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U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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As of May 21st, the US Navy has 7 out of its 11 aircraft carriers underway for training and operations.

On the day, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt was the most recent one to depart, and it did so from Guam.

It arrived there on March 27th, amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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The warship left Naval Base Guam and entered the Philippine Sea to conduct carrier qualification flights for the embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11.

The other six Navy aircraft carriers that are underway are five Nimitz-class carriers – USS Nimitz, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS Abraham Lincoln, USS Harry S. Truman and USS Ronald Reagan – and the first Gerald R. Ford-class carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford.

According to the U.S. Navy, the current locations of other six currently underway U.S. Navy aircraft carriers are the following:

  1. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is in the Arabian Sea;
  2. USS Nimitz and USS Abraham Lincoln are in the East Pacific;
  3. USS Ronald Reagan is in the West Pacific;
  4. USS Harry S. Truman and USS Gerald R. Ford are in the Atlantic.

USS Nimitz departed Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton in Washington state on April 27th for training and deployment after completing her Carrier Incremental Availability at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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Prior to department, all crew were tested for COVID-19, after remaining in 27-day quarantine.

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Carrier Strike Group (CSG) conducted a bilateral interoperability exercise with the French Navy in the area in April.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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USS Abraham Lincoln departed Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, California on May 7th for operations in the eastern Pacific. According to the Navy, Abraham Lincoln will be conducting routine operations in the U.S. 3rd Fleet area of operations.

USS Harry S. Truman is in the Atlantic Ocean off the U.S. coast. The warship was ordered to remain at sea in the Western Atlantic, following its successful deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet and 6th Fleet areas of operation.

The purpose is to protect the crew from exposing themselves to the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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USS Ronald Reagan departed Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan for sea trials after the completion of its selected restricted availability (SRA) by the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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Finally, the USS Gerald R. Ford departed Norfolk to commence its second round of carrier qualifications for Fleet Replacement Squadron pilots.

The first round was carried out in late April 2020, the Gerald R. Ford is the first of its class aircraft carrier and is the first new aircraft carrier for the US Navy designed in more than 40 years.

U.S. Has 7 Out Of Its 11 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Underway

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Lone Ranger

Trump must be very afraid of China…


Yes but China is afraid of Admiral Kuznetsov

Wayne Nicholson

It’s all bluster and bluff.

The USA is deeply in debt.

In order to pay off debt you need to have growth …. or the cash reserves to carry you until growth becomes positive again. If you experience negative growth you have to shed assets or become insolvent. That means layoffs which means less consuming which means negative growth …. vicious cycle.

Trump is already panicking by opening businesses prematurely during a pandemic …. he’s not going to start a naval war in the key region the US supply chain flows through. It’s going to take a miracle to restart supply chains as it is but to add a war with your #1 supplier that can also disrupt the other trading nations in the region would be shooting yourself in the foot seeing as Trump’s only record he can run on is the economy.

Last week he probably talked to the Koch brothers and they told hm to stop being a pussy and put the clamps on Venezuela, iran and Saudi Arabia to get the price of oil rising again. Next week he’ll talk to the Waltons who tell him they’ll cut him off and fund the campaign against him if he does anything to disrupt trade with China.

The USN also announced a couple of weeks ago that they would be keeping ship at sea to keep them virus free. This is why even carriers with skeleton crews are at sea …. it’s safer.


With the dire straits of US economy and pathetic domestic virus situation, posturing like a hollowed out bully is the last thing the US needs.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The last hurrah for the the oceans biggest white elephants. (all to shift around about 250 so-so F/A-18’s)

Wayne Nicholson

The USN said a couple of weeks ago they were planning to put all the ship they could to sea to keep them free from infection. I don’t believe they have enough operational air wings for seven carriers …. all but 2 or 3 carriers are out for a pleasure cruise.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Think I’ve read that the CVN’s these day have four VFA Squadrons which equate to around x45 F/A-18E/F. So five CVN’s air wings would equate to about x 250 Super Hornets. (which isn’t probably going to trouble Iran too greatly, let alone China or Russia!)

Also begs the question are the carriers themselves fully crewed?


These carriers are good for threatening weaker nations but are floating coffins for the new hypersonic missiles coming into service.


Spot on,and quite a few Countries now have those anti ship missiles,if it kicked off those carriers would have a real problem.

