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U.S. Is Establishing Its First Observation Post In Northern Raqqa – Report

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U.S. Is Establishing Its First Observation Post In Northern Raqqa – Report

Click to see full-size image, by the Ministry of Defense of Turkey

The US-led coalition is establishing a first of its planned observation posts, which will monitor the Syrian-Turkish border, local sources told the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) on November 28. The post is reportedly located near the town of Bir Ashiq in the northern Raqqa countryside.

“The post is being equipped with military, logistic and communication equipment … the number of the [US-led] coalition bases in the area held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will raise to 19,” the UK-based monitoring group said in its report.

The coalition’s plan to establish several observation posts on the Syrian-Turkish border was revealed by U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis last week. Mattis claimed that these posts will address Turkey’s “legitimate” concerns about “terror threats” in northeastern Syria, which is controlled by the US-backed SDF.

However, Turkey’s Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar, slammed the coalition’s plan and said that such measure would further complicate the situation in northeastern Syria. Akar also hoped that the U.S. will soon cut its ties with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which are considered the core of the SDF.

The planned observation posts will prevent any attempt by Turkey’s proxies to expand in the SDF-held area, which will likely lead to more tension between Washington and Ankara.

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You can call me Al

They never know when to quit. Right Turkey, it is decision time, make of break. personally, I would send in your vermin allies and erase them and just deny any complacency; but hey-ho, you are Turkish,

Tick-tock; World heroes or just the scum you are thought of today ?.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I hope they paint big red targets on them, Isis, the Turks, and the Turks proxies are all going to use them for target practice now, maybe even some of the Arab militias will get some target practice too. They’ll look all shiny and new at the start, but come back in a few months and look at them, I bet they won’t look shiny and new anymore, and have heaps of bullet holes. LOL, I’m picturing them 3 months from now, dirty and shabby with bomb craters everywhere, bullet holes in all the buildings and best still, the image of the a tattered and bullet ridden US flag flapping in the wind.

Tudor Miron

“Smart” move by US to push Erdogan towards Russia.


Illegal occupation posts. Hope they will be eradicated.

R Trojson

The carving up of Syria continues. Does anyone here believe US-Kurdistan coalition will give even one square inch back to Assad? Looks like Erdogan’s plan to take land from Kurdistan using his terrorist mercs is just failed. On the other hand Kurds are already living on much of the land Turkey stole from Syria. That is starting to look like easy pickings for Kurdistan. Problem for Turkey is when Kurdistan takes all it’s people’s ex-Syrian land back from Turkey the next step will be to take Turkish land for greater Kurdistan.

Mustafa Mehmet

Your ass is itching again .

Carol Davidek-Waller

The ball in Erdogan’s court. He’s made his displeasure know. What should the U.S. expect next from their NATO ally? Will the U.S. try another coup ala Gulen?


if Turkey finish off the kurds, then the us-outpost can be isolated and surrounded by Syrian forces and Russian air-force and Iranian are welcome to humiliate the terrorists from the disunited states of america. the disunited states of A is facing a new Vietnam style loss in Syria and Afghanistan and the world will rejoice no end.


Here’s a better way to put it: the US doesn’t want either of these factions invading the other.

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