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MARCH 2025

U.S. Navy Releases Video Of Its Nuclear Submarine, As Trump Threatens Iran On Twitter

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U.S. Navy Releases Video Of Its Nuclear Submarine, As Trump Threatens Iran On Twitter

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On December 22nd, the US Navy released a video showing its Ohio-class guided-missile nuclear submarine USS Georgia (SSGN 729) along with the guided-missile cruisers USS Port Royal (CG 73) and USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) transited the Strait of Hormuz.

It entered the “Arabian Gulf”, which the US calls the Persian Gulf, because it wishes to spite Iran.

The one-year anniversary of the assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani is drawing near on January 3rd, and a sense of urgency that some sort of retaliation is incoming is, somewhat, understandable.

The Tomahawk cruise missiles contained by the USS Georgia – of which there can be up to 154 – can reach approximately 1,000 miles in any direction when launched, creating a wide target range for the submarine.

The ship can also hold up to 66 members of the Special Operations Forces.

The Georgia can be used to conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance along the Iranian coastline as well as through the entire Persian Gulf while remaining shielded from adversaries.

Video footage released by the US Navy shows the submarine accompanied by two guided missile cruisers en route to the Persian Gulf after leaving the 5th Fleet base in Bahrain.

Donald Trump has approximately 4 weeks left in office as the US President and there are fears of an “farewell strike” on Iran, in order to prove his endless support of Israel, and stir the pot one final time, this time, possibly, cataclysmically.

On December 23rd, Trump took to Twitter to issue a warning to Iran after several rockets hit near the US Embassy in Baghdad.

There were some material damages, and several Iraqi citizens were injured, and one was killed, according to reports.

Iran has repeatedly vowed of late to retaliate both for Soleimani’s killing but also for the more recent death of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, which leaders in Tehran have blamed on Israel and the US.

He was reportedly killed with an elaborate machine gun that was AI-controlled through a satellite, according to the official Iranian version.

The only officially confirmed retaliation by Iran so far is the January 8th ballistic missile strike on the US Ayn al-Asad airbase in Al Anbar Governorate, western Iraq, as well as another airbase in Erbil, in the Kurdistan Region.

No US soldiers were killed, but 110 of them suffered “traumatic brain injury”, but the initial reports were that there were no injuries. After the initial report that the Iranian attack failed, the US kept admitting over months that there were, actually, injured troops.


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The Objective

It seems likely that Trump will hand Iran another new year gift, probably on January 3rd. My guess is an attack on Iraqi militias and possibly Hezbollah. They are already labelled terrorists, which makes them a legal target for Trump. Hezbollah too is in the crosshair. This latest deployment by the U.S and Israel is most likely aimed at deterring Iran’s retaliation should the U.S attack Iran’s militias in Iraq. I think that is the better way to solve this issue of Shiite militias holding entire countries hostage on behalf of Iran. Thus, the U.S should focus on unilaterally destroying or severely weakening these militias via brute military force. No need to negotiate with them. That’s the simplest and easiest way to roll back Iran’s influence by cutting off its tentacles militarily. And if Iran retaliates, it can as well expect big bombs falling on Iranian soil, which could well be the beginning of the war Iran seeks to avoid by all means. If Trump want to deal a deadly blow from which Iran will not recover for decades, he should order sustained and heavy military strikes on the PMU, and also greenlight Israel to do the same with Hezbollah. They will be degraded severely by the time Biden takes office. Then he can negotiate with Iran if he wants.

Mehmet Öztürk

The U.S. military wouldn’t dare go to war with Iran. U.S. soldiers and Marines couldn’t even defeat malnourished Viet Cong soldiers, and that was back when the U.S. military was still somewhat respectable.

Today, however, the cowardly thugs in the U.S. armed forces go around wearing masks, training with unnaturally muscular FEMALES, and waving pride flags. Afghanistan and Iraq were a warning. If Afghan goat herders could whoop their butts, then just imagine what the Iranians will do. Even Trump realizes that while small, Iranians are LETHAL.

That’s why he wants to bomb them like that tyrant, Truman, bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The IMF, U.S. government, and Israel hate Iran because they believe in solidarity and self-determination…something globalists hate.

The Objective

Look, I don’t give a fuck about what Iran does or doesn’t, provided it stops destabilizing Muslim communities across the Middle East by building parallel forces in these countries. This is setting conditions for civil war on sectarian grounds.

Trump clearly doesn’t want to start a war with Iran, because even Trump knows that the war will cost America a lot more than Iraq and Afghanistan. But that doesn’t mean he’s deterred from attacking Iran. Soleimani’s death should be an eye-opener to those who doubt this, because killing him was an act of war. I never thought Iran would refrain from openly killing Americans in retaliation. And that would have started a war.

What most people fail to understand about America is that American presidents find it hard to convince Americans to support a war, especially a costly one. Any president who stubbornly starts an unpopular war risks being forced to resign. If there was enough domestic support in America for a war with Iran, it would have happened long ago. Iran openly killing Americans would create this domestic support for war on Iran. That was why Iran refrained.

If you read my first comment attentively, you’ll notice that I’m advocating for an attack on the militias, not Iran. Destroying or weakening the militias will solve the Iranian challenge in the Middle East. What I don’t know is whether Iran would openly attack American assets in the middle east to defend its militias. My guess is, Iran will support the militias, but covertly. And covert support won’t save the militias or even aid them meaningfully.


You are desperate troll who posts cut and paste US propaganda and fool no one you stupid idiot.

The Objective

I think one of the reasons why God will devastate the Persian nation is due to its pride. That is quite unislamic even by Shiite standards. All one reads from Iranian trolls is how powerful their military is, how no one would dare attack them, how superb their weapons are, etc.

I’m not desperate about an attack on Iran. But I do pray for a U.S war with the hundreds of thousands of Shiite militias across the middle east. The militias are Iran’s major strength and its major weakness as well. Without them, Iran cannot worry the Gulf nations even with its missiles. The only thing the world need check Iran for is nukes after its militias are gone.

America is making preparations to evacuate U.S ambassador to Iraq and shut down the embassy entirely. This could well be a sign of war with Iraqi militias.

