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U.S.-led Coalition, SDF Clash With ISIS Cell Near Gas Factory In Eastern Deir Ezzor

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U.S.-led Coalition, SDF Clash With ISIS Cell Near Gas Factory In Eastern Deir Ezzor

Illustrative image, by: sdf-press.com

On April 30, the U.S.-led coalition and the SDF clashed with a cell of ISIS that attempted to carry out an attack near the CONICO gas factory in eastern Deir Ezzor.

According to the Deir Ezzor Media Center, four terrorists of the group riding a taxi opened fire at a military vehicle of the SDF near CONICO. The terrorists injured three SDF fighters and fled the scene.

A unit of the SDF chased the attackers on CONICO-al-Izbah road. After an exchange of fire, two of the attackers were injured and two others were captured.

“Later on, coalition personnel carried out an air landing operation and imposed control of the situation in the region,” the Deir Ezzor Media Center said in a post on Facebook.

In the last few days, the U.S.-led coalition and the SDF intensified their operations against ISIS remnants in Deir Ezzor. On April 29, Moeen Taha al-Hamad, an ISIS commander responsible for a series of assassinations in the governorate, was apprehended in the southeastern countryside.

These operations are without a doubt harming ISIS’ influence in Deir Ezzor. Nevertheless, the terrorist group’s presence there will not likely end anytime soon.


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The US Zioterrorists order ISIS to do this to justify their “protection” of Syria’s oil/gas resources. Most likely with weapons given to ISIS from the US war reserve stock in ISrael, Ziowahhabism special ops.

Liberal guy

Bang on target exactly the truth these wahhabis cowards are used by the zios as they like.

Pave Way IV

Looks like the PsyOps crew at CENTCOM had a COVID-19 outbreak and had to let the officers take over for the weekend. Either that, or SF forgot to mention The Onion as the source.

“…According to the Deir Ezzor Media Center, four terrorists of the group riding a taxi opened fire at a military vehicle of the SDF near CONICO…”

Deir Ezzor Media Center? They’re on Facebook, right? Must be credible then, Heh… heh

Taxis are expensive. Is ISIS too good for Uber or some other ridesharing? No wonder my taxes are so high! CIA: can you look into their expense reports?

So was the taxi driver an ISIS terrorist, too, or was there another head-chopper riding on the roof? Must have been one on the roof to hold the black ISIS flag (allows easy identification of Taxi Cab of Terror’s true purpose).

Let’s see here, now… largest gas plant in Syria (50 mmcf/day) stolen by CENTCOM – can be seen from space. So four head-choppers suddenly decide to grab a TAXI and attack it? Oh, FFS… no, not even on a week’s worth of Captagon…

“…The terrorists injured three SDF fighters and fled the scene…”

Well, of course they fled – the taxi cab meter was still running. An extended firefight to take over the largest gas plant in Syria could have led to ISIS burning through at least 40,000 or 50,000 SYP fare – not including tip.

“…A unit of the SDF chased the attackers on CONICO-al-Izbah road. After an exchange of fire, two of the attackers were injured and two others were captured…”

Headchopper Tip: Never use a taxi cab as a get-away vehicle if it can’t outrun an SDF truck.

“…Later on, coalition personnel carried out an air landing operation and imposed control of the situation in the region,” the Deir Ezzor Media Center said in a post on Facebook…”

It’s clear that the ‘situation’ was out of control – f’king sneak TAXI attack. The SDF urgently needed some serious backup after this horrific near-takeover of the CONOCO gas plant. CENTCOM asleep at the wheel once again. Get a couple of Stryker Brigade Combat Teams to guard our war booty right now, damn it! We better not hear about any taxis making it through the wire at al Omar, either. You can be outsourced, CENTCOM.

“Yeah… Sanckbar! Looks great. Most of the blood and brains come right out if you get to them before they dry. OK, ready for your next jihad, brother… heh, just kidding!” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23a934e1913fc41c5b038c8774969512ee6ace264bb90af3e42567d10a94a0ee.jpg

Luke Hemmming

Hahaha loved your comment. Very witty.

Pave Way IV

Why, Thank You, Mr. Jihad Ninja. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal!

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