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MARCH 2025

U.S. Interior Secretary Threatens Russia With Naval Blockade

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U.S. Interior Secretary Threatens Russia With Naval Blockade

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On September 28, US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke publicly threatened Russia with a naval blockade saying that this is an option to prevent Russia from selling its energy.

“The United States has that ability, with our Navy, to make sure the sea lanes are open, and, if necessary, to blockade … to make sure that their energy does not go to market,” Zinke stated at an industry event in Pittsburgh hosted by the Consumer Energy Alliance adding that “Russia is a one trick pony”.

According to the US official, the shale energy has given Washington an edge over its competitros like Russia and Iran and made the US less dependent on foreign sources of energy.

“I believe the reason they are in the Middle East is they want to broker energy just like they do in eastern Europe, the southern belly of Europe,” Zinke claimed.

As to Iran, the official even stated that there is a “military option” to propel the US interests in the region. However, he added that there are also economic and political options.

“The economic option on Iran and Russia is, more or less, leveraging and replacing fuels,” he said. “We can do that because … the United States is the largest producer of oil and gas.”

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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

doesnt majority go through pipelines? one belt road initiative is going to win


its regarding the LNG-market… even though it competes with the CNG market.. the US want to hinder Russias LNG efforts since the CNG/oil is as you state mostly through pipelines

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yeah they want to sell Qatar LNG to the EU. but it just isnt feasible at the current prices. so sanctions are being placed on Russia and Other energy sources. US will start a world war if they attempt anything militarily. its down to whether or not they think they can win yet. their military and international economic advantage is diminishing every day on a global scale

Promitheas Apollonious

of course they will they have F35s (sarcastic) dont they?

You can call me Al

The EU already receives Qatari LNG.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Russia has the market cornered.


I wouldphrase it differently.

Russia is able to supply energy at a competitive price with a supply chain that has been proven to be durable.

Whereas the US has the reputation of a Mafia Drug Dealer who seeks to close all the pharmacies.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

but you dont disagree


I just disagree with your choice of words.

Words are an expression of civilisation and words in general use today by government and public alike, only require a small dictionary.

Between the words ‘Good and Bad’ there are all these words :- acceptable bad excellent exceptional favorable great marvelous positive satisfactory satisfying superb valuable wonderful ace boss bully capital choice crack nice pleasing prime rad sound spanking sterling super superior welcome worthy admirable agreeable commendable congenial deluxe first-class first-rate gnarly gratifying honorable neat precious recherché reputable select shipshape splendid stupendous super-eminent super-excellent tip-top up to snuff —————————————————————

atrocious awful cheap crummy dreadful lousy poor rough sad unacceptable blah bummer diddly downer garbage gross imperfect inferior junky synthetic abominable amiss bad news beastly bottom out careless cheesy crappy cruddy defective deficient dissatisfactory erroneous fallacious faulty godawful grody grungy icky inadequate incorrect not good off raunchy slipshod stinking substandard the pits unsatisfactory


I would think that Trump wants to stop that due to the Saudi influence and the QATARI accord with Iran politically and practically with the Pars gas field that both nations share.


The Saudi never decided anything, but the MI6 and CIA + Mossad, particularly today The only support MBS has is Tel-Aviv, London and Washington, warmongers, not his family and peoples.

World wide casual peoples are the same, peace lovers if not manipulated…


As energy prices rise, so does inflation. Is this another driver of the US attempt to sell their own high priced gas , so as to ‘inflate away’ a percentage of their national debt via exporting US inflation all over he globe?

The US oil and gas sales would also be traded in dollars of course and this would deplete the world energy sales being traded in other currencies, so by keeping the petro dollar alive that is the life blood of the US Empire of Terror.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

inflation is not really attached to energy prices. Its more used to wipe out savings and keep the population working


I disagree . Energy prices are a huge part of our expenditure, personal, corporate and government.

Inflation is driven forward by energy prices that are unable to be negated by increased ‘productivity’ of energy.

For example the miles covered by a litre of petrol etc. When I was young a Landrover consumed about 1 gallon petrol / 18 miles. Today it is about 35 miles/gallon diesel.

I would agree though that a huge proportion of the average families spending is now on energy in comparison to the 1950’s

Promitheas Apollonious

obviously the americans must stop using their designer drugs, self medicating all the time and smell the roses. I really want to see them try to blockade russia.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

EW weapons will leave US navy sitting like ducks in the water

Promitheas Apollonious

Nope they russians I am sure they turn them into aquariums for the fishes. It is obvious to me for a long time now that americans and their patrons have lost touch with reality and this is very bad, for the rest of the world security wise.

As for them selling their gas good luck to them. Their shale it cost way too much for any one to consider buying it, beside the fact that relaying on american fuel means you become their slave and our future depends on their good will and common sense that have neither of the two.

Is time they be eliminated from the globe. So I support them 100% to attempt doing what they farting they do and stink the world and lets see where it take them.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

would be just as effective to sail past drifting inoperable boats…..

Promitheas Apollonious

When you cut a dogs tail you dont do it inch by inch in the hope it hurts less you just do it and get it over with. This is what UK/Usrael need to be done to them so they never again lift their head above the ground.


President Putin made a similar statement to the US terrorists in Idlib ‘ to suffer the consequences if they “raised their heads again” ‘ earlier this year and President Putin does mean what he says, that always becomes reality when the time is right.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes he did. But the terrorists are not the religious fanatics who kill each other, but the ones who create them and directing them. If you want to uproot evil you dont attack its victims, but go for the root of it, other wise is like attempting to make a hole in water.


