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MARCH 2025

U.S. In Shock As Beijing Mirrors Washington’s Rhetoric In Diplomatic Negotiation

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U.S. In Shock As Beijing Mirrors Washington's Rhetoric In Diplomatic Negotiation

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On March 18th, US and China began a diplomatic meeting in Alaska.

It started with accusations from both sides of undiplomatic rhetoric.

According to Politico, the Chinese delegation violated protocol during the talks in Anchorage, Alaska and arrived there with the expectation of “playing to the public.” This was stated by a high-ranking representative of the Washington administration, Politico reports.

At the meeting in Anchorage, the United States was represented by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Presidential National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and from China by Yang Jiechi, Head of the Office of the CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Such “exaggerated diplomatic presentations often are aimed at a domestic audience,” an unnamed senior US official said, adding that the U.S. side intended to “outline for the Chinese delegation in private the same messages we have consistently delivered in public.“

“The Chinese delegation, on the other hand, seems to have arrived intent on grandstanding, focused on public theatrics and dramatics over substance,“ the official added.

According to him, the representatives of the PRC violated the protocol by exceeding the time of their speech. The administration said they agreed on short two-minute statements from each high-ranking official.

According to the publication, senior American diplomats accused China of threatening world stability and Chinese officials alleging America is a human rights hypocrite due to its mistreatment of Black citizens.

“We do not seek conflict, but we welcome stiff competition, and we will always stand up for our principles, for our people, and for our friends,” Sullivan said at the top of the first meeting, according to Reuters.

Blinken said the U.S. will not stop holding China accountable for its actions in places like Hong Kong, where Beijing has cracked down on democracy; its economic coercion of other countries; or what U.S. officials allege is a genocidal campaign against Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region.

U.S. In Shock As Beijing Mirrors Washington's Rhetoric In Diplomatic Negotiation

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Without that rules-based order, it would be a “far more violent and unstable world,” Blinken said, according to CNN.

As mentioned above, Yang warned the United States to back off and accused it of hypocrisy.

He said the United States uses its financial and military might to bully other countries. He also said America had its own long history of human rights problems, alleging that Black people are being “slaughtered” in the United States.

The United States is used to a rather one-sided affair in every diplomatic exchange – it throws loud and shocking accusations, while the other side simply either defends, or keeps silent.

This is a first – China is treating the US the same way, and Washington is shocked, as this is unacceptable.

Washington’s officials saw a mirrored response to their usual conduct, and were caught unaware. This stands testament to the efforts of former US President Donald Trump and current US President Joe Biden in undermining the United States’ global hegemony.

Global policing appears to no longer be a given fact, and more and more surprises are likely coming the Biden administration’s way.

Or rather, as Joe Biden referred to Vice President Kamal Harris, once again, as “President” showing who is actually behind Washington’s chaotic and misguided policy.


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Bobby Twoshoes

If the Chinese aren’t polite there is a reason, I fear that will get lost in translation with the Yanks though. Reminds me of a Sun Tzu quote (probably paraphrased a bit) “The defeated general goes to war then seeks to win, the victorious general wins then goes to war”

Jens Holm

I think I agree. USA as well as others has to reflect and find other stepstones or change them, if they want and wish this and that.

An other maybee from the same person says You should decide the right time and space to win the war. Until then, You should try to avoid it.

USA as well as others has to transform themself. I see USA as very strong but also more and more inefective wasting a lot of energy for nothing.

Biden try to regain the frontzone. I like that part. But it cant be kept because the old days is not there anymore.

But I see the same for others. Just because China grows, they should not be without limitations among themself and others. The rest of us are part of the world too but also only has to be respected for, what is related to respect.

Facts are China also makes the cake to share bigger. Thats certainly needed for the Chinese. It was devastating bad how those many chinese was kept as sheep needing almost everything. I do prefare for them the main changes in wellfare, but I certainly dont like the rest.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I pointed out about China. China violated the diplomatic code by not following the procedures, violated the protocol and did it with the aim to “playing to the public” using humour as a weapon of mass destruction, and thus interfered in the American election and our Constitution.


