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MARCH 2025

U.S. May Provide Turkey With Patriot System For Use In Syria’s Idlib: Turkish Defense Minister

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U.S. May Provide Turkey With Patriot System For Use In Syria’s Idlib: Turkish Defense Minister

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The U.S. could send Patriot long-range air-defense system to Turkey to use for security in the face of the conflict in Syria’s Idlib, Turkish Defense Minister, Hulusi Akar, said on February 20.

In an interview with CNN Turk, Akar revealed that talks with U.S. on a possible purchase of Patriot systems are still ongoing.

“There is the threat of air strikes, missiles against our country … There could be Patriot support,” the Daily Sabah quoted the defense minister as saying.

Akar’s statement came a few hours after the death of two Turkish service members in an alleged Syrian airstrike that targeted their position in southern Idlib.

According to the Turkish defense minister, Turkey is now in talks with Russia over the possible use of the airspace over Syria’s Idlib. Akar stressed that his country is not seeking a confrontation with Russian forces in Syria, warning that Turkey’s S-400 system will be activated if needed.

The Turkish military is now attempting to push the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) back in Idlib. Earlier today, a Turkish-led attack targeted army positions in southern Idlib. However, the attack was quickly repelled with support from Russian forces.

Akar’s remarks indicate that Turkey is still determined to escalate the situation in Idlib. While Ankara apparently believe that this could be done without a confrontation with Russia, the Russian support for the SAA says the opposite.

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Hanny Benny

he thinks really he can use the S400 against Russia ?!? oh man.. please crawl back to your cave and learn reading..

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me the S-400 will NOT WORK as they have frequency kill switches and their IFF can be fucked up big time. The Turkeys paid $2 billion for a home goal.

Hanny Benny

everybody who has a basic understanding of technology knows that is impossible to be sure if a chipped input-device has a backdoor-exploit or not. I think the people around the genius sultan are not really studied in technology aspects… so funny dumb


The Russians have the backdoor kill switches to the S 400’s.


They don’t. But they might make an exception for an unreliable client that can turn the weapons against them.


That is very likely just as Iraq air-defense got turned of during Iraq invasion.

Jim Bim

First the Turks deny it, now they brag about it. Turks are useless and liers.

Zionism = EVIL

Why are people surprised, the rotten Turkeys are part and parcel of Zionist and NATO cannon fodder, however, they the SAA has given them a bloody nose and beaten back every offensive with heavy losses. The Patriots are proven junk and have never worked since they could not even intercept a single SCUD-B fired by Saddam.

Pál Póli

The Syrians in no time will receive the coveted S-400’s.


As the Syrian S300 is under final Russian control according to all reports, this would not change much. Russia has already their S400 in place in Syria it seems. S400 for Syria would only be a PR win. It would not be used against Isreal like S300 as Russia has final control over the integrated air defense systems.

And against Turks, the Syrian S300 and Russian S400 would be already in place. Much more important is the decision on the highest political level in Russia, if those systems will be allowed to shoot down Turkish airforce if they enter Syrian airspace. And it seems, Russia has already made clear to Turkey that they will not be allowed to enter Syrian airspace. And that descicion is what is the descive factor.

Pál Póli

But this is a window of opportunity for Syria to get the S400 which would be useful in the future if not now.


Iran should be trying to get the S-300/400 installed in Lebanon. It is from Lebanon that Israel launches its bombs.

Smith Ricky

S400, inoperable ?

Tim Williams

Russia has not fully trained the TURKS on them yet … leverage


Monkeys take longer to train :)

Wolfgang Wolf

turkish S-400 are not operational … i dont know what kind of shit the turkish carpetriders are smoking if they really believe the russians will NOT deactivate it in case the kebabs will try to turn the systems on…. seems that this turkish “defense” clown will be removed from his position soon…..

Tim Williams

Russia is using leverage … they have not fully trained the TURKS on how to operate them … they are nothing but paperweights


Nor have the Russians completed the deliveries. Turkey bought the S400 on Russian credit which does give Putin another advantage.


“warning that Turkey’s S-400 system will be activated if needed”



The main problems for Russia regarding syria are geography and lack of allies in the region. It has to cross turkey or iraq for the deployment. Turkey knows this and that’s why they are bullying around.

Tim Williams

somehow you forget HEZ forces, IRAQ forces, Iranian forces, KURD forces

AM Hants

So how did that work out when the corvette were having fun in the Caspian? They had no problems reaching their target, now did they?


Firing couple of missiles from the ships won’t work. They are expensive. You need air and land access in an open war.

AM Hants

Who has the largest land military and a decent missile defence system.


I know, but my whole point was based on the deployment issue.


Lack of allies in the region? ?


You don’t think so?


