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MARCH 2025

U.S. Initiates Unprecedented Crusade Against ‘White Supremacists’ …in Russia

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U.S. Initiates Unprecedented Crusade Against 'White Supremacists' ...in Russia

Russian Imperial Movement

After decades of hate crimes, racial hatred and ethnic discrimination in the United States, the White House finally kicked off a powerful campaign against racists and various supremacists. However, somehow this campaign has started in Russia.

On April 6, the Trump administration designated the Russian Imperial Movement (operates in Russia) a terrorist organization and hit its members with sanctions.

Under a pretext that the organization is allegedly a white supremacist group, the US named it a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” group. Individual sanctions were placed on the group’s leaders: Stanislav Anatolyevich Vorobyev, Denis Valliullovich Gariev and Nikolay Nikolayevich Trushchalov.

“These designations are unprecedented,” the State Department’s counter-terrorism coordinator Nathan Sales said. “This is the first time the United States has ever designated white supremacist terrorists, illustrating how seriously this administration takes the threat. We are taking actions no previous administration has taken to counter this threat.”

It was not immediately clear what the practical impact will be as the Russian Imperial Movement is a relatively small organization and does not have major international reach. However, now it’s illegal for Americans to engage in any transactions with the group and freezes any assets it may have in U.S. jurisdictions. The penalties can also include a travel ban. The move also allows the Justice Department to bring terrorism-related charges against anyone engaging in financial transctions to people affiliated with the organization.

The website of the Russian Imperial Movement describes it as the Russian Orthodox national-patriotic and monarchist organization. The organization’s declared main tasks are to protect traditional Russian values, support political, spiritual and cultural Russian expansion, fight against Russophobia, illegal immigration, church heresies and schisms, as well as actively propagandizing Russian Christian nationalism.

The organization is not designated a terrorist group in Russia. However, the organization’s website and several issues of its printed publication are included in the federal list of extremist materials by the Russian Ministry of Justice. The Russian Imperial Movement has never been engated in practical (physical) activities aimed against the United States.

Most likely, the US decision to designated the Russian Imperial Movement is only the first, tentative move that could lead to a much larger result. Using the case of the Russian Imperial Movement as a precendent the Washington establishment is likely aiming to kick off a large-scale campaign against all organizations that promote the ideology of the Russian patriotism and support the strengthening of the Russian cultural outreach around the world. In this case, US officials and propagandists will label them ‘white supermasists’ and designate the most successfull of them ‘terrorist groups’. Additionally to reamping up the funding for anti-Russian propaganda operations, the US will employ other levers of pressure to cleanse the social sphere of any non-mainstream ideologies, media outlets and organizations.


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Zionism = EVIL

Head of the rednecks is in the White House ROFLMAO.

Concrete Mike

Dont lump us good rednecks with that city slicker peice of shit!

Nothing wrong with being a redneck.

Zionism = EVIL

That is true, I know some good bubbas too :) and I have edited by comment.


Let’s face it this is going somewhere else, for if the Yanki Scumbags were really interested in outlawing “white-supremists”, they would have began at home. And where better to start than with the KKK. This is the begining of outlawing as many organisations in Russia as is possible, I have no doubt United Russia are at the top of their Hit List. They just have to crawl into it, before they run, jump and roar “Terrorist Organisation” at everything. Time has come to put these mad dogs down….


It could just be the usual ‘Russia=bad’ from Washington, but labeling Russian rightist organizations as ‘terror’ groups could be a roundabout way of attacking far-rightists and Duginists in the USA, who are known to network with Russia and look to them as inspiration. This makes any sort of financial exchange between these Russian radical traditionalists and American dissidents a federal crime.

Washington fears that, should the USA fall into civil war, Russia would be providing arms and support to rightist rebels within the USA. One of the aims of this proclamation would be to cast a chilling effect on these nascent relationships between American dissidents and Russia.

Matt Heimbach is one such American, and earlier in the same week as this pronouncement, he publicly disavowed himself of his political convictions. Could be coincidence of course, but it smells funny IMO.


Meanwhile lgbtq msm puts a photo of eastern ukranian oththodox peoples defender in a bid of wishfull think to confuse the masses orthodoxy heterosexuals are teorrists? seems like soros/nwo/neo-liberal + co are in deep trouble and now desperate more than ever after lputin,trump put the mockers on their prestigous soros funded incest spwan facist affiliates,like how desperate is that? Shame on the media,shame on their lies,shame on their deep fake plots,indeed soros= DEEP FAKE!

Ashok Varma

US is the real home of racists, the KKK and slavery.


Because racists control the US, the KKK is an organization with massive influence and slavery is still regularly practised in the US, right?

If by “racists” you mean zionists, and if by the “KKK” you mean AIPAC, and if by “slavery” you mean debt, then I agree.


Good valid observation. PEGIDA and many racist parties in Europe and US are supported by the Bilderberg Jews like Soros, Zuckerberg etc.

Ashok Varma

Very hypocritical from a narcissistic madman who supported the KKK at Charlotesville, even when a young woman was killed. US has the real history of Nazism and racism, Russia defeated the Nazis.