As the US interfered in any election in the world (Chile Italy Greece and on and on) you must any right to speak. Build the Trump’s wall and stay in! You suck! You criminal bloody assassin, according to your own people, Chomsky “Western Terrorism”


francesco when you get to know Tommy, you’ll understand that he is very much into irony and sarcasm…


man this is sooo absurdly funny its like revisiting history of us iranian relations only that we didnt had the embassies but the united nations for such clashes


It’s a fact that satire was invented by the USA during WW2, stolen by the Russians who helped the Chinese develop crude irony during the cold war. A full blown satirical war would hurt the feelings of hundreds of millions and could cause worldwide existential crisis and self doubt and may even cause worldwide clinical depression.

Worldwide stocks of satire should be held by the USA under control of the UN and …. for the sake of our children … China and Russia should be limited to knock knock jokes, mimes and skits with pantomine horses.

Jens Holm

Satire of any kind is invented many many years before that in many countries. I have a WW1 collection about it.

I take a french funny one. When the Germans attacked the French troops hard to destroy their front it was proposed by a newspapers, that the french troops should a small gab in the front because then German troops comming in could be taken one by one.


Nope. Though the USA takes credit for weaponizing humour it was the British who first weaponized humour in 1943 as told in this 1970’s documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBWr1KtnRcI

Jens Holm

I dont care half a Turkish torurist camel for, what some documentary said in 1970.

I have a book about it and with several 100 examples mainly in text but also pictures. .


You have a good day jens … keep smiling.


Satire is (like many other language experiment/expression/activity) very old and certainly before invention of written language,


I have no idea who was the first satirist however if there’s an an American commenting you can be sure they’ll claim credit.

Tommy Jensen

Satire was off course also invented in United States by Walt Disney, but our intellectual property was also here stolen and copied world wide as everybody copy an American.


Country that have broken every single protocol, diplomacy rules and international laws – is accusing other..

How very typical of Idiocracy/Hypocrisy made in USA..

Just Me

The other obvious fact is that China is now too strong and too prosperous to be pushed around. The dumb AmeriKKKan a$$holes think this is 19th century and the Chinese can be hooked on opium and rusted gun boats. The rednecks and the demented Jew shill Biden will suffer a death of a thousand cuts.

Peter Jennings

It’s the neocon doctrine which keeps them thinking like throwbacks. As usual the US political/military system, because there is little between them, is signing cheques it cannot honour.

The pentagon is quiet these days. Perhaps they don’t share the same confidence as their loud mouthed comrades?

Just Me

The Jews are overestimating US capabilities, China, Russia and Iran are 100 times stronger and more in tune that the treacherous Warsaw Pact that USSR unfortunately created. Russia can count on more than 30 countries from China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, Belarus etc as close allies. We are talking over 2 BILLION people, and even in Europe the sheeple are fed up with US and Jew warmongering. The dumbass Americans need to be careful this is a new world order.

Jens Holm

What an adding. There are close to 7 billions in the world.

You are fed up Yourself and partly with hay in vakkum. You not even relate to fact.

A lot of people dont say quality. Everybody can make a lot of children and behave like rats, which cant even feed themself. That kind of peicture is well known and often true.

And as You say. WE ARE ALL JEWS in our behaving. By that we often count 10 ties or more in capabilities. Making a lot of children and having that cheep fun is no sign of anything apart from reproduction.

Im proud af being JEWS in Your context and not live like You. Look at the conditions and fx western economies. We are doing fine even if You seemes to have fun 16 hours in bed.

Trap Is Not Gay

Exactly because you are Jews we hate you and we despise you.

We support China and we love China. China is right and can count on us as China needs.


But you must admit, they have considerable help from gentiles!

Pave Way IV

The Pentagon sticks their foot in their mouth every time they open it. For the most part, they try to remain silent. That doesn’t mean they’re actively committing treason and sedition behind the scenes as bottom-boy to the MIC. They just don’t want to advertise that fact. See Gareth Porter’s article on how this operated in the Trump-ordered ‘total withdrawal in Afghanistan’:

How the US military subverted the Afghan peace agreement to prolong an unpopular war [link]

Appointed in the final days of Trump’s presidency to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, Douglas Macgregor tells The Grayzone how military leadership undermined the withdrawal and pressured Trump to capitulate.

