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MARCH 2025

U.S. Is Reportedly Readying To Deploy 120,000 Troops For War With Iran

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U.S. Is Reportedly Readying To Deploy 120,000 Troops For War With Iran

In this photo released by the US Navy, a Sea Hawk helicopter prepares to land on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in the Adriatic Sea, May 2, 2019. (US Navy/Michael Singley)

UPDATE: President Trump denied reports that he is planning to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event of conflict with Iran. However, he said he’d send “a hell of a lot more” if it’s needed.

“I think it’s fake news, OK?” Trump said of the Times report. “Now would I do that? Absolutely. But I have not planned for that. If we did that, we’d send a hell of a lot more troops than that.”


Top US defense official have presented a military plan to President Donald Trump’s administration that envisions sending up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East for a possible conflict with Iran, the New York Times reported on May 13 citing more than half a dozen unnamed defense officials in the Trump administration.

According to the report, the US troops will be deployed should Iran attack US forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons. The plan, which would take weeks or months to complete and which approaches the scale of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, was reportedly presented at a meeting of defense chiefs on May 9.

Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford were reportedly among those involved in the meeting.

The White House and the Pentagon have not commented on this report so far.

The report came amid the growing US-Iranian tensions over a wide range of issues. Last week, the US sent reinforcements including an aircraft carrier and a strategic bombers force to the Middle East. Washington used the Iranian threat, including a possible attack on US troops by Iranian forces, as a justification for the move.

Following Iran’s decision to suspend some of its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement in response to the US actions to destroy the 2015 deal, Washington imposed even more sanctions on the country.

On May 12, Saudi Arabia said that two of its US-bound oil tankers were targeted by a sabotage operation and sustained damage off the coast of the UAE. Despite the official Iranian statement rejecting responsibility for the attack and warning that the development can be used to escalate the sitaution, mainstream media outles have already come with speculations that the US is sure that Iran was behind the situation.

The region is once again moving towards an increasing possibility of new open conflict.


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Promitheas Apollonious

So…… if Iran attack american forces in ME then in few weeks or months or never americans will send 120.000 new bodies to be slaughtered. In my opinion if Iran decide to hit the american bases within its range will do so in full knowledge of what is to follow and with agreement with its own allies which is russia and china. In a case as this I am sure iran will make sure nothing left standing or alive for the americans to be able save or a place to step into that is not 100% hostile to them, beside the first target will be israel.


The US smashed the Iranian Navy in the late 80’s and will do it again even easier this time ;)

Btw say hello to the Sahand for me



Hey Nonwhite_Israeli_Patriot, i think you picked the wrong flag in your profile, try the blue star of david…just in case you forgot !


could be he’s just a dumbed down redneck from one of the fly over states with no future writing from the library, which has internet access, whereas the dumbed down redneck probably has just a single light bulb and outdoor dunny. poor schmuck!


Israhellis are masters at pretending to be christians, muslims, arabs, americans, turks etc…Im pretty sure the guy behind that profile is a squatter !


He is not American and posts total nonsense. No knowledge of US history. And secondly, no genuine American however dumb would be calling himself “white patriot”, whatever that means?


Hyperbole and your usual exaggeration not withstanding, even in its weakest hour in 1988, Iran did inflict quite a bit of damage on the US bullies. USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) was crippled by an Iranian mine. The Iranians in the encounter also shot down a USN marine Sea Cobra AH-1 helicopter, The two American bodies were recovered and the helo raised from the seafloor at a later date. There was heavy machine gun battle damage on the downed helicopter. It’s thought that they crashed while evading fire from Iranian Revolutionary Guards based at abu Musa island.

You are obviously not an American or know any real history, just fake posts and idiocy


Iran got their ass kicked in.


Basement warrior…the US cannot invade and subdue Iran. The only thing the US can commit is genocide.


Arm the Palestinians as well. They have a large score to settle with the Squatters,

Romeo Pesiao

You belittled the military might of the US. Someday you cannot afford to see Iranian soldiers slaughtered in the battlefield.. Iran is strong only in war rhetoric but not the military..