I have often tried to ‘make a hole in water’ as I walk on it Promethious, and now you tell me its is impossible :)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

am UK,. so i hope somebody puts a bullet in the back of your head sharpish if you wish death on me. in fact i dont want you to see another sunrise. Enjoy


Well, at least you do sound like your government, making up lies so you can react to them..murdering scum that they are.

Concrete Mike

Your last paragraph is correct, I do fear this reckoning for me and my family, our souther neighbours will drag us down to the brink with them

Promitheas Apollonious

Get ready to fight and survive, same way we all do on this side of the world.

Concrete Mike

Im ready to survive, we have a cabin and big barn in the northern mountains.

Fighting, not so ready? No one here is, no.one has a clue whats going on. Its them that will be hurt most.

We will see how things go.

Promitheas Apollonious

word of advice if you can afford it, the best survival meat provider is airguns with .22 following it. You need a hand pump to fill it with air is completely silent and much better than a .22 firearm who every time you shot it gives a signature of your location.

With this gun we take down 150 kg wild boar here and deer. You need to be a good shot and hit where you aim, but it does the job with out fail and on smaller game you can take them out to 200meters.

It is also a good defensive gun if you know how to use it.




Concrete Mike

Thats good advice thanks. Technical question, how does this product work in -15 celcius, air products can freeze, i would have to rig up a dessicant station with the pump.

Luckily we have bountiful seas for the time being, thats my #1 plan. No boats necessary its really great

Promitheas Apollonious

Just got mine this summer, so haven’t had the chance to test it in low temperatures, but last year took 3 boars the bigger one was 180 kg with my cricket .25 45 grain bullets (slugs) NOT pellets, that I make myself, at 50 meters at temperatures -8, and the gun worked perfectly.

Our temperatures dont go below -10 and that is only at night. I ask the guy in one of the videos I send you who live in Slovakia, he will have an answer.

Promitheas Apollonious

p.s. I use a scuba compressor to fill my tanks and then the guns but in a survival situation, i think electricity can not be taken for granded.

Concrete Mike

Yeah electricity is a bonus… not to be relied on when the time comes.

Made me think of a way of powering a compressor without electricity though, thanks

Promitheas Apollonious

word of advice if you can afford it, the best survival meat provider is airguns with .22 following it. You need a hand pump to fill it with air is completely silent and much better than a .22 firearm who every time you shot it gives a signature of your location.

With this gun we take down 150 kg wild boar here and deer. You need to be a good shot and hit where you aim, but it does the job with out fail and on smaller game you can take them out to 200meters.

It is also a good defensive gun if you know how to use it.


The shale oil is too light and without many compounds present in heavy crude oil that actually just as important as the petroleum in it in industries. Add that with the fact that they have less and thus have to them much more expensive than the real OPEC capable.


That’s is why of course the US is keen to steal all the Venezuelan oil :)


Not to mention corner Russia with it’s vast reserves.


The US naval blockade of Japan was done to pushed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor to have a “Casus Belli”, it was filled-up with valueless Navy.

Pearl Harbor = 9/11….

Zo Fu

Well, America tried start war with Russia in Ukraine and failed. Then they tried it in Syria and failed. So they are trying to start it in Europe or attack Russia directly.


Should beware and hope Europe will react with Russia and send the US back home…

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

Zo Fu

We can be glad that Europe doesn’t have any real army because of coruption in EU politics. But if USA tried to start war in Europe and use their military basis, it will go nuclear. Nobody will survive in Europe.


” Nobody will survive in Europe. ”

And that being the case, the US will be able to takeover Europe and all of its natural resources, IF the US survives . As those in power of the insane nation think they will.

AM Hants

Which will also fail, but, not through lack of trying.


The United States engaged in economic war with an energy embargo against Japan. Japan was forced to break the blockade: thus the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Meanwhile the attack was scheduled by the US.

Days before the attack, the US 3 main and best ships left Pearl Harbor… !


These guy like the rest of Trump are so delusional to be beyond belief .

They have minds of three year olds.

US naval ships would be sunk in no time.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Trump isnt delusional. he actually is the POTUS, he isnt the only one who thinks it

Promitheas Apollonious

Well his awakening form the illusion will be very hard and impossible to survive the awakening to reality, that is just a delusional perverted piece of shit. What I want to see is how exactly they can blockade Russia.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol Trump is a good man. he just rejected globalism and socialism, and embraced the doctrine of nationalism and patriotism.

Promitheas Apollonious

no shit Sherlock is he now? So you believe in words and not deeds when you judge someone. You remind me of the mentality of people who accept the authority as the truth rather than truth as the authority.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i went to the tommy robinson marches this yr, i went to pro brexit march, i spend a lot of time online researching politics, syrian war and business. do shut up

Promitheas Apollonious

so you are one of the idiots that think demonstrating means something and change anything. As for doing research for what you say it make you more blind to reality rather than awaken you to reality so I figure from what you just said that you are a moronic single digit IQ.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

We marched to keep him alive you idiot. you think if 20 people turned up he wouldnt be dead in a prison cell inside two weeks?

Promitheas Apollonious

the idiot is the one who did not jerk you off malaka. You are a follower of an idiot so what that makes you?


