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U.S.-led Coalition Warplanes Conduct Simulated Attack Near Syria’s Al-Tanaf (Photos)

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U.S.-led coalition warplanes had conducted a simulated attack run in the 55 km zone around al-Tanaf Garrison, the coalition’s Special Ops Joint Task Force announced on June 16.

In an official statement, the coalition said the simulated attack run was conducted by F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets on June 13.

“Coalition air assets provide immediate threat response in support of our Syrian partners as they continue the disruption of Daesh terrorist cells,” the statement reads.

Photos of the simulated attack showed several F-15Es armed with air-to-air missiles and guided bombs flying over the 55 km zone.

The U.S.-led coalition and its proxy, the Revolutionary Commando Army, hold drills in the 55 km zone on a regular basis. On April 29, live drills were carried out in the region with the participation of the coalition’s M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

The coalition claims that these drills are aimed against ISIS remnants around al-Tanaf. Nevertheless, they appear to be designed to intimidate Damascus and its allies.


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A simulation of how they will defend ISIS/al-Qaeda in case the SAA decided to liberate this part of their country. Fuck the Ziowahhabi terrorist filth, Syria should build a 100 meter deep moat around this terrorist camp with water from the Euphrates and make an irrigated agricultural project to put the land to actual good use.

Pave Way IV

It was just meant to intimidate the non-al Qaeda hostages at CENTCOM’s modern-day Auschwitz – the al Rukban Death Camp.

“If you try to escape back to government-held territories, we will assume you’re ISIS and kill you. If Syrians try to rescue you and bus you back to civilization, we will assume they are ISIS and kill them. Stay in Rukban make bricks, consume heroin, be a meat shield for our al Qaeda operatives’ families and obey your MaT guards. THAT is your only reason for existence.

Tommy Jensen

These sick wimps claim they “saved” Europe from Nazism in 1945.

Pave Way IV

We DID. Well… sort of. At least we saved Europe from Nazi scientists. We brought them all over here to do evil shit for us. They were really good at it. I think the U.S. killed the all the other Nazis, too – there was a YouTube video about it. I saw a link on Twitter.

Lone Ranger

Russia did.


Excuse me it was USSR and it’s Red Army with the great leader Stalin !@!!!!

Lone Ranger

So they werent Russians?


THAT is the reason of existence for the current idiots around the world staying in Lockdown. Just be stupid meatbags please, said the Deep State Alligators permanently seated in US Senate.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

An F-15 that hasn’t crashed this week… Yet!

Ivan Freely

The F-15 is no where near as bad as the F-35.


Al-Qaeda’s airforce in action again.

Fog of War

Maybe someone could enlighten me The zone claimed by the ZioAmericans is 55 km in size and is on sovereign Syrian territory. Why doesnt Russia, on the invitation of Syria, tell the ZioAmericans that it will establish a base within that 55 km zone, with the permission of the sovereign state of Syria, and then form a convoy and go in there. Would the ZioAmericans actually bomb Russians ? I doubt it.

Pave Way IV

1. Because Putin was explicit about helping Syria kick Wahhabi head-choppers asses until they no longer threatened the stability of the Syrian state. 2. The al Qaeda leftovers the U.S. protects in the at Tanf occupation zone do not threaten the stability of Syria. They’re a pain in the ass, and Syria will have to deal with them eventually, but it’s just not a priority right now. 3. Russia is not going to provoke the U.S. into starting WWIII over at Tanf. Yeah, we’re crazy like that. CENTCOM

Fog of War

” Setting up a Russian base in the at Tanf zone to piss of the U.S. would be playing checkers. ”

But playing continuous games of vehicle ” chicken ” with the Americans is playing chess ?

” Russia is not going to provoke the U.S. into starting WWIII over at Tanf. Yeah, we’re f’king crazy ”

If they;re crazy to attack Russia now, then they’ll be as crazy to attack it later. Its only a matter of timing. Putin will be gone eventually, meaning, Russia doesn’t have that much time left.

” Russia isn’t there to protect Syria from U.S., Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia. ”

Whats the point of multiple bases in Syria then ? Who are they intended to be used against ?

Pave Way IV

“But playing continuous games of vehicle ” chicken ” with the Americans is playing chess ?”

This is soldiers being soldiers. MRAPs playing bumper cars with BTR-80’s is dumb and can lead to gunfire,. But neither side is going to send in ground-attack aircraft to blow away the other side’s vehicles. Building a base next to at Tanf is a far higher level of provocation. Yeah, we (the U.S.) shouldn’t even be there to begin with, but America’s belligerence and arrogance holding at Tanf isn’t a priority right now – either for Russia or Syria.

