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MARCH 2025

U.S. Leads the World in Confirmed COVID-19 Cases. Xi Jinping Offers Trump Help In Combating Pandemic

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U.S. Leads the World in Confirmed COVID-19 Cases. Xi Jinping Offers Trump Help In Combating Pandemic

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On March 26th, the United States overtook Italy, and subsequently China in the number of total COVID-19 cases, and it also surpassed them in the number of active cases it has had at any given time since the outbreak.

It has a relatively low number of fatalities, with Italy and Spain being in the leading two positions.

Currently, 7 countries have upwards of 20,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, as can be seen below, with Switzerland coming behind with 11,811.

Notably, New York State, alone, has more confirmed cases than Iran and France.

U.S. Leads the World in Confirmed COVID-19 Cases. Xi Jinping Offers Trump Help In Combating Pandemic

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On March 26th, Germany, Spain and the US all registered more cases than Italy, with Italy still registering the most deaths.

U.S. Leads the World in Confirmed COVID-19 Cases. Xi Jinping Offers Trump Help In Combating Pandemic

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Regardless, the situation in the US is such that infections are rapidly spreading, and this is a result of several factors.

First and likely most importantly, the United States healthcare system is very underdeveloped, with citizens having limited health insurance, if any, and any medical assistance being exquisitely expensive, and even attempts by governors to purchase supplies have proven ineffective, since there’s numerous reports that the Trump administration, the federal government was outbidding all state governments in purchases.

Furthermore, in some locations in the US any signs and outside warnings were ignored and anti-pandemic measures were delayed, which results in wide spreading of the infections, in addition to US President Donald Trump saying that everything would be up by Easter Sunday – April 12th, and that there was nothing to worry about.

For testing itself, there are bureaucratic hurdles created by the federal government, which are impeding wide testing, or were, since it would appear that testing in the US is taking place much more actively than earlier.

Finally, the US has focused more on attempting to accuse China of beginning the COVID-19 and politicizing the matter, than on coping with the situation, calling it “Chinese Virus”, “Wuhan Virus” and so on.

Despite that, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump spoke on the phone on March 27th.

In the conversation, Xi told Trump that he hoped the US would undertake substantive actions to improve relations with China.

Xi also told Trump that cooperation between their countries was the only correct choice and China was willing to support the United States in dealing with the coronavirus, according to an account of the conversation published by the Chinese ministry.

Xi reiterated to Trump during the call that China had been open and transparent about the epidemic, which has infected more than 80,000 people in China.

Xi offered support to the United States, which now has more coronavirus infections than China.

Trump said on Twitter that he discussed the coronavirus outbreak “in great detail” with Xi.

He refrained from more combative words such as referring to the virus as a “Chinese virus”, which he has been doing.

“China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the virus,” Trump said. “We are working closely together. Much respect!”

This came just a day after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to great lengths to attempt and name COVID-19 as the “Wuhan Virus” at a G7 meeting, and kept accusing Beijing in the press conference following the meeting.

Still, China is offering a goodwill gesture of help to the US, despite the official campaign Washington is carrying out to discredit China’s efforts in attempting to salvage the situation of the virus outbreak. The US is also attempting to shift the blame for its failure in preparing for the epidemic to China, while many countries, with far less resources than the US managed to undertake measures to limit the spreading, while there’s also examples such as Italy, and currently Spain, which clearly were too late, as a lesson.


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Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are stupid and mean Jew controlled arseholes who have fucked up their shithole of a pathetic cuntry by unleashing this bio-warfare that has backfired and is now killing most of the moronic population that has no access to health care. The shameless scum are now asking China for help while warmongering. Never in human history have such shameless criminals ever existed.

Shia man

Americans call that a smart move????? I thank god everyday they are morons


There is a lot of hysteria in US… I suspect deaths #s will be more like flu…big problem is poor care at homes for elderly.