You know as much about what happened at Charlottesville as what’s going on halfway across the universe on some random planet.

Ashok Varma

You have been rightly named as a moron.


Wow, what a witty riposte! A furious rebuke! So original…You should get a comedy show with those quips.


So why russia allow this racist criminal organization to exist ,


Even the USSR had elements of racism and hence the collapse as ethnic Slavic Russians dominated the positions of power at the expense of the other republics. Stalin was the only exception and the internal fissures led to the defeat in Afghanistan and implosion of the Soviet system.

Lone Ranger

It was an economic collapse due to communism had nothing to do with ethnicity. Same as the U.S. today…

Swift Laggard II

come on, we arent dumb. there was a lot of racism, which motivated minorities to try to get their own independent states.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing up Russia with the U.S.


You confuse race with ethnicity. You are so dumb I don’t have time and space to explain all your mistakes.


You are right , they still believe they are superior on others

Lone Ranger

Why does the U.S. allow it at home?


Because of something called the Bill of Rights which forbids the State from infringing on Freedom of Speech.

Declaring a small Russian monarchist group as a ‘terror’ organization has some kinda ulterior motive behind it. At first, it just seems like another way to get dupes to sign onto the new cold war against Russia, but it’s likely more than that.

Just a couple of days before this proclamation, Matt Heimbach, a well known Orthodox White Nationalist, publicly renounced his beliefs. This timing is somewhat suggestive that this move may be targeting Russophilic elements on the far right in the USA.


That’s not an excuse

Lone Ranger

It wasn’t meant as one.


Has it occurred to you that Russian authorities may be rather preoccupied, with trying to save Syria from NATO/Gulf State’s decade long attempt to destroy it, managing response to US manufactured chaos in Ukraine spilling around their border, and generally dealing with US driven economic warfare against Russian economy – ergo, Russian authorities are not likely very focused on tiny fringe political groups without a real power base.

Harry Smith

Are you try to say that Russia must consider racist anyone just because a moron from Washington said so?


No just because it’s a fact that it is a racist organization that spreads hatred .

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Like CNN or the U.S. State Dept?


It could , but not comparable


Spoken like true marxist.

Harry Smith

Who said that?


Supremacism means discrimination between people leading to racism. That’s basic and logical

Harry Smith

Then you are rapist just because you have all necessary parts of your body to be rapist.


Hhhhhh no you wrong, it’s different because the supremacist ideology is not a part of your body , not inborn like others parts of body.

James Adams

Russia obviously has a problem with racism, its natural for your countries culture, race, religion etc to not change due to mass immigration. But you seen to over inflate problems when it suits you. It looks like this site is designed to ask as a pro-Russian and Pro-Chinese outlet which is a shame. I have wondered how you’ve keep running even though you continually missed your funding goals. I guess I know now


As an Armenian and a former Soviet I can see you point is valid. Russians also have strong ethnocentric racist views which Putin has encouraged and cultivated, his only subservience is to the Jews and oligarchs.

Lone Ranger

BS allert. Russia has a 110 ethnic groups. They get along relative peacefully especially since Putin is in power.

Alberto Garza

before putin everyone were fighting each other

Lone Ranger

Not everyone. Only cia and saudi funded radicals. Putin out an end to it. Same in Iraq and Syria. Russia is gaining the U.S. is draining :)

James Adams

I see how you snuck “Jews” in there. You know that’s not true, I hate that everyone believes in the Nazi belief the Jews are taking over the world.

Zionism = EVIL

At least they have the dumbass Americunts licking their filthy arse.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing up Russia with Ukropisstan…

James Adams

No, you know I’m correct. Just because you read something from Russian state TV doesn’t mean you should believe it.

Lone Ranger

I know you are wrong. You should skip watching the Disney channel…

Lone Ranger

Why not start at home? U.S. has more redneck nazi wannabies than the rest of the planet combined. They also have more weapons than the national guard lol. And I almost forgot about CIA and soros funded book burning swastika waving ukropnazis… They are everywhere from the U.S., Canada, to Hong Kong, Syria and Iraq. Trump is throwing everybody under the bus as usual, only thing matters is himself. Pathetic loser.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Interesting… So the U.S. administration (containing notable Neocon’s) is saying exceptionalism is global terrorism.


Navalny is doomed. Please, somebody tells them he is their ally.


It is another Jew attack on white goyim!

Ziønist šhill

This is dumb and a waste of time. The US Government is just trying to get a white group on the map as a terrorist group. They turned the switch off on the Islamic terrorism. Time to go after whites now.

Icarus Tanović

What a joke…


The so called “white supremacy” doesn’t exist. Mainstream media and some other interest groups want to kick up a fuss over nothing. At most there are a few isolated nutters here and there. Usually WH or State Dept pays no attention to such nutters anywhere – and why should they, they are absolutely meaningless politically. Literally no one believes them, and they have no credible political program. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who takes this stuff seriously. Never. But it is a favourite talking point for lefty-liberal morons. Their permanent racialist perspective requires that white man must be charged with whatever nonsense they come up with. And I’ve met tons of lefty-liberals around the place, make no mistake, they are the real threat.

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