“If they;re crazy to attack Russia now, then they’ll be as crazy to attack it later. Its only a matter of timing. Putin will be gone eventually, meaning, Russia doesn’t have that much time left.”

I doubt the U.S. leadership is capable of timing anything except attack with proxies on far weaker countries. Most of the time, it seems more like bumbling reaction to unexpected events as they unfold. Reactions which are merely marketed to the U.S. and global audiences after-the-fact as a ‘strong response’. Weaponized trade and banking (=sanctions) are about all we got left, and those are mostly directed at making starving citizens more miserable instead of forcing their leaders to obey us.

“Whats the point of multiple bases in Syria then ? Who are they intended to be used against ?”

Russia only has the naval base at Tartus and the air base at Hmeimim. Like every other nation with foreign bases anywhere, they are there to be used against any forces trying to deny them access – specifically Russian naval access to the Mediterranean Sea. They are not there to defend Syria or Assad – Syria is responsible for its own defense. It IS in Russia’s interests to keep the place from being overrun with head-choppers and/or thwart the U.S. plans to replace Assad with an anti-Russian U.S. puppet – either of which could force them out of Tartus and Hmeimim. Not sure about any ‘new’ bases – sounds like Saudi propaganda.

Fog of War

A few contradictions:

” Building a base next to at Tanf is a far higher level of provocation. ”

” I doubt the U.S. leadership is capable of timing anything except attack with proxies on far weaker countries. “

Russia is not a ” far weaker country “, Therefore, using your logic, the US will back down. You cant have it both ways.

Additionally, South front reported in recently that Russia was setting up more bases in the middle of Syria. I doubt thats Saudi propaganda.

Pave Way IV

“Russia is not a ” far weaker country “, Therefore, using your logic, the US will back down. You cant have it both ways.”

You’re confusing U.S. arrogance and impunity in pre-planned attacks on other weaker nations with how the U.S. reacts to (what are perceived as) provocations against us. You’re also over-simplifying the latitude of freedom Russia has in an extremely complex situation. Russia is not trying to defeat the U.S. in Syria for Assad. I don’t necessarily agree with everything in MK Bhadrakumar’s analysis in Asia Times last month, but he recognizes U.S. motivations regarding Russia in Syria and the way the U.S. is exploiting the situation:

A quagmire like the one in Afghanistan is the last thing Moscow wants. Speaking at a video event on May 12 that was hosted by the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington, the US special envoy for Syria, James Jeffrey, openly bragged that his mission is principally focused on bleeding the Russian forces and evicting them from the region.

From Why Russia is losing its hold on Syria Putin and Assad are pursuing different policies and endgames, a disconnect that has put their alliance in doubt

I think he makes too much about the extent of a Syrian-Russian ‘alliance’. Putin isn’t in Syria to defend his best buddy Assad. He’s there for Russian interests, which necessarily means opposing the partitioning and chaos that the U.S. seeks for Syria.

What would be the point of Russia risking the lives of its troops just to provoke the U.S. in at Tanf? Do you really think that would force the U.S. to pull out of there? Fat chance of that – we’re there to block an imaginary Shia Crescent. It really doesn’t have anything to do with Russia. A Russian base in the Hedgemon Zone could only raise the spectre of the U.S. doing something stupid in response. Russia would be walking right into the kind of bear trap described in the Asia Times analysis. There would be no benefit for Russia, only risk.

“Additionally, South front reported in recently that Russia was setting up more bases in the middle of Syria. I doubt thats Saudi propaganda.”

SF reported on the strangely-worded directive by Putin regarding prior agreements establishing the existing Russian bases as reported by Interfax. It isn’t clear if that just relates to expansion of the Tartus port and designating Hmeimim as a military-only base and building a civilian replacement. It may cover something like the off-base Russian air defense sites which were not in the original agreement. It may relate to something happening at Palmyra, but that was only reported by Zaman Al-Wasl (opposition-friendly site) citing unnamed military sources. Is Russia rehabilitating the base for joint SyAF/RuAF use (are they there at all?), or are they actually building a Russian base independent of the Syrian military? Sounds pretty expensive and risky considering Syrian elections are next year.

Fog of War

Thoughtful analysis, but based on your conclusions no country will act against ZioAmerica because it might react in an ” insane ” manner. However, contrary to popular opinion, the US will not collapse economically before any of the other major powers, Thats a pipe dream.

Yes, Russia is probably just acting in its own interest however, its simplistic for Russia to think just by securing its former bases its position will be secure. As soon as Asads out of the picture, a Zio controlled pupet will step in and nullify all agreements with Russia. At that point, it will tell Rusia to leave with the backing of ZIO-NATO. What will Russia do at that point ?