Well, well, well – why are we not surprised?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

You are obsessed with slagging off Trump.. and you think you understand me?

Njegos Maljevic

Are you describing Hitler?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i know Hitler took on the banksters yeah, did you even watch the UNGA speech Trump gave? or just CNN highlights?


UNGA? You must mean his last stand-up comedy skit. Everyone there enjoyed it apparently, they all had a good laugh. “They weren’t laughing at me, they were laughing with me”…what a save there.


Trump is merely the ‘floater’ in the barrel of shit that the US political system has become :)

The US people can all smell it, some have even seen it but few are willing to clean the ‘barrel’.

The result being the ‘cholera’ style epidemic of psychosis that literally poisons the minds of most Americans on both sides of the political divide that will inevitably lead to their demise.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Trump isnt a politician, he is a businessman. sorry your mate hillary didnt win, but there ya go, lifes a bit like that sometimes

Promitheas Apollonious

what we have here a trump follower? Political followers are usually brainwashed idiots kid. Take your head out of your ass you may recover some dead brain cells. Just dont expect miracles. As for trump is a stupid narcissist idiot who dont know where his ass form second base is and follow orders as the rest of the morons who serve NWO.


I dislike Hillary more than I dislike Trump.

Both are abominations in my opinion and a rather sad reflection of those who control America today and by association , all Americans.

The decades of degeneration the ‘elite’s’ have bought to the USA in order to advance their own wealth, to the exclusion of the majority is now threatening the whole world as never before.

Empires have always been this way, in business, families and government , when the levers of power become dominated by the few.


I take offense at “..all Americans”. I sure hope you don’t really believe that for obvious reasons.


I did not say that ALL Americans are individually ‘responsible’ for the situation in the US today. What I meant to convey was that ALL Americans are judged to be part of their political problems by virtue of being American. Just as being British makes me part of the political problems in the UK by virtue of being British.

That is not saying that ALL American or British citizens support what our governments do in our names.

I hope this more detailed opinion satisfies you.


How do you like Trump’s Wall? I live here, and that was the only reason people voted for him.


Business man? No, he’s a flunky for various mobs and a money launderer. What do you think all those bankruptcies were all about? If this is an example of your research into politics, it sure doesn’t say much for you…and his being a complete idiot has nothing to do with Killery. He was an idiot long before he ran for office. What did you do for research into Trump, watch his ‘unreality show’? His election was a mirror of the intellectual capacity of US voters.


He like many Americans didn’t want clinton. I personally cast my vote as an anti-Clinton vote, hoping that Trump would make good on his promises regarding pulling troops back and getting out of NATO. Sadly, it seems about the only promise that really counts was his anti-Iran promise (which I was against). I kept hoping he was smarter than his actions demonstrated, but even with the tariffs and sanctions, it looks like he’s shooting himself and the Republicans in the foot; not only a poor politician, but not much of a businessman when it comes to scaling up.

If he could’ve made good his anti-NATO and pulling the troops out of Syria, just about whatever else he did economically in the US, I would’ve wanted to see a second term. As it stands now, with the US still wedded to NATO, US troops still in Syria and threatening Iran, I and many others who hoped he would be a saner voice than Clinton and helped him get elected, won’t repeat the choice.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

I dont want to catch your liberalism or TDS. so please cover your mouth when you speak sht


Typical Trumpet reply. Can’t defend his lies, duplicity and stupidity, so pull the BS card. It’s the only card Trumpets have. Claim all kinds of things he’s done, when in fact, he’s done squat except to dig our hole deeper and start shit with Russia, not to mention the rest of the world…voiding his main objective he used to look good. All for his allegiance to Israel, which even Trumpets can’t deny. So he’s going to save America by kissing even more Israeli ass? FAIL.


Yep, Trump appears to have capitulated to the Deep State. Of course after being under attack from just about evrybody (propaganda is very effective), I guess he had to have some group on his side. His tariffs and sanctions are going to get him impeached after November.

As for most Americans.. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…. propaganda and daily strife to survive tends to have that affect on a population. Most haven’t a clue of what’s going on outside the continental borders, only the constant drumming from the MSM media 24/7 from all of it’s outlets and the censorship by Deep State controlled actors on social media. What’s that they say, repeat a lie often enough…. just look at the Skripal kidnapping case that the UK is still trying to pedal as a chemical poisoning. I’m sure most propaganda swallowing Brits believe it, though I would hope the numbers would be much smaller than the ones wallowing in bs in the US.

Promitheas Apollonious

trump always been an errand boy since birth of the globalists, so no he has not capitulate to them is always been owned by them.


I understand your anger, we all feel it one way or another, but I refuse to enter the imaginary world of subjectivism.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are confused friend. Where did you see anger or emotion? If you are a voter and follow one or the other politician, that is your won short fall not mine.

When I speak I do so based on facts and deeds of people not anger. On the other hand if you are a political follower or religious one for this matter, then the only one you should feel angry about is your short sight .


So… You profess to speak on facts and assume that I’m the one making assumptions. Well, shall we take it one step at a time. Let’s begin with Trump. Oh and before we do, let me state that your phrase: “trump always been an errand boy since birth of the globalists,…” is pure horse sh*t!