Promitheas Apollonious

but we see their might in all the wars they had their asses kicked and then they did have actual soldiers fighting them not queers and drug addicts as they have today. So spare us with your illusions and the might is proven in the field and not against civilians.

Iranian Falcon

Your totally wrong first iran is in deep economical shit. Second the people of iran are in more deep shit and HATE the anti iranian islamic iegime government and this is when they cant win a war because they no longer have the people at their side! This is what you get when you suppress starve and torture your own people and starve your people for the sake of syrian regime & palestinian and gazan and yemen!!

Promitheas Apollonious

one word. bullshits.


I could see a series of US strikes on Iran but a full on invasion no way 120k troops would not be enough. In 2003 with Iraq they had 177K & Iran is way bigger & difficult terrain.


Also Iran isn’t likely to line up their troops to be slaughtered like Saddam did. And it would be very unlikely that Iraq stays out of the conflict.


Any suicidal US attack on Iran will be a blessing for both Russia and China to deliver a death by thousand cuts. Iran is not isolated like Iraq and the weapons Ho Chi Minh trail from the ex-Soviet stans and Armenia will kick in. This may prove to be US swan song as its empire dies.

Toronto Tonto

Who needs troops anyway .

Keep it Real

Just defend against US Attacks and Bomb Israel and Saudi Arabia!


The US will not attack Iran for the consequences I outlined, however Iran and local resistance groups do need to increase pressure on the Zionists and the Saudi cowards are the primary reasons of regional mayhem. Iran has many aces up its sleeve and that is the reason even a braggart like Trump is not eager to take on Iran.


Very sound analysis. First thing Iran needs to do is to remove the weak and confused government of Rouhani with Sepah veterans like Soleimani or Ghalibaf. Zarif’s idiotic foreign policy and failure to understand the corrupt nature of US warmongers and liars is what has led to this dangerous juncture. Bullies and thugs only understand the logic of force and Iran needs to send a clear message and speak with one voice. Iran’s first response to any US aggression should be to hit the Zionist entity and broaden the conflict, batten the hatches and prepare for a decade of conflict and goad the US into a war of occupation and inflict huge casualties. This will not work out the way US thugs and Zionist warmongers expect.


US does not have enough troops available at all to succesfully invade Iran.


They are arrogant and CENTCOM war gaming thinks that they can bomb Iran into submission like Iraq and Afghanistan. That is exactly what Iran should avoid and make it a long grueling asymmetrical war spanning 3 million square kms and a Shia crescent of 200 million from Afghanistan to Yemen. US will be bogged down for decades.

Promitheas Apollonious

or iran finish everything in few short strikes, with few thousand missiles against its enemies.


Iran’s response should be to hit the Zionists and destroy the Saudi and Emirati oil and infrastructure. The global economy, already teetering by Trump’s moronic economic war on China will simply collapse.

Promitheas Apollonious

hitting the oil in the countries you mention will destroy the economy not only of west, but global economy hence the reason none will ever use nuclear weapons in ME. Unless the americans are opening a war with iran in order to invade and control not iran but the oil fields of venezuela, while the rest of the world is busy with what happens there and replace SA that is on the other side of the world and too costly to sustain with venezuela. They are that stupid to think this way.


Some may still remeber this: https://www.idleworm.com/animation/gulf_war_game.shtml It looks like the US is following this “blueprint”


I think if Iran are attacked, there will be upraising on Iraq, Syria and Yemen to attack all US related entity/base…it’s going to be multi front battle. just my opinion


That is 100% guaranteed. You are right on the ball!

Kelli Hernandez

They could and would destroy Israhell.


Ironically, IF, and a big IF, the US had actually done what their governments have professed to do , and bought peace and prosperity to their opponents , the US would have been more successful with their wars.

However is plain to see that any US invasion only brings poverty, misery and death in virtual perpetuity.


Those troops are to protect SA and the Gulfies. The USA won’t invade Iran. If anything they’ll fire off a few bombs and missiles. I suspect the US military is in a position of developing new standoff munitions so they want to get rid of the old stock on Iran.

It’s a win-win-win for them ….. in a very simple minded kind of way …. as long as you ignore the risk that Iran will fight back effectively.