They subverted an order from the commander in chief. Every banana republic would throw their generals in prison for this, but not the U.S. And I don’t feel one bit sorry for Trump. Surround yourself with fellow highly-functioning psychopaths if you want, but don’t cry when you find out they stabbed you in the back.


If you defend Trump you defend a fake hero,

Tommy Jensen

Trump was the best bet in 30 years. US wont get a new chance. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/01/27/soros_trump_will_disappear_in_2020_or_ever_sooner.html

Robert Ferrin

For a dying empire you may be right but then again any stick in that office would have done as well.

Anglo Canadian

Russia and China are globalists too, jewish supremacists from the west installed Communist governments in both countries that remain pro-Jewish and pro-Israel.

If you were as correct as you say you are, you wouldn’t avoid constructive debate. You avoid debating me because you cannot win the argument, because I have the facts and you cannot disprove them, proving you are wrong. Apparently this is too difficult of a concept for you to grasp.

Robert Ferrin

I don’t debate as*holes for it’s a waste of time.Bye

Anglo Canadian

Said Robert the arrogant mental midget who slandered me for no reason, projecting his own maladaptive characteristics onto other.

You can’t debate me because you have no argument and think you know everything.

Anglo Canadian

Get a life, Hia Nd.

Anglo Canadian

And yet there are no shortage of countries with higher living standards than China, including every western country.

Is China “Based” and “Anti-Globalist”? Let’s find out!



Human rights accusations at this summit is like this meme https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e707846da9ba4034d05c29969c947720f383213cfe08f1ed1cb650794ee5d63.jpg

Jens Holm

Typical sheep version. It only says, that whatever USA does its wrong. Baah Bahh https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/70f334fa0425aff54576caddcd393b5b8845b549e2b1f6639ce28e438147407d.jpg


When i will be interested about the opinion of retarded, broken troll – i will let you know ..

Anglo Canadian

Is China “Based” and “Anti-Globalist”? Let’s find out! https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/02/is-china-based-and-anti-globalist-lets-find-out/


Anglo Canadian

There is no shortage of hypocrisy in China and all formerly white countries after two world wars. If you had any idea what the Communists had done with the aid of the Jewish controlled west to establish Jewish control worldwide, it would make your head spin. You would know that every nation is either ruled by a despot, or under the thumb of a bigger despot.


Tommy Jensen

Just remember there were slaves in China, India, Africa and Latin before Europe entered the business, and it was the white man who freed slavery from mankind!! FACT!

Anglo Canadian

Most definitely.

Also, my fringe views are bound to cause controversy.


[Written by one of the commanders of the European-financed force sent to end the thousand-year-old Arab slave trade in Africa, this astonishing book tells of the little known Aran Campaign, or “Congo-Arab War” of 1892 to 1894.European intervention against the Arab slave trade started with the foundation in 1876 of the International African Association which had as its aim the “exploration and opening to civilization of Central Africa” and the “abolition of the trade in blacks.”

The Arab slave trade in black Africans—which had started soon after the first Muslim incursions into North Africa in 640 AD, and continued until the 1920s—had encroached all the way to Central Africa. From there, Africans were sold into slavery by other Africans—many of them converts to Islam—or by Arab colonists, all directed from the main Islamic slave trading island outpost of Zanzibar on Africa’s east coast.”]


Tommy Jensen

Then the white man end up as scapegoat for the slave trade he freed. What an irony. I have been in a variation of African countries. One, I wont mention which, I were offered young underaged girls by the locals, for money off course. Outside the city were people living in the middle of a rubbish dump with small new born babies and children. It was really a depressing place. But……………Africa is much more. A continent with heavy traditions and culture.

Robert Ferrin

Don’t waste to much of today on the yesterdays.

Anglo Canadian

“Don’t waste to much of today on the yesterdays.”


Yes goyimz! Listen to our cousin (((Bobert Ferrinberg)))! Don’t bother yourselves with challenging thoughts, it’s easier to let us do all the thinking for you!

*Hand rubbing intensifies*

Give Us More Scheckles, Goyim! https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/you-give-us-more-scheckles-goyim_xsJgRuWFzMZc3hK.html


Robert Ferrin

And a new troll has been added to the site, I’m sure a few more will welcome a new troll to spread dis-information dwell in the past and contribute nothing to the conversation. Welcome aboard.

