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MARCH 2025

U.S. Hopes for Venezuelan Oil Failed. Fight Between Democrats and Republicans Intensifies

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U.S. Hopes for Venezuelan Oil Failed. Fight Between Democrats and Republicans Intensifies

Washington refused to go along with Maduro in negotiations on Venezuelan oil after facing a wave of criticism, The Financial Times reported.
The Biden administration saw the Ukraine crisis as an opportunity to reengage with the Nicolas Maduro government in Venezuela, hoping to secure alternative oil supplies and deprive Moscow of a key ally.

The White House sent three high-ranking officials to negotiate with Maduro, even though the U.S. does not recognize him as president and has charged him with drug trafficking, with a $15 million bounty on his head.

Some analysts warn that if the U.S. thought Venezuela could compensate for the lack of Russian oil, it was wrong. Venezuela has huge reserves, but its oil infrastructure is dilapidated after years of neglect and now accounts for less than 1% of the world’s oil supply.

The negotiations seem to have strained relations between the Biden administration and Guaido, even if the U.S. still recognizes him as Venezuela’s legitimate leader.

For their part, Republicans will introduce a bill this week to ban oil imports to the U.S. from Venezuela and Iran. Republicans are just as happy as their fellow rogue nations to thwart their Democratic president’s plans and relish his humiliation.

U.S. Hopes for Venezuelan Oil Failed. Fight Between Democrats and Republicans Intensifies

At the same time, Democrats continue to follow their own peculiar understanding of markets rules.

Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse introduced The Big Oil Windfall Profits Act, a bill in the U.S. Congress that would impose a tax on each barrel of oil equal to 50% of the difference between current prices and the average price before the 2015-19 pandemic.

The law would only apply to companies that produce or import at least 300,000 bpd. The measure is aimed at reducing the skyrocketing price of gasoline, but analysts say it will make its cost rise even higher and lead to fuel shortages.

Among those blasting the proposal was Brian Brenberg, associate professor of business and economics at The King’s College in New York City, who called the proposal “absolutely foolish.”

“We’ve heard a lot of bad ideas in recent years. This might be the worst,” Mr. Brenberg said on “Fox & Friends.” “We’ve got an oil and gas crisis, and these guys want to basically put a price control in, okay? This tax, it’s a price control. Where have you seen stuff like that? It’s called Venezuela.”

Such a tax would result in fuel shortages and “send energy markets into a tailspin,” he said.

While Democrats accuse oil producers of jacking up prices, industry representatives argue that oil and gas prices are not determined by companies, but by the world market, which is influenced by factors such as growing post-pandemic demand, production, net imports and storage.

President Biden has been accused by Republicans and industry figures of exacerbating the crisis by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and preventing oil and gas production on federal lands and waters.

No matter how the situation develops in the domestic political confrontation in the U.S. or on the Ukrainian fronts, one thing is clear: the U.S. economy will face difficult times. On the other hand, America’s competitors in the EU are in a much worse position.

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John Tosh

Unfortunately the world has too many people wanting the same things. Seven billion and counting… soon not enough water, food and land…. the seas are polluted with thrash being thrown into the sea creating huge piles of plastic killing marine life. Humans are a disaster. Humans should never have been put on this planet.


Oh you pessimists make me sick. Technology will allow us to clean the earth and make it more pristine than it ever was. It must suck being miserable and ignorant.




It’s not because people want food and water! It’s because people want I-pads, flat screens, fancy cars and all the other crap that is only created to satisfy peoples lusts and cause them to spend spend spend so that our stupidly designed economy will not crash.

And it will not get any better since most people will never give up their lusts.

This is why most humans will not enter the coming Kingdom.


Exactly. The problem is not need, the problem is greed. Starting with scum like Gates, Bezos, Musk, while billions of fools trying to imitate fake celebrities created by global ‘elites’. They don’t need to clone people, people are acting like clones already. They sold their souls for new iPad.

Abraham Lincoln

Humans are a disaster. Humans should never have been put on this planet.

OK so when do you plan to kill yourself?


Surely after you. Give us your example, with video and all, you are in CIA’s Amerika, your family can always demand from CIA an compensation for your dead.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Change of planet, better, go to a star.


Not Humans, you westners, we don´t have all the same responsability in the world polution. Western countrys are the one´s destroying it all and are the one´s who keep doing so. You don´t share your wealth taken from us or the one created wille you are polluting and now want´s to share the responsability in the world destruction?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Saudisis and UAE failed too. Oy vey, the crumbling americant empire ahot itself in the foot again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

No one trusts US, let alone old senile Biden. The combined US War Party have been trying to regime change Venezuela for years. Now all of a sudden Biden wants to be fair weather pals, to get Venezuelan oil, so that the rising consumer prices don’t result in voter backlash against the ruling Democrats at next House election cycle. Frag off, Senile Joe.

Yamil Perez

It’s not like Maduro has anything to offer. They idiot doesn’t know how to produce his own oil. Venezuela’s low grade crude is practically worthless. Only China will buy it at a discount. It didn’t seem like a hard decision to make.