Shia man

I think the virus was made to kill off the elderly so they could stop paying their retirement and SSI benefits

Zionism = EVIL

True to some degree. As I and many others have commented including reputable sites, that the evil Jew scum have been experimenting viruses on ethnic targets, the Han Chinese and Persian/Mediterranean Caucasian were the prime target of this virus unleashed by a CIA and Pentagon team in Wuhan in late 2019, however the Italians and Spaniards share the same DNA traits as Persians, so they hit by the collateral damage. Iran being a tightly controlled state with massive Chinese help was able to contain it, the Americunt arseholes will not be able to as they don’t give a shit about the blacks, minorities, poor or the old.

Jens Holm

Which haddit is that.

Ashok Varma

Americans arrogantly call it “exceptionalism” or in reality sheer ignorance and meanness. Bad Karma awaits such evil people.

Jens Holm

They didnt ask for it apart from the Monroe Doctrine. USA tryed to avoid WW1 as well as WW2.

But Empires collapses after WW1 and WW2 and USA and USSR took over – and Mao too.

So Yes. they became the policeman of the world.

Many here forget, that USA were at the Chamberlein side and therefore in 1938 only had 400.000 soldiers. They raised that level but made soldiers for fighting agains the japanese.

All the time during WW2 USA was blamed by Stalin for not being armed and comming with million of soldiers fast enough.

Russia, Germany, France, Brittain, Japan and partly Italy was armed to teeth.


Who took Eastern Europe by the worst kind of Neocolonialisme all the way to Berlin and kept it. NOT USA.

Who helped up western Europe and other countries by Mashall plans. NOT THE RUSSIANS.


jade villaceran

those lend least program have made them vassals on no say to their own policy

Jens Holm

Vote for Trump.

Shia man

I will never vote for any Americans they are all blood thirsty criminals trump is the dumbest one of them all it explains a lot about his followers.

Jens Holm

Typical communication delay. You dont have a language for, what I mean.

Trump think people should not care for old people and just let them die, because production is much more important.

You write You think as Trump.

Concrete Mike

What your trying to say Jen, is that USA, through ambassador trump, has become a hyper capitalist state, where money is more important that its citizens. And that citizens with money are more important than poor citizens.

Shia man

“ Typical communication delay. You dont have a language for, what I mean.” Jens holm Your right I don’t understand stupid.

Zionism = EVIL

Paranoid U.S. Military Will Stop Providing Coronavirus Data About Its Ranks For Fear Enemies Will Use It Against Them

US military is being decimated by the coronavirus as it is most vulnerable since the majority of the soldiers come from poor neighborhoods with little access to preventative medical care or proper sanitation. Now these same soldiers are posted to the over 750 bases overseas and are falling to the virus at a more rapid rate than the rest of the population. Initial figures suppressed by Pentagon indicate that over 15% of the US military has fallen victim to COVID 19 and its is spreading at an astronomical rate among the ranks.

Zionism = EVIL

Both you and Shia man are right, I just read report that the mean Jew arseholes who profit from human misery have decided not to even provide basic medical care for the poor and old, so I believe that a natural animal kingdom survival of the fittest will prevail as I said a few days ago. Basically, America is a dehumanized shithole worse than most of the developing world as few Jew parasites and WASP arselickers control 99% of the dwindling wealth and there is no social safety or medical access, so millions will be infected and die. Most will be poor trailer trash, blacks and Hispanics and that is already happening in California and the border with Mexico.

Jens Holm

If You could recycle whats comming out from mouthe and below ad fertilizer, You would be rich.


They have a much lower death rate than most EU countries.

Jens Holm

in 21 countries in western europe people live longer then in USA.

I think You compare with the ones, which was russian neocolonialisme and Tito.


Jen’s what on EARTH has Tito to do with this???

Zionism = EVIL

Dude, the guy is loco :)

Jens Holm

Thats no comment.

Jens Holm

occupybacon writes USA has a much lower death rate the most EU coutries. I just write thats highlyin coorect.

Its just fact checking. So please blame Octopussy not me.


Only in Germany there are lower rate of deaths/infections than USA, look it up. But could be because in USA it just started, as someone here mentioned.