Attacking Iran plays well to the base and allies who see the USA losing ground to Russia and China.

It also gets rid of the current munitions stockpile which will of course have to be replaced with bigger better and more expensive munitions. The real money in the arms business is in consumables. Plus there are all those fat service, logistics and oil field repair contracts to think of. Everyone seems to think the cost of these wars is a bad thing for the USA but they are a means of transferring tax dollars from the poor and middle class to the rich.

With the trade war with China sucking the life out of the economy having the MIA in overdrive helps hide the carnage Trump is causing.

What could possibly go wrong.


” What could possibly go wrong.”

Rather a lot I hope :)


It would be nice if the USA would be satisfied being the richest assholes on the planet but they seem to want everything …. all the oil, all the trade, the highest technology and they want a cut of whatever business anyone else does to boot. This is the same model as the mafia.

Hisham Saber

Iran is a big country of some 90 million people. Millions of armed forces, about 17-20 million Basij forces / volunteers, sworn to annihilate the Zionist regime occupying Palestine. It has untold thousands of different kinds of ballistic missiles, that are very accurate and very deadly. Iran has been preparing for such a war since 1979, and is ready.

Iraq will get involves, Syria and Hezbollah will get involved militarily as well. The Persian Gulf would be a death lake for U.S. ships, as observed in numerous ‘ war games’ initiated by the Pentagon. Iran always comes out on top.

Iran is ready to also take down all the little lackey Gulf monarchies in the first few hours of the conflict I feel is approaching.

The first fatality would be the Petro-dollar that has held up the U.S. financial Jewish Ponzi scheme afloat to rob the world blind.

The U.S. is not ready for a big regional war anyways. About half of their troops are not deployable, according to reports, as their substance is lacking and their resolve is at or near bottom resolve. The U.S. is still in the grips of containing the devastation of the Iraq and still Afghan wars that cause one veteran to commit suicide every 22 minutes. A Veterans Administration that is near collapse and officer Corp. that are very much weary , worn out and suspicious. The U.S. could send in 1 million, and they would get absorbed, routed and or annihilated by the regional forces and tribes arrayed against them in their own home countries and turf.

The U.S./Israel would be waltzing into the lions mouth. They just don’t know it yet. And the nuclear option would go both ways if it even came to that. All Iran has to do is annul, or reverse the ‘ Fatwa’ on nuclear weapons and be nuclear capable in minutes, as I am sure they have though of every scenario and have the nukes ready just in case of such a scenario as an Israeli or U.S. nuclear strike on Iran or its allies or proxies.

Then there would also be a Ho Chi Min Trail of cheap, yet effective and very lethal weapons coming into the region for the forces of the Axis of Resistance from China, who has a vested interest to see the U.S. crumble once and for all. Only to see them step in and take the human race to the next level in the 21st century and beyond, a system based on mutual respect, free trade and peaceful co-existence and world harmony. All after the global Jewish fraudulent monetary scheme fall apart due to a U.S./Israeli attack on Iran, its allies or proxies.


Not to forget that US implied the now fly zones over the north and south of Iraq and killed off all air defense in this zones before they even started the war. Taking a tracking of an air defense system as a hostile act to justify its destruction without being in a hot conflict is some interpretation one need to understand. For me it is hostility by the US. In any case Iran is a completely different level of calamity US is probing, and as they underestimate Iran as an opponent, they will likely fail.

Lena Jones

Sorry to say mister orange prez with mustached and meatballed sidekicks, but you will need at least half a million boots on the ground for an initial invasion and another 1.5 soldiers to hold invaded territory – and this will be at highest cost in blood to US boys. Sorry but the Iran nut is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive to crack. Take my advice, tel aviv is much easier and by far cheaper to crack ;-)


Sounds like they want to take those islands.