Jens Holm

Well ost here makes propaganda themselves. This is a forum mainly representing parts of the Middle East and its diaspora.

It dont represent the rest of the world. It seemes he does.

So maybee You should listen more to the rest of the world. Im sure You can learn a thing or two. But of course it easier to do something like this: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fbbc0f18e87fe25eca0b49ace08cd1b4b21feb9d2321eef51778c915119d071b.jpg

John Brown

You mean you want all resistance to the Yinon plan for a greater Israel crushed!

Jens Holm



Norwegians remember the “400 year night”.

The Objective

Not at all. I just want everyone in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, etc. to live a normal life. I want them all to enjoy the full benefits of living in these countries. But Iran’s militias make this impossible for some people, especially those who disagree with them. They are assassinating Sunnis in Iraq. They are preventing some Sunnis families from returning to their homes which they fled as a result of war. They are taking over the government institutions, dominating businesses, and favoring their own over others. The constantly harass others based on sectarian grounds, and this includes Hezbollah, who is supposedly defending the rights of all Lebanese. If you think what I’m saying is a lie, then tell me why are Iraqi Sunnis preferring America to stay despite carrying out airstrikes that killed Iraqi militias who fought and defeated ISIS? Answer this question. There must be a reason.

Jaime Galarza

it’s evident in which direction your affection goes. That you say that Iran and its militias make peace impossible and not mention Israel and the US reveals you as a troll for Zionism. How about the assassinations carried out by the Mossad? Supposing that what you say about Iran’s assassinating Sunnis in Iraq is true, this is minuscule compared to what Israel does. But not a peep from you in that regard. Very strange eh?

The Objective

I’m not comparing Iran’s crime to other people’s crime. I’m only talking about Iran, because currently, it is Iran that is threatening the lives of Sunnis more than both the U.S and Israel combined. For example, Israel or America does not have tens of thousands of militias in Muslim communities. Many Sunnis in Iraq are being prevented from returning to their homes. Until just recently, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were living in IDPs, and Iran’s militias are a contributing factor to the Sunnis inability to return home. It is not America preventing these Sunnis living a normal live in Iraq. It is not Israel either. It is IRAN, and purely on sectarian grounds. If you doubt what I’m telling you, say so and I’ll provide links to indisputable sources regarding what is going on in Iraq.

A question to you: How does Iran’s fight with Israel and America concern the Sunnis? Is it the Sunnis who asked Israel to assassinate Fakhrazadeh? Or is it the Sunnis who asked America to assassinate Soleimani?

The Sunnis Iran is assassinating in Iraq only speak up against what the militias are doing to Iraqis. They are not speaking for America, but mostly for the Iraqi nation. Some of the victims were close associates to Mustapha Al-Kadhimi.

How does America’s crimes justify Iran’s crime considering that Iran’s militias are targeting the wrong people instead of their declared enemies? I don’t have to talk about America and Israel when I talk about Iran. Especially because Iran is a much bigger threat to Sunnis right now than America and Israel combined.

Jaime Galarza

“A question to you: How does Iran’s fight with Israel and America concern the Sunnis?” It seems history means nothing to you. As if the current state or I should say the current chaos in the Middle East started just last year or five years ago. Do you know the history of US intervention in the region? It started several decades ago. But I suppose this is irrelevant to you because your hatred against Iranians blinds you. Iran is fighting for its survival. Do you think they want to be invaded and plundered like Iraq? Going to your question. It does. Isn’t it evident? Iran’s neighbor, Iraq, is a mainly Sunny country, so to prevent US and Israel’s nefarious activities, Iran must arm Iraqi militias. You don’t like it? Rather than going full steam against Iran for doinf what it can to survive, you should blame Israel and the US. I also have a question for you. Would Iran be in Iraq and Syria had the US not invaded and destroyed Iraq? It isn’t surprising to read a comment such as “…Iran is a much bigger threat to Sunnis right now than America and Israel combined.” It identifes you.

The Objective

You can identify me whichever way you like. But deed down, you should be aware that there are millions of Sunnis who are deeply against Iran’s notorious habit of creating militias in mixed communities. That doesn’t mean these Sunnis are in support of America. For us, both Iran’s terror militias and America are a problem, but Iran has now become a bigger problem than the U.S. And that is just because of the militias. Would you like Sunnis to also have their militias in Iraq and Lebanon? Do you think if Sunnis were to have their own militias in these countries, a civil war would not start?

Iran is not building these militias to deter a U.S attack like most of you Shiites claim. Your blatant lies and claims is intended to mask a much bigger strategy to take over the Middle East, starting with Mecca and Madinah.

Do you really think Iran’s militias are too strong for the U.S to destroy? do you really think that without Iran’s missiles, America would be deterred by the militias? That is crazy. Iran’s real deterrence power lies in its missiles, not militias. The militias only allow Iran to influence situations far from Iran’s borders.

Are you telling me that anywhere Iran has militias is meant to disrupt America’s attempt to attack Iran from such locations? Did you know that Iran has militias (Zainabiyoon) in Pakistan? Did you know Iran has militias (Fatemiyoon) in Afghanistan? Are you telling me that Iran fears America’s attacks from Pakistan or Afghanistan? Don’t forget the U.S is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Even in Iraq, did you know that Iraq’s prime minister has assured Iran many times that he won’t allow a U.S attack on Iran from Iraq? So what exactly is Iran’s excuse for creating and keeping these militias? There is none except the one I told you about: A grand strategy to takeover the Muslim world, starting from Mecca and Madinah before going to Israel. Think along this line and you’ll see the bigger picture of events.

Jaime Galarza

You mentioned precisely the places where I -if I were Iran- would build militias. The US military has bases in most -if not all- these countries. Of course that militias are extremely useful to put pressure against the US -this is called war by attrition. In the absence of a hot war, militias are the answer. Since the Iranian army cannot go into Iraq, Syria and other places, this is the strategy they use. Missiles are useful as long as there is an open war, which there may never be. Militias cannot destry the US by themselves, of course, but in case of an open war, they will help a lot. To some extent, they represent Iran’s strategic depth. Is it so difficult to understantd that if there is war, no doubt Itan’s militias will attack the US from all the places you mentioned? You seem to be confused. The gran strategy to take over the Muslim world is rather Turkey’s. “Iran is not building these militias to deter a U.S attack like most of you Shiites claim.”So,now I am a Shiite Lol. I am from South America, and we know the US very well. Keep hating Iran. The rest of the world knows who the real culprits are.