Trump is not nor has he ever been a member of the Deep State and has never been a globalist. Those are facts. He’s been, even before he considered running for president, anti-NATO, for pulling troops out of foreign wars (with the exception of Iran probably due to his son-in-law who knows), for making lots of money in his main business of real estate and, seeing how the country has been neglected, wanting to bring the economy that was present in th ’50s i.e. manufacturing, jobs etc. back. He is not accepted by the elite, tolerated to a point because of his money, yes. He’s also considered by that same elite, you know, the globalist Deep State types as rather crude and from the wrong side of the tracks, wrong schools etc.

The anger I see in you is not from that one post, though it’s not difficult to see that you despise Trump and put him in the same category with the Deep State globalists, but the tone of your various posts that I’ve witnessed often.

As for assumptions, you ASSUME I’m a political or religious follower. You know what they say about people who live in glass houses.. I follow no one! Perhaps that’s why out of all of the names on ballots last election I only selected 1 name, the rest of my ballot was empty. Why would it be empty? Because the 2 main parties are identical Deep State supporters and don’t work for the American people. What do I think of Trump? Totally irrelevant. He was the wrench thrown into the machinery that the Deep Staters couldn’t prevent from getting into office exactly because he had his own money and name recognition. The things he had been for, as I mentioned above, are the only reason I and others supported him in that election. He has disappointed so far, but the game isn’t over yet. Only after his term will we know if he was clever or a complete fool.

Incidentally, some people feel that violence is the only tool to make change. Those individuals still don’t realize that all throughout human history that’s been tried only to find that the “new boss, is the same as the old boss”.

Promitheas Apollonious

You learned a world for the mass media and sucking on it like it means anything or something to us. Deep state is but group within the globalist that only has to do with US nothing else and only means something to you americans.

You are follower of a would be politician that even as a clown is a failure.You refuse it now but as a good slave you went to the ballots and you have wave your birth rights away by voting. You know what a helot is? we invented them and we recognize your kind any where in the world it opens its mouth claiming is free man but………….. he votes masters.

You have no idea who trump is or where his alliances and masters are and obviously you of the type who talk too much but has not even the common sense to judge one from is deeds. So cut the bs about deep states and jerking off at the mouth.

As for the rest you say I stop talking when you think that tolerate him because of his money ones by the way the system set him to have. Go do your home work learn what you lacking and until then keep your conclusions to your self so at least you dont sound like a push over.

Promitheas Apollonious

You learned a word from the mass media and sucking on it like it means anything or something to us. Deep state is but group within the globalist that only has to do with US nothing else and only means something to you americans.

You are follower of a would be politician that even as a clown is a failure.You refuse it now but as a good slave you went to the ballots and you have wave your birth rights away by voting. You know what a helot is? we invented them and we recognize your kind any where in the world it opens its mouth claiming is free man but………….. he votes masters.

You have no idea who trump is or where his alliances and masters are and obviously you of the type who talk too much but has not even the common sense to judge one from its deeds. So cut the bs about deep states and jerking off at the mouth.

As for the rest you say I stop talking when you think that they tolerate him because of his money ones by the way the system set him to have. Go do your home work learn what you lacking and until then keep your conclusions to your self so at least you dont sound like a push over.


“Deep state is but group within the globalist that only has to do with US nothing else and only means something to you americans.”

Yep, I figured you wouldn’t have a clue, it seems to be too complex for your simplistic view of the world. Most people of the world are concerned about the US Deep State, as it is the group responsible for warring all over the planet, but don’t let facts get in the way of your shallow understanding.

“You have no idea who trump is..”

Says you, the individual who presents zero facts on the subject only subjective bs.

“jerking off at the mouth.”

Sounds like your projecting again. Maybe if you attempted to actually investigate some of what you actually profess on these pages, it wouldn’t sound like you’re “jerking off”

“Go do your home work learn what you lacking and until then keep your conclusions to your self so at least you dont sound like a push over.”

If you practiced what you preach, you wouldn’t seem so ignorant.

“you learned a word from the mass media ”

Thank you, at least I’m capable of learning, you ought to try it sometime and oh by the way, it’s never from the mass media, I leave that to people like yourself.

Promitheas Apollonious

jerk off deep state as you so intelligently call them is the war industry and the global companies that own the colony named USA inc. as is registered the colony you think is a super power and not the military arm of western NWO.

And no you not able of learning.None is that think it knows. No piss off while you still ahead.


Well, it turns out you at least have a minimal understanding of the US Deep State, although it appears it’s clouded by complex conspiracies that you imagine. Still, at least you gave it a try. Now take your own advice and “piss off”.

Promitheas Apollonious

and you live in loulou land of the single cell single digit IQ kid. Enjoy your stay there.


I guess you still can’t defend your original Trump post with fact. It’s to be expected from someone who backs up his position only with insults while claiming to only use facts and deeds.

I’ve no more time to waste on the likes of you, nothing to be learned from the experience, unlike conversations with others.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes trumpet boy what ever you say.

Promitheas Apollonious

jerk off deep state as you so unintelligently call them is the war industry and the global companies that own the colony named USA inc. as it is registered, the colony you think is a super power and not the military arm of western NWO. Hard to digest as an american as all of you call your selves.

And no you not able of learning.None is that think it knows. And I am not here to shoot the breeze with your kind. and I am not here to present you with what all thinking humans already figured out. I also did not see you presenting any facts as the usual american idiotic mentality that think what ever they say must be taken on face value.

Now piss off while you still ahead.


I’m still waiting for your evidence on Trump being a member of the Deep State elite. As I figured, you’re nothing but a hot air wind bag shooting off your mouth with nothing to show.