This is the first time in the past 40 years of US and Iran hostility, there is a real chance of a major conflict. Rouhani and Zarif have really mishandled the JCPOA and did not understand the very insidious nature of US and its Zionist parasitic masters who are hell bent on global subjugation. Iran needs a strong nationalistic leadership, perhaps hardliners from the Sepah to guide it through a very dangerous time. The most rational course would be to test a nuke and go on total war footing. Iran should be dispersing its military assets and huge manpower throughout the Shia crescent and prepare for a long asymmetrical war and to inflict enough pain of the Zionist entity. 120,000 US troops simply can not invade and hold Iran which has landmass of over 1.6 million sq kms and very rugged terrain. Iranians should not make the same mistake as Saddam it and massed his forces for conventional warfare against a better armed opponent. Iran should be hitting US and Zionist targets from Afghanistan to Palestine and beyond. US is expecting another short “shock and awe” air campaign and that is what Iran should avoid.

Promitheas Apollonious

all here speaking of invasion of iran like if the americans and allies decide to go for such suicidal attack against iran warranty they will manage to step foot on Iranian soil. From which side exactly the americans will invade iran?

As for what they manage to do to iraq after years of embargo’s and with its forces completely in disarray that was in iraq. Iran is very well armed and yes the americans maybe manage to land one or two missiles in iran the question is at what cost to them and can they afford that. I dont think they manage to set foot on iran.


I agree, but we are dealing with arrogant irrational bombastic idiots like Trump and Bolton who dance to AIPAC tune. From my ground observations in visits to Iran, I believe the Iranians are well prepared for a long war in the region. Persian history has shown that Iranians don’t fight short wars and like Russians tend to use their mass landmass to exhaust any invader. This time Iran has the added benefit of millions of armed men in Basij, Hezbollah and Shia militias. US will have bitten more than it can chew.

Promitheas Apollonious

k so my question remain. From which point the americans can invade iran and not self destruct ? Every one seem to over looking the fact iran can not actually fight back and cause great damage to what ever attack it but in a case of war between nato and iran I very much doubt iran will be standing alone in this war.

So americans using the century old scenario where they threaten and bullshit their way, by sending couple of carrier ships and thinking every one will be shitting in their pants ………….. let us hope they make the mistake and get this shit over once and for all.


As you know, ever arrogant hubris based empire in history has fallen due to over reach and miscalculation. Never underestimate the canny Persians. The US may end up in a swan song war for Zionists.


Russia cannot afford to be silent. This is the time to stand up to the Evil Empire, and I am confident that Russia will.


Da !

John Whitehot

“From which side exactly the americans will invade iran?”

From the direction of stealth!

they’ll use special pods under the wings of the invisible f-35, one soldier each. then parachute all 120.000 into iran. the following day the iranian people will know that democracy has been brought to them!


” the following day the iranian people will know that democracy has been brought to them! ”

Does that mean that every Iranian household will each get a Bag of Bagel’s from the US (hot) airborne troopers ,John :)

What a cunning plan.


America simply does not have the military capabilities to conduct a war in Iran…

Promitheas Apollonious



The only logical country to be a launch pad for a US/NATO attack on Iran would be Turkey , I think, and to do that Erdogan would need to be eliminated and a US puppet put in charge. All the other countries bordering would have hostile populations that could destroy the very long US supply lines.

Perhaps this was the reason for the attempted US coup on Erdogan a few years ago.

Planning for such wars take years in reality, as we know.

Promitheas Apollonious

bravo you got it right. turkish orders with iran that has also mainly kurd population on both side of the borders.


Turkey also has the large seaport facility’s that NATO would need.Turkey also has a link to the EU for overland supplies.

The jigsaw is easy to fit together. Erdogan is the keystone for success or failure.


Georgia? …


Georgia is not ideal I think, as their infrastructure would struggle to cope with the demands of a large invasion force .


yes, yes but part of encirclement. …


It is, although Armenia and Azerbaijan are blocking the way from Georgia. Azerbaijan has friendly relations with Israel BUT neither Armenia of Azerbaijan would want their countries to be a war zone.


Yes. Thanks . Hopefully. But anglozio colonial fascist deblocking , coercions, bullyings, may occur most probably . .


of course but the iranians haven’t mishandled the jcpoa, but boltonis just using that for an excuse- remember moronistan (aka usa – filled with willing neo-nazi applicants for further war crimes, crimes against humanity etc) never forgets and never forgives and in this case we’re talking mossadeq and then the shah and the american embassy occupation. the same goes for north korea and any other country that has defied edicts issued in washington dc.