The Objective

Does America have a military base in Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine?

Mehmet Öztürk

Look, I don’t give a fuck about what Iran does or doesn’t, provided it stops destabilizing Muslim communities across the Middle East by building parallel forces in these countries.

Perhaps if the U.S. government and Israel quit harassing Iran, they wouldn’t need to do any such thing. Iran is only trying to ensure its own self-determination and not be constantly targeted.

As for your comment about “wars,” I don’t think Americans are dumb enough to support one, even IF Iran “openly kills Americans” (in self-defense). The average American voter also realizes what’s *actually* going on in the U.S., and government distrust is at an all-time high.

It’s not the U.S. I hate since the Founders were extremely intelligent men who created perhaps THE best form of government; it’s the U.S. government and voters I hate for choosing to disregard their own history, freedom, and Constitution.


Iran is a large country and quite capable of giving its enemies a bloody nose. Trump is desperate to cling on to power by starting WW3, as the released felon Flynn talked about imposing martial law. The US military however, devastated by 20 years of lost wars in the region that have bankrupted the failed state and accelerated China’s rise, will not be suicidal enough to start a war in the final 25 days of the moron Trump. This is all desperate posturing. Iran is prepared and has powerful allies, including China. Just this week Iran and Pakistan opened two more border crossings for trade and also the first direct rail to Turkey. Attacking Iran is not that easy.

Jens Holm

None would even try to take Iran as You assume.

More likely all important things for infrastructure will be hit by ballistics.

No electricity, no water, no bridges, no trainstations, no TV, no internet.

Iran on bícycles ha ha.

Jaime Galarza

Is destroying a country laughable? Idiot! You are the most stupid fool in this site. Even your friends recommend that you do not shame them by farting incomprehensible rants, but you keep on doing it. For the rest of us, you are a source of amusement. We wonder whether you are a result of a Danish biological experiment gone wrong.


he’s a fuckin shyster.


Frankly, you are uneducated idiotic troll who rants as even Iran is mentioned anywhere, you fool no one, you moron.

The Objective

Just mark what I’m talking about, because it’ll soon come to pass. You don’t even want to hear the possibility of America attacking Iran. Why? Because you don’t have as much confidence as you had before the death of Soleimani. After seeing how your leaders openly backed down, you understand that there is more to the reality than what they publicly admit.

Great Khan

Hahaha Great Khan think you lower than yakshit,,,,mamtu

John Brown

Totally wrong. Israel will lose as it can’t sustain a long war and it economy, civilian and military infrastructure will be destroyed along with all its nuclear weapons and reactors except the few warheads on its 2 or 3 subs. These subs will then never be able to go to port in Israel again as they would be sunk while at dock. When the Dimona reactor is destroyed much of Israel may become uninhabital for a long time.

If the bankrupt USSA came to Israel’s aid it would be the end of the USSA economy and the zio dollar and the USSA military. The USSA military won’t get those Chinese parts to replace missies and equipment they use and or lose and would suffer its greatest military defeat in USSA history.

So yes I am sure Iran hopes the Zio USSA and its master the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave Zio empire dictatorship will do as you say to make Iran great again

Ashok Varma

He is not a very objective troll or even remotely informed.

The Objective

Before I say anything, read this comment by Ismail Gaani first. “Qaani made it clear that Trump wants to drag the region into an open war before leaving, to take revenge on his opponents over losing the election, and it is not in our interest to give him any justification to start such a war,” a senior Shia faction commander told the Middle East Eye news outlet https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/24/trump-threatens-iran-over-rocket-attack-on-us-embassy-in-baghdad

We can see that Qaani believes Trump is seeking the right opportunity to strike Iran despite knowing the war would be costly. Costly doesn’t mean Unwinnable. It also doesn’t mean the U.S would pay a higher price than Iran. It only means the U.S would pay higher that it would love to. If Qaani believes that the U.S is actually looking for a war, who are you to say the U.S if afraid to attack Iran? Qaani specifically instructed Shiite militias not to attack the U.S diplomatic mission in Iraq while Trump is still in office. We’ve also seen how Iran has recently started to distance itself from the militias who are still launching rockets at America.

Regarding your claim about what Iran will do to Israel, I agree that Iran can level much of Israel with its thousands of missiles. But you are wrong to think that Iran’s missiles can take out Israel nukes from their deep underground sanctuaries. All major sources report that Israel retains a second strike capability. That means even if not a single building remains standing in Israel, the Jewish state will still be able to obliterate Iran with its 500+ nukes.

Iran won’t dare attack Israel in the way you think, because that’ll mean a nuclear obliteration of Iran.

The Iranian mullahs are truly idiotic. They are leading Iran into a war with two ruthless and nuclear armed states. Iran as a nation will soon become like Syria or even worse. That’s where all this is leading.

Great Khan


John Brown

Again; totally wrong.

So how will the Dimona nuclear reactor not be destroyed??? Nukes may survive in bunkers but they need to be launched. How will that happen when the launchers are destroyed? All Israel will have are 2 or 3 subs with some warheads.

Iran won’t dare attack Israel in the way you think, because that’ll mean a nuclear obliteration of Iran.

Yes Iran would retaliate in this way and I would too. I said attack not invade. Invasion is not necessary as the Palestinians will rise up and take over in such a scenario.

So you think Israel can nuke Iran when Iran retaliates against an Israeli attack and Iran uses conventional weapons and they can get away with it???

You think people who rode into Sadam’s mine fields with keys to heaven around their necks to clear the way for their tanks will fear being nuked???

Do the Rothchlids, Soros, Adelsons want to die for Israel??? Dream on. No way. The Rothchilds stole the money of their fellow Jews in WW2 in Switzerland in world war 2. They command Israel not you.

If you believe Israel can or would use nuclear weapons as you say, you are seriously deluded insane and evil.

If the USSA were attacked in retaliation in a large scale conventional strike in a war they started. They would never dare to use nuclear weapons.

