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U.S.-led Coalition Recalls Hundreds Of SDF Fighters For Deployment In Its Bases

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U.S.-led Coalition Recalls Hundreds Of SDF Fighters For Deployment In Its Bases

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles drives near the village of Yalanli, on the western outskirts of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, on March 5, 2017. Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. forces in northeast Syria have recalled hundreds of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters who used to work with them, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) revealed on April 12.

“U.S. forces are largely working to reestablish their influence in the Eastern Euphrates region,” the monitoring group said in the report.

According to the SOHR, hundreds of SDF fighters have already rejoined service in U.S. bases in the governorates of al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor. The fighters are reportedly receiving training from U.S. forces and are involved in logistic operations.

“The U.S. offered those who returned a monthly salary larger than what they previously received,” a source familiar with the matter told the UK-based monitoring group.

Around 500 U.S. service members are currently deployed in northeast Syria, allegedly to “guard” key oil fields from ISIS cells.

U.S. forces in both al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor received large logistical and military supplies by air and land over the last week.

The U.S. is indeed working to re-establish its influence in northeast Syria. The U.S.-led coalition’s influence in the region is being challenged by the ever growing presence of Russian forces and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

and by SDF they mean ISIS probably


Invitation to a sex club – http://tiny.cc/otawmz


“The U.S. offered those who returned a monthly salary larger than what they previously received,” a source familiar with the matter told the UK-based monitoring group.”

So, SDF is officially a proxy force now (Not that we ever doubt this little fact). Considering a large part of SDF is former ISIS, nothing is really changed except for insignia, banners, beards and “a salary larger than what they previously received“. Still, I hope SDF is smart enough to not mingle with US forces too much so they don’t catch Covid-19 from them (Ayn-al-Assad is now officially a hot spot), but remembering their past decisions, I won’t hold my breath for SDF “smartness”.


Not a good sign for the US position. Signals weakness.


I guess they will be called traitors and strung up in a rope once the yankeetwats have been shown the door and left for home, for mom, apple pie, low grade education and non existent healthcare and a disintegrating infrastructure and the jews found out for the umpteenth time that their words are emptier than a can of nothing. the kurdswould be better off joining up with Assad and kick the twats and the jews to kingdom come.

Harry Smith

So Kurds are trained and weaponized by the USA right near the southern border of Turkey. Look like Erdogan has another reason not to sleep well.

Peter Jennings

The SOHR says, ‘U.S. forces are largely working to reestablish their influence in the Eastern Euphrates region.’

This discredited observatory couldn’t be so wrong. They haven’t a clue, so just quote from US military manuals and released PR material.

I do hope in future they will improve their journalistic skills and bring us reports on the up-and-coming Syrian/Russian victories over the scum currently plaguing Syria. Or they can carry on selling teeshirts and women’s underwear.

Let’s hope the whole of the SDF take the bait and die for the soon to be worthless dollar whilst covering the retreat of US forces who provide the muscle for cheats and swindlers.

The SDF think that they will inherit the oilfields and they can all live like caliphs. That plan, much like the one they originally fought for, is doomed.

Me&Myself None

I keep telling you guys that the US (including its dollar) will never fall out of grace due to the simple fact that it has no competition. The help they received from China, Russia (even Iran offered to help) in their dealing with the corona virus is a testament to that. These countries will always come to the rescue with the hope of having a partnership with the US.

Take Russia for example, notice that they got the US shale oil on the defensive recently, but the moment Putin received a call from Trump he started working day and night to find a solution that benefits US shale oil companies.


Money talk is all B.S from the incumbent and null and void disinformation sect,meantime their countrys are plauged by their own curse insomuch as the world revolves and changes,if you ask me,just another last grasp desperate attempt to control the narrative,by the losers there!


kurds make cheap human shields, far cheaper than bullet proof vests and sand bags.. They also make great tea and dance for entertainment.. and also the deserts get cold at night..

Jens Holm

Down below I see the ME deep deep deep state created by themselves in the dark made by themselves.

They have no idea about whats going on, who is who and who they are figting for as well as against.

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