Concrete Mike

Lets look at what the article says using good ole copy+paste “citing more than half a dozen unnamed defense officials” so we have 2 unknown quantities right off the bat and another one juste before a “possibly”. In french we have special verb conjugations for situations like these, it called conditionnel, upon a condition.

Looking at what america says nowadays, its an endless series of conditionnals, its sheer lunacy!


This is also part of US and Zionist psy-ops against Iran to shake its confidence. Not going to work.

Concrete Mike

I dont think it will either, kinda childish move when you think about it, i smell a skinny walrus named bolton and clapper behind this.


Washington sending 120k terrorists to Mideast, but with or without body bags and wooden coffins.


Now Trump have sent Pompeo to Moscow to beg for permission from Putin to get rid of Iran. LOL

Idiot, Iran is not Afghanistan or Iraq, this war you will start and it will end soon on distruction of America and Israel. There are Russia and China and their silk road BRI network plan in the region.

I have mentioned one year ago that 2019 is the last year of Israeli terrorist state existence.

Iranian Falcon

First russia has a long history of backstabbing everyone specially iran. Second the people of iran know how the anti iranian anti human islamic devil regime is and what catastrophe has brought upon iranian people if any ear happen they will not have peoples support only some arab terrorist hezbullah left for them and those fo nothing if money dont go to their filthy pockets !


Sorry this is not a website of LGBT.


The Trump provocation of military buildup against Iran is a top agenda.


Reports are coming that Ansarallah drones have done major damage to Saudi oil pumping facilities and they have been shut down:

Saudi halts pumping on major oil pipeline after Yemeni drone strike


The plan, which would take weeks or months to complete and which approaches the scale of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, was reportedly presented at a meeting of defense chiefs on May 9.

You betcha it will takes months to prepare, so it did with the Iraq war. And that had at least the advantage that the US had enough equipment prestored in Kuwayt to equip a full armored division. Since you’re not going to be able to invade Iran with lightly armed paratroopers and those Stryker coffins you’d need a lot of heavy armor in theater. That means sea lift. And that means lots of time. Also lots of time for Iran to preemptively strike any US base in the area.


Most people don’t understand Iran, its people and topography. Tehran is 1000 kms from the Persian Gulf and US can not even hold Iranian ports let alone invade Iran. Iraq was invaded from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with a million men from 63 puppet nations, Iran simply can not be the same. I took a road trip via the Caspian coast recently and Iran’s mountainous province of Mazandaran, it was amazing to see how many closed “military zones” there were and constant military traffic and a lot of tunneling and construction. Iran is quite prepared for a long war and has disbursed its assets and will fight in regional decentralized asymmetrical units that are armed with thousands of ammo dumps all over..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran will be the death of US empire lol


They will not be tangling with Iran anytime soon. Even the Zionist evil doers are keeping a low profile as they know that even if a bullet is fired in Iran’s direction, Tel Aviv will turn into a parking lot. Even totally quarantined Hamas with their new Badr/Fajr3 starburst missiles forced the Zionists to cry uncle and sue for ceasefire just after 2 days after a whole block in Ashkelon was razed to the ground with 5 dead Zionists and 230 wounded. The Iron Dud was not even able to intercept 5% of the primitive Hamas missiles. Just imagine what hellish damage Iran and Hezbollah can do to Zionist occupied Palestine!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Haha I simply love it, and hope u are right


If you have the chance travel the west of Iran, visit Busheer and do this by bus. It is giving an impression of the preparedness of Iranian forces.


As iranians say, it’s just a psychological war, nothing big will happen.

Tommy Jensen

Its to contain the oil export.


They won’t do a single move against Chinese or Indian vessels.


deploy, where? surely not in IR. maybe in ghettoland to protect their embassy in jerusalem. more hemorrhoidal military strategy from the Not Yet prime Time news.

John Whitehot

120.000 yanks in israel means you could walk from jerusalem to tel-aviv stepping on their domes.