Concrete Mike

Until there is a world widespread standardized testing and reporting method, i would take death counts with a grain of salt.

Its hard to parse through all this nonsense, when in reality we both know, there is insufficient data.

Zionism = EVIL

Especially in a liars shithole like the US where only bullshit comes out. The Pentagon is already covering up the extent of fatalities and there is a complete ban on reporting military figures.


For all the countries or only for the US?

Harry Smith

USA is just in the beginning of epidemic. Western Europe healthcare system is much more efficient than American so they hospitalize most of the people needed to be hospitalized. That’s why there are a lot of confirmed COVID-19 deaths. While in the USA most of those people will die at home and nobody will spend COVID-19 tests for the dead bodies.


Ahh conspiracy theories again, in USA millions are already died but they don’t report it…

Harry Smith

It is not a conspiracy, but the way American medical system works. Ordinary people, not the rich ones, get in the hospital only when their health situation is really bad and even transportation with ambulance can cost a fortune. And as USA healthcare is business at the first place, it’s a really low probability that doctors would heal somebody with low income and high possibility of death.


And they are hiding the real numbers ofcourse

Harry Smith

They don’t know the real numbers like any state in the World. The question is the approach for those who are infected and apply for the medical care.


Life expectancy in USA is higher than in Russia.

Harry Smith

Did I ever said about life expectancy? I am talking about the USA medical system, not your wet dreams. Medical debt is a leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States. Here is one of examples of the system. The Times article about 35 grans bill for COVID-19 treatment: https://time.com/5806312/coronavirus-treatment-cost/


You are more concerned about USA than Russia

Harry Smith

The article we are discussing is about USA, as you can freely observe, I hope.


You just said you don’t care about life expectancy in Russia

Harry Smith

I said that I never talked about life expectancy no in Russia neither in USA in discussions from this article. Please feel free to ask me to reformulate my answer if you have any difficulties to understand it.

Jens Holm

You might be he joke of the day even its not over yet. Ha ha. Very good I kept my seatbelt on. Ha ha.


Lol Czachs and Spaniards are sending back to China the ‘rapid tests’ as they don’t work.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem is that the Italians and Spaniards are corrupt and were not prepared for anything. Their medical systems are slightly better that the Americunts. However. both of the idiotic states were happy to join the Americunts in the Jew fanned lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Jens Holm

Dolly was a clone.


So it was sent by GOD to punish the West, I got it.

Lone Ranger

CNN source…lolz.

Jens Holm

There we go again. You wrote the same about CNN bringing news about Russian Corona.

THE WHOLE WORLD HAS LINKS FOR THAR and several other examples of crimes fx things dont arrive, because they suddnly are sold to someone else even they are paid.

You should learn to use internet Yourself. This should not be a childcare center unless You are a child.

Lone Ranger


Zionism = EVIL

My advice is not to engage the moron as he is a total lonely loony and craves any attention. His so-called comments border on lunacy and are beyond comprehension. Denmark must have very lax rules for mental patient access to the internet.

Lone Ranger

I think he has aspergers plus is on heavy duty meds. There is no other explonation.

Zionism = EVIL

Industrial sized doses of Prozac and Ritalin with LSD thrown in.

Jens Holm

I might need it reading You:)

Jens Holm

Your Cousin is not here.

Concrete Mike

No this is where the mental patients work at now.

Where i live , mental patients work mostly at a pallet factory. But its dangerous work.

So putting some mental patients to work on some “internet research” is a much safer plan that putting them in a factory. Florian understands what im trying to say ;).

Its either mental patients or folks with arts degree, what other jobs are there?

Zionism = EVIL

LOL. He also mentions a visit by the Danish police a lot. They must monitor these nuts, despite that he is able to rant.


Trying to understand his stupid vomiting was so waste of time so I blocked him long long ago, just like the annoying banners.

