B-52 strategic bomber. Photo: U.S. Air Force/Tech. Sgt. Robert J. Horstman
The US has started its strategic nuclear forces exercise, the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) announced. The excercises is codenamed as the Global Thunder 2018 and “designed to exercise all USSTRATCOM mission areas and assess joint operational readiness.”
The USSTRATCOM is one of nine unified commands in the US Department of Defense. It is responsible for strategic deterrence, global strike, and operating the Global Information Grid.
U.S. Strategic Command released the following statement on the issue (source):
U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) will commence Global Thunder, an annual command and control and field training exercise, Oct. 30, 2017.
The Global Thunder series is designed to exercise all USSTRATCOM mission areas and assess joint operational readiness.
“These exercises achieve the vision of a unified team, integrating all the capabilities of U.S. Strategic Command across the globe wherever and whenever needed,” said U.S. Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of USSTRATCOM. “We need to integrate our strategic capabilities in order to deliver multi-domain effects against any adversary, anywhere in the world, at any time.”
Headquarters staff, USSTRATCOM components and subordinate units are participating in Global Thunder 2018 to test readiness to confront uncertainty and ensure a safe, secure, effective and ready strategic deterrent force.
One of nine DOD unified combatant commands, USSTRATCOM has global responsibilities assigned through the Unified Command Plan that include strategic deterrence, space operations, cyberspace operations, joint electronic warfare, global strike, missile defense and intelligence.
Oh look, the life long steroid user called USA is starting to shrink back to its natural state. An impotent senior citizen.
But before that happens, continue showing off some of those muscles for the money. Post WW2 era imperialism is coming to an end.
Sounds like “our American partners” are rearranging their nukes to better contain Russia and China, US ABM systems from Poland to South Korea seem not to be enough.
or Iran or NK…….. with them it seems to be everyone but the priorities list changes daily. Crazy fookers.
Wowsers! One o’ them B-52s could pack the wallop if a whole WW2 air wing or a whole bombardment group of ‘Enola Gays’ and ‘Bock’s Car’ birdies.
Let freedumb ring and the eegul sore.
Gimme a ‘Sieg’? If they don’t ruin Europe, Goering could very well get that statue he prophesied.
Practicing the primary export of the US; death and destruction. Unfortunately, the ‘Deep State’ knuckle-draggers think MAD is no longer is applicable. We may all die, but at least (though no comfort) we’ll know that they won’t survive ww3 either once they initiate it. Todays weapons make the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem like mere firecrackers.