Sun Tzu

It means a F.U. from Pentagon to Bolton et al. So many cooks, drivers, clerks, medics, mechanics, technicians…..120 k troops altogether. Lol! Against millions of Shia militias? Lol And who pays for this deployment? From whose budget?” That means: “That is all the men we can muster for your Greater Israel war” Sir”

John Whitehot

make it 1 million.

idk how can anyone be crazy enough to even consider this possible.

Kelli Hernandez

Absolutely stupid. This has Bolton & Bibi written all over it. It is Bolton, Bibi & Sheldon who want war on Iran. Another war for Israhell where US goyim will die again? Bolton is National Security ADVISOR. He was not elected by the American people yet appears to run US foreign policy and is in charge of drawing up war plans and dictating military deployments Bolton is a dual Israeli like Kushner, Greenblatt, Mnuchin. All should have to register as foreign agents working on behalf of a foreign power. BOLTON IS A TRAITOR TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. A war with Iran would be CATASTROPHIC. And many goyim would be coming home in Body bags. Will the American people wake up then as to who occupies their government?

John Whitehot

stupid are those believing the jewish made lie that the us is willing and/or able to deploy 120.000 personnel for war with iran.

only the most fervent zionist and iran-hater would be able to come up with such retarded bullshit

Hisham Saber

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through…all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

– Marcus Tullius Cicero

Harry Smith

Ready to deploy doesn’t means deployed. Another perfect example of info wars. And “half a dozen unnamed defense officials” is the another clue.


paid how? arranging transport for 120000 undereducated rednecks/hillbilly canon fodder from the fly over states by air and by ship will cost a bundle and then weapons, transports and and and moronistan (aka usa – home of neo-nazi morons) seems to be heading towards another trillion dollar feck up, like afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya and so on. some idiots are unable to draw conclusions from earlier feck ups so what can you do – trust that a) iran hunkers down the first two weeks and then goes on counterattack and b) the squatters are finally evicted out of the land they’ve have stolen, once and for all. a jubilant cheer will be heard over the world once the squatter vermin is finally out of the way.


Hoooray :)

Tommy Jensen

If we can dream it, we can do it. If we can beat Japan and make kamikaze pilots and samurais to grinning sushi eaters, and turn Afghanistan into a nation where 35% of the population are living on opium crops, we can also turn Iran into a nation of whatever we like. This is America folks, and we can do it, and we will do it…………………….………….……….LOL.


sure saffron growers whereas them yanks have mcdonalds for brains and an iq-level of well below 100 and a decreasing average longevity. and I hear that dunny the dunce is going to take away 36 billion from the food stamp account in order to shore up the ever increasing budget deficit and give another 36 billion bucks to the banks to increase their long term survival. great country with a constituton worth as much as a piece of asswipe and thieves and crooks and warcriminals for government.


Are you not describing the US as it is today ? A drug ridden police state asylum, with the lunatics in charge.


But Jews would not fight directly with Iran because of life threat, only American and British stupid will fight for Jews, na. Common moron encourage them to go for fight with Iran and you watch them that how many bodybags come to America.

Rhodium 10

Last time US troops put a foot on Iran ground….was a Fiasco and it cost Jimmy Carter the position of president…


I’d love to see the Iranians do some pest control against the zionist entity with some nerve agent in retaliation to the jewish agression.


The squatters lose their nerve after a few fireworks fly over from Gaza.

There is no need for nerve agents as the squatters already live in fear :)

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe if you manage to activate a second cell between your ears, you may understand that the only ones who do what you suggest is zio puppets and their masters. speaking of puppets are you one of them?

Iranian Falcon

Haha we iranian people would love a lower evil like usa usal the bigger devil like islamic regime they have brought a hell for iranian prisperity life and economy if they dont go or defeated iran iill be finished only some starvers left and others in political prison.


I was in Iran several times last year. However, your description does not fit to my personal observation.

Iranian Falcon

For someone have support of the government and in a good welcoming of course you cant observate how people strive for a life and others taken prison and tortured for just words!


But that’s because the sanctions of the US. If there weren’t US sanctions, Iran would be a thriving economy.