Zionism = EVIL

The Arsehole just spams and breaks the flow of the comments. Maybe that is his goal. Just repetitive nonsense after every valid comment from someone. People need to block him or just ignore. The Jew hasbara does the same. That shithead bot Jake 123 and Zion has over 60,000 comments and this simply not possible.


I don’t need to see the endless tide of his nonsense so I opted the blocking. It’s saving space for me on my screen and don’t breaks the flow of the comments. It is very useful on other sites too where this creature appears and playing retard, like on Liveuamap.

Lone Ranger

Russia has two fatalities with 600 cases. Western Europe and the U.S. are the worst hit places. Economically too. Sorry if you cant handle reality.

Zionism = EVIL

It is pointless my friend, the guy is a lunatic in a asylum.

Jens Holm

You dont know that at all. Unofficial sources among doctors says, there are many many more.

There are nu numbers. Ig ´f there are, they are kept in secret.

If You are a muslim the Russians probatly could serve You pig a la carte and You would never know.

Lone Ranger

Oy oy….


For someone who claims that Americans made the virus, why should is source important?

Lone Ranger

Who benefits from it the most…? Aside from that the U.S. has a history of doing things like that.


let me guess, they sabotaged Cernobyl too

Lone Ranger

No, that was a mentally handicapped ukrop.


Actually Soviet Ukrainians wanted to cancel military parades and any kind of meetings but the Moscow Soviets denied everything and ordered business as usual. That was one of the moments Ukrainians will never forget.

Lone Ranger

Actually wrong. Ukropnazis didn’t tell the real situation to Moscow for 48hours. When Russia realized how serious the situation is the whole area was evacuated, and the army was sent in to contain the reactor, which they did in 6months in a heroic battle. I may add that Fukushima is still not contained after 9years.


They did in 6 months… By they do you mean the guys who sacrificed their lives were from Moscow and the ‘ukropnazis’ firemen and soldiers refused to work on containing the reactor?

Lone Ranger

They were from both Russia and Ukraine. Not all Ukrainians are ukrops. They saved the World. They shall never be forgotten. True Heroes.

Jens Holm

It would be nice if You were controlled more by Jews.


Another good one! Thank you!

…But, but America is an “exceptional” country!

Zionism = EVIL

Just stating the truth my esteemed friend.The dumb Americunt and Jew media arseholes are lying so much that they have put a complete ban on the warmongers at Pentagon to give the fatality figures. Most estimate that over 15% of the lardass trash Americunt military is out of action and the virus is growing exponentially as the dumb brainwashed cannon fodder thrash came from ghettos with no medical care.


Exactly, the fact that the U$ is currently the epicenter of the global pandemic is in itself testament to what is going on there.

Zionism = EVIL

If you remember, I had said that from day one. They are mean and nasty evil cunts and will do nothing to protect the poor, blacks, Hispanics and minorities. They have closed the Mexican and Canadian borders with troops and will let the most vulnerable just die. The Jews will once again profit from human misery when during the plague they extracted a pound of flesh from children if the debt was not paid.


You are right. The Duran confirms that the virus is spreading among US military and that the Pentagon is deliberately withholding the facts from the public. More of this below:


Zionism = EVIL

I know the state of their third rate child killer military as they are only good at killing civilians. As a Christian you would appreciate that evil may appear to have the upper hand but in the end the righteous and those who have been wronged always win. This is message of Jesus and all great religions. Americunt arrogant pricks and their Jew masters were totally out of control, so natural justice had to happen.



V. Mecki

I am so tired of this Corona BS


Shia man

I think you should take it serious everyday the number of cases are rising so far we are getting over 50K cases daily(world wide) and it’s not slowing down just 1 week ago we were getting 10K a day. You have to remember this is still a new virus. Give it another month if things keep going the way they are we might hit 1 million cases a day And beyond that would be devastating to the world.

Ashok Varma

US will hit a million by this weekend due to their lack of testing and universal access to health care. In China it took a month to reach 80,000, in US it has taken less than a week.

Jens Holm

This is not about healtcare. Thier main problems are they dont follow simple very well known advices.