As for “piss off”… take your own advice. I don’t force you to read anything I say and you know where to find the block button. I won’t block you because I enjoy a good laugh when the ignorant speak.

Promitheas Apollonious

subjectivism……… you are assuming many things with what you answer about someone you nothing about him kid. I fail where you seen anger in my post.

As for what I said and your answer I guess you are a political follower and think all follow into your foot steps so yes you must be angry not I. But you can only be angry with your choices and self.


The Brits love their fascist government that wants to flood them with foreign savages and destroy their liberty. No help from them. The French see Africans make latrines out of their streets and still voted for Macron.


One can never claim that ALL people of any country support what the psychopaths controlling their respective governments desire. This is true even in countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia. As for Macron, I was indeed surprised that people bought the new party idea regarding a man who came from the party the people desired to rid themselves of. Propaganda is so effective everywhere. That is the reason the psychopaths wield it so effectively. That together with censorship, coming to the EU under the guise of protecting the public, and control of media 24/7. It would seem that the West learned quite a lot from the Nazis regarding population control. After all, the Empire needs it’s cannon fodder!


Well said. I’ve become increasingly aware of the ways in which propaganda themes appear from nowhere and wash over us like revealed truth. Evil Putin, very evil Iran, Assad the Butcher, and Gaddafi the Suddenly Totally Unacceptable. All justifying major killing and, in the case of Russia, risking very dangerous confrontation.

Someone whose name I can’t recall said he noted that as soon as Trump started playing with tariffs there was suddenly a spate of news stories about “People hurt by tariffs.” Fair enough, but, of course, don’t hold your breathe waiting for stories about “People who benefit from tariffs.”


This has got to be the most apt discription of the american body politic I’ve ever heard, an enormous barrel of shit?


Thank you kindly :)

AM Hants

The Bill Gates virus, that just keeps giving. Coming to a Government near you.

viktor ziv

Good people don’t know about “me-me…me-me”. He is rotten capitalist who at the moment of election was lesser evil. He’s administration is bunch of drug adicts. Noone sane can’t have flow of toughts like those insane. Russia and Iran can’t be dictated, so military options are suicide ones.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are just using Russia and Iran as a thinly veiled excuse to attack a POTUS you dont like. I support Russia, and I dont want to see Iran in a war with US, still think Trump is a good man. and he is doesnt drink or do drugs…


Lets return to the issue here, not Trump, but blockading Russia. So do you think Russia would consider that an act of war ? Do you think the US would consider it an act of war if Iran blocks the gulf ? What do you think China would have to say about the US decision to take over the oil and gas markets militarily ?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

I think Russia will use EW’s IF it ever happens, and leave US boats floating dead in the water. Good chance China and Russia would bring their fleets to open the waters. China are increasing their navy precisely to protect goods and trade and will have a bigger navy than the US by about 2035 i believe?


I guess he hasn’t grabbed you by the pussy yet. (Or maybe he has, and paid you off to stay quiet?)

Empire's Frontiers

In what way, exactly, has the multi-billionaire with international operations involving many various industries rejected globalism?

Writing as you do, you’ll tell us next you voted proudly too.

Brother Thomas

I think he was just reading a speech prepared for him. If there had been a quiz at the end, he would have failed it

Promitheas Apollonious

3 year old are smart and aware of danger. They are not as intelligent as a 3 year old, so dont insult the kids, who yes are young but not stupid.


By who?

leon mc pilibin

Have a guess,STUPID.


Just when you think they’ve reached the last level of stupidity, the Deep State surprises you. It would be the quickest way for the dumb shi*s to put in a request for new naval vessels.

You can call me Al

You had to say it, didn’t you!!!

“• Maintaining Control of the Seas—continuing the President’s commitment to expand and rebuild the U.S. Navy fleet, the Budget increases the total number of ships by procuring 10 ships ”

Page 36, start at page 33………… https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/budget-fy2019.pdf


Thanks for the link, but I had to stop at ‘America’s values’. I don’t know what America’s values are exactly, but I know for sure that they aren’t the Deep State’s values. I don’t think anyone has a clue what America’s values really are…. I mean, a significant portion of the population doesn’t even understand basic biology or biological functions i.e., they don’t understand that having an outee is male and an innee female. The dumb get dumber in their rush to outdo the dumbest of the period.

Back to my comment…. I meant it as replacing the ones they’ll lose if they try such stupidity.

AM Hants

How many of the ships are in working order, staffed with crew that know how to use the control panels? They do seem to make a habit of either colliding with merchant shipping, owing to appalling training, or just simply keep breaking down.


I liked the story that the reason a couple of American naval vessels collided was that the two officers most responsible for avoiding such problems were women who had quarrelled and refused to speak to each other. They’ve probably been promoted to Admirals now!

AM Hants

Had not heard that story, however, finding myself laughing, even though I am female. It used to be ‘handbags at dawn’. Now it is ‘Aegis Destroyers at Noon’.

Wonder if they were related to this mob?



Margaret Thatcher had the most powerful handbag in the world, and she knew it.

AM Hants

She loved to use it as well. Old Ma May, has a handbag with the strength of a powder puff.


Is that Rees Mogg they are managing to make look ugly by association?

AM Hants

Yep. Going by the photo, hard to believe he has so many children ha-ha. Do not mind him as a politician.