If Israel did as you say within a month almost every Jew on the planet would be killed for unleashing yet another holocaust on the Goyim. Remember 66 million murdered by Yagoda and the Zio Cheka in the Soviet Union, 100 million Africans murdered and enslaved in the 500, year Zio slave trade of the Americas, the 100 million Chinese killed by the Sasson’s Opium?? Those are just 3 of many.

I say bring it on Israel.

The Objective

Calling me insane and evil for describing events the way they are is pure hate, ignorance, and arrogance. The U.S once nuked a country. I’ve no doubt they’ll do it again under extreme conditions.

Israel is even more prone to using nukes. You imagine Iran would rely on Israel’s goodwill not to use nukes even if Iran rains missiles on Israel. You’re veeeery wrong. In fact, it’s pure foolishness and suicide to make your plans assuming that no nukes would be used. Now read carefully. I’ll present some indelible information you cant deny.

Both Israel and the U.S have threatened Iran with a NUCLEAR ATTACK. Many times Israel’s leaders have said: “If it rains in Israels (missiles), they (Iran) will have a flood”. If you don’t understand this as a nuclear threat, then your mind is still premature. A flood is worse than rain, and only nukes can create the effect of a flood. Again, a flood does not distinguish or choose what it destroys.

Secondly, Trump said: “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran”. How can one “officially end” a country without using nukes?

Obama stated many times in the past that “ALL options are on the table in dealing with Iran”. The word “ALL” includes even nukes in the options, because America has nuclear and conventional forces.

Iranian leaders say: We are a NATION of martyrdom. This statement implies that Iran is willing to die as a nation for the cause in which it believes. The statement is aimed at all the implied nuclear threats against Iran. They are telling America and Israel that “we are willing to endure a nuclear war to destroy totally (Israel) those who attack us”. This is how they hope to deter a nuclear attack. But now I know it is all bluff. Iran’s symbolic retaliation for Soleimani’s killing is the eye-opener to Iran’s deep fears. They are not a nation of martyrdom.

What is happening is this: Iran understands that the U.S and Israel do now want an all-out war with Iran. What they want is a limited war. Why? Because they know Iran will lose in any limited war and the regime likely to collapse.

Iranian leaders understand that a limited war will most likely end the Mullah regime while inflicting only “minor” damage on the U.S/Israel/GCC. They know that they’ll lose in any limited war with the U.S/Israel. That is why Rouhani and many other Iranian leaders have said: THERE WILL BE NO LIMITED WAR WITH IRAN. That is why they also say: A WAR WITH IRAN IS THE MOTHER OF ALL WARS (MEANING IT WON’T BE A LIMITED WAR). After the assassination of Soleimani, the Iranian military released a video in which they threatened ALL-OUT war should any part of the resistance be attacked.

A limited war will see the U.S destroy much of Iran’s infrastructure, including its oil facilities. The damage will be extensive such that Iran cannot rebuild easily. Iran’s retaliation would also be limited to American targets in the region, GCC countries, and Israel. At some point in the war, the U.S would sue for peace, and if Iran refuses, they will threaten to impose unacceptable cost on Iran (nukes).

After peace is reached, they’ll heap sanctions on Iran. Both Europe and America will sanction Iran for attacking Israel. Iran’s economy cannot recover, let alone rebuild the country. That is when a color revolution becomes easy to instigate and overthrow the regime.

Iran’s militias abroad will be too weak to mount any meaningful resistance, and the U.S can permanently damage them one at a time. So there are basically two options right now for Iran, both of which are bad: 1) Fight a limited war with the U.S (which ends in the scenario I described above) 2) Make it and all-out war and risk being nuked.

At the moment, avoiding war is the best option for Iran. But the question is, can Iran’s militias avoid a war with America? Because they already traded missiles and rockets in the pass. The second question is, would Iran directly attack America in the event of a war between the U.S and Iranian militias?

John Brown

You are giving the Zio propaganda view not reality unless you are a totally brainwashed stupid Goyim .

There will be no limited war. If it were only conventional, In such a war Israel’s economy and military will be totally destroyed they will be overthrown by Palestinians, the economies of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi, all the gulf countries and Iran will be destroyed. The Houthis will conquer Saudi Arabia as Saudis rise up against their government, Oil will go to $1000.00 plus or more per barrel for 10 plus years as no oil will come from the middle east for at least that long. Every Arab and muslim country will see their pro USSA Zio governments overthrown. USSA and Zio assets wiil be attacked all over the earth by billions muslims.

Nuclear weapons only work as a deterrent from being attacked not for retaliation when the attacker is attacked in turn.

Should the USS dare to enter such a war and or Israel make first use of nuclear weapons it would be suicide for the American criminal elite and every racist supremacist jew and world Jewry on the planet as there is a 99.99% chance of Russia, China, North Korea etc launching a nuclear first strike with everything every nuclear and conventional weapons they have at the USSA and all other countries conquered by the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic Zio slave empire dictatorship. It is exactly what I would do in their place.

Why wait until they are attacked? Who is that stupid?? Maybe you are. Nuclear weapons can’t be used. It is certain death suicide for the user.

I’ll give you a tip, Jews are happy to fight to the death of their last stupid Goyim slaves and their criminal elite shabbas goy will also fight to the death of the last stupid goyim slaves. However the Zio criminal elite are all chicken hawk cowards and are terrified of even breaking a finger nail.

They all dodged the draft etc.

In addition If the bankrupt USSA came to Israel’s aid even with conventional weapons it would be the end of the USSA economy and government and the zio dollar and the USSA military. The USSA military won’t get those Chinese parts to replace missiles and equipment they use and or lose and would suffer its greatest military defeat in USSA history.

They would lose over half their air-force or more. Have to draw their military manpower and equipment from South Korea, Europe Japan etc and as they did that Chinese and Russians etc would move in to replace them.

The USSA military will mutiny.

USSA and EU unemployment will go to 80% plus they will have famines. Large parts of their populations will starve to death It will be worse in the third world. All thanks to zio neo liberal neo conservative globalism, as no one is self sufficient anymore. No way their governments could survive this.

Trump, Binden Obama, Soros, Rothchilds, Adelsons the criminal elite etc would be fleeing for their lives.