Wayne Nicholson

I don’t thing there are many hypersonic missiles deployed yet. There are however a vast number of supersonic anti-shipping missiles that could shred a carrier group. Hopefully it won’t happen because if it does the USA will go ape shit.

Impotent rage might not win wars but it can kill and maim 100’s of millions.

Jim Allen

I think that’s true, but Russia can rock production. It out produced US in war production in WWII. That’s doing something. Russia is not producing at it’s full capacity, and is still launching a new ship, or submarine about every other month, a new frigate was just floated in the last couple days. Russia is having a hard time with its guided missile cruiser/carrier. Between mishaps, and the neglect under USSR, it’s repairs, and upgrades are costly. Upgrading existing equipment costs less, than new, and Russian military hardware is built strong, it has to be, to survive the weather. Russia has large, and growing number of MiG-29’s that have been upgraded, the electronics is the key, it fits in the planes space for electronics, restoring their mid to long range radars on export models, increased internal fuel capacity, new, bigger engines, etc.. Still 2nd fastest fighter aircraft ever. Considered best dogfighter by the world’s air forces. The Luftwaffe pilot that flew an export model for countless hours thinks so, flew it in top gun competitions. US, and Germany bought 22, and 21 MiG-29 to deny Russia buying them, seems these Governments new the potential, and made a wise move. MiG-31 is upgraded in the same way, some are long range, able to carry hypersonic weapons under the wings. Rusia Russia claims max speed at 2.8 Mach. Conservative I think. One time, MiG-31 actually did run down an SR-71. Did nothing as the spy plane managed to move just outside USSR airspace just as the MiG got there. Russia has it’s fast strategic bombers, Tu-160 is twice as fast as B1 B bigger weapons capacity. Tu-22M3M have their in-flight refueling re-installed after US Government broke the treaty, limiting it’s range, being upgraded. Many have already. The Federation has no debt, created large reserves, even after all the work in Crimea as Ukraine neglected everything after it broke away from USSR, it had attatched Crimea to Ukraine thinking it would have a better chance to survive, and grow. USSR was mistaken. Building the Kerch Strait Bridge, wasn’t cheap, and US sanctions against Russia forced it to build new infrastructure to manufacture products cut off by the sanctions,, and the food. Agriculture grew like overnight. The demand for Russian military hardware increased, and upgrades to hardware around the world. US Government began upgrading it’s equipment. When F-22, and, F-35 and Zumwalt class destroyers, failed, along with other ships, Littoral as example, doesn’t perform to specifications. Ten years of deferred maintenance, no replacements for the retiring equipment. US may have 7 carriers operational, most doing nothing, or certifying pilots, training, or sea trials, how many are on station in the Middle East ? The Pentagon ordered 3 carrier groups to be there at all times. It had two, with one leaving/returning, then pulled one from the Atlantic, sent it to the Middle East. Two there one having repairs made. US, France, England, Italy, and Rothschild have been messing in the Middle East for more than 100 years, England stole the Holy lands from Palestine, then attacked, killing civilians, women, and children, thrashed the place. Palestine looked like all the other countries in the Middle East in1947. It was destroyed just like Libya in 1948.

Wayne Nicholson

“Russia can rock production. It out produced US in war production in WWII.”

Most western historians like to praise German engineering and efficiency while showing the Soviets as bumbling fools who only beat the Germans through blunt force and bad weather. This is what you get when you allow the losing generals to write history.

The truth is the Russians biggest advantage in the war was their ability to mobilize and organize their entire population to fight.

They managed the immense task of moving all their war production east to the Urals while, deporting millions of ethnic Germans holding off the Germans for 18 months while they got their factories up and running. And this was all done before any more than a trickle of US lend lease made it to Russia.

Compare that to the Germans who became overwhelmed supplying their forces while dealing with the ‘jewish problem”.

“Upgrading existing equipment costs less, than new, and Russian military hardware is built strong, it has to be, to survive the weather.”

Russian engineering philosophy is smart and practical.

During WW2 they figured a T-34 would last no longer than a few weeks on the battlefield. They didn’t bother building them well because they were disposable. The engine for example was sloppy and burned oil. It was only designed to last 1200 hrs at best but they got them out the door fast in huge numbers.