Iranian Falcon

Lol how a closed economy will thrive? How some bunch of gangesters and mullahs can have knowledge about economy and politics? Sactions are for less than 12 years socwhat about before why iran degressed exactly when black islamic revolution happened? And what about freedom of life and human rights? Detaining and beating girls and boys in public for being with each other is because of sanctions? Hunderds of thousands political prisoners jailed and tortured every day is because of sanction?!! You can just fool yourself not us we live here we know what is going on in this 40 years of hell brought upon ua.


And what we have here in the West? The fucking jews are forcing homosexuality on us, they push gender propaganda to tiny children and inject them with hormones. They fire you from your job if you disagree with their globohomo agenda. They bring niggers to our countries who rape our women and do insane amount of crime. They turn our cities into ghettos, you can’t go out for a walk after sunset, because these african ape hordes kill you. In Germany, people are protesting for the right to marry their dogs. Homosexual pedophiles are adopting children and abuse them.

I would rather live in the poverty the Iranian people live in than live under the rule of the satanic jewish abominations and their consumerist hellhole.

Don’t believe the lies of the west, they lead to the destruction of society. Just look what happened in the West. Women are murdering their babies in their bellies, everybody is drinking and using drugs, we live in insanity. We don’t have enough children to maintain our population.

All the equality, freedom and other western propaganda are lies. The parasite jew destroys the society. If you want to see what is going on in the West read this site: dailystormer.name

Iranian Falcon

What the heck west is related to our discussion about iran?? When my people go into trash cans for some foods while iran is wealthiest country the government officials and regime bastards are in super wealth even their children have super luxury life in west i dont dont f care what news tell me while me and millons other live in hell while they live in paradise and make us shield for their enemies even US sanctions only worked on people while they got richer and richer!! I know how jews are ruining west and world the very europe is under islamic invasion thanks to jews but you should also see there is a dictatorship criminal savage “islamic” regime over iran that only came to bring more misfortune for iranian people! I dont care how you believe or you hear we are living in hell thanks to this regime and we want it removed and people are so brutally oppressed that cant protest anymore only fight within themselves to bring a piece of bread and government doesnt give a shit! Anyone claiming against jews doesnt mean they are good! If this regime dont go sooner iran will not be even a place to live for animals!! But they dont care they can escape or just go to europe or russia rith their billions of dollars in bag! Its only people suffering their consequences.


LOLOLOL they send 250,000 in 2003 to fight Al-Qaeda in Iraq and now they will send 120,000 to go in War with Iran, Iran is a fully modernized enemy its not few terror groups with just AK-47s in their hands. Just imagine Netanyahu now, happy as a Satan.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Sadly, tens of thousands of extra Iranian civilians will be killed by bombs and lack of food and drinking water because Russia has never allowed Iran to purchase the S-400 system. Iran has a very strong offensive, but very weak defense. Those S-300’s in Iran will not be operating at all after one week into the coming conflict. They may quite operating within the first 48 hours.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

come on USA, send your entire military, it will all end up like operation eagle claw, which went so well, LOL!!!

Iranian Falcon

Haha this time iranian people are on the attacker side any one even lesser evil is better than have bigger devils in iran like these evil Islamic regime terrorist bastards that have caused a harsh and indecent life for us for the sake of your babykiller regime!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you are making no sense

Iranian Falcon

Well go and see how iranian people are wretched because of this dirty regime i i ha no wonder famine and hunger and draught comes because they send our wealth to your corrupted bloodthirsty regime! We dont want to give our nations wealth and lives so you could just stay!! We were great nation could confront west if this black islamic revolution wouldnt happen.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I said. Trump is not dumb. He says the same thing as I have been saying. Would the same amount as for Iraq 120 000 troops be enough? Off course not. 240 000 troops would be more convenient. Conclusion is Fake News exactly as I predicted it……..LOL.


Trump in the war room.



Redeployed from where? US troops stationed in other countries are usually paid for by the host nation. Australia as an example pays $1 billion a year for 600 marines. If the US stationed troops in KSA, the Saudis would pay, so maybe this is just a cost saving initiative. The US spends about a trillion a year to oppress the world, and they have to borrow that money, so any extra money they can get out of the slaves is a bonus.



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