Iran will win as wining being defined by their government still existing after such a war the USSA and EU Zio governments will have been violently overthrown. The USSA may even breakup as a country as the EU will break up for sure.

All of the far East South Korea Japan Indonesia India Thailand etc. will come under the influence of China, Russia will be the dominant power in Europe etc.

So yes I am sure Iran hopes the Zio USSA and its master the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave Zio empire dictatorship will do as you say to make Iran great again. Iran woud rise to dominate the middle east. I guess you did not learn from the disaster of the Iraq invasiin which made Iran much stronger. Iran won the Zio USSA Iraq war.

The empire is in rapid decline. Every day its enemies get stronger and the empire gets weaker. So on that one point you are right. Iran, Russia Chian will avoid war if they can. However if attacked they will destroy the empire.

“never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself” Better for the empire to destroy itself as it si doing a very good job of, without a shot being fired

The empire may have had a chance to do as you say 20 year or 25 years ago, not now, its too late gaem over..

John Brown

The USSA and the rest of the Zio empire have been moving nuclear missiles to the borders of Russia and China, so they both changed their policy of waiting for impact of nuclear warheads on their territory before retaliation, to launch on warning, because of the Zio empires behavior.

It is guaranteed that as soon as nuclear explosions are detected in war, be it with Iran, Venezuela launched by the Zio empire they will go immediately to total nuclear commitment and launch everything they have at the empire. I bet Packiistan and North Korea would launch against Israel as well as Paskiistan will know Saudi and the gulf sates will be destroyed so they wont be getting any more oil bribe money.

If you thik otherwise you are seriously deluded and need to check into a mental hospital.Get some electro shock therapy and 900 milligrams of thorizine.


The Objective

The world will not commit nuclear suicide just because Iran is foolish enough to get nuked.

John Brown

Wow you are really stupid and evil. Any who use nuclear weapons first commit suicide.Well if world Jewry does as you say they will prove they and you are of the synagogue of Satan as Jesus said

Even in a conventional war only it will be the end of the USSA Zio government economy the EU etc. and the Zio empire.

It will be great for Russia as they wil push the USSA out of Europe and great for China as they will push the USSA out of East Asia

Once nuclear weapons are used its game on and game over and all wlll expect to be next, no matter what the Zio empire liars like you say, so they will all lunch everything they have.

It is what I would do in their place. North Korea will nuke the USSA bases in South Korea, Guam. Pearl Harbour, Japan and all cities in the western USSA. Packistan will nuke israel and the list goes on. Once the nuclear door is opened there is no going back and it will open all the way not a crack like you dream of.

Especially now when the USSA and the rest of the Zio empire have been moving nuclear missiles to the borders of Russia and China, so they both changed their policy of waiting for impact of nuclear warheads on their territory before retaliation, to launch on warning, because of the Zio empires behavior. You think they will tolerate such missile and any USSA base close to them if the USSA goes nuclear against Iran or anyone else???

You must be brain dead. All USSA bases close to them will be the first to be nuked in Romania, Poland, Japan, South Korea, Guam, Singapore etc.along with USSA misisile silos in the USSA itself.

It is guaranteed that as soon as nuclear explosions are detected in war, be it with Iran, Venezuela launched by the Zio empire they will go immediately to total nuclear commitment and launch everything they have at the empire. I bet Packistan and North Korea would launch against Israel as well as Paskistan will know Saudi and

the gulf sates will be destroyed so they wont be getting any more oil bribe money.

If you thik otherwise you are seriously deluded and

need to check into a mental hospital.Get some electro shock therapy and 900 milligrams of thorizine.



The Objective

Not Russia or any other country will commit nuclear suicide just because Iran is foolish enough to dust-up with nuclear-armed adversaries to the point of getting nuked, especially if Iran refuses a UN demand for ceasefire. Russia is currently letting Israel bomb Iranian forces in Syria.

What makes you think Russia will risk a nuclear war for Iran if it is unwilling to protect the Iranian forces in Syria, despite these Iranians fighting on the same side as Russia? It is you who is deluded, and you’ll one day find out if it comes to this.

John Brown

I am glad evil racist supremacist Jews and their shabbas Goyim like you spew their evil on this board so all can see you for what you are .

Your lust for the exterminating all life on this planet proves your evil as nothing beats the voluntary confession.

To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – especially the Hebrew media in order to get a full understanding of what they the so called master race routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Their bragging and voluntary confessions. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the confession.

It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the Jewish owned American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, global satanic slave empire dictatorship, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering and genocide of hundreds of millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, Germany etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed.

Russia is currently letting Israel bomb Iranian forces in Syria.

They allow Israel to bomb some empty warehouses, so they get all the info on USSA weapons used, so they can defeat them in any real war.

Iran is doing the same, so any conventional attack by the USSA on Iran will go very badly with most if not all missiles and aircraft shot down.

Iran if attacked will destroy all the oil fields in all of the gulf countries and Saudi Arabia, along with Israels’ economy and military infrastructure and its nuclear reactor at Dimona etc.. This will bring down the world economy oil prices go to $1,000 plus for at least 10 years, in the USSA the EU especially, 80% plus unemployment, large scale famines which kill tens of millions. Their zio satanic governments will be violently overthrown, mutinies in the military, police etc.

As the USA military depends on China for parts they can no longer wage any large conventional wars against Iran or anyone else..

If Israel tried to do anything in Syria that mattered strategically, the Israeli air force would be destroyed.

You equate bombing a warehouse with conventional explosives to nuclear war???

You truly are deluded, sick and or brain dead or both.

What makes you think the USSA will risk certain suicide in a nuclear war for Israel??

It is you who is deluded, and you’ll one day find out if it comes to this.

You think North Korea will sit on their hands in such a scenario when they have been threatened just like Iran has??? You think all the others will sit around and risk being the next target in a use them or lose them scenario when they have also been threatened??????

Nuclear weapons are a deterrent against an unprovoked attack not a retaliation against an attack.

You won’t find out anything as you will be dead and in hell forever where you belong.


The Objective

Your mistake is, you keep thinking some country will come to save Iran when the real shooting starts. Iran has NO formal defense treaty with any country except Syria.