Little Erdo picked a fight and then came crying to older brother! Like Monthy Python!

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is following its Jew masters playbook, start a war and then hide behind Americunts and NATO sugar daddy.


The USA doesn’t want to sell Turkey Patriot and now they think the USA will lend them one to use against another country that got support from Russia. Turkeys S-400 won’t be fully operational until April. Sounds like they wish that they would get that support not like it’s a real option.

Tim Williams

S 400 is awaiting Russian trainers … they are not coming

Wayne Nicholson

They could try calling 1-800-fix-my-missile but I fear that would only get them Joe from Bangalore


If a US crew was found to be training the Turks with Patriots in a real combat environment with Russia as the target, it would certainly be the prelude for WW3, in my opinion.


It would come down to gain and risk. They wouldn’t gain anything important but risk an escalation with Russia so it wouldn’t happen.


Yank military and politicians are not renown for much forethought though. :)


Hot off the AMN News Desk: As Turkey has supported a militant attack in Syria, it has violated the agreement with Russia on separating armed opposition from terrorists in the crisis-torn country, and this move may provoke a further escalation in Idlib, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said Thursday.

“We are expressing significant concerns over such support for militants from the Turkish armed forces”, Zakharova said. According to the spokeswoman, the incident is seen as a “violation of the Russian-Turkish agreements on separating armed opposition from terrorists, and creating a demilitarized area, and it may provoke a further escalation in the conflict in this part of the Syrian national territory”.


In other words, Turkey is excluded from Syria.

Wayne Nicholson

Does the USA really love the Turks enough to expose the patriot missile system to the Russians? Do the Russians still have that Iskander missile system in Syria they were testing awhile back …. it would be a shame to risk an aircraft taking out a SAM after all.

Ricky Miller

They do. The Russian force in Syria has five Iskander launchers in Syria, at least that is known about. With two missiles in each launcher and at least ten missiles for reload, twenty Iskander Missiles could take down Turkey’s S-400 system and or Patriot batteries, if they’re offered. But I doubt Russia does it that way. They should probably save those for value later and remove threatening SAM systems by way of a KH-101 cruise missile strike. The Kh-101’s are difficult to track on radar and could strike the systems Turkey puts in place with a stealth launch from the coastline beyond Sochi. The missiles would have to fly low, at night across Anatolia but they’d put an end to the SAM threat in Idlib, for sure.

northerntruthseeker .

Seriously??? I sure hope that readers have studied up on the sorry history of the “Patriot” missile system and how it was such a DUD in Gulf War I…. The Patriots are so vastly inferior to Russian made systems!


The Patriot Missile system is now going on 30 years old. Kind of like Ukraine using Buks.

Tim Williams

LOL .. USA would never allow this to be placed in Idlib … this is preposterous

Peter Jennings

The very fact that Russian forces are helping the SAA to repel terrorists attacks should tell Mr Akar Akbar all he needs to know regarding the outcome of talks for air space over Syria. It looks like Mr Akar will be disappointed. I would also guess that the S-400 threat works both ways.

Maybe it needs better Turkish minds working on the problem. Minds which don’t have a hearing defect.


I was a recently guest in the radar station that tracked the Russian S-24 they shot down. Good fellas, doing their jobs. The nutso element is Erdogan, not the Turkish Army. I regret the loss of life to the two pilots killed by Turkish barbarians, I mean the militants they support. Turkish Army is professional, conduct themselves according to rules. The order to shoot down the Russian fighter clearly came from the very top.

Joe Doe

The main point is, How Putin was such fool to sale S-400 to Turkey. This only shows Putin has very poor judgment. Erdogan outmaneuver Putin.

Tim Williams

you pay 100% for a vehicle up front with no engine or transmission .. TURKEY S 400 is still awaiting computers and training … PUTIN got his money …Erdogan has a giant paper weight


Careful TW, JD is an expert ?


Yes nato expert but of course anything wiser judgment for brusselsprouts!

Alec White

What’s the point of it? if Turks shoot down Russian plane once more, the Russians will pulverize all Turkish outposts in Syria with cruise missiles from 1000 miles away. Erdogan needs to pull back, otherwise he’ll be defeated, and then CIA will take him down for good.


A good conclusion:



Very good point. The CIA and Putin both trying to keep Erdogan on their side. But either of them could liquidate him easily if he wants to play both sides.


S-400 to the Turk was a big mistake by Putin … Georgian SA-11 shot down to many Russ combat planes including one TU-23MR …

Tim Williams

it doesn’t work … PUTIN Got the dough … TURKS have a giant paper weight


Not a problem. Putin could sell S-400 to Turkey, after developing his own weapon that can neutralize it, if necessary (Kh-47M2 Kinzhal):



Those stories mainly deep fake lies,I read the transcripts didn’t add up,that tu23mr did not its engine failed then the other before it landed safe on the base? hit by missile? bullfgnciasht!