Anglo Canadian

In fact you match all of the criteria that defines an internet troll.

Robert Ferrin

Lol except but I’m, but you do as you come on to the site like gang busters and try to twist the conversation off into another direction which is a sure sign of a troll, must be trying for another pay grade.

Anglo Canadian

Learn how to spell properly, your grammar is atrocious. Your replies are incoherent and completely unrelated to anything I’ve stated, get a life.

Anglo Canadian

Yes, it isn’t uncommon for the mentally challenged such as yourself to engage in childish behaviour. Even children are more mature by comparison.

Anglo Canadian

This comment you left makes no sense “And WHO built them up and for what reason once you understand then there’s no use of future conversation..”

Please elaborate.

Anglo Canadian

And what evidence do you have, other than childishly insisting I am wrong? You haven’t disproven anything I said or posted, and assume that anyone who disagrees with you is either an idi0t or a liar. Then call me an as$hole for not respecting you after the rude comments you left, arrogantly assuming you know better due to your confirmation bias.

Anglo Canadian

You prefer to regurgitate talking points you were indoctrinated to believe rather than actually think for yourself.



Anglo Canadian

I’m not justifying colonialism, I do notice South Africa and Zimbabwe are falling to pieces.


“U.S. IN SHOCK AS BEIJING MIRRORS WASHINGTON’S RHETORIC” Goood !…and this is only just the beginning. The more time passes by, the worse it will get and the more ridiculous US position will become.

Lost Empire

You can be sure! The age of gold is over for them

Anglo Canadian

Glad to hear it! This will pave the road for moving on to something far greater, the age of Aquarius! Good riddance to the (current) passing Age of Pisces!



Anglo Canadian

Putin challenges senile old Biden to a debate, is he up for the challenge? Too bad he won’t debate other people, like historical revisionists. His arguments on such subject matters are on par with Deborah Lipdstadt’s misrepresentations of her opposition. His mother was after all jewish, making him jewish by Talmudic law. And he was educated in jewish scriptures from a young age, the eastern bloc was highly accommodating to jews.

They are laying the ground work to replace Biden with Kamalla Harris, married to ✡️Doug Emhoff. Once the jews lose power over America and Europe, there would be role reversals in the validity of narratives, and the end of these long decades of back and forth kabuki theatre in politics worldwide. Our economies and lives overall will also improve considerably without vulture capitalism.

Jewish Vulture Capitalism Explained: bitchute. com/video/Q2QUsV6MNxEw/

Is China “Based” and “Anti-Globalist”? Let’s find out! https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/02/is-china-based-and-anti-globalist-lets-find-out/

Imagine not tearing down the hundreds of thousands of statues honouring Lenin, Stalin and others who murdered more Russians than the period between 1941-1945. Make no mistake, the Red Army and NKVD were far worse than the Wehrmacht and SS, even if all the disinformation made about them were true they would still pale in comparison to the Soviet Union whose war production greatly dwarfed Germany’s from 1935 to 1945 and openly endorsed spreading Communism to all corners of the globe. Who kills 30 million of their own people and simultaneously defends them at the same time?


InTheNameOfZion Full Documentary: bitchute. com/channel/inthenameofzion/


Tommy Jensen

I have myself been in doubt about the nasi narrative, but its important not to make them saints even as some of the monster stories like Holocaust may be exaggerated. The nasi regime was a fascist racist regime and deserved to fall. Any superior race theory is sick as we are all born equal with and to our Creator’s gifts.

Anglo Canadian

I don’t think they had that narrative, unless it was common in Europe at the time. And there are observable differences between groups of people spanning six of the seven continents, the seventh of course remains uninhabitable for normal everyday life.

Anglo Canadian

The holocaust narrative is full of holes and almost entirely false, the victors did much to Slavs and Germans that they accused Germany of doing. Regardless, Jesse Owens was treated far better as a guest in Germany than anywhere in the United States.



Tommy Jensen

Maybe. But here is how our perceptions are being manipulated along the road. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3ccdc315fa073ac04336beef070a9427362192d8bbd9384382562462729513a.jpg

Anglo Canadian

That is great news! And you have a point about China.

* Western consumer markets


Anglo Canadian

As for the crime rate in North America and Europe, I think that anyone whose behaviour is a threat to public well being should risk having their citizenship revoked. I also think there should be stricter requirements for obtaining and keeping citizenship, open borders policies are suicidal.