I’ll tell you again: No country will risk a nuclear war with the U.S over Iran. Besides, there is only going to be a limited conventional war, unless if Iran refuses a U.N ceasefire after extensive U.S bombing.

John Brown

You appear to be unable to read or put yourself in another persons shoes.

This indicates a low IQ and or that you are an evil demented psychopath.

It has nothing to do with protecting Iran it has to do with who is next to come under nuclear attack from nut jobs who think nuclear war is winnable and using nuclear weapons when not threatened with total destruction is a casual thing to do.

If the leaders of Russia and or China believed the USSA leadership is as demented as you they would launch a nuclear first strike immediately, because “why not”, with unstable psychopaths like you with a finger on the nuclear trigger a global nuclear exchange is certain and they have nothing to lose, so why not launch a nuclear first strike with everything they have and hope for the best.

When you threaten to attack everyone and move nuclear weapons to their borders and then you do attack a country with your nuclear weapons for no good reason, why would the others who have been threatened not think they are next in a use them or lose them scenario???????????

Why would they wait to find out????????

If Russia nuked Mexico would it be all good with the USSA and the empire???

With the Democrats, under Joe Biden, just weeks away from assuming control of the White House and the U.S. military and foreign policy that goes along with it, the discourse from them and their media allies about Russia is becoming even more unhinged and dangerous. Moscow’s alleged responsibility for the recently revealed, multi-pronged hack of U.S. Government agencies and various corporate servers is asserted — despite not a shred of evidence, literally, having yet been presented — as not merely proven fact, but as so obviously true that it is off-limits from doubt or questioning.

Democrats (along with some Republicans long obsessed with The Russian Threat, such as Mitt Romney) are casting the latest alleged hack by Moscow in the most melodramatic terms possible, ensuring that Biden will enter the White House with tensions sky-high with Russia and facing heavy pressure to retaliate aggressively. Biden’s top national security advisers and now Biden himself have, with no evidence shown to the public, repeatedly threatened aggressive retaliation against the country with the world’s second-largest nuclear stockpile.

The Objective

I don’t give a shit about how fairly or unfairly America treats Russia. It deserves all the sanctions America can heap on it. Russia has recently adopted an aggressive foreign policy towards weaker countries. So to me, America sanctioning Russia is just like two bullies fighting and one overpowering the other.

Regarding Iran, I do not advocate for a nuclear attack on Iran. I’m only telling you what I think the U.S and Israel will do if Iran took certain actions. The war with Iran will be a limited one unless Iran refuses a ceasefire. In which case, the Israelis will detonate a nuke high above Tehran to pressure the Iranian government to accept a ceasefire. Should Iran refuse and continue launching missiles at Israel, and especially if the missiles cause significant casualties, Israel will most like nuke some military targets in Iran, and probably expand to other civilian targets should Iran keep leveling Israeli neighborhoods with its conventional missiles.

John Brown

Iran will not attack they will only retaliate.

Any conventional war will not be limited and the part where the USSA slaves and their master the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship suffer the most losses will be in the first 2 or 3 days. At which point the war will essentially be over with massive losses for the empire. Iran will lose to but they have less to lose. It will be similiar for them to the war they fought against Saddam Hussein.

It will be the Zio empire and their USSA slaves who refuse any cease fire as they will have lost by far the most and will want to prolong the war to try to save face, which will only increase their losses.especially global economic and strategic losses.

If the USSA or Israel use nuclear weapons almost all life on the planet will be dead in a couple of hours as will you and your so called superior master race.

As for who is the bully?

How many USSA Zio citizens has China or Russia kidnapped as hostages like the Zio USSA did with the Huawei CFO Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, daughter of founder, taken as a hostage in Canada at request of US government

How many bases does Russia or China have in other countries?

Who has Russia or China attacked since the end of the Soviet Union?

How many bases does the USSA have in other countries?

How many counties had the USSA attacked since the end of the cold war?

How many countries has the USA threatened since the end of the cold war?

How many countries have Russia or China threatened since the end of the cold war?

Case closed psycho!

John Brown

It will be Hezbollah hammering Israel first not Iran moron.

Hezbollah doubled the size of its missile arsenal in 2020 and has the entire territory of Israel inside the range of its precision missiles, the movement’s secretary-general speaking to Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen television network on December 27.

Their accuracy is within meters.


The destruction of all the oil facilities of the gulf states and the economy and military infrastructure of Israel will take an hour or 2 at most. Oil refineries, air ports, large factories, water treatment plants, the Dimona nuclear reactor, Electric generation plants military bases arms depots are all very large and very flammable.

The Objective

Why the fuck doesn’t your might Hezbollah retaliate for the recent killings of scores of Hezbollah militias? Your fake bravado is just the usual spinless Shiite mouthiness.

John Brown

Why would they want to have a war now when every day they and their allies like Iran and the enemies of the empire, Russia China etc. get stronger and the empire rapidly gets weaker.

Israel’s pathetic raids bombing a few warehouses shows their weakness ad desperation. Hezbollah does strike back when it is to their maximum benefit as does Iran.

The enemies of the empire are winning the peace, the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic zio slave empire dictatorship is losing the peace, so the empire like you, is desperate for war now. There is good chance the empire will totally implode on its own and no one will have to fire a shot. So why not just wait for the right opportunity?

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

Napoleon’s maxim: Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.

Choose Your Battles. “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.”

John Brown

Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. They have nuclear parity with Israel because of this reactor.

Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons. Dimona will give of massive amounts of radioactivity for years maybe decades when it is destroyed leaving much of israel un-inhabital for some time.

Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

if Israel your and so called superior master Jewish race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

I bet Hezbollah and Iran each have at least 150 missiles aimed at this reactor alone. The plutonium, uranium etc., will be blasted to bits for maximum nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination of all of Israel.

I wonder if Israel’s leaders are as stupid as you not to realize such things. when they decide to attack Iran to understand they will be committing suicide.

John Brown

A closer look, though, will reveal that Israel’s solidity is entirely illusory, for its sugar daddy, slave and hired gun has been economically, politically, socially, intellectually and morally imploded, thanks, in large part, to the machination of Jewish power, ironically. Driven by spite, hubris and contempt, it doesn’t know when to stop.