Sure German tanks were engineering marvels compared to the Russians but the Russians could produce a shitload of T-34’s for every beautiful tank the Germans produced. Even today the Russians use the same calculus …. they look to overwhelm NATO …. they don’t give a shit how fanboys compare a abrams or leopard to a T-72 as long as they have three guns for every gun pointed at them they’ll win.

While USAF fanboys are creaming their jeans over stealth the Russians are doing the math. Which is more valuable …. an F-35 that needs a week of maintenance between sorties or an SU-34 that can fly twice a day, day in day out with twice the ordinance load of an F-35? The same calculations go for missiles and artillery.

Jim Allen

Thing is T-34 design was superior to other countries armor. High horsepower V-12 diesel power, built for easy maintenance on the battlefield, rather than sloppy the horsepower rating wouldn’t sustain sloppy. Angled armor, low silhouette, a 76mm high velocity rifle, that would fire any round the breach would close on. The low ground pressure tracks riding on the “Christie” suspension the Russian’s bought when US military rejected it. Loose clearances in the moving parts, make for more dependable operation in the conditions military hardware is operated in. Take Colt’s 1911A1 Government Model. Oddly, they’re as accurate as the later models, like the Series 70 with it’s barrel bushing, and other “improvements”. My dad had a Government model that has been reported lost in Italy in 1943. Given to him by his father in law, a Colonel in US Army during the war. Was as accurate as his Gold Cup. Engines had electric start, and air start, they’d travel at 40 mph over rough terrain. The Germans loved T-34 they captured enough of them. Painted the cross on next to the original Russian markings, and the other German info, and back into battle with German crews. As of 2016 there were a handful still in service in some poor African countries. They’re dragged out of bogs in Russia the water, silt etc., hosed out, oil, and coolant replaced whack the engine a couple times with a hammer, and they start right up. Notice every country’s armor, after WWII was built on T-34 design. Germans had a bit of a head start. Panzer Mk V Panther was based on T-34 design. See it’s not some junk tossed together, and sent to be destroyed. 1,200 hrs on an engine before an overhaul in those days was good. So what if it burns a little oil, better that than a seized piston should the engine overheat. These engines had oil cooled pistons, too. There’s plenty of other Russian technology, and hardware from the time equally as good, the”burp” gun as example. Like a Thompson, but with a 75 round drum. Was a bit slow with aircraft at first, but everything MiG-15 and newer is excellent. MiG-21 is still in service in large numbers today India upgraded some with advanced electronics, and radars giving mid to long range radars again. Shot down F-16. The -21 is fast, and like all Russian fighter aircraft very agile, and nimble. MiG-29, the plane Russia copied from a non-existent US fighter. A change in electronics, and radar systems, the export models lost their mid to long range radars, Western fighters took advantage of. Safe so long as they stayed out of range of the short range radar as MiG-29 is second fastest fighter in the world, the best dogfighter, the latest upgrades installed,, make the 29 4++ gen fighter. Russian fast strategic bombers,, are as fast as Western fighters. Assertions that Russian military hardware is poor is Western propaganda.


Goodjob U.S, show China who owns the seas.

Fog of War

The same China Israhell is desperate to make deals with ?


Depends who you ask, I don’t want any deals with China because you can not trust communists. The U.S is our best ally, we will never side with China.

Trap Is Not Gay

Jews created Communism, baboon.

Also the CCP was created by Jews – not the Chinese.

Anyway, China is a CAPITALIST country now, not “communist” any more (another lie).

China is much more free than your Blacked-farming in the North of the Americas, that circus.


Whatever gave yo the idea the Chinese are Commuists? lol! they are capitalists now and they are quite good at it,thats what the US can’t stand.


They are a communist dictatorship just like the USSR were and NK now. Sure, they make business with the rest of the world in order to buy everything and then enslave other countries, but they still haven’t changed their ideology. If they could, they would have turned you into a communist too. The U.S saved South Korea from the same fate, Vietnam is sadly a failure. China can not be trusted, you will find it out one day on your own.

Fog of War

” Vietnam is sadly a failure. ”

Yes, such a failure that ZioAmerica cant wait to make business and military deals with it.


I see the relationship between Israel & US like a flea on a dog, one is feeding continuously on the other

Wayne Nicholson

Just trying to burn fuel to keep shale oil viable for another couple of days. Either way the US taxpayer pay so they may as well get a boat ride out of it.


is the arabian sea above the mexican ocean or below the cuban bay?

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