For sure not by Russia tugs that are needed to tow cold war era rust https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/27/15-russian-soldiers-missing-intelligence-vessel-crashes-cargo/

You can call me Al

IF “the United States is the largest producer of oil and gas”, why are they being so malicious to other nations now ?; is it just ti increase it’s own exports. The Yanks are panicking so much, they are now totally deluded.

Effing Yankers, go try and blockade Russia, I dare you.

PS What would a physical blockage do ?; very limited in my view, apart from maybe disrupt a few LNG supplies from the Siberian area.

Promitheas Apollonious

Simple. It cost them $85 + per barrel to extract oil and shale gas.

If they attempt to blockade russia you think the Russians will accept it hands down and not react?


A naval blockade outside a UN security council resolution is illegal & if the US attempted such on Russia it would be as good as a declaration of war. I would expect those Khinzals to be busy.

Promitheas Apollonious

M2 and not only.


” A naval blockade outside a UN security council resolution is illegal ”

So are the actions of the US Coalition within Syria today, yet the UN is mostly silent.


Has that stopped the US in Yemen?


It would also be possible for the US to damage pipelines as well Al, on land and under the sea I think.

If this US bluster ever becomes US policy, we will be entering the ‘storm of the millennia’ I fear Al.

The US would likely do what Britain did in past centuries and employ state sanctioned buccaneers ( pirates/ISIS) to do much of the dirtywork.

Raptar Driver

Remember you Limeys are in on this too, not much better than the “Yanks”.


We are indeed and ruled over by dishonest fools as well :)


“why are they being so malicious to other nations now ?”

The US taxes the whole world via petrodollars. If say Fiji wants to buy some oil, it first has to buy some US dollars. The US sells the dollars to Fiji, for a fee, the US makes $1 billion dollars a day in money changing fees. Then you have the flow of all those dollars from oil producers, sellers being deposited in the US via treasury bonds and investment.


It’s one thing to impose sanctions on a country, but to actually impose a naval blockade is basically an act of war. Countries have gone to war for less. There was less crazy shit being pulled by the US against the USSR during the Cold War, and I thought at the time that Ronald Reagan was batshit insane. Turned out he was only slowly dementing, but still.


What does he smoke??

Promitheas Apollonious

dog shit. Have you seen UP In Smoke the movie?

Promitheas Apollonious

This will give you an idea.



He smokes religion and fascism.

Concrete Mike

If the americnazis think they can naval blockade russia, i want what their smoking.

Whats their plan? So they really think its enforcable? Whats disturbing, is that the americans seem way in over their heads. This shows how their PNAC failed.

Nigel Maund

The answer is very simple: Sink all their ships with the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.


You beat me too it AGAIN Nigel :)


Hydrocarbons have alway’s been part and package of it all, the pipelines, the currencies used to conclude transactions, and provided these are used in US approved currencies all will be good and well.

The problem arises when nations refuse to become Washington’s submissive’s

Even now that the USSR is no more and Russia has become capitalist, why the ongoing false accusations and unfounded sanctions?

Free trade, the way that I understand it is supposed to allow for free competition between suppliers and manufacturers, however US foreign policy appears to be dedicated to market manipulation.

PNAC is in full swing just like TPP.


The U. S. has become such a belligerent nation. The advisers to the president as well as well as Israel play these dangerous games with the security and peace of the world. They lead Trump by the nose. That is why President Trump changes his mind so quickly ans so often.He publicly announces he wants to do this, then, the next day he decides on something else. The world needs stability not childish tantrums and threats.Naval blockade of Russia? Are they crazy? There are some that will risk WW3 to say I have more than you. Let us pray that cooler minds will prevail.

Peter Moy

Yes, this idea by Zinke is rabid, fanatical, mentally-disturbed, brain-damaged lunacy but the reality is that many people in the US will actually believe that it’s a good idea. A further sign of a mentally sick, dying society. Leaders in other countries must have come to the conclusion by now that US politicians are downright crazy, delusional, arrogant and should be on their guard when dealing with them. US foreign policy is a despised disaster.

paul ( original )

What you say is true. But here in the UK I would say the preparations are well advanced in generating war hysteria. Surveying the current political climate I would say the groundwork preparing the population for war are on-going.


I agree with you Paul and the plethora of jingoistic war films partly due to the WW1 ‘victory ‘ anniversary for the most pointless and unnecessary war of the 20th Century is more fuel to the fire of (mindless) patriotism.

WW1 was essentially a war between ruling dynasties , many that were related by blood. Yet millions of men lined up willingly to stand in line and be shot at without thinking ‘Why’.

Peter Moy

I’m still waiting (with a plethora of upper crust Eton-style public school anticipation) for the combat debut of the new cruise ship/jobs program/aircraft carrying behemoth HMS Big Lizzie. That should be interesting. I would prefer a remake of an RMS Titanic-Britannic-Olympic-Lusitania hybrid four-stacker with a catapult on the bow for seaplane attack aircraft. What the heck were the designers of the Big Lizzie thinking with that monstrosity? (Concerning the Great war of 1914-1918, everyone interested in war mania, naive patriotism and senseless sacrifice should view the excellent documentary “Britain’s 250,000 Boy Soldiers In World War 1” on YouTube. Well worth the time. Good day sir.)


I will look at that tomorrow peter. Thank you.

Funnily enough an old and long deceased friend of mine joined the cavalry in 1914 by lying about his age. I think he was 15 or16 . After cavalry training he was transferred to the artillery as cavalry were not really needed much in France.