Wagging the dog for decades, the all-too-clever tail has just about killed it. Uncle Sam has been reduced to a limp and blathering cross-dresser with less than a penny in his pocket.

Nighttime no-go zones have been a reality since the 1970’s. The difference now is the scale: the population boom of the past 50 years has expanded a vast urban underclass reliant on handouts to keep them passive.

The end of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire Zio dictatorship is coming much sooner then most realize as the Zio dollar the only thing left holding it up and it is going to die very soon, suddenly and without warning.

John Brown

Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons.

It will give off more radiation then 10 nuclear bombs when it is destroyed leaving much of israel uninhabital for some time. Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

if Israel and your so called superior master race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

John Brown

Who has Iran attacked Zio Nazi satanist????

Jens Holm

I dont think Trump dare anything like that or even being allowed to be able to.

Mehmet Öztürk

Oh, I wish Trump would. Iran, Russia, and China will obliterate the swamp known as the U.S. government.

While today’s U.S. (I refuse to call them American since they disobey the Constitution) troops march at LGBT pride rallies and walk around with masks covering their faces because they’re scared of a non-existent virus, Iranian soldiers train, unite, and pray.

Iran is nowhere near as technologically advanced as the U.S. armed forces, but Russia and China have their back. Let World War III begin.


US is a dying empire and this is Trump’s last desperate tweet ranting marathon as the he bites the dust. Your analysis is quite profound, Russia and China would love for the dumb Americans to get bogged down in a swan song war, but even the Pentagon will not dare attack Iran. There is a very powerful Muslim block forming with Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. The US terrorist proxies staged a false flag at the Baghdad “embassy” to malign Iran, but failed.

Vox Populi

Iran like Turkey is large, ancient nationalistic civilization and can not be browbeated like Arabs.

Ashok Varma

US is floundering and not likely to initiate a last gasp suicidal war in the Persian Gulf that will bring the house down on its Wahhabi puppet regimes. This is desperate Trump and Pompeo loser clown stunt. Even the most retarded generals know the cost and will not start a war that will weaken a battered US even more. China will simply accelerate then.


Bye bye Teump, if no pardon for Assange and Snowden, you will not be remembered for a second.


Trump pardoned the corrupt felon Kushner.

Vox Populi

Trump will also be remembered for bringing unmitigated disaster to the US by the sheer negligent response to Covid. US is now totally hollowed out and far worse is coming. Call it Karma.


I wouldn’t say EU is doing better than US with all the “free healthcare” they are proud with.

Ashok Varma

Which wonderland are you from?


I’m living on the Noruskieshere Avenue.

Jens Holm

Haha. There should be many more places like that:)

Jens Holm

Denmark pays half and has the same or better standards. We are a year more alive then them.

The main difference is the poor ones in USA gets very reduced help and the top much better.

You are right about the Corona. I had expected the deathrate was much lower.

John Brown

Totally wrong. The USSA should never have had a lockdown. Its just a more infectious flu. Trumps oligarchs had the Rothchlid oligarchs against them.

The Zio empire is consuming the USSA as fast as they can. They can’t help themselves. As the USSA is the muscle of the Zio empire this is good news for all of humanity as this speeds up the end collapse of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave Zio empire dictatorship.

Jens Holm

Its good for the economy the old ones dies before time:(

johnny rotten

Raising a loud voice, constantly launching threats and then forgetting about them, are things that impress little or nothing those who have always been ready to give their lives for their people and their land.

Vox Populi

‘Crazy’ Trump will suffer similar fate as Saddam Hussein: Iranian President. The Iranian president pointed that the Iran has sealed the fate of over half a dozen US presidents since 1979 and Trump will also die barking from his grave, like US backed Saddam.

Vox Populi

A nuclear sub in the shallows of the Persian Gulf is not the smartest move. More like usual US bluster in the twilight of Trump era. Looks like Trump is headed for jail rather than war.

John Brown

Yes A deep sea nuclear sub in the shallows of the Persian Gulf is not the smartest move. they hope Iran will sink it as it is outclassed by Iran’s subs in the this area as they are made specifically for the waters of the gulf.

Jens Holm

Its so laughable. Anything USA and we do there is a risk and minus for us.

You only write soYour boses can keep Yourself in line in fear and they have enough bajonets against You.

John Brown

Why dont you volunteer for the front line then Chicken Hawk

A country needs a strong economy to win a war and the ability to manufucture weapons to replace ones it uses and or loses. The USSA can no longer do this. The USSA military is now very corrupt and has been drained of resources by fighting multiple wars for 20 years. Its also why their economy is in free fall.

John Brown

Chinas economy is now more then 25%larger then the USSA.

Zaphod Braden

WHY and by WHOM an American President was MURDERED “We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop nuclear weapons capability–with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit”- John F. Kennedy. ——— under the Symington Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations Act and the Glenn Act, it is illegal for the US Government to send our tax money to any nation in possession of nuclear weapons technology that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or allow IAEA inspections. Symington Amendment: Since 1976, every single penny of “aid” to Israel money has been illegal; a crime committed by the US Government against the American people. all that money the US sends to Israel is a CRIME AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ——- The World should insist Israel live by the standards Israel demands of others. Be judged as Ye judge others. If Israel wants to be recognized, Israel must recognize the EQUALITY and HUMANITY of ALL People. Quit calling NON-Jews SHISKA, GOYIM, GENTILE. If Israel wants Hamas to ‘repudiate’ their charter, Israel must REPUDIATE their manual of hate, the TORAH, which openly proclaims that all ‘gentiles’ should be ‘Hewers of wood, and bearers of water’ …….. for Israel. Israel must recognize the Native People’s RIGHT to a Palestinian state. Israel REFUSES to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty or open It’s NUKES to inspection, Israel should have the exact same sanctions that were put on Iran

Vox Populi

The Jew virus in America is far more lethal than Covid, both in human terms and financially.





Cholil Muslimin



thank you my friend


thank you my friend


thank you my friend

Azizi Azman

thank you

Great Khan

Hahaha you stooped mamtu

ars m.k


Christopher Alvin





thank you so much

Cary Bondoc


Great Khan

Iran brother STRONK!