Anglo Canadian

Some peoples and cultures are more advanced than others, the We Wuz Kangz crowd are retarded. They are falsely compared to Eurocentrics who have evidence to support their arguments.

The dysfunctionality of the third world has almost everything to do with themselves than the actions and influences of outsiders.


Tommy Jensen

No! Dont agree. The dysfunctionality is only a function of established structures independent of any form of race. China development is only due to western financial investment and agreements. Just see USA today, a criminal gangster syndicate in debt getting worse and worse. You will also see many third world nations only dysfunction because of imposed conditions from outside. Seeing it the other way around, we also will be able to conclude that any third world country are not better wiser than whites, etc.

Anglo Canadian

There is a lot of incitement to racial hatred against Whites, apparently this was a problem before the jews enraged the negros against the Whites.

https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3060362353/BLACK-CRIME-MATTERS—With-Emily-Youcis https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=RPAeYpl3Vhc

https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:f https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f

Anglo Canadian

“apparently this was a problem before the jews enraged the negros against the Whites.” * I was referring to the crime rate in America. Jamaica, Haiti, South Africa and Rhodesia have fallen apart since independence.

Anglo Canadian

I don’t think they had that narrative, unless it was common in Europe at the time. And there are observable differences between groups of people spanning six of the seven continents, the seventh of course remains uninhabitable for normal everyday life.

As for who’s arguably more “superior,” this is observable fact.


Robert Ferrin

And a new troll has been added with his back-up remember the sign do not FEED THE TROLLS.

Anglo Canadian

At least I have substantial evidence to backup my argument, all the whilst you have nothing but ad hominem attacks and appeals to emotion relying on ignorance of the subject matter.

Your baseless accusation claiming anyone who disagrees with the party line is a “troll” is no different than the Communist assertion that all counter-revolutionaries are foreigners paid to overthrow the Communist regime that cannot withstand criticism, even though it was ironically installed by foreigners and never by popular demand.

Ernst Zündel and Cremation Expert Ivan Lagace Debunk Holocaust Claims: http://www.renegadetribune.com/ernst-zundel-and-cremation-expert-ivan-lagace-debunk-holocaust-claims/ Cremation technology vs. the holocaust: https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2337+-+Cremation+Technology+vs.+The+'holocaust‘.mp4

Holocaust Lies Exposed: bitchute. com/channel/9EVMKBtR18V5/

bitchute. com/video/webaIlSvdGpb/

[Holocaust Fact Check: Ian Myles Power in Auschwitz: bitchute. com/video/wzyCxabKMtnT/

CODOH thread on Myles Power’s dishonesty: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12438&p=92192%5D

Anglo Canadian

You’re no better than Deborah Lipdstadt.

The Lies & Deceptions of Deborah Lipdstadt: https://codoh.com/library/document/the-lies-and-deceptions-of-deborah-lipstadt/en/

David Irving Confronts Holocaust Liar Deborah Lipstadt: bitchute. com/video/ecvUrU9xCjgO/

Debunking attempts to “debunk” so-called “holocaust deniers”: https://shop.codoh.com/search/?q=bungled

(Available for only $4.00 US) The Holocaust: Facts versus Fiction: https://shop.codoh.com/book/holocaust-facts-versus-fiction/981/

Anglo Canadian

“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucydides

“For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.” — Niccolo Machiavelli

Anglo Canadian

If I am wrong, why it is illegal to question the mainstream holocaust narrative in nearly 20 countries? If the holocaust cult were as correct as it claims to be, it wouldn’t need to employ strict censorship to keep afloat; it wouldn’t need to imprison those who expose their lies, nor would it be necessary for it to engage in state sanctioned terrorism to preserve the narrative.