After the war ended he stayed in the army and served in Palestine ( he was a driver for General Allenby ) , in Ireland during the insurrection and in Shanghai .

During WW2 he was in the Anti Aircraft Artillery in the UK. He ended his service as an RSM.


Have you heard the theory that Russia might wipe the UK off the map, to show America that it is serious? The idea has merit, better to lose one small country, than most of the world.


On September 28, US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke publicly threatened Russia with a naval blockade saying that this is an option to prevent Russia from selling its energy.

The combined total of Europe population exceeds 700 Million people.

That’s an awful lot of people that are going to be left out in the cold or buy more expensive US hydrocarbons, and they’ll remember whom is responsible.

Thanks, the masses are all that more likely to vote socialist.

Zo Fu

How can one block nuclear superpower? Washington has not military options against Russia, especially near Russian borders. Or are Yanks counting on European vassal’s help ? Is Washington dreaming about Europe fighting Russia to support US blocade hurting primarilly European people ? Well, Europe is very stupid but in this particular case Europe is not stupid enough I’m afraid. And in the worst scenario, Russia can sell energy to China. Is Washington ready to start war with Russia and China and Europe at the same time ?

Good luck, America.

paul ( original )

My guess is that by degrees nations will be pressurized into accepting only American oil and gas. Europe will be amongst the first to be brought into line. I know at present Europe is making some semi independent noises, but I think this will be short lived.

Zo Fu

Well, Frau Merkel nearly lost elections in Germany just because German industry doesn’t war with Russia as it is dependent on Russian gas. Austria, Hungary Germany , Italy, Greece and even France are against antiRussian sanctions. I can’t imagine any scenario how to force Europe go nuclear against Russia. It is some Rothschild’s wet dream but he doesn’t have this power.

paul ( original )

They don’t have to go nuclear. They just need to stop buying Russian gas and buy American gas instead. It is not as though Europe has not already played fast and loose with Russian gas supplies. There have been cancelled pipeline schemes and the North Stream 2 is not an absolute certainty. I also believe that shipping facilities are being developed to facilitate the import of American LPG.

Promitheas Apollonious

you think wrong but believe what you like. Your believes will not alter reality and what is to follow.

paul ( original )

Of course not. But this applies to you as well. What any of us here believe will not change reality and no one is taking any notice of what any of us think.

Promitheas Apollonious

I may not be able change reality on global scale but I can change many realities the globalist trying to impose on me and my people on the ground and my territory kid and have done so.

The laws that enslave you apply to none of us unless someone try to come and impose them with guns and they are most welcome to try. Is what all of us are trained and living for.

And yes. Now we dont have much of a saying but we will have a lot of saying when the guns are free or give us half a chance to free them ourselves. The idea is neither to save the world I could care less or any one is not mine. If you focus on your area who gives a shit, unless they destroy earth what they do somewhere else.


You and others might be interested in >> SCF – EU, UK, Russia and China Join Together to Dodge US Sanctions on Iran << link!!!

paul ( original )

Yes I already knew this. I don’t think it will hold up in the long run. But it all depends on how much pain the USA can inflict on the EU and UK and how much pain they are willing to endure. What’s your money on? My guess is that in growing numbers individual enterprises will take the easy option and avoid Iran. But I certainly don’t know and this is just my assessment. Yours may be better.


From my perspective – Why bother being patriotic when your country has become nothing more than a mere vassal state in a long list of Washingtons obedient submissives, I long for nations to be in charge of their own sovereignty and decide for the well being of their multicultural citizens as opposed to the present model which is designed to favor the financial elite every single time.

Since the present economic model is based on the pursuit of perpetual economic growth [for the investment class] the EU will no doubt make a decision based on maximum economic returns which is favoring the continued importation of Russian natural resources as opposed to the highly pollutive fracking used in the US — Europeans are environmentally very up to date and staunchly opposed to lying and polluting for profit if you get my drift.

In the end for what the US Neocons are concerned this is still all about PNAC and trying to maintain US hegemony, something that is to be resisted by nations that hope to salvage the remnants of their sovereignty


The Europeans have always been easily intimidated by the US, mostly because the US is the biggest market for their products. But that is changing, as Americans get poorer, they buy less from Europe. Meanwhile Chinese demand for European products grows. One other point, Germany has been to war in the past, over monopolists trying to control Germany via energy supplies. This is a red line for Germany, and they will not yield to American pressure over this.


Germany is determined to press ahead with Nord Stream 2 which is already under construction so theres no stopping it. Why buy expensive US LNG when alternatives are cheaper

paul ( original )

Yes this is true. I can not say for certain that Nord Stream 2 will be completed and used. The point is pressure is not just one event but something that goes on for years. I don’t think the USA will give up on this and they have a history of applying pressure over decades. As for your last question. The point is if US gas was cheaper then there would be no need to apply pressure. It is because it is more expensive that pressure is being used. The thing is, as I understand it, strong countries impose their will on weak countries. My judgement is that in the long run neither Germany or Europe is strong enough to resist US pressure, though they may put up some resistance for a time. You may judge the opposite. I don’t dismiss this at all. We are both judging a future that neither of us know.


Time is not on the side of the US during the ‘declining stage ‘ of Empire though and as has been said many times before , this is the most dangerous stage for friends and foe of the USA alike :)


The US gas America wants to sell to Europe comes from Qatar. Russian, Iranian and Syrian troops block its path. You don’t really think America has spent billions arming ISIS etc for kicks? It’s about the money honey.