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Babe 🍆😘

Dummy Perez

Yamil the 55 year old incel has lost his blow up doll again. Somebody get his another one ASAP …. LMAO!!!!

Yamil Perez

Look at that long line of Putin cockroaches waiting just to suck their fuher.

Arch Bungle

If he didn’t have anything to offer the State department would not be over there offering to suck his empanada …


Atta girl … accentuate the positive, keep the sunny side up … you don’t need no stinken Venezuela heavy crude to make your diesel fuel.

US farmers and the truckers that bring those goods to market will be happy to take it up the ass and eat the cost of fertilizers and diesel so the USA doesn’t experience hyper inflated food cost next year or they’ll go broke trying. Lets hope there isn’t severe drought this year just to make it a perfect storm.

Michel LeBlanc

You know nothing of refining oil do you?

Do you know the difference between light and heavy crude?

No you dont, your just an idiot with a few talking points repeated over and over.


Venezuela has been treated as Pax American colony for well over a century. During this time the US deliberately set it up so they bought crude exports, and all the refining happened on US soil. This was for twofold US economic benefits, and in past US installed two bit Venezuelan dictators owned by Washington to keep it that way. US wants to resume this resource harvesting by installing their political lapdog Gauido as President. ‘United States Collusion’ much?

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGarden

Pérez, I don’t even read you no more, i don’t want to waste my time.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Again then why did your Daddy Biden go to Venezuela, a whiff of desperation for deluded necons like you.


taco brain wrong again—venezuelan crude same high quality as Russian, Iranian—you retarded cia nazis are pathetic


The US had put a total embargo on imports of any equipment for their oil industry. The problem is they need parts and can’t get them. As for their oil it is essential to make diesel fuel, the US used it for years until greed over came sense.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

$10 for a gallon in the bigger cities in the crumbling americant empire. And rising. Njoy…

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
Yamil Perez

They’ll just switch to electric, Scooby. Standing ovation for Elon Musk for saving the world.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Keep dreaming.

Michel LeBlanc

And how will you get the rare gases from? Russia?

Titanium lithium ect?

You will be burning coal in no time.


And just what do your use to generate that electricity … bio diesel?

And what about the failed state of the US electrical grid?

I’m sitting here typing because the electric grid went down in Texas last winter and killed the largest resin plant in Texas causing a scarcity of resin for sheet goods and finishes for architectural millwork. The plant in Texas isn’t up and running yet … I ordered a lift of MDF last fall as well as finishes from Sherwin Williams and there’s no sign of the MDF and I got a couple of pails of surfacer from SW but no sign of top coats.

I’m basically retired and have wound down my business to a hobby I do for enjoyment but for someone trying to build a business these kind of shortages, delays and price spikes are deadly.

US society and the US government is dysfunctional. There was a bill to upgrade the electric grid that got shit canned because of partisan infighting. Elon Musk is in the same boat as everyone else. He’s got to deal with ridiculous price increases, supply train delays too. He just sold a big chunk of stock to stay solvent.

There are no shortcuts. You have to generate electricity somehow and get it to where it’s needed. it takes years to plan and build electricity generation and distribution networks and the scarcity of heavy crude to make diesel is happening right now.


Musk operates a very traditional Ponzi scheme.

Yamil Perez

Jesus, this fucking moron again. The US already has electric stations across the entire country. They already started the process of switching to electric long before Putin the cockroach decided to invade.


There are currently 40 million diesel trucks operating every day in the USA not including Farm use which is at least 50% of that.

So you thing they can convert all those trucks, tractors and combine harvestors to electric power over the next couple of months?

So farmers are going to drive their combines into town every night to charge up?

Say nothing of all the new cabling and transformer stations for the added load a 60 million or so commercial and farm vehicles would need say nothing of the generation capacity … and how will you power those generators … oil?

And talking about building power plants and distribution capacity what do you think all that construction equipment runs on … you gonna turn your prius into a bulldozer?

Let me guess … you’re the guy who asked the teacher “but when will I ever use math”


taco brain think like reptile


The average American couldn’t afford to live when oil went to $140 in 2008. The cost of hydrocarbons was a principal driver of the collapse of the bankers’ derivatives scheme. The system was on life support from QE and the last ditch flooding of the market by the Saudi puppets, similar to the strategy employed to break the Soviet Union’s capacity for foreign exchange. There is no way forward now. The scammer banks went broke again in summer, 2019 and the US Fed took on $9 trillion in scammer garbage, pretending it was due to Covid. This was a blatant lie as the bank failures were apparent and being bailed out in September, 2019, five months before Covidmania took off in the US. Which means that the American consumer will not be buying one of Ponzi-super schemer Musk’s lightning lemons any time soon as more and more Americans every day turn to food stamps to subsist in a consumer market collapsing under inflation not seen for forty years. Colliding scammer policies for the criminal US empire as their identitarian climate change cons slam into their efforts to save the dollar and the empire by controlling hydrocarbons. They can’t ramp up the tar-sands in Canada and still pretend they’re saving the world by pricing hydrocarbons out of reach. This is why they were desperate enough to trigger the escalation against Russian in the Ukraine, and the Russians called their bluff. The US unipolar global mass murder scheme is falling apart and about to come off the rails. The Kiev Klown Kar kareening off the kliff is child’s play in the big picture.