Old Newspaper Says SIX MILLION JEWS Died In 1915 1938 Before Holocaust: https://archive.org/details/OldNewspaperSaysSIXMILLIONJEWSDiedIn19151938BeforeHolocaust

The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure:

Video: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/First-Holocaust_1920x1080_compressed.mp4 Articles: 1. https://codoh.com/library/document/the-first-holocaust-the-surprising-origin-of-the/en/ 2. http://www.renegadetribune.com/holocaust-origins-of-the-symbolic-six-million-figure-hoax/

Repeated Claims of 6 Million Jews Dying Decades Before Hitler Vs Ignored Soviet Death Camp Tolls: http://www.renegadetribune.com/repeated-claims-of-6-million-jews-dying-decades-before-hitler-vs-ignored-soviet-death-camp-tolls/

The “Joy” of 6: https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/the-joy-of-six/

Jewish Gematria – The Mystical Number 6,000,000: https://archive.org/details/JewishGematriaTheMysticalNumber6000000

Occult Significance of the Number 6: https://esotericawakening.com/the-occult-significance-of-the-number-6

The Zionist Terror Network – Background and Operation of the Jewish Defence League and other criminal Jewish groups: https://archive.is/URZ3J http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-zionist-terror-network-background-and-operation-of-the-jewish-defense-league-and-other-criminal-jewish-groups/

Manufacturing Hate – Torching Zundel’s Home: https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2348+-+Manufacturing+Hate+-+The+Torching+of+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel's+Home.mp4

The Holocaust Cult of Death (1993): bitchute. com/video/otXLpbaTTsVA/

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c1b801b9a8ab160f879d80e64b8af159ab2d5abe143470eea6f1827140e7055.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c88f276d27a3d4d1a4c53d3cf08285d5fbbd8c521e259e24ad7801ca6b21e5dd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52589d8dee68f8f88ddc8a4b0f740aad520beea4a2621f4bd73350491e736492.png

Anglo Canadian

Talk about projection, I’ve been commenting on here longer than you.


Sounds to me like Yang listened to Putin’s response to Biden’s ‘killer’ comment.

“There have been many difficult, dramatic, and bloody events in the history of each nation. But when we assess other people, when we assess other states, other peoples, we are always looking in the mirror. We always see ourselves there”, Putin said.

Peter Jennings

Calling people names is all the USadmin has left. The Russian and Chinese tech has outrun them, along with their economies. Both countries are patiently waiting for keynesian economics and fraud to ruin western countries.

Folks in the US need to understand what it means to be attacked by aerial bombing. So far US cities have got off lightly. Even Hitler had plans to reach the US with his bombers. In the next conflict everything will have changed. Skyscapers wouldn’t hold up very well under such circumstances.

Jens Holm

Well, ears are needed too:)


US is the most terrorist state in mankind’s history! Ask Vietnameses or Iraqis how the US terrorized them bombing schools and hospitals, rqping women and killing children, or today starving Venezuelans. That bastard nation was born on the genocide of natives, never forget! They understand just blood.

Jens Holm

Saudis took Your finger and toes:)


america is only hot air

Just Me

It is a wounded snake.

Jens Holm

A good picture. The c´wounds partly are selfinflicted.


these americans really either back off or we will combined break their pathetic spagetti necks


now china just needs to designate american pacific command as terrorists and china is in the same boat as iran XD

Ivan Freely

Pacific command? Both Beijing and Moscow needs to designate the US government to be a terrorist sponsor entity.

Jens Holm

I will remind You there are many other countries in that part of the world and they has to be involved and respected as well. Some kind of Chinese take over for good reasons makes no sense for them.

Ivan Freely

Yup. The gloves have come off. Beijing have lost their patience with Washington. And Washington is spinning this to be a minor issue for domestic consumption.

SF, you should have included what one of the Chinese diplomats had said: “The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”

Hopefully this link to Twitter would work.

Source: https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1372775860986552323

Jens Holm

Of course USA has that strenght, but they dont follow up in internal and external ways as they can and could.

Pave Way IV

“We’re on vacation right now… from reality. If you’re calling from a foreign country we like, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you when we return. If your from a foreign country we don’t like, please hang up now. Have a nice day!”

Peter Jennings

Anthony Blinken or Jake Sullivan are themselves playing to their domestic audience and to their buddies in nato. They have played this record until it has broken. The China of today isn’t the China of yesteryear. Neither is Russia the same Russia of old. Both admins will not sit around and let the narrative be told by warmongers who just want to profit from their MIC shares. People have heard all this rhetoric before anyhow, during the cold war.

When the US and nato countries decimate their herd with their covid vaccine, who will do the fighting?