The Turks are talking out of both sides of their mouth and violating their own Idlib DMZ agreement. They complain about the humanitarian problem in Idlib that’s of their own creation from years of supporting terrorists. Their threats against the Syrian government coalition are like an arsonist threatening to attack the fire department putting out the fire that the arsonist started and is fueling.

The Idlib DMZ agreement called for heavy weapons to be removed from the DMZ. The Turks are providing their terrorists heavy weapons for use in the DMZ. The Turks and their terrorists have violated every part of the DMZ agreement that the Turks agreed to.

Tim Williams

now you describe the average TURK … A BACKSTABBING LIAR that can never be trusted


Its funny that middle aged Turks and Khazars often have the same brutal neanderthal features :)


I think that a lot of Turks aren’t happy with their government’s actions in southern Idlib. For the Adana agreement border issues with the Kurds they’re probably supportive or at least willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt. For the terror war that Turkey has been waging for years in Idlib for Israel. I’d be surprised if many or most Turks support it. And for those that have supported it. That may wane if the Turks escalate it and start spending a lot of money and taking a lot of losses. Particular if it starts spilling over into Turkey.




Sounds like Ukraine too.

Josiah Isaboke

I don’t know if you have ever watched those videos of the jihadis when they are around the Turkish soldiers. They are the ones in charge. The Turks are subordinates.The command the Tanks on where to go and where to shoot as they scream “Allahu backbar”..The Turkish soldiers are scared çh1t/less of those dudes and they can’t say a word or they might get beheaded right there.


People follow their paychecks, and the Turks are paying the terrorists, or allowing them to be paid through Turkey.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/59c2f67a53165c134e0f06c01d3602ca843faf7f42253e9f7552b5cde1596191.jpg ???

Zionism = EVIL

This comment should be taken to the nearest Jew and deposited for future reference:

The Americunts and Turkeys are playing with fire in Syria. If they continue on the current trajectory of pushing Russian and Iranian buttons, the US is poised to suffer its greatest defeat in living memory – a much harsher setback than Vietnam and Afghanistan combined, both in strategic and psychological terms.

To subvert the senile evil Jew scum Kissinger’s maxim, the choice confronting US leaders and strategists is whether they want to keep up the pretence of superpower status for a couple of decades longer, or risk getting an almighty bloody nose from Russia, Iran and their allies.

King Cliff

The Russian need to cover the whole turkey airspace with they S-400 system, eliminated the concept that Ankara believes is fighter jets could take off without being shit down. I would’ve deployed three battalion of S-400 and midrange air defence Asap


That would be a violation of international law, and just stupid.

Me&Myself None

Turkey being in Syria is a violation of international law.


Russia is apparently the only remaining country that acknowledges international law. That would make it rather non-international.


Turkish snakes.


“the Turkish government issued a request to the US for Patriot anti-air missiles to help defend Idlib air space from the Russian Air Force. It is highly unlikely that such a request would be granted.”

– Turkish-backed militant attack in Idlib was doomed to fail –


“Turkey is yet to receive a U.S. response to the request, which was relayed last week to James Jeffrey, the U.S. envoy for Syria engagement, the official said, asking not to be identified discussing sensitive information. The U.S. Embassy in Turkey declined to comment. Spokespeople for the White House and U.S. National Security Council didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. …

While Turkey is requesting the deployment of U.S.-operated Patriots, the two countries have wrangled for years over Turkish requests to buy the missiles. The Trump administration has refused to agree to a deal unless Turkey first scraps advanced Russian S-400 missile-defense system it bought last year that Washington considers a threat to NATO’s capabilities.”

– Turkey Seeks U.S. Patriot Missiles to Deter Russia in Syria –


Josiah Isaboke

And the US did answer back,,,https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1230502425481576449


“the Nayrab battle appears to represent the manifestation of Erdogan’s threat, the initial battle of a larger campaign designed to punish the Syrian Army and its Russian allies.

There is one problem in such a scenario – the Russian Air Force. Russia has made it clear that it will not permit Turkey to launch air operations in Idlib. Moreover, the fact that the Russian Air Force was employed immediately to attack and defeat the Turkish/HTS offensive shows that Moscow has not ceded its control of Syrian air space. So long as Russian aircraft are operating in Idlib, no offensive action against the Syrian Army stands a chance of succeeding.”

– Turkish-backed militant attack in Idlib was doomed to fail –


AM Hants

Worked well defending Saudi oil fields? Interesting, if Turkey believes it Will be useful, with S-300 and S-400 smiling at it.

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