That is the American plan, but so far Russia has foiled American efforts.

Pemba Sherpa

the United States is the largest producer of oil and gas? in your dreams maybe…

Zo Fu

It is all about projecting power. They want Europe buying American LNG instead of Russian gas. But Russian gas is 3 times cheaper then American LNG.

leon mc pilibin

Where are the men in WHITE COATS when you need them?These zionists are satanic crazies.

Zo Fu

Well, American are delusional nation. They think they are indispensable by printing money from the thin air and buying everything from China on unpayable debt. They think it is their historical role as a nation. Well. The reality is, that Chinese economy based on real production is already bigger then fake American economy based on virtual reality. And that Russia military spending gets more capable weapons for fraction of spendings then Pentagon’s corrupted and insane spendings on US military-industrial complex useless trash. The first option is that America will wake up. It is not likely. The second option is WW3. If USA lost all allies before WW3 erupts, may be it will not be as tragic. USA will be destroyed so fast that somebody will survive….somewhere … may be…


This is so pathetic, it is not funny anymore. OK Zinke, take a crash course on Russian submarine, and missile standoff capabilities, and then consider that US navy ships would freeze in the Arctic and become useless.

Daniel Martin

This idiot (excuse my French) apparently doesn’t understand that a naval blockade is an act of war, and believe me if that ought to happen there wouldn’t be much left of the U.S navy in in a very short period of time. It’s one thing to put a naval blockade on Yemen, but a totally different ball game to do it on a super power like Russia, so I would advise this moron to keep his amateur military strategy for the country club.


….. the shale energy has given Washington an edge over its competitros like Russia and Iran and made the US less dependent on foreign sources…..

The entire shale gas drama was hugely unpopular and extremely pollutive since many US landowners were simply not able to prevent fracking companies access to their land.

Little wonder this is the end result and why it was deemed necessary, to pollute in order to profit.


Exactly the same situation is happening in the UK now. Three protesters were jailed last week for up to 14 months because they stood on the top of the drillers trucks and waved banners etc.

Few want fracking where they live and the government is forcing the fracking legislation through by bypassing local councils etc. Most of the fracking areas are in the less well off areas of England.


The fracking process does irreversible damage to underground water reserves – once polluted it will never be safe for irrigating crops or feeding livestock.

It’s only logical to be opposed to fracking.

It ought to be considered some form of treason when polluting for the sake of creating corporate profit takes priority over the health of the environment.

The Western world has the wrong economic model, the solution requires a revolution based on eco-socialist ideals plus renewable energy sources.

The interests of the investment class are given priority over that of any electorate [I’m speaking globally] something which is standard practice in any of Washington’s vassal states.

What the various electorates haven’t quite figured out ”yet” is how to hold their political representatives accountable to their political oath since the oath appears to have been broken by catering to the interests of the financial elite.


Pollution for profit has always been an equation of evolution driven by greed. The issue today with fracking is of course that the pollution it causes to the environment is deep underground and any detrimental effects to clean water will be impossible for humans to fully repair. It is also debatable whether the underground ecosystem will ever recover naturally over future decades or even millennia ,with all the damage to farmland and to the elixir of life that clean water is.

Today the lack of ‘water’ is being ‘weaponised’ and commercialised in many parts of the world for the massive profits of corporations.

Tomorrow the green and pleasant lands of Europe will be under the same pressure from venal corporations who control the dwindling supplies of potable water.

Zo Fu

Well, where is Mr. Putin with his soft spot for western “partners” ? Apparently some “partners” want to block Russia. Or may be I’m incorrect ?


Europeans aren’t happy with the sanctions toward Russia and Iran !

But Eastern Countries are more controlled by US/UK NATO.

Manuel Flores Escobar

And the Russian Navy Sub..has the ability to blockade all US resources transported by ship from USA to EU…and the Iranian armed forces has the ability to blockade Hormuz strait….

Raptar Driver

I have read that Iran has full military control of Hormuz but can’t verify this.


You only need to know where Hormuz straits is. That’s verification enough.

Promitheas Apollonious

They do. I check where all the carriers of US are and are in port along with their escorts why you think is that?

Robert McMaster

Threatening like this and then not following through make the U.S. look like empty blowhards. Such a physical intervention cannot be viewed otherwise than an act of war. Russia probably with China would respond. They cannot permit this without yielding all to American threat of force. It means sinking ships, shooting down aircraft. Next level is nuclear.

Empire's Frontiers

While it seems unlikely to most, the US can’t begin a grand war requiring a few million new recruits without stirring a domestic uprising directly attacking the political class.

For the degeneracy and ignorance that’s run rampant in the west, a narrow though intense band of grave cynicism has also formed.

Raptar Driver

There are millions here who are ready and willing to ‘fight for freedom’, they have no understanding and will do what is expected.

Brother Thomas

These statements should not be taken too seriously, or mistaken as an official position of intent. It is quite obvious Zinke is clueless as to international law, the limitations of US strength, and the retaliatory firepower of Russia. The takeaway message from this is how rudderless the US is with respect to strategy or direction. Officials are fumbling, mumbling, and bumbling their way through.


It’s also a good indication of the top thinkers in this administration of bottom feeders. They all have these delusions of importance.

Raptar Driver

I would take this seriously, war is what they want, they just haven’t found their ‘in’ yet, this is an attempt at that.

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