Jens Holm

As indicated above the USA also is not itself anymore and had declined some. The reasons for that can be changes ´d too. I see no sugn for that, but Biden/Blinken seemes to try.

Peter Jennings

Biden cannot find his socks in the morning and it’s enough for him to try and eat his breakfast without spilling it down him.

Biden The Usurper isn’t up to the job of debating the best statesman in many decades.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jens will never put a sock in his mouth, he might sound normal if he did that ffs. I doubt even another Dane could understand his gobbledegook. I’m surprised that SF still allow him access, seeing as how they don’t have a clue what he posts. The Moderator may have dyslexic kids, and sees it in Jens maybe, lol.

cechas vodobenikov

jens tries w boyfriends

johnny rotten

They don’t have the faintest idea of what to do and what role to play in the nascent unipolar world, and they behave like the world was still unipolar and they dictate the conditions, at least Trump had an idea about it, these dem all of the era obanana do not understand that the world is different from 4 years ago and the whole world sees them for the racist genocides which are nothing else.

Jens Holm

You have no idea Yourself. You also dont speak for the whole world and should clean Your own balcony as number one.

The main changes seemes (for me) that we instead of Freedom and Responsability has Anarchy because the Responsability is forgotten or ignored.

cechas vodobenikov

jens speaks for LGBT pedophile world


I kind of called it yesterday here; irreverseable damage. I had no idea it would manifest so quickly.


The US has been aggressively grandstanding at summits for last two decades – whilst simultaneously behaving with aggressive belligerence, by destabilizing, or outright invading, a host of foreign states they deemed non-compliant with US geo-strategic interests. Someone finally back-talks at a summit, and the US gets all shocked. ‘American exceptionalism’ is self grandiose rhetoric for American imperialism.

Jens Holm

Ill go back to USA just as in WW1 wopuled not participate in WW2 and was forced to.

By that they took over the role the old collpåased empires has and the responsability for the many colonies made by the Europeans(and Japan).

Thas why UN was made. By that You and we got a lot of new or regained countries and things was made cleaner but also not to the better.

It was USA which won WW2 but what they got was not only gold and honor. The other winner Russia now has its correct seize again, which makes problems. The chinese has used more then 70 years to regain from devastating conditions. India is their own and not very effective.

People forget the picture is based on WW2 and USA didnt care of the world expansion having their MOnroe doctrine and trade in the western Pacifics


‘It was USA which won WW2…The other winner Russia…’

Most basic fact-check – it was the, then, Soviet Union. Note Google translations are barely understandable.


I got censored for two comments in a row, bravo SF. It still won’t change what I wrote about the Chinese.

Just Me

You got censored because you are Jew PUNK that posts nonsense.

Peter Jennings

Is that right? you are an iron from zion?

There’s a whole gay community of cockney’s in London who would love to meet you.


Sorry, I am not into this gay thing as you. I’m married, but you can visit there anytiem you want along with your Chinese friends.

Jens Holm

Gays are the best. They have time to work hard and pay a lot of tax. They also makes no children, we has to feed.


You just described what megalomaniac NWO elites and eugenicists, like Gates, really want – in short term pull more tax wealth from the masses, whilst in long term depopulating same group…

cechas vodobenikov

jens boyfriend approves–expected in COLONY OF LGBT AMERIKA

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They met long ago. lol

chris chuba

Somewhat intrigued. Did you include any racial epithets (even unconsciously)?

FWIW I am disgusted whenever I see the grossly anti-Semitic posts, especially those that include gifs that look like they are from the 1930’s. If SF removes posts, I hope they get around to removing those, I don’t check because I avoid looking at them.

Any chance Hasbara trolls post some stuff like that to make SF look bad? I hope Hasbara has some lines they will not cross. I believe toxic anti-Semitism does exist, so I’m inclined to believe those posts are the real deal.


Hey Chris, sorry I didn’t write anything offending. It amuses me that SF claims to be the “protector of the free media”, only when it suits them. When there are opposite opinions such as mine, in this case which I wrote China is not an innocent country and violates many human rights issues, I got censored. I guess some fundings to this site come from China…

Also, when other people here post their regular anti-Semitic posts against Jews or hateful comments against Israel, nothing happens. Hypocrites.