Unlike you, I dont believe the ZioAmericans have a death wish, they’re bluffing . Russia and China are losing initiative by not forming a solid front and calling the ZioAmericans out. Having said all this, I’m coming to the conclusion that all these world events are actually just theater, and the ” sheeple ” are being walked into a trap. For example, check out the latest from Putin. It sure sounds like he’s interested in preserving the Jew world order.


After all, Putin is also playing the Covid ” hoax ” game.

Pave Way IV

‘Act against’ is too broad of an observation. No country will go out of their way to needlessly provoke ZioAmerica. But plenty of nations seem willing to ‘act against’ us today with a measured response if we provoke them at or near their homeland.

The U.S. does not need to be the first major power to collapse economically. The major powers’ financial systems and fiat have ended up being parasitic on each other and hopelessly intertwined – much worse than the situation in the last global depression. That started in the U.S. with the stock market collapse. The impending one will start with defaults on debt and counterparty risk. Same effect: global depression. If any of them go down, we’ll all go down. Nobody can print their way out of this one.

And of course America is bluffing – right until someone f’cks up and inadvertently starts WWIII. You’re probably right though: most of this is a charade. The folks on MoA compare the situation to ‘professional’ wrestling and the idea of working the audience – kayfabe. No international conspiracy required – the international wrestling match simply benefits the major powers that be in different ways, and ‘little’ nations play along for the occasional table scraps. It would be mildly entertaining without the human sacrifice part.

Assad must stay

1 su-34 or 35 from hmeimim will scare them shitless lmaooo


hope nothing fell off and hurt the ISIS guys camping outside..


And ofcourse not to forget, they just need to ask some air support and the IAF can be there in 5-10 minutes and wipe out any hostile forces that may hurt American soldiers. Stay away from Al-Tanf and live another day.

Lone Ranger

How does it feel to support isis air force? Israel will will go to war with anybody to help the U.S. We both know that.


Yup, why shouldn’t we help them? they have been helping us alot (even during the Obama administration) so if they need us then we need to assist them. Also, how many battle practices can we do? we want to fight against our enemies and not doing just drills. We have alot of weapon systems to test on them.

Lone Ranger

Careful what you wish for… Are you familiar with the quote ” the wicked flee when non pursue”…? You create your own enemies in the region. And why? Because Israel believes in the profecy about Armageddon and how it will play out and whom the winners will be. You try to destroy everybody around you just to go for sure and to create more “Lebensraum”, sounds familiar? Ever thought about that exactly these actions are the ones that will lead up to Armageddon which according to the scripture you wont win. So what you are doing is not only immoral but also counterproductive on the longterm for Israel. Israel doesnt need to meddle its well armed to win if it maintans the moral highground but once you lose it you lost it and with multiple superpowers involved the outcome is questionable to say the least. Have a nice day.


Well I agree with some of the stuff you wrote Ranger, but let me correct myself. I didn’t mean to kill just random civilians (unless they actively help the terrorists during wartime like hiding them in their homes, in that case the entire home needs to be flattened with everyone inside), but I meant to do operations against Hamas and Hezbollah which both like to bark alot on the media how we are scared of them. In reality, their entire force would rather run away than fighting 100,000 appraochng IDF well armed and well trained troops, backed by tanks and aircover. We israelis love to fight I mean I grew up on fighting, first in school then in the army. Some of us are ultra-Zionists so I feel humiliated a clown like Heniyah or Nasrallah have the balls to threaten us and our coward PM is doing nothing in return. I’m sure if the IDF could make a survey then over 80% of the IDF troops would say they want to fight against our enemies, because we realize a peace with them is an impossible thing to reach. Like Putin once said: You don’t negotiate with terrorists, you kill them.

Fog of War

” We israelis love to fight ”

Great, march into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.Also, do this with no support from ZioAmerica. Tell us how it turns out for you.


Who are you kidding? the moment we bomb Lebanon the entire world will ask us to stop it, just like in Gaza. That is why we have this conflict for too long, we are not truely free to fight as we wish to.

Fog of War

Come on you’re being coy now. When has Israhell ever cared about world opinion ? In fact how many UN resolutions is it currently ignoring already. Your purposely diminishing the power Jews have over ZioAmerica and the western world. If Israhell cared about public opinion, they wouldn’t be getting ready to annex the remainder of Palestine, which is also against world public opinion.

Lone Ranger

Russia only has to flip a switch to lit them up with phased array radars and they will leave.


and why Russia doesn’t do it so many years?

Lone Ranger

Because Russia doesnt want to start WWIII.

Fog of War

Do you actually beleive the fat , lazy, well off Americans are willing to vaporize themselves over Syria ?

Lone Ranger

Look at their past… Vietnam is a good example. Never underestimate American greed and stupidity.

Fog of War

I’m talking about nuclear conflict, not an attack on a weaker opponent. Very different scenarios.

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