Another thing is, that where it started they had none comming around as well as China are anpother system.

When we get it all over its because we travel all over the world and therefore spread it well.

We see the same for innovative species. We have more and more and cant stop it.

Jens Holm

Find something else to do. I am cleaning my small garden eayrly and after cleaning tree in my house, I will do some exelent painting.

This might take 3-4 months. One of my friends and I will re install Skype.

2 years ago I was very ill and had to be home one month and more or less 2 mopre months.

I used Youtube a lot and played a lot of music and suddenly remembered a lot from I was You.

I also has started playing chess again. I never was good at it, but now I play against some machine in Ukraine.

My worst problem will be I cant see friends unless we are on distance.

It keeps me up I might save some grandmothers and Grandfathers. I remember my own better too. Those were nice people.

Ashok Varma

Do not spam, no one is interested. Thank you. We come here to read intelligent comments not nonsense. Namaste.

Jens Holm

You are spam all over. I write the classic methods. Naming them spam makes You to spam. On my country some the police would visit You right away.

I dont write to You. I have told that I do uinderstand those problems and what You can do,

Ashok Varma

China has asked US to explain the origins of this virus and what the Pentagon team was doing in Wuhan in late 2019.

WUHAN’S OUTBREAK: CHINA DEMANDS AN HONEST ACCOUNTING from US on its role in spreading the virus.

Jens Holm

You should not spread something like that. We dont neeed that for the world at all.

Séamus Ó Néill

Are you scared of the truth ?

Jens Holm

In Denmark You right away as minimum would have at least a cup of coffee with the police.

V. Mecki

Why not? It’s an interesting question.

Ashok Varma

As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, “western culture would be a good idea”, is coming true again as US is built on sheer opportunism and greed and a total disregard for the most vulnerable, so it will suffer the most. The virus toll be be a million in the US soon as there is no universal access to heath care or even family unit is intact. Everyone for themselves, so no wonder they buy guns. Very bad place.

Jens Holm

Thats crap Making damage control on virus and baktaries needs no doctors but organises simple things followed by all in the population as well as it goes.

Your version is highly incorrect. Most people will get well by themselves and need no healthcare at all.

The main problem is to reduce how many millions gets it – and next – to treat the ones, which can die. Those are mainly old already weak in health.

Thats where the doctors are.

And yes, there is universel acces to health care, if You pay. Most americans actually has insurrance and many of the rest has to take loan and the poorest parts might be as You insinuate all are. USA is not like that.

You outsiders mainly comming from rudimentary health care systems only see USA as too rich and too poor. But a great part are that relative wealthy middleclass, You dont have. They are doing fine.

Families as a center system is highly overrrated. 2/3 of all crime is among family and close related, where mainly fathers can do anything to the rest if they are like that. And do the wife, her sister or the sister uprise, they are punished and often killed by honor of the ones, which the criminals shoud be kille for themselves.

Familiy members should be raised as individuals. If You go to Allah, Your are there one by one and not in large family groups.

I am not for guns, but the reasons for their guns were and are they for good reasons didnt trust the state. I see that very well in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iraq and semilar.

Assads HAD the guns and could do anything to people licing there. Now the still shoot back. Words and other more peacefull argiúmentations dont count there. Bajonets and fear does. Pictures of Assad all over makes fear and no hip hip.


U$A is a violent, oppressive hellhole! It is indeed a mafia state!


klove and light

motherfuckers still playing the theatre Play for the 99% brainwashed………..they are all part of the Agenda…China,usa,russia,uk,eu,etc,………

you Folks just watch in the coming months when they start fucking around with FORCED VACCINATION worldwide…….and a (search it Google it what i write NOW)