most electricity in US is gas and coal generated—-taco Perez only eat cold guacamole


taco brain —how is electricity produced? CIA trains idiots

Yamil Pidorez

OH NO! Look what your hero Musk has posted: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1503276966874595330

So much for standing ovation, hmm? Good lucking selling your junk pile, no one needs second hand EVs with a drained battery capacity.


We are watching the nexus point of where the US consumption of ever larger SUV’s and pick up trucks meets an international oil market crunch. It was always going to happen eventually. After late 1970’s oil crisis, US consumers switched demand to smaller cars. But with time and decades they forgot and consumers grew complacent, reassured by US politicians that they would once again always have oil supplies at low prices. Now a trip to refuel all those over scale and over weight SUV’s is getting very painful.


looks like venezuela said NO. venezuela is like vietnam. it is hot and jungle and they can’t invade venezuela.

Peter Jennings

The NWO want to crash the system and put in their own bastardised version which prohibits ownership of anything, even human rights. They want this, but they don’t want the blame for health, transport, financial, and food systems crashing and burning.

If the NWO get their wish, millions will die and the survivors will be assigned serf status.

Christian J. Chuba

I would love to see transcripts of that meeting. Here is how I think it went down. Maduro: Of course we will sell oil, lift some of your sanctions. U.S. – No. We will let you sell us oil for the time being. Be grateful that we honored you with a visit.


That was a sigh of desperation. It’s going to be a contest over who can get the most humiliating concessions out of the USA.

Expect a leaked video of Biden sucking some Arab princes dick in the next few days.

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

BS. This is how the conversation went:

Maduro: Remove ALL sanctions. Return our gold. Recognise me now and suck my cock bitches?

U.S. – We can suck your cock but we can’t meet any of the other commitments.

According to a recent survey if cock sucking was an Olympic sport, the US would win every gold medal for every olympics for the next 100 years.

I should know, I’m from the silver medal cUNTry in that regard, Israel.


If Venezuela qualifies as a key ally, Russia is in more trouble than I realized.


There’s something very important about Venezuela or CIA and the clown puppets in Canada wouldn’t be relentlessly working to overthrow the legimate government and attacking the oil industry in the country. Still, that was a very derpy comment. Good job.


Who is in great troubles isn’t Russia, but you can’t, by the moment, realize.


amerikant nazi only realize LGBT and transgender….even UAE, saudis ignore phone call from your senile veg prez—toothless decayed dead empire where freedom is not allowed except for lgbt and black athletes

рубле: туалетная бумага

Yo russians:What’s up with stock market😁 .Why dont you open it?Just launch it,we’ll try something,something deep,something special 😂.

Last edited 2 years ago by рубле: туалетная бумага

Yo Ukraine. Didn’t you used to have an air force and a navy?

Nazi controled Mariupol has just open the Mariupol’s nazis stock market, but there’s no capital movements, not even for body bag nazi industries.

How’s that Ukrainian stock market today? Closing at record highs? Bandera icons closing up 40 points?

yo amerikunt—what’s up with your cultural desert, dead economy?


washington has been doing the same things the venezuela they are to Iran and much of the the rest of the world..why believe Washington propaganda about Venzuela but not Russia…some people never learn


the failures of the amerikants is legendary—their desperation is pathetic. as their stock market thrives their economy dies—dependent on others for production, materials competent labour. amerikants are not even competent waiters and coffee makers. perhaps they will import 3 million from ukropistan to teach them how to lose their next war

Let's go Brandon

Plenty of natural gas in Joe’s diapers, enough for all NATO vassals ♨


“Venezuela has huge reserves, but its oil infrastructure is dilapidated after years of neglect ”

Of course, because the destruction of the price of oil perpetrated by the US and Saudi Arabia and the most serious sanctions that fall on Venezuela since 2016 have nothing to do with it, it is just the abandonment of the authorities


“Republicans are just as happy as their fellow rogue nations “? Please stop parroting western MSM narrative. The real rogue nations are USA and Israel.

pappa gone

usa zionazi colonial bullying behavior is the culprit of their near implosion. betting again in spreading wars will finish in the final end of USA UK ISRAHELL imperialist regime. Putin spoken of that from almost 25 years. and nobody can think of Russian aggression. that of Russia is a defence from 30years of american aggression. USA from 1800 starting with Philippines crimes never changed his behavior, also WW1 and WW2 were their complete responsibility. NOW STOP and if their attitude will not change also China will intervene. please stop Usa zio criminal satanic behavior

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