.

Icarus Tanović

You gonna teach us? Teach this to that belorussian whire that is taller and wider than you.


What now Russia? Seems that western support is increasing despite all threats. Russia has no control over Ukraine borders and what subjects are coming in. This is all about the problem. Not Kiew it is Liwiw and the small cities to the western borders where you have to control. But there you have to face most resistance by the population…


Resistance by the population that has been crawling over one another to flee the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project? All the threats have come from the American empire and their crappy vassals. Thanks for playing, Ihor.


A few HIMARS were enough to make the russian Nazis run away from Kherson, now imagine what will happen to those orcs if the NATO really starts to send more heavy weapons 😆😆😆

Michel LeBlanc

You want to see an orc look in the mirror. Filthy barbarian fueling genocidal hatred.

No russian has advocated for any ethnic cleaning whatsoever.

Only you ukrainian pigs ask for such.




All these nations are party to this war against Russia, they’re finally running out of decent weapons.

Giving Ukraine archaic weaponry will only accelerate Russia’s advance and by the same token it will also ramp up the Ukrainian body count.

Baal worshipping dogs will bask in the fire of hell, when all this over.

Captain Hohol

Well, admittedly Bradleys are a step up from the many M113 breadboxes that were sent to Ukraine by the U.S last year. That being said, the Bradley’s widest usage and claim to fame was to serve as a rallying point for U.S infantry to fight disorganized Iraqis with small arms and maybe some very shitty and out of date RPGs.

It’s bad specifically because they’re going to get blown up, and it won’t showcase the Bradley as a competent land warfighting asset, moreover a repurposed invention of the cold war that is just as vulnerable as any other vehicle in the face of artillery or modern anti-vehicle ordinance.

Back in the early 00s there were pictures of an M1A1 that had some sort of what was described at the time “mystery ATGM” rip a hole through a significant portion of the tank. I remember the photos and remember that people were speculating that it was some top of the line Russian kit.

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Plenty of u.s supplied Abrams have been destroyed by the Houthis in their battle against wahabi Saudi Arabia

Captain Hohol

They are definitely not invincible but they are designed to resist less sophisticated antitank weapons of the 70s and 80s.


Kornet can absolutely take out the Abrams. Bradleys were great tank-killers in ’91 against inferior export-model Iraqi tanks. Hard to say how they will fare in a theatre with 2023 Russian artillery.

Captain Hohol

That’s what it was speculated to be, and some elite Iraqi units did have Kornets and it’s possible they found their way into the hands of insurgents.


The US Bradley tank is vulnerable to shaped explosive charges from underneath I recall seeing videos of the war in Iraq where in Bagdad the Iraqi resistance fighters used shaped explosive charges dug into the road to destroy the US Bradley tanks …….


Russian artillery will work fine too so as it has already destroyed scores of M113s

🤡 Biden the Clown™, 🤡 Zelewski the Clown™, 🤡 Harris the Clown™, 🤡 Pelosi the Clown™, 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged

Mexican American 🇲🇽

Blown apart.


Well the equipment was originally designed to fight the russians so it is finally serving the purpose it was created for.

And since there are never consequences to go against russia well until you really go to far and no one knows when too far is reached we will see the results off these descisions much later.


Should last 2 weeks before being destroyed.

Captain Hohol

I think it’s a really poor idea for the U.S to be sending it’s presently used hardware to Ukraine, it’s going to detract from the perception of american superiority when these vehicles start getting smoked just like all the other military equipment they’ve had donated to them from other countries.

Put it this way, there’s a reason why the U.S will aggressively avoid putting an F-35 anywhere close to a theater of operations where Russia could shoot one down.

Russia shooting down an F-35 would overnight invalidate billions of dollars of research and development and chop off the international military prestige of that country overnight.

The Bradley, not so much, however it’s not great to be sending your equipment over there for it to get blown up by your biggest claimed opponent.

Dan Ukroid

Washington will throw in the towel as soon as the first Patriot goes up in smoke.

Then they’ll sulk in the corner for a decade and refuse to answer the door out of pure embarrassment.


Germans are taking revenge for the loss of WW2 against the Russians by using Ukrainian army as a proxy.

Niall Glún Dubh

The Germans, whether they be imperialists or nazis are a bunch of losers when it comes to war. They lost WW1 followed WW2 at the hands of the Red army. They must be going for the hat trick of defeats with WW3. They like to think they’re top dog in Europe so we need the Russian Federation to teach the arrogant German nazis some manners and put them in their place.


Super….cant wait to see then being destroyed by Russia lancer-3 drones…:)…:)…


Zelinsky insists on tanks.After this step, Germany and France will give tanks to Ukraine.They’re just wait Bidens order.


Derp. Derpy derp. Next year in Donetsk, Ihor!


The Crusades of the 21st Century are against Russia and America is the leader of the Crusades. I would like to see their faces after Kyiv fell lol

Last edited 2 years ago by 3rd

Ihor, the Crusades were conducted on territory of the Moslems. All the fighting is on territory that used to belong to the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Eight years and you couldn’t bring Banderistan to Donetsk. Open your eyes Ihor, and look around. Does it look like your “gene pool” is flourishing?

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Check for the Russian counterparts for these NATO junk: http://roe.ru/eng/catalog/land-forces/armored-combat-vehicles/

If you still believe all that NATO scrap will make a difference, I doubt you are in the right mind.

Lance Ripplinger

This will do nothing to alter the war. Ukraine cannot stop the expected Russian offensive coming any day or week now.


Vamos deixar de mentira aqui, os russos daqui sabe que se falar contra a Rússia pode pegar 10 anos de prisão. Cadê o poderoso tanque t90, era o melhor do mundo, foram todos destruídos pelo exército ucraniano. O exército russo está sendo destruído na Ucrânia, os invasores estão voltando no caixão. Putin destruiu a Rússia.


Finland will give tanks to ukraina


Maybe Finland needs another ass-whipping from Russia.

Green Orc

Another GAME CHANGER? LMAO Iraqis destroyed dozens of these with M2 Bullcraps with improvised weapons before the US had to pull them from combat service there. Not going to do jack against Russian Forces, which are far more better equipped than Iraqi insurgents. Creepy Uncle Joe unloading more useless junk on the Ukrops.


For me it is clear that NATO is going to break thru the Russian lines with a lot of tanks and air defense. I only hope the Ruswsians are awake this time or they will lose the Crimea. So no more Vodka this year..

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

They should cut out the transport costs and the Ukrapistan middlemen and just weight them in for scrap now!

General Bradley's Ghost

I’m turning in my grave thinking my vehicles are being supplied to Nazis after I spent so much of my life fighting Nazis. Who ordered this? I’ll ream them a new one. Oh, the shame of it all.

Omar Nelson Bradley (February 12, 1893 – April 8, 1981) was a senior officer of the United States Army during and after World War II, rising to the rank of General of the Army.

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