QUANTUM dot Tattoo………. together with the 5G Network running FULl SCALE in the next 16 months…PS: WUHAN was the first City worldwide with a 100% 5G integrated Network running at full scale 60GHZ….and 60 GHZ Disrupts/destroys Oxygen molecules…thus/hence the pnemonia cases in wuhan……….THE CHINESE are fully Aware..they are part of the Agenda………..problem-solution——— corona-(cover for 5G in WUHAN running at 60GHZ full scale)-corona worldwide-solution forced vaccinnation + Quantum dot Tattoo……………These are the next steps running cocurrent with the forced downscale of the monetary System to a Point were-problem/solution- cash/illegal Money/robbery/tax Evasion etc….etc…ectc…./ DIGITAL MONEY………..again with the Quantum dot Tattoo…………running cocurrent with the planned and CONTROLLED nuclear exchange between east and west. Problem/solution

A one world Government with Jerusalem as it´s capital.

and then Keep on laughing Keep on cursing kkep on making ridiculous Statements……..

but HE is laughing together with his slaves here on earth “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

Lone Ranger

But according to some U.S. is winning. Rolling eyes at Jake…

Jens Holm

I dont see USA is winning. I see people by using numbers as they wish assume USA will loose.

Facts about infections all say, that Trump is wrong, but You of course is not able to relate to a fact like that at all.

Assad must stay

After calling it the chinese virus i wouldnt offer one iota of help to us

Zionism = EVIL

Not only that, the fat pimp Pompeo wanted to blame China and inserted “Wuhan Virus” into the draft G-7 (joke gathering as pathetic bankrupt lapdogs like Canada are member, while India and Indonesia the world’s top 5 economies are not) communique, luckily Italy and Germany blocked that. The Americunts are pure evil, mean and nasty shitheads and hopefully this virus they created will devastate the bastards. Even the pimp and gambling city of Vegas has shut down.

Assad must stay

Yea, I was watching the first jurassic park movie and when hammond told samuel l jacksons character that people are dying in the park and to shut down the system reminded me of all this


I only miss UFC events from there.

Zionism = EVIL

UFC champ Jon Jones arrested on DUI and deadly weapon charges..



Ray " Uncle Sam"

A corona Test is 200 Dollars! Multiplie the numbers and you will know how much money Pharma is making! Follow the company how created the test and you will know who puches a pandemic! The testresult are a,lmost 50 percent false!

Zionism = EVIL

95% of pharma is in Bilderberg Jew hands and why do you think that the Americunt shithole is the only OECD country with no universal access to healthcare? even the house nigger Obummer could not pass that. It is a mean and nasty selfish place and will suffer the most as I said day one.

Zionism = EVIL

BREAKING NEWS: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he will continue to lead the UK’s response to the coronavirus outbreak from self-isolation after confirming he has tested positive.

Godfree Roberts

March 20, 2020–US State Department cables all officials: “NSC Top Lines: [PRC] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic. Chinese Communist Party officials in Wuhan and Beijing had a special responsibility to inform the Chinese people and the world of the threat, since they were the first to learn of it. Instead, the… government hid news of the virus from its own people for weeks, while suppressing information and punishing doctors and journalists who raised the alarm. The Party cared more about its reputation than its own people’s suffering. “These talking points are all anyone is really talking about right now,” one official said. “Everything is about China. We’re being told to try and get this messaging out in any way possible, including press conferences and television appearances.”


This Pandemic could well be named: Lazy-Fare-Cannibalism. In Yanki “free-market Capitalism”, we see the Federal State out bidding their national states for medical supplies. Big Pharma is the Big Winner with their stockholders gobbling-up as many of those recently printed trillion dollar bills as possible in this very contrived market, which makes the Rich fabulously Richer. WHO is paying the price for this RIP-off?? The 10s of millions of decent hard working people who have been hoodwinked for centuaries. Groomed over their life-time to believe the Big Lie, “you live in the greatest democracy in the world”, where the choice is between Mutt or Jeff. Big Don or HRC in the belief their their vote counts. There is no choice the elections are rigged. I believe the Folks in Murica are at last beginning to wake up, the Elite have feasted on their labour long enough. Now they want to gorge themselves on their pensions too. Welcome to Lazy Fare Cannibalism via laissez-faire-capitalism..

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