Free man

Great Khan : “Turkey+Israel brother STRONK!”. https://southfront.org/azerbaijan-shelled-shushi-stepanakert-despite-agreement-to-halt-attacks-on-civilian-settlements-video/#comment-5132186173

Ashok Varma

Turkey is in a alliance with Iran, silly boy.

Ashok Varma

Your treacherous parents have poisoned you against their homeland. In Urdu/Hindi it is called haram zada.

Great Khan

Hahaha Great Khan like,,,,,,

Free man

hahahahhaa stooopid mamtu….talk yak shit every day….hahahhahaa



Antonio Isla

thank you very much

Anna Cheah

thank you my friend

Annie Paulsen

thank you



The Objective

For the idiots who think that Iran is too powerful to be attacked, please read this statement by General Ismail Gaani, the successor to Soleimani: “Qaani made it clear that Trump wants to drag the region into an open war before leaving, to take revenge on his opponents over losing the election, and it is not in our interest to give him any justification to start such a war,” a senior Shia faction commander told the Middle East Eye news outlet https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/24/trump-threatens-iran-over-rocket-attack-on-us-embassy-in-baghdad

Thus, your military leaders understand that America won’t shy away from a war. All it’s looking for is a reason to start one. But you morons keep singing here that America won’t attack Iran for this or that reason.

Iran’s militias will likely drag Iran into a war very soon.

Ashok Varma

New troll press release from HQ troll farm.

Jens Holm

He is no troll and sober. He might even be able to make whats comming from Your behind into fertilizer.

Jens Holm

I see them too. Dwarfs jumping up and down in that already too hot little dot of the world.

John Brown


You are giving the Zio propaganda view not reality unless you are a totally brainwashed stupid Goyim .

There will be no limited war. If it were only conventional, In such a war Israel’s economy and military will be totally destroyed they will be overthrown by Palestinians, the economies of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi, all the gulf countries and Iran will be destroyed. The Houthis will conquer Saudi Arabia as Saudis rise up against their government, Oil will go to $1000.00 plus or more per barrel for 10 plus years as no oil will come from the middle east for at least that long. Every Arab and muslim country will see their pro USSA Zio governments overthrown. USSA and Zio assets wiil be attacked all over the earth by billions muslims.

Nuclear weapons only work as a deterrent from being attacked not for retaliation when the attacker is attacked in turn.

Should the USS dare to enter such a war and or Israel make first use of nuclear weapons it would be suicide for the American criminal elite and every racist supremacist jew and world Jewry on the planet as there is a 99.99% chance of Russia, China, North Korea etc launching a nuclear first strike with everything every nuclear and conventional weapons they have at the USSA and all other countries conquered by the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic Zio slave empire dictatorship. It is exactly what I would do in their place.

Why wait until they are attacked? Who is that stupid?? Maybe you are. Nuclear weapons can’t be used. It is certain death suicide for the user.

I’ll give you a tip, Jews are happy to fight to the death of their last stupid Goyim slaves and their criminal elite shabbas goy will also fight to the death of the last stupid goyim slaves. However the Zio criminal elite are all chicken hawk cowards and are terrified of even breaking a finger nail.

They all dodged the draft etc.

In addition If the bankrupt USSA came to Israel’s aid even with conventional weapons it would be the end of the USSA economy and government and the zio dollar and the USSA military. The USSA military won’t get those Chinese parts to replace missiles and equipment they use and or lose and would suffer its greatest military defeat in USSA history.

They would lose over half their air-force or more. Have to draw their military manpower and equipment from South Korea, Europe Japan etc and as they did that Chinese and Russians etc would move in to replace them.

The USSA military will mutiny.

USSA and EU unemployment will go to 80% plus they will have famines. Large parts of their populations will starve to death It will be worse in the third world. All thanks to zio neo liberal neo conservative globalism, as no one is self sufficient anymore. No way their governments could survive this.

Trump, Binden Obama, Soros, Rothchilds, Adelsons the criminal elite etc would be fleeing for their lives.

Iran will win as wining being defined by their government still existing after such a war the USSA and EU Zio governments will have been violently overthrown. The USSA may even breakup as a country as the EU will break up for sure.

All of the far East South Korea Japan Indonesia India Thailand etc. will come under the influence of China, Russia will be the dominant power in Europe etc.

So yes I am sure Iran hopes the Zio USSA and its master the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave Zio empire dictatorship will do as you say to make Iran great again. Iran woud rise to dominate the middle east. I guess you did not learn from the disaster of the Iraq invasiin which made Iran much stronger. Iran won the Zio USSA Iraq war.

The empire is in rapid decline. Every day its enemies get stronger and the empire gets weaker. So on that one point you are right. Iran, Russia Chian will avoid war if they can. However if attacked they will destroy the empire.

“never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself” Better for the empire to destroy itself as it si doing a very good job of, without a shot being firedThe empire may have had a chance to do as you say 20 year or 25 years ago, not now, its too late gaem over.

The Objective

A majority of the American leadership clearly want a war with Iran. They attempted to start one by killing Soleimni, but Iran dodged out of the fight.

Nukes can and will be use. Why? Because they had been used before. And because there is still the willingness and threats to use them.

No country will commit nuclear suicide by nuking America if America nuked Iran.

I’m not wishing for a nuclear attack on Iran cos there are far more innocents than the guilty. I’m only stating the harsh naked truth.

John Brown

Anyone can attack anyone. How iit will turir out is another story.

John Brown

Another wake up call for you.

Any country that uses nuclear weapons is comiiting suicide


chris chuba

I can’t wait for Bellingcat to debunk Trump’s claim that those are Iranian made rockets. Anyone have any predictions when he will do that? The 107mm rocket is a workhorse for Iraq, PMU, ISIS, Iran, Kurds and manufactured by Russia, China, and probably Iran and that’s just a start.

I was surprised to see that they are labeled in English, don’t know why but I guess you have to choose something, you can’t have Farsi, Chinese characters, Cyrillic, Arabic, etc, it would confuse things when you export them. Anyway, I don’t believe Trump’s assertion that they proved they were from Iran since he is a known liar.


the mullahs will learn to behave, or the U.S army will send them back to the stone age. As for us, our Jericho ICBM’s are aimed at Tehran any given time so they better not make any foolish move against us.

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