Porc Halal

Sorry mate, you wrote earlier “Chinese” not “China” … that’s huge difference … that’s sound something like, let me guess, words that you and your people like to acuse others, you know, antisemite, racist, etc ..

cechas vodobenikov

sometimes disqus censors also


The Chinese have human rights issues. But it pales in comparison to yours. Just look at UN votes against Israel compared to everyone else. The difference between me and you is that I criticise the US constantly for it’s human rights issues. You ignore or try to justify Israel’s and it’s supporters human rights issues. While criticising those trying to get humanity’s Jew problem corrected.

You promote human rights violations and repeatedly shill for Israel and Jews to commit mass crimes against humanity. It’s why you’re the most downvoted person here.

Porc Halal

Welcome to the club! … I was censored by SF as well … that still wont change what I think about your people

Jihadi Colin

“Rule based order”

Tell that to the Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Iranians, Yemenis, Venezuelans…

Porc Halal

“genocidal (?!) campaign against Uighur muslims in China’s Xinjiang region” … the same lame mantra, rolled by western governments and biased media held by the satanic cult, over and over again … makes me sick

Porc Halal

Ps …

The very same hypocrite western governments and media are silent about what the very same muslim uighurs are doing in Syria and China …

Trap Is Not Gay

Meanwhile more than 2 million have died in USA Jewish wars.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jeez Trap, you’re being uncharacteristically kind to the extreme with that comment.

More like 20 million. Minimum.


U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People since World War II and the killing continues.


The Chinese are very clever. They take the Demonrat propaganda and amplify it a little bit. This is the right approach. Perhaps if the Demonrats will now still not behave, they should funnel a few billion $ to strictly leftwing NGOs in order to push for more fatal decisions, economically as well as culturally. The USA have basically no real economy anymore already. Containers coming full from China and going back empty. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/what-shipping-container-shortage-telling-us-about-economy After 4 years Demonrats they will be finished. There are lots of nice righteous people in the US, I don’t wish them this bad, but imo the Demonrats have to be punished.

Porc Halal

You know what is it funny?! … China was helping the retarded dems and biden admin by fraud to win the elections and now the retarded dems and biden admin are acusing Russia of trying to fraud the elections in US by helping Trump … I mean, this is insulting even the inteligence of a brainless chicken … it is outrageous !

Tommy Jensen



Democrats and Conservative have to be punished, don’t try to with your rant,

Icarus Tanović

Give them punks theirs own medicine.


Bs show made possible by the complicity of the JoeBama admin


USA’s “diplomats” should be continuously publicy confronted with their nation’s habit of mass murder, terrorism, subversion and looting.

cechas vodobenikov

as Mao observed amerika is a paper tiger “amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “the state always reflects the values and desires of its people”. Durkheim amerikan values=genocide with LGBT bombers

catalin zt

DELETE the anglo-saxon and khazarian jews from the face of Earth from baby MONSTER to adult PERVERSEPERVERTPAEDOPHILES ! This capitalist ,fascist ,war monger 2 SCUM races are NOT COMPATIBLE for living under the Sun! They BELONG to SATAN theyr master! Amen!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88bf47584e3309b3ff246996d2613665e139008d6fde56f3f249d1150994f419.png https://www.cchrint.org/pdfs/violence-report.pdf



– List of mass shootings in the United States –



The guns and mentally ill per capita from the first half of the past 100 years to the second half didn’t change. The drug laws for dangerous drugs that pose a threat to society got more permissive and the the gun laws got more restrictive.



– SSRI Antidepressant Lawsuits –



“Before the late nineteen eighties, mass shootings and acts of senseless violence were relatively unheard of. Prozac, the most well known SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant, was not yet on the market. When Prozac did arrive, it was marketed as a panacea for depression which resulted in huge profits for its manufacturer Eli Lilly. Of course other drug companies had to create their own cash cow and followed suit by marketing their own SSRI antidepressants. Subsequently, mass shootings and other violent incidents started to be reported. More often than not, the common denominator was that the shooters were on an antidepressant, or withdrawing from one. This is not about an isolated incident or two but numerous shootings. The question is, during the past twenty years is the use of antidepressants here a coincidence or a causation? There have been too many mass shootings for it just to be a coincidence.”

– Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings –




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